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I am posting this here because I don't know where to turn on this matter and would like some advise and feedback. I have been excited about this game and it's vision since I first heard of it back in August of 2017. I have been paying close attention to development , the AMA's, and watch a lot of content from many creators. I trust Steven and the team are making an AMAZING game and have already purchased the voyager plus pre-order and am eager to play in the next testing phase!

There is one thing that has been hindering my excitement. Recently I have become very disheartened by one particular content creator and his insistence with using the R-word in almost every one of his videos in as vile of a way as one can. I understand that people make mistakes and can use a word and not understand the effect it can have on someone else. Maybe it is in anger and they don't mean it, or maybe they don't even understand it's impact. This is NOT the case here I can assure you. I have reported every video he does it in. YouTube does nothing. Now Asmongold is even reacting to these videos and seems to find it funny in his latest one. I'm not an Asmon hater, I actually enjoy his content mostly, and find him to be reasonable in matters like this for the most part. So that surprised me.

My question is for the AoC team. Since Narc seems to be one of the most vocal supporters of this game. It almost appears that he is in some way a spokesman for the game. I see you posting his videos as well. What are your thoughts on his behavior? Is this a word you are OK with being used in this fashion? Are we saying as a community that it is OK to demean and bully people who were born different than we are? I can't recall in my life seeing something as despicable as the times I would see someone make fun of a person with disabilities. Sure, it mostly happened growing up by bullies who wanted attention and were raised poorly. What's Narc's excuse? I am certain someone has said something to him by now with the amount of views his videos get and the fact that he has been ramping up his efforts to use this word more and more egregiously. I apologize for the long post, but this is important to me. I prefer not putting my time and money into something that will stand for something like this. If we won't stand up for people of this marginalized community, then who will?

What action do I expect? I think by now it has gone too far for him to simply stop saying it. This would be a great opportunity for awareness. Someone with his platform to come out and publicly apologize for his use of the word and to make his followers aware of the harm the word has on people, that would be great. Maybe help repair some of the damage I am certain his actions have caused. I am sure if the creators of the game he loves made him aware that his behavior won't be tolerated, and for him to participate he will need to make amends. That would be special. I am aware that is a lofty expectation, I would settle for him to just stop saying it, is that too much to ask?

That brings me to my initial statement. Does anyone have any advise on how we can stop Narc from doing this? Is anyone else concerned for those wonderful gamers out there who may have Down Syndrome or Autism, or maybe someone who suffered a traumatic brain injury, and are AoC fans that watch Narc's video only to be met with the vile word that has cut them down their entire lives? Am I the only one afraid of what this looks like for this community and in turn the game itself? I am not going to lie, posting this is making me a bit worried in itself as to what type of comments I will receive. Thank you for hearing me out if you got this far:P If you have any good advice for how we can address this please let me know. Maybe pass this along to someone in leadership on the AoC team. Anything is better than nothing.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Hello all!

We prefer everyone be well unto each other. We do not have a say over what individuals say on their own platforms outside of our communities. However, on our own platforms, we do not allow for the use of name-calling with the 'R' word.

A helpful tool we suggest around the forums and Discord is the 'block' function. With that said, if you don't like a user's content, I suggest blocking them or not watching the content!

We want the Ashes of Creation community to be a positive one, centered around a love for MMORPGs and sharing that common interest with one another. I appreciate anyone and everyone who is willing to help keep the community awesome! ^_^

Side note: Let's make sure we're being well unto one another and keep the conversation on-topic. Thank you and carry on! ^_^