over 2 years
ago -
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📊 Players will have the option to adjust a wide variety of UI elements, including floating text!
🤔 What other elements would you like to change and adjust?
- GethOverlord
On top of that the existing customization already mentioned with the floating combat text font size and color is amazing and I can't wait to dig into it.
- Leukael
I really like clean interfaces, so controlling things like;
Opacity of the bars
Removing and bar/UI art
Size and spacing between buttons
Positioning (moving bars, buttons, etc.)
- Azherae
I'm mostly thinking about all the crazy things that heavy UI customization lets me do with a touchscreen laptop.
Being able to change hotbars to vertical orientation for example, would be amazing for this, but I'm mostly considering how much the various UIs for crafting can be changed, and looking forward to giving lots of feedback on UI customization for those.