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since im gonna need 11 accounts to get all professions properly leveled is that something we will be able to do?
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link

The game is designed for you to be properly leveled in your professions. The game just isnt designed for you to be max leveled in all the professions. You have a personal view of crafting that goes wholly against the game's view. You are gonna have a real hard time to level all them to max. Near impossible. You will give up before you do so, because it is pointless.

It will however be much easier for you to walk up to a player built stall and buy gear.

Moreover, I refuse to believe you are too socially inept to type in /say "Hey, mind if I join?" and then press accept on your screen when you walk past a open world dungeon in progress.

I guess people, especially young people, have no other frame of reference for MMO gaming than live-service single player games that are MMOs only in name. Thinking that "being social" is an occupation. It's not. It's a natural state of being. The game and community will amaze you, Im sure.

Interesting quote! The last paragraph is insightful. I think you're right in that people are generally inherently social. Having a game structured around this idea might be new for some folks, but ultimately, multiplayer games would be nothing without... other players!

Anecdote for ya: I was playing an MMORPG the other night, and pug'd a spot in a guild's group. Sometimes this goes great, other times not so much. I'm also hesitant to join a guild's discord call for PUG groups, but I want to be there for shot calls. Ultimately, it was a great time, and they invited me into the guild! I'll be raiding again with them later this week lol.

It sounds hard, but you may find it can be easy if you try! <3