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M-23 Brazil
any tips? i will do it .
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
This is something I'm currently struggling with as well, having moved to a new city across my country to work at Intrepid Studios. You're not alone :sweat_smile:

Making new friends can be difficult, especially for some more than others. As a gamer, I find it all too easy to head straight home after work and hop on LoL all night. Certainly not a good way to meet people lol.

So, I've been doing things on my own more often. Going on hikes, I go to the gym multiple times a week (which can be a good way to meet people who are also into fitness), I've gone to some local PC gaming cafes rather than home to game, which is a great way to interact with people who have similar interests as us! I also have been using a few meet-up apps (which is not my favorite, but I'll try anything at least once!)

I recommend finding some hobbies and interests that you like or perhaps that make you feel comfortable or excited. Preferably ones that might involve other people, and going to them. Going alone is scary but you get used to it ;)

I hope this helps! ^_^
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Go learn something. A foreign language maybe.
Do some volunteer work to help people or nature.

This is also a GREAT idea! I study languages as a hobby and back when I could afford it, I took classes and made friends through study partners!