(For readability, the forum isn't perfect in image quality and formatting text sadly, you can open the image in a new tab which helps tremendously! You can also zoom in or I just have to buy a screen with better resolution... Next year i want to upgrade my setup for Ashes. O_O)
Monk: (teal)
Shaolin, Kensai, Cultivator, Shinobi, Tempest, Avatar, Astralis, Taoist, Mantra, Ascendant
Fighter: (red)
Samurai, Warrior, Dreadnaught, Marauder, Predator, Witcher, Dominator, Slayer, Fencer, Wildling
Rogue: (grey)
Ronin, Reaper, Vindicator, Assassin, Lurker, Mindflayer, Doppelganger, Lightbringer, Charlatan, Decayer
Ranger: (green)
Hermit, Strider, Sentinel, Poacher, Hawkeye, Seeker, Falconer, Wichdoctor, Explorer, Observer
Mage: (pink)
Mystique, Magus, Arbiter, Dreamweaver, Augur, Elementalist, Warlock, Priest, Sorcerer, Eldar
Summoner: (purple)
Spiritist, Soulforger, Broodlord, Havoc, Beastmaster, Transmuter, Evoker, Necromancer, Invoker, Breeder
Cleric: (yellow)
Sage, Templar, Crusader, Cabalist, Exorcist, Purifier, Shaman, Inquisitor, Prophet, Dryad
Bard: (orange)
Drummer, Bladedancer, Harbinger, Deceiver, Acrobat, Magician, Enchanter, Preacher, Minstrel, Wanderer
Druid: (brown)
Mangler, Minotyrant, Shellguard, Lycanthrope, Arachnoid, Drakaris, Swarmhost, Ashfeather, Primeape, Chimera
So I finally made up my mind about the whole archetype & class issue.
Some do fit very well, some are just on the wrong spot and the rest don't fit very well or aren't creative at all.
(Sry Steven :p)
Also, I recommend giving Bard good skills for healing to support the group enough if a cleric can't be found for the party.
The same goes for Fighters who should be able to fill in for the tank role.
I don't know why this isn't set up that way from the beginning.
If players don't like the cleric or "tank..." or just want to augment in another way then the parties will have problems filling up the most crucial roles.
We need more options to balance role ratios!!!
First I changed the Tank archetype to Protector.
(It didn't fit the others regardless of calling it simply as what it does...
I won't accept TANK and nag about it until it's changed)
The Archetype fantasy seems as intended as a basic understanding of the adventuring class.
Combining the abilities of these archetypes with one other archetype augments those specific skills with certain elements of the chosen secondary archetype and creates a subclass that we think of as classes in general.
The primary archetype provides the main attributes of the class.
So following that, every Fighter sounds like being capable of dishing out damage in your face
and every Bard is a master of the creative arts, words, music, a motivator of friends, and the opposite to its foes.
Doubling down on the primary archetype by augmenting the same archetype elements enhances your class and the name should resemble this enhancement and not alienate the players of what their class is representing...
That's why the Weaponmaster isn't fitting because every class can be a master of every weapon if that's the best thing to do or not and Warrior seems like the Number 1 choice for an enhancement of Fighter.
And that's how I went through the renaming process in general.
A few classes are still not perfect and maybe you can't recall what they do by just reading the name so please add some feedback so I can explain and add more information about the intended gameplay fantasy I thought of later because I'm too tired now working through all 100 classes. ;)
Have fun tho!