over 4 years
ago -
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Greetings my glorious ashes community.
As I am human, I do make mistakes from time to time. So wanted to clarify a couple of design faux pas from today’s stream.
With regards to housing and citizenship.
It is being implemented for testing the way that was originally documented and will require housing ownership in a node before citizenship can be attained. A village will have 50 initial apartments, 8 cottages and ample space in the ZOI for freeholds. The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.
On the matter of the declaration flag/scroll for castle sieges.
Guild registration opens for the siege.
Once a guild registers for the siege a scroll creation quest is initiated that guild members may participate in, and it becomes possible to lay the declaration scroll down as soon as the quest is completed. Multiple guilds may register to attack and the first to complete the scroll and lay down the declaration may begin to have their members register to attack (there will be a cap) The siege scroll deployment is a 5 min cast that alerts the region at the cast initiation and names the caster that must be the guild leader.
Thank you, that is all ❤️
As I am human, I do make mistakes from time to time. So wanted to clarify a couple of design faux pas from today’s stream.
With regards to housing and citizenship.
It is being implemented for testing the way that was originally documented and will require housing ownership in a node before citizenship can be attained. A village will have 50 initial apartments, 8 cottages and ample space in the ZOI for freeholds. The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.
On the matter of the declaration flag/scroll for castle sieges.
Guild registration opens for the siege.
Once a guild registers for the siege a scroll creation quest is initiated that guild members may participate in, and it becomes possible to lay the declaration scroll down as soon as the quest is completed. Multiple guilds may register to attack and the first to complete the scroll and lay down the declaration may begin to have their members register to attack (there will be a cap) The siege scroll deployment is a 5 min cast that alerts the region at the cast initiation and names the caster that must be the guild leader.
Thank you, that is all ❤️