Of all the gathering professions in a MMO I think fishing has the most potential to be a fun mini game that I've yet seen fully taken advantage of. My suggestion on what I think would make for a good fishing system goes like this (largely inspired by actual fishing games I used to play on the Nintendo)
Left mouse button to cast/reel in your line
Right mouse button to set the hook when you get a bite and to net the fish when it gets close enough to do so
Move mouse side to side to try to direct your bait away from snags and to the fish
Give the fish a stamina bar and your line a strength bar. Trying to reel in to fast while the fish has high stamina drains your lines strength and increases the chance it snaps, to slow and you'll run out of line
higher skill level and higher quality line/pole would obviously make it easier to catch the fish.
Left mouse button to cast/reel in your line
Right mouse button to set the hook when you get a bite and to net the fish when it gets close enough to do so
Move mouse side to side to try to direct your bait away from snags and to the fish
Give the fish a stamina bar and your line a strength bar. Trying to reel in to fast while the fish has high stamina drains your lines strength and increases the chance it snaps, to slow and you'll run out of line
higher skill level and higher quality line/pole would obviously make it easier to catch the fish.