almost 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
20s hello everyone and welcome to another
24s live stream in the world of Vera I am
28s joined today by three of our absolutely
31s awesome developers we have with us two
34s regulars and one new face
36s one of our Engineers obviously our
39s glorious Engineers Keenan how you doing
40s buddy
42s good thanks for asking welcome sir
45s welcome back it's just uh let's see last
47s time you were on was for the tank I
49s believe the tank showcase right
51s yeah that's correct yeah and then we
53s also have I think uh as well from that
55s showcase one of our senior designers Mr
57s tradd how you doing buddy
59s doing good hello everyone good to see
61s everyone again and then we have a new
64s face with us one of our senior visual
66s effects artists Mr John how you doing
69s I'm doing really well man this is fun
71s yeah this is fun this is this your first
73s time on right yes yes it is and you have
76s been doing a lot of work on the visual
77s effects side and and today I know many
80s in our audience uh have been
82s anticipating this early work in progress
85s look at the Alpha to Mage and we have
91s I'm sure already the the chat is
94s ecstatic looking at the hot bars of
96s abilities that we're going to be looking
97s at today we're not going to go through
98s all of them but we are going to go
100s through uh I believe the electrical
103s spells some of the utilities and some of
106s the frost abilities right trap
108s that's right yeah we're going to be
110s looking at a bit of an ice uh ice
112s lightning Mage this will not be the only
114s elements that you'll see on the Mage but
116s that's what we're going to be focused on
117s today and just specifically some
119s interactions between those elements and
121s showing off how the elements can be used
124s together to create synergies yes and I
126s know we've been talking about this
127s obviously for a good amount of time in
129s the way that kind of the class kits
131s synergize and work together and you guys
133s saw a little bit of that with the tank
134s demonstration between
137s um I believe two abilities had like a
138s staggered two a knock down promotion is
141s that right trend
143s that's correct yeah we're going to be
144s diving a little bit deeper into that
146s kind of stuff you'll see probably three
149s or four different interactions within
150s this kit and that's just the start of it
152s cool
154s um now we are in the riverlands of
157s course
157s um but we are where are we right now I
160s think we're at the uh this is like uh
164s um what is this place called is this the
166s this is the Hall of judication which is
170s um was an alien uh I guess prison slash
174s uh trial location that they kept
176s criminals uh for court and
180s um we're not going to go inside this
182s location because I think it's filled
184s with some goblins that might be a little
185s bit beyond our uh pay grade but outside
188s I think there are some more
191s friendly flowers
193s um perhaps that we can also uh play with
196s and then maybe some rock monsters but
198s what I want to do before we start there
202s um is I think it would be beneficial for
204s us to first get kind of a base on what
206s each of these abilities do I know that
208s that was something that a lot of the
209s players really liked
210s um uh seeing before we actually get into
212s some combat interactions and then later
215s I'm gonna let Trad show off some of the
217s intricate combos
219s um
221s when we kind of showcase the broader kit
224s but one thing I want to tell the
226s audience is that
227s um you know in our previous showcases
230s we've tended to kind of showcase a
233s little bit more gameplay oriented kind
235s of walkthroughs of zones and areas and
237s have elements of different encounter
239s designs and and monsters and whatnot
242s today we're going to really focus in on
244s these individual abilities uh their
247s mechanics and what it means for the
249s broader you know combat design of our
251s archetypes in ashes of creation and
253s hopefully get some good feedback from
255s the community on this direction and and
257s I know Keenan has some questions that he
259s wants to talk about and John I know
261s we're going to talk with him a little
262s bit about kind of the next I think next
265s Edge kind of uh technology that we're
267s utilizing for some of our VFX and and
269s how these abilities interact so before
271s we get started let's go through these
274s abilities one at a time what's our first
277s one that we have here this is something
279s that I think we had in Alpha One this
281s was our blink is that right Chad Yep
284s this is one of the ones that we've
285s brought back uh this was definitely I
288s would say most of our favorite spells
289s from alpha one so we had to we had to
291s bring it back even the visuals were just
293s awesome so
294s um yeah anyone who played Alpha One
296s should be pretty familiar with them you
298s know I'm gonna set my cooldowns to zero
300s so I can show the abilities over and
302s over again so this this is the blink
304s ability and obviously its purpose is to
307s close the gap to create a gap to
310s reposition uh talk to me a little bit
313s about the use case of a blink from the
315s Mages kit perspective
317s uh I mean you covered it there it's a
319s gap opener Gap closer whatever you want
321s it to be and you know we'll we'll
323s showcase some kind of that first we'll
326s showcase that kind of gameplay and
327s actual action once we get to the
329s encounter section of this
331s um this stream but
334s um you'll see that Mages will probably
336s prefer to use this spell in different
337s ways based on how you're specking the
339s Mage so if you are a more ranged based
342s classic Mage you'll most likely use this
345s to create space to put between you and
348s your opponent but like a more melee
350s based Mage might actually want to use
352s this to get on there yes to to initiate
355s absolutely that's that feels like the
357s way I would use it and then
359s um after this we have a uh let me see
363s look before we get into the combat
364s abilities perhaps we use
367s um you know actually let me show The
369s Shield speaking of a combat Mage if
372s you're in the middle of fighting talk to
373s me a little bit about the shell
376s yeah uh this is a pretty classic uh Mage
380s spell that you've probably seen before
382s it's just a big Health Shield it absorbs
384s a bunch of damage and it has a duration
386s so usually you want to time it with when
388s you're going to anticipate taking a
390s bunch of damage at once and we'll show
392s that off to
393s um in a little bit with some of our
395s rotations that put the Mage in a little
397s bit more danger for greater payoff and
399s this is kind of a short duration
402s um shell now obviously duration excuse
405s me can be one of the parameters that are
407s augmented by some of our augment
409s abilities so it could be potentially
411s extended by an augment in the future but
413s it's essentially short duration for
415s those temporary hit points is that right
416s kind of like if you're stuck in a little
419s bit of a bind exactly yeah and that's
421s that's the point of the duration like
423s usually these Health Shields can be
424s pretty strong and so timing that is part
427s of the balance and also part of the
429s gameplay skill that comes into
431s um you know deciding when to use that
433s and when to put it on cooldown and then
436s let's show off this ball of lightning
439s now John you have done a lot of work on
442s the tech side for VFX with regards to
445s you know how lightning kind of interacts
447s with surfaces from a sticky surface
449s perspective and
451s um you know just establishing what I
453s think is a really cool even style guide
456s and shape language for this electricity
458s and talk to us a little bit about what
460s it took to create this
463s you know I think one of the things that
465s helps set ashes apart from an effects
468s perspective is that we want rfx to be
470s dynamically generated we want them to
472s interact with the world you know we want
473s them to feel like they are part of the
476s combat
477s um so
478s when we come to wanting to work with
480s something like lightning we actually
482s want it to seek out different you know
484s things in the world and stick to them uh
486s we want it to feel like you are actually
488s in control of that lightning not just
490s plastered on top
492s um so what we've been working on are
495s kind of behavior systems where you model
498s the behavior of the lightning and how it
500s should work and then you know those
503s systems get put into our effects and you
505s get a very consistent repetitive not
508s repetitive in like its motion but how it
510s behaves result from it yeah I think I
514s think it looks great um
516s I love this ability too and when we get
518s into combat you guys will see kind of
520s its use case
522s I will say this is one of my favorite
524s spells just to use not not only visually
526s but like
527s for reasons you'll you'll see later but
529s like it's a zoning tool it's like a
531s mobile zoning tool it's great for
533s applying status effects because it's
534s hitting very rapidly there's lots of
536s different ways you can use this thing to
538s your advantage
540s I'm sorry this one was so much fun to
541s make
542s people aren't supposed to be using I
545s have cooldowns I'm sorry I set my
546s cooldowns to zero so I'm launching like
548s a whole bunch of them
549s um but I just really I love the effects
552s I think it's so cool this is fun to
555s figure out how to get it to stick to the
557s floor and make it actually kind of walk
558s along you know oh yeah absolutely now we
561s also have
563s um a little bit on the frost side
565s let's talk about this ability and this
569s one is uh a blizzard explain a little
573s bit about uh blizzard Keenan
578s um lizard is a very complicated spell I
582s have thought a lot about blizzard
584s um it range projectiles down that deal
587s damage but also does a fairly frequent
590s burst that applies chilled Stacks
592s um
593s it also has a little bit of Mobility
595s into it which is something we talked
597s about quite a bit we felt that it was
599s important to maintain some control over
601s this ability even though it's very
603s powerful just to give players that
605s maximal sense of agency as they are
608s um destroying the battlefield oh yeah I
611s mean I I love the visuals here as well
614s John the the decals on the ground with
617s the Frost and the impacting ice shards
620s now is this in a is this
623s talk to me a little bit about kind of
624s how you create from a visual effects
626s perspective
627s um these individual elements and and
629s their reusability
630s uh you know one of the things that's
632s really good about working here is that
635s we are involved very early on and we can
637s look at the things that are going to be
639s challenging from you know what design
641s and the engineering team want to build
643s from an effects perspective and then
645s inform them on those things and when we
648s want really cool Frost zones all over
650s very uneven terrain that you know they
653s build out like cool displacements in the
656s ground
657s that's there's not a button for that you
660s know we have to go and work really
661s closely with tech art and figure that
664s stuff out and then how do you make sure
665s that the particle systems can drive
667s those decals and they can be animated
670s um so you know being part of that
672s process very early on working with the
675s concept team to identify what the
677s challenges are going to be and then
678s really being able to communicate with
680s those teams about how to accomplish it
682s before it hits our desk is really
685s powerful
686s absolutely I remember when I showed you
688s or when you showed me your first
690s iteration John and I was like how does
691s it look when you move and you were like
693s what
694s yep that is definitely one of the things
697s that you are so very good at Keenan if
700s you take like whatever system we have
703s designed and you find the one thing
705s almost immediately that we didn't
706s account for and I appreciate you for
709s that because once we fix it it looks so
711s good
712s absolutely you know it is it is a very
715s difficult process kind of you know
717s creating these abilities in a way that
720s you know obviously answers the call from
722s a design perspective in the kits that we
724s want to create and the interconnectivity
725s between those kits
726s um but also establish what players want
730s to see out of the class fantasy and the
731s Mage is a very near and dear to many
733s people's hearts uh I know it is to mine
736s as well and there's just so much space
739s here to create strong visual languages
741s around the different types of magics and
743s elements that are utilized you know it's
746s a very uh
747s strong part of the ashes of creation
751s class kits so we have another ability
753s called cone of cold talk to me a little
756s bit Chad about cone of cold
759s yep ice spells have a tendency to be
761s complicated this is another one um so
763s this is a cone spell I mean it's pretty
766s simple in that regard like you hit Area
767s enemies in front of you you apply uh
770s what is a one of our Elemental status
772s effects called chilled does as you would
774s probably expect it slows the Target and
776s it can stack for an increasing amount of
778s slow per
779s um sack you put on them but if you might
782s notice you might notice that there are
784s some little crystals that it leaves on
786s the ground there and each one of those
787s is a proximity ice mine that if someone
790s steps on it will explode and apply
792s additional stacks and damage so it's
795s really good at creating area denial
797s between your opponent and yourself and
800s if you force them through it then you
801s can count on being able to escalate your
803s stat specs a little quicker now I've
807s aggroed this monster you guys will
809s notice that it's not passing towards me
811s but that's because I want to show off
812s some additional
815s abilities
816s excuse me that requires
819s require a Target
821s so lightning strike talk to me about
824s what lightning strike does
827s sure uh this one's a little more
830s straightforward it's kind of one of your
831s bread and butter single Target abilities
834s um you can charge it for varying degrees
837s of efficacy so you can either release it
840s really soon to apply Stacks quickly of
842s the electrified status effect in the
846s lightning category or you can charge it
847s up longer and do more damage
850s um
851s so as you I'll get I guess I'll take
853s this opportunity to talk a little bit
854s about what you might be noticing on the
856s icons on these enemies but once you
859s build 10 stacks of electrical
861s electrified on the target you'll notice
864s that they'll get another icon on them
866s and that is the shocked status effect
868s and what that means is that when you hit
870s them with damage once that thing is
873s applied it will consume electrified
876s Stacks with each hit you do to them
878s while that's active to do or proc
880s additional damage
882s so I'll show that here
884s you can see that electrified gets
887s applied
890s but one thing also that
892s is interesting is this Elemental
894s empowerment talk to me a little bit
896s about Elemental empowerment
899s yep so you might be wondering well how
901s am I going to get all the way to the
902s number of status effects I need if my
904s abilities are on cooldown and you know I
906s need 10 of them to get there well the
908s wand combo is or well your weapon combo
911s in gym in General on the Mage is very
913s good at doing so because it will take
916s the elements of the last spell you cast
918s and for about a five second period or so
921s apply that element in satisfact
923s applications to the enemy as you're
925s attacking them so you might see that
927s happening here so let's show off a
929s little bit of that
932s um of that interaction after I kill this
935s guy real quick
938s um in the next one and how promotions
941s work on those types of status conditions
943s so what's a good promotion effect that I
945s can do between electricity and frost
947s right now
949s usually I like to stick with frost first
951s so I'll open with do we want to show
954s frostball yeah so this is a single
957s Target projectile attack that applies to
959s stacks of chill to the enemy and then
961s after that hit him with a few wand
963s attacks
964s now you'll see that you've gotten a
967s frozen status effect on him and then he
969s timed that really well right there but
971s like in that very last frame you'll see
973s that he hit him with a light a lightning
975s effect which triggers the shattus uh
977s it's not even a condition it's just a
979s reaction
981s um and that just triggers a bunch of
982s damage so that's a good way to get your
984s burst damage if you're rotating your
987s spells and your elements the correct way
990s yeah that's super cool
993s very cool yeah that particular
995s interaction is by far my favorite thing
997s about this mage
999s yeah I like the uh the you know the
1002s ability for for a spell Caster or just
1005s any player with their archetype having
1008s the option to kind of weave in between
1010s those rotations and those spells
1013s um and to create successful combinations
1017s within their kit that you amplify uh the
1021s DPS or the status conditions or the
1024s control effects or you know whatever it
1026s is your is your end goal
1029s um having a a rotation that emphasizes
1034s your ability to succeed or fail in those
1037s combos I think is is compelling from a
1039s gameplay perspective
1042s yeah I agree and like they really are
1044s intended to be rotational drivers and
1046s and help you and get introduced to a kid
1049s that you know might otherwise feel like
1051s just a disparate set of spells that
1053s don't really belong together
1055s um this is how just one way that we're
1057s really making them feel connected and
1060s it's not the only way you'll see some
1061s other synergies that are a little bit
1062s more organic with a few of these other
1065s spells that we have yet to get to but
1067s um that's kind of the Crux of how we're
1070s getting those rotational elements down
1074s I know yeah I timed it uh so that it
1078s would
1079s it would essentially hit the uh hit the
1081s target while the frost application
1084s applied
1085s um I used another ability called chain
1087s lightning talk to me about chain
1089s lighting
1092s uh yeah that's
1093s it's pretty similar to lightning strike
1095s except it's more of an AOE roll that
1098s it's filling so you won't see it here
1100s because you're only attacking one target
1101s but if there were multiple targets you
1104s would see
1105s um lightning Branch off from the main
1107s target that you have
1109s um to nearby additional targets so it's
1111s really good at applying its status
1112s effect in a more AOE scenario which we
1114s will also show you soon let me see if I
1117s can uh sorry I spawned a few more
1119s targets just to demonstrate that let me
1121s sleep them all talk to me a little bit
1123s about sleep
1125s uh yeah so this is an AOE CC that breaks
1127s on damage it's great for like creating
1130s space and setting up a window but you
1132s can't just like DPS them down while
1135s they're sitting there a week so it's
1137s kind of uh it's a trade-off it's very
1138s good
1139s um especially if you're in a more
1141s organized group that knows to hold off
1144s and like you know kind of control the
1146s battlefield without just throwing damage
1148s everywhere
1153s yeah that that is super cool but now
1156s John talk to me a little bit about
1159s um the ability for this lightning to
1163s kind of connect with these different
1166s points of collision
1168s so
1169s first
1171s working with this combat team so early
1173s makes things like the idea that they
1176s want to be super Twitchy and you know
1178s rotate the player while they're casting
1180s it very obvious from the start as a you
1184s know a huge challenge so
1187s um when we go about designing these
1190s systems we're looking for not only does
1193s it look good but is it performant and
1196s you know
1198s building out the systems that can look
1200s for all of the players the ground
1203s um Collision objects like trees or rocks
1206s and not only like Collide them but avoid
1209s them
1211s um it's just
1213s super satisfying
1215s yeah I totally agree and that's one of
1217s the cool things you know you were
1219s talking about like looking for that
1221s collision and and one thing I want to
1223s demonstrate on that comment is let me
1226s see if I can find a good spot
1228s to Showcase that here hold on one second
1231s let me just spawn a little dude maybe
1233s right here ish and then oh actually no
1238s wait we got a friend I got a friend
1240s let's use him
1241s asleep right there
1245s right there okay and then let me get
1246s behind this rock oops sorry guys
1251s now to launch round this area
1258s oh that looked so good did you guys see
1260s that Arc that was so cool all hacks and
1264s you can rotate while you're casting it's
1266s so we wanted to really pay attention to
1268s that player agency that's been so
1271s important for the combat team you know
1273s if if you're able to move and rotate and
1276s get out of the way and your effects
1278s suddenly disconnect from you or don't
1280s feel like you're in control of them
1281s anymore that just it doesn't look right
1282s and we really want it to look and feel
1285s interactive and fun you know we don't
1287s want you to turn the effects off we want
1288s you to enjoy it
1290s um I'm definitely not used to seeing
1292s such like grounded lightning in games
1295s and into those especially I am a mage
1299s player and bad lightning angers me so it
1303s was just not allowed like we had to do
1305s better and
1308s it's still very much a work in progress
1310s but we are definitely on the right path
1312s and it's performant and you know I think
1316s another aspect of this that's really
1317s cool is
1319s you're looking at it as Lightning right
1320s now but the same system that does
1323s lightning does the ice crystals does
1327s the airstrike Roots there's all kinds of
1330s different behaviors that these very
1332s performance systems can handle
1334s absolutely all right next up we have
1338s Arcane volley what is Arcane volley
1342s this is a single Target Arcane spell
1344s unlike the other ones we've shown you
1346s this doesn't have any particular element
1348s associated with it
1350s and it might look a little underwhelming
1353s at first but you can use this pretty
1354s quickly it's on a two charge cooldown
1357s and there is a particular Synergy that
1359s we all like to use with it if you
1362s haven't figured it out it's how it's
1363s energizes with the shocked status effect
1366s the shocked status basically says the
1370s with each hit it triggers additional
1372s damage and Arcane volley is a perfect
1375s candidate for that synergy
1377s you know I am let me just make sure this
1379s guy's wings are good to go
1381s I Chad I would love for you and I'd
1384s perhaps swap places here and for you to
1387s walk us through some of these more
1388s elaborate combinations one thing that is
1392s really cool guys
1393s uh I don't know it was about a year ago
1395s or so we showed off
1396s this particular uh Thunderbolt lighting
1402s Mount and we put a little bit more work
1403s Jason's been putting a little bit more
1405s work into the Glide mechanic and let's
1409s see if I can set myself up I want to fly
1412s you over to a little location
1414s um uh Trad where you can
1417s can demonstrate some of these combos so
1419s I think there's a plateau that's kind of
1421s near here let's see if we can do this oh
1423s God
1424s and we're doing it okay so this is this
1426s is kind of the gliding distance
1428s that you can develop a little bit with
1431s these gliding mounts so there's some
1433s some good amount of distance traveled I
1435s think oh my God I pulled over too many
1437s troops hold on hold on
1439s wait wait let me fly back out reset set
1446s all right
1449s we're good let's just walk over actually
1454s fly to is a little safer spot burner
1460s there we go
1462s oh Andy's t-posing don't mind him he's
1466s good
1467s just tell him to go away
1470s up and we got another one
1472s and he died
1479s all right Brad let me just uh let me
1482s hold on my God I hope I don't die
1485s all right get ready we're gonna swap
1487s over here why are there so many creeps
1488s on this hill
1490s oh no I'm sorry guys oh my gosh give me
1494s one second let me just see if I can
1496s reset them okay there we go we're good
1498s we're good we're good we're good
1501s they reset
1503s they reset
1505s nope they're trying to path to me
1506s they're very angry
1509s very angry
1512s oh
1513s I want a leash
1516s they have a super Long Leash radius
1518s okay Trad let us let's you and I swap
1521s what do you think you want to swap and
1524s we'll do this over here yeah good luck
1526s yeah that's here yes all right big AOE
1530s pull all right we're gonna swap
1533s give me one second
1536s and we are now swapped or we're swapping
1539s sorry Trad come on over
1543s and show us some of the Magic in the
1545s combos
1549s [Music]
1552s foreign
1571s all right so first I'm gonna thin out
1573s this encounter a little bit I'm gonna
1575s demonstrate one of the more singles I
1578s just want you to know Chad real quick
1579s that prior to you thinning out the herd
1582s there
1582s that if it wasn't for my training all of
1585s those creeps you would not have had this
1586s a spectacular opportunity to just
1588s showcase the sheer AOE potential in this
1591s case oh I see I see we're skipping
1593s straight to that then all right and he
1595s can do it without the cooldowns too no
1597s pressure whatsoever all right now let's
1598s back here yeah he can do it oh yeah
1603s all right doing it live
1606s um let's see first
1608s so walk us through kind of what you're
1610s gonna use
1612s so because this is going to be more of
1614s an AOE combo
1616s um I would say one of the better
1617s rotations for this is almost one of the
1620s more battle mage-like rotations so that
1622s this is going to be something you could
1623s almost expect from like maybe age
1626s fighter or something like that you know
1628s I'm gonna equip the great blade so this
1631s is just to show that you know Mages use
1633s non-conventional weapons in ashes of
1636s creation
1637s we're going to show that off soon
1638s especially with what we showed you
1640s earlier the elemental empowerment well
1642s this will actually apply to all things
1644s that you hit in your cleaving radius
1646s with the great sword
1647s so here we go
1667s no trap
1669s oh God
1671s I canceled my blizzard I canceled my
1675s blizzard I was a rip oh that's so good
1678s too many mobs dude yeah we're good we're
1680s good maybe they'll reset Matt now you're
1683s reset you're good
1686s okay guys I just had to set Trad up to
1689s die like that I apologize
1692s I just wanted to just showcase that the
1694s Mage is not a literal God like in many
1696s games that if you over pull and you bite
1699s off more than you can chew you're still
1702s gonna die
1704s I love it
1706s we can't ever get at the first try right
1707s that would be a boring game no that
1709s would be very boring there's there's a
1711s there's a little bit of a you know a
1713s little bit of a difficulty challenge
1715s here
1720s oh you almost made it back this is nice
1722s not bad
1723s kind of like a little puzzle to get back
1725s in here he did it pretty quick too I get
1727s lost yeah
1730s all right let's see if we can get a
1732s little bit of a better set up here
1734s all right I'm gonna shelf the AOE one
1736s and go to the Singletary one and then
1738s we'll we'll do the Aon all right again
1740s after that
1741s all right
1742s all right so this is a little easier one
1743s here we go
1749s you're gonna need your wand
1758s okay yeah some big deeps there
1761s and that's because of the shattered
1770s slept the next one nice
1776s I love that ball
1788s now you're making quick work of these
1790s Chad not bad
1791s yep so that's that's the single Target
1794s rotation I like at least with this kit
1796s once you start introducing some of these
1797s other elements in here that we're not
1799s going to show you this time but you'll
1800s get to see them eventually it really
1802s opens like a whole realm of
1804s possibilities actually we could even try
1806s it on this one this guy's got a lot of
1808s Health
1810s this guy takes a few rotations to bring
1812s down yeah I haven't really practiced on
1813s this one let's see how it goes and now
1815s Keenan talk to us a little bit about
1817s kind of the process that goes into
1820s creating these
1822s you know class kits for Alpha two your
1826s Strike team has been hard at work and
1828s kind of developing phase one and phase
1830s two of these what exactly goes into
1832s those phases
1834s well
1835s um it's this it's pretty much a
1837s three-phase process phase one is very
1839s open-ended we pretty much try everything
1841s under the sun and we put it together in
1843s every way we can imagine and we try to
1845s figure out what we like and don't like
1846s and iterate fast I think we usually do
1849s playables like twice a week when we're
1851s in that phase
1853s uh what you guys are seeing here is
1854s actually abilities that are in the
1857s process of passing phase two so they are
1859s approaching
1861s um levels where we are happy with how
1863s they play happy with how they look and
1865s some details may change over time but
1868s generally speaking this is
1870s uh what we're going for and from here it
1872s would mostly just be like like polish
1874s and um
1876s assets and uh just getting like external
1880s feedback and stuff like that
1882s very nice Chad I liked your use of
1884s Slumber there you're in a precarious
1887s spot
1890s oh God
1891s oh my God Chad I am literally on the
1894s edge of my seat just watching this
1895s hoping you don't turn into ash oh God
1900s crap
1902s oh my gosh that was crazy butt shell I
1905s wanted to make it look close you know
1907s it's good for you uh-huh yeah yep me too
1910s that's when I die it's because it's you
1913s know yeah I mean it's dramatic effect
1914s yeah it's a great totally
1917s all right should we set our health back
1919s up or do we have to wait for region here
1922s you can uh you can negative nuke
1925s yourself dude the aggro range on these
1926s things I see why you aggro everything's
1928s soft you see what I mean this is what
1930s I'm having to deal with right now
1938s that's well done you see this audience
1940s utilize elements of the terrain to
1943s obstruct the pathing from the monster
1945s wow
1946s uh we're we have yet to stand up the
1949s right pathing
1951s deal with that
1954s oh it's so good
1958s this guy's a little boy though he's not
1960s too bad
1966s this is just more of like the single
1968s rotation kit
1969s yep and and you do not have to build
1972s your mage
1974s down this Elemental path right that's
1976s one of the the
1978s design elements of this kit is that
1981s there are a lot of different paths that
1983s you're able to take that Mage down not
1986s just the lightning and ice path or
1987s Elementals talk to us a little bit about
1989s kind of the composition of abilities
1991s that are intended between utility
1993s defensive Gap closers and Mobility DPS
1996s oriented ones
1999s yeah I mean that's kind of what we've
2001s been demonstrating a little bit with
2002s some of these other ones uh like this
2004s show has definitely saved me more than a
2006s few times
2007s um Slumber as well like a lot of
2011s defensive utility goes into the Mage
2013s being able to sustain themselves you
2015s know when they're having situations like
2017s this where you know detected by mobs and
2020s they weren't quite prepared for it and
2022s um I think that's really what rounds out
2024s the kit for classes like this it's not
2026s all about just dishing out DPS all the
2029s time it's all it's really it really
2031s comes down to those like situational
2032s things and
2033s using those things intelligently to come
2036s out on top and I see if we can get an
2040s AOE encounter here by the way if you
2042s wanna if you want to turn around Trad
2043s you're able to um you can do like one
2046s two and three just kind of in the middle
2047s just face directly into that dirt area
2050s there and just numb numb pad123 and
2052s it'll spawn
2054s just right in front of you
2055s and just turn slightly yeah there you go
2057s perfect all right classic AOE encounter
2059s here let's go
2061s and guys just to give you context here
2063s as trad's doing this again we were
2065s taking a little bit of a direction here
2066s with this showcase we wanted to kind of
2068s give you just how we do things from a
2071s combat Arena perspective and development
2073s perspective and how we iterate as Keenan
2075s was talking about you know the multiple
2077s iterations that occurred during phase
2078s one development uh twice a week almost
2080s with that Strike team and they use
2083s Arenas that are a little bit lower
2084s weight than the uh than Vera than the
2088s ashes of creation world and that's kind
2089s of the combat Arena that has things like
2091s dummies and you know just a a lot of
2094s different design oriented test subjects
2097s that are helpful one of those is just
2099s spawning monsters as you need it
2102s yeah one of our guiding series is that
2104s the more iterations we can execute on
2106s the better the game will be so we're all
2109s about minimizing that time to iteration
2111s yeah that's something that's also really
2113s important for us
2115s um when you guys are iterating so
2117s quickly you know we want to make sure
2118s that the systems that are using that
2121s animation to really drive the effects
2123s don't break every four days because you
2126s guys decided to change it up we really
2129s want to only address changes for you
2131s know major differences in how the
2134s ability functions so these systems are
2136s pretty robust yeah and I noticed their
2139s Trad when you were swinging with your
2141s your Greatsword you had that Elemental
2144s is it Elemental empowerment Elemental
2146s empowerment yeah that's kind of what I
2147s was alluding to earlier like it's not
2150s just the wand that interacts with these
2153s different abilities different weapons
2155s have different synergies with class
2158s abilities which just introduces that
2161s extra level of depth right it's like you
2163s know how can I maximize the effect of
2166s this and you know it's like I'm trading
2168s in this case my my ranged potential for
2170s the ability to apply these status
2172s effects in a more AOE regard which makes
2175s Greatsword a lot better for dealing with
2178s Pax than the wand and you know sometimes
2181s you'll even be able to use either one
2183s based on the situation right will allow
2185s players to swap their weapons based on
2188s um you know what they are coming up
2190s against and it creates a lot of answers
2192s to different situations if you have the
2194s tools for it absolutely yeah just to be
2197s clear the Greatsword was dealing so much
2198s damage there because they were shocked
2201s exactly
2202s yeah it's good it's a good AOE weapon
2204s but by itself it's not it's not that
2206s good it was really the shock that was
2207s making it deal so much damage yeah well
2211s oh you got another little friend there
2214s he'd probably put uh press four a couple
2216s times you want to grab a couple more of
2217s those
2219s I think we'll just put him to sleep good
2222s call
2223s um
2224s well
2226s guys as always you know this is a
2229s continued work in progress Alpha 2 as
2231s you know is a big test period for us a
2234s lot of the archetypes are going to be
2235s online to a significant level with a
2238s significant amount of abilities that are
2240s going to be available to kind of test
2242s and as part of our monthly showcases
2245s where we show you development in
2246s progress this is our opportunity to
2249s collect feedback on what you guys have
2250s seen Keenan do you have some questions
2252s that are most relevant for your teams uh
2256s with regards to the iteration and
2257s development of this combat that you'd
2259s like to posit to the community
2262s yeah I would say there's there's three
2264s major things that I'm interested in
2265s gathering feedback on
2267s um and the first one stems from player
2269s agency which is one of the things that
2271s we prioritize the most and so with in in
2275s the context of this kit what that looks
2277s like is how people feel about the amount
2279s of Mobility that it has during spells
2281s people may have noticed that the cleric
2283s was walking out of its spells and
2284s canceling them but this page can
2286s actually continue to cast they just have
2288s a slower movement speed how do people
2289s feel about that how does it look
2292s um the second thing I'm interested in is
2295s um
2296s how
2298s the transition between spells is coming
2301s across does it look good does it look
2302s clunky how do people feel about that
2305s and then finally the complexity of the
2308s kit are people pretty happy with these
2309s Elemental interactions and how they uh
2312s how they would think about them during
2314s combat or are they interested in
2315s something more complicated or less
2317s complicated
2320s awesome and um guys as always remember
2324s this is a work in progress there is
2326s still iteration necessary there's a lot
2328s of artwork that's still outstanding and
2329s requires second third fourth passes uh
2332s and polish but we are showing you you
2335s know everything as it is in development
2336s because we find that it's a very
2338s important interaction with the community
2340s to collect this type of feedback and get
2341s your guys's thoughts on the direction
2344s that we're taking because at the end of
2346s the day when we launch actions of
2347s creation we want to make sure that we've
2349s had as much touch point with the
2350s community as possible so people don't go
2351s what game is this
2354s but with that being said John Trad
2357s Keenan I want to thank all three of you
2359s for joining me today and showcasing the
2361s hard work that you and the rest of the
2363s team have been putting towards
2364s developing this Mage and the other
2366s archetypes I know I speak for the
2368s community when I say thank you you guys
2370s are doing an awesome job very excited to
2372s see this played by by players in Alpha
2375s two and with that being said we will see
2379s you all back on stream
2382s bye guys
2385s foreign
2386s foreign