about 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

28s hello everyone and welcome to another
33s ashes of creation update today we are
36s going to be sharing with you
39s a preview of the Alpha 2 tank archetype
42s now I want you guys to keep in mind as
45s you're watching this preview that
46s everything is still subject to change
48s especially considering that the Alpha 2
50s is going to give us a lot of feedback
52s both from the players as well as data
55s driven that we're going to utilize in
57s order to
58s um
59s to improve the design features but your
61s feedback from this video is very
63s important and I am joined today by three
66s of our absolute glorious developers uh
69s one of our Engineers with whom you've
70s spoken with in the past Keenan how you
72s doing buddy
73s I'm doing great thanks for asking
75s welcome back again
77s we are here at it again for those of you
80s who watch by the way on the live stream
82s you saw a previous iteration of this
84s recording we're doing a little bit of
85s re-recording uh because there were some
86s audio issues um and also I just wanted
88s to give a little bit more in-depth
89s detail around the specific abilities
92s um the area that we're fighting in and
93s the encounter design but also we have
96s with us two of our glorious senior
97s designers uh Brian and Trad how you guys
100s doing
101s doing great happy to be here
103s yep let's do it again ready to well we
106s got a lot of practice on this by now yes
108s let's do it again you know what we're
110s gonna do we are going to perform
113s flawlessly there's not going to be any
115s edits here we're not going to use some
116s GM Powers we better do this good I'm not
120s taking the heat for this I know
123s um okay so before we get started first
125s let's talk about the area that we're in
127s this is the riverlands as many of you
130s know the riverlands is one of the
131s predominant areas in Alpha 2 that
133s players will be exploring uh this was
135s home to the once ancient uh Alien Empire
138s a human race uh nation that was formed
141s at the Apex of Vera before the fall and
145s we are here to collect some gear I
148s believe that I am looking for the
150s remaining pieces of the Titan bark set
152s is that right Brian
154s yes
155s awesome and and also there's a a weapon
159s in the shield okay so the weapon and the
162s shield are gonna show us a little bit of
164s the iteration that you've been working
165s on since our last live stream with the
168s cleric update uh specifically around the
170s attack animations and root motion uh for
173s the mace and shield is that correct yeah
175s and it not just me but also the Glorious
178s animators and effects artists uh Meadow
181s and Myers on the animation side have
183s been a pleasure to work with on this
185s iteration over the past month
187s um yeah we uh we all knew that the base
190s was was in the kind of rough first state
192s in the clerk live stream but um you know
194s took another look at it and we focused
197s more on pose holds and quick Transitions
200s and an overall satisfying Cadence and I
202s think the end result is is uh pretty
204s good and it matches with the great sword
207s it's in kind of the same universe and I
209s think we're starting to find our rhythm
210s with weapon creation and it should be
212s pretty straightforward from here
213s absolutely and a lot of that feedback
214s from the community was with regards to
216s the animation hit reactions from the
218s enemy NPCs as well as the hit effects on
221s weapon impact to make it feel a bit more
223s substantive and connected which I think
225s the VFX team and the animation team has
227s done great jobs on both of those fronts
230s um and then let me talk a little bit
232s about the setting so uh in the
234s riverlands here what our objectives are
236s you'll see a little bit of update here
238s on the UI so we're taking a look at our
242s new Quest journal the area that we're in
245s we're going to be heading towards is
246s called the Oaken Bane keep and the Oaken
249s main keep is
251s once Military Academy before the fall of
254s the of the alien Empire during The
255s Exodus and it was used to kind of train
258s up recruits but now those recruits and
261s perhaps some of their teachers might be
263s haunting that location and we need to
265s take care of them and dispatch them with
267s haste you'll see some of the updates on
270s the item itemization and the inventory
273s I'm here with some of the tool tips and
277s icons and also you'll see a little bit
279s of the update to the world map which is
281s still a work in progress everything
282s you're going to see here as I said is a
284s work in progress that is deserving of
287s your attention and feedback so that we
289s can make more iterations and of course
291s make it better so with that being said
293s let's do a quick kind of run through
295s through of the abilities I don't want to
297s get necessarily engaged with um with any
300s enemies so I'm just going to kind of use
302s the abilities without an enemy kind of
304s in my uh targeting let's talk about this
307s first one we have a shield assault now
310s does this require a shield in order to
313s use
314s I would hope so it's the name yes
316s absolutely now of course I have the
319s ability because of of the um of the GM
323s uh cheats a little bit to use that
325s ability without the shield but I'm not
327s going to for the purposes of this
328s demonstration but tell me a little bit
331s about the shield assault what is its
332s intent as an ability
334s um
335s guys yeah yeah
337s um so it's got a few things going on
339s with it uh I would say the primary
341s intent of it is that it is uh how you
344s engage and encounter
346s um it's got a bit of a Mobility it's not
348s like a super far charge like that
350s carries you across the screen or
351s anything but yeah there you go
353s um but it's basically a way to engage
356s with the Enemy get some damage out and
357s also grab some threat
359s um it applies a pretty good chunk of
361s threat in a small area in front of you
363s so it's really good at grabbing snap
364s thread on like some high priority Target
366s and it looks like that this has a
369s variable distance that's traveled so
370s essentially like if I have a Target
372s that's directly in front of me right now
373s it's not predicated on having an actual
375s Target but it is a templated attack and
378s if that Target is immediately in front
379s of me then the distance traveled will be
380s shorter is that correct exactly and
382s you'll see some of that when we're
384s actually in action right now you're
385s seeing the full distance it's again a
387s pretty short range Mobility skill but
390s um yeah you can also just use it point
392s blank on something and it's not going to
393s make you overshoot the Target and then
395s you have to like revisit position
396s because that can be kind of annoying
397s with some of those skill types awesome
398s and you said that this generates that
400s but I see we have a second ability as
402s well called inciting strikes
404s and if I use that ability that's a
406s forward cone AOE attack that generates
408s additional threat and damage on targets
410s impacted is that correct exactly that
413s one's a bit more effective at AOE threat
415s so um it's got a bit of a wider hitbox
417s good for grabbing you know multiple
419s targets and cleaving them all so that'll
422s be what you'll be using IF like there's
424s a pack of stuff on us and you want to
425s just get them all off of us but not as
428s not quite as much threat as the um
430s Shield assault for one target so each of
432s them kind of has their utility there for
434s aggro awesome now obviously as part of
436s our kit design we want to encourage
438s synergies especially within inner kit um
441s uh uh
443s Synergy but also with the party and I
445s see that we have two abilities
447s specifically Shield assault as well as
448s tremoring Bellow and tremoring Bellow
451s applies a status condition that can be
454s promoted if there is an existing status
456s condition on the target so it looks like
459s uh I can create the shaken condition and
463s then I can trip trip shaken targets uh
467s with the tremoring Bella is that correct
470s um it's actually a snare uh so if if you
472s use that on a snare Target
474s um so there's two components to that
475s ability it's got a shout component just
477s four cone
479s um and then it's all yeah as you can
480s kind of see there that that shock wave
482s that flew out and it kind of extends
483s past the second element of that which is
486s a pboe around
488s um uh Steam and if you if you use that
490s ability again you'll see kind of like
492s the ground kick up and that's like the
494s earthquake elements of it
496s um and that does damage and that's that
499s does what um Stephen was alluding to
501s where if your target is snare then it
503s will knock enemies down which is uh our
505s trip effect and one thing I forgot to
507s mention on the shield assault abilities
509s it does apply a snare so you've got a
511s little bit of insert Synergy going on
513s there it's a pretty satisfying combo to
515s like charge in and knock them down with
517s the stop yeah it looks it looks pretty
519s good
519s um and then also after that we have
522s another ability Brian talk to me a
524s little bit about grit and its purpose
527s yeah grit is some of your bread and
529s butter mitigation skills as as a tank so
532s if you're really getting some heat
534s you'll want to pop that
536s um and if you haven't had it on for a
539s bit you're going to be generating stacks
541s of Courage and the more sex of Courage
544s you have that that'll give you increased
546s damage mitigation for a certain number
549s of hits and I noticed that I'm slowed
551s when I used grit so really it's a very
553s situational ability usage uh depending
556s on you know what type of situation you
558s find yourself in also this this can be
562s activated mid-swing and another ability
564s right
565s yep um the way I always refer to this
568s ability is you can think of it kind of
570s like an off gcd ability uh where you can
573s use it even though you have another
575s ability activating so that it's really
577s responsive and can be popped in like an
579s emergency you don't have to wait for
581s that animation to complete or the for
583s that Global cooldown to finish you just
584s pop it in instantly it applies on and
586s off and it's toggled ability so you can
588s turn it on and off at your
591s disclosure nice very cool and I see this
594s Aegis is causing
597s um essentially a area of effect that our
601s party members can live within and if
604s they do I'm absorbing a portion of their
607s damage taken pre-mitigation is that
610s correct as well Keenan
613s yeah that's right
615s um it Forks the sum percentage of the
618s incoming hit and applies it to your
620s mitigation not the party members nice
622s very cool very cool all right well this
625s kind of gives you guys a comprehensive
626s overview I'm sorry in addition to that
628s we have a grapple but that will require
629s a Target
631s um and the grapple is missing some of
632s the effects as I said work in progress
634s but we can still use it in order to kind
637s of do certain types of engagements
639s um so with that quick kind of
641s demonstration to these abilities let's
642s see what we can do to acquire that Mason
645s shield and also to
648s um to test our test our capabilities as
651s a party how cohesive can we be
654s um so I would ask given that we're low
656s level and just so you guys are aware
657s because we're lower level we're about
659s level 15. our access to our class kit is
662s a bit limited as you would expect you
664s want to have that ramp and kind of class
665s progression and as a result I'm going to
668s ask because we have such strong DPS
670s users here in the uh in the fighter and
673s in the ranger that you give me a moment
675s with the larger monsters to establish
678s kind of a uh a bit of a bit of threat
681s but let me pull this guy to us it does
684s not compute does not come dude
694s oh yeah okay
697s it's feeling good
699s I love the little stream the Ambient
701s sound effects that Kat has done
705s and really good stream is really nice it
708s puts us it makes me need to go to the
709s bathroom I'm just kidding
712s AFK BRB there we go got that knock down
716s easy peasy lemon squeezy
719s all right now as you guys will see these
721s guys are a relatively uh easy to
723s dispatch you probably saw them in our
725s Ranger showcase these are some of the
726s minotaurs that are out in the early
728s parts of this Riverland area we're
729s trying to reach the Oaken vein keep that
732s is the location of our goodies and the
734s quests that we have they deserved better
737s probably referring to uh
739s to the people that died there which is
741s really sad to think about
743s oh my God
745s I got it
750s did she pulled that rain color in
758s that works to smash his face
763s easy
766s what do we got up here looks like the
767s destroyed boat what was the boat even
770s doing here in the first place
774s could have been a big flood probably
779s so maybe we're in a drought
785s nice I love the uh the effects on the
789s staff
791s and the uh their little bubble Shield
795s yeah these minotaurs are awesome looking
797s yeah they are I like their size just the
800s general size all right looks like we got
801s somebody over here to the right
803s let me see if I can pull that guy as
805s well
807s and these are more seriously tuned for
809s all right get behind me
814s yeah these guys are more tuned towards
816s that group now this is intended for a
820s full loop of course we are a party of
822s four
823s I am losing a bit of dagger on this guy
826s there we go got him back
830s let's knock him down to the ground
836s there's a little bit more deeps
839s can see
841s I could probably avoid that other guy
843s over there
844s let me grab this Echo
847s oh he's coming toward us oh
851s all right got them both we're good
861s another one I'm gonna activate some
863s shield for us
868s oh
870s oh coming down no Amanda oh whoa no
877s blow it back up it's okay
881s as long as the party up and the party
883s time okay
888s let me see here
892s we are okay let's get our oh where did
895s you guys go
897s work hiding uh I think they're leashing
899s now okay okay let's open this I see um
903s poor GM Ferguson is here
907s and get him up
910s let's just avoid the guys to the right
912s real quick yeah I think he patrolled
915s over as you remove
917s it
918s all right oh there's one up there too
920s let's pull him back here let's pull him
922s back
927s all right I got the boss
940s okay we got just the boss and it should
942s be good
944s this is on me
955s he's out of range
961s I like the uh
965s I feel like it was pretty strong
968s damage mutation from the grip
973s yeah especially if you build up a bit of
975s Courage beforehand
982s is doing okay on Mana
985s down almost
988s this guy should have a mace for me right
991s yep oh he's got the hammer of Corin okay
995s looks like it has some physical
996s penetration of course these stats you'll
999s see here are not the final step one if I
1002s reveal that just yet but let me see if I
1005s can oh okay so
1007s in the group loot obviously there's a
1009s lot of functionality here that parties
1011s have the ability to customize there can
1013s be
1014s loot Master there can be round robin
1016s there can be need greed pass that's
1018s applied on on a per Rarity basis uh
1021s depending on the
1023s party's choices
1025s um some materials and now I should have
1028s the ability to use
1031s so the Lorca vindictive Shield that's
1033s not the shield I'm looking for I'm
1034s trying to get a tower Shield but in the
1036s meantime I can use uh this Shield which
1041s works I think but it's not going to be
1043s as good as the tower Shield but it'll
1045s help so now let me see what happens when
1047s I use my shield Rush with this nice
1051s very cool
1055s foreign
1077s so talk to me a little bit about kind of
1079s um some of the differences that we had
1081s between the tank archetype and Alpha One
1084s and the uh tank archetype that we will
1086s be having in Alpha 2.
1091s um so for those of you that were part of
1093s alpha one where I've seen some of that
1096s footage you might have noticed that the
1098s tank felt very much
1099s more like an offensive melee type you
1102s would something you'd almost expect more
1104s from The Fighter
1105s um and part of that is because we were
1107s we didn't really have any other
1109s archetypes at that time to fill that
1111s role so you're going to notice a lot
1113s more
1114s defense and control and threat mechanics
1117s on this version of the tank that you
1120s didn't necessarily see as much of
1122s um prior so you know as we've kind of
1125s already gone over a lot of Mobility
1126s mechanics you've probably already
1127s noticed that you've got a lot more
1130s reliable mechanics that you can use
1133s pretty frequently to defend your party
1135s and also defend yourself
1139s and and what is the type of tank wall
1142s we're looking to achieve with this
1143s particular class fantasy this class kit
1145s that we have
1148s um I would say we're you know ashes of
1149s creation sync will be a pretty classic
1151s one uh one that you know tanked wires
1153s are
1154s uh familiar with and I think that's
1156s that's what people want we don't need to
1158s necessarily redefine what the tank is
1161s but I think we can improve it
1163s um you know there's some things that
1165s obviously you'll have your
1169s um expected mechanics like threat
1171s management and generation
1173s mitigation control Battlefield control
1177s CC effects but then you know we'd also
1180s like to see more direct ways of
1182s protecting your party members to
1183s exploring just like um Aegis uh that's
1186s just to be you know scratching the
1188s surface of that kind of thing but being
1190s able to actually actively take damage
1193s for your allies that isn't just
1195s manipulating the AI is another thing
1197s about tanks that
1199s um I think a lot of people deal with
1201s other games is they're they're pretty
1203s bad
1204s like when fret is removed from the
1207s equation why what am I doing as a tank
1210s when players just ignore me and so we
1212s want to offer more direct mechanics that
1215s of course even players or encouraged
1216s players to attack the tank to make it so
1218s that the tank can't protect their allies
1221s against you
1227s know traditionally I like playing a
1229s combination of tank dealer
1231s I mean I've also played of course
1236s but I like the role and kind of the
1238s control aspect the mitigation the kind
1241s of protective nature the ability to kind
1244s of Route enemies in a fashion that is
1246s most conducive to the engagement of the
1248s encounter that's what I really like here
1250s so as you can see we're making a good
1254s progress here a lot better than the
1256s first round
1260s once we get up here I want to showcase a
1262s little bit of the wind actors on this
1264s grass that you guys kind of see around
1266s us
1277s these guys are pieces of cake we're
1280s doing better we're doing better in small
1281s numbers in small numbers yeah that's
1283s true we're gonna have some uh challenge
1285s ahead of us because this is a very
1287s intense area of these enemies and we're
1289s not careful with the positioning we
1290s could end up with a big fight
1294s dude
1297s come over here buddy boy
1307s see sometimes
1309s when I like to play
1311s from a showcase perspective I do so in
1315s the realm of like a new player
1317s Persona wise
1322s um of course of course but of course I
1325s see I'm ticking for 50. I don't know
1326s what that ticking for 50 is
1330s uh sit for Mana if you all need it yeah
1332s like it was I think um communal
1335s restoration or something applies a hot
1337s oh yeah yeah let me sit down no that's
1340s cool oh you're right cleansing life take
1342s a seat and get some restorative Mana so
1345s you guys are gonna see here ahead of us
1346s this is a pretty
1349s um grassy area
1351s um it's a beautiful area I'm liking it
1353s but I want to showcase a little bit of
1356s how abilities interact
1358s um with the grass and with the foliage
1360s so you'll remember that we have that
1362s kind of forward shout and watch what
1365s happens when I use it here
1367s boom Oh it's like a heart shape it's
1370s like a heart-shaped little AOE of anger
1374s and Malice
1376s I think that's a really cool Touch of
1378s just like visual Tech that a lot of a
1380s lot of games have been we explored
1382s absolutely makes me feel like grounded
1384s in the world yeah I agree and it it's
1387s very immersive
1388s um I would like to kind of move in this
1390s Direction guys kind of if you want to
1391s stay close to me
1394s see what we can accomplish here moving
1397s over this way
1400s grab
1402s um this guy over here
1406s sit down
1410s let me know if you see any Targets
1413s moving towards us
1419s foreign
1432s stay close
1435s and I'm gonna pull this guy over real
1437s quick
1439s there we go
1450s he is on
1452s Japanese
1454s okay that's okay just stay near me if
1457s you can
1457s see peels on me I got Shield up
1460s let's focus down that one target the
1463s target's dead we'll switch over
1468s on me
1479s knocking down
1481s all right good good good now this is a
1484s pretty dense area that's a problem
1487s um
1488s let me see let's try to let me try to
1490s pull this guy one at a time hold on let
1493s me get people to talk close if you can
1495s to me all right here we go
1505s rip
1515s nicely done nicely done let's grab this
1518s guy right here
1531s nice
1537s I love the effects on these guys and the
1540s animation did a great job
1542s as well
1544s foreign
1548s let's move up over to this Rock area I
1551s need to sit real quick if we can sit
1553s before the respawn occurs
1556s just grab some yeah
1560s it's a beautiful Zone
1563s Serene I know I couldn't even hear the
1566s sound of the birds there's so many
1568s ghosts and shades in this area it's kind
1570s of sad now I believe in this particular
1574s um
1575s uh oakenberg oakenbane keep area there
1579s used to be these old magnificent kind of
1582s essence ridden trees but they were all
1584s harvested to produce kind of magical
1586s artifact
1589s artifacty uh items and now only one
1592s remains which Lord oakenbane himself
1595s guards
1596s all right I think I'm good let me grab
1598s this guy here I'm just gonna body pull
1600s them come on buddy
1614s you guys finish him off I'm gonna grab
1617s the next one
1624s okay we've got the boss as well I'm
1626s gonna activate my grip
1629s try to focus the little dude first
1635s I'm gonna try to knock the boss down
1640s I'm gonna put up a shield just in case
1642s you need it
1646s coming back up coming back up
1651s knock them down now
1654s trying to drop some aggro
1667s trying to get him off
1679s foreign
1687s not bad only one death yeah that wasn't
1689s too bad it wasn't too bad we got a tower
1691s shield now
1693s I need that of course as the tank
1697s you get all the look this wrong yay it
1700s is the tank showcase it's a tank run all
1702s right let me put on this glorious Tower
1705s shield and let me compare it actually if
1707s we oh I can't compare it
1710s oh there we go I'm loving it attack that
1713s is a true Tower shield now I'm of course
1715s to having like a medium-sized Tower
1717s Shield as a dwarf in most tabletop RPGs
1719s that I play
1720s um so that I just have complete cover
1721s against my enemies
1725s but uh this isn't bad either I like it
1727s it's very very polished uh
1729s the metal
1731s yeah it fits with the uh
1734s the armor from this area
1743s foreign
1748s leggings and our chest piece now we
1751s really in that live stream did not
1753s perform well against the main boss dude
1755s but again this is an area intended for
1758s eight people with with pots and you know
1762s other supplies that we don't necessarily
1764s have access to I'm gonna knock them down
1767s into one
1771s yeah like a lot of other classic
1774s inspired MMOs like you can still do it
1777s with lower numbers it's just gonna take
1779s a while you gotta be more careful yeah
1781s and tell me a little bit about kind of
1783s you know our decisions around allowing
1785s kind of content to get experienced by
1787s lower level players what type of
1789s safeguards do we put from you know power
1791s leveling or twinking obviously we adjust
1795s experience based on level differential
1798s between the target
1800s um enemy and the group
1804s um how do we kind of do that
1808s obviously we take the difference in the
1811s party max level or the party's lowest
1813s level and those things can indicate uh
1817s the modifier that is applied to incoming
1820s experience based on the number of
1822s participants within that party
1824s um and those help Safeguard these things
1837s and in addition to that we also have um
1840s experience bonus for grouping up that's
1842s pretty cool
1845s it's higher and higher the more people
1846s you have in your group to really
1847s encourage those full groups
1849s yes
1851s and obviously the way that we kind of
1853s designed the encounter for these types
1856s of areas is that certain monsters will
1859s have certain types of strengths and
1860s weaknesses those of course will
1862s correlate to certain types of class kits
1864s so some areas might be more beneficial
1866s for you to kind of expand versus others
1868s um and a big role in that non-solo
1871s gameplay of course is going to be group
1872s composition right
1874s yeah that's
1875s that's one thing I I really love about
1877s our diverse class kits that we have
1878s available to us and Ashes is the diverse
1881s content that comes along with that right
1883s like for an optimal group for one area
1885s might involve you know three or four
1888s range DPS but another area you might
1889s want to Stack Fighters for all their CC
1892s that they can bring so
1893s different groups for different areas
1905s foreign
1909s how far oh we have to go just up this
1912s way right just up here and around the
1914s hill he's on some ruins
1922s come on over here buddy come on come on
1926s hey Chad can you change the loot rules
1929s to drop the Rarity from what it's sent
1932s right now like one level
1934s so the greens are rollable
1938s where do I do that
1940s oh options party settings
1945s hold up Stephen all right
1948s stand by Tank I'm saying what uh need
1953s agreed
1954s yeah yeah
1955s sir all right I have common and uncommon
1958s neither agree
1959s it's party
1962s so powerful so strong so diverse
1967s oh voting change huh what do we got here
1972s um I will accept
1973s that except
1979s all right let's see here
1982s I I really love that system by the way
1985s um the voting to accept salute change
1987s rules oh you don't like the ninja party
1989s loot change
1991s you have to trust your group leader I
1993s know you mean reputation right like hey
1997s I was in this group in a ninja changed a
1999s loot right before the Bosco that guy's
2001s on our Kos list it creates conflict it's
2004s a good thing it's off friction
2007s it's gonna be funny whenever they try to
2009s do that in our game and then the boat
2011s window pops up
2016s I love the lightning attack on this guy
2020s oh whoops guys I out I accidentally like
2023s went into my settings and changed some
2025s very deep stuff whoops oh no
2028s whoops totally an accident I have no
2031s clue and it just happened before this
2033s legendary drop I don't know how that was
2034s possible
2037s yeah
2039s call those ninja looters
2044s I don't know this kind of impacts on my
2045s Ranger fantasy
2047s really
2050s I'm sure all about like nature and being
2052s one
2054s oh yeah yeah but also loot oh but also
2056s loot I think that's the road
2061s definitely Rangers I feel like Rangers
2063s and Rogue sometimes are the same people
2066s just arranged Road
2068s pretty much
2071s now to me sometimes the ranger is always
2074s the first that's like huh this
2076s engagement isn't looking so hot let me
2078s uh use the advantage I already have from
2080s a distance to kind of leave you okay
2082s hold on I'm gonna grab this guy
2084s like he's about to do now
2086s yeah no no no no no no this isn't a
2088s dangerous situation
2093s look it's rival of the furthest
2096s nice nice
2099s I like that survival of the furthest
2105s all right let's go kill this guy over
2108s here first I think he has the leggings
2109s yeah
2112s this guy get over here
2120s I do like the old school feel of
2123s carefully navigating for the space
2126s oh I got to pull too many things at once
2129s oh yeah I'm not about that lawnmower
2131s combat at all yeah Jeremy Doug and their
2134s teams did a really good job on the
2135s encounters here
2137s yeah that can be a problem when you move
2139s into an area and it's just like
2141s overwhelmingly dense and sometimes those
2144s areas you like are happy if there's
2146s other parties that are nearby and you're
2148s like okay cool you're keeping the spawn
2149s rate down for me a little bit oh we got
2151s somebody oh God let me see if I can
2153s actively block that boom what's up buddy
2156s what's up nice let's go again skills
2161s I'm just gonna let you take that one I
2163s need some Mana I want to get him to
2165s shoot me again boom I'd like to explore
2168s like a perfect block thing where if you
2171s time it perfectly you get an additional
2172s bonus oh that would be great like a kind
2174s of almost Gears of worry where you have
2176s that active reload
2178s the engineer in me is now crying
2183s we'll be we'll have to be somewhat a
2184s little forgiving let's like uh I've been
2186s playing valheim Wayland it's really fun
2188s to do their perfect Vlog ah feeling it
2191s I'm feeling that block as soon and it's
2193s just so good with the sound effects that
2194s are associated the cat did on that bolt
2196s oh it feels so good
2198s okay looks like we're grabbing two let
2199s me get Agra on the boss first I'm gonna
2201s need some heels
2203s and I uh yeah you guys Focus
2206s I'm just gonna build up hate here on the
2208s bus you guys Focus down that ad
2212s foreign
2216s active and I have my active block you
2219s just keep Keenan alive he looks like
2220s he's taking some damage working on it
2223s he's almost down
2229s how dare you how dare this guy
2234s crew peel coming up
2237s oh damn
2239s the arborist historia
2245s oops
2249s let me pull them over here a little bit
2251s come on over buddy
2253s come on
2254s come to me repeal coming up again
2257s pulling him
2267s let's go let's go
2273s easy
2274s thank you
2276s nice what has he got Titan bark leggings
2279s sweet we're almost there
2282s I need that of course
2284s you need I need
2288s all right we handled that guy with ease
2289s maybe we'll be okay with the Lord
2291s oakenbane
2292s I think if we just you know clear
2294s carefully we'll be fine all right let's
2296s keep on clearing I'm gonna pull I'm
2298s gonna pull the left side first
2302s standby stand by
2304s I would pull them like back over here
2306s because they'll have mobs on both sides
2307s of you dude yeah let's go over here
2309s actually let's go to the right
2311s um
2313s I don't know if I can I think they're
2314s socially aggro if I I gotta wander's
2317s nests no I'm just hoping I'm not gonna I
2320s hope I would do it now because the other
2321s one's patrolling away there we go okay
2323s oh God we got three okay just stand
2325s behind me stand behind me let me Build
2326s It Up
2327s don't go yet
2331s not go yet hold on all right you guys
2335s can go now Focus one target
2341s putting a shield up
2347s I don't think we want to stand in there
2348s because then we just get hit by Cleaves
2350s knocking
2354s oh yeah
2356s one on me keep yourself up I'm okay for
2359s a little bit
2366s okay good
2370s I'm down all right
2374s just get yourself back up
2377s get up get up
2383s there we go there we go
2388s there's another one near you yeah don't
2391s back up any further forward
2399s all right we got him there's a ruffle
2403s yeah three of those guys are still a lot
2405s that's a lot for a party of four
2408s yeah okay we got one ad two in the back
2412s here did you hear that
2414s of course the ranger would say that
2418s I'm still alive
2424s I'm gonna Focus the echo
2426s yep
2429s now we've talked about this in the past
2431s but um the act of blocking
2434s my fanability
2437s that uh it's a universe of course it's
2440s Universal but it might be consuming mana
2442s and you'll be able to adjust that Mana
2444s consumption based off of your passive
2446s spec uh into your skill trees in
2449s addition it might also consume stamina
2450s where that's something we're going to be
2452s testing as part of Apple tooth sorry but
2454s sometimes when I talk
2462s all right let's move up
2466s we go up to the left yeah uh yeah let's
2470s go up to the second at the top yeah
2472s let's take this guy
2490s I'm gonna have to get some Mana after
2491s this
2500s sit right here for a second just looking
2503s down oh there's the tree
2506s the tree
2509s in all its Glory
2516s Scott
2520s at that nice little area I wonder what
2523s kind of wood it gives
2526s the question
2529s only one left and you want to chop it
2531s down
2532s I feel like I'm having are we having an
2535s earthquake
2536s like my table's moving
2545s all right I'm gonna pull this guy up
2547s here and stand by
2561s yeah we're doing good there you guys
2563s keep focusing him grab this next to it
2568s thank you
2572s sit down
2580s all right very dangerously close to a
2583s resident on the left
2584s all right
2586s I don't think he's moving away so we're
2588s good
2593s this is perfect
2596s all right so after that guy
2600s I think we should clear all three of
2602s these to be honest
2603s yeah
2605s watch the ankle on the pole don't want
2607s to pull in front of open pain
2609s he does a big AOE so we're gonna have to
2610s spread out and then we're gonna aggro we
2612s do that okay we have one behind us right
2614s here stand right here on me in this
2617s position don't dump deviate from this
2619s one hold here
2620s and then let me see if I can grab this
2622s Echo first
2626s um
2627s if I can there we go I'm gonna grab the
2631s bus you guys kill the echo
2634s take the boss back to his room
2636s okay stand by can't attack that boss all
2640s right good
2647s oh God it hurts it hurts
2653s all right I got the boss on the ground
2655s keep cleaning up oh God Ryan
2659s I'm holding the Box can't keep up with
2661s that okay I'm good ignore me now oh man
2665s oh so close I'm gonna knock him down
2668s all right good good good we're good
2670s dropping a chains
2673s nice
2679s to
2682s blocking him
2685s good holding aggro
2689s I'm gonna pull him inside of his
2691s Mausoleum where he should be laid to
2693s rest appropriately
2695s come here follow me into your final
2699s resting place Lord Oaken Bay
2703s oh he didn't like that
2706s oh he's going to sleep
2709s just go to sleep go to sleep do it
2713s rest what's happening
2717s I commit you to the ground Lord
2720s oakenbane
2723s well done ladies and gentlemen it's a
2726s good fight that was good I'm grabbing my
2729s need on the Titan bark chest plate
2734s and then now it is time to reveal the
2738s glory of our Pursuits
2741s I am going to equip said
2746s things
2760s oh it looks so good
2762s oh yeah it looks so glorious jelly so
2767s sir our team's so good I know the art
2770s team is unbelievable I mean really
2772s they're just so good
2774s well everyone I hope you guys enjoyed
2777s this brief demonstration of our Alpha 2
2781s preview for the tank archetype of course
2783s as we said this is all a work in
2785s progress there are many things that will
2786s change testing is very important your
2788s feedback is incredibly important please
2791s make sure that you leave all commentary
2793s possible within the YouTube video on our
2795s Forums on our Reddit on Twitter
2797s everywhere possible we always take that
2799s stuff very seriously and we iterate upon
2802s it as you've seen between November's
2803s live stream and this month's live stream
2805s I hope you all enjoyed it
2807s um Keenan tradd Brian thank you very
2810s much for joining us and we will see you
2812s all next time
2815s cheers everyone
2817s cheers
about 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


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