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People cannot find wisdom in games because they do not search for it.

Games are hard to master because of their purpose.

People need to change their ways and become more acceptable of change.

More and more teenagers are becoming toxic and impatient (especially in MMOs because of their progression design element).

If you search for end results you will never find peace which means you will become impatient and not be available for peace.

Don't become average WoW player, embrace hard ''design'' in MMOs. Hard things do really teach players patience and stability.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I admire your quest to change the MMORPG player base as a whole. It's quite a lofty task.

Personally, I do my best to focus on the things I have control over, rather than a desire to control what others do. I like to take a slow approach to enjoy games. I take my time and I savor the experience. This is how I enjoy games. However, not everybody is like me and not everybody will do this. With that said, it doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy a quest, for example, even if my progress is slower than others :)