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I am wondering what direction the development team sees combat feel in Ashes of Creation going towards but in playstyle and overall feel of combat.

What I mean by the "Feel" of combat is whether it is floaty, non impactful like for example ESO or has more weight, and feel like Black Desert Online. For me personally, the feel of Combat is one of the most important aspects of an MMO both in longevity and its overall engagement. I fear that in introducing a lot of systems and mechanics, somehow I am missing the discussion on how combat will feel overall. Has there been any official in depth discussion on this topic?
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Well, I can answer some of this for you :)

The design team wants our combat to feel weighty and impactful. Like @George_Black said, nice animations are also a main focus for combat.

There's a balance between restrictive and agile that was being played around with during the Alpha One playtest that we got some good feedback on.

We will have to wait to see what the design and engineering teams have been working on most recently, but I know that they can't wait for feedback on it once they show it off :)

I'd love to hear more about your favorite combat experiences in other games, what you liked about combat in Alpha One from what you saw or experienced, and more on what is most important to you with combat in RPGs and MMORPGs :)