8 months
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
20s | hello everyone Welcome to our glorious |
23s | server mesh technology showcase segment |
27s | exciting it is I'm Margaret Cron your |
30s | director of communications and of course |
32s | with me as always is Stephen shareif our |
35s | wonderful creative director I'm excited |
38s | we have a fun showcase today I mean it's |
40s | this is something that I don't think a |
41s | lot of companies go into a lot of |
44s | projects don't really talk about and and |
46s | you know it can be a little bit on the |
48s | techie side but I think this is stuff |
50s | that a lot of players uh like hearing |
52s | about and I know we got some we got some |
54s | exciting people to chat with today what |
56s | do you think and um of course we tried |
59s | to make it as visually appealing |
60s | possible shout out to Mike beio as you |
64s | you may know him from all of our other |
65s | Graphics but he's our Graphics designer |
67s | and he did a wonderful job on these |
69s | slides so hopefully they help portray |
72s | what our wonderful engineering team is |
75s | trying to to uh showcase so we will kind |
78s | of introduce them we have some new |
80s | people who you've never met before we'll |
83s | kick it off first with Zack if you want |
85s | to talk about who you are what you do at |
86s | the studio and maybe a little fun fact |
90s | hi guys uh I'm Zach I'm the technical |
92s | director here uh at Intrepid Studios I |
95s | run the networking team and the engine |
98s | team |
100s | um I'm generally responsible for |
102s | performance and making sure that the |
103s | game scales to the amount of players |
106s | that we wanted to a hefty and lofty goal |
110s | many of us players will have thoughts on |
113s | that and of course we have Hunter with |
116s | us which some of you if you hang out on |
118s | our Discord maybe have interacted with |
120s | before |
122s | for hi yeah thanks for having me um my |
125s | name is Hunter I am a game networking |
127s | engineer at inet studios I've been here |
129s | for almost about four years now and |
133s | first initially started off as a |
134s | gameplay engineer and then I slowly work |
136s | my way over to networking because that's |
138s | what I've come to find that I love and I |
139s | love solving the hard problems and very |
142s | excited to Showcase to you all what |
143s | we've been working on the gameplay |
145s | engineering just wasn't torture enough |
147s | for Hunter so he wanted to go straight |
149s | straight the be impossible |
152s | problems oh my God I like I like solving |
154s | problems like this hard problems I think |
157s | fun problem to solve yeah um and then of |
160s | course last but not least |
162s | Anton hello I'm Anton uh I'm a senior |
165s | networking engineer over here at |
168s | Intrepid I moved straight into this |
170s | position cuz uh yeah I wanted to suffer |
174s | immediately I didn't want to start with |
177s | a game play |
180s | all right well let's kick it off Zach I |
183s | think you have a little intro here for |
185s | us as we move |
186s | in yeah um so Zach just I'm sorry just |
190s | to start a lot of people you know |
192s | sometimes don't know what networking is |
196s | yeah talk to talk to us about what is |
198s | networking what is a network layer at at |
201s | its core networking is just the concept |
206s | of moving a state from the server to the |
209s | clients |
210s | that that at its core that is the |
212s | problem we are trying to solve we are |
213s | trying to do that as fast as possible |
216s | with as many players as possible um |
219s | since we are making a very very large |
221s | game uh we have a lot of problems that |
223s | most games don't usually |
227s | have yeah and and you know with with |
231s | regards to like an mmpg versus like a |
233s | peer-to peer versus like a small |
235s | dedicated server like our networking |
237s | needs are intense because the types of |
241s | numbers we're looking at are extreme |
244s | yeah we we we every everyone on the |
246s | networking team here has worked on other |
248s | multiplayer games before and this is |
251s | definitely the project where we have to |
252s | get the most creative with how we are |
254s | going to solve uh our scaling problems |
257s | you know like we are we we we are |
260s | working on an MMO most MMOs don't don't |
262s | do what we're about to do here they |
263s | don't talk about how they you know made |
266s | it so they can support thousands of |
267s | players per server um so we it's very |
271s | much we have to you know kind of like |
272s | figure out what what has been done and |
274s | and do a lot of um R&D to figure out |
276s | what what we need to do for our game |
279s | right and kind of answering that |
280s | question of what we need to do for our |
282s | game starts out with well what is our |
285s | game trying to achieve right yes yeah |
287s | there are a lot of different types of |
288s | MMOs some that heavily you know utilize |
292s | instancing um some that you know maybe |
295s | don't care about replicating to hundreds |
297s | of players at a given time um so first |
300s | it starts with a vision what is ashes of |
303s | creation and then that kind of leads you |
305s | down the architectural path of okay what |
308s | does that mean we have to set up because |
310s | this isn't out of the box Unreal Engine |
312s | 5 this is a custom Network layer yeah |
315s | yeah this is this is this is fully |
316s | Custom Tailor Made for the needs that |
319s | ashes has like this is not none of this |
323s | is is is off the shelf none of this is |
324s | standard unreal this is all built for |
326s | the kind of game that we are |
328s | making right and so how do you go about |
331s | kind of you know determining that that |
333s | architecture what does that look like |
334s | for a game like ashes and and you know |
336s | we've been working on this for a number |
338s | of years yeah for years um so I guess I |
341s | guess the first the first step is we |
342s | need to figure out the requirements like |
345s | what do we actually need to like what |
349s | what are Ash's requirements um you know |
352s | the the first place we start is you know |
355s | we're an open world PVP game so we can't |
357s | really control where players go we can't |
359s | do match uh typical matchmaking where we |
361s | just you know spin up more servers SP |
363s | put them on the new matchmaking servers |
366s | and you know not have these issues we're |
368s | an open world game anyone can go |
370s | anywhere um you know we're a highly PVP |
373s | game so we need to have low latency |
375s | people can't just uh we we can't do what |
378s | other games do where you just like lower |
381s | your tick rates really low and |
383s | then um just simulate at a really really |
386s | low rate since we're you know action PVP |
389s | we can't do that um one of our I guess |
394s | would you call this a game design pillar |
396s | Stephen like this is we don't that we |
398s | don't want to do layering like that's a |
399s | that's that's that's a very like |
402s | absolutely game thing we wanted we |
404s | wanted so like you can go anywhere in |
406s | the world stand there and the people who |
410s | are there are there like |
412s | yeah and I was just going to say like |
414s | game laring you know obviously everyone |
416s | on this call is a gamer who's played |
418s | MMOs and we played games that that do |
420s | layering yep you know it's just a very |
422s | different experience when you can switch |
425s | channels you |
426s | know yeah yeah it's like a different |
429s | world a core like MMO memory for me is |
433s | like you know old wow you would go to |
436s | the same place |
438s | like uh and and there would be the same |
440s | person there you know dancing on top of |
442s | a mailbox every single time or dancing |
444s | on top of a corpse and looking at you |
447s | with Hungry Eyes they were they were |
449s | always they were always there and they |
450s | were always and they were always there |
452s | and with layering you don't get that uh |
454s | you don't get that that same level of |
456s | experience that we that we that we want |
457s | to give uh to our |
459s | players um and then I guess our last |
462s | requirement which is like you know just |
463s | a typical MMO requirement is that we |
465s | have you know very very high player |
466s | count goals um and you know typically uh |
471s | High player count goals with no layering |
473s | don't really go together so right that's |
476s | where it comes into like you know we |
477s | need to get really creative with how |
478s | we're going to solve these problems some |
480s | of us you know Hunter Anton we've played |
483s | these games that have high player counts |
485s | but a lot of ways that they get around |
489s | having higher player counts is by being |
491s | less server adjudicated less server |
493s | authoritative and more player which has |
496s | its own risks and isn't really |
498s | preserving the Integrity of that player |
502s | experience indeed like some some games |
504s | do not um do proper physic simulations |
508s | on the server side to validate movements |
510s | in order to achieve that kind of thing |
512s | which means like cheaters uh can have an |
515s | easier time right going through walls |
517s | and stuff like that or they well I guess |
521s | they do layering or sharding where uh |
525s | they yes they have real high player |
527s | counts but technically not really CU |
530s | they're kind of broken up I can't tell |
532s | you how many times I've I've jumped into |
534s | either um you know some session based |
537s | game or I don't want to call any any of |
539s | them out out but where there's just one |
541s | single player that's either hacking or |
544s | or or doing something and they're just |
545s | running around and ruining the |
547s | experience for everyone and it's because |
549s | the way they've architected in such a |
551s | way it's more it's easier for those |
553s | types of experiences to occur always |
555s | trust the client right |
559s | yeah you just made everyone sweat Hunter |
563s | do we want to kind of transition that |
565s | into talking about the issues that we |
567s | are trying to address yeah of course |
572s | yeah so um I guess the issue start with |
575s | it's like you know we're making MMO and |
578s | unreal um the amount of entities we want |
581s | on the server um it's just not really |
584s | going to work with standard outof the |
586s | Box unreal replication unreal |
588s | replication and unreal simulation so |
591s | there there are two problems here it's |
592s | like okay even if we could fit all the |
594s | players we want on a single server um |
597s | you |
598s | know we we we still can't replicate them |
601s | because those are two separate problems |
603s | we have the simulation and then the |
604s | replication problem um so since this is |
609s | is a problem and you know there there is |
612s | no standard unreal solution for this we |
615s | we we had to go about you know making |
617s | our own custom solution to solve these |
620s | problems um and this is where Intrepid |
622s | net um I guess was born um and trepid |
626s | net is a fully distributed networking |
628s | stack it's tailor made for creation |
630s | fully built in house um none of this is |
633s | offthe shelf technology it's all custom |
635s | built for our game |
638s | um we you know we'll we'll get into |
641s | these more in a bit but Intrepid net is |
644s | made up of quite a few different |
646s | Technologies um the the one that you |
649s | know people are most interested in |
650s | people are always talking about is |
652s | server meshing we'll talk a lot about |
653s | server meshing and how we how we |
655s | implemented it for our game um we have |
658s | inter server replic |
660s | which is you know we have we have |
663s | multiple servers and they're replicating |
664s | to each other how do we deal with that |
666s | problem we have our own microservice |
669s | layer for servicing our |
673s | um uh communication I guess between our |
676s | servers um we have uh Dynamic griding |
681s | which is very exciting and you guys and |
683s | you guys will like a lot and then we |
685s | have the replication graph um which is |
687s | just more um custom replication uh I |
692s | would almost call them formulas um for |
694s | our game so we'll be going into all of |
697s | this it's very this is very detailed |
699s | very Tech heavy |
701s | so buckle in yeah we need some like |
703s | theme music for the Intrepid net logo |
705s | there too I know they were so excited |
708s | when Mike made a logo they're like so |
710s | nice of a logo I'm just thinking of like |
713s | the Indiana Jones theme song right |
716s | now right |
718s | totally the word do we start off with |
721s | this yeah so I'm going to kick it over |
723s | to Hunter and he'll kind of like start |
724s | with the like giving some of the base |
727s | knowledge for like how unreal works and |
729s | then he'll start with you know talking |
731s | about how some of our server technology |
733s | our server meshing technology |
735s | works yeah hello um so before we start |
738s | diving too deep into Intrepid net um |
741s | there's probably a few terminologies |
742s | that we wanted to preface with just so |
744s | that it helps the community and everyone |
746s | else here follow along better with like |
747s | the lingo and the terminology that we |
749s | will |
750s | using um the first concept that we |
752s | wanted to touch on is an actor um in |
755s | Unreal Engine you can think of an actor |
757s | as like almost any physical |
759s | representation of an object or an entity |
762s | that's inside the |
763s | world as you can see on the photo that |
766s | an actor can be anything such as an NPC |
769s | a mount a tint a piece of card cargo um |
774s | pretty much anything that you can |
775s | visually see and represent is what we |
777s | call an actor and these actors they be |
779s | replicated which we'll get into on the |
781s | next slide and PC would be a player |
784s | character for those who don't |
789s | know personal |
792s | Caravan so touching on replication here |
795s | um replication is a term you might often |
797s | hear in networking I believe Zach |
799s | touched upon that a little bit briefly |
800s | in his |
801s | introduction um replication is the |
804s | process of synchronizing some sort of |
806s | State you can think of it like a value |
808s | or a property that's on an actor on the |
810s | server and then it's synchronizing that |
812s | state from the server to all the clients |
814s | that are relevant to the said actor um |
818s | this is an important because of a |
819s | concept called server authoritative |
822s | networking um the server when you think |
825s | of like networking in video games the |
827s | server normally has authority over your |
829s | game world and the properties they're |
831s | normally updated and checked against the |
832s | server which can then be shared and |
834s | synchronized between your clients which |
836s | is through the form of replication |
840s | um this is also part of why you never |
843s | want to trust the client as we said |
845s | earlier um because when networking you |
847s | want when the client does some action to |
849s | the server for instance you always want |
851s | to verify that action on the server in |
853s | some way or shape or that's how you can |
855s | get hackers or cheaters or something |
857s | disrupting your game because they're |
859s | able to just send anything they want to |
860s | to the server and your server will just |
862s | trust it without verifying and then |
864s | that's where you can get the concept of |
866s | like I said hacking Andor |
868s | cheating um so as long as the server |
870s | kind of holds your source of Truth the |
871s | client sends the data that your server |
873s | doesn't agree with you can decline the |
874s | actions and or kick or ban the user |
876s | depending on how severe the action is |
878s | they're taking that you're not trying to |
883s | allow and obviously we've seen you know |
886s | a lot of games that we've played in |
887s | where as um as as the latency becomes uh |
893s | worse for certain players or as the load |
896s | on the server becomes higher um to |
899s | process |
900s | that replication can can show some weird |
903s | effects in games right wait a minute |
906s | what's that person doing that doesn't |
907s | look right yep that's when you would |
910s | that's typically when you would get like |
911s | rubber banding like if your serers |
913s | really slow down because you would only |
914s | get an update every you know X period of |
917s | time yeah so as you can kind of see in |
919s | the the video we showed you can kind of |
922s | see like player one is going into the |
923s | water this is from the perspective of |
925s | the server so as player one enters the |
927s | server it'll be like okay player one is |
929s | swimming so now player two and three |
931s | since they're visually seeing player one |
933s | swimming they're going to get a state |
935s | for player one saying they are swimming |
938s | and then that can kind of perform like |
939s | the necessary actions of like seeing |
941s | them play the swim animation or whatnot |
943s | and and and and like I guess to add on |
945s | to what Hunter is saying this is the |
947s | this is pretty much the entire problem |
949s | like you're doing this all the time for |
951s | everything in the game right that's |
953s | replicated all the time every movement |
956s | every ability every thing you click on |
958s | interact with |
960s | T yeah all the Goblins that are running |
962s | around they're playing animations uh the |
965s | players moving stuff in their inventory |
967s | the the trees leaves moving subtly yeah |
972s | the the trees falling being cut down |
974s | yeah so not everything needs to be |
977s | replicated across the server right some |
980s | things can be client only like the ways |
982s | the leaves might moves specifically but |
984s | when the tree gets cut down that needs |
986s | to get replicated across yeah well and |
989s | and and you you can do interesting |
991s | things to try and like reduce this |
994s | problem like like if we're talking about |
995s | the wind for example you could just |
997s | replicate you know the wind direction |
999s | and speed yes and then the client can |
1001s | just apply that to all the Tres instead |
1003s | of you having you know a specific |
1005s | replicated you know wind and speed for |
1008s | each tree for example right and that's |
1010s | part of the Finesse of replication right |
1012s | trying to identifing the problem exactly |
1015s | that's right yeah a big part of our job |
1017s | especially with working with gameplay is |
1018s | trying to figure out how make that as |
1020s | efficient and optimized as possible so |
1021s | that our game and servers can perform to |
1023s | the expectations we need speaking of |
1026s | servers the server meshing what |
1028s | everyone's been excited to talk about |
1030s | right so now we do replication so now |
1033s | originally we just talked about how |
1035s | replicating a one server works so now |
1038s | the first part of intrepid net is what |
1039s | we like to call what we basically |
1042s | normally know as as server |
1044s | meshing |
1046s | um in Unreal Engine um your game |
1048s | normally works under a single process |
1050s | server scenario that means all your |
1052s | clients are connected to a singular |
1054s | server that runs the entire game now for |
1056s | an MMO RPG like ashes of creation um |
1060s | this can't work for us like for a few |
1061s | reasons Zach talked about in the |
1063s | previous slide there's just with the |
1065s | mass amount of entities and actors we |
1067s | have simulating and processing the |
1069s | replication of all that for everyone |
1071s | every actor in one server that's pretty |
1075s | insane um our solution first and |
1077s | foremost here is basically we had to |
1080s | modify Unreal Engine so that it is |
1082s | capable of having many server processes |
1086s | that are kind of meshed together or |
1087s | quilted |
1088s | together that allows us to use all these |
1092s | servers together to make up your whole |
1093s | entire game world or your game |
1096s | room um this allows us to split up that |
1099s | simulation work between many of the |
1100s | server processes and each server process |
1103s | has its own authoritative state of the |
1105s | world that it kind of owns and controls |
1109s | um this task it was not a trivial task |
1112s | and it required us ripping apart deep |
1114s | layers of unal engine and their |
1116s | networking stack in order to really |
1118s | modify it to fit the architecture that |
1120s | we have really |
1122s | envisioned um outside of this too |
1125s | there's like a lot of proprietary |
1126s | programs as well that we made that kind |
1128s | of run in the background to help it |
1129s | orchestrate all this functionality as |
1132s | well and by using under engines API um |
1137s | and doing all this we were also able to |
1139s | add a lot of minimal overhead for our |
1141s | Engineers When developing for our this |
1143s | solution and it allows us General |
1144s | control over like what how things |
1147s | replicate and where they replicate that |
1149s | we'll get into in the next few |
1152s | slides |
1154s | um so right now you see we have like the |
1157s | static Dynamic world grid okay that's |
1159s | great but now you're probably thinking |
1161s | okay now that we stitch many service |
1163s | together what is my experience like that |
1165s | in regards to traversing the world will |
1168s | I be able to see into the other servers |
1170s | from mine or will I randomly just start |
1171s | seeing actors pop in and out of |
1173s | existence right in front of |
1175s | me that kind of takes us to this |
1177s | slide um so our answer to that of course |
1180s | is we want to make this experience as |
1182s | seamless as possible for our players if |
1184s | you cannot tell what's going on behind |
1186s | the scenes and everything that we've we |
1188s | are making then that means we did our |
1191s | job right if you can tell then it |
1192s | probably means something's wrong and we |
1194s | need to look at what we're doing here |
1196s | and how we can improve and optimize it |
1197s | further |
1200s | um we've developed what we call here |
1203s | inter server replication for this case |
1205s | which means that instead of traditional |
1208s | replication as you might have as we |
1210s | explained was like server to clients |
1213s | this is basically representing between |
1215s | servers now or replication between |
1217s | servers and we do this replication to |
1221s | what we call a proxy |
1223s | actor um as you can see in the video |
1226s | here we can see there was like a |
1227s | transparent White uh wall going across |
1230s | the screen that represents our in-game |
1232s | debug tools with our border regions |
1234s | being |
1235s | drawn you can see that vexent is on one |
1238s | server and then Kevin is on another one |
1241s | as he's on the other side of that border |
1243s | so what vexent is seeing right now is |
1244s | actually not Kevin but a proxy of Kevin |
1247s | is what we' have deemed it is it really |
1249s | Kevin yeah who knows if only could |
1252s | actually duplicate Kevin Hunter expand a |
1255s | little bit on you know a lot of lot of |
1258s | people who obviously aren't familiar |
1260s | with game development they might not |
1262s | understand the the terminology of |
1263s | debugging tools right so to talk a |
1265s | little bit about what a debug tool is |
1268s | right so when making a networking |
1270s | solution as complicated as this we need |
1273s | a lot of information about the state of |
1275s | the world what's happening where things |
1276s | are going on so we've developed a lot of |
1280s | like debugging tools that can be used |
1282s | inside the game and outside of the game |
1284s | which these tools kind of help us |
1286s | collect that information see where all |
1288s | the important things are happening see |
1290s | where a failure might be going on so in |
1293s | this particular instance we have a debug |
1295s | tool that's in game that allows our |
1297s | developers to kind of draw these server |
1299s | borders so that you can kind of see |
1301s | while you're playing like okay there's a |
1303s | border here um and then if QA is testing |
1306s | something they can be like okay we |
1308s | transferred across the server and then |
1309s | this broke so that means something's |
1311s | probably wrong with the server transfer |
1312s | so that can kind of just help you like |
1314s | narrow down more of the problem space |
1316s | and give you that necessary information |
1318s | of like what was going on at the |
1320s | time um because without that if if we |
1323s | have it turned off you pretty much |
1326s | hopefully should not be able to tell the |
1327s | difference between the proxy we talked |
1329s | about or the actual |
1331s | actor um you can kind of think of the |
1334s | proxies here as a puppet any |
1338s | actual um action that was done by the |
1341s | actual actor on its own like Authority |
1344s | server which is the server that owns it |
1347s | it's then replicated to this proxy on |
1349s | your server which then gets replicated |
1351s | to yourself so that you can kind of see |
1354s | the representation of Kevin as if he was |
1357s | on the same server as |
1359s | you um we do it in a form of like a we |
1362s | call it lightweight because it's an |
1364s | up-to-date copy of the original actor |
1366s | but we can specifically our developers |
1368s | can specifically control like what does |
1370s | and doesn't get sent to this actor so |
1372s | that we're more optimal in like what |
1375s | we're sending how we're sending it and |
1377s | when we're sending it |
1381s | that was a |
1382s | [Laughter] |
1384s | mouthful I I think I think the other |
1386s | thing you know to think about Hunter |
1388s | Zach Anton is that um not a lot of |
1391s | players obviously followed development |
1394s | of the games that they're excited about |
1396s | right they they wait until you know the |
1398s | game is ready to play and and marketing |
1400s | begins and you know they can join in and |
1402s | and purchase or whatever obviously ashes |
1405s | has followed a little bit of a different |
1406s | path where we're giving people a bit of |
1408s | insight into you know what it actually |
1410s | takes to make these types of games and |
1413s | we generally tend not to delve too |
1416s | deeply into the highly technical |
1418s | components of our development process |
1421s | because that's where a little bit of a |
1423s | cliff starts to form of player interest |
1426s | even you know viewership interest um |
1429s | because uh it's nice to have the magic |
1432s | work in the background and you don't |
1434s | necessarily care or want to know how or |
1436s | why it's working just that it feels good |
1439s | that the you know it's responsive and |
1441s | that you know it accomplishes from a |
1443s | gameplay Loop perspective what you're |
1445s | expecting it to but you know because of |
1448s | the level of complexity because of the |
1450s | amount of effort because of what we're |
1452s | trying to create is a is a Next |
1456s | Generation level of complexity of gaming |
1460s | um we feel it's important to provide you |
1464s | guys an opportunity to get some insight |
1467s | into what we're doing that's unique into |
1469s | what we're doing that is going to |
1472s | service a long-term mmor RPG at the |
1476s | scale that we need Ashes to be and that |
1480s | requires some really smart people in the |
1482s | room who are creating proprietary |
1485s | technology that allows us to achieve |
1488s | that in a way that presents players with |
1490s | a game at the Quality they expect and so |
1493s | I you know I think this is a lot of a |
1494s | lot of fun to kind of you know have you |
1496s | guys come and and explain this front |
1499s | facing it can be a mouthful it can be a |
1501s | headful to kind of digest but at the |
1504s | same time well yeah I know we're no |
1506s | we're near done but at the same time it |
1508s | gives you now an opportunity to to |
1510s | really see how the sausage is made um |
1514s | and I think that's cool I can talk about |
1516s | this all |
1517s | day people don't talk about this there |
1520s | are so many games that are that are |
1521s | doing things like this not exactly but |
1525s | like you know there are other games that |
1526s | have to solve these problems and you |
1528s | know other games don't talk about this |
1530s | you know this is this is a first |
1533s | absolutely |
1535s | right yeah so as you see in the video um |
1539s | you can see into the other server but |
1542s | now you're probably thinking okay what |
1544s | if I want to interact with this proxy |
1546s | how how do I do that across a server |
1549s | boundary well um because the proxy is |
1552s | like a puppet controlled by the higher |
1555s | authority we basically just now need |
1557s | events that we can from the proxy up to |
1560s | its Authority and then we tell the |
1562s | authority that we want to modify data or |
1564s | execute some action on the authority |
1566s | server so that it can then replicate |
1568s | down to the proxy and then back to you |
1571s | um we have what we call a cross server |
1574s | event or an inter server event that's |
1576s | done through what's normally known as an |
1579s | RPC or remote procedure call which |
1581s | allows pretty much just for |
1583s | this um our goal with entrepren net is |
1587s | to make all the routing and actions that |
1589s | we do as fast as possible so that we can |
1591s | keep the latency and interactions |
1593s | between servers a pretty seamless |
1595s | experience and you hopefully shouldn't |
1597s | even be able to tell the difference |
1599s | between like I said a proxy or an |
1600s | authoritative actor yeah and I guess to |
1604s | add here this is so important because |
1606s | you know these these server borders that |
1608s | we're talking about they're invisible |
1610s | you you you won't know where they are um |
1613s | so the I think the big important thing |
1617s | here is like we need to have we need |
1618s | make it so PVP can happen on these |
1620s | borders without people noticing um and |
1623s | that's that's that's that's really |
1625s | that's the real Crux of it here that's |
1626s | why it has to be so |
1628s | fast right and as you can see in like |
1631s | the video here we have some fighting |
1633s | across the border um you can see while |
1635s | we're fighting kind of over the boundary |
1637s | combat and everything seems pretty |
1638s | seamless and smooth as you would expect |
1640s | it without any noticeable issues um this |
1643s | is kind of showcasing like what we can |
1645s | do with just those events and that |
1647s | replication we talked about out we can |
1649s | have these like indepth battles or |
1653s | interactions between the servers with |
1655s | hardly any downside yep |
1658s | um so but what we're trying to achieve |
1661s | here is the seamless experience that you |
1664s | hopefully can't tell where that border |
1665s | crossing is and and the other important |
1668s | thing about this particular you know |
1670s | this cross server uh information and in |
1673s | the Border itself which I think you guys |
1675s | are getting into a little bit later is |
1677s | that these borders are not static they |
1679s | can change they are Dynamic you're |
1680s | you're spoiling it Ste I'm I'm sorry I'm |
1684s | sorry I'm so sorry this is my first time |
1686s | seeing the |
1688s | slide okay go no no go I'm sorry I think |
1691s | you were talking about seamless |
1692s | transition so we |
1694s | can yeah so if you look in or go back |
1697s | one more Maggie I'm |
1698s | sorry um so if you kind of seen in the |
1700s | video there as well um now that we can |
1704s | kind of do interactions to the proxies |
1705s | across the border you may have noticed |
1707s | in the video I did charge myself across |
1709s | the border and then I basically attacked |
1712s | what we call the proxy of |
1714s | Kevin however during that charge we did |
1718s | basically a server promotion that took |
1719s | place behind the scenes that you |
1721s | probably didn't |
1723s | notice um so if we go to the next |
1726s | slide we can kind of see now we're |
1729s | introducing the concept of server |
1730s | transfers this is kind of where Intrepid |
1733s | net gets very |
1736s | complex um this allows us to not |
1739s | share and split the statically defined |
1741s | server areas but we can also transfer |
1743s | actors to new server areas that are |
1745s | moving across the world or happen to |
1747s | have a new server come up on top of |
1750s | it into a different server and then we |
1753s | do and then this allows us to do |
1755s | basically that Global load balancing |
1757s | across the |
1758s | room and then so basically when a player |
1761s | or an actor is within range of this |
1763s | border our system on the back end kind |
1766s | of begins a negotiation and the creation |
1769s | of a proxy so that it can replicate it |
1771s | to the nearby |
1773s | server um this doesn't only happen on |
1776s | like a one by one scenario that you |
1778s | might see here even if it's a 2 by two |
1780s | and you're in like the corner of four |
1782s | different |
1783s | servers your proxy will then get |
1785s | replicated be replicated to on three |
1787s | different servers from the one Authority |
1789s | so that way no matter where you are |
1791s | whichever server you're in around that |
1792s | area you'll still be able to see this |
1794s | actor on a different server |
1801s | um if that actor then fully crosses the |
1805s | Border going outside of the authority |
1807s | region of the server it's currently in |
1809s | um this the the two servers then kind of |
1812s | start negotiating what we call a |
1813s | promotion or a transfer this is when now |
1816s | server a is passing over that Authority |
1819s | we previously defined to server |
1822s | B and then promotions they're like a |
1824s | whole different Beast um in order to do |
1826s | a lot of like the promotions there's a |
1828s | couple things we have to do such as like |
1830s | ensuring the first you have to ensure |
1831s | the actor is like fully made with all of |
1833s | its components and |
1835s | children um we have to ensure they're |
1837s | all up to date with the entire state |
1839s | that was deemed necessary for the new |
1840s | copy to have because we don't want to |
1842s | lose any data during this entire |
1846s | transfer um and Hunter you people hear |
1849s | the term like you know children and the |
1851s | state and whatnot elaborate a little bit |
1853s | about you know what what that means at a |
1855s | high level right so |
1858s | uh when we have all these entities such |
1860s | as like an actor actors can then have on |
1863s | them what we call components which is |
1866s | basically building blocks that you can |
1868s | then add to your actor that kind of make |
1870s | up the actor what it does how it's |
1872s | supposed to act things like that um so |
1875s | for example you could have like an actor |
1878s | and then that actor has an interactable |
1879s | component so that means you can interact |
1881s | with this actor or it could have an |
1883s | inventory component so that means okay |
1886s | this actor has something of like a bank |
1888s | or um it it stores goods and to |
1892s | contextualize that let's say you know |
1894s | you have your Mount out you're not on |
1896s | your Mount right another player could |
1898s | walk up to your Mount and they would be |
1899s | prompted with an interact that says to |
1901s | Mount Your Mount as you're moving across |
1903s | the boundary that actor has that |
1906s | component that is the interactable |
1908s | component that needs to go with it right |
1911s | because if you transfer this actor or |
1913s | you're proxying it it still you still |
1915s | need to be able to do that interaction |
1916s | across the boundary so we proxy that |
1919s | interaction component and just like we |
1921s | can do crossover events on the actor |
1923s | itself we can also do them at the |
1925s | component level so that way it can |
1926s | communicate with its authoritative |
1929s | one um because we kind of treat the |
1931s | proxies as like a readon concept so the |
1934s | proxies are just visually kind of |
1936s | representating what the authority |
1938s | represents so any data modifications or |
1941s | anything that has to happen has to |
1942s | happen at the authoritative level so |
1944s | that way then the proxy can get updated |
1946s | appropriately across any Sur |
1948s | um that's kind of how we have like that |
1950s | Central truth of the actor is whatever |
1952s | server it's Authority on and there's |
1954s | only ever one copy of that I just want |
1956s | you to know this conversation so far has |
1959s | probably induced about 30 to 50 people |
1963s | now wanting to take computer science |
1965s | degrees that would be awesome yeah no |
1968s | it's it's pretty cool stuff |
1971s | um it definitely took a lot of time and |
1974s | a lot of effort to try to figure out how |
1975s | we make these things possible and after |
1977s | all this work this is we're excited to |
1979s | be able to show it um although watching |
1982s | Kevin run back and forth is making me a |
1984s | little |
1985s | nauseous yeah so in the scenarios 2 this |
1989s | also works where you may not be proxying |
1991s | to that nearby server because say you |
1993s | teleport across the |
1994s | map um this kind of means that when |
1997s | promoting there it kind of does the same |
1999s | exact route except it may just need to |
2001s | make your actor instead of making a |
2003s | proxy of it so it all falls kind of |
2005s | under the same generalized um system |
2009s | no um and then when we normally do have |
2013s | that proxy actor on the other server |
2015s | that means when you're promoting we can |
2017s | reuse your existing two actors that are |
2019s | from server a and server B your |
2020s | Authority and the proxy and we can |
2023s | convert that proxy to the authority and |
2025s | then demote The Authority one to a proxy |
2028s | so this allows us more to have that more |
2030s | seamless experience when you're swapping |
2032s | servers so that way it's a lot faster |
2035s | you don't need to send a lot more data |
2037s | to copy over to be created and then |
2039s | there's not really any visual hitching |
2041s | at all when this happens because we're |
2044s | not spawning or destroying a new one on |
2045s | the fly during that |
2048s | promotion and this helps also with |
2050s | client |
2051s | performance it it can um not going too |
2055s | too into detail but yeah talk actors |
2059s | aren't actors really aren't cheap so |
2061s | replicating an actor can be expensive |
2064s | and every new actor you kind of open and |
2066s | close to the client which which is |
2068s | basically like a create or a destroy |
2071s | that just adds this additional overhead |
2073s | that you we didn't want so we can kind |
2075s | of negate it by just reusing the |
2077s | existing one we already |
2079s | have and then doing that swap so that |
2082s | way you don't even notice anything |
2084s | happened because something Stephen no no |
2087s | he got it on the spawn and Destroy nice |
2089s | okay yeah yeah like like I said our goal |
2092s | is to make it as seamless as possible |
2094s | and one of the main pillars when we were |
2096s | making this uh ire system |
2100s | was we try not doing anything on the |
2103s | client if all of our actions are kind of |
2105s | done on the server in a fast and |
2108s | efficient way the client shouldn't |
2109s | notice anything happening at all and |
2111s | that's kind of where this comes in |
2114s | because we don't want the client to |
2115s | notice so every time we're doing |
2117s | something we're like okay how can we do |
2119s | this without affecting the client's |
2120s | experience because we don't want them to |
2122s | have a bad time |
2124s | yeah okay so um let's talk a little bit |
2130s | about how all this stuff is |
2133s | working uh because yeah we are |
2135s | communicating between servers we're |
2137s | sending events between servers we are |
2139s | transferring between servers but how is |
2143s | that information flowing how do the |
2145s | clients end up seeing that stuff and |
2149s | typically uh the way this is done is uh |
2153s | you create a centralized |
2155s | replicator and all the different ser |
2158s | servers from all across the realm send |
2161s | all the relevant information about all |
2163s | the different entities to that |
2165s | replicator so let's say one server has |
2168s | um a bunny and that bunny moved around |
2172s | it sends that information to the |
2173s | replicator and now the server has a |
2175s | goblin that took damage it will send |
2177s | that information to the |
2179s | replicator and then all the players will |
2182s | connect to that replicator and the |
2184s | replicator will pass pass through all |
2186s | those different entities |
2189s | decide which player should see which |
2191s | entities and send that information to |
2194s | the specific |
2196s | player however this creates a few issues |
2200s | and you might actually be able to see it |
2201s | from that graph there that we've just |
2203s | created a |
2205s | bottleneck uh as this singular process |
2207s | now may need to keep track of hundreds |
2210s | of thousands of |
2211s | entities and |
2214s | send potentially hundreds of millions of |
2217s | updates to all those clients because all |
2220s | those bunnies moving and the goblins and |
2223s | the players and the trees falling all |
2225s | that information has to be passed |
2227s | through the replicator and then sent to |
2229s | each individual client and I guess |
2232s | something to add here too Antoine is |
2233s | like this is the that would just be |
2235s | moving the problem we're trying to like |
2238s | like if we had a single server this this |
2240s | would this would be the same problem |
2242s | where all all the replication is |
2244s | happening on one place and we're trying |
2245s | to we're trying to not do that Yes |
2248s | actually we tested a solution like this |
2251s | uh during alha one and this |
2255s | bottleneck it kind of affects how many |
2257s | players you can have in the realm as a |
2260s | total like you can spawn all the servers |
2262s | you want but one at some point you hit a |
2264s | limit on the replicator itself and it |
2266s | doesn't matter how many more servers you |
2268s | spawn you are limited by that cap on the |
2271s | replicator uh during alpha 1 the number |
2274s | we got was like I think about a th000 |
2277s | players |
2278s | where after hitting that point you can |
2281s | no longer really scale anymore and it's |
2284s | important to note that because of this |
2288s | more I guess for lack of a better term |
2291s | archaic and monolithic approach which |
2293s | which many of us have likely experienced |
2295s | in older games there are certain |
2298s | scenarios in those games that are |
2300s | multiplayer where you start to see that |
2302s | server is having trouble and it's |
2304s | because it's hitting these types of |
2306s | Choke points |
2308s | yes and in fact when this replicator is |
2311s | overwhelmed the entire realm will lag it |
2313s | doesn't matter if you're alone in one |
2315s | server in a remote island you will lag |
2318s | because there is a big battle on the |
2319s | other side of the realm that's I |
2321s | remember in so many so many games where |
2323s | I would be out hunting and peaceful |
2326s | nobody's nearby and I'm noticing |
2328s | everything is starting to churn and I'm |
2330s | like what is going on and then I'll look |
2332s | into Global chat and I'll see oh [Β __Β ] |
2335s | they're having a huge fight somewhere |
2337s | across the realm in a totally different |
2339s | part of the world and I am suffering as |
2341s | a result of it |
2345s | indeed I guess it's a good bridge to our |
2348s | to what we're doing yeah it is a pretty |
2349s | good Bridge cuz basically we yeah we |
2354s | ases of creation is trying to aim for |
2356s | player counts that we found out that |
2358s | centralized replicator does not support |
2361s | so we had to come up with our own |
2363s | solution and uh this is from what we |
2366s | know not a very |
2368s | common solution possibly because it's |
2371s | more difficult to pull off uh what we |
2375s | basically did is we completely got rid |
2377s | of that centralized replicator and |
2378s | instead we had the servers themselves |
2381s | collaborate with the other servers |
2383s | around them and exchange information |
2386s | that way that and that makes each |
2389s | individual server have all the data they |
2392s | need to serve the clients that are |
2394s | connected to them uh in our scenario |
2398s | over here you can see we have four |
2399s | servers and two clients are connected to |
2402s | each one of those servers if we had a |
2404s | centralized replicator all those four |
2407s | servers would be connected to that one |
2409s | replicator and then all eight clients |
2412s | would be connected to that one |
2413s | replicator to so we've actually |
2416s | distributed the problem we've eliminated |
2419s | the bottleneck and we've also eliminated |
2423s | this one point of failure that existed |
2426s | beforehand where if that one replicator |
2428s | fails the entire realm goes |
2431s | down and we can actually yeah have a |
2435s | look at the uh next slide where we see |
2439s | uh how we are more fault |
2443s | tolerant uh than if we have a |
2445s | centralized |
2446s | replicator uh and we can actually yeah |
2450s | you can swap to the next slide there you |
2452s | go we have the uh the entire server grid |
2455s | over there and if one server goes down |
2458s | everyone else can uh keep playing it |
2461s | like normal we patch that server up we |
2464s | fix the issue we bring it back up and |
2468s | everyone else never experienced anything |
2469s | the players that were connected to that |
2471s | one server got booted and then can |
2473s | rejoin just fine uh if we had a |
2475s | centralized replicator if that |
2477s | replicator went down everyone gets |
2479s | booted |
2481s | so yeah so that's another uh another |
2485s | good uh benefit from our approach the |
2488s | the really big gain we achieved with |
2490s | this was the elimination of the |
2493s | bottleneck uh and it actually lets us |
2496s | scale we are |
2498s | truly distributed we can just spawn new |
2501s | servers to a certain point of course and |
2504s | this is this is not and by the way Anton |
2506s | like this is not just a strength |
2508s | obviously of the of the replication |
2510s | model of of the of the server grid |
2512s | itself you know being distributed in |
2514s | such a good way but when you have to |
2516s | bring such a mod lithic server down |
2519s | because of that because of let's say |
2520s | whatever error you can't determine that |
2522s | has a Cascade effect across you know |
2525s | everything you're having to to affect |
2528s | the database to affect the login servers |
2530s | to have the player cues going off again |
2533s | the ability for this to truly be |
2535s | distributed and for us to be fault |
2538s | tolerant is an entirely different player |
2540s | experience when it comes to these large |
2543s | massive MMO RPG uh type settings yeah I |
2546s | mean it's it's very typical you know |
2548s | like with you know an MMO like that |
2552s | something else is happening in the world |
2553s | somewhere someone's hacking someone's |
2555s | you know there's a really large maybe |
2557s | there's a really large raid or or Siege |
2559s | happening and the the server Falls over |
2563s | and then everyone gets kicked with our |
2565s | model that doesn't happen the the rest |
2567s | of the server is fine performance is |
2569s | still fine in the rest of the server |
2570s | people can keep playing if that server |
2572s | goes down we you know we we'll deal with |
2574s | it we'll spin it back up and it we'll |
2576s | just seamlessly rejoin red once it's |
2578s | once we're back in a good |
2582s | State and this like eliminating the |
2585s | replicator was um definitely not easy uh |
2590s | and it actually it caus us quite a few |
2593s | problems but let's investigate one of |
2595s | those problems and the solutions we came |
2598s | up to uh solve it |
2602s | so the because we did not want to create |
2606s | an |
2609s | really large connection network between |
2612s | all the different servers we essentially |
2614s | connect the servers to the |
2617s | nearby servers the neighboring or like |
2620s | some that are close by uh and that is |
2624s | fine in most situations over here we can |
2626s | see there's two players in um two |
2629s | neighboring servers those those servers |
2631s | communicate so if those two players are |
2633s | in a party even though they might be a |
2636s | little bit too far away to see each |
2637s | other |
2638s | they can still see each other on the map |
2641s | however in a more complex situation |
2644s | where that other player is maybe on the |
2647s | other side of their realm now those |
2650s | servers do no longer have a connection a |
2653s | direct connection to each other so we |
2656s | have created a problem how can player |
2660s | one see player two when player two is on |
2662s | the other side of the world when if we |
2664s | had a centralize replicator sure we have |
2667s | the data just there we can figure it out |
2669s | but we do not uh what do we do about |
2672s | that and uh to solve uh that uh issue we |
2677s | created a concept called |
2681s | microservices microservices |
2684s | are Imagine them kind of |
2687s | like servers on top of the servers like |
2691s | um like some database for example but |
2694s | it's active it's not just storage |
2697s | they're doing |
2698s | work uh we have a node service that is |
2701s | responsible for um leveling up and |
2704s | keeping track of all the nodes and the |
2707s | upgrades that have to be done to to |
2709s | nodes we have a population service that |
2712s | is doing the spawning across all the |
2715s | Realms and we have a Social Service |
2718s | which would be for example what |
2722s | um what would affect the party example |
2725s | that we just uh talked about |
2728s | this means that server one and server 8 |
2731s | on the diagram can connect to that |
2733s | social service and exchange the |
2735s | locations of those two players that way |
2738s | player one and player eight can have |
2741s | exactly the information they need to be |
2744s | able to see each other on the |
2746s | map and we act we yep what was it |
2750s | Stephen oh nope that wasn't me oh that |
2753s | wasn't you I can't s my bad um so uh |
2757s | yeah and this actually gave us some |
2759s | extra benefits we were able to make some |
2761s | pretty cool tools with it because we |
2764s | wanted to be able to see to have like an |
2767s | overview of what happens to the entire |
2769s | realm we wanted to be able to keep track |
2771s | of all the players all the NPCs see all |
2774s | the different gathers being spawned see |
2777s | all the |
2778s | trees and that's kind of hard to do if |
2782s | we just connect to a single server and |
2784s | then see what's on that one server and |
2785s | then jump on another server and see |
2787s | what's there so we created a service |
2790s | that keeps track of all entities in the |
2792s | world and a tool that can allow us to |
2796s | view those |
2797s | entities and this is a pretty cool tool |
2800s | because we can see the players moving |
2802s | around we can see them uh participate in |
2805s | events we can see the NPCs dying we can |
2807s | see them collect gather bles so if |
2810s | there's any issue with the spawning on |
2812s | GA of Gables will detect it and |
2815s | hopefully fix it it's a I think the big |
2817s | thing to to say here is like you know we |
2820s | can we can see the entire world state |
2822s | which we yes generally can't do because |
2825s | we're so distributed and everything's so |
2827s | server Central but since we have these |
2829s | Services we can make a debug service |
2831s | like this and we can see the entire |
2833s | world yeah watching you yeah I also |
2837s | wanted to piggyback off of that Anton of |
2839s | your services um the services as well |
2842s | are also pretty much distributed like |
2844s | going for our model so that if one of |
2847s | the systems go down it's not taking down |
2849s | the entire all every game system so if |
2851s | we just if the chat service goes or the |
2853s | Social Service for example goes down you |
2855s | may just not be able to chat or form a |
2857s | party for a few minutes until it comes |
2858s | back up but you should still be able to |
2860s | interact with like your guild your node |
2862s | your mail Etc and we try making the |
2865s | services as well fault tolerant like we |
2867s | explained earlier um so that way they |
2870s | can come back up go down come back up on |
2872s | the Fly get hot fixed and so that we can |
2875s | still provide that seamless experience |
2877s | while the feature may not be working |
2879s | everything else should still be working |
2880s | in the meantime right and because |
2882s | they're they're componentized in this |
2883s | you know microservices approach right |
2886s | there is not an interconnectivity where |
2888s | you have one failure in a single service |
2890s | causes a cascading effect across all the |
2893s | services right exactly they're they're |
2894s | independent of one another that allows |
2896s | for a recovery time a recovery process |
2899s | to stand back up while the other |
2901s | services continue their operations |
2903s | exactly and then these debugging tools |
2905s | allow us to see where those problem |
2906s | areas are or what what situation or |
2909s | actor might be causing a problem right |
2911s | exactly we don't have all the tools |
2913s | slide for all the tools but we do have |
2915s | monitoring tools for all the different |
2917s | Services we know when they're lagging we |
2919s | know when they're down we know we can |
2921s | monitor pretty much everything it's |
2922s | pretty cool yes it's very |
2925s | cool cool now let's get let's get into |
2927s | the really fun stuff now next one is |
2929s | this one is the community has actually |
2931s | been talking about quite a bit yeah I |
2933s | saw a bunch I saw a bunch of videos |
2935s | people are people are have been talking |
2937s | a about this yeah so go into it Anton |
2940s | because this is this is your thing yeah |
2942s | oh God I have been I've been looking |
2945s | forward to like since I joined the |
2947s | company I've been wanting to implement |
2949s | this and uh this is um an answer to a |
2955s | problem and that problem that he trying |
2958s | to answer is sure you have all those |
2961s | different servers but usually player |
2964s | activity tends to condense to certain |
2967s | are areas let's say a large PVP battle |
2969s | is happening at some place um and when |
2974s | that happens that one server can be |
2977s | overwhelmed and you usually wouldn't |
2980s | want to just create tiny servers for |
2984s | everything because that can be |
2985s | incredibly expensive and |
2988s | wasteful but having those smaller |
2991s | servers would be really useful so what |
2994s | if you can do it dynamically what if you |
2997s | can detect when a server is overwhelmed |
3000s | and then split it this is what dynamic |
3003s | grading it is and it can be a little bit |
3007s | of a little bit tricky to implement uh |
3010s | the difficulty of it is that you just |
3013s | now split a server and you want the |
3015s | players to not realize they were casting |
3018s | abilities they were running around and a |
3021s | new server just spawned they were moved |
3023s | there and no one realized that is a |
3026s | difficulty there I want to add here is |
3028s | like these cases in which we're |
3029s | splitting a server they're complex |
3032s | because if we're splitting a server |
3033s | there's a lot going on so it's not like |
3036s | we can like there's just a couple people |
3037s | we can split them we can do like a a |
3039s | quick fade and it will be fine if we're |
3042s | splitting the server it's because it's |
3044s | it's |
3045s | underload and there's there's a lot of |
3047s | action going on so we want to keep that |
3049s | action going on and not interrupt it |
3051s | while we while we balance the load |
3052s | across multiple servers and and it's |
3054s | important to you know call back again to |
3056s | the very beginning of this conversation |
3059s | right how do you determine the types of |
3061s | architecture necessary you must first |
3065s | understand what is the mission statement |
3067s | of the game and Ashes is built with a |
3070s | lot of open world Dynamic and emergent |
3074s | player behaviors that are attempting to |
3077s | encourage High player densities at any |
3081s | point within the open World locations |
3084s | which makes this particular problem a |
3087s | requirement when determining |
3088s | architecture of how do we address this |
3092s | right and I'm not familiar with and you |
3094s | know Zach Anton Hunter I'm not sure if |
3096s | you guys are but I'm not familiar with |
3098s | any other techstack or networking |
3100s | approach that has a dynamic griding |
3103s | solution in order to better accommodate |
3106s | and facilitate that emergent player |
3109s | density Behavior yeah I mean we we we |
3113s | are not the first people to try this |
3114s | this is this is something that a lot of |
3116s | people have tried it's it is you know |
3119s | the the answer to to scalability if you |
3121s | if you can get it right and that is you |
3123s | know that is our our mission here is to |
3125s | get this right we want to be the people |
3128s | that solve this problem and because if |
3131s | we solve this the the the the level of |
3134s | battles and uh dynamicism I guess we'll |
3137s | be able to have in ashes is going to be |
3140s | unparalleled to any other game yeah and |
3143s | to make something clear we're not |
3144s | talking about the far future five years |
3147s | from now uh this is current currently in |
3150s | development and we are uh hoping at |
3154s | least to have it available by Alpha 2 um |
3158s | and the server mesing part of it is |
3160s | already in game yeah so the dyamic |
3164s | aspect of yeah so the static part yeah |
3166s | is already is already going it's been |
3168s | going for manys now yeah years years now |
3171s | um and you know the the all of our Dev |
3174s | test servers people are on them every |
3175s | day running it it's fine |
3177s | uh this is this is like you know if |
3180s | where where we're investing our Dev time |
3182s | right now is getting this perfect mhm |
3185s | get getting this ready for the entrance |
3187s | of Alpha 2 Y and hopefully ases of |
3191s | creation is going to be uh the first |
3193s | game that implements this technology and |
3195s | actually deploys it yes that would be |
3197s | really fun you got to work quickly guys |
3200s | if you want that moving |
3204s | moving very cool this is exciting |
3210s | it up to uh to Hunter yeah yeah I I |
3213s | guess now that we've you know all these |
3216s | slides before this we were talking about |
3217s | Distributing the problem separating the |
3219s | problem um into multiple servers so we |
3223s | don't have to deal with like you know |
3224s | thousands and thousands of players and |
3227s | on on the same server doing |
3229s | replication um but you know we still |
3231s | have like the core problem here right we |
3235s | can only split servers so far we can't |
3236s | you know make them like 10 met by 10 met |
3238s | we can't do that it's going to be too |
3240s | small so we need to we need to still |
3243s | support you know a high you get a server |
3246s | you get a server exactly exactly so we |
3249s | still need to solve the like the core |
3251s | problem of how many players can we get |
3253s | on a server have them replicate and |
3255s | simulate at the same |
3258s | time so uh I'll pass it over to 100 |
3261s | he'll kind of go into like I guess the |
3263s | problems that we have when we're when |
3265s | we're with with with unal replication |
3268s | and how we've gone about speeding them |
3270s | up so we can uh support many many many |
3274s | uh hundreds of players on a |
3276s | server yeah um so kind of piggybacking |
3279s | off what Zach said like what do we do |
3281s | when a large amount of players are say |
3283s | following your favorite streamer into a |
3286s | a small area and then like we can't just |
3289s | keep dividing our servers into such tiny |
3291s | areas and |
3293s | that you're needing a single server |
3296s | that's still |
3297s | of a reasonable size to then be able to |
3300s | process the heavier load and replication |
3303s | that's happening in that exact area at |
3304s | that exact |
3305s | moment um so in order to do that we have |
3309s | to then figure out how we can increase |
3312s | the number of players and entities that |
3314s | a single server can support and this |
3317s | doing so will also help us increase our |
3319s | overall like concurrent user limits per |
3321s | realm um because as a rough napkin math |
3323s | of course you know you take the players |
3325s | per server multiply that by the number |
3326s | number of servers and there's your CCU |
3328s | right it's that easy yeah that's how it |
3332s | obviously um so I'm going to kind of go |
3335s | into now uh we're going to touch back up |
3338s | on kind of what we explained earlier |
3339s | like why is replication |
3342s | expensive like what's going on |
3345s | um so we kind of wanted to explain that |
3350s | like on this slide here for example you |
3351s | can see an example of a CPU performance |
3355s | profile that we took during a large |
3357s | scale bot test um you can see here that |
3361s | like the single frame we're staring at |
3363s | took 150 milliseconds for example now |
3366s | 150 milliseconds may not seem like much |
3369s | but when you want to for example you're |
3370s | talking about servers and tick |
3372s | rates um and if you're trying to Target |
3375s | say a 30 or 60 frames per second or |
3377s | ticks per second server you only get a |
3380s | budget of about like 33 milliseconds or |
3382s | 16 milliseconds per frame in order to |
3385s | keep that stable High |
3387s | tick time can you talk a little bit |
3390s | about what you're referring to when |
3391s | you're when you're talking about tick |
3392s | rates and |
3394s | ticks um |
3397s | so as your game server runs |
3400s | every it it runs and processes basically |
3403s | the entire world at like an interval of |
3406s | ticks or frames is what it's called the |
3408s | faster you can do all that processing |
3410s | the faster your gameplay and experience |
3412s | is going to be um if you're targeting |
3416s | say roughly 30 to 60 frames per second |
3418s | which is a pretty good um targets to |
3421s | have for like a game server of like an |
3423s | MMO that needs to be very fast paced and |
3425s | have like very good performance FPS is |
3428s | different than client FPS yes but but |
3431s | but they they 30 is not acceptable I |
3435s | just want to make they're vaguely |
3436s | coupled so you one one of the things you |
3439s | would notice like if server performance |
3440s | went down is you would notice rubber |
3442s | banding like when you see like people |
3444s | just jumping around the world or you |
3446s | would notice your latency goes up and |
3448s | you notice that by like you're you know |
3449s | you're trying to you know do PVP and you |
3452s | feel you know you you you cast Fireball |
3455s | and you feel the latency between the |
3457s | time you casted it and when it actually |
3460s | executed on the server so the the this |
3462s | this this time these like these tick |
3464s | times that we're talking about that's |
3466s | what it correlates to for the player |
3468s | right because normally when you do an |
3469s | action the client triggers something it |
3471s | tells the server hey do this and the |
3473s | server then replicates back to your |
3475s | client if these frames are taking a long |
3477s | time to process in between that means |
3479s | your server just has artificial latency |
3481s | and it's taking a lot longer to then |
3483s | process that incoming message to then |
3485s | return back to you um so like in this |
3488s | 150 millisecond scenario if our game was |
3491s | steadily running every frame at like 150 |
3493s | milliseconds of time to process that |
3496s | would drop our server down to roughly |
3498s | like six ticks or six frames per second |
3500s | which then you will really heavily |
3502s | around that time start feeling like |
3503s | latency rubber banding uh Dr packets Etc |
3508s | and and then that's not acceptable for |
3510s | an action combat PVP MMO like it just |
3513s | doesn't work |
3515s | right so I played those games it |
3519s | definitely doesn't |
3520s | work we all have blamed lag before |
3524s | right so so so we know that this is |
3526s | unacceptable what do we have to do to |
3528s | optimize this right so now this kind of |
3532s | tells us replication and now it's like |
3534s | okay let's dive a bit deeper into why |
3536s | this replication is very |
3539s | expensive um one of the big excuse |
3544s | me one of the big um major factors |
3547s | replication can be slow is because first |
3550s | when you want to do your replication you |
3552s | have to gather and determine basically |
3555s | relevancy of every actor in the game to |
3558s | not only your connection but every other |
3560s | connection that's being processed in |
3561s | that |
3562s | frame so relevancy is used and needed to |
3566s | determine basically how far away an |
3568s | actor is from your player and then there |
3570s | might be some other like comment some |
3572s | other checks that they may need to do |
3573s | like is invisible or not but for |
3576s | Simplicity sake we're just going to base |
3577s | it off a distance for now so then it's |
3581s | basically comparing that distance to you |
3584s | and saying okay are you eligible for me |
3587s | to replicate to you because we obviously |
3589s | don't want things being considered to |
3591s | replicate to you if it's like across the |
3593s | world like you don't care what's |
3594s | happening on the far Northern end of the |
3596s | the continent while you're all the way |
3597s | down on the southern end like that's |
3599s | just that's just going to waste a lot of |
3600s | processing and |
3602s | bandwidth um so the relevancy checks |
3607s | like this gets way more expensive the |
3609s | more players and more actors you have |
3611s | that are replicated because then it's |
3613s | for every actor for every player am I |
3616s | within range of them yeah and when we're |
3618s | talking about an MMO where you know |
3620s | you're going to have thousands of |
3621s | players on the server thousands of NPCs |
3624s | uh tens of thousands of replicated |
3626s | actors you know you can't you just can't |
3628s | check all you can't do a distance check |
3630s | on all of those things in a reasonable |
3632s | amount of time right and so this is an |
3635s | optimization here for networking |
3636s | purposes but it also leads to then |
3639s | slowing down your CPU resources because |
3642s | again you have to do that like every |
3644s | tick or at every whatever interval you |
3645s | set to do these |
3647s | checks um as we if we looked at the |
3650s | previous example for example I believe |
3652s | the I don't think it shows in the |
3654s | profile but roughly a little bit over |
3657s | onethird of that total time and that |
3659s | profile was just doing the relevancy |
3662s | checks um a good thing about our model |
3666s | though because all of our servers are |
3667s | distributed they only have to do those |
3669s | relevancy checks for just everything |
3672s | within that then distributed Zone as of |
3675s | if we had that Central replicator it |
3677s | would that replicator would then have to |
3678s | still process every single player every |
3681s | single actor Etc in the world in some |
3683s | way shape or form to then determine if |
3685s | it should be relevant to you or or not |
3687s | so by splitting up and doing the |
3690s | distributed server load like we're doing |
3692s | this allows us then to kind of reduce |
3694s | that problem area but it's still a |
3696s | problem yeah it's still really big |
3698s | because it's still a really big problem |
3700s | now adding more servers to the solution |
3701s | that can make it smaller and smaller but |
3704s | eventually there's like we want to get |
3707s | it as fast as possible so it's like how |
3709s | how how do we make this better how do we |
3711s | make this faster to be clear that |
3713s | profile was using uh inter it had a |
3717s | server messing and it still was 40 35% |
3722s | uh uh relevancy checks so we need to |
3725s | reduce those relevancy checks uh how how |
3728s | do we do that how can we tell unreal not |
3732s | to do all those unnecessary |
3735s | checks well unreal in recent years |
3739s | introduced something called the |
3741s | replication graph and that is something |
3744s | that gives the |
3746s | developers |
3748s | the ability to write a custom solution |
3752s | into how to handle all those uh |
3755s | relevance checks and how to determine |
3757s | which player should see which actors |
3759s | when it comes to |
3761s | replication uh and this can actually |
3766s | lead to some really great performance |
3768s | games we'll look at it in a bit uh but |
3771s | let's start and uh to and see how we use |
3775s | this replication graph to solve |
3777s | specifically this relevancy |
3779s | check on the map over there we see uh we |
3784s | you still cannot see too far away but |
3787s | there are a couple actors that are |
3789s | really close to the player and that |
3791s | Goblin over there and a loot box and |
3795s | there is also um a bear a little bit on |
3799s | a medium distance away and a bunny |
3801s | really far away now imagine that keep |
3804s | stretching for 500 met more and there's |
3806s | 200 more bunnies and without the |
3809s | replication graph we would have to check |
3812s | every single one of those bunnies and |
3814s | say is this within my distance is this |
3816s | within my distance and that's that's a |
3819s | problem that's expensive to do so what |
3822s | we're going to use the replication graph |
3825s | um to do is we are going to create this |
3828s | grid where we eliminate all the cells |
3832s | that are far further away from us and |
3834s | only check the nearby |
3837s | cells that allows us to only check these |
3839s | three actors that are around us skipping |
3842s | potentially hundreds of others actors |
3844s | that are further |
3845s | away and uh this can lead to a pretty |
3849s | big performance Improvement we noticed |
3852s | and this is like highly varying |
3854s | depending of the scenario of course but |
3857s | on an average scenario we noticed about |
3859s | a 1.5 times performance Improvement like |
3862s | a 35% |
3864s | reduction uh in uh our replication |
3867s | cost this is this is pretty |
3871s | good uh but it's still not fast enough |
3874s | and if we analyze the problem a little |
3876s | bit we'll see |
3878s | that we are we we're talking and |
3881s | thinking about like the NPCs and the |
3884s | bear and the |
3885s | Goblin but we are also comparing our |
3888s | distance with all the trees with all the |
3890s | bushes that you can pick up with |
3892s | potentially some buildings that are |
3895s | destructible |
3897s | why are we doing that can we do |
3900s | something to improve this and the answer |
3902s | is yes we can uh what we can do is we |
3906s | can monitor and see when these um ores |
3912s | or these trees are |
3915s | changing and when they're not changing |
3918s | we can move them out over our grid so |
3921s | we're not even considering them at |
3923s | all uh we might have 2,000 trees in the |
3927s | area well we're not even going to look |
3929s | at them because none of those trees just |
3931s | got cut down if someone is cutting them |
3933s | down then yes we're going to move them |
3936s | temporarily into the special grid and |
3938s | then once they're done cutting out and |
3940s | everyone sees that they were cut down we |
3942s | put them back to the dormy bucket it's |
3945s | essentially looking imagine like the |
3947s | actor is going to slip for it a little |
3949s | bit and this this gives us a really |
3954s | really large Improvement we noticed in |
3956s | our test about five times Improvement in |
3959s | replication times so so |
3963s | far uh if we also include the previous |
3966s | optimizations we've improved our |
3967s | replication performance by seven |
3970s | times and yet that's still not fast |
3973s | enough it's still not fast enough one of |
3976s | mainly because of our worst case |
3980s | scenario and that worst case scenario is |
3983s | people keep packing in that one small |
3985s | area |
3986s | there's an event happening there's some |
3988s | point they need to capture 200 people |
3990s | run in the same area yes she can ignore |
3993s | the um relevancy to some Far Away tree |
3997s | that's great that's a game that's uh |
4000s | more than welcome but if 200 players can |
4003s | see each other that means that 200 time |
4007s | 200 you're sending 40,000 updates per |
4010s | tick yeah and I guess one thing to add |
4014s | there Anon this is typically when a game |
4017s | would introduce a new layer or um a new |
4020s | Shard this is like typically that case |
4023s | um but as we talked about earlier one of |
4025s | our goals is we don't want we don't we |
4027s | don't want to do layering we don't want |
4028s | to do sharting we want everyone who's in |
4030s | the same area to be able to see each |
4032s | other right and you could you could then |
4035s | use like Dynamic greeting to help in the |
4037s | scenario but again we can only make the |
4038s | servers so small and dynamic before we |
4041s | kind of run out of that room so we still |
4043s | have to improve the scenario that's kind |
4046s | of happening around you indeed so we |
4049s | need to figure out a way to further |
4053s | improve this worst case scenario and |
4056s | this is where we kind of hit an engine |
4060s | limit um and this engine limit is that |
4065s | the replication graph of unreal |
4069s | is the replication tick in general not |
4071s | just the replication graph is single |
4073s | threaded and that's because the engine |
4077s | in general is single-threaded now what |
4080s | does that mean what does single threaded |
4081s | mean it means that all the processing |
4085s | happens in one core of the |
4089s | CPU uh and uh we can move on to the next |
4093s | Slide by the way but |
4098s | the that means that even though the |
4101s | server might have four cores um all the |
4106s | other three cores are going to stand |
4108s | there and wait for the first thread to |
4110s | do all the |
4112s | processing uh this is done normally in |
4115s | unreal because it's it was not designed |
4118s | to be |
4120s | multi-threaded uh it was it is a very |
4122s | single-threaded engine and replication |
4125s | is probably the most single threaded |
4128s | system out of all the systems in |
4131s | unreal uh so making it multi- threaded |
4136s | is incredibly difficult and uh at least |
4141s | I am not aware of it being done before I |
4144s | tried to do some research around it at |
4146s | the time and uh everyone was saying |
4149s | basically that it's |
4151s | impossible but uh we did it anyway uh we |
4155s | persevered through and uh we |
4157s | multi-threaded the unreal replication |
4160s | Tech and uh well looking at the |
4164s | results they did not disappoint uh we |
4168s | actually gained and there's a graph |
4171s | showing it on the next slide but we |
4174s | gained a |
4176s | 2.5 times Improvement 2.4 times to be |
4180s | more exact in a replication text huge |
4185s | yeah it was a really really big |
4187s | Improvement in uh a replication and it's |
4190s | probably necessary to achieve the player |
4193s | counts that we're targeting for I don't |
4195s | I don't thinking would be possible |
4196s | without doing |
4198s | this uh and the the really important |
4202s | thing to note about this optimization |
4204s | and why it's like such a big deal |
4206s | compared to like the five times |
4209s | Improvement we saw before from dorcy is |
4212s | that this |
4215s | Improvement helps equally even on the |
4218s | worst case |
4219s | scenario the other ones in the worst |
4221s | case scenario they're helpful but |
4224s | they're not that helpful this |
4227s | is incredibly important even on the |
4229s | worst case |
4230s | scenario and if we add it on all the |
4234s | other improvements we've done so far |
4236s | we've actually achieved a total |
4238s | Improvement of total reduction or |
4241s | replication take by |
4243s | 94% so we are only at 6% of the original |
4246s | cost for uh replication uh this was |
4251s | actually a huge win for uh our team um |
4255s | but but um |
4257s | it there are still there's still many |
4260s | more things that need to be |
4262s | done uh as of creation is |
4265s | um an incredibly ambitious MMO in terms |
4268s | of scale uh and uh we need to do a lot |
4275s | of work in order to heit our goals and |
4278s | you know this is this is obviously again |
4280s | going back to the start of this whole |
4282s | conversation what is ashes of creation |
4284s | trying to be |
4286s | and what does it then require of the |
4288s | text act we are using in order to become |
4291s | that and when we said in 2017 that we |
4295s | are looking to bring massive back to |
4297s | massively multiplayer having an engine |
4300s | with the graphical Fidelity the front |
4302s | end that unreal provides is |
4306s | so is so important to the immersive |
4311s | nature to the beauty of the world to you |
4314s | know the quality of the setting but then |
4317s | coupled with a proprietary backend that |
4321s | can facilitate the same player |
4324s | experience that a massively multiplayer |
4327s | World wants to provide that's the dream |
4331s | that ises is trying to be |
4336s | exactly phenomenal work here guys this |
4338s | is this is huge yeah I I'd like to like |
4342s | take a moment I guess to shout out the |
4344s | team the team has done an incredible job |
4346s | you know we |
4348s | are we we we are we are pushing MMO Tech |
4351s | to where it's never gone uh and we |
4353s | continue to we we intend to keep doing |
4355s | this moving forward Hunter Alex Kevin |
4358s | Andrew Anton Adam ish Doug you know they |
4362s | they've all done amazing work uh you |
4364s | know to get us to this point where we're |
4366s | at today and I'm sure they'll keep doing |
4367s | it moving forward um if you're |
4371s | interested in working on problems like |
4373s | this you know yes send us an application |
4375s | you know we're always looking for people |
4377s | who want to work on this who have |
4379s | experience working on Tech like this |
4381s | please send this an application we we're |
4384s | we're always interested and we know that |
4385s | like this this this showcase this this |
4388s | Tech talk this Ted Talk this this GDC |
4391s | talk you know what whatever whatever we |
4393s | want to apply to this uh to this indepth |
4396s | technical discussion is going to appeal |
4399s | not just to to people who are aspiring |
4402s | obviously uh within this field to learn |
4404s | it to do it to you know this is their |
4407s | career going forward but also to those |
4409s | of you who have been within this field |
4412s | work and who yearn to work on the types |
4415s | of problems that we're discussing here |
4417s | in this showcase um we have a phenomenal |
4420s | culture at Intrepid we have a phenomenal |
4422s | project in our hands that is you know no |
4426s | shortage of problems that need to be |
4428s | solved um and one thing that our |
4431s | community has done a phenomenal job with |
4433s | is is helping to evangelize the project |
4436s | and the company and we're here to say |
4438s | that we have apps open we have positions |
4442s | that are available and if you want to be |
4444s | a part of this team um or if you want to |
4446s | help others find this team so that they |
4449s | can apply please share this link share |
4452s | this uh video with others uh go on you |
4455s | know social media and let people know |
4457s | we're working on some pretty Next |
4459s | Generation Tech that is going to change |
4461s | the face of massively multiplayer when |
4464s | it comes to a genre so you know very |
4466s | excited and proud of what your team has |
4469s | accomplished you guys I know are working |
4471s | every single day and doing a phenomenal |
4473s | job um congratulations just very well |
4477s | done thank you thank you and it's great |
4480s | to experience it in game to and I know |
4482s | that you know our PI folks have already |
4484s | experienced that in our node Wars test |
4486s | as well so maybe they didn't really even |
4488s | realize it um yeah they might not have |
4491s | noticed um but there were definitely |
4493s | server workers working hard and that um |
4496s | and we were capturing data so we super |
4498s | duper appreciate it and as we head into |
4500s | Alpha 2 we're only going to get more |
4501s | data and be able to continue to push on |
4504s | and as uh the folks here have stated um |
4507s | moving towards more of that Dynamic |
4509s | State yeah um it's been in progress It's |
4513s | going to be in progress still for many |
4514s | years as we continually find new ways to |
4516s | advance it and make it better um we're |
4520s | committed to providing kind of like that |
4521s | quality we want for our players and as a |
4524s | lot of us have played MMO in the past we |
4526s | just like networking was the big stopper |
4530s | for a lot of things and we're trying to |
4532s | do something different and trying to |
4535s | make that a better experience for not |
4537s | only our game but many more games to |
4538s | come if other companies were able to |
4541s | like wanting to adapt to a new tech |
4543s | style or try to figure out their their |
4545s | networking |
4546s | issues yeah and of course all of us here |
4548s | are huge MMO fans and I know those of |
4551s | you who are watching are as well |
4553s | obviously if you're sitting through this |
4555s | um but of course the the plan for us is |
4558s | to continue to create an amazing game |
4560s | and push forward and continue to change |
4562s | things even after post launch we'll |
4564s | continue to try to drive things forward |
4566s | so thank you for joining us and thank |
4568s | you to Hunter and Zach and Anton for |
4570s | your time and putting together an |
4572s | amazing deck a little extra shout out to |
4574s | Mike for putting together all the graphs |
4576s | gra Mike did such a good |
4579s | job for helping capture some of the |
4581s | little footage pieces to make sure that |
4583s | they looked great we super appreciate it |
4585s | any final words step inter wrap yeah |
4587s | absolutely just you know out in the |
4588s | community let us know you know these are |
4590s | always the more risky takes that we |
4592s | provide insights too in our monthly |
4594s | updates because they are so Tech heavy |
4597s | and you know we know that this has an |
4600s | appeal to perhaps a smaller audience but |
4603s | give us your feedback give us your |
4604s | thoughts what did you think of this |
4605s | presentation how do you enjoy you know |
4608s | learning a little bit more indepth under |
4610s | the hood conversation about what it |
4613s | takes to make these types of games to |
4615s | make you know ashes of creation that |
4618s | that dream of all of ours um how does it |
4621s | appeal to you what are your questions |
4623s | what are your thoughts um leave us |
4625s | comments in the YouTube channel in the |
4627s | uh in on Twitter and different social |
4629s | medias and Discord and on our forums |
4631s | obviously the community team continues |
4633s | to do a bang-up job of collecting your |
4635s | insights and bringing it back to the |
4636s | team um but we enjoy you know sharing |
4639s | this and and giving giving our perhaps |
4642s | um perhaps more sheltered uh de Vel |
4645s | opers who are who are in the behind the |
4649s | scenes making all the magic and |
4650s | everything work an opportunity to come |
4652s | out and talk about how they are |
4654s | literally the magic that makes the |
4656s | wheels turn for this bus um and it it's |
4659s | it's a great opportunity I think for |
4661s | them to come out see a little daylight |
4663s | and let and bask in the sun of what is |
4665s | the glory that our community looks to |
4666s | them and says thank you for providing an |
4669s | opportunity to enjoy a game at this |
4670s | scale because it would not be possible |
4673s | obviously without your guys's hard work |
4675s | um and so with that I think we'll see |
4678s | you guys back on stream we'll see you on |
4681s | the flip side |
4688s | [Music] |