11 months ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s yeah it's it's very far and it doesn't
2s require a Target unlike Blitz um and
5s you're also going to basically deal
7s damage and AOE around it so it's just a
9s more powerful but less frequently usable
12s um Gap closer sloper if you even decides
15s to use it as an
18s opener oh my
22s God I am the jok
26s not oh that was so cool I love that
31s yeah that's a fun one to use it's holy
33s smokes definitely more more AOE focused
37s and again guys I am using zero cooldowns
39s right now just so I can demonstrate the
40s abilities well I know you're all
41s thinking like what this character is
43s just going to fly around the battlefield
45s that's not what's
50s happening