Original Post — Direct link
The next time yours truly is in the market for the world's most-unsorted, loosely-affiliated articles, I'll find my Reddit login.

I've genuinely missed getting daily spam emails forever, per login - for anything that was on the screen *whatsoever*, while I was logged in.

over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Reddit is a platform better suited for AMA posts at this time.

For example, the thread is already at over 900 comments on Reddit after a single day. Once this has been up for some time, there will likely be many more questions. Sorting by upvotes makes doing something like this scalable.

Currently, the forums don't support that feature. However, we definitely want to do things such as this on the forums in the future and will be looking at ways to do so! ^_^

For now, I hope you're all able to submit questions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AshesofCreation/comments/xwfyjh/ashes_of_creation_ama_w_steven_livestream_friday/

I also hope to see you all on the livestream as Steven goes over the questions!