almost 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

πŸ‘οΈ πŸ—‘οΈ Tumok, the legendary cyclops has been defeated!

πŸ€” What did you like most about the encounter, and what would you like to see improved?

External link β†’
almost 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
9s thank you
18s hello and welcome glorious as a creation
21s Community we hope that you are having a
24s wonderful month of course this is our
26s May development update it has been a
29s wild month for us I feel like I say that
31s every single time but it's just like we
33s do say it we say it every time and then
35s we also say after we say it every time
37s that we say it every time
39s the wild thing to me is that we're
41s almost halfway through the year which is
44s nuts
45s that actually is crazy I'm sure everyone
47s else is feeling that way as well almost
49s everyone I talk to feels that way but
52s um of course with me as always is Steven
54s Sharif our creative director and I am
57s Margaret Crone your director of
58s communications we hope that you are
60s excited for today I know we've been
62s teasing a little bit of what's what's to
64s come but as always what we're going to
67s be covering today is reminders we will
69s also be showing off our Cyclops combat
73s we also have a guest star the kitty cat
75s yes this is George George is literally
79s floating on a cloud he's lounging I know
82s I got Cloud Vibes over here I have Lucy
84s on this side she's oh she's Lucy Lucy
88s they've been over to our house a few
91s times for the love for the live streams
93s she's purring yeah oh
96s um trying to get her to not stand in my
99s my monitor way because she keeps doing
100s that
101s um and then we'll have our art update
103s and Studio update and of course a little
105s q a from our forums because y'all have
108s been sending us some great questions but
110s before that we will be talking a little
113s bit about reminders and we've got our
117s Spotlight today for our YouTube comment
120s so if you would also like to be
121s spotlighted as a YouTube uh comment you
124s just need to subscribe to our YouTube
125s channel make sure that you have um your
128s subs visible so that we can see that
129s you're a sub and then
132s um leave us a comment on our development
134s updates so for Maze development update
135s we will be selecting somebody for our
137s next development update live stream but
140s this one is from nice gaming who has
144s actually been making some oh yeah
145s YouTube videos which were like oh that's
148s cool
149s um I've never been watching those
150s they're great and you know thanks nice
153s we appreciate it uh they also do a lot
155s of other MMO content as well but their
158s question is can there be leaderboard
159s stats our leaderboards stats tracking to
163s uh track miscellaneous player stats such
166s as dungeons completed PVP kills Caravans
169s raided Caravan raids Caravans rated
173s there we go trees chopped Etc and would
176s these achievements be visible by other
178s players that is a great question
181s um so first to give you a little bit of
184s context on the development side uh from
187s our perspective we track all of those
190s things and we track many more things
193s um very granularly uh from a logging
196s perspective because it helps to inform
199s the activities that players enjoy doing
202s the things that they tend to stay away
204s from how long they tend to do those
206s things and a lot of companies use just
209s that data to kind of inform Direction
211s Over design choices I am very much a
214s believer that you need to have
217s correlating data that is essentially
219s feedback directly from the player base
222s in addition to the logging and metrics
227s that you can find from player activity
229s to create a navigational array moving
232s forward now to your question which of
235s those stats will we expose to the player
238s side I think we have a lot of intention
241s to to and we've talked about this in the
244s past to have a lot of these things shown
247s to the players and be able to uh for
250s those players to choose to share them or
252s not through their character page on the
254s website that we've talked about in the
255s past as well and those will include a
258s lot of what you mentioned there I think
260s it's a really cool component that as a
262s player I get to see how I stack up
264s against other players and the
266s achievements that I've that I've
267s accomplished in game
269s um and you know there's ways to make
271s that
272s um that a bit more time focused so where
275s you're not just getting the gross data
276s but you're also getting like seasonal
278s essentially seasonal data or partition
280s via time
282s um I think that's something that's super
283s cool and and it helps provide motivation
286s for players to achieve things in game so
288s yes we will be embracing uh those types
291s of leaderboards and stats exposed to the
293s players
294s um for ashes
295s yes it will be a lot of fun we have we
298s have many dreams that we want to do with
301s game to web and game to Mobile in
303s regards to showing stats and being
305s making things shareable for you
307s um we know how social media Works how
309s sharing content with friends Works
311s um but you know those things will come
313s in due time and just a fair warning on
315s that front
317s um and of course if you have things that
318s you'd like to see I think we did do a
320s Dev discussion in the past regarding uh
322s kind of like what features you'd like to
324s see in a mobile app or things like that
327s um those things would be super helpful
328s so if you want to head back over there
330s and give us some comments we would
331s appreciate it and of course we have been
333s doing Dev discussions our latest one was
336s on the Mage so if you have not gotten a
339s chance to toss your feedback in there I
341s know we already started compiling all of
343s that feedback but you're welcome to
345s still pop in there even if the
347s discussions have already been wrapped up
348s we don't want you to stop the
349s conversation please continue our next by
351s the way I I just I just do want to
353s comment real quick yeah for those of you
356s who have been participating in that
360s discussion uh along the made showcase
363s from last month
364s really exemplary job I mean that
368s discussion was well done I was reading
371s through the responses it was well
374s articulated from very from a lot of you
376s around the things you enjoyed the things
378s you'd like to see improvements on the
379s examples from other games that you
380s enjoyed like that thread was a treasure
384s Trove of player feedback and I just want
386s to say you guys those of you out there
388s who participated in that discussion
390s kudos to you thank you very much it is a
392s very instrumental tool that the
394s community team has an opportunity to to
396s concisely bring together and provide the
398s developers
400s um it is very helpful and those of you
402s who didn't participate in those
404s discussions totally fair but I would
406s encourage you in the future uh to get
408s engaged because uh there's nothing more
410s valuable than hearing from you guys what
412s you enjoy and what you'd like to see uh
414s done differently and I would I would say
417s today's demonstration is is not going to
419s be any different so as you guys kind of
420s watch what we show you today I it's
423s going to be very helpful for you to jump
424s back in on the forums and and across
426s social media and give us your thoughts
429s because that's why we are doing this
431s transparent development process is to
433s collect that feedback yeah and we've
436s also been doing in office hours uh we
438s recently started advertising that on our
441s social medias as well and
444s um you know fakner and Roshan have been
445s doing a great job with that pilot
447s program so if it's something that you're
449s interested in where you can actually
450s like come in and talk and and answer
453s some of the questions as well instead of
454s just posting on the forums you have that
456s Avenue we know not everybody wants to
458s type up a forum post so if you'd rather
461s talk and speak that's another
462s opportunity for you as well yeah and and
464s one of the last thing you know forgive
467s me if I stand a little bit on a soapbox
469s um but I you know as a player of MMOs as
471s well as we all are here at Intrepid
475s um I get excited about announced
477s projects and upcoming games that are
479s coming out and um you know sometimes
483s through normal development
485s um
487s there is not a level of transparency or
491s insight into the moment-to-moment
493s gameplay that's being expected on behalf
496s of the player's side and I think that
499s that's a really missed opportunity
502s um and I would speak to to the
504s executives out there to other developers
506s who have a voice in the projects that
508s they're participating in
510s um to try to Champion this thought of
513s engaging with your community earlier on
516s and the reason for that is because it's
519s very difficult to Pivot away from a
522s direction when that direction has been
524s manifest has been created is ready to
526s ship
527s um and and it's it's it's I know there's
530s downsides to it and there's a level of
532s investment that's required
534s um but if something
536s gives you an opportunity to early on
539s understand what the customer wants that
543s is a golden Holy Grail available to you
546s and it is it is doing nothing but
549s servicing the genre and
553s um the people the Beloved Gamers who who
556s spend their free time their hard earned
558s free time enjoying these games for them
562s not to be surprised when the game comes
564s out nobody wants to be surprised by what
567s they're looking forward to and a lot of
569s time the the hopium that we have
572s um around something we haven't seen
574s before or what we're expecting is it
577s lives up to our you know highest
579s mountain peak of hope uh in our minds
582s and then when we see that thing
585s um sometimes it's a bit deflated but if
588s you provide Insight during development
591s so that players have an understanding of
593s what to expect when that game launches
596s is then you mitigate a significant
599s portion of the risk that's entailed in
601s the creation of these massive projects
603s because you can identify where your
606s approach resonates with a consumer base
610s um and and you know I again I I know
612s it's a soapbox but I just feel recently
615s you know my I had hopes as well and and
618s I feel like it's a good point to make
621s um yes the hopium I like that I know
625s um yeah I mean and this is one of the
627s things that I have loved loved about
630s working at Intrepid and working for you
631s and you specifically Stephen is that
634s I've worked at a lot of companies where
635s Community is not respected and you know
639s what a community team does and the
641s feedback that they can relay and the
642s social media team what their feedback
644s can provide to the development team
646s developers don't take that I mean you
648s don't have to take every like you don't
649s have to take it word for word like just
651s because people think something is
652s overpowered doesn't mean you have to
653s take action and make it more pop make it
655s underpowered right it's kind of thinking
657s about that feedback and reflecting on it
659s and making better decisions about what
661s you're doing moving forward not
663s necessarily saying you have to do
664s exactly what the players want it's
666s analyzing and assessing that feedback
668s yeah and you know I see in chat some
671s people are saying oh shots fired you
672s know they're they're mentioning some of
674s the other games I it is not in any way
676s shape or form my intent to shoot shots
679s if that's what the proper phrase is my
682s my desire is to help the genre and the
687s executives that make this these
689s decisions because you know a lot of
690s times we think oh it's the developers
692s well it's not really the developers it's
695s the executives or you know the
698s executives that kind of make these
699s decisions and for you know they're
700s constrained they have to produce your
702s responsibilities to shareholders they
703s have you know projects and they need to
705s keep track of like the you know
706s proprietary information and designs and
709s the kpis of these all those things
710s understandable but if one thing can be
713s demonstrated through ashes of creation's
716s development process it's that we have
719s garnered a large community of interested
723s and resonated uh Gamers who want to play
727s this game and we have a very clear
729s picture of where that interest Lies We
731s Know Who who doesn't want to play it we
734s know the negative feedback we receive we
736s try to act on that negative feedback
737s right but without the lines of
740s communication being open
743s all of that is in the dark
746s and it's just not a place where a
749s development that can take five six seven
752s eight years should ever be before launch
756s is to be in that dark place it's just
759s it's so antithetical to this concept of
763s made for gamers by Gamers like that is
769s the core philosophy behind the
771s development of a game like this and and
773s to keep those doors shut just doesn't
775s make sense and it creates an an
778s insurmountable mountain of risk uh when
781s that game eventually launches so I you
784s know I'm not shooting shots yeah oh
786s absolutely no totally weird open
789s development too they're you know to be
791s and to be perfectly honest like we don't
793s show gray box levels and like our you
795s know fundamental prototyping like
798s because it's just it doesn't convey
800s something that we can elicit a good
801s response from right we want to show the
804s things where we can collect actionable
806s feedback that we can parse through right
808s and that we can say okay this is the
810s direction we were already on good thing
812s it resonated or wow we were really off
814s base here we need to change some things
815s up and we better do that because the
818s life cycle of our game and the longevity
820s the the lifetime value of the customers
822s at stake for that reason
824s um so you know I just I want to take
826s this opportunity because it's not often
829s that I have the opportunity once a month
831s here to speak with you guys but also to
833s potentially speak with any executive
835s that might be listening this is not a
837s bad thing to engage the customer earlier
840s these players MMO players understand to
843s a degree what development entails and
846s especially if you invest a bit in that
850s conversation you have the directors
852s participating you have an investment in
855s community teams earlier on before the
857s community is actually playing something
858s to help Garner that feedback and to
861s parse it for the developers like there
864s is a treasure Trove of information to be
866s had amongst your consumer base engage
868s with it and then you can mitigate the
871s risk
872s yeah so I'm not trying to shoot shots
873s this is not a me shooting across the bow
876s in the industry I have love and respect
878s for my fellow developers and fellow
880s companies I am just trying to offer what
882s I feel is constructive feedback to help
885s ensure that the genre gets the games it
887s deserves
889s you know developers want to make a great
892s games like Steven said it's not always
894s you know on the individual sometimes
897s you're doing what is asked of you so it
899s is a struggle on both sides of the front
903s um but of course we have so much more to
906s show you and I'm sure we'll we'll have
908s many more soapboxes in the future as
911s well
912s um but my last I think we will we have
915s thoughts we have things that we want to
917s do and uh I think that we want to
920s you know make the industry better as
922s best as we can and you know like Steven
924s said right now this is our platform that
926s we have but you know we'll we'll be
929s doing more streams in the future as we
931s get closer and closer to launch and post
933s launch
935s um but my final reminder is that we do
939s have our Legion of the Rose it's
941s scheduled for June 14th at 11 A.M
943s Pacific we'll be swapping it over with
944s the next set and of course these are all
947s things that you'll see as NPCs creatures
950s buildings in the world they help us
951s build out the world of Vera we'll have
953s different variants of them and actually
954s you're going to see some stuff in our
956s this week which is really exciting
959s um that is similar to some of those
961s things and with that let's talk a little
965s bit about Cyclops and if you want
967s Stephen I know you wanted to kind of do
969s a little preface I do want a preface
972s this and I think guys uh and gals out
974s there
975s um it is very important that you help uh
979s convey this message to those who might
982s discuss what they see here and
985s um across social media and discords
989s the purview of this demonstration is the
992s first world boss you will encounter in
995s the riverlands area there are four
997s starting areas in ashes of creation as
999s you're well aware
1000s um but this is a level 30 Cyclops raid
1003s boss which means it's intended and
1006s counter design is between levels like 22
1009s and 34 35.
1011s um and
1013s you're going to see a host of abilities
1016s you're going to see
1018s um and try to keep an eye out for this
1020s right you're going to look you're going
1022s to try to find some tree strikes some
1023s kicks and tree slams a totem charge uh
1027s the root Shear some Spore sprays a
1029s Stomps and call Spirits the enraged root
1032s prisons and the root fissures and the
1035s enraged phase with his Roar and stop
1037s frenzy and the totemless charge you know
1040s there's there's calling of dire Spirits
1042s there's a lot of different
1045s actions that can be taken by this raid
1047s boss what we want to elicit from you is
1050s when when you've encountered The Raid
1053s bosses in other games what did you enjoy
1055s most about those where do you see that
1057s occurring in this demonstration and
1060s where do you see room for improvement
1062s um one thing I do want to convey these
1064s three points is earliest raid boss you
1067s see two is we're all GM's uh it's it's
1070s intended for a full raid but we have two
1073s groups that are fighting it because it's
1075s a little bit difficult for us to Corral
1076s all of our developers internally to jump
1079s in and and uh yeah I know right to jump
1083s in and take away time from the
1084s development so so we use a little bit of
1086s overpoweredness there
1087s um but then the third thing is uh is the
1090s ambience the how this boss moves around
1092s the world right it's not just in a
1095s centralized location that's its Arena
1097s per se like this is a roaming monster so
1100s take those those three things as you're
1102s watching think about uh what to do
1105s because people are saying GM we're not
1108s using GM hacks though
1110s he's just saying we're GM says and all
1112s of these are developers that are going
1114s to be like we're all game Masters we're
1116s not uh players
1118s and we're powerful very powerful but not
1120s too hacking no we just know all the
1122s mechanics so it's yeah exactly we know
1126s what because we know what we're coming
1127s outside yeah exactly
1129s um so we had a lot of fun uh I think you
1131s guys are gonna enjoy it and um yeah
1133s we'll be on after to chat with you about
1135s it all right see you in 20 minutes
1139s [Music]
1143s [Applause]
1144s [Music]
1158s foreign
1160s and welcome to another live stream in
1164s the world of Vera I am joined today by
1167s three glorious developers actually we
1169s have quite a few of our developers are
1171s participating in today's live stream I'm
1173s not going to go through everyone you'll
1175s see their uh usernames their game
1177s handles on the top left side in our raid
1179s UI but I have three amazing developers
1183s who are joining us today that have all
1185s taken part in helping to design the
1187s Cyclops and the combat that goes around
1188s it I know you guys in the community have
1190s been very excited to kind of see uh
1192s today's demonstration We're not gonna
1194s get too elaborate in the designs of the
1197s Cyclops right because we don't want to
1198s spoil it for you but just as a
1200s disclaimer this is one of the very first
1203s world raid bosses that'll be available
1205s for players to participate in so this is
1207s not super end game uh but it is going to
1209s give you some insight into how we're
1211s designing these encounters and first up
1213s we have one of our senior designers Mr
1215s Doug how are you doing Doug
1218s ah good evening I am doing pretty well
1220s I'm excited to show this off uh we've
1222s been working on it for a while and so
1223s yeah I'm super excited for you guys to
1226s show it off too I know you guys have
1227s been hard at work on this one and a lot
1228s of other creatures and this is your
1230s first time joining us on the stream
1231s isn't that right that is correct so I
1232s have not streamed before super exciting
1235s we have a stream virgin with us very
1237s cool
1238s um we also have with us uh one of our
1241s glorious uh senior technical designers
1244s uh Mr Jason how you doing Jason hey
1247s how's it going and you are the uh this
1251s one's your baby right this Cyclops it
1253s was kind of your design
1254s yeah been plucking away at him for a
1257s while
1258s I remember the first time we we chatted
1260s about this guy you had such a a great
1262s kind of uh uh premise for his backstory
1265s and and his the design elements of it I
1268s was I thought it was super cool I love
1269s the detaching tree which our viewers are
1271s going to see in a little bit so I'm
1272s super excited that you have an
1273s opportunity to kind of talk with the
1274s community about this and get their take
1276s on on some of these designs
1278s um and then we have a one of our
1280s regularly occurring uh senior designers
1282s on the combat side Mr tradd how you
1284s doing Trad
1285s doing great great good to be back as
1287s always yes welcome so we find ourselves
1290s here
1291s in the riverlands and it appears to be a
1296s winter time it's beautiful actually I
1299s really like it so one of the first
1301s things I would love
1302s um to chat with you guys about is kind
1304s of how you set up this particular raid
1308s boss the Cyclops
1310s um in the riverlands talk to me a little
1311s bit about his pathing like where does he
1313s live in the world what's his backstory
1314s just tell me things about him
1319s yeah I think you could take this one
1320s Jason
1321s all right um so yeah like um the Cyclops
1325s his name is tumak and
1327s um
1328s a long time ago
1330s um he you know is from the land of
1333s sujoma and that's where like all the
1335s cyclopses are from
1337s um he decided it would be a good idea to
1340s try to align himself with the the
1342s Ancients
1343s um that then invaded Vera and um he took
1346s some of his followers to fall on the
1348s footsteps and that didn't work out so
1350s well for him
1352s um he's uh
1354s he's he's the last remaining Cyclops of
1356s of his you know his people he took to
1359s try and uh join the Ancients and uh the
1362s rest of his people kind of exiled him
1364s for that and didn't want him back so
1366s it's kind of all on his own and and is
1368s has kind of paid for some of those
1370s mistakes of misaligning himself and okay
1373s so he's got a little bit of a backstory
1374s some pain in there you know maybe some
1376s betrayal and I guess he kind of turned
1379s against his fellow citizens of Vera
1381s where are you guys at by the way I know
1382s I know we have a couple parties that are
1383s hanging back at the camp oh there you
1385s guys are why don't you come join me over
1387s here I wanna I wanna talk a little about
1389s you know kind of his pathing and I
1391s noticed that there are also some like
1392s winter spiders over here or something
1394s what is going on over here
1396s yeah so there are some giant spiders
1398s over here and one thing that we'd like
1401s to demonstrate today is that you know
1402s not every enemy in Vera is going to just
1406s behave like their simple you know aggro
1408s immediately and beeline for you uh the
1411s giant spider might not necessarily want
1413s to engage these scary looking Adventures
1416s um so he's gonna stand off and you know
1419s hope that you
1420s you know back away and that's so creepy
1424s I love the atom for this so he's he's
1426s kind of not necessarily aggering but
1428s he's just like don't come any closer
1430s like keep talking back off get away yeah
1434s he is kind of peacocking I'm said to him
1436s vulnerable because I want us to be able
1438s to kind of walk with the Cyclops as we
1440s see him start to path here uh but I I
1443s wild animals just you know not every
1445s single wild animal is gonna immediately
1447s be lying for you and so that's the kind
1448s of behavior we want to capture some more
1449s ambient behaviors you might not expect
1451s to see in MMO maybe some creatures
1453s hunting each other you know these kinds
1455s of you know more believable behaviors
1457s from wild animals that's super cool oh
1461s yeah I like them that that's awesome it
1463s adds an element of immersion I feel like
1466s so you know if you do stay if you do
1468s stay within their range or get too close
1470s to them then you know they might defend
1471s themselves so that's super cool so talk
1474s to me a little bit about
1476s um the Cyclops and its path and how you
1478s guys kind of determine
1480s um you know where this guy's gonna Roam
1481s and and why it's an important aspect
1483s that the boss is kind of roaming through
1485s the woods you know or through the world
1488s yeah so we we work with the the world
1491s team to to decide what that path is
1494s going to be and we want to make sure
1495s that that there's something of Interest
1498s no you know in there no matter where you
1501s go vulnerable just in case I'm sorry go
1504s ahead you're good yeah no matter where
1506s you look no matter what path you go down
1509s that there's always a chance you're
1510s going to see something you didn't expect
1512s or you didn't see before so
1514s I love this guy he's so massive and I
1518s like how he kind of walks through the
1521s trees triggering their destruction
1527s so cool that he interacts the
1528s environment like that
1530s yeah definitely going to help you uh
1532s some listen you can just listen in the
1534s woods and if if he's patrolling around
1536s you're gonna hear him
1538s oh my gosh this guy's huge now right oh
1541s oh sorry my bad I thought for a second
1544s there he was gonna agree me but just so
1546s you guys are aware in the Stream I've
1547s I've set myself to invulnerable so that
1549s we can kind of just walk near him and
1552s see his massive nature
1555s and Doug Jason talk to me a little bit
1558s about the inspiration for this guy as a
1559s character model like what were you guys
1561s you know working with the character
1563s teams to kind of I notice he has this
1565s massive tree talk to me a little bit
1567s about that element
1569s yeah I think that was actually a little
1570s bit improvised in the design based on
1572s what the character came back with Jason
1573s if you want to talk about that
1576s yeah when the character artists were
1578s making this they had this cool idea of
1580s just having this giant tree weapon that
1582s a cyclops would hold and um we took that
1585s idea and just kind of embraced it um
1587s make it part of this character and the
1589s embellishments that he wears and
1592s um using that to kind of inform what
1595s type of encounter that he might be so we
1597s ended up making the tree like a pretty
1599s core part of it and informs some of his
1602s combat abilities and
1604s um phase transitions even in the fight
1606s yeah I mean it's a collaborative process
1608s sometimes it's designed asking for
1610s something specific from art and
1611s sometimes art is what it forms the
1613s design so
1614s oh he looks great the character did a
1617s great job with this do you know who's a
1618s character artist that worked on this was
1619s it Keith
1620s Urban Keith
1622s or could have been Genty of somebody
1625s yeah they did a great job either way I
1627s mean it looks it looks phenomenal I know
1629s we have a couple of parties that are
1631s going to assist us with this particular
1633s fight talk to me a little bit about
1635s this encounter as a raid boss you know
1638s what is the expectation from the actual
1641s raid size that that you guys are
1643s anticipating for the design
1645s I think that's gonna that's gonna vary
1648s depending on the level of the raid
1649s obviously and then sort of how geared
1651s they are
1652s um but we're kind of aiming for
1653s somewhere between you know 16 and you
1656s know 32
1657s um probably depending again on level and
1659s equipment
1661s very cool so this guy's a really early
1663s kind of uh World boss and we want to
1666s introduce players early to the idea of
1669s these raids and by the way as we're kind
1671s of chatting about this those of you who
1672s are going to be helping us defeat this
1674s guy with our uh two parties if you want
1677s to start heading over to the arena we
1680s are waiting here for you I will set
1682s myself uh off of the GM and
1684s vulnerability here
1686s see
1687s um
1689s there we go
1691s hopefully I don't agree him
1693s um you know it's important as we were
1694s talking about to kind of introduce
1695s players uh into uh what rating really
1698s means in ashes and talk to me a little
1700s bit about kind of the general design
1702s approach you take uh with creating these
1704s types of encounters you know they're
1706s obviously phases there's different
1707s elements in those phases that kind of
1709s change dynamically the the way you want
1711s players to interact what are we gonna
1713s see here a little bit
1715s yeah this is definitely like a a more
1717s introductory rating experience
1720s um so it's not going to be too
1721s complicated but I think there are some
1722s really interesting mechanics regardless
1724s and I think Jason can talk about those
1727s um yeah so when I when I first started
1729s designing this guy
1730s um you know we had uh Trav and the other
1733s guys on the archetype team looking at
1736s you know forming the classes that people
1738s have been seeing over the scene over the
1739s live stream and you know really before
1742s um those kind of come to fruition
1745s um and knowing like you know what the
1747s full abilities are and everything we I
1749s started the design with you know the
1750s core Trinity in mind
1752s um so the roles are very obvious
1756s um tanks will tank healers will heal and
1758s DPS will
1760s um try to take down the targets that
1761s they need to and starting from there I
1763s tried to
1764s um
1765s keep that in mind not not to uh over
1767s complicate it so that
1769s um they'll always have that like
1770s individual training idea amongst the
1772s different mechanics
1774s um
1774s yeah so we got some classic Staples in
1776s here we've got you know ads that off
1778s tanks are going to have to peel off
1780s um and crowd control that's going to
1782s need to be applied to Those ads we've
1784s got priority targets are going to pop up
1786s that need to be killed we've got you
1788s know damage that's going to be
1789s unavoidable so that you know even though
1791s the expert group that could Dodge all of
1793s his avoidable attacks you know the
1795s healers are still going to have work to
1796s do to keep everyone alive
1798s very cool very cool love it I know you
1802s guys will notice obviously on the uh the
1804s stream that there have been some updates
1806s to a little bit of the uh nameplates
1809s that Colby and the UI team have
1810s implemented as well as some of the
1812s targeting plates as well but who do we
1815s have as our tank today
1819s Doug will be tanking all right all right
1822s very cool and then we also have
1825s um I'll be playing as a mage but
1828s um
1829s I will be trying to capture some good
1831s shots of the encounter to a degree Chad
1834s what are you playing
1835s I am a mage as well just look at you oh
1838s okay very cool
1840s and then how about you Jason
1841s I'm playing the cleric nice well Doug I
1845s don't want to stand in the way of your
1847s greatness so please by all means sir you
1850s may commence when ready
1852s all right Leroy Jenkins Leroy let's do
1855s this try not to let me digest it yeah no
1859s promises
1860s uh he's an angry to muck
1865s oh my God that looks like it hurts yeah
1869s if you don't block that you get smooshed
1872s I love his animation so talk to me a
1875s little bit about some of these attacks
1877s what what do you got going on here Jason
1879s and Doug
1882s um so yeah his first phase
1884s um here he has a lot of uh physical
1887s attacks but he also employs a lot of
1889s attacks using his tree like we see there
1890s with the roots hitting us and right now
1893s you can see he's also he's he's
1896s um pulling some fungus out of the tree
1898s and using that to heal himself
1901s um he has a tank Spike attack where he
1904s smashes the the tree into the tank that
1906s Doug was blocking earlier
1909s and generally does a lot of like AOE
1911s Splash damage
1913s that other melee will want to avoid not
1916s stand stand together yeah he's not
1919s particularly complex uh rainbows but
1921s he's a great example of sort of what we
1924s want to do with large creatures and
1925s Ashes having them interact with the
1927s environment having that that camera
1929s shake that you know those knockdowns
1931s that make it feel like he is here and he
1934s is crushing you
1940s all right
1942s no he looks oh my God he keeps just
1945s charging there
1948s I'm just barely missing him
1950s now talk to me a little bit about kind
1953s of the raid Boss Designs like you guys
1956s are working with multiple stages I
1958s noticed that right now he's just kind of
1960s you know roaming around he has different
1963s targets on his hate list tell me like
1965s what's your general philosophy how did
1967s you guys approach this
1969s yeah so I think um I just ended this a
1972s little bit earlier but we
1974s designed this boss pretty early on when
1976s a lot of the classes were still their
1977s sort of nasic form so we really just
1979s wanted to focus on the whole the Trinity
1982s you know making sure that everyone has a
1984s purpose in this read a role whether
1986s you're someone who's focused on CC
1988s whether you're a tank A Healer a DPS you
1991s know giving those classic mechanics to
1993s give everybody a job in the in the raid
1994s like right now for instance he's put
1996s this tree down and there are going to be
1999s um these healing caps that appear
2001s and those are going to be a priority
2002s objective for DPS to take down before
2004s they grow to full size because if they
2006s do he's going to go over he's going to
2008s stomp him and he's going to get healed
2009s for a huge percentage of his health
2012s wow
2014s so we got to take this tree out because
2017s he's just gonna keep healing
2019s yeah and you definitely gotta switch
2021s over to those healing caps when they
2023s appear
2027s there that's super cool so he so he
2029s heals off of the mushrooms as well
2032s yeah and as a player if you destroy them
2035s or even if he Stomps on them if you
2036s happen to be nearby when they blow up um
2039s you can cut that heel as well so if
2041s you're taking some damage from the
2042s Thorns from the tree or you got hit by
2044s one of his large uh you know stop
2045s attacks you know you might have a chance
2047s to get healed up if you run over to
2049s those mushrooms before they pull up
2051s okay we almost have this tree down come
2053s on guys focus it down Focus major DPS on
2056s the tree
2057s let's try to kill this thing
2060s it's almost done get it get it before he
2062s picks it up
2063s yes everything release it all
2066s oh well done oh
2070s oh
2071s God why is he so mad
2075s he does not like when you break his
2076s weapon what the heck I mean who would
2082s Jason where'd you get the idea for that
2084s for the kind of tree totem
2087s um a lot of that came from the uh
2089s original uh design that we got from
2091s character art in that we really enjoyed
2095s the way the that it's energized with his
2097s look so we wanted to employ the use of
2100s the tree as as like a core part of his
2102s uh encounter
2105s um and we ended up using it as like a
2107s magical like a magical tree where he
2109s gets a lot of his abilities but without
2111s that he seems to get really mad and his
2113s more Primal Cyclops giant nature comes
2116s back as we see here
2121s wow that's cool so talk to me about
2123s those kind of slams that he's doing and
2125s also I noticed like as he's running
2127s around the trees are falling the stone
2130s obelisks are kind of getting destroyed
2132s is there intent for these kind of
2135s environmental
2137s um hazards to exist as well as part of
2139s the raid design yeah absolutely for our
2142s large creatures you know Cyclops is
2143s dragons things like that we we want to
2146s make sure that the world feels Dynamic
2147s and it's reacting to their big size you
2150s know if a huge you know
2152s 20 meter tall Beast is walking through
2155s the woods and not knocking down a single
2157s tree that just doesn't feel believable
2159s so we want to make sure that you know
2161s you're gonna steer that and that's gonna
2162s be a way you can know in the distance
2164s there's something you want to go and
2166s investigate
2171s that is super cool I died but I'm on my
2174s way back
2177s those slams hurt really bad yeah
2182s um one of the aspects of the the phases
2184s in this fight is actually that uh he has
2187s those healing abilities when he has his
2189s totem tree his nature magic but um and
2191s he is more Primal when he's in this
2192s phase as a result you can take him down
2195s a little quicker when he's enraged but
2196s it's also going to be a lot more
2198s incoming damage for your healers to work
2199s through so
2201s um depending on your raid composition
2203s your you know equipment level you might
2205s want to sustain longer in that earlier
2207s phase even if it takes the while through
2210s all that healing um because if you push
2211s him too early uh you might just wipe
2218s oh I love it guys
2220s here he goes no no no no no no no no no
2222s no no no
2227s no oh it's getting crushed there it's
2229s right under his fists
2232s oh this poor guy
2236s look at him
2238s his little eye
2241s wow that was very cool well done guys
2243s that was awesome does he have any loot
2247s can we loot him I wonder oh
2251s sword of the Briar home a longbow
2254s a short bow and a mace oh very nice well
2259s that was a lot of fun very well done I
2261s thought that that was very cool guys as
2263s you guys are watching this remember
2265s obviously this is one of the earliest
2266s World bosses in ashes of creation that
2269s you'll have an opportunity to encounter
2270s just getting your feet wet and what the
2271s raid boss system is going to look like
2274s we have a lot of fun designs that are
2276s intended with a lot of different
2278s creatures but give us your feedback what
2280s are the raid bosses you enjoyed in other
2281s games that you've played what about the
2283s mechanics what about the phases uh that
2285s you thought were were cool what did you
2287s enjoy seeing here today
2289s um and what would you like to see in the
2291s future but otherwise Trad Jason Doug
2295s thank you guys for joining us and giving
2297s us a little sneak peek under the hood of
2299s the encounter design particularly as it
2301s relates to tumak The Wretched I thought
2304s that that was that was super cool a lot
2306s of fun
2307s um and I look forward to seeing more
2308s from you guys in the future but with
2310s that being said uh I would like to thank
2313s you all and we will see everyone back on
2316s stream here in just a moment
2318s bye everybody
2323s [Music]
2327s welcome back we hope that you all
2330s enjoyed it it seemed like you did I
2331s wanted to clarify a few things because I
2334s know that there were some comments in
2335s regards to a couple things and then
2337s there were quite a few questions so
2338s Stephen will answer some of those as
2340s well but for clarifications obviously we
2342s recorded this in 4k we will be uploading
2345s it in 4k on YouTube I know there were
2346s some comments regarding Graphics we were
2349s you saw that this time we showed three
2352s different perspectives of different
2353s folks so we kind of had to figure out a
2355s different recording system in order to
2358s make sure everybody's quality was the
2361s same level
2362s um except different PCS so just keep
2364s that in mind but we will upload that
2366s after the stream
2368s um in regards to the node GM cameras I
2371s meant uh no we didn't use commands
2373s during the cyclops fight not necessarily
2375s before that because as soon as I said
2377s that Steven you used the thing to walk
2379s next to him well crap I didn't want him
2382s to aggro me so yes but he turned that
2385s off because obviously he won it he had
2387s to be able to fight and you saw that
2390s um you know Stephen died a couple times
2391s there yeah and we were looking at the UI
2393s I might have been the only person that
2394s died but um just just to be clear uh
2398s remember that we are still in our
2401s journey to Alpha two and as a result of
2403s that Journey the phase of development
2406s that we are currently in with the
2407s project doesn't really emphasize polish
2410s or performance or optimization so you're
2415s gonna see some oh I have my pen because
2417s I was taking notes from chat um you're
2419s gonna you're gonna see some um
2422s you're going to see some room for
2423s improvement there right also I'm running
2425s this you know on a 4k monitor and 4K
2427s stream and I'm streaming at the same
2428s time or excuse me uh recording at the
2430s same time so you know some of the FPS is
2433s going to get improved it'll be it'll be
2434s uh it'll be much better but
2437s um yeah let's get to some of the
2439s questions that you guys had in uh and
2441s chat about the boss yeah yeah and also
2444s um I know we had mentioned that we were
2446s talking about whether Keith had designed
2448s or designed the model and Keith did
2450s designed the model so just wanted to
2452s clarify in that front but the first
2454s question we have here is tumak didn't
2455s leave Footprints behind like our player
2458s characters did Will Will big creatures
2460s like that or any creatures leave behind
2463s Footprints yeah so um uh uh General
2466s overpopulation mobs will not leave
2469s um Footprints however uh the larger
2471s monsters like this and raid bosses and
2473s and
2474s um dungeon bosses they will have
2477s Footprints they were just not enabled
2478s for him uh in this showcase yet
2481s and then what are the respawn rates on
2484s world bosses that's a very generic
2485s question then it yeah it depends it
2489s depends on the world boss
2491s um you know we want to the general
2492s philosophy is that respawns will be
2495s variable we don't want to have set
2497s specific times in which uh response uh
2500s will occur so that they can be kind of
2501s camped and farmed but they'll be
2503s variable location response as well as
2506s variable time response
2508s um and then that's kind of you know
2510s provides opportunities for different
2512s parties to engage at different times and
2514s locations
2517s cool
2518s and then I'm also playing this in the
2520s background so you guys are getting to
2521s see it a little bit more while we talk
2524s um next one here is
2526s uh will too much destroying trees affect
2529s the growth and replenishment of trees in
2531s the world and also if animals hunt one
2533s another will that affect respawn rates
2535s of those animals astute observation
2538s whoever asked that question
2540s um yes the answer is yes uh there are
2543s Land Management systems that we've
2545s talked about in the past
2547s um and there is certain interactions
2550s that can occur that can affect those uh
2552s systems so yes
2554s and knocking down trees too long is not
2557s going to be a good thing for the area
2558s yeah so you probably want to as much as
2560s he was just going for a stroll because I
2562s saw someone in Chows laughing I told
2564s Stephen I was like I love this comment
2565s someone in chat was like
2568s of course he's mad and raging he was
2570s just going for a walk a little stroll
2572s and you guys are killing him you're
2574s monsters this guy is responsible for
2578s some pretty horrific things so he's not
2580s just an innocent Cyclops out for a
2583s stroll let's be clear he sided with the
2585s baddies yeah and uh the next one here is
2589s will ground shake for large bosses
2592s um be something that we'll see in the
2594s future can you turn off the screen Shake
2596s yeah you know there is something to be
2599s had there about
2601s um those types of screen Shake effects
2602s we want them to be present when we're
2606s emphasizing certain things but we don't
2608s want them to be a nuisance or annoying
2609s or too plentiful
2611s um and having screen Shake apply to
2614s every you know every step would probably
2616s be too abundant will players have
2619s control over those on-screen type
2621s effects um yeah I think so I think
2623s that's something we want to provision as
2625s a customizable option for players to be
2627s able to turn off because it can be be
2628s somewhat nauseating for certain groups
2630s of people and a distraction from what's
2633s happening in the world
2636s and then will World bosses become
2638s different or higher level as a node
2640s levels how will these World bosses scale
2642s when it comes to player levels is it
2644s based on players or the zone
2648s players
2649s so the question was sorry I missed the
2653s first part yeah Will World bosses become
2655s different or higher level as nodes level
2657s yes okay so um world bosses uh are
2663s pretty defined in their challenge rating
2667s and we don't have an approach that is
2671s scaling for content right we feel that
2675s that kind of cheapens the content when
2677s you apply a scaling mechanic so that you
2680s know this content is is is constantly
2682s relevant
2683s um you know there are ways that the
2685s world responds and changes to the nodes
2688s development those are prescribed those
2691s are curated we those are meaningful and
2693s we want them to be experienced by the
2695s players but not all content is going to
2697s be scalable like we've seen in some
2699s Modern MMOs and then the other part of
2702s that yeah I guess was Will World bosses
2705s scale when it comes to player levels and
2707s is it based on players or the Zone
2711s itself leveling
2714s um they they will not Scale based on
2715s player level no so so this is a level 30
2718s uh boss and he will be relevant for a
2721s nine level spread up or down from that
2723s level 30 position okay and then people
2727s are wondering will bosses or the Cyclops
2729s actually get voice lines or things of
2731s that sort
2734s um yeah bosses certain bosses will have
2737s audio cues um that might be in the form
2740s of language it might be in the form of
2742s indistinguishable uh sounds
2745s um but yes bosses and some even
2747s creatures will have audio cues to use
2750s and then I do see some folks asking
2753s um in chat regarding about you know if
2757s this is an open world boss then that
2759s means other players could attack me and
2762s my and my homies and also attack the
2765s monster that I'm attacking and how we
2767s plan to address that situation in
2769s regards to maybe large guilds coming in
2772s and you know murdering people and
2774s stealing their boss yeah absolutely so
2776s um we've talked about this in the past
2777s content in ashes of creation is divided
2780s into open world content and instanced
2783s content the ratio of content division
2786s there is about 80 20 80 being open world
2788s 20 being instance that remains true when
2793s we talk about the ability for
2794s competition to exist around limited
2797s resources or scarcity what bosses fall
2800s into that category of scarcity and or
2803s limited resources they are essentially a
2805s resource that you can defeat in order to
2808s acquire things you need for your
2810s character progress question and as a
2811s result of that it is healthy to
2814s encounter potential friction and or
2816s competition with other groups of players
2819s who are interested in acquiring that
2820s scarce resource and we don't want to
2823s address that situation that is the
2826s element of the game design that is risk
2829s versus reward you're taking the risk and
2832s encountering this open world content and
2835s your reward for successfully doing so
2837s are the resources you can acquire by by
2840s that effort now there are mechanisms
2842s there are tools there are
2845s systems that allow for you to establish
2849s reputations with these other groups of
2851s players to pursue them outside of this
2854s encounter to hinder them in such a way
2856s where they might think twice whether or
2858s not they want to engage with your group
2860s there are avenues that can be taken both
2863s political as well as systemic where
2866s players can engage with those factions
2869s and it's important to note that ashes of
2871s creation is a non-faction based game
2873s what that means is you're not told who
2876s your enemy and your friend is you are
2878s not restricted with the players that you
2880s can participate in content with instead
2883s that choice is left to you the players
2887s and that is an element of the sandbox
2888s environment that we're trying to create
2889s with ashes of creation
2892s all right and then the next question
2894s here is less about the Cyclops class and
2896s people were noticing that folks were
2899s carrying around these blue Orbee type of
2902s things and they were wondering what
2903s those are
2905s oh um I believe yeah good call I think
2907s that's the first time we've actually
2908s shown those yeah um so so those are um
2912s sigils I'm sorry not sigils um
2917s my mind is totally blanking right now
2919s those are those are essentially
2921s um Acumen instruments that you can use
2923s to enhance your your spell casting they
2926s replace a shield off hand uh uh item
2929s that players can somebody in slack if
2931s you can remember the name of those
2932s things shoot it over to me real quick in
2934s a DM
2935s um but uh yeah those are those are
2937s essentially offhand items that players
2939s can use in order to enhance their
2940s casting ability and or healing and and
2942s whatnot they are called focuses yeah
2946s spell focus thank you
2949s and that is
2952s we're gonna have a many men and by the
2954s way okay real quick the the spell
2956s focuses can take many different forms
2958s you saw an orb there the spell focus
2960s could be a book it could be a shrunken
2962s head it could be you know something kind
2964s of uh really interesting uh but it's a
2967s way for uh non-shield users or non-sigil
2971s users
2972s um to incorporate an element into their
2974s offhand if they want to be a one-handed
2976s weapon user
2977s oh cool
2979s um and of course we could be here all
2982s day if we answered questions forever but
2983s we do have some other things to show you
2984s all and we do have some other questions
2986s to get to from the forums
2988s um but as always we would love your
2991s feedback we will have a combat a cyclops
2994s combat preview a slash live stream uh
2996s feedback thread that's going to be over
2997s on our forums please definitely go check
2999s it out and give us some thoughts as
3002s Steven said this helps us ensure that
3004s you know we're we're moving forward in
3006s the right direction so please
3008s please please give us some some of your
3010s thoughts and I know sometimes it can be
3011s hard because you're like just watching
3013s something versus experiencing it
3016s um but when you get into Alpha 2 you'll
3017s be able to experience it and give us
3018s that side of the feedback as well so
3021s we'll we'll get we'll get both ends of
3022s it but at least we can address some of
3024s your concerns just from visually seeing
3026s it as well
3028s and with that unless you have anything
3029s else Steven I'm gonna head on over to
3032s our character goodies
3035s yeah all right
3038s moving on as you've maybe noticed we've
3042s been doing some profession goodness
3045s you've been seeing some trees and
3047s lumberjacking and you know we're working
3049s towards some good old fishing there are
3051s a lot of fish that have been being
3053s created some of them are very strange
3056s looking as I'm sure you all will see
3058s here
3059s um but Chris Jan uh gincy and Priscilla
3063s and Keith have been making a ton of them
3065s so uh the Seas of Vera will be plenty
3071s you will definitely be getting your fill
3072s of good fishies to cook and fish up and
3077s trade I'm excited for you all to to see
3079s those they're gorgeous
3082s I love the little fish they're so good
3085s some of them are a little horrifying
3087s as rightfully they should be
3091s cool
3093s a few of them I feel like the chat is
3095s going to have thoughts about like the
3098s Lamprey are the grossest
3101s they say that the night is dark and full
3103s of Terror but what they really forget is
3105s that the the Seas are deep and yeah have
3109s you ever gone scuba diving or anything
3111s like that I have I have I uh one time we
3114s had a guild
3116s um we had a guild so my guild I always
3119s used to have these like trips that we
3121s would take some of our officers and some
3123s Guild members and stuff and one year we
3125s went to Hawaii and there was like 13 of
3127s us and none of us had scuba dive before
3129s except for one person I think of the
3130s party and I charted this boat to take us
3132s out to go scuba diving and they're like
3133s well you have to go through this like
3134s process you know the certification thing
3136s I was like uh you know just take us out
3139s somewhere that's cool and we'll just
3140s kind of jump in the water and do our
3142s thing and so one of one of our friends
3144s who's a big boy
3145s um he he got into his swimsuit and he
3147s gets in with this with the snorkel and
3150s they're teaching him the little uh the
3152s little device that the buoyancy thing
3153s that takes you up or down you press the
3154s button and they're teaching them the
3156s hand signals like this is swimmer's okay
3158s this is like not okay or you know
3160s whatever right and we're underwater and
3163s he's like floating up here he can't get
3165s his mask thing on very well and he's
3167s pressing the button because he's kind of
3169s sinking and as he's slowly sinking under
3171s the water he's pressing the wrong button
3173s and he doesn't know yeah he's pressing
3174s the button to make it go up yeah he's
3176s probably no he's pressing the button to
3177s make him go down but he thought he was
3179s pressing the button making him go up and
3180s so his face is just falling like under
3183s the water he doesn't have his mask on
3184s and in his last words of moment he just
3187s says I'm gonna need some help here he
3191s goes under the water and my ear was
3193s bleeding and like John wanted to swim to
3196s shore where like a mile and a half out
3197s it was just a terrible this sounds like
3200s a nightmare yeah I had a lovely time uh
3203s scuba diving complete opposite of that
3205s but I think one of the things that is
3207s because you talk about you were saying
3209s how like it's you know dark and full of
3211s tears but I think that the beauty of
3213s being underwater is it's like so quiet
3215s but there's like a lot of life going on
3219s around you which I think is really
3220s exciting some of which you want to eat
3222s you
3223s yeah there were some sharks like tiger
3226s sharks that swim by us but the people
3228s that we were we were with that were
3230s taking us were they were like they're
3233s not interested in you they have enough
3234s food here so as long as you're not I
3236s have a fear of like wide open spaces and
3239s anytime I can't see what's beneath me
3242s and it's just like darkness that scares
3245s me and so being in the water
3248s um out in the middle of the ocean where
3250s I don't have a corner to back against
3251s and just like see where my threat lives
3253s like I just feel like at any moment some
3256s giant shark is just going to come out of
3257s the depths of darkness and eat me or
3259s something and Kraken just comes up and
3261s takes even no totally like my mind just
3263s the amount of Fantasy games and movies
3265s that I've watched like I just go to a
3267s dark place immediately and thinking
3269s about some crack and like Monsters see I
3271s have the opposite I I think for me in
3273s the water I think because I can swim and
3275s move and maneuver I'm okay it's Heights
3278s for me because I can I can see what's
3280s down there and I can see how far away it
3282s is to me and it horrifies me that I
3284s might fall and to my death I'm with you
3287s on the heights too yeah for sure all
3289s right moving on from that uh now that
3292s we're all horrified by underwater
3294s creatures and and Heights um we also
3296s have pig Lids you've been seeing sheep
3298s cows piglets we're you know getting
3300s getting the farm in and profession stuff
3302s going which is really exciting I'm ex
3304s I'm super excited for freeholds and
3307s Farms I love farming and games it's so
3309s fun
3311s um next up we've got a tiebreaker
3314s riverlands variant I love their beards
3316s they're so cute oh they're so good
3319s they're so cute they look like just
3322s grumpy otters and I'm into it
3326s um the next one here is our Hydra swans
3329s and then we also have like a variant of
3331s it so for those of you who have the the
3333s regular Hydra Swan which
3335s um you know thank you for supporting us
3336s we also have
3338s um the variant here and Stephen I saw
3341s that you gave a story behind how this
3344s thing how this came to be yeah you
3345s talked about on Twitter I don't know if
3346s you want to share that with folks who
3348s maybe don't use Twitter oh I just you
3350s know geese and Swan in general are just
3353s wretched creatures like they're they're
3355s beautiful but they're mean as all hell
3358s and uh when I was a kid we used to live
3360s on a lake uh or live near a lake and um
3364s I would go feed these things and when
3367s they had babies I didn't know that they
3369s got protective and they would fly and
3372s attack me as I'm trying to climb away
3373s from them and Peck me in the back and
3376s just
3376s I vowed from that day forward that if I
3379s ever created an MMO at seven years old I
3381s was thinking to myself
3383s that I would create this as a creature
3386s no actually I made it in our ashes of
3388s creation original
3390s um uh Pathfinder campaign a Hydra Swan
3392s uh that was I just took the template of
3395s the actual Hydra monster and I gave him
3397s a bunch of beak attacks so they were
3398s like d6s minus two or something it was
3401s like level two party and they're like oh
3402s my God it's a Hydra Swan I'm like yeah
3404s don't feed it bread
3407s that's really funny like I love that I
3410s might have to pull that on one of my
3411s people in the future for one of my
3414s campaigns we got this lovely snake boy
3419s I love that they did the apple thing
3422s with it
3424s the animations that our team always
3427s comes up with for for things is amazing
3430s the little intricacies
3432s and then we've got the seventh Lancer
3435s uniform
3437s oh it looks great yes they look so scary
3445s I have those backwards we've got the
3448s diadem
3450s for our Royal folks out there
3453s pretty sure conveyor
3456s super cool
3458s got some arcane garbs
3464s oh who made the Arcane garbs uh the
3467s Arcane garbs were by Yan
3470s oh yeah these look great
3475s I have all the names for everybody this
3477s time because Stephen always asked me and
3479s I'm like I don't know there's a million
3481s art pieces
3483s um who who did the uh the variant for
3486s the um uh the Idris one no no the otter
3489s oh the uh that's ginsy that's that's
3492s jincey work right there love it it looks
3494s so good the Gloom root
3498s um we've got the Jade sigil
3502s come into fruition
3504s oh that looks great who did the
3506s mercenary one looks really great the
3507s Jade sigil one was Yan as well yeah a
3510s great challenge same with the Merc set
3512s here oh wow very nice and then we've got
3516s another plate set
3519s John's just killing it
3521s get some yawn
3524s and then we've got The Travelers the
3527s part of the trailers
3529s um outfit
3531s oh I believe I have an empty yes
3535s yes this set was really fun to design
3538s can you use the Hat as the like the the
3541s thing you carry but you just flip it
3542s over and put all the flesh fish in it
3544s and hold it like up I was thinking you
3546s could either put fish in it or you could
3547s float in it was my thought when I was
3549s designing it because sometimes they
3550s would use these to like get like fishing
3553s yeah
3556s oh yeah I know that's a good call it's a
3558s good call will you put the you put the
3560s fish on the net on the outside oh okay
3562s and then you eat yeah
3565s um yeah it's cool and then we have the
3568s ice heart corsage being worked on still
3571s work in progress
3573s very nice and I believe that is it from
3576s the art Department
3579s by it I mean like they've got a lot of
3581s stuff but
3583s um that is what we'll be showing today
3584s thank you amazing artists
3587s killing it as per usual moving on to our
3591s Forum questions I will also just keep
3593s the video of a cyclops fight in the
3594s background so you can have something to
3597s look at Wilson I ask the questions first
3600s question is from Nick
3602s oh wait actually let's do
3604s um Studio updates first oh Studio yeah
3607s let's talk with Studios and then I'll
3608s yeah it's an expression question what's
3611s been our studio updates for this month
3614s well I think our general student has
3617s been that we're continuing to hire so we
3620s hired a lot within the like even the
3622s last month I know yeah I think we've
3625s we've hired uh 20 like seven people this
3629s year so far
3631s um yeah great great talent added to the
3633s team amazing individuals thank you guys
3636s for your help out there and spreading
3638s the word for the project and
3641s um you know supporting us because that
3644s obviously helps Talent get attracted to
3647s to working on this this awesome game we
3650s have so many people where we have to
3651s expand we're we're getting another
3653s correct we have another floor incoming
3656s another 30 some odd thousand square feet
3660s um it'll be nice
3662s um we got some construction that'll be
3663s starting here in the next month or so uh
3666s that's gonna be an interesting juggling
3669s act
3670s um
3671s but uh yeah I don't know help me is
3673s there anything that I'm missing in the
3674s month of uh
3675s Studio updates
3677s I think I don't know it's just been
3679s heads down yeah it's just been hiring a
3682s lot it's been
3684s um Everybody working really hard towards
3685s our Milestones I know we talk about
3687s these and you guys don't have context of
3689s like the timelines for them but
3692s um we have Sprints and then we have a
3695s certain amount of Sprints within a
3696s milestone and so like those are these
3698s are ways for us to track in order to see
3699s how far we're coming along and we have
3701s like a big milestone coming up uh end of
3704s July yes or end of June June early July
3708s so
3709s um you know people are just powering
3711s through this last Sprint working really
3714s hard and getting prepared for it so
3717s um you know we're working hard to make
3719s sure that you guys get Alpha 2 that's
3720s obviously our next Milestone that's
3721s going to be external for you guys to be
3723s able to play test
3725s um and experience and you know there
3727s will be some pre-tests before Alpha 2
3729s that pi and you know other folks will be
3732s able to enjoy and test out with us
3734s probably more nda'd and then we'll get
3737s into the more of the testing that's
3738s expansive that everyone gets to see and
3741s check out
3743s student number I noticed someone said
3746s something about a uh mug
3748s the mug looks so small back there when
3751s Steven put it down I was like it looks
3752s so tiny and then he picks it up and it's
3754s a lady mug
3756s it's a baby mug yeah I'm really excited
3759s for Merch I know that people have been
3761s asking about it I think it's a balancing
3763s act of some folks want it some folks are
3765s like why are you selling merch
3767s um but we're working towards it homies
3769s yes we are working towards that and in
3771s addition I will give
3774s um a brief kind of
3777s uh statement that in the near future
3781s over the coming I would say few months
3784s we will be discontinuing
3789s our pre-order packages
3792s um we'll be making that announcement
3794s when it happens but the number of
3797s participants that we have for Alpha 2 as
3799s it stands currently uh is significant
3802s and until we are certain that we want to
3805s host additional players at some point in
3808s the next three months I would say
3809s probably uh we will we will be
3812s discontinuing those packages and we'll
3813s have updates if we want to offer
3814s different packages at some point in the
3816s future after the Alpha 2 testings uh
3818s succeed so
3820s um look forward to that announcement
3822s we'll give you ample time ahead of time
3824s so that if there are individuals who
3826s still want to participate they'll have
3828s an opportunity to do so but I did want
3829s to give that heads up
3831s right
3832s um and as Steven said we will give heads
3834s up we'll we'll make it a news post about
3836s those things we'll make you guys clear
3837s we always do an FAQ for those types of
3839s things as well usually so we try to
3841s answer the questions in advance or if
3843s questions come up we update our FAQ to
3845s include that so we will give more
3847s information as those things come online
3849s and come to fruition but we have been
3851s hearing your feedback there are things
3852s that Stephen and I and uh Langford Brian
3856s Langford who you've seen on this on the
3858s channel before and Jacob who's our lead
3860s um producer I think I caught Margaret
3861s off guard we didn't intend to make this
3863s you didn't tell us okay you have enough
3866s I want to give enough lead time you know
3868s just saying I think preemptively giving
3870s people expectations yes exactly yeah
3872s it's definitely something that we're
3873s we're working towards
3874s um and obviously I've been bringing this
3876s to Steven's attention for a long time of
3878s like folks feedback in regards to it
3881s um but there are reasons why we do have
3882s the Cosmetic packs
3884s um and they have been assisting us in
3886s many ways so thank you all so much for
3887s helping us and it's also pushing forward
3889s a lot of the content so we'll still
3891s probably have some semblance of
3893s Cosmetics but maybe they'll be less
3895s exclusive and more rotational things
3897s like that so if you do have thoughts
3899s feel free to you know let us know we're
3901s always yeah interested in hearing them
3903s we've definitely been reading your
3904s feedback we've heard it
3906s um and we're going to be making some
3907s adjustments yes
3910s all right
3911s yes this is the thing we've been
3912s discussing it was not prepared for that
3914s I know I'm so sorry I mean we know the
3916s direction we know what we're going to do
3918s so I just thought I'd give the heads up
3919s yeah because I know people I people like
3920s to watch and see what the Cosmetics are
3922s before they choose to whether or not
3923s they want to actually purchase a package
3925s yeah I wanted to let them know like
3927s we're months away from that being
3929s discontinued so if you are interested in
3931s something you know yeah that's yeah
3934s exactly for sure for sure
3936s um and then next up we do have our q a
3939s so we'll get to that
3941s as I mentioned before I'll have the
3942s cyclops fight in the background so our
3945s first question here is from Nick about
3947s party Dynamics can we hit our uh party
3949s Mage to wake them up from Slumber
3951s perhaps if both of us are flagged
3954s so I guess if someone gets slept
3957s not your party mate because you can't
3959s flag against your party mate
3961s um that is a restriction that's not uh
3964s allowed however if you were not at a
3966s party yes you could attack them to wake
3968s them up and break the sleep in addition
3970s there will also be uh spells that can be
3972s cast to break enchantments and sleep is
3975s one of the uh one of the enchantments
3976s that can be broken through the spellcast
3977s so if you have a cleric in your party or
3979s a Bard they'll have an ability uh to
3982s kind of um uh to remove the negative
3985s debuff
3986s yeah and
3987s um kind of going back to the previous
3989s discussion we had in the studio update
3991s regarding uh cosmetic packs if you have
3993s a Kickstarter pack you can still upgrade
3995s that so that correct that'll still be
3998s upgradable and as we've said in the past
3999s before we decide to discontinue the
4001s upgrade upgrade paths for the
4003s kickstarters we will give ample notice
4005s as well for that yes
4008s um and then volts wants to know about
4010s PVP quests will there be quests that
4013s players can put uh that put players
4015s against each other slash encourage PVP
4018s for example and organization's quest for
4021s the Traders Guild contradicted by a
4023s Thieves Guild quest yeah absolutely
4026s there are quests that interact with PVP
4028s PVP is not
4030s a secondary component of the game PVP is
4034s an equitable component of the game
4037s remember we are a pvx game which means
4039s that we emphasize both PVE quest lines
4043s and story modes and content as well as
4046s PVP it is an intended design theory for
4050s ashes of creation that the world is not
4052s filled with just your friends the world
4054s is also filled with adversaries and
4056s because of that we will provide
4058s opportunities to encourage social
4059s friction and that may be in the form of
4062s these PVP oriented questlines
4065s all right and then our next one is about
4067s looting from Azure well it'd be possible
4071s to kick a player from a party or Raid
4073s just before killing a boss or to deny
4076s them from their share of the loot will
4077s it be possible I'm sorry to say it last
4079s part will be possible to kick a player
4081s from your raid like right before you do
4084s loot so that they don't get to be part
4085s of the loot
4087s um yes technically it would be possible
4088s for you to kick a player prior to to
4091s um acquiring loot however
4094s again because we are a game that relies
4098s on social interactions there are
4099s reputations to be had and if you acquire
4102s a reputation as a raid leader or as a
4105s party leader of doing something dirty
4107s like that then it's unlikely you'll be
4110s able to Garner the support of future
4112s party members and or raids uh to lead
4114s efforts against these raid bosses so
4117s keeping that in mind
4119s and harathgar wants to know about
4122s respawning will there be a custom
4125s respawn or will there be custom respawn
4128s points that can be placed by players in
4130s the open world or only checkpoint based
4133s respawn points like the nearest
4136s graveyard slash City to respond yeah
4139s there will not be custom
4142s um respawn points that can be placed in
4143s the world
4144s and then garthak wants to know about
4146s open world distractions since travel
4149s times are important what is there to
4151s discover that will distract you from
4153s going straight to your initial
4155s destination what makes traveling
4157s adventurous in Vera
4160s well aside from threat and opportunity
4163s which are probably the two biggest
4165s distractions that you can encounter
4166s while traveling through Vera
4169s um
4170s you know those come in different forms
4172s threat in the form of monsters and
4174s events opportunities in the forms of
4177s resources and
4180s pois there's also achievements that are
4182s based around exploration there's
4185s treasure maps that can be found there's
4186s you know there's a lot of different
4188s things that kind of intersect with
4190s travel
4191s um the movement of resources the storage
4193s of those resources in which locations
4195s what are available to be sold and
4196s purchased at different locations they
4198s might make you DeTour for you
4200s um you know all of those things kind of
4202s contribute to why I would go somewhere
4204s and instead uh change my direction
4208s all right
4209s and then cast I wants to know about
4211s double jumping have you considered
4213s implementing double jumping into the
4215s game at all maybe not with player
4218s characters but possibly with mounts
4220s since there is already flying and
4221s gliding
4222s yeah we have we've considered um double
4225s jumping for as essentially
4228s as a mount ability uh as well
4231s um we've considered double I think as an
4233s option yeah exactly like frogs and
4235s bunnies
4237s um get a little Smash Bro actions in
4239s there too
4240s triple jump next up we've got Doug bug
4243s 27 which is just an adorable username uh
4247s ranged melee is their topic after
4249s watching the Mage yield the Greatsword I
4252s wondered if the arrange archetype or the
4254s ranger archetype will have melee
4257s oriented abilities to allow for a more
4260s balanced fighting style or will the bow
4262s always be bae
4264s uh so a ranger definitely exemplifies
4268s range meaning that the majority of their
4271s skill tree will likely be abilities that
4274s are based on Range however that does not
4277s preclude them from having options in
4278s their skill Suite to spec into
4280s melee-based uh uh ability types right
4284s we're not creating a very
4285s um uh singularly focused Ranger they
4289s will have the opportunity to comprise a
4292s skill a skill rotation set that includes
4295s melee options utilities mobilities
4298s ranged options as part of the class kit
4302s and then golid wants to AOE Dynamics and
4306s many PVP MMOs AOE spam can quickly
4308s become the meta and be difficult to
4310s balance with simple damage adjustments
4312s more recent MMOs solve this problem by
4316s not having the same layered AOE spell
4319s stack damage at all what is Intrepid
4322s doing to combat AOE spam
4325s we have a few ideas on how we want to
4327s approach
4329s um
4330s aoes uh there's a vein of thought that
4333s is regarding diminishing returns maximum
4336s number of targets I'm not a huge fan of
4338s that there is a diminishing return as it
4341s as it applies to damage conveyed
4344s there is uh you know just the fact that
4348s we're a collision based game and there's
4350s a limited number of bodies that can be
4351s located in a particular choke point or
4353s in proximity
4354s um you know there's there's there's
4356s still things that we're testing as part
4358s especially as part of Alpha 2 that will
4360s likely be testing you wanted to get
4361s player feedback on as it relates to
4364s curbing the AOE approach of most raid
4368s comps
4369s um and you know a lot of different games
4371s have done a lot of different things to
4372s achieve that we're going to be testing a
4375s lot of these different directions and
4376s finding which works best for ashes
4378s right and then sunscript wants to know
4381s about dual wielding if the dual wield
4383s system is flexible will there be a
4386s reliable way to activate the power the
4388s weapon procs of the offhand weapon
4391s if the dual wheeled specs are say that
4394s one more time flexible will there be a
4397s reliable way to activate the weapon
4398s procs of the offhand weapon
4403s um so dual wielded weapons
4409s I believe have a designated skill weapon
4413s skill tree
4415s that's based on the combination of
4417s dual-wielded weapons
4419s and so and so based on the type of dual
4421s wield weapons
4423s will determine the available procs in
4426s the weapon skill tree
4427s will there be a way to reliably
4431s ensure that procs take effect is that
4434s the question because no I would say that
4436s you can't reliably create a sentence
4439s yeah exactly you can't reliably create a
4441s scenario where the proctix in fact now
4443s that's not to say that there aren't
4445s certain skills that you can use as part
4447s of a rotation that might create a
4450s scenario where you're insured your next
4452s weapon attack will trigger a proc there
4455s could be synergies there between the
4457s skill rotation and the weapon skill tree
4460s but I would say no by the very nature of
4463s what a proc is they're not reliable
4466s that's why they proc
4468s that's why they cry uh and phantomimex
4472s wants to know about crafting how close
4474s are we to seeing a showcase on Crafting
4478s we are pretty close yeah pretty close I
4484s think you've been seeing kind of some of
4487s those things coming uh we had it we had
4490s a yeah we had like what it was like six
4491s months ago we did a um the gatherables
4494s one uh but the crafting one is pretty
4497s close so stay tuned yeah we're or
4501s platinum planning
4502s and with that that's our last question
4504s for today oh my goodness I know it's not
4508s bad and sometimes we have like two hour
4511s long streams Margaret was like don't
4513s make an hour-long video and I was like
4515s wait what
4517s I'm always like try to make it like 15
4520s to 20 minutes here's your running show
4522s and then
4525s it goes chaos but you guys enjoy it you
4528s always enjoy um watching them hopefully
4530s you've been enjoying the new format that
4532s we've been doing recently and liking
4534s that we always take your feedback so
4536s please send it our way and we hope that
4538s you have enjoyed getting a little sneak
4541s peek at one of our boss fights we want
4544s your feedback so definitely head on over
4545s to
4546s and send us
4549s your feedback we will also have a boss
4551s mechanic Dev discussion coming up that
4553s will be not specific to Cyclops so we
4556s would love love to get your thoughts on
4558s that make sure that you read those
4560s prompts you don't necessarily have to
4562s gift feedback just on those prompts but
4564s give us feedback on that so that we can
4566s report that to the development team
4569s um and of course we want to extend a
4571s huge thank you to you all for coming
4572s here and watching us live or if you're
4574s watching us on YouTube We Appreciate You
4576s um and of course to the developers who
4578s joined us today
4580s um you know Chad Jason and Doug we
4583s appreciate y'all joining us and of
4584s course Steven we know that your time is
4587s very very valuable so we hope that you
4590s all you know are staying safe and
4592s healthy and reminder that the VOD will
4595s be up on the 4K for VOD will be up on
4598s our YouTube channel shortly so stay
4600s tuned and we'll also have the full
4601s development update over on our YouTube
4603s channel tomorrow and if you leave a
4606s comment on the full development update
4607s and you're subscribed and you have it so
4609s that we can see that you're subscribed
4611s um you may get your comments spotlighted
4613s so yeah you could be spotlighted on the
4616s next stream and of course follow us on
4618s all of the social platforms Twitter
4619s Facebook Instagram Snapchat whatever
4621s whatever is your jam we try to keep you
4624s guys up to date and share lots of
4626s goodies with you every almost every day
4629s so if you're interested in more ashes
4631s and varen goodness in your life come
4634s check it out and with that we're going
4636s to wrap up for today we hope that you
4639s have a great rest of May it's the rest
4642s of this day that's it we're in June you
4644s guys it's Madness no
4647s and we'll see you for our June
4649s development update
4650s bye everyone toodles
4653s [Music]