Original Post — Direct link
As we all know, Alpha 2 is due out next year. We’ve had a lot of great showcases detailing this highly ambitious MMO. I’m personally very happy with what I’ve seen and haven’t been so excited for a game perhaps ever.
With that being said, we basically get one instance of gameplay per month with goals of showcasing specific systems, features, or archetypes. CROSS POSTED WITH REDDIT FOR MORE RESPONSES
LEADING UP TO A2 (as in recently or post A1) , what is one thing you’re wanting to see soon? Example: A specific archetype, a specific mechanic, naval content, stock market, augment/skill trees, etc etc.
I’m hoping to use this as I means if gathering data/feedback if the community and perhaps this could be used to Intrepid as well. Also, apologies for the Punny Title; I’m a dad.
Thank you,
- Nyce
over 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link


I'd also be curious to hear, in addition to what you're looking forward to most, which livestreams this year have been your favorite, and why? c: