almost 3 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
20s hello everyone salutations and welcome
23s to our glorious ashes of creation april
26s development update we hope everyone is
29s well and safe
31s i am margaret crone your community
32s marketing lead and with me as per usual
35s is r1 the only the ship driver akk
40s aka creative director stephen
43s sharif you are you're driving the ship i
45s forgot to mute my phone i'm sorry
48s hello
49s how are you doing
52s i'm good i'm sorry
54s i was getting distracted by twitch yeah
57s um yeah i'm great it's been i was
59s actually answering this to folks in
61s twitch chat earlier uh it's been a very
65s busy month so much that i feel like i
67s blinked and it just passed by oh yeah i
69s know not a bad thing i think that's that
72s means there's just a lot going on and
74s that you know i'm moving and grooving i
76s i actually didn't get too much sleep
78s last night because
80s our uh
82s the magic
84s magic the gathering games that we played
86s last night after work
88s we were up a little late
90s and uh that was a lot of fun we had like
92s 15 people from the studio playing magic
95s commander uh
97s after work it was it's become a pretty
100s considerable size group you guys always
102s play on thursdays and it's like that's
104s not the best day for me i was like i
106s want to play i even bought a commander
107s deck because i've never done i played a
109s lot of mtg but not commander and i'm
111s excited to play i love commander yeah
114s you don't get the whack especially with
116s a big group like that
117s oh yeah we had we had an emperor game we
120s had a penta we had a couple two-headed
123s uh two-headed games um it was fun
126s nice well i'm happy for that uh the
129s other element of that what i was saying
130s was like it's been amazing working with
132s this team because everyone's super
134s passionate and although i've worked on a
137s lot of teams i haven't worked on a lot
138s of teams where everyone just like comes
140s to work with like
141s this enthusiasm for the day versus like
144s oh i'm coming to work today you know
147s it's very different atmosphere and you
149s know i absolutely adore
151s everyone we work with and my team
153s personally has grown over the years i
155s know we're going to talk about it in the
156s studio update but it's pretty pretty
158s amazing how are you doing i feel like
160s you need a vacation good
164s there's no time for vacations
166s no i'm doing really good i don't know
167s it's a little chilly today so if i'm
169s shaking it's because i'm cold but um and
171s i left my jacket at home
172s but no i'm i i know i'm doing good um
176s yeah a lot of work this last month the
178s the town hall the we had an internal
180s town hall actually was it yesterday a
181s day before
183s i can't remember no day before wednesday
184s before yesterday wednesday they're all
186s building together that was like a
188s three-hour town hall session for our
190s studios um but uh it was really great
194s and
195s you know um
196s it's always cool when everybody gets to
198s see everything that everyone's working
200s on and we you know are at the end of a
202s particular milestone
204s internally from our uh
206s production team um getting kind of that
209s that look um at everything is is a lot
213s of fun and very inspiring um so i loved
216s our internal town hall and then uh of
218s course
219s it was it was it's almost like a a diff
221s a second stream but just for the team
224s like an internal private stream it's
226s like an internal live stream
228s it was very cool and um you know people
230s are in chat going what about getting
232s some ashes of creation uh clothes to
234s keep us warm and we're working on it
238s and on the marketing side for sure uh we
240s know that a lot of people are asking for
241s it within our community um so there's
244s lots of stuff going on on that front i
245s think steven has teased a little bit of
247s like a while ago in regards to it
250s but as we get closer we'll be sharing
252s more stuff on that front but we've got a
254s whole slew of great things to cover
256s today so just if you this is your first
258s time tuning in with us down in the
260s bottom left hand corner you'll see our
263s like run of show basically we have our
265s reminders our studio update which we
267s talked a little bit about here uh design
269s and engineering update with some
271s eventful uh segments in there um and an
275s environment update as well as character
277s art update and q a so we will get right
280s to that kicking it off with our
282s reminders
284s first and foremost we've got our
286s question or our comment spotlight from
289s youtube if you are a youtube subscriber
292s and you leave us a comment on our video
294s we will be selecting a random person and
296s we'll read your comment and if you have
298s a question in there we'll answer it so
300s this one is from uh stephen barley thank
302s you for subscribing to us over on
303s youtube and leaving us a lovely comment
306s uh their comment says i love what you
307s are doing with the game with regards to
310s character customization i would love to
312s see certain customizations that require
314s in-game challenges to achieve
316s maybe there would be some extremely hard
319s to complete quests that allows you to
321s obtain unique eye colors hairstyles
323s scars tattoos or in especially rare
327s cases perhaps slightly glowing or
329s animated with variations of those and i
332s don't know i think i think this stuff
335s i think stefan might be in our studio
339s like with some bug devices or something
342s um no
343s sorry i called him stefan because he
344s spelled the same steven stuff yeah i'm
345s not sure which uh
348s um no but yeah that's absolutely
350s something that uh that design and the
353s character creator team has been you know
355s discussing stuff that we want to do is
357s is have unlockable uh features uh as as
361s steven was discussing there um where you
364s know like oh you have that scar because
366s you participated in this siege or these
369s many sieges or
370s um you know you have this tattoo because
374s of your of a cultural background or
376s because of a quest that was accomplished
378s um where you're able to get that that's
380s absolutely
382s a level of progression that uh makes the
384s character creator relevant not just at
386s the start of your experience in an mmo
388s but it gives you a reason to visit those
390s salons and make changes to your
392s character uh as it grows and has a
396s history a
397s a background that can be communicated
399s through these customization options and
401s that's that's a really cool um you know
404s an element to it uh that we want to
406s incorporate 100
408s yeah so
409s what you're asking for we got you homie
411s boom uh boom done
415s all right next up of course we have our
417s reminder for a monthly cosmetic swap
419s over the road to desolation is scheduled
422s for
422s uh
423s to swap over on may 11 2022 at 11 a.m
427s pacific so if you'd like those snag them
429s while they're hot because we're gonna
431s have some new ones coming your way
433s um and of course uh this month we had a
436s little bit of a different feedback it
437s wasn't a part of our dev updates perser
440s per se but
442s um let me
444s go back over there
446s we had some hairstyle feedback that we
449s requested from you all
451s and in regards to that
454s uh
455s i think they'll be popping some in there
456s but we basically were asking you guys to
458s kind of provide to us some of the
460s hairstyles and hair types that you like
462s we heard a lot of your feedback in
464s regards to that
465s we actually compiled all the feedback
467s about all of the
470s character customization and we went back
472s and talked to the design team about it
473s steven was there as well and it seems
476s like all most of the things you guys
478s want we are going to be implementing um
480s obviously when it came to the character
481s creator we weren't completely done uh
484s showcasing all of the hairstyles that
485s we'll have we'll have a whole slew of
488s them different textures different hair
489s types and styles um but
493s in the interim because it was such a hot
495s topic we created a new thread where we
497s hope you all will share
499s images of hairstyles that you'd like to
501s see
502s so that we can um
505s you know share those with our team and
507s hopefully incorporate them as much as we
508s possibly can in our development phases
511s yeah and it's important to note
514s we've said this many times you guys are
516s aware of this like art is a continuing
518s work in progress um
521s and the character creator we wanted to
523s to show you guys kind of the level of
525s capabilities at an early stage um which
527s means many of those assets many of the
529s ideas that you guys shared were already
531s planned um and and kind of part of the
534s character creator roadmap um so look
536s forward to in the future getting more
538s updates on on those features as they get
540s implemented for sure um and we will be
543s compiling that so make sure that you
545s head on over to our forums uh check out
548s the discussion
549s feedback thread requesting hairstyles
552s for the character creator over there and
553s toss us their feedback i believe i saw
555s um beckner and roshan posting it in chat
558s click on it leave us some images of what
561s you'd like to see and i think with that
563s that wraps up our reminders short and
565s sweet today next up we have our studio
568s update which i will toss over to stephen
571s yeah absolutely so
573s the studio is growing actually we since
578s the start of this year
580s we have hired
583s 23 additional people to the team um
587s which is really cool
589s because we are getting an incredible
592s amount of talented individuals but aside
594s from the talent um individuals who are
596s just mmorpg fans and players and
600s um
601s you know they have they have a passion
604s for this genre and for the project and
606s they were following along and
608s um it's really nice to be in a position
610s from a studio perspective where
612s your project is known and it's desired
615s amongst the industry uh to participate
617s with it and you have these natural
619s applications and interests that are
621s coming every day uh that our hr team and
624s and is doing really great hard work
626s stacy and and cameron midori and and um
631s you know john helping to onboard and
634s and um you know facilitate these these
637s applicants so uh very excited for that
639s the teams are growing i love seeing the
641s teams growing up i go out to lunch uh
644s with the teams and meet these new faces
646s and and i love seeing just the the
648s passion in the eyes of people who are
650s working on bringing to life what you
652s guys want what we want and and
655s and what is going to be the next great
656s thing when it comes to mmos so
658s the uh
660s the growth is is doing really good um
662s internally we also are very close to
664s getting our graphics done and
667s um our uh logos and signs and everything
670s put up and the studio set dress to the
672s point where we're gonna start recording
674s some videos with the team and give you
676s guys some insight i know we've done
677s those in the past and we've talked about
679s how we're going to be doing them here in
680s the future again
681s but i'm excited to get that stuff
683s running again
685s it's going to be really cool i think for
686s you guys to get a behind-the-scenes look
688s i know mark are super excited i know as
690s well
690s my whole team has just been chomping at
692s the bits to uh do more things like that
695s so if you really enjoyed the dev diary
697s series we want to do more of those
699s things and also just bite-size stuff on
701s social you know through like instagram
703s stories snapchat maybe
705s things like that so yes
708s um and then on top of that um we
712s actually completed uh
715s our
717s uh first milestone of the year um
720s last week i believe it was in the
721s beginning of last week um can't quite
724s discuss everything that was there
726s because not all of it is ready yet but
729s um a lot of a lot of great things
731s internally from a development standp
733s from a development standpoint um that is
736s going very well and is very exciting um
739s which will be trickling out over you
741s know i know i'm teasing this but it'll
742s be trickling out over
743s you know the next few months
746s to see that kind of stuff so uh all in
747s all things are going really good on the
749s studio front yeah it's been very very
752s exciting um
753s for me too
755s uh because i've gotten to experience
757s what like we it was like when we're all
759s kind of like in a little garage studio
761s where we could like open up the garage
763s door and it was like oh my gosh and now
765s it's like this massive building that
767s we're in
768s uh
769s and i don't get to see everybody every
771s day it's so weird
773s right and you might see some faces and
774s you're like who's that person you're
776s like that's a weird experience i i am
779s fortunate uh in the company that i get
781s to see all of the new hires as they come
783s in because we're like uh flagging their
785s accounts and things like that so um i do
787s get to see faces kind of like little
789s pictures of them
791s but sometimes they don't match
792s necessarily what they look like you know
794s in person
795s uh especially people who use like goku
798s as their image or something but
801s um it has been pretty cool seeing all
804s the yeah
805s i'm cool i'm excited and like when we
807s see potlucks and it's just like this
809s massive amount of people in the
810s cafeteria oh yeah
813s yeah it's always it's it is always fun
815s to see that for sure and last potluck
817s you guys had a little uh little
820s wren fair dress up that was cool
822s yeah we posted some photos of folks who
825s wanted to be in photos
827s so if you want to check that out it's on
829s our linkedin instagram twitter facebook
832s all of those places
833s some people brought their a game with
835s costumes i just threw on something quick
838s um but let's move on to the design and
842s engineering update then
844s let's first preface you know everything
847s that we talk about is subject to change
849s potentially through development as we
851s test things
852s so just keep that in mind as we talk
854s about things here but first let's talk
855s about what have they been doing
857s generally on the design and engineering
859s side
860s maybe start with engineering and then
862s design so we can tie it into today's
864s topic
865s yeah um
867s there's been a lot of stuff
869s that's been that's been worked out over
871s the last month um engineering's really
873s been focusing a lot on
876s let's see we have the node layout tool
877s that's been getting some adjustments
879s that
880s roy's been working on
882s and the node team on the design side has
885s been working on especially with
886s environment it's kind of like changing
888s the way that the node layouts work um
892s to facilitate some of the additional
893s service buildings that are going to be
895s incorporated in alpha 2.
897s um
898s we want to kind of create a layout tool
901s that allows even you know each of the
904s nodes to kind of be represented in a
905s unique way we've talked about that in
907s the past but more importantly also that
909s we maintain consistency on certain
911s building locations especially player
913s housing
914s and specific building
917s service building types as we progress
918s into stages four five and six of the
921s node
922s of the nodes progression
924s so that's something that's been getting
926s a little bit of a redesign in addition
927s uh you guys probably noticed in alpha
930s one um how
932s many of the nodes were relatively flat
934s there was not a lot of topography when
936s it came to kind of sections or districts
938s of the of the city um that lived at
941s different heights essentially kind of
943s creating a unique um silhouette
946s that's possible um with the node layout
949s um so now that we've had um kind of our
952s approach for
953s for uh alpha 2 uh with the nodes that
956s we've manually been constructing from a
958s layout perspective that that chris
960s giusto and
961s bucky and jason neil have been kind of
963s participating in fleshing out um the
966s engineering team has been providing
969s for that node layout tool
972s the type of additional requirements that
974s are requested
975s also on the ai systems
978s engineering has been working closely
980s with chong and the design team on kind
983s of the requirements that the alpha two
985s creatures uh need to have from a
987s behavior tree perspective the ability to
989s kind of uh weigh certain actions and or
992s uh um
993s uh
994s response arcs that exist within that
996s behavior tree how do we
998s how do we value those scores how do we
1000s make those um those types of actions
1003s live in parallel with one another right
1005s if i'm trying to cast an ability as a
1007s monster but i'm also trying to move to a
1009s particular waypoint as a result of some
1011s other occurrence on the player's behalf
1014s i need to be able to calculate that
1016s in the ai's
1020s brain
1021s at the same time with one another right
1023s so a lot of engineering work has been uh
1025s led by uh uh russell peltz on
1028s on um changing up the ai systems from
1031s alpha one to accommodate all of the
1033s additional uh
1035s uh behaviors that we wanna see out of
1037s the creatures that dyna even that the
1039s dynamic type of behaviors right um so
1042s there's a significant amount of work
1043s that's been done on that front uh combat
1046s combat has been a huge endeavor
1049s over the last actually several months
1053s and
1054s through a lot of the prototyping that uh
1057s the design team and the engineering team
1060s and our vfx team and our animation team
1062s um have been working on a team
1067s for sure 100 um character art not so
1069s much in the combat prototyping um
1072s uh because the models are kind of
1074s staying consistent there but for example
1076s uh with the assassin class with the um
1079s with our dagger weapons we didn't
1080s previously have that in alpha one so
1082s those are entirely new animation sets uh
1084s that are required to have those dual
1086s wielded kind of daggers um and that's
1088s something you guys might be seeing soon
1090s in the future um but
1091s that prototyping phase over the last
1093s several months has really been to kind
1096s of flesh out the
1098s major revamp that we've been working on
1100s for combat because part of the biggest
1102s amount of feedback that we got from
1104s alpha one was with regards to combat and
1107s we have a lot of ideas on on the things
1109s that we wanted to try and you know the
1111s best way to kind of flesh those ideas
1113s out obviously is through prototyping and
1115s development prototyping is just kind of
1117s um you know combination of rapid
1119s iteration of standing up these ideas
1122s without full-fledged kind of code
1124s support doing so in a blueprint setting
1126s or in a test level
1128s where you can really kind of throw a lot
1129s of different things at the wall and you
1131s can
1132s rapidly iterate on how that stuff feels
1134s um get feedback from the team feedback
1137s from focus groups um and then you can
1139s take the direction that that that is
1141s getting the kind of best bang for the
1143s feeling buck so to speak um
1146s so it's been great to kind of see that
1147s but in addition that that phase allows
1150s for us to really expand upon the
1152s versatility of what our ability system
1155s can can do and that's been spearheaded
1157s by by keenan and adam
1159s um
1160s uh uh with regard on the code side with
1163s regards to to what design has access to
1166s to do for all the ability systems right
1169s um and not just the ability systems but
1171s but but also like your combat weapon
1173s montages and and your basic attacks um
1177s so
1178s there's been a lot of work on that front
1179s it's not quite ready to show i know so
1182s many people are waiting to see combat
1185s updates it's the top thing we get asked
1188s a hundred percent
1189s but we have to be very careful when we
1192s present um what's been worked on uh that
1196s it has to be at a particular state uh
1198s that's presentable right um obviously
1201s you guys know this you're you're our
1203s core audience you're tuning in here and
1204s you're you're watching our live streams
1207s uh but the moment we release an update
1209s with regards to combat that spreads like
1211s wildfire right that's what we call
1213s essentially a marketing beat um this is
1216s something that is out of our control
1218s it's content creators pick it up they're
1220s going to show it to very you know
1222s unengaged audiences and we want to make
1224s sure that the presentation is at a point
1226s where when it grabs those legs that we
1229s don't have control over from a marketing
1231s perspective
1232s that it is it'll stand it'll stand by
1235s itself it won't need our our verbal
1237s support and kind of talking about it
1238s it'll be a visual component that is
1241s visceral and you know looks good and you
1244s know has has people's support so we want
1246s to set the right precedent because if
1247s people look at something and it's a
1249s prototype and it's in really early
1251s phases they might make comments like oh
1254s this isn't very good combat yeah and
1255s it's like well we know that it's a
1257s prototype so that's why we have to make
1258s sure that it's in a solid enough state
1261s the delicate blend between a transparent
1264s development process
1266s but also understanding um that majority
1270s of your player audience
1272s will not grasp or will not will not take
1275s into context um what a work in progress
1278s looks like so certain things we have to
1282s polish to the point where they're
1283s presentable where they can be understood
1285s again in its own context without my
1288s verbal support or margaret's verbal
1290s support right i think a great example of
1292s that is the character creator right
1294s we've we went through many phases prior
1297s to that of the character creator and we
1299s would not have wanted to share those
1301s with you all not because we don't want
1303s to share the development process but
1304s because there will be people who take
1307s that and look at it and go this isn't
1309s you know why would i want to play that
1311s right yeah the character creator is a
1312s prime example of what good looks like um
1315s when it comes to a feature that can
1318s stand on its own right
1320s that's something that can be shared and
1321s people understand that so anyways
1323s i don't want to go off on the
1325s comment too much
1327s but but essentially uh
1330s the combat the ability systems the tool
1331s support there
1333s has has progressed a significant amount
1335s and by the way
1337s as prototyping lends to those additional
1340s uh features within the combat tools
1343s it actually is an exponential uh
1347s speed modifier right when when those
1349s additional things come online we can
1351s actually more rapidly prototype and more
1353s rapidly iterate as well um which which
1357s feeds feeds back into kind of the
1358s process of getting good combat right of
1362s getting something that um something that
1365s feels good so there's been a lot of work
1367s on that front um buoyancy and vehicle
1370s physics uh there's been a lot of work
1372s done from michael bratty and
1377s from mikhail
1378s on
1379s mount controls on flight and gliding
1382s mechanics that'll be present in alpha 2.
1384s the buoyancy of ships
1386s the physics behind vehicle movement uh
1389s for siege weapons um you know we had
1392s some representation of that of course in
1394s alpha one
1395s but since alpha one you know it was
1397s added to the schedule of course for us
1398s to go back to refine those things there
1400s works in progress we have additional
1401s passes that are done on them um
1403s additional uh um uh support that's
1406s presented for those things um and i'm
1408s happy to say that they are they're
1410s looking quite good and you may see some
1411s updates on those in the near future
1413s networking has been a big of course uh
1416s endeavor on the on the engineering side
1418s there's been a lot of work
1420s on that front by
1421s um by zach and by hunter and by ben
1424s um
1426s and uh that that actually is is pretty
1429s exciting but of course i can't talk too
1431s much about that stuff um the the the
1434s platform the web teams our backend
1435s services uh mark and his team have been
1438s doing an incredible job from the uh from
1441s an engineering perspective on on
1443s supporting pretty much everything that
1445s um
1446s that the uh uh that the gameplay
1448s engineers are needing from them um so
1451s it's exciting for my team i appreciate
1453s them greatly i work with the you know
1455s that team a lot so yeah absolutely um
1459s itemization and crafting um
1462s there's a lot of a lot there's actually
1464s a lot of changes that we have not yet
1466s discussed
1468s on the uh crafting front so you guys
1471s have had a
1472s a pretty rudimentary um insight into
1477s what crafting is in ashes of creation
1479s and in alpha one we just had the basic
1482s core loops right which is like i collect
1484s the thing i combine a thing and i get it
1488s yeah yeah exactly collect combine get um
1491s and that is a that that is a pretty
1493s simplistic approach that we wanted to
1496s just have present from again a gameplay
1498s loop that was in alpha one but alpha two
1500s is meant to really represent a few of
1503s these professions in their true form
1505s from gathering processing in a
1507s crafting's perspective now there's some
1509s additional gameplay layers that are
1511s intended to be tested as part of alpha
1513s 2.
1514s as it relates to actually crafting
1516s choosing crafting something
1519s or processing something there
1520s additionally is a concept called
1524s survey which is a component of gathering
1526s that
1527s makes things a little bit different than
1529s what players have uh have
1532s been accustomed to in most mmos in the
1534s past um and just to give you a little
1537s bit of idea uh behind kind of those
1539s gameplay layers that we're thinking
1541s about you know we've talked about
1545s ideas like land management and as you
1548s draw resources from your surrounding
1551s area what type of effect does that have
1553s on the land
1555s and then also how effectively can you
1557s draw those resources without having such
1559s a deleterious effect on the land right
1562s which might impact future resource
1564s gathering for some period of time um and
1567s it makes relevant the movement of these
1569s players who are collecting these goods
1571s from the environment that they actually
1573s cannot always just do so in one
1575s particular area as the land management
1578s begins to degrade
1579s so it actually encourages movement
1582s across the world to discover new areas
1584s that might not be as perturbed
1587s as the ones you're coming from it's a
1589s it's a very interesting idea um it's
1591s something that we're going to be
1592s prototyping in alpha 2 and getting
1594s feedback on and testing um corey and mai
1597s con have been leading endeavors on the
1599s design side for those types of ideas
1601s which um
1603s are really fun and we're going to talk
1605s about at some point in the future as
1606s well um outside of that we've also had a
1609s considerable amount of of work that is
1613s has been coming out of the design side
1615s from uh chris giusto's node pod uh with
1618s bucky and jason and and a few of our
1620s other designers um on service buildings
1623s and the node superpowers and relics and
1626s the reliquary system that's going to be
1628s present in alpha 2 the types of benefits
1630s that are conferred there the gameplay
1632s between capturing those relics and
1635s stealing them or or sabotaging their
1637s return to the nodes
1640s what type of passive benefits do they
1641s grant the citizens what types of
1644s active benefits are being conferred upon
1646s vassal states
1648s the upgrade paths that are going to be
1650s present within the service buildings
1651s working with environment
1653s to kind of mask out sections of of a
1656s building until the upgrade comes online
1658s and a new room opens up or a new wing or
1661s a new story
1663s it's really interesting to kind of see
1665s the specialization paths that are
1668s possible on an individual node basis
1671s that that makes that particular node a
1674s waypoint for certain types of players
1676s right and how it drives traffic from the
1679s player base to those nodes that
1681s increases things like the taxable
1684s revenue that's possible and then that of
1686s course bleeds into the types of
1688s additional buildings or defensive
1690s mechanics or initiatives and events that
1693s can be done um you know incorporating
1695s things like node policies from almost a
1698s civic standpoint uh that grants certain
1701s type uh certain types of actions that
1703s the node government can take um whether
1705s it be diplomatic actions like
1707s potentially conflicts with other nodes
1709s and the wars that happen what type of
1711s rep you need to have with those other
1713s nodes from a diplomatic perspective can
1715s be influenced by these policies um
1717s there's a there's a lot of stuff that's
1718s been worked on from the node team that's
1720s being supported by our engineering team
1722s with regards to this feature development
1724s uh in preparation for alpha 2. so um
1728s as an engineering design kind of
1729s overview i'm sorry if i'm super long no
1731s it's crazy there's just so much stuff
1733s the chat's like my brain is melting
1735s because it's just so much
1737s so much stuff and
1739s stephen will not be able to go through
1740s everything there's nothing like his
1742s stuff yeah there's she'd be here all day
1744s there's a lot there's a lot uh sometimes
1747s i feel like my mind is on the precipice
1749s of just breaking in half when there's
1751s just what what there is to cover on a
1754s daily basis uh from my schedule um but
1758s there is so much to be excited about
1761s that this team is working on and not
1763s only that they're working on but that
1765s they are creating in such a way
1768s that is unlike any experience that i've
1772s had as a gamer uh and as an mmo player
1775s and i'm just i'm just so incredibly
1777s excited i guess i'm fresh off the heels
1779s of our last of our of our internal
1782s livestream our time our town hall so if
1784s i seem overly excited it's because you
1787s know watching the presentation at the
1789s end of our first you know 2022 milestone
1793s um
1794s has made me excited so i apologize
1798s i apologize to you and to those out
1800s there who do not have this game in their
1803s hands yet if i am hyping this i don't
1805s want to be like i'm not hyping this i'm
1808s just very excited myself and i want to
1811s convey the excitement to you guys but i
1814s i also want to temper
1816s that there's still development we have a
1818s lot of work development there's a lot of
1820s work and and last um
1823s last last uh uh stream you know we
1827s showed a very big
1829s system the character creator and we
1831s showed oh are we dying are we losing
1833s oh yeah the internet just crashed
1837s uh-oh
1838s uh-oh
1840s wait
1841s oh it's back
1843s wait a minute
1845s are we back
1847s uh-oh
1848s let's see if the stream drops how are we
1850s doing
1853s standby it's like we're still up so
1857s all right
1858s we'll wait for it to
1861s sorry about that
1863s yes seems like the internet took a
1865s hiccup okay i think i think we're back
1866s but anyways i i just wanted to say um
1870s the another thing is is that
1874s last last month we showed off the
1876s character crater right and that's that's
1877s obviously was a was a
1879s very exciting thing for for everyone to
1881s see it it gives you a level of quality
1884s for
1884s what we're hoping to achieve with all of
1886s our systems in the game in general and
1888s and you guys get to see that stuff and
1890s um but that we are active actively in
1893s development and we need to be
1894s conscientious of how we present the
1896s systems uh during our development um and
1899s what that means is sometimes we're not
1901s going to have streams that are as
1904s exciting as visually appealing as that
1907s as a character creator so i just want to
1908s make sure we temper expectations that
1910s we're going to show you guys stuff we're
1912s going to show you stuff strategically
1913s that's that's smart and that can be
1916s shown by other content creators and
1918s stuff um uh but just be patient for that
1921s um i know you guys have been patient we
1923s appreciate that we love the patients
1925s that our community has uh but understand
1927s that patience will yield a very good
1929s product um so all right well let's
1932s transition into talking a little bit
1936s about
1937s our event system and how that works if
1940s you don't mind transitioning to that
1942s yeah we have a little
1943s video that we'll play i like event
1945s systems some b-roll video uh
1949s will we talk about this
1957s somebody said that
1959s margaret someone said that you cut the
1960s stream to stop me from leaking
1965s i didn't i think it was twitch because i
1967s didn't touch anything we actually didn't
1968s stop the stream it was a like twitch
1971s hiccuped and then we're back now so
1973s yeah sure
1975s um
1978s i actually have mute power i can just
1979s mute stephen
1981s i know i don't own the power
1983s no bully no bullying i know i wouldn't
1985s ever um
1987s so that's a joke maybe but
1989s what we wanted to talk about on today's
1991s stream was a little bit more systems
1993s driven
1994s um chatting kind of about how
1998s content gets introduced into the world
2001s um and things like uh
2004s things like uh these little goblins that
2006s you see by the way i love these little
2008s goblins
2011s yeah the shaman's cool but what i love
2012s about the goblins is they're really
2015s a unique monster race from the sense
2017s that they have social organization to
2019s themselves right and
2021s a lot of monsters kind of share that
2023s that aspect um
2026s that they have these kind of social
2027s organizations where you can develop uh
2030s goblin tactics and you can have uh some
2033s goblin identities and you can have
2035s variants and those types of um the types
2039s of goblins that you can even experience
2041s um but anyways uh so when we're talking
2044s about events um we've talked about this
2047s in the past a little bit some of you
2048s guys know the event system
2050s but really
2052s what the events represent is a way for
2055s us to attempt and introduce
2058s content in a more fluid in a more
2061s natural in a more
2064s kind of progression-based
2066s way that the world is reacting to player
2070s activity
2071s and what we mean by player activity is
2077s in the event system we have uh
2079s certain predicates and these these
2083s predicates act as requirements that must
2085s be
2086s satisfied before a particular story arc
2090s or a particular event
2091s can kick off right
2094s and these events are are very
2097s [Music]
2098s very wide ranging in what they can be
2101s right um this could be a plague that's
2104s sweeping the lands it could be
2106s um a natural disaster that is a forest
2111s fire or a volcanic eruption uh it could
2114s be a response from a particular npc
2117s faction or a monster faction like here
2119s you see the goblins kind of assaulting a
2121s town but what's interesting about these
2123s events and something that i think
2124s correlates to to
2126s kind of how i run d d campaigns as well
2129s is that there's always a clock ticking
2132s in the world right there's always
2133s something that's happening
2135s in the background regardless of what
2137s player decisions are made sometimes
2139s right these things can continue to
2142s develop and if you don't pay attention
2144s to them or if you don't respond to them
2146s if you do not
2148s stop them from advancing in stages
2152s right
2153s these things will have effects on your
2156s day-to-day activities they will
2159s create obstacles they will potentially
2162s destroy buildings they will
2166s create havoc within the game player
2169s world that will force you to respond um
2172s and if you if you do not
2174s um you will suffer the concept the the
2176s consequences so um
2179s let's see where do did you give me let
2181s me see
2183s talking points for you here oh sweet
2185s yeah
2187s steven's using the run of show you guys
2188s it's exciting i know i'm so sorry
2193s i'm like where is my run of show um okay
2197s i think i have it here okay perfect um
2200s so one of the things that we we kind of
2202s consider behind the uh event
2204s applications are like where these events
2207s live so obviously one of the most common
2209s probably events that you guys have
2210s experienced at other mmorpgs are
2212s calendar events um caliver calendar
2214s events can be server-wide events that uh
2217s you know give us unique content uh based
2219s on the duration of either some type of
2222s uh real-world holiday or in-game holiday
2225s or beat
2226s now that's not to say that these are
2227s going to be campy or that they're going
2230s to be
2231s um you know out of immersion so to speak
2234s we're going we we have a lot of ideas on
2236s how certain real world holidays can be
2239s uh contextualized within the game world
2242s and it seemed fitting right we actually
2244s asked you all for your feedback in
2245s regards to events and holidays and if
2248s you'd like to see those and um
2250s looking at the feedback from that it
2252s seems like you guys want to mix you want
2254s a mix of in-game holidays and seasonal
2256s events and things like that that are
2258s pertinent to the culture of the world
2260s and different from real life and then
2262s you also want some that coincide with
2264s real life but have
2266s you know their own culture and purpose
2268s in the game and i think we can
2270s definitely incorporate all of that
2271s feedback for sure yeah and part of the
2274s great thing that the content team the
2276s narrative team that's um you know scott
2278s and chris and aimee and wynn um
2283s and tony um
2285s you know part of the things that they're
2287s working on um is creating a lot of
2290s cultural identity for these character
2292s races um and how we can um
2296s bring about kind of these um calendar
2299s events from the perspective of each
2301s individual race um that's something that
2303s is that i think is going to be
2306s really helping identify or giving
2308s identity uh to each of the
2310s characteristics
2311s the other thing i want to say is that
2313s aimee and clayton um have been
2317s uh you know working very hard on um
2321s on this event system so i want to give
2323s them super kudos big props uh to to uh
2326s aimee watanabe and um clayton stamper um
2330s next thing
2331s and i believe chris scott scott bacara
2333s chris holdtorf absolutely and recently
2336s tony as well um
2338s so notice like you gotta
2341s yes i know i'm sorry it's okay um
2344s so uh the the next thing and this is
2346s kind of indicative of the little video
2348s that you see here the little loop that
2349s we're playing is note attacks um some of
2351s the events that spawn have consequences
2354s that lead to node attacks right and
2356s enemies have
2358s a particular type of hate list
2360s on certain buildings that a node may
2363s have access to when they attack during
2365s an event and that hate list might relate
2368s to
2369s um
2370s or that building choice might relate to
2373s something that is indicative of the
2374s storyline for that particular event um
2377s or it could be something that is more
2379s pivotal to the defense of the city if
2381s the city doesn't respond to these types
2383s of things that might weaken them for
2384s potential player attacks afterwards
2386s right um and that's something that's
2388s that's very important as well um monster
2390s coin events we've talked about this in
2392s the past monster coins are obviously
2393s items that allow players to become
2394s monsters for some period of time um
2397s events allow players to kind of opt in
2399s from the monster's perspective and take
2401s out their rage on other players or
2403s different factions
2404s but without having to be their own
2406s player character at that time um i think
2409s that breaks up the monotony of of what
2412s you know playing your character class
2414s might always represent on a day-to-day
2416s basis and give you a little bit of uh uh
2419s a a fun um uh
2422s a little bit of a a fun part time away
2425s from that um the other thing is uh are
2428s kind of poi events um so p of i events
2430s typically tell stories of the particular
2432s poi right like why does this poi exist
2435s why are there monsters here at this
2437s point of interest that might be some
2438s tower or might be some dungeon you know
2440s how does that population interact with
2442s the rest of the world outside of just
2444s its point of interest right
2446s and those things could be precursors for
2448s node attacks themselves um it could
2451s address the story of nearby threats as
2453s antagonists to civilization in general
2455s um enemies can can only really grow
2458s stronger as the node grows becoming
2460s outposts essentially for exiled or
2462s rivals of the existing order um the
2464s other thing about node conflict npcs
2467s is that they might have influential
2468s inhabitants of the world right you might
2470s have you know a dude who's the leader of
2473s the speakeasies and they you know have
2476s information to give you and if you don't
2478s you know interact with them they might
2479s give you that information to your
2481s enemies and that might spawn off some
2483s other event um so these are these are
2485s also closely integrated with story lines
2488s and and story arcs uh in general um the
2490s other thing uh you could have um certain
2494s type of pvp objectives and pvp driven
2496s events the event system
2498s is used to create pvp situations in the
2500s open world as almost battlegrounds right
2502s open world battlegrounds and i've talked
2503s about this in the past as well
2505s but usually my
2508s definition of what a battleground is and
2509s it's non-traditional it's not typically
2511s something that um is defined in the same
2513s way in other mmorpgs but i kind of view
2516s them as these small skirmishes that
2519s might lead up to a siege or to a war and
2521s they might have capture points during
2523s node and castle fights and these pvp
2526s objectives may be more relevant for
2527s smaller groups than for giant raids and
2529s you might have concurrently running
2531s objectives during a particular event
2533s where you have to dispatch
2535s groups simultaneously to go address
2538s these objectives uh in order to complete
2541s one particular type of event or one
2543s particular type of of success condition
2547s so that is that is another element of
2549s our pvp objectives and how they work in
2552s the event systems as well um one
2554s important thing to note about events in
2555s general is notifications are
2559s are sent to the players right players
2560s can kind of opt into these events uh in
2563s a similar way that you would into a
2565s quest right you're going to be presented
2567s with it would you like to participate um
2569s but they might not i mean they might not
2571s always be that way you might hear
2575s trees falling in the forest and that may
2577s be an audio cue to tell you something's
2580s happening over there it's out of the
2581s ordinary this is not normally an audio
2583s cue that i hear in this area and i'm
2586s gonna go investigate that thing so it
2587s might not just be always that kind of ui
2590s window represented with a participate or
2593s not but i'm going to go investigate and
2595s in that sense it could be stage driven
2598s so you might have the more local stage
2601s where it is just the visual or audio
2602s cues and you get to go participate in
2604s that stage and then when it advances or
2607s if you don't answer the problem in time
2609s then it starts to expand regionally and
2611s then it might send out um particular uh
2614s notifications to either citizens of the
2617s node from which it falls under its
2618s purview um or even broader than that
2621s right it could be global driven events
2623s um and then it could have things that
2625s that are are visual cues that are really
2628s big like a giant blizzard that's
2631s affecting the zone uh because the event
2634s hasn't been addressed and that can
2636s affect the crop rotations or it can
2638s affect uh passages and roads and how
2640s caravans move you know there's a lot
2642s there's a lot that the that the
2643s predicate system um informs to the event
2647s system and then the event system reacts
2650s to those types of predicates right
2653s there's also event levels uh the level
2655s of a particular event
2658s content is scaled essentially with the
2659s level of the content that triggers it so
2662s for example if the event takes place in
2663s a zone that has a base population of
2665s let's say average level 25 then one of
2668s the trigger conditions might be that 10
2670s monsters of level 25 have been killed
2672s recently in that zone and the level 25
2674s event will now spawn additional content
2676s designed for level 25 players so these
2678s events aren't always going to be end
2680s game they're going to be obviously
2682s appropriate based on the content in
2684s which the predicate system is informing
2687s but they also could be something
2689s completely uh top level that is
2692s introduced at a lower level area and
2694s brings population traffic of the players
2696s back to those types of things
2698s there's one other important thing is
2699s that events are driven by what we call a
2702s state machine right
2703s and there are essentially five types of
2705s states that exist for events
2708s there's the in progress state there's
2709s the active state inactive on cooldown or
2711s disabled um and that is essentially a
2715s way that we inform
2717s um we inform uh what types of elements
2720s what what stage of activity things are
2723s coming online based on what event state
2726s uh is is currently active at the moment
2729s um
2730s uh we talked a little bit about kind of
2732s triggers um we have world conditions
2734s like node levels we have uh
2737s seasons and climates and calendar the
2740s service building activation relics and
2742s completed raids
2744s all of these things can be part of what
2746s informs i'm not going to go into what
2747s everything can be i don't want to dish
2748s out you know the the nitty-gritties of
2750s the system per se but i'm just giving
2752s you an idea of what essentially um
2754s allows events to become a thing um
2758s and then once those things are addressed
2760s or not addressed
2761s certain cooldown cooldowns get triggered
2764s um
2765s other conditions might uh uh trigger it
2767s could form as a predicate for an
2769s additional event there could be
2770s concurrent events
2772s um
2774s we are we alive
2775s i feel like we're dropping again
2778s yeah it looks like twitch is hiccuping
2779s again
2780s oh no yeah okay maybe we're back
2785s it's still in the red
2787s we're under attack
2788s and now it's green again
2791s there's an ad playing so
2793s give it four seconds not like these
2798s yay
2805s fortunately it's not my internet it's
2807s twitch's side so it's not cutting it's
2809s not like making the video cut
2812s yes that's true
2813s this is true
2815s okay um
2816s but anyway so that's that's the general
2819s uh kind of um
2821s new information that you may or may not
2822s have had in the past uh regarding events
2825s i'm not sure if i missed anything i i
2827s think it's getting going red again
2832s i'm looking at the
2835s says the video skips but the audio is
2837s fine
2838s interesting
2839s well
2840s you know we always can't have um
2843s remember when we used to have so many
2844s issues audio issues and like
2847s you may not remember that i wasn't here
2850s it was before my time uh oh but now it
2853s is your time no i'm just kidding but
2855s this is not me
2856s i'm just messing i'm just messing with
2858s you but now it is your time
2861s the time of the orchestra no i'm just
2863s kidding um oh gosh anyways did i miss
2866s anything in the uh
2868s in the uh
2869s explanation there's any questions you
2871s have for me about events at all margaret
2873s i don't think i think the only thing i
2876s would want to uh mention is that this
2878s isn't all of them
2880s no no no no we wanna obviously this type
2883s of system
2886s are we still alive it says we are
2888s but it's definitely maybe it's the
2890s goblin video let's kill the job kill the
2892s goblin video i don't know
2894s i don't think it should be because it's
2896s my cpu is like two percent
2899s maybe twitch can't handle the goblins
2901s the goblins are too powerful
2905s goblins are strong
2908s okay um
2909s yeah so to margaret's point um this
2912s obviously isn't everything about the
2913s system we don't want to reveal
2915s everything about the system
2917s but we do want to give you context for
2918s how the system interacts with the
2920s players
2921s and we do want to give you kind of an
2922s idea of how these things advance and
2925s progress and how they get um initiated
2928s and uh just to give you a general uh
2931s idea of you know all all of what invents
2935s um can entail um so that you know the
2938s type of living breathing you know
2940s typical cliche
2942s terminology that's used for these types
2944s of systems
2946s but the goal is to really create
2948s something that is that feels immersive
2950s that feels organic
2952s that feels reactive to kind of player
2954s agency in the world
2956s and the event system is one of those
2958s components um
2960s yeah yeah and it's kind of basically
2962s that risk versus reward versus
2964s consequence that we have talked about
2966s many times when it comes to ashes of
2968s creation we want you if you ignore those
2971s goblins they're going to be plotting
2973s something so uh you will have to you
2976s know deal with what the repercussions of
2978s those are but if you're you know take
2979s care of it early on maybe you're
2981s rewarded for that so kind of keeping
2983s those things in mind um also i believe
2986s there will be a feedback thread about
2988s events that is going to be popped up
2990s now-ish vachnar i know you're making it
2993s live uh so if you can pop that live now
2996s you're welcome to go over to our forums
2997s leave us feedback in regards to your
2999s thoughts we'll also have an article that
3001s will be going out i believe next week
3003s and that will also kind of give you a
3006s rundown of this again if you're you know
3008s if reading is a little bit easier for
3009s you than listening to us talk but we'll
3012s also embed the video segment so you can
3014s you know listen back and read at the
3016s same time along with us um
3018s i did have one question that was asked
3020s oh god i feel like it was the goblin
3023s video like maybe we should have made
3024s them gremlins because they were missing
3027s i'm just kidding i don't think it is i
3028s think twitch is having server issues
3030s right now um
3032s yeah i looked at their thing i think
3033s they were having services got it uh in
3035s regards to this question that i saw in
3038s chat i think it might be something that
3040s you you could answer and uh sure it's
3042s from
3043s levi levioima i'm not sure
3046s uh they wanted to know you don't have to
3048s answer this today but i would appreciate
3050s an answer on stream over the next couple
3052s days if you are going to link some
3054s holidays to out of game events how will
3056s you resolve the time difference since it
3059s was said that in game time will be
3061s faster than real world time like four
3063s times faster i believe and that's kind
3064s of a valid question to ask oh i see so
3067s will will
3068s seasonal events in the real world align
3072s with the seasonal rotation in the game
3075s world
3076s um and uh i think in that sense um
3080s probably not that's going to require a
3082s little bit of suspension of disbelief um
3084s in understanding that but it's it's it's
3086s also fair that
3088s um in
3090s game events do not need to be uh
3093s perfectly cyclical
3096s like let's say seasonal events are in
3098s the real world um they could have a
3102s non-uniform cycle associated with them
3105s um
3106s but yeah we we also you know there is
3109s something to be said for
3111s having that represented in the game as
3113s long as it's immersive as long as it's
3115s contextualized within the story and the
3116s world and the universe that we've
3117s created um and isn't a direct homage to
3120s santa claus and the real world right
3122s like um just to use a prime example or
3125s something um
3127s but it it it it can be a fun it can be a
3129s fun thing for players to experience and
3130s it doesn't always have to
3132s oh thank for red again oh my god yeah
3136s twitch is uh not happy oh no
3141s i am recording locally right now so
3144s um for this end bit just in case
3147s it's like hardcore hiccups
3150s twitch is it twitch what are they doing
3153s i don't know um okay but either way
3155s hopefully that answered your question i
3157s think that was a that was a good answer
3159s yep
3161s got some ads playing
3165s but they'll be able to listen to the
3166s video as well
3167s yeah that's good
3169s um what do we got next our next thing is
3171s environment art
3173s rock and roll so let's go ahead and hop
3176s over there
3177s so
3178s um the first thing is i don't know if
3180s you want to talk a little bit about what
3181s environment has been working on but i
3183s know they've been working on a lot of
3185s biome oriented things in regards to
3187s alpha 2. well
3189s and so this is oh so we're doing
3191s concepts so this is a some concept that
3194s that joe has done with regards to um
3197s fleshing out some of the architectures
3199s of the pirae culture
3201s um so these are different types of home
3204s um
3205s concepts for the pirate
3208s and you can see obviously the approach
3211s here is to be as seamless between the
3213s environment that
3214s these homes exist in uh and the the
3218s architecture itself so there's a lot of
3221s root structures that are incorporated
3223s they're likely going to be using uh
3226s similar foliage actors that exist within
3229s the world um as a means to integrate
3232s these types of structures uh with their
3234s surrounding environment i really love
3235s how joe
3236s kind of captures um not just the element
3239s of the building here and the design of
3241s that particular building for the
3242s modelers to kind of utilize but also uh
3245s to give context for how these buildings
3247s live within the environment by
3248s incorporating uh the ancillary uh
3253s natural features
3254s and this is definitely work in progress
3256s they're just kind of trying to solidify
3259s you know how do these different layers
3261s live how do they interact with the
3262s environment as stephen said
3264s so take note that these are not final
3266s these are just concepts to kind of give
3268s us a you know an understanding of where
3270s we're headed with them uh the next thing
3272s that we're going to show here is the
3274s ayla ruins which um you know this is
3277s obviously in-game screenshots uh these
3279s are modular sets that um
3282s uh in the beginning of the new portal
3284s area runes for the ayla ayla elder race
3288s to be used throughout the riverlands so
3290s we've shown off the riverland stuff in
3291s the past already
3293s and now you're getting to see a little
3294s bit rather of those
3296s i'm watching on stream as well yeah
3298s i'm recording locally so we can yeah
3300s yeah we'll use the local video yeah um
3302s so this
3304s these you know obviously you guys are
3306s aware you're coming back to vera vera
3307s once had very large parent-race
3309s civilizations and um much of the
3312s landscape incorporates kind of ruined um
3315s uh uh buildings and these um uh sets
3320s that you're gonna come across in the in
3321s the world to kind of communicate that
3323s age and that
3325s distant past uh feeling um but part of
3329s that is determining um the parent race's
3331s original architecture and what their
3334s their cities did look like because there
3336s are going to be cut scenes in the game
3338s that kind of take you back
3339s uh in time to visualize the fall and the
3342s apocalypse and and stuff along those
3344s lines as as incorporating as certain
3347s story elements um so uh in that sense uh
3351s we create kind of the
3353s pristine version of the alien
3354s architecture and then we destroy it down
3357s into
3358s um these ruined
3361s points of interest and or ruined
3363s set dresses for the for the environments
3369s and then next we have a little teaser
3374s of a couple
3375s screenshots of some of the new tech that
3377s they're
3378s going to be showing off in the future
3380s um i don't know if you want to talk how
3382s much you want to talk about that but i
3384s know they wanted to tease these a little
3386s bit i actually just i went out to lunch
3388s with the environment team yesterday and
3390s we were talking about um you know
3393s showcasing this in the next stream
3397s and they uh pretty confident they were
3399s like don't give a timeline
3401s if they're confident hey if they're
3403s confident i'm confident so
3405s um i will say that uh i have seen the
3408s the preliminary tech here uh and it is
3412s freaking cool
3414s these are just teaser images
3417s but wait until you see the video uh
3420s about this tech and how seasons are
3423s introduced within the world it is
3426s something that i think is going to be a
3429s very stable and unique aspect of the
3432s ashes of creation
3433s [Music]
3435s mmorpg its world is going to be seeing
3438s the drastic differences that are
3440s introduced visually for each biome in
3443s each environment
3445s when these cycles of seasons uh are
3447s introduced and you're gonna see that
3449s that that tech which is which has taken
3452s a lot of effort from our technical art
3454s teams and from the environment teams um
3456s in accomplishing uh but it is something
3459s that feels just so good um and of course
3462s it has deeper uh uh
3465s implications right um as it applies to
3468s certain systems like uh crop rotations
3471s and um being able to kind of grow things
3474s but also how does that affect the
3476s economy like if a particular region
3478s moves into a season and that week you
3479s can't grow a particular type of good but
3482s another region halfway across the world
3484s can grow that good and you talk about
3486s moving those goods across regions so
3488s that they're relevant to either craft
3490s workbenches or you can sell them in the
3492s local economies
3494s that is a major indicator of movement of
3497s goods and movement of goods carries
3500s risks and risks can create political uh
3503s foes and friends so um you know all that
3505s stuff something as simple as just a
3507s climate can have cascading consequences
3511s across the entirety of the game um and
3514s yeah i think it's pretty pretty cool
3517s all right moving on to our character
3520s goodness
3522s um
3523s i'm looking at
3525s uh
3526s oops that was supposed to be last
3529s you saw nothing uh the first one here is
3532s our sleep sears uh rament as you've seen
3536s before and i'll play the 3d element of
3538s this
3540s this is the 3d model of it our artists
3542s are so amazing you see concept art and
3544s pretty much everything looks just like
3546s the concept
3547s um
3548s so pretty sick
3550s awesome head dress you can kind of see
3551s how the light reflects on everything who
3554s did this one was danny eli i didn't
3557s i i forgot to put the names on those
3559s ones so i don't wanna i don't wanna give
3560s credit to someone with the wrong names
3562s um
3564s and then the next one here is our steed
3566s of the frayed corpse
3570s work in progress
3576s you guys might get your bingo card oh
3578s that horse looks so good
3581s all right and then the next one is the
3584s lovely amethyst bow bite
3591s oh
3592s it's like a little alpaca alpaca
3595s well it was basically like a
3599s alpaca
3614s turtle alpaca llama
3617s and then next we have our rock hawk
3619s which is looking so sick
3621s rock hawk i like that
3623s and
3624s uh
3625s don't say it too fast
3632s [Laughter]
3640s next up we have our work in progress
3643s ascara but we haven't really had i know
3645s there's been people asking for
3648s for bugs
3649s so here you go
3650s oh
3651s little beetle dude
3653s yeah
3654s how big is that
3655s i would assume it's probably a big
3658s beetle that you're gonna fight
3661s um but i'm sure they can make little
3663s ones too
3665s yeah then we've got
3667s the thing you totally didn't see earlier
3670s which is the work in progress of the
3672s scorpion boss
3674s and we do have an image for scale
3677s right there
3681s oh yeah
3683s this guy is scary
3685s so
3686s sick i think either ginsee or keith is
3689s working on this one
3692s i don't want to say who it is if i have
3694s it wrong
3697s um but yeah you know he he just looks
3700s like he's a misunderstood
3704s totally
3705s probably not gonna attack you and eat
3707s your face no he seems like a like a
3709s cuddle bug you know what i mean no pun
3711s intended so cuddly with all those spikes
3714s yeah imagine those spikes no they're not
3716s meant to poke you they're meant to
3718s embrace you
3721s all right whatever you're into steven
3727s and of course that wraps up this uh
3729s segment for our character art um we'll
3732s move on to our q a and try to answer as
3734s many questions as we can here i know we
3737s do have a hard cut off at some point
3739s because steven has another meeting he is
3741s a fairly booked man
3743s the first one here we have here is about
3746s roleplay
3747s um and the question is well the custom
3749s text chat command slash e slash emo emmy
3753s or some variant of it be in the game for
3755s role play and they don't mean like
3757s emotes like dancing and stuff like that
3759s that they mean like can they type in the
3762s text that they want to type in
3764s yeah
3765s i think that was wasn't that present in
3767s alpha one i think it was an alpha one
3769s like you could type the slash
3771s uh emote you wanted and it would play
3773s like a you know wave or you could clap
3775s or you could do something like victory
3776s stuff yeah they don't want it to be an
3778s animated they're saying like can i just
3780s type whatever i want like uh slash
3783s uh you know emmy
3785s uh
3787s and then what does that do in the what
3789s do they want that to do
3790s other than put text there i think
3793s oh then yes
3795s you can chat in the chat box for sure
3799s well yeah like you can say slash
3800s chuckles but it's not like tied to an
3802s anime
3803s yes
3804s you can do that
3805s karthos wants to know naval combat uh
3808s can i equip my ship with a ram and plow
3811s into other ships and maybe raid bosses
3813s to inflict damage while not completely
3815s yes
3817s there might be particular ship
3819s components and or classes that excel at
3822s that type of activity
3825s awesome
3826s the next one is from goalid and they
3828s would like to know about vassal nodes
3831s village nodes and higher level nodes
3833s give out certain certificates for
3835s freeholds to be placed in their zoi
3838s zone of influence for those who don't
3839s know
3840s if i place my freehold in a vassal node
3843s can i get citizenship in the parent node
3848s uh that is a very good question actually
3850s um right now guys are doing a lot of
3852s value yeah
3853s yeah right right now actually we are
3855s intending on the um uh the freehold
3859s system
3861s to work in both scenarios uh there will
3864s but that may change but you would have
3867s an option depending on where you
3869s achieved where you procured the
3872s certificate from
3873s um as long as it is either in the parent
3876s or the vassal area it could be a part of
3878s either you you kind of you give that
3881s declaration when you lay down the
3883s freehold but
3885s like i said that may change because we
3886s are actively um defining a different
3889s approach on some of the vassal systems
3893s awesome awesome
3895s next up we've got nia asking about
3897s emotes uh will there be interactions
3900s with pets and mounts such as petting
3903s hugging or playing with them oh yeah i
3905s would love to i mean it's a
3907s um i think actually a long time ago uh
3911s animation
3913s did do some of that um
3916s as a matter of fact in alpha one you
3917s might have seen some of the anims on the
3919s rider of a horse that they went down and
3921s kind of padded the side
3924s of the neck or they would pet kind of
3927s those but those would be separate
3928s actions that you could potentially do as
3930s just additional emotes but interfaces
3932s with a mount or pet that you have
3935s active all right
3938s and then we've got uh questing lore from
3941s dismiss and they want to know will we be
3944s processing through an overarching story
3947s and chapters of a narrative or will it
3949s largely be exploration and contained in
3952s small regional quest lines dotted
3954s throughout the world
3956s both
3957s um there will be a healthy dose of both
3959s of those um that the the approach of the
3962s narrative team
3964s is that there is of course a meta-story
3967s that meta-story gets informed by
3969s regional stories and regional outcomes
3972s and
3974s depending on how players progress within
3976s their personal stories that could be
3978s either
3979s racially based or
3982s could be
3983s their class-based
3985s they could be a per node basis like all
3988s of those things support a grand
3990s structure of the meta-narrative but
3992s that's how you effectuate kind of
3994s outcomes
3998s and then we've got schmucky asking about
4001s leveling will each node have a couple
4004s or have a complete and unique path
4006s for a player to get to max level
4009s so this is like could i just go to one
4011s node and level up to max level
4014s um could you do that the way that the
4016s nodes influence spawners around its area
4019s if the node were high enough level it
4021s would have relevant um experience grants
4026s that you could likely just live your
4028s life at a particular node however that
4030s probably would not be the most effective
4032s means of leveling um is it possible
4035s perhaps yes um but
4038s it would be probably at a reduced pace
4041s okay
4042s and then ronius
4045s sipony i don't know if i'm saying your
4047s name right wants to know about monster
4049s coins if an economic building is
4052s disabled in a monster coin event will it
4054s have economic consequences in regions
4057s other than the node in which it was
4059s destroyed
4060s uh potentially yes depending on what the
4062s what the service building was that got
4064s disabled um so for example if the
4066s service building that got disabled
4069s was a blacksmith's building that housed
4071s a workbench which was the only workbench
4073s in the region capable of crafting a t5
4076s or tier v or you know high tier
4078s quality equipment
4080s then of course that would have
4082s ramifications economically as those
4084s pieces of equipment that are already
4086s readily available would raise in prices
4089s and because there would be
4092s a
4093s issue within the supply chain of those
4097s items being introduced into the economy
4099s you would potentially have some supply
4101s and demand
4102s changes economically and that could span
4104s regions that could be global um even so
4107s yeah
4108s and then we have a question from
4109s schwann36 wanting to know about naval
4111s content
4112s since you need to be at a port or harbor
4115s to summon a ship and that's only big
4117s ships small ships you could you could do
4119s not at those um if a ship is destroyed
4122s will's out at sea will the player need
4125s to slowly swim back to shore
4128s or get a ride or how would are they just
4130s stranded out there what's the yeah i
4133s mean there's a real fast ride that they
4134s could take and um typically that would
4136s involve them kind of just swimming under
4138s the water and letting life take its you
4141s know take them away
4142s but now
4145s stephen oh my god by the way do not
4147s advise doing that in real life or
4149s anything i'm just saying like in the
4150s game world
4152s there's a fast way and there's a slow
4153s wave but those are really kind of your
4155s options at that point
4158s okay because some games have uh you know
4160s things that will let you go back to
4162s shore or recall back or something of
4164s that sort yes um no we don't have a
4167s recall we don't have that type of there
4169s there is consequence for you losing the
4171s means of your mobility um and if you
4175s lost the means of that mobility then um
4178s those consequences are it's going to
4179s take you longer to get to where you need
4180s to go
4181s or you're going to have to suffer suffer
4183s some experience debt
4185s all right and then dabs 16 wants to know
4188s about sieges if a person is a citizen of
4191s a node when a siege scroll is dropped on
4194s the node can they move their citizenship
4197s before the siege occurs
4200s very interesting question um for the
4202s most part uh yes they could do that do
4206s they get a deserter tag or something so
4208s there are certain policies
4211s um that the node could have active at
4213s the time
4215s that might exacerbate the penalties for
4217s departing the city as a citizen prior to
4221s a siege taking effect but during the
4223s declaration period
4225s so
4227s that is a answer that has a variable
4230s component to it
4231s okay
4233s and then richie sh wants to know about
4235s the under realm can we expect the
4237s underrealm and tulnar starting area to
4239s be more built up civilization-wise since
4242s those inhabitants have existed on vera
4244s since the apocalypse
4246s well it's important to note actually
4248s that the the tulnar's locations within
4251s the underground that they took refuge in
4254s during the
4256s um
4258s after the exodus um
4261s that portion is
4263s was protected well actually i don't want
4265s to get into that too much
4268s i know i almost i almost slipped there
4270s i'm glad
4271s uh i did not actually um but uh how can
4274s i answer that question uh i'm not gonna
4275s give an answer you don't have to
4277s necessarily give an answer yeah um
4280s okay and then sorry richie you'll have
4282s to experience in game to find out
4285s uh the next question is about mounts and
4287s and this is from lashing and they would
4289s like to know will gliding tier two
4291s mounts have to sacrifice speed
4294s other stats or an ability slot to keep
4297s tier one mounts relevant
4301s um
4301s [Music]
4304s no tier one route mounts are relevant um
4307s and this is something that's going to be
4309s explained in our stable systems and how
4311s mounts are
4313s accounted for uh later on um we haven't
4316s gotten into an article about the stable
4318s systems yet or or discussed really how
4320s they work um but generally you're gonna
4322s have active mounts and those active
4325s mounts um i'll just i'll tease this a
4327s little bit the active mounts are
4328s determined based on um you
4332s having that active mount as part of a
4334s slot within the stable that you um
4337s you're within the area of
4339s and what that means is that mounts are
4340s relevant in battle and if you lose your
4343s mount in battle it's it's it is a
4345s detriment there are ways for you to
4347s bring that mount back there are active
4349s potions that you can have available to
4351s you to do fast resurrections
4353s to reduce that cooldown potentially and
4355s you can also interface with the stable
4357s itself if you want to uh swap that mount
4359s out mount out with a different mount but
4362s tier one mounts will have certain type
4364s types of abilities that are unique to
4366s the tier ones and the tier twos will
4368s have certain abilities that are unique
4369s to the tier twos in some cases those
4371s will be horizontal um in other cases
4374s they'll be vertical power gain um so it
4376s just depends on the situation it's it's
4379s it's a situational element
4381s perfect and then we have our last
4383s question is going to be about end game
4386s from gizmo gizmo as in like m-o-w like
4389s moe in the lawn uh and they want to know
4391s how do you plan to balance professions
4394s to keep them equally useful and relevant
4396s at endgame
4399s well that's hard balance is a hard
4401s question
4403s it's a it's a big question
4406s balance is
4408s um you know of course something that is
4410s done through testing through iteration
4413s um and uh and also watching player
4416s behavior so um
4419s you know when it comes to balancing a
4420s system that's something that we do
4421s during testing phases when it comes to
4423s architecting the system itself and
4425s identifying the areas in which certain
4429s certain professions excel
4431s where they interact with ancillary
4433s systems their interconnectivity across
4434s the artisanship system as a whole
4437s you know the the important part there is
4439s to identify
4441s um how that the the interconnectivity
4444s lives with the other professions in the
4448s artisanship system um and and and what
4451s type of reliance you have on particular
4453s professions to complete the path of
4457s crafting or introduction of new items
4460s into the economy
4462s and i think that
4463s one of the things you need to strive to
4465s do
4466s is not to create arbitrary and one-off
4470s bespoke professions that aren't part of
4472s that integration that whole holistic
4474s kind of view of the depression system
4477s corey and mike are doing a great job in
4479s kind of identifying uh the importance of
4482s each profession across the artisanship
4484s as a whole the artisanship systems as a
4487s whole
4488s and right now we have 20 i believe we
4491s have 22 professions
4494s and we're talking about masteries like
4496s ultimate masteries uh living within only
4499s two of those to start for any one
4501s individual character
4503s so there's a uh that doesn't mean that
4505s that you can't achieve like tier three
4507s and tier four um
4509s intermediate proficiency within those
4511s systems and have some
4513s uh some interaction across the whole but
4516s when it comes to complete mastery we're
4517s really kind of identifying around two or
4519s three right now
4520s but that's something that gets play
4522s tested something gets iterated upon
4523s something that we get feedback on um
4526s that's an important aspect for sure
4528s yeah
4529s well we appreciate you answering all
4531s those questions stephen i know it's a
4534s lot
4535s um but of course uh we hope that you all
4538s enjoyed our april development update as
4541s we said there will be an ebb and flow of
4543s those big ones where we showcase a lot
4545s of cool in-game stuff
4547s versus the others where we kind of give
4548s you little pieces trickling here and
4550s there but we hope that you enjoyed
4552s hearing about the event system we will
4553s have an article going out next week or
4555s sometime coming up
4557s that you can check out as well as there
4559s already is a feedback thread up if you
4562s have any you know thoughts on the event
4564s system thus far feel free to drop them
4566s over there and then of course we also
4568s have our hairstyle feedback thread up we
4571s would love to hear your thoughts on
4572s those things
4574s especially for the hairstyles if you can
4576s provide some imagery that assists our
4578s artist quite greatly and you know we're
4581s really excited we hope that you have
4583s enjoyed um seeing our update and uh just
4587s quick reminders that the road to
4588s desolation cosmetic swap over will be on
4590s may 11th so if you'd like that check it
4592s out thank you all for watching thank you
4594s steven for your time we hope that you
4596s all stay safe and healthy and of course
4599s if you uh didn't get to watch this or
4601s you kind of came in later
4603s it will be immediately available over on
4605s twitch if twitches mods want to work
4607s with us otherwise we will be putting
4609s this up on our youtube channel
4610s ashes of creation and if you
4613s subscribe to us over there and leave us
4615s a comment on the video your comment
4617s could be selected randomly to be uh
4620s spotlighted on our next live stream
4622s which we will you know if it's a
4623s question we'll answer if not we'll maybe
4625s discuss it a little bit maybe it's about
4627s tacos i don't know what it's going to be
4629s about
4630s but we hope to see it and of course
4632s follow us on all the places we you know
4635s we of course do this big update on live
4636s streams once a month once a month but we
4638s do a ton of updates on our social media
4641s throughout the month so if you want to
4643s see daily content twitter facebook
4646s instagram snapchat go check us out uh
4648s pop on over to our discord bacner and
4651s roshan are and are always interacting
4653s with people daily over there as well as
4655s over on our forums we would love to have
4657s you join us and be part of our ashes
4659s family and we will see you all next
4662s month for another development update bye
4664s everybody have an awesome weekend
4667s [Music]
4675s [Music]
4703s [Music]
4708s you