Original Post — Direct link
Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?

almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link

Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

This post reminded me of that raid a guild called Serenity did back in the early days of WoW... 😬

I'm curious - If I'm understanding you correctly, you only don't want players to... well, do stuff like that ☝ in safe zones? Freeholds are safe zones, so maybe it would be best to host RP events such as weddings within those? 😜