over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s and welcome everyone to another live
24s stream here in the world of Vera and
27s Boyd we have an exciting stream today
30s we are back again
32s looking at
34s one of the most defining features of
37s Ashes of creation the node system
41s and I am joined today by regular face on
45s the uh live stream one of our glorious
48s senior designers Mr Chris how you doing
51s Chris I'm doing SWAT I don't know if I'd
53s say regular though well I mean well you
56s know there's once before right there's
57s one other time that's that's regular now
59s it's two times that's a regular thing
61s right I don't know I feel like you're a
63s regular on the stream sure that's true
65s that's true all right I apologize we are
67s joined once again by one of our glorious
70s designers Mr Chris
72s hey little thanks thanks for having me
75s it's great to be here and for those of
77s you who don't know Chris is uh our
79s resident expert when it comes to nodes
81s he lives eats breathes and any other
85s normal bodily function that's required
88s revolves around the node system
91s um so I'm glad to have you with us
92s because
94s you know what there needs to be known
96s about notes where are we uh we're we're
100s yeah lots of things need to be known but
102s we're uh outside of a beautiful node
105s that's around the corner a little bit
107s okay and I believe I am the uh
111s self-appointed mayor of this node for
112s the purposes of what we're going to be
113s demonstrating a little bit later yeah
115s the citizens aren't super happy that you
118s um you know invalidated the election
120s process but wow wow it's not an
124s invalidation it's a uh reaffirmation of
127s the correct election process
130s so tell me what we're doing out here
132s today what are we going to be showcasing
134s here it's been a long time since we've
135s actually taken a look
137s um at nodes as many of you know
139s the last time we saw notes was back
141s during Alpha One in August of 2021 wow
146s um and nodes during that time were
149s you know relatively
151s early functional version they had a lot
153s of the core systems and functionality
155s present that we saw which was you know
156s constructing buildings and participating
158s in quest hubs uh they were able to
161s purchase housing and become citizens
164s there was all that there but they were a
167s very early representation of it and
169s definitely not visually or aesthetically
172s what we wanted to present that's going
173s to be part of what we're showing but
175s what are we doing out here today and let
176s me while you tell me what we're doing
177s I'm just going to adjust some of the uh
179s the wins yeah for sure
182s um well today we're gonna walk through
184s kind of the
186s General process of what it takes to
187s build a building
189s um you know we're gonna get some
190s materials uh we're gonna get the nodes
193s some materials we're going to get the
194s nodes some money
196s um and we're gonna build ourselves a
197s little service building nice so we're
199s gonna go generally around the loops that
201s players can expect and and obviously
203s nodes are a huge system they are as I
206s said one of the defining features of
208s Ashes of creation what sets us apart
209s from other MMOs they reflect the change
212s that exists within the environment based
214s off of player activity player actions
215s and players have governance over these
218s nodes both from a mayoral perspective
220s and the way that citizens interact with
222s the decisions that the mayor is is
224s utilizing and as a mayor one of those
227s core Loops is as you mentioned buy
229s orders tell me should I be starting one
231s of these how would I go about doing that
233s yeah so you probably should do that
235s um there is a lovely menu you can open
238s with the node button n okay all right oh
242s I see the node here
245s um and then you're gonna go to the
246s treasury page got it I am on the
249s treasury and I see there's a number of
251s different items in our node inventory
252s yeah so these are these are node
255s Commodities
257s um and they're the resources the node
259s uses for lots of things like
261s um Siege defense they're going to use it
263s for maintenance they're going to use it
264s to build buildings they're going to
266s trade it with other nodes
268s cool
269s and these are these are essentially the
271s resources that the node are going to be
272s using in order to initiate those
275s activities that like construction
276s projects you were mentioning or trading
279s with other nodes and how what is the
281s method by which we actually acquire as a
284s node these Goods because these goods are
286s not things that exist within player
288s inventories but rather they are
290s generated by players interfacing with
293s the environment in some way shape or
294s form and then bringing those materials
296s to the node to get transitioned into
298s these node inventory items exactly so
301s we're going to do what's called a buy
302s order so if you look in the bottom left
304s of your treasury screen you're going to
307s see a little plus button you can click
309s that and it'll open you up to a big list
312s of Commodities that you can select to
316s um kind of that's some settings on the
319s buy orders okay cool this is looking
321s good and just always as usual guys
324s um everything that you see is a work in
326s progress we are moving towards our Alpha
328s two so you get to see as part of our
329s open development you know things that
331s are still works in progress like the UI
333s this is a functional UI system but it is
336s not the version of our of our final UI
338s artistically same is true for everything
340s you see in the environments and in the
342s world
343s um so what should I be selecting today
347s what do we need what are we trying to
349s build you're gonna need some bins of
351s stone we're gonna build a forge today or
354s a Smithy we renamed it it's not a forge
356s anymore okay cool uh
359s and uh we need bins and stones for it
362s all right so I see bins of stone in the
365s industrial goods section and over on the
368s right hand side I see that I have the
369s ability as the mayor to customize
373s um the buy order and what elements of
376s this would I want to customize and why
379s yeah so um the first thing you see at
382s the top is the recipe right
383s um the recipe is gonna change the mins
386s and Maxes of the parameters you see
389s below how much you can pay players for
391s these items how long you can keep them
393s active and
395s um the ingredients are options you have
399s for
400s um the recipe that you've picked right
402s for different materials so obviously not
405s all materials are going to be local to
406s all locations so kind of picking the
409s right things to either incentivize
413s players from a long distance to bring
414s things to you or picking things local
417s because you need them now and you need
419s them fast and you need them for a low
421s amount of uh investment okay so the
424s first thing I'm looking at is this
426s purchase price and is this what I'm
428s paying players essentially from the node
430s treasury uh on a per item basis of these
434s of these materials so uh a buy order
438s comes as a package so players uh deliver
440s them as a package so and they you're
443s paying per package functionally but that
446s is not in Gold it's in node currency
448s which is the primary way that nodes are
450s going to reward players okay cool and um
454s so when I'm purchasing that package is
457s it that I'm buying one Basalt and one
459s housing night and that is a package or
462s am I buying 50 Basalt and 50 house a
464s night and that is a package uh that's
466s going to depend on the recipe
468s um but uh so it's not exactly always
472s going to be the same amount of each and
474s it the amounts that's per package will
477s vary based on the amount of investment
479s the node has to uh put into the buy
482s order okay cool all right so I'm going
484s to set this
486s um you know because I am a benevolent
488s mayor and I believe that people should
491s be rewarded for their hard work and
493s effort and helping to establish what the
495s node that we are collectively a part of
497s needs and I'm going to set that to two
500s right just above the minimum
502s um just and I will say I love it the
505s more you pay the more it will cost the
507s nodes treasury oh okay maybe I'll set
509s this back down to one no I'm just
511s kidding just I'm just kidding now you
514s see why the citizens are mad
517s they're perfectly happy
519s make sure last week There's a 99 uh
522s um approval rating for me so and that
524s one percent they mysteriously left the
526s note I don't know where they went they
528s were in a plane uh no I'm just kidding
530s okay so all right duration wide uh
533s duration wise let's see three days now
535s is this the amount of time that players
537s have the opportunity to kind of turn
538s these these things in exactly so
542s um the last slider that you have there
544s is quantity
545s um and basically when you initiate a buy
547s order the node is paying for it right
550s um so regardless of whether players
553s finish it uh you've paid for it so the
555s longer it's up you know the more likely
558s you are to get paid out
560s um but the shorter windows allow people
562s to kind of capitalize it you know
565s capitalize on it sure you know the early
567s bird gets the worm and just to be clear
569s I know exactly what many of the people
571s in the audience are thinking that if I
575s was the mayor and I knew what types of
577s buy orders I was intending to launch at
581s some day Aid I could inform you know via
584s some type of insider trading uh what
587s that is going to be so that people had
589s time potentially to bring those
590s resources to the node in advance and
593s purchase out all the buyers
595s yeah that is definitely true the mayor
597s does have some power to
600s um
602s give people warning but they also have
604s the power to pull the rug out from under
605s those people too right tell him you need
608s bins of stone and you're gonna you need
610s you know
612s Basalt and halcyonite but you actually
614s use uh iron okay interesting and then
618s that way if there are bringing those
620s things usually via Caravan given that a
623s lot of the quantities for these types of
624s spiders are going to be relatively large
625s in order to accommodate the necessary uh
628s material components that the node
629s requires
631s um they might be subject to attack
633s potentially right so reputation matters
635s here so I see that that in choosing
638s quantity I'm choosing 116 different
640s packages which means I'll get 116 Basalt
642s and 116 halcyonite and that will help us
645s to
646s finish this project yeah correct all
650s right so I'm going to go ahead and
651s schedule this order
652s uh order details okay yes let's see
656s okay so this package has a it's not a
659s one to one per se this is 117 packages
662s which will constitute total of 696 the
665s salt to 232 halcyonite
668s um total Reserve cost is 25. I'm gonna
670s confirm this
671s all right there we go all right so it's
675s kicking off
676s all right so I assume you've brought me
678s out here and I don't normally
679s participate in direct menial labor as
682s the mayor of this node but for
684s demonstration purposes I will help you
686s uh um uh collect some of these resources
690s uh yes I see we're out here in a
693s beautiful part of the world this is
694s obviously the riverlands which many of
697s our audience are accustomed to seeing
699s this will be one of the primary
701s locations that we'll be testing for
704s Alpha 2. it is expansive it is large it
707s is probably larger than most MMOs just
709s as a single biome that people have
712s participated in but I see we have some
714s familiar house tonight here yep I've got
717s some Insider information from the
718s artisanship team on where we need to go
720s nice very cool
724s ah we've added some blue smoke I see it
726s to the uh
728s to the to the effects here
731s looks very good I see some there's some
733s basalts here as well and so players who
736s who are interested and see this kind of
738s update at the node
740s um of the the necessary
744s materials requested
747s not all the time will those materials be
749s in the locality of that node right
750s that's that's as you were mentioning a
752s bit strategic for the node to either
754s select material components that yield
756s the type of node inventory items
758s necessary or Commodities necessary based
761s on the geolocation of that
763s correct and uh they might not even have
765s access to buy orders for certain uh node
769s Commodities that are local to them right
772s so higher tier Commodities will be uh
776s you know further away
778s very cool
780s and will players around the world have
782s an opportunity to inspect the types of
784s bioters that are currently listed at a
788s um at a particular note yeah they will
790s be able to cool very cool so those of
793s you so Traders and are interested in
795s kind of I'm going to start moving down
796s this road now those of you who are
798s Traders and are interested in um
801s and actually capitalizing on the supply
803s and demand of nodes and you know their
806s competing interests and what they're
807s trying to accomplish will have an
809s opportunity to uh to move those goods
812s around the world take that risk
813s potentially but receive a high reward as
818s a result
819s exactly
821s oh I see we have someone up ahead here
823s who is this
824s oh
827s a lovely guard a guard doing his duty
830s let me let me pay him a visit and tell
832s him
833s how wonderful of a job he is doing
838s Fare Thee Well God
840s hello
842s stop when your mayor's talking hey
845s listen they're busy people does he not
847s recognize my authority
849s and is he stretching in front of me
853s do I bore you
856s unbelievable you're gonna have to talk
858s with his Commander this is beautiful
861s area
862s I mean the environment team did a
863s phenomenal job obviously always
867s and I think one of the big things that
869s people are going to be in
871s for a surprise here as we showcase uh
874s this glorious node where are we going by
876s the way this is Winstead this is the
878s lovely Winstead node
880s so one of the biggest
882s differences that people are going to
884s notice today and of course it's very
887s important to keep in mind
888s I'll go into walk mode here I don't run
890s into my own node
893s um it's very important to keep in mind
895s that nodes in Alpha One the last time we
898s saw them
900s or very placeholder right as I said they
902s were core functionality but artistically
904s they did not represent the aesthetic of
905s nodes that we were intending to to
908s create and the environment team uh has
911s been hard at work in creating obviously
914s the different stages of these nodes but
916s also in representing the type of visual
918s Fidelity that we want to represent
920s within the cities of our game and I
924s believe that we have arrived at Winstead
928s and we are joined by some additional
931s glorious members of the development team
934s I see two of them here we have Mr
937s Tristan our lead environment artist
939s Tristan how you doing buddy hello
941s welcome doing very well and how are you
943s I am doing very good we just went for a
945s little stroll got some resources and now
947s we're showing up back to the node you
948s got everything we need I do I think I
951s have everything we need all right we
953s also have with us I see Adam how you
956s doing buddy I am good thank you another
959s one of our glorious environment artists
961s yes
962s yes and there's one more missing he's
964s around here somewhere what where is he
967s let's see is he over here what is this
969s is this the care of answering by the way
970s it is the Caravan sorry
974s oh very cool hold on I'm gonna come look
976s over there but let me just take a look
977s at what's going on in here real quick
980s beautiful
982s and this is where players will have an
984s opportunity to reserve certain Caravan
986s stalls they'll be able to kid out and
988s we'll be showcasing this in a future
990s live stream probably a couple months
991s away or so
993s um where you can kit out your Caravan
995s with different components you can
996s upgrade these uh and this that is a
999s default building correct the nodes don't
1001s select and create those uh by agency but
1004s they come by default yeah that is a
1006s building that comes with the node though
1007s it is upgradable by the node I see now
1010s where where is our third where is
1013s James hello
1016s ah we have found him welcome James hey I
1020s was just uh doing some stuff at my house
1021s oh early citizen I was able to get some
1025s real estate very nice okay look at that
1028s beautiful little house you have there
1030s it's quaint I think that's the
1032s appropriate term right quaint are you
1034s putting your taxes on that you don't
1035s really pay us enough so unbelievable
1038s unbelievable it is not the mayor's job
1041s to assign these salaries this is a
1043s purely capitalist Society those are that
1046s you can either speak to your your
1047s corporate head
1049s I didn't vote for him
1051s oh
1053s no uh
1057s we gotta hit with some bad news uh James
1060s is invisible oh James where are you I
1064s drank a potion of invisibility oh very
1067s nice I can see you James I think you
1069s look you look very nice that's because
1071s you're the mayor yes that is correct I
1074s see all I'm the mayor of Sauron no I'm
1076s just kidding well let's let's head into
1079s um the node and and take a look here
1082s this is I mean truly a sight to see I
1087s love the layout I love the aesthetic you
1090s guys did a phenomenal job
1093s um with actually representing I think
1095s what we want out of the out of the node
1098s I mean the visually it's just it looks
1100s great oh look at a little piglet
1103s yeah you might find a few little small
1105s farm animals to hang out with
1107s Town those guys are great
1110s little piglet talk to me a little bit
1112s about what it what it took to bring this
1113s note online into the to the visual
1116s Fidelity that we wanted to a lot
1122s seven years there's far more than just
1125s making the art here
1126s um look good it's also anticipating how
1129s we're gonna approach uh eight different
1131s races or more in terms of the amount of
1134s assets we have to create so it's more of
1136s a it's not just an artistic problem it's
1139s a logistic problem right so we have so
1142s much to do
1143s when it comes to
1145s the world in terms of the biomes and
1147s making this all work and functional
1149s because they're all this is dynamic you
1151s know this isn't set in stone this is
1153s something that's going to be spawned and
1154s created by the players and pulled up out
1156s of players and that of course makes it
1158s entirely more complex 100 like yep we
1163s had to develop new systems for how we
1165s developed the art how we lay out the art
1167s how design can use the art just so that
1170s you know it can be dynamic it can be
1173s different races right and it can show up
1176s in different biomes yeah
1178s yeah not to mention we had to build up a
1181s new aesthetic good you know
1183s really sell and Ashes of creation look
1186s uh Stephen before you go any further can
1188s I show you something real quick yes
1190s absolutely
1191s right back over here
1194s we just come back here I am
1199s where oh this is cool so there's like
1202s these little back alley areas where you
1204s know Tristan why don't you go with them
1205s no no no it's okay we posted something
1209s up here oh what is this oh who's that
1212s little fella who is Tristan have you
1215s seen me how is that
1219s who is that guy is that Tristan yeah is
1223s that Lord himself oh wow I am currently
1227s on the uh Missing board you're on the
1229s missing board
1230s it's all right at least people care
1232s about me hey oh they're too sad that I'm
1235s I'm missing yes no you're you have a
1237s bounty on your head yeah the rewards the
1239s board is 10 cents
1242s well I'll take it
1244s at least somebody's paying attention to
1246s me and where I am and where my
1247s whereabouts are oh that is hilarious
1251s so talk to me a little bit about um you
1254s know we're going to get back to your the
1255s systems real quick uh in a second guys
1257s but I wanna I wanna just kind of go over
1259s what are some of the unique hurdles that
1262s we are accomplishing through the
1264s development of these nodes especially
1265s considering that they have to go through
1267s multiple different stages of development
1270s from you know Crossroads to encampment
1272s to Village to town to City to
1274s eventually these large metropolises
1277s um and how that makes this a very
1279s complicated process for you guys
1282s yeah I mean essentially we have to plan
1284s for the buildings being able to expand
1287s to get taller to get bigger and that has
1289s to happen from day one right like we
1292s need to talk to concept and figure out
1294s how we get from we said Camp
1297s to Metropolis and then kind of work
1300s within those bounds
1302s um and you know there's been a lot of
1304s discoveries and and pain and Jubilation
1308s along the way and this patches died
1311s um I don't know but uh yeah it's you
1315s know it's it's a work in progress like
1316s it is for every stream right like um but
1319s I think we've have a good start here and
1322s we'll be able to really kind of push
1324s forward and show progress yeah it's in
1327s the future full absolutely it is it is a
1331s beautiful view this this area and I know
1335s that you know there's been some changes
1336s kind of in how we anticipated node
1339s expansion working
1341s um and then utilizing a more
1344s district-oriented approach where
1347s expansions kind of are previewed or at
1350s least telegraphed to the to the node as
1353s development continues uh as expansion
1356s grows players start to see construction
1359s taking place within the node to
1361s represent those expanding areas yeah
1364s that's right um as as the mayor and the
1367s citizens start you know bringing more
1370s online with their node you'll start to
1372s see the outskirts of say like this
1374s Village for instance start to have
1376s little construction projects grass will
1378s be cleared you'll start to see you know
1381s scaffolding and other things being
1383s placed as well as materials and we'll
1385s start to see the The Village expand into
1388s a town and then a town into a city and
1390s so forth and so on
1392s um
1393s it's really exciting to be able to kind
1395s of build those systems and Visually
1397s they'll have them look you know
1400s well you can see how it looks but yeah
1402s absolutely
1404s and it's not just you know obviously for
1407s those of you who might be a little bit
1409s newer to the audience in the project
1412s the systems that are in place to
1414s accompany this node progression these
1417s City progressions across the world are
1419s really intended to to be defined by
1422s player activity player action player
1425s choices
1426s um oops I have a little bit of a weird
1428s mesh issue over there but that's okay
1431s um the uh really meant to reflect the
1434s player choices right and that includes
1436s building construction and as we were
1439s talking about earlier these buy orders
1441s are the primary method by which
1444s nodes can procure the resources
1447s necessary one of the other methods by
1449s which nodes can help
1452s kind of
1454s utilize that expansion is through
1456s treasury acquisition with taxation with
1459s trade agreements and other nodes Chris
1461s we have some resources we've collected
1463s where are we going to head to next to
1466s kind of utilize that well if you'll
1468s follow me over here alrighty uh we're
1470s gonna go to the warehouse
1474s all right I'm on my way with you to the
1477s warehouse
1478s uh now this is a building that you're
1480s gonna you know manage your material and
1483s item storage uh you're going to
1486s obviously interface with the buy order
1487s manager uh I think he's called the
1490s requisition agent these days all right
1495s cool so if we're going to want to talk
1497s to this lovely fellow over here
1500s this guy here yep
1505s see here okay here we go all right and
1507s as you see kind of the portrait still
1509s you know outstanding you're gonna see
1510s that some of the UI greetings citizen
1513s I'm tasked with purchasing Goods which
1514s I'm how dare him refer to me as a
1516s citizen we need to fix the uh the
1518s greeting tables I mean really the
1521s disrespect okay uh I am passive
1523s purchasing Goods which the node uses to
1526s construct to maintain its varied
1527s Services would you like to see our
1529s current requisitions I wouldn't indeed
1533s exchange rate okay all right and so now
1537s anybody who is participating uh as a
1540s citizen or as just a player in the game
1542s can go to these locations and they can
1544s fulfill these buy orders so right now
1545s I'm seeing that I can adjust the
1547s quantity of goods that I'm going to be
1549s offering to the node
1552s and we might have a little bit of a
1554s problem here because it's saying that
1555s the total value of goods I want to
1556s contribute are 232 currency were a gold
1559s worth uh to the to the node well you're
1563s exchanging two for every you're getting
1565s two for every package you're fulfilling
1567s and you can fulfill all of them it looks
1570s like
1571s should I do that
1573s I mean do you want to share the love
1577s um
1578s okay I'll do that so exchange confirm
1581s let's see here total materials process
1583s this order for 232 I will confirm that
1587s boom done so now so now I have acquired
1591s node currency in exchange for this
1595s for these materials correct uh also you
1600s did all of it you didn't share anything
1603s uh oh what does that mean uh well the
1606s currency is bound so you can't trade it
1608s with anyone so you fulfilled the whole
1611s buy order and you took all the reward oh
1616s I thought you meant share as in like I
1618s would take that and then later I would
1621s use what I received and give those to
1624s other people in other means like through
1626s you know servitude as a servant-oriented
1628s type leader
1629s you know what I mean like I didn't know
1631s you meant actually not fulfill the order
1632s listen I need I need some node currency
1635s oh
1638s I'm sorry I didn't know that's what you
1640s meant I thought you meant shares and
1641s like me give more resources I didn't
1643s okay will that be a problem or are we
1646s good no we're good we're good okay okay
1648s I'm just a little hurt oh I'm sorry I
1651s didn't know that well I can speak with a
1652s guy I know some people here at this note
1654s okay okay for sure hook me up all right
1657s so we fulfilled this buy order what is
1659s next in this Loop so now
1662s um we are going to talk about taxes
1665s you just spent as a node 25 gold to uh
1669s initiate that borrower buyer to write
1671s yes eventually we're gonna need the
1673s treasury says I have 75 remaining yeah
1675s and that should be enough to build the
1677s building but you probably want to start
1678s replenishing now right yeah um so you're
1681s going to open up your uh node panel
1684s again okay and take yourself to the
1686s treasury page done
1689s uh and you're gonna look there's a taxes
1691s area
1693s taxes area taxes this is tax rates oh I
1696s see that okay
1698s I mean you can you're going to be able
1700s to adjust those as the mayor do I want
1702s to go to Advanced details yep
1704s okay oh I see okay perfect and so this
1708s is I see that there are a number of
1710s different uh potential modifiers
1712s these probably are going to be offered
1716s out
1717s um as either the node levels up or as
1720s upgrades how does that work talk to me a
1722s little bit about these yes
1724s so at a high level
1727s um in early node development you're not
1729s going to get access to a lot of these
1731s right this is probably pretty close to
1733s what a node level 3 is going to end up
1734s getting
1736s um and we've broken the things that cost
1738s money in the node into different
1739s categories right
1741s um as the node uh levels up you're gonna
1743s get access to kind of deeper controls on
1746s the taxes so that you as a mayor can uh
1750s kind of incentivize players to come to
1752s your node to do certain things right if
1755s you're a node that loves
1757s um you know smithing you're probably
1759s going to want to lower your taxes on
1760s artisanship to incentivize players to be
1763s here
1764s um but then you might want to drive up
1766s taxes and other avenues that players
1768s aren't necessarily coming to your node
1770s for but are using out of convenience
1772s right
1773s Okay cool so we need to generate some
1776s more income
1777s yep so I would recommend cranking those
1780s taxes
1781s oh my God oh man not again now here we
1785s go this is not me this is it takes a
1789s village
1790s literally right that's what we're doing
1791s right now it it takes from a village it
1794s takes from a villager and it goes to the
1797s roads right yes it goes to the potholes
1799s and the roads there's seems to be quite
1802s a lot of them here I have adjusted the
1804s tax rate to 75 percent all right now if
1807s we go over here to this guy
1810s all right you can go ahead and
1813s buy some stuff and
1814s 75 of the base cost of these items is
1818s going to go to the uh is gonna go to the
1822s treasury
1827s let's see here
1833s uh this is a bit grayed out for me maybe
1836s I don't guys again you're going to see
1837s some placeholder stuff
1839s uh it looks like
1841s I don't have room for some stuff so I'm
1843s just gonna be killing some things
1846s nobody
1847s pay any attention to the non-existent
1851s icons yeah some of that art is still
1854s pending
1856s um okay I will now interact with this
1858s gear vendor and let's see if he can sell
1861s me some items
1864s you know these are grayed out for me do
1866s you have any money
1868s oh my God I have no money it looks like
1871s you probably only have node currency I
1873s need some money
1876s I'm gonna use cheat panel nobody look
1879s this is a little bit of a cheat panel
1881s okay you're gonna see uh where I can
1884s you're saying your mirror is broke right
1887s now right we'll just we'll just pixelate
1888s it yeah yeah nobody nobody sees anything
1890s uh maybe you did need that node currency
1893s more than I did yeah so uh character
1897s gold let me guess let's get some gold
1901s um give gold you know I'm gonna give
1902s myself a thousand
1906s and I will now speak with this
1908s individual again who was so rude and
1910s Curt with me when I tried to buy stuff
1912s from him
1913s didn't know who I was
1915s as the mayor
1916s um Okay cool so we want to generate some
1919s currency for the node we're just going
1920s to demonstrate here making some
1922s purchases
1925s um oops I probably need to hold on sorry
1929s my bad
1931s I'm going to select
1935s some of these
1938s different items
1941s how do I make that purchase
1944s so I'm just selecting these items
1947s yep you should just be able to right
1949s click them
1950s all right click oh there we go yeah yeah
1952s my bad
1954s okay how much gold do we need for the
1956s note right now oh this is more not for
1959s you to just make a bunch of gold right
1961s away but just to make sure we're getting
1962s more gold over time we have enough to
1964s make the building
1965s okay let me check the no Treasury
1968s the no treasury now has 112. that should
1972s be plenty
1973s um so now
1976s you want to build a building Steven I
1978s want to build a building
1979s all right well
1980s let's go have a nice little Waltz uh
1983s well actually open your open your mayor
1986s panel here for us okay mirror panel is
1988s open
1989s uh and you're gonna hit n and go to the
1992s buildings tab done
1995s now here you're going to see a list of
1997s all the buildings we currently have
1998s constructed uh since this is a pretty
2001s new node all the buildings in this list
2003s are uh what we call default buildings
2007s which means they come pre-constructed
2009s with the node
2010s but if you scroll all the way down to
2011s the bottom you're going to see the empty
2014s plots okay very cool and just to be
2018s clear the default buildings are offering
2020s default Services as you were saying
2022s Apartments
2024s warehouse for storage or the caravansery
2028s for the um the Caravans and reception of
2031s those Caravans like all nodes will have
2034s a base default list of services that are
2037s offered regardless of type and then what
2040s we're doing now is we're specializing
2042s the node to cater specific services in
2046s order to draw traffic of players to us
2049s correct yeah all the services that come
2052s default with the node we've kind of as a
2054s design team deemed essential right
2056s um we want Caravans to move around the
2058s world so everyone should have a care of
2060s answer you want players to have storage
2061s so everyone should have a warehouse
2063s right but that doesn't mean those
2064s default buildings can't be upgraded and
2067s specialized themselves right
2069s awesome
2070s um but the empty plots are where you
2072s really get to start specializing your
2074s node
2076s all right and I see a Smithy under
2079s artisanship
2080s correct
2083s okay I've selected the building
2085s yep
2087s oh okay here we go we have a little bit
2089s of a tree here that talks about its
2091s expansions yeah so uh buildings can
2094s expand as I kind of alluded to the
2096s default buildings they specialize as
2098s they expand right so this isn't like a
2100s traditional
2102s um steel traits it's exclusionary more
2104s like a tech tree right so selecting uh
2109s the next upgrade for it will lock out
2112s the other two paths right
2115s um so as you get better with the
2117s building it will continue to narrow
2119s which allows lots of nodes to carve out
2122s lots of niches in the world
2124s very cool and so because of this because
2127s it's exclusionary it would be relevant
2130s for certain nodes in order to achieve a
2134s broader spectrum of upgrade potential
2137s within a particular
2139s building type to potentially build
2142s multiple of these buildings
2144s yeah exactly right if you want to be the
2146s home to weaponsmithing in your node
2148s you're probably going to have three
2150s smithies to capitalize on uh slashing
2154s bludgeoning and piercing weapons right
2157s um and there are other things you can do
2159s with the policy system or with the Relic
2161s system to kind of amp that up even
2163s further
2164s very cool
2166s very cool and so let's say and I know we
2169s don't have this
2171s or I'm not sure if we have this yet
2173s implemented but let's say for example I
2176s as the mayor I'm about to start this
2177s build right I'm going to enjoy just
2180s click on this build right now yep all
2182s right
2183s okay here we go uh construction
2185s requirements so I have the bins of stone
2188s and it looks like we have the cords of
2191s wood yep citizen contribution so the
2194s citizen contribution that is in
2195s reference to when this construction
2197s project begins citizens will need to
2200s come to the building and and contribute
2202s resources to Aid in its development yeah
2206s so um unlike buy orders you're not
2208s directly rewarded for this right
2210s um as a player this is uh kind of our
2213s way of ensuring that citizens want the
2216s thing that the mayor is asking them to
2218s do or is spending resources on right so
2221s if you're a mayor and you're just like
2222s I'm going to build a bunch of this uh
2225s building that no one wants
2227s um then players aren't going to
2229s contribute to it and they're not going
2230s to get built
2232s good call very cool all right let me
2234s confirm this
2235s players will have two million days to
2238s provide the resources for construction
2240s well that's good you know I want to be a
2242s lenient mayor
2244s um and I you know as many in the
2246s audience know we expect Ashes to have a
2249s very long and fruitful lifespan as a
2253s product and two million days is a bit on
2256s the you know maybe conservative side of
2258s what we'll actually see overall but I
2261s think it's a worthwhile time
2264s are we good with that what do you think
2265s Chris yeah that's that sounds great okay
2268s two million days it is
2272s okay where do we go to see this building
2274s uh so we've constructed it over here
2278s uh if you want to follow me this way all
2280s right I am I'm falling I don't normally
2282s run in my hometown but I will I will run
2285s listen up I got places to go people to
2288s see people to see
2290s you work at the best of the mayor
2293s uh so you notice there's a gentleman
2295s here you can talk to
2297s um and this is also work for me just to
2299s be clear he does he does technically he
2302s works for the city uh I am the city
2308s um and uh this gentleman is the
2310s construction Foreman so this is where
2311s players will get to go to donate
2313s resources to the construction of a
2315s building okay all right let's see here
2318s so he has nothing of nothing acquired
2320s but what is it you say you do here Mr
2323s construction form and he hasn't
2325s collected yet any resources
2327s oh you just initiated it do I have to do
2330s everything myself should I give him a
2332s hundred uh of the oak log
2334s I mean I think that's a fair thing to do
2336s all right
2337s let us donate
2341s we shall donate to the foreman
2346s oh it's beginning to construct
2351s now Bruno and Scott did a great job with
2354s this uh construction animation of visual
2358s effects
2359s um as you will see you're going to see a
2361s sped up version of this here but
2363s typically Chris talked me a little bit
2364s about the time expectation for these
2367s types of projects and of course how
2369s that's a variable depending on the stage
2371s of the node and the building type itself
2374s yeah so um you know we want this to be
2377s an exciting thing so once materials are
2381s kind of contributed to it and it's ready
2383s to finish
2384s um there's gonna be you know any kind of
2387s variable from like 15 to 20 minutes to
2390s even a couple of days for it to finish
2392s constructing depending on kind of the
2394s power that the building offers to the
2396s players right
2398s very cool
2400s and and
2402s um James Adam Tristan talk to me a
2404s little bit about how you guys go about
2407s constructing these different you know
2410s more modular sets of building creation
2413s and and what it takes to kind of you
2416s know master that across the multiple
2418s different cultures that we're
2420s anticipating uh uh to to to present
2423s Within These villages
2427s yeah sure I mean it's it's a lot of
2430s trial and error but you know the it took
2433s a lot of practice to figure out you know
2434s what the correct size of the buildings
2437s and the plots the walls the doors all
2440s those things
2441s are and then to dial them in so that
2444s going forward any future races it's all
2447s kind of somewhat plug and play as long
2450s as we're making them to those specs the
2453s big thing is the aesthetic and how that
2456s will change between races which is you
2459s know Bill will work in progress but
2461s like this for example this one is a lot
2464s of anglo-saxon type architecture
2466s influence
2468s yeah and Kayla absolutely yeah but
2471s that's that's that's how how it works in
2473s the most part and it's all modular so we
2476s can make these buildings and
2478s mostly any size we want so it could
2481s reach all the way up to the sky multiple
2484s floors if we wanted to not saying we
2486s would but
2487s uh and that's that's the idea so then
2490s this right here will construct those
2493s pieces
2494s for the player one piece at a time very
2497s cool
2498s very cool
2499s yeah I love the uh you know we we
2501s previously had a different version of
2503s this in in
2505s um oh look it has a little fireworks
2507s playing above the building that's
2509s awesome
2511s so it's drawing attention kind of to the
2513s uh to the construction
2514s um we had a version of this obviously in
2516s in Alpha One and
2519s um
2520s you know that was very sped up for what
2522s we were trying to accomplish there this
2524s technique is uh you know meant to more
2527s represent that that longer period of of
2531s construction requirement yeah
2534s um and a lot of what you see right now
2536s it's technically being generated
2538s procedurally by the tech from our Tech
2541s art team which is Alberto has been
2543s putting together which is like basically
2545s we kind of took a
2547s an approach similar to other games that
2549s you might see in like strategy games and
2550s stuff like that so there's a scaffolding
2551s approach that kind of builds things up
2553s and forms around and you'll see some
2555s people kind of working hammering it's
2557s very rudimentary at this current point
2558s in time but yeah no the the goal is to
2561s have it be as versatile as possible so
2564s that when we actually need to make
2566s a hundred of variations of these we
2570s don't have to sit there and make
2571s animations one by one which we did in
2573s the past
2574s which gets very complicated very
2576s expensive in this case it's more of a
2578s procedural you know you plug and play
2580s like right but I do run I do want to
2583s clarify that we're not saying that these
2586s nodes are fully procedurally generated
2589s it's
2590s the building aspect is but
2593s the nodes themselves still have a
2597s handmade aspect to it right correct yeah
2600s this is all just for the construction
2601s phase so we can kind of have things done
2604s in a way that feels natural but doesn't
2606s really take
2607s years and years to actually complete the
2609s final product right awesome
2612s um absolutely very very impressive work
2615s so Chris now that we have
2618s constructed this Smithy
2622s what are we doing do you have a little
2624s duckling following you
2625s the ducklings are very aggressive right
2627s now I have one following me right now oh
2630s my oh my God but that can be fixed no no
2633s no no no no no no no no no no no no no
2639s do it do not kill that duck oh my God oh
2644s God
2647s what are you doing you just murder that
2651s duck you you just murder our tax rate
2654s just oh my God you can't kill innocent
2656s animals over your disgruntled as tax
2658s rates I would I would say that's more
2660s for food for the village but and you
2663s know Rebellion I'm trying to what have
2665s you done
2666s you can't even eat that there's not
2669s valuable meat on this creature yet
2682s fair enough
2685s all right it needs to be done Chris what
2688s are we gonna do with this Smithy well
2690s what do you want to do we can uh do some
2693s armor smithing we can do some
2694s weaponsmithing I I honestly think after
2697s that heinous act against that duck you
2699s really needed some better weapons to
2700s defend the uh Beautiful Creatures of
2703s this node agreed I am so angry I could
2706s just scream oh
2710s I'm sorry uh well over here is the
2712s weaponsmithing station all right cool I
2715s was looking at this a little bit earlier
2717s whoops I turned off my UI
2719s all right what do we have uh well I hear
2722s the artisanship team hooked you up with
2725s the ability to make a blood sword oh do
2728s I have materials oh I do have some
2731s materials what should we do oh the
2733s sandals of holding bag it's like
2735s Infinite Space
2737s that is a GM pack
2739s um okay so I do have some materials what
2741s do we want to do with this material
2744s oh do you want a blood sword or not well
2746s I mean I don't know do I want a blood
2748s sword is a blood sort of good is it
2749s better than what I already have where is
2751s the blood sword crystallized blood sword
2755s okay I see it's gonna be a pretty spicy
2759s sword
2762s okay very cool
2767s um yeah let's try this what are we gonna
2769s do here so I already have the materials
2771s for it
2773s can I just go to
2775s craft one quantity hold on it says I
2777s can't craft this yes you gotta add your
2779s molds to it
2781s um
2785s oh I have selected my iron weapon mold
2790s and I'm using
2792s that mold and crafting
2797s oh I do have a crystal blood sword now I
2800s shall rule with a mighty fist let me
2802s equip this
2807s do I actually have oh I do have it
2811s oh okay that's pretty sweet
2813s I like that
2816s looks great
2818s very cool
2820s all right so now now that we have
2822s constructed this building there are also
2825s a number of upgrade paths that players
2827s can utilize to specialize the building
2829s further we previewed that in the tech
2831s tree for the building and each building
2833s comes with that sort of customizable
2836s um uh path of upgrades that are possible
2839s and those
2840s continue to give the node a higher
2844s specialization which makes it relevant
2846s for player traffic
2848s right and the idea with that too is no
2851s one node can do anything right so it
2854s kind of is leaning into this idea that
2857s you need to gobble your goods around the
2859s world and go to a lot of places to do a
2862s lot of things right
2864s yeah absolutely
2866s absolutely this is a beautiful I mean
2869s gosh this is just
2871s I love the atmospherics
2873s I love the the more nature oriented
2876s aspects of the interior of the node now
2879s this node uh Tristan and Adam James this
2882s has a bit more topography than what we
2886s were seeing in Alpha One it talked to me
2889s a little bit about
2890s the types of node templates and
2893s footprints that we are leveraging with
2897s the design of these of these Villages
2900s and cities
2903s um yeah so there should be
2904s um
2905s kind of a handful of different types
2907s that you'll experience in the world and
2909s they all have their different benefits
2910s so in this case we kind of have a
2912s plateau landscape layout for this one um
2916s it's not like we said the flat
2918s Landscapes that we've done in the past
2920s um we've also got ones that will be like
2923s Rivers flowing through it and as well as
2925s like being nudged up against say like a
2927s body of water or like a cliff face sort
2931s of style so in this case it's this is a
2934s pretty one of the more basic versions
2936s that you'll see for the current
2939s um layout styles that we have but yeah
2940s yeah not only that the the dote itself
2943s will have its own type that that's best
2945s suited to you know develop into
2949s um I think this one's an academic node
2951s yeah this one is academic so
2954s um I see we have kind of a placeholder
2957s node type building here yeah that's the
2959s town hall oh is that the town hall I
2961s apologize this is a placeholder one over
2963s here the kind of Citadel looking one
2964s yeah yep yeah that is a work in progress
2969s um so we have that standing in for now
2971s beautiful so this is kind of where all
2973s the activities take place for you know
2975s citizenship interactions the paying of
2977s these dues the opportunity for players
2980s to kind of interface with their local
2981s government and the custom uh request
2984s arcs that are available based off of the
2986s surrounding pois
2988s um you know up here is kind of the city
2990s center so to speak
2993s right right this is where you know
2996s elections happen right
2999s um normally
3003s when you don't GM command yourself mayor
3008s oh unbelievable I just sat down you guys
3010s told me did you have myself there
3013s um there's also a place where you know
3015s punishments Could Happen ah where's that
3018s are like Gallows over here or something
3020s yeah
3022s is that the type of Mayor that I am do I
3024s just have like public hangings or
3026s something I mean if you're that type of
3028s mirror you could just hang anyone
3029s anywhere yeah unbelievable depends upon
3032s who messes with the ducklings that's all
3033s yep I gotta go
3038s I noticed that we have a bit of homage
3041s that we're paying to the
3042s excusing to the windmill monster that
3045s many players experienced in our
3047s pre-alpha testing yeah okay and you guys
3049s remember that that was like two days
3050s straight of us getting stuck at a
3052s loading screen back in like 2018 2017.
3055s that was a fun time I love it they mimic
3060s the size of the windmill would be pretty
3062s I think we actually did turn so at some
3065s point we updated that image to be a
3068s windmill monster that was eating out
3070s pre-alpha players when they tried yeah
3071s that was great it was really good oh
3075s it's beautiful this is absolutely
3076s beautiful so
3078s um
3079s you know what
3081s I would like to thank each of you for
3085s showing our players the update to nodes
3089s this is one of the one of many updates
3092s that players will be seeing over the
3094s course of the next
3096s um
3097s time till Alpha two and as it relates to
3100s kind of the systems design of these
3103s nodes showcasing the core loops with the
3107s Mayors helping to initiate buy orders as
3110s well as Commissions in order to generate
3112s these node Commodities these node these
3115s node inventory items by which then the
3117s node utilizes to kick off certain either
3120s events or service building constructions
3122s that the uh that create an additional
3125s Loop for players to participate in I
3128s think that this is very exciting that
3129s the node is absolutely beautiful and it
3131s hits the aesthetic that we want but
3133s what's most important is to get your
3135s guys's feedback in the community uh the
3137s you guys as our players giving us your
3140s thoughts about the visual Fidelity that
3142s these Villages are representing you'll
3144s have an opportunity to see additional
3146s node stages as we progress this is a lot
3150s of work that the environment team has
3151s been doing a phenomenal job in my
3154s opinion in creating
3155s but you guys need to give us your
3157s thoughts you like what you see here what
3159s can be done better and then we are going
3162s to chat a little bit more about some of
3164s the system changes that we have
3166s introduced as part of our road to Alpha
3169s 2 as it relates to the nodes so yes go
3173s ahead yeah this is notes part for part
3176s five
3180s this is you're gonna kill me I hope
3184s you're okay this is not yet nodes part
3186s four but this is getting close Okay no
3189s you guys did a great job yeah I'm sure
3191s everyone will get that reference there
3192s yes exactly but Chris and I will be
3196s joining you guys in just a moment to
3198s talk a little bit more in detail about
3201s these systems in just a moment thanks
3203s guys for joining us appreciate it thank
3205s you thank you bye