almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hello glorious community,

Let’s start a discussion on the Enchanting system! If you haven’t heard of it yet, feel free to read more about the mechanics we’ve shared so far here:

In a nutshell, Enchanting in Ashes of Creation allows for the vertical and horizontal progression of items. Vertical progression is an increase in power like more damage or increased mitigation for example. Horizontal progression is your situational advantage for instance doing force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters you're fighting are weaker to one over the other. Enchanting is one of the services that a player can provide at a player stall. One final thing to note is that Enchanting weapons may apply visual effects, such as unique glows or different colors!

With all that said, here are some questions to get the conversation started:

  • What aspects of the Enchanting system are important to you?
  • Are there Enchanting systems in other games that you feel are done well? If so, what makes Enchanting in those games good?
  • Is there anything, in particular, you’re excited or concerned about regarding the Enchanting system?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above as we’d to read all your thoughts about the Enchanting system for Ashes of Creation. Feel free to share your answers here on Reddit, or over on our official forums.

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almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Hello glorious community,

Let’s start a discussion on the Enchanting system! If you haven’t heard of it yet, feel free to read more about the mechanics we’ve shared so far here:

In a nutshell, Enchanting in Ashes of Creation allows for the vertical and horizontal progression of items. Vertical progression is an increase in power like more damage or increased mitigation for example. Horizontal progression is your situational advantage for instance doing force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters you're fighting are weaker to one over the other. Enchanting is one of the services that a player can provide at a player stall. One final thing to note is that Enchanting weapons may apply visual effects, such as unique glows or different colors!

With all that said, here are some questions to get the conversation started:
[*] What aspects of the Enchanting system are important to you?
[*] Are there Enchanting systems in other games that you feel are done well? If so, what makes Enchanting in those games good?
[*] Is there anything, in particular, you’re excited or concerned about regarding the Enchanting system?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above as we’d to read all your thoughts about the Enchanting system for Ashes of Creation. We can’t wait!
almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hello glorious community,

Let’s start a discussion on the Enchanting system! If you haven’t heard of it yet, feel free to read more about the mechanics we’ve shared so far here:

In a nutshell, Enchanting in Ashes of Creation allows for the vertical and horizontal progression of items. Vertical progression is an increase in power like more damage or increased mitigation for example. Horizontal progression is your situational advantage for instance doing force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters you're fighting are weaker to one over the other. Enchanting is one of the services that a player can provide at a player stall. One final thing to note is that Enchanting weapons may apply visual effects, such as unique glows or different colors!

With all that said, here are some questions to get the conversation started:

  • What aspects of the Enchanting system are important to you?
  • Are there Enchanting systems in other games that you feel are done well? If so, what makes Enchanting in those games good?
  • Is there anything, in particular, you’re excited or concerned about regarding the Enchanting system?

Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above as we’d to read all your thoughts about the Enchanting system for Ashes of Creation. Feel free to share your answers here on Reddit, or over on our official forums.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Lordgede

RuneScape 3 does enchanting very well, although in that game it's called Invention. This is how it works:

1) You disassemble ANY materials/armour/gear into components. For example, disassembling logs would give tensile and organic components.

2) To create a perk, or "enchantment", you combine any combination of 5-9 components and put them in a gizmo shell. Every combination has a different perk, or enchantment, outcome.

3) You put these newly perked gizmos into any weapon, armor, or tool you choose, and can remove them (with a price) and transfer them onto other armour, weapons, or tools.

This system had a few effects:

1) It created a much needed item sink and price balance in RS3. The most valuable or needed components came from items that flooded the game over it's 20 years of existence. This created a new demand for these items and a more balanced economy.

2) It opened up more reward spaces for future content. The bosses that came after Invention dropped items that were sought after for their components.

Interesting! 🤔