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As it currently is, in game, you CANNOT attack players that are citizens of the same node as you.

I have reported this issue multiple times both in game and in the Ashes of Creation alpha 2 bugs channel, on the official Discord server.

I was informed last night, by the community manager Vaknar, that this is INTENTIONAL game design, and I am here to discuss why that’s BAD and easily exploitable.

Firstly, being unable to attack corrupted players that are citizens of your node is likely a bug and unintended. Regardless, it’s an obvious issue.

Primarily, when attacking caravans, players can have clerics not join as attackers or defenders, so they’re effectively IMMUNE to any form of combat. Since you launch caravans from their node of origin, the players likely to notice you launching and plan to jump you are likely citizens.

Secondly, this also applies to people looting your ashes. Yes, they’ll get flagged, but you still can’t attack them because they share citizenship with you!

Also, even in the normal overworld, you could be fighting a group of players, but because some of them are citizens of your node, the people you’re actually fighting get free buffs and heals without any counter. Not to mention if you’re partying with someone who’s not a citizen, if they get attacked, you just stand there and watched them get killed over and over because the attackers are citizens??

Even if you could attack them once they become corrupted (when they fix it,) why should your ENTIRE party just stand there like useless paperweights while your friend gets jumped by a group? Even then, only ONE of them would become corrupted, giving the auxiliary party members immunity from you while they support the corrupted player.

Edit: I previously said I felt like I was being ignored and I’d like to correct that. What I mean to say is I feel this is a serious issue and want it to be looked at more seriously and not simply waved off as “intended game design.” So here I am, let me know what you think.

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4 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

We are actively iterating on the alignment design. Some of this is unintended right now. We will have updates next week for it.

4 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by raxcium

Can you please add a duelling feature whilst you're at it? With the most recent changes to guild timers, we can't even create a sub guild and declare war on it for duelling purposes.

Would really appreciate a feature where we can just right click -> duel other individuals/groups.

Dueling is slated for sometime in phase 2