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As a career Caster, here's a playstyle option I'd like to see for the double-dipped Mage, ArchWizard. Give players the ability to NOT equip a wand in exchange for massive damage! No unnecessary spammy filler wand attacks, just massive damage burst, then we must rest. Make us spec into the Passive tree somewhere to unlock it, give us increased cooldowns and Mana cost if you have to - but give us the option to be a glass cannon like the days of old! Below are a few examples of Glass Cannons at work, comment below on what you'd like to see for ArchWizard! Blackmage from Final Fantasy XI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRnneZSZqBA Megumin from KonoSuba! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXjr05MqH2g
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I think glass cannons are integral to the MMORPG genre :) I myself never play them in MMOs (though I love playing them in D&D) I like the idea of assigning skill points into larger hitting abilities at the cost of other parts of your kit for big damage. I suspect spell casters in Ashes of Creation will have the possibility of outputting major damage, but we shall see as we progress further through development ;) What other cool ideas can you come up with for the Archmage? ^_^