⚔ 👀 Check out our June Development Update to catch up on the latest news, including a slice of our basic melee weapon attack combos! https://youtu.be/4sUTuUAgavE
🗡 🤔 What was your favorite part of this update?
External link →⚔ 👀 Check out our June Development Update to catch up on the latest news, including a slice of our basic melee weapon attack combos! https://youtu.be/4sUTuUAgavE
🗡 🤔 What was your favorite part of this update?
External link →0s | [Music] |
20s | hello everyone salutations and welcome |
23s | to our glorious ashes of creation june |
26s | development update we hope that everyone |
28s | is well and safe and been having a |
30s | wonderful month we've got a three-day |
32s | weekend coming up we're excited hello |
35s | it's fourth of july |
37s | yeah here in the u.s so |
40s | we're excited about that and of course |
42s | we're excited to show off a little bit |
43s | of combat so if you um |
46s | don't know us i'm margaret crone our |
48s | community marketing lead and with me as |
50s | always is the one the only stephen |
52s | sharif aka our creative director |
55s | um and his beautiful blooms behind him |
58s | the orchids |
60s | oh yeah that's right |
62s | the orchids can i see that yeah they can |
65s | see that |
66s | um and of course uh today we will be |
69s | going over our quick reminders and then |
71s | we'll be showing off something you all |
72s | have been anticipating which is |
75s | a small slice of combat but this will be |
77s | our basic weapon attack update we'll be |
80s | also showcasing some character arts |
82s | updates and doing our studio update and |
84s | then q a doing stuff in a little |
86s | different order because we want to get |
88s | straight to the juicy stuff because we |
90s | know yes we have taken your feedback |
92s | into our run of show and margaret has |
94s | changed things around so we get to the |
96s | meat faster |
98s | all right and of course for that uh we |
101s | have our next dev discussion which is |
104s | going to be |
105s | about |
106s | i mean it was already up already it's |
108s | about gear color customization so we |
110s | asked you how do you feel about dyeing |
112s | your gear how far would you like the |
114s | system to go do you prefer a full color |
116s | range that allows for some odd color |
119s | combinations or more limited one that |
121s | preserves visual fidelity and realism so |
124s | if you haven't gone over to our forums |
126s | given us feedback on that please do um |
129s | because we would like that and then of |
131s | course our next one will be on world map |
133s | discovery so definitely toss us your |
136s | feedback on that there's been some |
138s | changes on the world map front but uh |
142s | i think we'll save that for a future |
143s | update but there has been some |
145s | significant changes yeah just to tease |
148s | that |
149s | i mean that's going to be a fun update i |
151s | can't wait to |
152s | i can't wait to showcase that |
155s | and of course we have our comment of the |
158s | day |
159s | um or of the month i should say and if |
161s | you would like your comment to be chosen |
164s | all you have to do is when we upload |
166s | this to youtube go over there leave us a |
168s | comment make sure you subscribe to us on |
170s | youtube and if you are subscribed we |
172s | will be picking a random subscriber to |
175s | be showcased and for this one we've got |
178s | uh rom slb who wants to know or who |
181s | noted love this idea and impact of |
184s | seasons in the economy however i feel |
186s | that one week real time per season is |
189s | way too short it should be like a month |
192s | in my eyes otherwise uh this this vision |
196s | of people carrying things around won't |
197s | really happen people will just stock up |
200s | a lot for the winter and that's it |
203s | so that's an interesting comment and and |
205s | um actually just want to touch on it |
207s | real quick |
208s | the weather systems the season systems |
211s | that's going to be a obvious point of |
214s | testing for alpha 2 of course you know |
216s | we're going to play around with the |
217s | different cycles and and times |
220s | and how they impact the economy the |
222s | rotation of resources the movement of |
224s | goods like all of those things play into |
227s | the purpose one of the purposes of |
229s | having seasonal systems so |
232s | that is something that we are going to |
233s | play with during our alpha 2 testing and |
236s | will land on what feels both most |
238s | comfortable |
239s | is visually appealing but also has the |
242s | impact on the economy that we desire to |
244s | see |
245s | on the design side |
247s | yes so of course thank you all for your |
249s | feedback we've got a ton of seasonal |
251s | feedback and |
253s | we'll be compiling some of those things |
255s | and sharing them with our development |
256s | team so we really super duper appreciate |
259s | all of that |
260s | um and of course just a quick reminder |
263s | that our opulent negotiations uh |
265s | cosmetics swap over will be happening |
267s | july 13th at 11 am pacific uh reminder |
270s | that all of the variants made from these |
272s | sets you'll see in game is npcs |
274s | creatures buildings etc and we'll |
276s | actually be showcasing some variants |
278s | today if you don't follow us super |
280s | closely for those of you who do you |
282s | might uh have already seen some of those |
284s | but we've made some updates to the |
286s | imagery and with that um i think we can |
289s | go into our basic weapon attack combat |
292s | update yes |
293s | that's some preference i would like to |
295s | yes i'd like to preface the video |
298s | um so i made this uh |
301s | decision what was three weeks ago |
304s | i stepped into uh |
306s | it was like four weeks ago |
308s | yeah i stepped in and i i talked with |
310s | mark i had another topic originally |
312s | planned for you |
313s | however |
315s | it had been weighing on me |
317s | that um |
319s | you know i wanted to begin showing some |
321s | of the |
322s | combat that we were getting completed uh |
325s | for alpha 2. and rather than having a |
328s | big grand reveal of all of the class |
331s | kits and abilities and and the |
334s | combat changes that we've made i want to |
336s | segment up these updates into smaller |
340s | chunks so that people have an |
341s | opportunity to comment on specific |
343s | aspects of the changes that we've made |
346s | for combat |
347s | and the first and foremost one that made |
349s | sense for us to do which is probably the |
352s | the most foundationally core aspect of |
354s | combat is going to be the basic weapon |
356s | attacks and i wanted to showcase and |
359s | focus on the changes that have been made |
361s | with regards to the directional movement |
364s | functionality root motion versus split |
367s | body the ancillary components of combat |
370s | that are animation vfx and audio |
374s | and just show that at a base weapon |
376s | level so |
377s | we decided that for this month what |
380s | we're going to do is give you guys a |
382s | look at those basic weapon functions |
384s | there's a couple of skills that are that |
386s | are thrown in there from our weapon |
388s | master class but |
389s | um it's primarily focused on the feeling |
392s | of that basic weapon combo attack right |
396s | and um i want to make sure |
398s | that you content creators out there uh |
401s | who who make content for for ashes and |
404s | kind of you know relate to your |
405s | audiences the updates that we provide |
407s | that you contextualize this update in |
409s | the appropriate manner because of course |
412s | our engaged audiences they see this |
413s | update they've been watching our |
415s | progress for |
416s | a significant amount of time and they |
418s | can they can touch point a to b to c and |
421s | see that progress but unengaged |
423s | audiences they look at something and |
427s | they don't necessarily always have the |
428s | best context for active development and |
431s | what is a work in progress of course and |
433s | they will look at something and assume |
434s | it's a vital product as you know this is |
436s | not the final product we always iterate |
438s | we continue to improve there's a lot of |
440s | stuff that still goes into making combat |
443s | a good thing and combat's a really |
444s | touchy subject because |
446s | you know you see weather effects and you |
448s | see seasons and those can look |
450s | universally good or you see |
453s | a character creator you get the |
454s | versatility and the functionality that's |
456s | present there the customization options |
457s | those can those can be universally |
459s | perceived as very good |
461s | combat is a very |
463s | different type of subject right |
466s | there are a lot of different ways that |
467s | combat can be portrayed in games |
469s | all of us have our own uh subjective |
472s | view of what is good combat do we want |
475s | super fast pace very tactile uh slower |
478s | pace tab targeting all those types |
480s | there's there's a realm of |
482s | preference exactly there's a realm of |
483s | preference there but with that being |
485s | said |
486s | we have taken feedback specifically from |
488s | alpha one um and we've tried to iterate |
491s | upon that feedback and present it in |
494s | such a way with this video that gives |
495s | you context for those basic weapon |
497s | feelings those root |
499s | foundational types of movement and |
502s | pacings |
503s | that exist so keep that in mind when you |
506s | content creators out there are kind of |
507s | relaying this information to the |
509s | audiences that might not be as familiar |
510s | with the project |
511s | let them know this is just to focus on |
514s | the basic weapon attacks it is focusing |
516s | on that aspect of combat we will we will |
519s | unveil additional aspects of combat |
522s | being ability systems |
525s | class rotations we'll talk about the vfx |
528s | pipeline and how that advances with |
531s | with the ability system as well um you |
533s | know those are going to be additional |
535s | beats that we hit leading up to the next |
538s | few months that we'll showcase on these |
540s | streams but this first one is the |
543s | melee specific basic webinar yes that's |
545s | right |
546s | absolutely yeah exactly absolutely so |
549s | keep that in mind um i i had a great |
552s | time filming this yesterday uh i think |
555s | the team has done a phenomenal job if |
557s | you do some comparisons between where we |
559s | were last year and where we are today |
562s | there's a significant difference so i |
564s | have taken your feedback from alpha one |
566s | absolutely you all sent us a lot of |
568s | great feedback a lot of those things |
569s | were things we already were thinking of |
571s | adjusting and changing as well so we |
573s | hope that you see that culmination as we |
575s | showcase this and you know as we |
577s | showcase further along the other pieces |
579s | that steven just mentioned uh we will |
582s | hopefully you'll be able to see some of |
584s | the feedback just from this update |
586s | absolutely very excited guys |
589s | enjoy ready all right we'll see on the |
591s | flip side |
594s | [Music] |
609s | so |
620s | [Music] |
622s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
626s | live stream day for ashes of creation |
629s | super excited to be with everybody today |
630s | we have a pretty awesome showcase |
632s | i think it's something that the |
634s | community has been asking for for a |
636s | little while actually i think the last |
639s | time we showcased uh some combat |
641s | gameplay was a year ago |
644s | roughly almost um but i am very excited |
647s | to show you guys what we have in the |
649s | works today um |
650s | i have |
652s | joining us with me today two of our |
655s | extraordinary engineers |
657s | adam and kenan how you guys doing hello |
661s | stephen |
662s | doing well how are you i am doing very |
664s | good running around like a chicken with |
666s | its head cut off but otherwise very good |
670s | nice keenan how you doing buddy |
673s | i'm doing good glad to be here awesome |
676s | i'm excited to have you this is your |
677s | first stream i believe correct this is |
679s | my first stream very cool adam you've |
680s | been on a couple ones before this yeah |
683s | yeah yeah it's good to be back |
685s | very cool and then i also have |
688s | joining us today one of our senior game |
690s | designers mr trad how you doing buddy |
694s | i'm doing great i'm glad to be back on |
696s | stream welcome back very excited to show |
699s | what you guys have been working on what |
701s | the team has been working on |
703s | i know i probably already said this on |
706s | the stream but i'm going to reiterate it |
708s | here |
709s | that this what you're about to see is |
711s | not the final combat in ashes |
714s | this is a portion of the combat systems |
718s | obviously a lot goes into making combat |
720s | right |
721s | from a visual effects perspective from |
723s | mechanics and functionality on the |
725s | engineering side |
726s | the design elements and how it |
728s | synergizes with our class kits and |
729s | ability systems the |
732s | you know balance of these things the |
733s | audio component the ui there's a lot |
736s | that goes into making |
738s | combat |
739s | for an mmorpg and the combat you're |
742s | going to see today is very focused on |
744s | one component actually two components |
746s | i'm sorry |
747s | um the first of which is |
749s | our basic melee weapon |
753s | attacks |
754s | in addition to our floating text ui so |
759s | keeping that in mind that is the context |
761s | of today's presentation previously |
764s | i had decided that i wanted to wait to |
766s | showcase combat until |
769s | excuse me until we had um |
773s | pretty much everything done and ready to |
775s | show |
776s | and as |
778s | time grew i decided what i wanted to do |
781s | instead was showcase little portions of |
784s | each uh component of the combat system |
787s | starting with the |
789s | basic melee weapon attacks and then |
791s | we'll move into in a later live stream |
793s | the ability systems and the class kits |
796s | and of course we're not going to show |
797s | every class kit and you know everything |
798s | that's going to be in alpha 2 we want |
800s | some of that to be a surprise right but |
802s | we do want to showcase |
804s | um the work that's been done |
807s | and the direction that's been taken so |
809s | that we get player feedback and |
811s | personally you know playing this i think |
814s | it feels |
815s | amazing i think it looks great i'm super |
818s | impressed continually by our team's |
821s | talents um as i know a lot in the |
823s | community are after having seen the |
825s | character creator and the |
827s | weather systems and season systems um |
830s | you know there's a there's a very high |
832s | quality bar that we're we're setting |
833s | ourselves up for uh with ashes of |
836s | creation and i i think it is it is what |
838s | you know the community wants um but it's |
841s | great to have these touch points where |
842s | we get um where we get your feedback so |
845s | focus today is going to be on basic |
847s | melee weapon attacks um it's going to be |
849s | on root motion versus split body the |
851s | types of agency that's provided to the |
853s | player while also respecting the |
855s | weightedness we want from certain weapon |
857s | groups and also talking about the ui |
859s | element and showcasing floating text and |
862s | the types of customization options that |
863s | players are going to have so keep that |
865s | in mind that's the context of of today's |
867s | presentation |
868s | and when you give the commentary let's |
870s | let's focus on what you like and what |
872s | you think there could be improvements on |
874s | um from that perspective so without |
877s | further ado we are in probably an area |
880s | that you guys are familiar with um |
882s | this is the riverlands biome yet again |
885s | um you saw this in the the last month's |
888s | livestream |
890s | but we are in an area that is known to |
892s | harbor |
894s | um some scary things |
896s | um so i'm just gonna start kind of |
899s | walking down in this area and um adam |
902s | keenan tratt if you guys want to talk a |
904s | little bit about |
905s | how this process began |
907s | all those months ago on defining |
911s | good combat for ashes of creation |
916s | uh sure um |
917s | [Music] |
918s | i would say you know it starts with |
921s | you know all of the hundreds of |
923s | thousands of hours cumulative hours of |
926s | mmo that we have under our belt right we |
928s | have a lot of hours of mmo gameplay |
930s | under our belts |
932s | we just got to push a couple buttons and |
933s | we're immediately like oh it feels good |
935s | or it doesn't feel good you know it's |
937s | funny keenan actually you say that |
939s | one of the koala i mean you guys all |
941s | know this because every one of you went |
943s | through an interview with me but one of |
944s | the qualifying aspects of joining the |
946s | team is what type of mmos do you like to |
948s | play |
948s | [Laughter] |
951s | nice |
952s | yeah so it starts there uh and then from |
955s | there we sort of do our research you |
957s | know we have to take a look at the state |
958s | of the art |
960s | and then we we |
963s | we study it we form hypotheses about |
966s | what exactly it is that makes things |
968s | feel good or not feel good |
971s | um and then we make those things in as |
973s | controlled a manner as we can and then |
975s | we turn the knobs we tweak things we see |
978s | what feels good what doesn't feel good |
980s | we come up with some rules some |
982s | processes and then uh we put them to the |
984s | test |
986s | and this is this is what comes out |
988s | yeah it's um it's very iterative |
990s | iterative process right like you know |
993s | none of these things are like you form |
994s | your theory on paper and then you go and |
997s | you make the thing and it comes out to |
999s | be exactly what you see now right like |
1000s | it starts out the first time not super |
1003s | great and then |
1004s | what we have to be able to do is |
1006s | engineers is |
1011s | [Music] |
1015s | as long as you keep making it better |
1017s | each time eventually you're going to end |
1018s | up with something good |
1020s | yeah and for uh this exercise and |
1023s | finding what makes ash is great |
1025s | specifically |
1026s | we wanted to approach it from the ground |
1028s | up |
1029s | answering individual questions about |
1032s | our hypotheses and what we think is good |
1035s | right so we we really |
1038s | focused on individual aspects |
1040s | that we think makes good combat and |
1042s | answered them one at a time in a very |
1044s | tightly uh |
1046s | very tight iterative process |
1049s | and |
1049s | we ended up at something that uh we |
1052s | think feels really really good so yeah |
1054s | just just playing this i am loving the |
1058s | hit reacts the visual effects all the |
1061s | ancillary components that go into making |
1063s | the combat but but more importantly |
1066s | the pacing of this kind of heavier |
1069s | weapon group |
1070s | um |
1071s | also as a side note uh outside of the |
1073s | combat |
1074s | one of the things i've not necessarily |
1077s | liked about mmos traditionally in the |
1079s | past is that |
1081s | excuse me every portion of land is |
1084s | covered by some type of monster right |
1086s | and it kind of gives you this |
1088s | weird feel but here like this is a very |
1090s | dangerous area that we're in the |
1092s | environment and part of it gets |
1094s | communicated by the |
1096s | you know aspect of these rocks and like |
1098s | the |
1099s | specific types of materials that's |
1100s | represented here but you don't know |
1102s | exactly where the threat lies per se |
1105s | right you kind of move up into an area |
1108s | and if you move too far you get the |
1111s | audio cue of the of the monsters like |
1113s | arising your character gets into the |
1115s | combat stance they have some really cool |
1118s | aspects of |
1119s | of animation the animation team did an |
1121s | amazing job with the rolls here i am |
1123s | loving and also they're like death it's |
1125s | just like swinging away and then flying |
1127s | off that is so great |
1130s | yeah i really like like the camp feel of |
1132s | of this area where you know you don't |
1134s | just see these guys scattered around all |
1136s | over the world no matter where you go |
1138s | there's like something that's going to |
1139s | aggro you it's more like i'm going to |
1141s | grind here for a bit |
1144s | yeah steven |
1146s | you were talking about how you like |
1148s | how heavy the wet the sword feels and um |
1152s | that weight |
1153s | impact that is one of the combat pillars |
1156s | that we have been studying and honing in |
1158s | on in our development process |
1160s | the other side of it is um |
1163s | the other side of it being uh also like |
1166s | agency you know to what extent does this |
1168s | weapon respect your intentions and |
1169s | that's the part that's important to me |
1171s | i'm a |
1172s | you know i'm a classic player i come |
1173s | from traditional mmos right like i i |
1176s | want to be able to move and attack at |
1178s | the same time right yes and that was a |
1180s | huge point of feedback actually that we |
1182s | received during alpha one |
1185s | was that we started with this more root |
1188s | motion approach to the basic weapon |
1190s | attacks |
1191s | and ultimately we |
1193s | we called an audible mid test |
1196s | i remember it was in that that end of |
1198s | july or beginning of august month um |
1200s | where we decided to implement a a |
1202s | completely split body approach and get |
1204s | player feedback and of course the |
1206s | feedback was was very positive or |
1208s | soundingly positive right um that |
1210s | players prefer that agency |
1213s | over that weightedness but they also |
1216s | there's a little bit of a conflict there |
1218s | because they also didn't like the floaty |
1219s | feeling which comes along with |
1222s | not having the weighted approach so how |
1225s | did that play into your guys's |
1227s | defining this current approach on the |
1231s | weapon attacks how did you blend those |
1233s | two |
1234s | yeah so |
1235s | we kind of approached it from looking at |
1238s | player agency primarily as kanan had |
1240s | said and |
1241s | the games that really handled uh uh |
1244s | player agency the best are those like |
1245s | classic mmos right |
1247s | players really like how smooth uh the |
1250s | classic mmo feel how much player agency |
1252s | they get out of it and then we we took |
1254s | that and we tried building the sort of |
1257s | impact and weight on top of it really |
1259s | making attacks feel satisfying making it |
1262s | feel like the inertia of the weapon and |
1264s | your movements are are accurate you know |
1267s | physically accurate and we accomplished |
1269s | that through a number of ways really |
1271s | again talking about the process we try |
1273s | to identify each individual aspect of uh |
1277s | of what we got out of these you know |
1279s | more |
1280s | modern action games and tried |
1282s | incorporating that into our classic mmo |
1284s | base |
1286s | you know i think |
1288s | i think it all comes down to looking at |
1290s | it not as a binary of |
1293s | you know are we doing split body or are |
1295s | we doing root motion combat it's looking |
1297s | at everything as modular pieces and then |
1299s | dialing in those numbers to |
1302s | make something that |
1304s | feels |
1305s | high in player agency feels very |
1307s | impactful like it has a lot of inertia |
1309s | it feels very physical |
1312s | yeah my litmus test for agency in combat |
1315s | is take any moment in combat pause time |
1318s | look down at your hands look at the |
1319s | keyboard |
1320s | the buttons that you're pressing should |
1322s | be the directions that your character is |
1324s | moving |
1325s | so with these weapons even though there |
1327s | are little uh |
1329s | like little bits of root motion here or |
1331s | there they're always respecting your |
1333s | wondering input and i think that's what |
1335s | makes them feel good |
1336s | i think another thing that you guys did |
1339s | that helps with that is the |
1341s | timing of what that gets registered |
1343s | right like it's not you know at one |
1345s | point one iteration we had it where |
1347s | it |
1349s | detected what your input was at the |
1350s | beginning of the attack and that just |
1352s | felt like if i decided to change my mind |
1355s | and go left instead of right |
1357s | in the middle of that attack |
1359s | it's too bad it already kind of cute |
1360s | that and so i think now what you guys |
1362s | are doing is |
1364s | having it happen at like swing time |
1366s | right |
1368s | yup it's constantly looking at your |
1370s | input and adjusting now i've equipped |
1373s | these these daggers |
1375s | this dual wielding uh uh these dual |
1378s | daggers talk to me a little bit about |
1380s | the differences between the heavier um |
1383s | weapon group and the light weapon group |
1386s | yeah um so initially in our uh |
1390s | investigation we wanted to start with |
1392s | the the light weapons to figure out |
1395s | how to really blend |
1397s | uh uh the the weight of an attack um |
1401s | and and |
1402s | introduce or start with player agency |
1404s | and then introduce that weight of the |
1406s | attack into it we figured the least |
1408s | risky weapon to start with would be the |
1410s | lightest weapon possible you know little |
1412s | daggers that move very fast very high |
1414s | player agency and uh not necessarily |
1417s | focused on |
1419s | big weight much like a heavy sword so |
1422s | um we started with that and tried |
1424s | introducing little bits and pieces here |
1426s | and there like small bits of root motion |
1428s | to get that nice like dashy feel in when |
1430s | you're when you're attacking and uh play |
1433s | into that inertia um i know uh |
1436s | keena might want to talk more about the |
1438s | uh animation timing sheets we introduced |
1442s | for figuring out these uh timings that |
1444s | feel good |
1446s | yeah that's part of our process for |
1449s | communicating cross-department is using |
1451s | frame timing diagrams and being specific |
1453s | about how we not only want to animate |
1455s | but also how we want to move during |
1457s | different frames of the animation |
1459s | and we found that to be very successful |
1462s | but one of the things that makes the |
1464s | daggers different than the sword is that |
1467s | the daggers never really slow you down |
1470s | they're both respecting your directions |
1472s | but the swords will actually slow you |
1473s | down at certain times like leading up |
1475s | into the strike your split body movement |
1477s | is sort of uh |
1479s | blending down towards zero and then you |
1482s | strike and then it blends back up toward |
1484s | to one the daggers are are not doing any |
1486s | blending like that you're just split |
1488s | body and then you're striking and then |
1489s | you're back into split body and it's |
1491s | sick of seamless process |
1494s | yeah i'm just playing with the |
1495s | directionals here i mean on the |
1497s | animation team they did a a phenomenal |
1499s | job i'm loving |
1501s | the kind of foot placement and movement |
1504s | the |
1505s | strafing feeling on the body there i |
1507s | know alexi did a lot of work on the ik |
1509s | as well that we can see like when you're |
1510s | you know kind of stepping up different |
1512s | portions um that's it feels really good |
1515s | to play |
1518s | oh yeah considering how uh physically |
1521s | based we are and animation driven our |
1522s | combat system is |
1524s | uh it was super important that the |
1525s | animators you know get all of that right |
1528s | and they absolutely knocked it out of |
1529s | the park i mean one of the biggest |
1531s | things i think |
1532s | uh to making good feeling attacks is |
1535s | getting all of the departments involved |
1538s | in what feels good and on the same page |
1539s | right |
1540s | getting everyone iterating uh so you |
1542s | know like in the process we started with |
1544s | chopping up animations to build an |
1546s | ability that we thought felt good and |
1548s | then we wanted to pass that off to |
1549s | animation to finalize those animations |
1552s | by chopping up our abilities and making |
1554s | animations that feel good and then we |
1555s | can all loop everyone back together and |
1557s | finalize that ability uh you know vfx |
1559s | has the same process too so |
1562s | you know it's it's a bunch of different |
1563s | departments iterating on a very micro |
1566s | scale to build something that is just |
1568s | awesome |
1570s | yeah the animation team definitely had |
1572s | to take a deep breath when we went to |
1573s | them like hey |
1575s | you know those three-part weapon combos |
1577s | that we like so much uh we want |
1579s | different ones for each direction that |
1581s | you can move in |
1583s | oh and also you need to be able to weave |
1585s | between the directionals at any time |
1588s | that is pretty funny um one of the |
1590s | things that's uh interesting and is |
1593s | always a point of contention for those |
1595s | of us who have perhaps played different |
1597s | games and have become accustomed to a |
1600s | specific |
1602s | visual representation of these these |
1604s | damage |
1605s | floating text right |
1607s | and i want to showcase a little bit |
1609s | i'm going to let them hit on me for a |
1610s | little bit just so you can kind of see |
1612s | directionally damage you take which is |
1614s | indicated in this red number floats |
1617s | towards |
1618s | your left hand side and when you do |
1620s | damage to a target they float to your |
1623s | right hand side |
1625s | now |
1626s | one of the very important aspects of |
1628s | these floating texts |
1630s | is providing the player with |
1632s | customization options that they can |
1635s | adjust the size of the floating text |
1637s | they can adjust the color composition on |
1640s | how these texts are represented they can |
1642s | also include damage icons to indicate |
1645s | the ability that's used for those |
1648s | floating texts |
1649s | and importantly |
1651s | excuse me |
1652s | we also call out the um uh the crits |
1655s | that you do in a separate way how they |
1657s | pop in they're slightly above those um |
1660s | the other numbers um and then more so we |
1663s | also have additional functionality for |
1664s | cumulative damage uh value so i'm gonna |
1667s | kind of go through that you'll see here |
1669s | as i press |
1671s | um |
1671s | you know different option now we've |
1673s | changed the colors |
1675s | um whoops hold on let me see make sure |
1679s | is that color going off differently or |
1681s | am i just do i not have my |
1684s | hold on |
1686s | is it okay let me try this |
1689s | quick |
1695s | oh maybe that's not |
1697s | oh let me find a different monster i |
1699s | hope that's working if it's not we can |
1701s | show that um a little bit later |
1704s | uh |
1705s | let me press this button oh here we go |
1707s | okay so you see the color is changing |
1710s | now and that's something that the player |
1712s | has agency over right you can assign |
1714s | different types of colors that you want |
1717s | um |
1718s | that was changing i think the one i was |
1719s | pressing actually was changing the size |
1722s | so let me try to change that size again |
1724s | there you go you can see that size now |
1726s | is larger you can showcase xp if you |
1728s | want you can bold in |
1731s | the numbers a little bit as well but |
1732s | providing kind of maximum flexibility |
1735s | and character customization um excuse me |
1737s | player customization options for these |
1738s | floating texts i think is super |
1740s | important but i love the way that they |
1741s | feel that kind of classic um very almost |
1744s | um |
1746s | uh what are we saying canon very vanilla |
1748s | vibe |
1749s | oh yeah sometimes the best flavor is |
1751s | just vanilla |
1752s | absolutely totally agree |
1756s | yeah but the ui team's done a great job |
1758s | on the functionality for that i think |
1761s | it's feeling pretty good |
1764s | yeah that's very cool so |
1766s | where are we |
1767s | now when it comes to kind of the the |
1770s | spectrum of light to heavy attack |
1773s | options on these basic weapon |
1775s | attacks |
1776s | um what's kind of next for this as we |
1779s | showcase it to the players |
1782s | well i think we've sort of defined our |
1783s | spectrum with the light and the heavy |
1785s | when it comes to |
1787s | agency versus weight versus impact |
1790s | when you look at the heavy i think we're |
1793s | we're close to saying that this is sort |
1795s | of the most we want to compromise agency |
1798s | for |
1799s | weight and impact and once we have that |
1801s | upper bound we can sort of play with all |
1803s | of the different uh |
1805s | intermediate points right as we start to |
1807s | build out other weapons |
1809s | but we have interesting explorations as |
1810s | well and how all of this translates into |
1812s | ranged and um also ultimates we might we |
1816s | might take the limiters off for |
1818s | ultimates and just see what the coolest |
1820s | things we can make are yeah that that's |
1822s | going to be pretty interesting another |
1823s | component by the way of defining um |
1826s | kind of this weapon attacks is also the |
1828s | visual effects side um and weapon |
1831s | trailings the intensity of those weapon |
1833s | trailings how they scale based on the |
1835s | type of weapon the level of weapon that |
1836s | you have uh but not just the trailing on |
1839s | the weapon per se but also the grand |
1840s | ground decals like for this heavy weapon |
1843s | that first strike you see that kind of |
1845s | that decal in the ground is i love that |
1848s | look and even on the back swing like |
1850s | when i hit the ground behind me |
1852s | it's causing that decal |
1856s | yeah a lot of that stuff gets down into |
1857s | the really low level systems details |
1859s | like we want to pass |
1862s | the artists as much information as we |
1864s | can about actual combat ongoings so that |
1867s | they can inform the effects as precisely |
1869s | as they can |
1871s | or as precisely as they need to rather |
1873s | yeah and |
1875s | we really wanted to |
1877s | build the on a technical side we really |
1879s | wanted to build the combat system to |
1882s | like like i said earlier be as physical |
1884s | as possible so we have it very animation |
1886s | driven |
1888s | everything is handled |
1890s | based on a reference of animation as |
1891s | opposed to uh like |
1894s | nebulous timings right which allows it |
1896s | to feel very impactful and very |
1899s | responsive so when you hit the ground |
1901s | the ground decal actually |
1903s | appears on the ground when it should uh |
1906s | you know |
1906s | that's uh something that may not be seen |
1909s | in other mmos so we really wanted to |
1911s | make a big focus on that and and focus |
1914s | on the responsiveness |
1915s | yeah one thing i failed to mention by |
1917s | the way i apologize for that is actually |
1920s | um you guys are seeing |
1922s | the pi ray male for the first time in |
1925s | game i know we've showed him on this on |
1927s | the stream before |
1928s | um as these character races get further |
1930s | fleshed out but here you're seeing him |
1932s | in full flesh and blood so to speak |
1935s | virtual flesh and blood i guess um |
1937s | in the game that's that's pretty cool to |
1939s | see i can't wait for players to kind of |
1941s | get a look at the customization options |
1942s | and the character creator for this |
1944s | for this race um uh also another thing |
1947s | that's um |
1949s | you know |
1950s | really important i think is uh |
1953s | the audio component and cat has done a |
1957s | phenomenal job |
1960s | in both the sound design for creatures |
1963s | as well as for the |
1965s | the weapon and actually |
1966s | you guys haven't seen anything yet |
1968s | because we have a lot in store on that |
1970s | front that i think is going to be is |
1971s | going to be pretty cool and it and it's |
1973s | all part of the presentation right it's |
1975s | all part of what makes |
1977s | combat feel good is also the auditory |
1980s | component um in that talk to me a little |
1983s | bit about the capabilities that that the |
1986s | audio team has |
1988s | when it comes to accessing combat and |
1991s | the abilities |
1993s | yeah similar to vfx we plan on piping in |
1995s | a lot of information uh you know that's |
1997s | something we've been working a lot on |
1999s | recently |
2000s | is tooling for vfx and sound effects |
2002s | right it's a super important part as you |
2005s | said of the package in order to sell |
2006s | that that weight and that immersion in |
2008s | the game |
2009s | and uh there's going to be a lot coming |
2010s | online |
2012s | so i'm you know really excited to see |
2015s | what we have in store for for that so |
2017s | yeah |
2019s | yeah i don't know if we'll |
2020s | show it on stream but we've |
2022s | we're building a sort of a |
2024s | singular tool that all of the teams can |
2026s | use to build abilities and tweak them uh |
2029s | sound of their |
2031s | sound effects visual effects animation |
2034s | design engineering all using the same |
2036s | tool gr |
2038s | grounded in animation |
2040s | you know to build these abilities |
2044s | yeah absolutely another component um |
2047s | adam which um |
2048s | you guys worked on is camera controls |
2050s | and adding |
2052s | um talk to me a little bit about the |
2055s | the kind of visuals that are provided |
2057s | through these cam additional camera |
2058s | controls for abilities and combat |
2061s | yeah so |
2062s | i mean the word of the day has been |
2063s | impact and weight right and a lot of |
2065s | that is sold through what the the player |
2068s | sees you know we didn't want anything to |
2070s | be uh nauseating or over the top and you |
2073s | know certainly people can adjust it in |
2074s | option settings but we wanted something |
2076s | that would uh that would sell a lot of |
2079s | the weight um |
2080s | without you know being too over the top |
2082s | and two sort of cartoonish right |
2085s | and so we implemented a few different |
2087s | camera effects you know things like uh |
2089s | camera shake radio blur and a few other |
2091s | uh things involved |
2093s | and |
2094s | really tried to |
2096s | maximize uh |
2098s | you know our bang for the buck with |
2099s | those to to sell the weight of these |
2101s | attacks and it really adds a lot uh |
2103s | especially um i've noticed a lot of how |
2107s | your peripheral uh interprets the the |
2110s | way that they attack really sells it for |
2112s | me as a player |
2113s | so that's something we've been focusing |
2115s | on and it's it's made huge improvements |
2117s | to the uh feeling of these attacks |
2121s | yeah absolutely |
2123s | i love it |
2124s | um |
2125s | so |
2127s | looking forward |
2128s | as we continue to flesh out both the |
2132s | medium melee weapons and we'll be |
2134s | showcasing our ranged weapons in combat |
2137s | in a future stream we're also going to |
2140s | be talking a little bit about and |
2141s | showcasing |
2143s | uh which you guys got a little sneak |
2145s | peek on a few abilities um some class |
2147s | kits and the ability systems as a whole |
2150s | um and what we're able to accomplish for |
2152s | alpha 2. um of course you know we |
2155s | promised at the beginning of this year |
2156s | that you guys would be getting some |
2158s | pretty exciting |
2160s | showcases of all the work that's being |
2162s | done on the project towards alpha 2. you |
2164s | got that with the character creator you |
2165s | got that with the seasons and weather |
2167s | systems now you're starting to get a |
2169s | little bit of touch on the combat side |
2171s | and i know that there's a lot of stuff |
2173s | that design has been prepping uh around |
2176s | you know the work that's been done on |
2177s | these class kits and and the the |
2179s | different archetypes that are gonna be |
2180s | playable across alpha two um but there's |
2184s | a lot in store and there's a lot of |
2185s | functionality that the engineering team |
2186s | has provided our designers when it comes |
2189s | to |
2190s | both the functionality of certain types |
2192s | of abilities as well as the synergies |
2195s | possible between them you want to talk a |
2196s | little bit adam keenan and trout about |
2199s | what's possible given our ability |
2201s | toolkit |
2204s | definitely yeah um i mean we've |
2207s | so this whole you know prototype process |
2209s | has been kind of you know two steps one |
2211s | of those steps was what you know adam |
2213s | and keenan were talking about a bit |
2215s | there with you know their |
2217s | hypotheses on you know what makes good |
2220s | feeling combat and they've done a great |
2222s | job on that but the other side of that |
2223s | was also |
2224s | just you know |
2226s | coming up with these almost mock class |
2229s | kits um and you know |
2231s | the idea was this might not be the final |
2233s | class but there will be things that we |
2235s | can take from it that would like and |
2236s | then get rid of that we don't like |
2237s | unless we make something |
2242s | some um peeks of that already from the |
2243s | assassin in the |
2245s | previous stream and now you're seeing |
2247s | something from weapon master that was |
2249s | the other one |
2251s | to experiment with and contrast these |
2253s | different |
2255s | types of combat and um |
2257s | what i was kind of going for here uh was |
2260s | you know getting last energies in place |
2262s | where you know |
2264s | maybe you know for example you've got a |
2266s | thing that if you kill someone with one |
2267s | of your other abilities it'll reset the |
2269s | cooldown on one of these abilities and |
2271s | there was a lot of that kind of stuff |
2272s | going on |
2273s | in this kit whereas there wasn't so much |
2275s | of that interaction in the kits and you |
2277s | know the previous outfit it was an area |
2279s | that we felt could really improve |
2281s | and the good thing about that |
2284s | whole exercise that we did is we came up |
2286s | with a lot of cool abilities you're not |
2288s | seeing them all here but |
2290s | they you know |
2292s | what it really did for us is it |
2294s | developed our tools because we realized |
2295s | oh we can't do this or we can't do that |
2298s | and so like the designers and adam and |
2300s | keenan uh here would |
2302s | kind of go back and forth and say like |
2304s | you know |
2305s | designers need to be able to do this |
2307s | particular thing that we can't currently |
2308s | do and then they would take that and |
2309s | make it |
2322s | oh i was just going to sort of build on |
2325s | trad's point like all of these exercises |
2328s | or throughout all of these exercises |
2329s | we're very careful |
2331s | on the |
2332s | ability system side to make sure that |
2335s | when we're adding something new we make |
2337s | it as modular as possible we really want |
2339s | to think of these abilities as being |
2341s | made out of like lego pieces |
2343s | not being sort of like molded from a |
2346s | single block of clay so whenever we are |
2348s | trying something and we build something |
2350s | new that's a new piece that we can have |
2352s | that we have to explore and combine with |
2354s | all of the other pieces that we've |
2355s | already made absolutely um the other |
2358s | thing that's important and |
2360s | is important probably for players to |
2361s | understand with regards to alpha 2 is |
2363s | that this is another testing ground |
2365s | right alpha 2 is a test and |
2367s | in alpha 2 we're going to represent |
2369s | components of the class kits and the |
2371s | ability system that may not make it to |
2374s | launch but it is a perfect area for us |
2377s | to kind of get both player feedback as |
2379s | well as |
2380s | for us to log data uh around its usage |
2383s | its impact its um you know feasibility |
2386s | as essentially a component of our class |
2388s | kits right we're going to be |
2389s | experimenting a lot |
2390s | with regards to that for alpha 2. |
2394s | so |
2395s | it's very exciting |
2396s | um oh definitely we're just getting |
2398s | started yes absolutely well guys this |
2401s | has been a |
2403s | fun stream i think um |
2405s | i really enjoy |
2407s | obviously talking about this stuff and |
2408s | showcasing the hard work that you guys |
2410s | are doing everybody on the team is doing |
2411s | across um everyone that makes combat a a |
2414s | fun and tactile thing for us to play |
2417s | with um there's a lot that goes into it |
2419s | but |
2420s | i think the team is hitting it out of |
2422s | the park with these showcases as we show |
2424s | you know essentially what our quality |
2425s | bar is for |
2427s | ashes of creation so i want to thank |
2429s | everybody for tuning in and watching |
2431s | please make sure it's very important |
2433s | that you guys give feedback uh with |
2435s | regards to kind of what you saw today |
2438s | you know it is always something that we |
2439s | are iterating upon |
2441s | but |
2442s | generally based on |
2444s | what feedback we already received out of |
2446s | alpha one and the pursuits that our |
2448s | engineering side as well as our design |
2450s | side have been have been examining and |
2453s | and playing around with we feel really |
2455s | confident in this approach for the basic |
2457s | weapon melee attacks um but we want to |
2460s | hear your guys's feedback what you |
2461s | thought of today so make sure to comment |
2463s | both in the youtube section |
2465s | as well as on stream on our forums on |
2467s | our discord connect everywhere we value |
2469s | your feedback very much it is an |
2470s | important part of creating ashes of |
2472s | creation and remember this is a work in |
2474s | progress this is something that we are |
2476s | still expanding upon something that we |
2478s | are still improving um it is never truly |
2481s | finished but of course uh it is getting |
2483s | close to to alpha 2 ready um thank you |
2487s | guys again for tuning in uh adam keenan |
2489s | trad thank you guys for being a part of |
2491s | it always appreciate the insight and the |
2493s | talents you guys bring to ashes of |
2495s | creation as a as a game |
2497s | we're very happy to have you guys so |
2499s | everybody in chat give a give hearts for |
2501s | our awesome guests today and i will see |
2504s | you guys back on stream |
2508s | [Music] |
2516s | hello |
2518s | well there it is |
2520s | the we have ripped the band-aid off |
2524s | yeah so to speak um but i feel like |
2528s | from reading the chat i do have some |
2530s | questions that you all uh |
2532s | posted but it seems overwhelmingly like |
2534s | most of you like it there is a little |
2536s | feedback here and there and if you have |
2537s | feedback for us |
2539s | i believe right now if uh vaccinar is uh |
2543s | following along we will have a weapon a |
2545s | basic weapon attack combo feedback |
2547s | thread posted to our forums yeah and i |
2550s | just want to kind of comment real quick |
2552s | so the biggest takeaway that you can ask |
2555s | yourself |
2556s | after watching that if you're a member |
2558s | of our core audience who's been |
2559s | following development |
2561s | for the last |
2562s | few years |
2564s | is the direction |
2567s | and the improvements that you've seen |
2570s | here |
2571s | the right direction is that a positive |
2575s | growth from what you have seen last year |
2579s | versus |
2580s | versus to where you are seeing it now |
2583s | and if that is the the answer that you |
2586s | give |
2587s | then what that means from a development |
2590s | perspective is that it will continue to |
2593s | get better on that path |
2595s | and the reason for that is we are taking |
2598s | our time when it comes to the quality of |
2600s | this game |
2601s | and what that means is the additional |
2603s | bells and whistles the the more |
2607s | polished look of animations and visual |
2609s | effects and |
2611s | as we expand on this idea of combat with |
2614s | class rotations |
2616s | all this stuff is going to get is going |
2618s | to come together |
2620s | into a very tactile |
2622s | kinetic style of combat and that's our |
2626s | goal right and this this gives you a |
2628s | look at what that directional change has |
2630s | been |
2631s | and if you like that directional change |
2634s | realize we're not even in alpha 2 yet |
2636s | and this is where the combat's at so by |
2638s | the time we're close to launch |
2642s | you got to project out what that |
2644s | expectation is going to be |
2645s | [Laughter] |
2647s | games take time |
2648s | to make um yeah especially at the |
2650s | quality level |
2653s | yes especially good games look anybody |
2655s | can rush a game out the door right we |
2657s | see |
2658s | and |
2660s | i'm not talking negatively about like |
2662s | other game companies or publishers or |
2664s | whatever but the truth of the matter is |
2666s | is that there are deadlines that that |
2668s | projects have |
2669s | and |
2670s | whether something is finished or not |
2671s | sometimes that deadline doesn't move |
2674s | and that can result in the experiences |
2677s | that we've shared as a mmorpg community |
2680s | in other games the benefit or the luxury |
2683s | i would say excuse me the luxury that we |
2686s | have on ashes of creation |
2688s | is our goal is to create something and |
2691s | not ship it until it's ready |
2694s | and you as a community are part of the |
2696s | litmus test in determining when |
2698s | something is ready because our process |
2700s | is transparent we're showing you monthly |
2703s | updates so your feedback on something |
2705s | whether or not it looks good or it feels |
2707s | good is this ready |
2709s | to be launched into an alpha 2 or to |
2711s | launch totally that's something that is |
2714s | a question that gets asked to you guys |
2716s | right and to us and i think that's |
2718s | that's the important reciprocal |
2720s | relationship that we as developers have |
2722s | with with the community |
2724s | and that's why we ask for your feedback |
2726s | that's why we ask for you to get engaged |
2727s | that's why we ask for you to comment on |
2729s | forums on reddit on whatever right that |
2731s | is a very important part of our process |
2733s | and it's something i think that is not |
2735s | unique to to intrepid but it is |
2737s | something that is not done |
2739s | overwhelmingly across a lot of projects |
2741s | and so we want to capitalize that as |
2743s | much as possible and that's why the |
2744s | decision to release small trunks excuse |
2747s | me small chunks of the combat changes |
2750s | that have been uh presented and do it |
2752s | earlier uh was a good one to make and |
2754s | and i'm glad to see the response in the |
2756s | community i think we were nervous but i |
2757s | think |
2758s | we're nervous every time |
2760s | we never you know we always hope that |
2762s | you like what we should share our baby |
2764s | yeah but um at the same time we know |
2766s | it's a work in progress um and not |
2768s | everyone else can understand that so |
2770s | it's |
2772s | you know sharing our journey but there |
2773s | were some questions in chat i would like |
2775s | to try to get to some of those we do |
2776s | have a q a as well that we'll pull from |
2778s | the forums from previous questions that |
2780s | were already pulled but um these ones |
2782s | are specifically questions that people |
2784s | were asking whilst watching and the |
2786s | video playing in the background as well |
2788s | uh so just fine wanted to know can you |
2791s | have steven clarify what they meant by |
2794s | this is the upper bound for agency |
2796s | versus weight does that mean they want |
2798s | to go uh more heavy |
2800s | than this or does it mean there is some |
2802s | room for improvement there |
2804s | um well there's always room for |
2805s | improvement as i said it's a work in |
2807s | progress so we're going to be improving |
2808s | on those things however what's meant by |
2810s | the upper range of agency is |
2812s | there is a balance between player motion |
2816s | and agency as we call it right |
2818s | and weapon weightedness that |
2821s | almost locked in place rooted position |
2824s | the heavier the weapon is you know the |
2827s | more restrictions you want to place |
2829s | on that player agency to showcase the |
2833s | rooted effect that weight that |
2835s | heavyweight kind of aspect and so what |
2837s | we've done by presenting you guys with |
2840s | both the |
2841s | dual daggers and the two-handed weapon |
2844s | is we've kind of shown the range between |
2847s | that complete player agency |
2849s | a player agency in the light weapon |
2851s | attacks that's the dual daggers and the |
2853s | maximum range of of rootedness or |
2856s | weightedness that's present on the |
2859s | two-handed weapon and that's the |
2860s | spectrum in which our basic melee combat |
2864s | will exist within so if there are medium |
2866s | weapon groups that exist in between |
2868s | there it's going to be somewhere in |
2869s | between that that spectrum |
2872s | all right |
2872s | and then these next two questions are |
2874s | both in regards to ui and i already know |
2876s | the answer so that's why i'm mixing them |
2878s | together uh one is in regards to and |
2881s | this was a lot of people so i didn't |
2883s | quote a specific person there was a lot |
2885s | of people asking about this um but can |
2887s | they change the color of the text of the |
2889s | floating text et cetera customize it in |
2891s | any way like pick which one which color |
2892s | they want for crits etc and then snooki |
2895s | x or snucky ass |
2898s | will there be any hp indicators and |
2900s | things of that sort because they didn't |
2901s | see that in this |
2902s | yeah just just real quick so um when it |
2905s | comes to ui |
2907s | um we have a very talented ui team by |
2910s | the way in love with all the work that |
2912s | they've been doing so far |
2915s | and |
2916s | we are all in agreement that player |
2919s | customization options are paramount when |
2921s | it comes to ui right um |
2924s | that is a very subjective thing that |
2927s | we've all become you know our own |
2929s | flavors we like out of certain |
2931s | components of the ui |
2933s | and so instead of trying to force down |
2935s | the throat of our players a specific |
2937s | approach to ui why do that when we can |
2940s | uh develop options and customization |
2944s | that the players can influence |
2946s | themselves that includes color |
2948s | compositions it includes uh includes |
2951s | text sizes includes bolded it includes |
2954s | options of which informations you're |
2956s | choosing to display scaling |
2958s | absolutely like that is our approach |
2960s | from a ui's perspective 100 |
2962s | yeah and as a content creator myself |
2965s | being able to customize the ui to match |
2967s | my overlays and things like that will be |
2969s | amazing and i've appreciated that in |
2971s | other games so |
2972s | we're definitely keeping those things in |
2974s | mind for y'all uh this next question |
2977s | there's actually two parts to it one is |
2978s | from one person one from the other but |
2980s | they kind of tie in um about the same |
2982s | topic so this is from the shiniest |
2984s | bubble wants to know i wonder how much |
2987s | moving the camera slash targeter affects |
2990s | hitboxes it seems like movement might be |
2992s | moving the hitbox during the attack and |
2994s | then mass 7 wants to know |
2997s | you should not be able to move that fast |
2999s | while swinging uh that's their kind of |
3002s | perspective of it so yeah i know it's |
3004s | all kind of tie-in well it's important |
3006s | to note that there's a balance in the |
3007s | game design between um your movement |
3010s | speed on attack and the movement speed |
3013s | of your opponent when you have a game |
3015s | that is both pve centric as well as pvp |
3020s | centric you have to make sure that |
3021s | combat is blended for both approaches |
3025s | and we can always run into problems |
3027s | where if you're significantly hampered |
3028s | in your movement speed that has an |
3031s | effect on how we expect player versus |
3034s | player engagements to interact and we |
3037s | don't want to restrict a player's |
3038s | ability to be mobile if they're the |
3040s | target of an attack and as a result of |
3043s | that we need to make sure that we don't |
3045s | restrict the movement abilities of the |
3047s | player who is doing the attacking as |
3048s | well so we want it to be relatively free |
3051s | form you to stay with each other your |
3052s | opponents move around the battlefield |
3054s | together and if we're hampering you on |
3057s | the attack action we have to then |
3059s | implement some type of |
3060s | snare or slow or um you know cc effect |
3064s | essentially on your opposing target and |
3067s | that's not the approach we want to take |
3068s | for for pvp |
3070s | cool |
3071s | um this kind of is like |
3074s | a segway from that which is uh from |
3077s | hadookai and ellit and they both want to |
3080s | know what are so will we have some |
3082s | avoidable attacks uh is there any chance |
3084s | for weaving or animation canceling oh |
3086s | absolutely |
3087s | yeah yeah there there are |
3089s | intended dodges and gap closers and um |
3093s | you know mitigating um uh increased |
3095s | mitigation effects for incoming damage |
3098s | um that are situationally reactively |
3100s | relevant right so you see an animation |
3103s | windup that's a telegraph on what's |
3105s | coming and then you have response |
3107s | actions that you can take as a result of |
3109s | that in order to dodge weave move do |
3111s | whatever right it is a it is both a |
3114s | combination of what your rotation is but |
3117s | also how you have reaction abilities |
3119s | ready to go that you save for certain |
3122s | circumstances that are important |
3125s | all right |
3126s | and then the next one here is from |
3128s | falcath and they want to know what about |
3130s | camera how far we'll be able to zoom out |
3131s | what will be like the min max of zooming |
3133s | in and zooming out i don't know if you |
3134s | have exact answers on that well i mean i |
3138s | personally tend to be a fan of having |
3141s | maximum zoom capabilities right i want |
3144s | to be able to see what's going on around |
3146s | me that's my experience as a raid leader |
3149s | as a shock caller as a guild leader i |
3151s | kind of want to have the perspective of |
3153s | the battlefield and i know a lot of |
3154s | other players like that too so again |
3158s | leaning into the player option side here |
3160s | allowing a pretty pretty |
3162s | significant distance on the zoom |
3165s | is something we're going to be going for |
3166s | and you can kind of see that as i zoom |
3168s | out in different sections of this combat |
3170s | it's pretty high up so um stephen does |
3172s | like to be zoomed out really far and |
3174s | i've gotten a lot of feedback that's |
3175s | like don't zoom out that far |
3178s | it's another subjective thing but |
3180s | whenever you have that that preferential |
3182s | or that subjective uh aspect give them |
3185s | the option give the players the option |
3186s | let them choose if they want to be |
3188s | zoomed out you know very far or if they |
3190s | want to be close in i mean how many |
3192s | times i've played a game where they have |
3193s | some type of mod that you can install |
3195s | that gives you a higher zoom distance |
3197s | and i'm just thinking to myself why do i |
3199s | have to have the mod why can't i just |
3200s | have this choice and that was a question |
3202s | we've already stated we don't want to |
3204s | allow mods but if there are things in |
3205s | customization that you want please send |
3208s | us that feedback because we want to |
3209s | implement the we want to implement those |
3210s | things we want them to be native to the |
3212s | game and for you to be able to customize |
3213s | them |
3214s | um so the next question here is from uh |
3218s | shaksimity and they would like to know |
3220s | will different races have different |
3222s | animation for combat sorry meyers |
3226s | well they won't what we try to do in |
3228s | order to to |
3230s | limit |
3231s | excuse me there's a lot of stuff to make |
3233s | in an mmo |
3235s | so i don't know you know i've often said |
3236s | this and uh you know |
3238s | um making games is hard making an mmorpg |
3241s | is probably the most difficult type of |
3243s | game you can make and our mmorpg is a |
3245s | particularly ambitious one when it comes |
3247s | to assets when it comes to animations we |
3249s | have to author um you know we want to |
3251s | save as much as we can in certain places |
3253s | while also keeping the level of um of |
3256s | quality that we want to hit so |
3259s | one of the ways we do that from an |
3260s | animation perspective is we're not going |
3262s | to be having i think unique combat |
3265s | animations however we will have unique |
3268s | non-combat animations such as your idol |
3270s | your walk your run cycle things that the |
3273s | combat attacks do not have to blend back |
3275s | into right those combat attacks |
3277s | animation-wise blend back into the |
3279s | combat idol stance and then when you're |
3281s | out of that combat idol stance into a |
3283s | non-combat idol stance that's when you |
3285s | take the unique poses or the unique walk |
3288s | and run cycle just to give it you know |
3290s | character flavor for what the specific |
3292s | race you're playing is and that's how we |
3294s | mitigate the bloat that would come if we |
3296s | had to make all of our combat animations |
3298s | idle as soon as you blend back into the |
3300s | combat idol stance if that was a unique |
3302s | one |
3303s | i mean one one of those swings like they |
3307s | have to make so many different |
3308s | animations just for that one swing |
3309s | because of like all the options that you |
3310s | could choose go left right straight |
3313s | backwards like it's not just one |
3315s | animation that they make for one swing |
3317s | it's uh it's a lot of transitions that |
3320s | they have to make |
3321s | from just that one swing absolutely um |
3324s | we would be here forever if we answered |
3325s | everyone's questions so i'm going to ask |
3327s | this last one and then we're going to |
3328s | transition because we still have more |
3329s | stuff to show you all |
3331s | um |
3332s | so first or so this last one is from how |
3334s | to lose and i know you asked a very big |
3337s | question but i'm going to consolidate it |
3339s | and their basic question is that we had |
3341s | stated that we were going to allow |
3343s | people to use like any uh class |
3345s | combination which would be both your |
3347s | archetypes together being able to use |
3349s | any weapon do we see problems that could |
3351s | occur with that for instance like a bow |
3353s | tank or an orb tank or things like |
3357s | will there be some strangeness there or |
3359s | are there problems that you first are |
3360s | foreseeing in the future is the question |
3363s | do i foresee problems or strangeness |
3365s | from allowing player characters to |
3366s | choose the types of well it's more will |
3368s | there be any functions to discourage |
3370s | people from using certain combinations |
3373s | or oh we're giving a lot of flex |
3375s | we're giving a lot of flexibility to the |
3377s | crafters in our game they get to help |
3379s | define the stat block that a particular |
3381s | item weapon or gear has and that stat |
3384s | block can be relevant to any particular |
3386s | class or arc or arc type combination um |
3390s | so in that sense the idea is no not to |
3393s | see any strangeness there or not to see |
3395s | any um you know |
3397s | elements that would dissuade a person |
3399s | from that that customization perspective |
3402s | okay uh so you know we'll let you know |
3405s | if things change from there and of |
3407s | course just a reminder we do have a |
3408s | feedback thread up if you have any |
3410s | thoughts which from the chat it seems |
3412s | like you all have a lot of thoughts head |
3414s | on over to our forumsforms.com our |
3416s | forums dot ask.com i like it |
3420s | i wonder where that goes |
3422s | have a spike in traffic |
3424s | um and toss us your feedback it's in the |
3426s | general uh feedback thread for this live |
3429s | stream so uh we would love for for your |
3432s | thoughts and we will consolidate those |
3433s | for our design team and with that we |
3435s | shall move on to some really cool stuff |
3439s | uh which is our character art team's |
3442s | goodness and you're gonna go straight |
3444s | into seeing the dread crawler |
3446s | which was done by danny this is one of |
3449s | our burrower demons and it's super cool |
3453s | yes it is very cool so this guy is a |
3455s | boss that you'll be seeing in alpha 2. |
3458s | he lives in the desert biome but his |
3462s | um story |
3464s | is during the fall and i guess i won't |
3466s | expand too much on it but |
3468s | during the fall he was essentially a war |
3471s | machine he was used by the ancients to |
3474s | help defeat certain cities in the world |
3477s | and he did so by both burrowing under |
3480s | those cities and coming out from the |
3482s | ground from within causing chaos while |
3484s | the outside forces would attack that |
3486s | city or he could be used as a war |
3488s | machine to just demolish the walls and |
3491s | break through for those ancient legions |
3493s | um to make their way in |
3496s | all right well you get a little lore too |
3499s | yeah a little snack |
3500s | uh |
3501s | oh we have a little turntable of him as |
3503s | well so you can see the 3d |
3506s | i love that i love the interactions that |
3508s | danny has on the top of his head the |
3511s | little dude that pops out and his little |
3512s | projectile that he shoots yeah you can |
3514s | see it sticking out there if you're |
3516s | wondering what that little piece is |
3519s | it is pretty cool |
3520s | it is very very neat the little touch as |
3522s | everyone puts on things i mean it goes |
3525s | back to like the passion that we have |
3527s | everyone is super passionate about their |
3529s | expertise and their field and you just |
3531s | see that in the work that they put out |
3533s | it's pretty amazing |
3535s | uh |
3536s | stephen has mantled together uh |
3539s | quite a group of people |
3541s | yes we have pulled together |
3543s | some very talented people for sure and |
3546s | this one is the mantle of radiant grove |
3549s | we actually have a few different |
3550s | variants of this as well |
3552s | like we said these |
3554s | are going to be used for npcs or you can |
3556s | see the weapons here as well um |
3559s | in the world so |
3561s | uh one of our developers was like maybe |
3564s | we could make it so the npc based on the |
3566s | season would change the leaves would |
3568s | change color |
3571s | i think is cool i'm manifesting that |
3575s | or some of the leaves just fall off as |
3577s | you're running and you just have like a |
3578s | little trickling of |
3580s | leads behind you |
3582s | sorry jim your team we're just gonna |
3584s | keep adding more things to your team |
3586s | they already have that effect for the |
3587s | trees we could just apply it to the |
3588s | costume well |
3590s | i think you'd have to have a smaller |
3592s | amount you don't want like a |
3594s | whole tree falling down of course they |
3596s | adjust it but that's a slider |
3599s | it's just a slider jim it is a slider |
3602s | uh and then next up we have our curse |
3604s | charger so this is kind of what i wanted |
3606s | to showcase is like this is the cursed |
3608s | charger that you all have seen um this |
3610s | is a little touched up better if they've |
3613s | been touching up all of the creatures |
3615s | but here are the variants that you're |
3616s | seeing come from them so it looks quite |
3618s | different if you've watched a lot of our |
3620s | other streams or seen actually our |
3622s | in-game footage you've probably seen a |
3624s | lot of variants as well but i just |
3626s | wanted to kind of show that a little bit |
3628s | more for you guys um especially for the |
3630s | folks who don't maybe follow every every |
3632s | little post that we put out there |
3634s | um |
3635s | but yeah uh |
3638s | yeah ginseng |
3640s | took these and made them even better if |
3642s | that's possible she's just amazing |
3645s | um and eli did the mantle of the radiant |
3648s | grove |
3649s | yes and last but not least you did see |
3652s | the pirae in game but we have some |
3654s | updated images if you follow somebody |
3656s | some booties get ready for some booties |
3658s | if you follow us on social uh yeah so i |
3661s | tried to post these on a discord to our |
3663s | pi people and it was not letting me |
3666s | because |
3667s | it was getting flagged for |
3669s | i was getting flagged for nudity |
3672s | but |
3672s | uh |
3674s | yeah they look amazing we've taken a lot |
3675s | of your guys's feedback uh we still have |
3677s | the branchlers even though some people |
3679s | don't like them but |
3681s | you know there are other races that you |
3682s | can choose from if you don't like branch |
3683s | layers and and as we demonstrated by the |
3686s | way i know you guys are going to be |
3687s | asking this question |
3689s | yeah |
3691s | we demonstrate it in the character |
3693s | creator there are sliders we do have |
3695s | sliders |
3697s | that is it is a thing yeah |
3700s | and i'll show you the this will prompt |
3702s | the slider question i'm sure |
3705s | by the way not just one not just one set |
3707s | of sliders |
3708s | this is an equal opportunity sliders |
3711s | there's equal opportunity sliders so |
3713s | let's be clear on that i wish i could |
3714s | like zoom in on your face when you said |
3716s | that um but yeah so we |
3720s | we have taken your feedback |
3722s | and uh we've made some adjustments and |
3724s | of course i i believe um if you follow |
3727s | us on social stephen actually teased |
3728s | these already and uh vaknar did update |
3731s | that thread the pirate thread with the |
3733s | new images so if you have any feedback |
3735s | on them uh you can go over to that |
3737s | thread and if we see an uh like a large |
3741s | amount of differences in the feedback |
3743s | we'll definitely relay that over to our |
3745s | development team but we've already sent |
3746s | them over a report and that's why |
3748s | they've made the changes that they have |
3749s | made |
3750s | um and then this is the mail version |
3753s | i was going to say do we not have the |
3754s | mail one yeah we have the mail |
3757s | just you know going equal opportunity |
3760s | equal opportunity maggie |
3762s | well sometimes we only show one over the |
3765s | other people that's true |
3767s | know and |
3768s | women's bodies tend to be very |
3771s | controversial so we usually start with |
3774s | uh some |
3776s | of them |
3777s | yeah |
3777s | people have thought some feedback on how |
3779s | they should be you know portrayed so |
3781s | that's true um but i think that you know |
3784s | we'll we'll provide you guys with |
3785s | sliders that you can adjust based on the |
3788s | different races and how far along those |
3790s | scales we want to showcase and if you |
3792s | haven't seen our character creator like |
3794s | if you're new to ashes of creation and |
3796s | this is your first stream that you're |
3797s | watching oh my gosh go to our youtube |
3799s | channel go search in the little search |
3802s | box character creator and go watch our |
3803s | character creator our team is |
3806s | like that's not even our character |
3807s | creator finished so let's go look at it |
3809s | it is phenomenal |
3812s | absolutely i'll play the 3d version |
3816s | and then we will get to our q a |
3819s | and wrap up the stream actually do you |
3821s | have any studio updates that you want to |
3823s | talk about |
3824s | uh |
3825s | hiring is going great um |
3828s | we had i think like |
3831s | uh i think we had almost 400 |
3834s | applicants last month and we accepted i |
3837s | think |
3838s | 14 of them |
3840s | um |
3841s | so we are |
3844s | we are doing a great job on that front |
3845s | very excited with the talent that we |
3847s | have that's joining the team we are |
3849s | continuing to grow |
3851s | so things are going really good on that |
3852s | front |
3854s | sweet sweet |
3856s | yeah and i think with that we'll pop |
3858s | over to our q a segment if you're good |
3860s | with that stephen |
3863s | absolutely all right now play the video |
3866s | in the background |
3867s | um |
3868s | so we have something to look at will we |
3871s | go through them uh so our first question |
3873s | here is from north the mage and el |
3876s | windrill and they both wanted to know |
3878s | about naval mechanics are there any |
3880s | plans to have wind in sailing and i know |
3883s | we've talked about this topic a little |
3885s | bit but we haven't gone into super depth |
3887s | with it uh yes there is wind um wind is |
3891s | an important component of the open sea |
3893s | quote-unquote open seas so that's all |
3894s | non-coastal areas um |
3897s | and that open sea based on those the |
3901s | composition of wind and the open sea um |
3904s | will influence the speed uh |
3907s | directionally that a boat is traveling |
3909s | in um |
3910s | and and how that speed gets influenced |
3912s | by the winds uh that can be an important |
3914s | strategic component when discussing like |
3916s | timing for trade runs or timing for for |
3920s | you know what your location is in |
3922s | relationship to your target out at the |
3924s | open sea um and it just creates a little |
3927s | bit more fluid and dynamic experience |
3930s | when you're at sea that like you're not |
3932s | in this cove and you always you know |
3934s | know how you're going to interact with |
3936s | the open water and the speed that you |
3938s | have so you can predict accurately |
3940s | you know what your intercept rate or |
3942s | distance will look like if that is a |
3944s | variable and that variable changes right |
3947s | then you have to adapt your strategies |
3950s | for that variable and i think that is a |
3952s | very healthy and keeps things fresh from |
3954s | a perspective of a cat and mouse game |
3956s | that usually occurs between ships in the |
3958s | open waters |
3960s | i'm excited for naval combat yes it's |
3963s | gonna be fun uh next up we have kiwi |
3966s | asking about gear customization which |
3968s | you know we do have a thread about it uh |
3970s | so |
3971s | with the most recent dub discussion |
3973s | going on what are slash were your plans |
3976s | so far with color and dye system and the |
3978s | color system so one of the things that |
3981s | we want to do |
3982s | again talking about player agency is we |
3984s | want to give them the ability to kind of |
3985s | change the appearance of their armor |
3987s | sets that they're wearing and the way |
3989s | we've approached the dye solution |
3991s | is through a channeled system we have a |
3993s | two channel dye system where the first |
3995s | channel is a lower grade die that it has |
3998s | influence over between 10 to 20 percent |
4000s | of your overall armor appearance and |
4002s | then the second channel die is a higher |
4004s | tier die that you have to acquire and by |
4006s | doing so you can influence the remaining |
4009s | thirty percent up to thirty percent of |
4011s | that armor appearance so up to a total |
4013s | of fifty percent influence that can |
4014s | occur across all the pieces that you |
4016s | wear now |
4018s | one unique approach to the way we're |
4019s | doing this dye system is we're not |
4020s | allowing individual dyes to be applied |
4023s | on individual items but instead we keep |
4026s | a cohesion across the set by applying |
4030s | that dye channel to your character and |
4032s | when you equip a piece with your overall |
4034s | character it will assume that die |
4036s | channel from your paper doll so you |
4039s | apply the dies to your character and |
4041s | when you equip a piece of item it will |
4043s | take that uh die and it will influence |
4046s | the channel over that particular piece |
4048s | so that it comes into alignment and what |
4050s | the reason that we're doing that is |
4052s | there's a lot of options with regards to |
4054s | customization for your character |
4056s | appearance whether it be through |
4057s | transmog through costumes through mixing |
4059s | and matching sets and pieces that you |
4061s | can wear right and what we want to avoid |
4064s | is the rainbow effect where you know |
4066s | these pieces do not look good together |
4069s | and it creates the clown that's walking |
4071s | down the street and it's a bit comical |
4073s | to see the clown that's walking down the |
4075s | street so we've unified it through the |
4077s | die channel system that applies across |
4079s | your paper doll |
4081s | all right there's definitely some |
4082s | thoughts on that so |
4085s | our next question is from kraken and |
4087s | they would like to know about freeholds |
4089s | do you expect most players who want a |
4092s | freehold to be able to get one or will |
4094s | they be prestige symbols owned by a |
4096s | small fraction of players |
4099s | um that is a very good question i think |
4101s | the answer is that if a player wants to |
4103s | achieve a freehold |
4105s | they can achieve the freehold however |
4107s | the amount of effort |
4109s | resources and time that's required in |
4112s | order to achieve that that freehold is a |
4115s | large amount it is something that is a a |
4117s | monumental achievement for you to to get |
4120s | that freehold and the reason why is |
4122s | because freeholds tie in very heavily to |
4124s | the processing |
4126s | uh artisanship aspect some processing |
4129s | can be done in nodes but the best |
4132s | processing is done on freeholds and we |
4135s | want to make sure that there's a little |
4137s | bit of a throttle or gate on |
4140s | the amount of effort that's necessary to |
4141s | achieve that influence over the |
4143s | processing market um and and that means |
4146s | that it it takes some time to achieve it |
4148s | so um ultimately to answer that question |
4150s | anybody who puts the effort in should be |
4152s | able to achieve a freehold but it is |
4154s | going to be a major achievement for that |
4156s | character |
4157s | all right and our next question is from |
4160s | nixa and phantom and phantom x |
4163s | and they went and by the way i just want |
4164s | to make sure just want to make sure |
4166s | we're clear that a freehold is one of |
4168s | three types of houses |
4170s | right that you can own so just because |
4172s | the freehold is very difficult to attain |
4174s | doesn't mean that you don't have a space |
4176s | for housing and furniture that you can |
4177s | achieve through our apartment system or |
4180s | an inn or the static in node housing |
4183s | those are alternate methods as well uh |
4185s | but they do not have that aspect of the |
4188s | best processing is done there the best |
4190s | processing is done on the freehold and |
4192s | being able to customize the outside of |
4194s | your what your freehold looks like the |
4196s | static housing the static yeah apartment |
4198s | you can't you can customize the interior |
4200s | but the static housing and nodes they do |
4202s | have an outside area that you can |
4203s | customize yeah |
4205s | i was referring to the apartment yeah |
4207s | and specific absolutely and specifically |
4209s | on the freehold one thing that's unique |
4211s | is the blueprint system right acquiring |
4213s | specific buildings that you can build |
4216s | ancillary to your home on the freehold |
4218s | as well |
4219s | yeah |
4221s | and the next question is regarding the |
4222s | weather system which we showcased |
4224s | will there be flooding caused by heavy |
4226s | rain snow melting or storms with rivers |
4229s | rising and rougher waters on the ocean |
4232s | or the opposite with droughts |
4234s | um |
4235s | yeah i think that that we haven't done |
4238s | any work on that yet but |
4240s | in the weather and seasonal systems we |
4242s | have talked about the potential of |
4244s | including flooding um as well i mean the |
4247s | the arid or desert type climate system |
4250s | that can be applied relatively with |
4252s | these the flooding can be a little bit |
4254s | more tricky from a tech art perspective |
4256s | but it is something that we have |
4257s | discussed having certain submerged areas |
4260s | that flex between seasons of being |
4263s | flooded where it becomes an under |
4265s | underwater environment and having um |
4268s | times where it is a non-water |
4270s | environment for dungeons um that is |
4273s | something that we haven't worked on yet |
4274s | but we have talked about uh wouldn't be |
4276s | present in alpha 2 but it's something we |
4278s | want to uh explain very cool to have |
4280s | like that dynamic combat we're like oh |
4282s | during the winter you want to go there |
4283s | for this and during the summer you want |
4285s | to go |
4287s | and also on that side uh you know we |
4289s | have shown how our tide system works too |
4292s | so like oh yeah the tides yeah if you're |
4294s | interested in seeing that too |
4296s | um |
4297s | and we have from baumanizer they want to |
4299s | know about game settings will dense |
4301s | foliage be baseline in the game or will |
4305s | people turn them off |
4306s | in the settings to minimize pvp |
4309s | efficiency i think hiding in business we |
4310s | will not allow we yeah we will not allow |
4313s | players to |
4314s | to adjust uh the density of foliage |
4317s | actors in the world um that will be |
4319s | universal um |
4322s | so |
4323s | you know it's going to be of course |
4324s | there are going to be areas that are |
4325s | more dense than others |
4327s | it's meant to be part of the a part of |
4330s | the world that players can utilize for |
4332s | certain purposes like hiding in uh for |
4334s | pvp however there will be collision with |
4336s | those foliage actors and the player |
4338s | capsule so as you might see that bush |
4341s | moving and think huh that's odd that |
4343s | doesn't look like wind there's must be |
4344s | something there um and and that's the |
4347s | kind of immersion that we want right |
4349s | yeah we're and like when you're walking |
4351s | in the grass if things move and you're |
4352s | like what's going on over there right |
4354s | that would be cool |
4355s | um as a fellow pvp or that'd be fun uh |
4359s | triol wants to know about weapons well |
4361s | equipping different weapons change your |
4363s | skill set and if so |
4365s | how will you balance that in regards to |
4367s | class identity as in having character be |
4370s | defined by their equipment base as |
4371s | opposed to their class i i am not a fan |
4374s | of in |
4375s | mmorpgs um having equipment-based skill |
4379s | sets um i think that you have |
4381s | class-focused uh skill kits um |
4385s | and that if i know your class i know |
4387s | what you have access to i might not |
4388s | necessarily know what you've specced |
4389s | into um but i am sorry i i strongly |
4393s | dislike the idea of tying the skills |
4395s | into the weapon i think it's unique i |
4397s | think it's novel it's just not for me |
4398s | necessarily our approach is not going to |
4400s | be providing skills through weapons uh |
4402s | it's going to be providing skills |
4404s | through classes |
4405s | and then we have hamlet who wants to |
4407s | know about bugs and exploits are you |
4409s | guys open to server rollbacks in the |
4411s | event of an unforeseen bug or dupe that |
4414s | would introduce an economy-breaking |
4416s | amount of currency into the absolute |
4418s | economy server rollbacks are emergency |
4421s | scenarios um |
4422s | [Music] |
4424s | are we open to taking emergency action |
4426s | if it's necessary yes of course we're |
4428s | open to doing whatever is necessary to |
4430s | address unforeseen problems um but it |
4432s | should be a last a last-ditch option i |
4435s | was gonna say that too like from my |
4436s | perspective this is definitely my forte |
4438s | um |
4439s | you know if we had something like that |
4441s | we would remove the dupe anybody who |
4443s | exploited that you know we'll have lots |
4445s | of tools we would have precautions for |
4447s | those things yeah yeah exactly and we |
4449s | can remove we can easily remove those uh |
4452s | you know |
4453s | those pieces of economy from the system |
4455s | not just pieces those people yeah |
4458s | like i was saying there will be |
4460s | repercussions for the exploiters but i |
4461s | think sometimes there's a dupe and you |
4463s | don't know that it's happening right |
4464s | like you're just like oh i accidentally |
4465s | did something |
4467s | oh |
4468s | legendary items in my inventory how did |
4470s | this get here i have no clue if it was |
4473s | over and over you know what you're doing |
4475s | but if someone just did it once and was |
4476s | like whoa |
4478s | and reported it we just remove it right |
4479s | like i think there's 10 billion gold how |
4482s | did this get into my inventory there's a |
4484s | difference in exploiting versus someone |
4485s | happens dancing upon something and |
4487s | reporting it so if you encounter |
4489s | something please report it |
4491s | that way there's no action on your |
4493s | account uh golid would like to know |
4495s | about caravans caravan attackers have |
4498s | only the reward of stealing the caravan |
4501s | goods without any risk currently planned |
4503s | according to the wiki since the game is |
4505s | about risk versus reward what is |
4508s | what is the risk you plan to add for |
4510s | caravan attackers |
4513s | well um i mean there is a level of risk |
4515s | that comes with the attacker right we |
4517s | have |
4519s | progression paths that exist for bandits |
4521s | and that exists for defenders and if you |
4523s | choose to opt into a caravan attack you |
4525s | sign up for that attack and you fail |
4527s | that attack it is detrimental to your |
4530s | path of progression down the bandit area |
4532s | right that's one thing two is um you |
4535s | know of course you have uh gear decay |
4538s | you have degradation that can be |
4539s | suffered if you |
4541s | die |
4542s | that is a cost |
4543s | and then you also have a reputation and |
4546s | if your reputation precedes you when you |
4548s | want to make movements of good and |
4549s | transit goods across the world and you |
4551s | see somebody who's doing it and you want |
4553s | to participate as a defender or a |
4554s | participant they might say hey screw you |
4556s | you were just murdering my people last |
4558s | week and i saw that you're like on the |
4560s | top of the bandit list for killing |
4561s | caravans um so you know it has |
4564s | repercussions in the sense that it locks |
4566s | you out of certain player groups it |
4568s | provides decay to your armor it has |
4570s | deleterious effects on your progression |
4572s | and the attacking uh and the |
4574s | bandit progression of of caravan attacks |
4577s | or defense so there are there are costs |
4579s | there |
4581s | all right |
4582s | um |
4583s | our next question is from spiromancer |
4585s | and they want to know about looting if |
4586s | looting rights are based on a blended |
4588s | tag and damage done system |
4591s | will there be any mechanics in place to |
4593s | ensure roles like tanks and healers have |
4595s | an equal |
4596s | shot even when they haven't dealt as |
4598s | much damage |
4602s | um i think that's the reason for the |
4604s | blended approach um the reason that |
4607s | excuse me |
4610s | the reason that we're doing a a hybrid |
4612s | system between tag |
4614s | and damage done is um for the purposes |
4618s | of those classes who may not be as dps |
4620s | oriented as other classes the tag system |
4623s | you know all classes are going to have a |
4624s | sprinkling of immediate effects of of |
4626s | instantaneous casts |
4628s | and they can use that to tag a target |
4630s | and that'll give them a modifier on the |
4632s | looting right so plus 10 or plus 15 will |
4635s | balance that but it'll give them plus 10 |
4636s | to 15 on overall damage done if they tag |
4639s | the target and then their damage will |
4641s | make up the remainder of that percentage |
4642s | um uh completion so if i do 50 damage to |
4646s | a target but someone else has the tag |
4648s | i'm not going to be able to claim that |
4650s | looting right they'll have done the |
4651s | other 50 plus 10 or 15. |
4655s | okay |
4656s | and then our last question is from |
4659s | lithion and they would like to know |
4660s | about artisan gear will gear for |
4662s | artisans be strong enough for a player |
4665s | to defend against an equal level player |
4667s | who is in combat gear gear for artisans |
4671s | um so we actually just had it |
4675s | i actually just had a conversation about |
4677s | the |
4678s | gear for artisans the gear for artisans |
4680s | are going to live alongside your |
4682s | adventuring gear |
4684s | so you will currently the approaches and |
4686s | we'll test this but currently the |
4688s | approach is you'll have artisanship |
4690s | oriented gear this might be beneficial |
4692s | for your gathering it might be |
4693s | beneficial for your processing or |
4694s | crafting or whatever it is right your |
4696s | profession essentially you will craft |
4698s | that gear you will equip that gear it'll |
4699s | live almost as a undergarment slot so to |
4702s | speak and then you can activate that and |
4704s | it will show the appearance if you wish |
4707s | during the activation when you gain the |
4708s | benefit from the from the gear itself |
4711s | and then could disappear um afterwards |
4713s | and go back to your adventuring gear |
4714s | that's like the current approach we're |
4716s | going to play with that a little bit |
4717s | there's some discussion and disagreement |
4719s | on the team about how we do that um |
4722s | but our hopes are um for alpha two we |
4724s | will have i think a couple of sets at |
4726s | least you know we're demonstrating all |
4727s | of the uh artisanship from from |
4730s | gathering to processing to crafting um |
4732s | in limited fashion in alpha 2. um and we |
4735s | want to have that gear present to kind |
4736s | of play with this approach |
4738s | um and then the flip side of this |
4740s | question in case they meant it this way |
4742s | um if you had crafted gear versus gear |
4745s | that you attained through like oh i |
4748s | thought they were talking about like |
4749s | professionals i believe that is but uh |
4751s | just in case that this is the other |
4753s | alternative way that they meant that |
4755s | question uh |
4756s | would how would crafting gear compare to |
4759s | like that of you know |
4764s | crafted gear in the game is the best |
4766s | gear |
4767s | um so i'm going to tell you one thing |
4769s | that i |
4770s | i cannot you know |
4772s | i'll be less inflammatory in my speech |
4775s | one thing that i'm not a fan of |
4777s | is that um |
4780s | you develop a crafting system in a game |
4782s | right and you've spent a lot of time |
4783s | making this from a material and resource |
4786s | perspective all the tables that you can |
4787s | receive all the |
4788s | all the connectivity in the economy and |
4790s | how crafting is associated with the game |
4792s | and then you undermine the crafting |
4794s | entirely by presenting a separate route |
4797s | of gear acquisition that is on par with |
4799s | the graft with the crafting efforts so |
4801s | here you have these people who are |
4802s | acquiring all of the resources getting |
4804s | all the recipes leveling up their |
4806s | professions and then everything they |
4808s | make |
4809s | is less or equal to anything you could |
4812s | just have chosen the easier path of and |
4814s | gone down the questing and received the |
4815s | best gear so what we do focus on is that |
4818s | crafters make the best excuse me |
4821s | the best things um they make the best |
4824s | things |
4826s | thank you very much |
4829s | so they make the best things and the |
4831s | reason they make the best things is |
4832s | because the effort required to make |
4834s | those things is monumental um and that's |
4838s | an important aspect of the whole |
4839s | gameplay loop |
4840s | awesome awesome and i'm pretty sure they |
4842s | meant it the first way but i think |
4844s | having both answers is great for the |
4846s | audience and with that we're going to |
4848s | wrap up our june update we hope that you |
4852s | all have had an amazing month we |
4856s | definitely have on our end we have so |
4857s | much more to share with you throughout |
4859s | the upcoming months so we hope that you |
4861s | will tune in next month for our july |
4863s | update and um any other final things you |
4866s | want to mention yeah i just want to say |
4868s | last year at the end of last year we |
4870s | promised you that this year would be a |
4872s | banger when it comes to |
4874s | the stuff that we showcase and i i'm |
4877s | i've been very proud of the quality that |
4879s | we've achieved in the showcase of the |
4881s | character creator of the weather systems |
4883s | of the combat direction |
4885s | and i think there's a lot of more a lot |
4887s | more great stuff in store for you guys |
4890s | so i just want to reiterate the most |
4891s | important thing is |
4894s | get registered on our forums |
4896s | go comment give us your feedback |
4898s | the big question is do you like the |
4901s | direction of today's update is it a |
4904s | positive change |
4906s | is it better than where it was right |
4909s | that is what's important give us your |
4911s | experiences give us your feedback do it |
4914s | on our uh on our on our forums or on our |
4916s | reddit or on our youtube wherever you |
4918s | want to do it wherever you feel most |
4919s | comfortable but feel free to get engaged |
4921s | that's the whole reason we do these |
4923s | updates is because one i mean we love |
4925s | showing the work that we do but two we |
4928s | want to elicit that feedback um so |
4930s | that's the important aspect yeah and |
4932s | right now there are quite a few threads |
4934s | up there's a gear color customization |
4936s | dev discussion and our basic weapon |
4938s | melee attack |
4940s | combos both of those feedback threads |
4942s | are up please give us feedback on them |
4944s | also just as a reminder our opulent |
4946s | negotiations cause |
4947s | negotiations cosmetics will be swapped |
4950s | over on july 13th so if you want to grab |
4952s | those grab those by 11am and of course |
4955s | thank you to everyone who tuned in live |
4957s | if you're watching this on youtube we |
4958s | super duper appreciate you as well and |
4961s | um you know we hope that you all stay |
4963s | healthy and safe and this video will be |
4966s | up on youtube as well as we will release |
4968s | the |
4969s | uh potentially the combat video as well |
4971s | uh we'll be discussing yeah i think |
4972s | we'll do that we'll do that right after |
4974s | the stream it'll be in 4k so you guys |
4975s | can head over to youtube take a look |
4976s | there and it's 4k gloriness yes and we |
4979s | will post that to all our social |
4980s | channels uh as well and of course you |
4983s | know this those will uploaded to youtube |
4985s | head on over to our youtube don't forget |
4987s | on the dev update if you leave us a |
4989s | comment and uh |
4992s | subscribe to our channel next month you |
4994s | could be spotlighted as our lucky winner |
4996s | and we might |
4998s | answer your question or talk about your |
5000s | comment um and with that we hope to see |
5002s | you over on our twitter facebook |
5004s | instagram discord |
5006s | snapchat whatever social platform you |
5008s | prefer we are there all the time we are |
5010s | interacting with you guys on a daily |
5012s | basis so please come hang out with us |
5014s | and tell us all the things and your |
5015s | thoughts and we will see you now do we |
5017s | have a do just |
5019s | i was just no never mind sorry |
5021s | go ahead |
5022s | all right i'm like wow where's going bye |
5024s | everybody |
5026s | have an awesome weekend |
5027s | have a good weekend |
5029s | [Music] |
5056s | you |
5057s | [Music] |
⚔ 👀 Check out our June Development Update to catch up on the latest news, including a slice of our basic melee weapon attack combos! https://youtu.be/4sUTuUAgavE
🗡 🤔 What was your favorite part of this update?
External link →I don't see anything in this video that resembles targeting. It appears to be 100% action combat.
Intrepid's messaging regarding tab vs. action combat has changed substantially over time. Does this action combat video indicate the direction the game is now going?
Hey u/SoulSherpa,
You're not the only one to see it that way, and to clarify, what was shown on stream was not a full demo of combat. 😅⚔
What we shared during the June 2022 Development Update was intended to be a demonstration of basic melee attacks with a few melee weapons. Ashes of Creation will feature abilities that are both tab target and action combat.
For more info, check out this clarification post from Vaknar on our forums.