Transcript (by Youtube)

21s [Music]
21s r r oh I'm working hello hello everybody Welcome  to our monthly developers update we are okay I  
36s got it you're I was I was I told stepen I was  like you know what the one thing I forgot to  
42s test audio because we were having some uh network  drive issues earlier this morning but we're good  
48s Welcome to our glorious ashes of creation November  development update we hope that you have all been  
53s safe and having a wonderful time on Vera maybe  you're not so safe because you might be getting  
59s uh ganked by people but it's okay make friends or  killed by monsters or killed we've had actually  
64s to be fair 98% of deaths since uptime on the 25th  has been due to monsters isn't that interesting an  
75s interesting little stat it's increasing the death  death by monsters um but maybe we'll provide some  
82s more uh you know uh numbers and stuff like that  in our urine review in December so stay tuned  
86s for some of that um of course I'm Margaret I'm  your director of communications and with me as  
92s always is Steven shief our creative director and  uh today we'll be going over some things as you  
97s can see below we have some reminders for you and  we also have our Phase 2 update for Alpha 2 that's  
103s coming up in December we wanted to kind of go over  what you can kind of expect to see potentially  
107s coming up um and then of course we have h a little  monster coin event and a little sneak peek at some  
113s Giants as well uh that came in so we're going to  show off some of those things um and then we'll  
120s do a live Q&A so we'll be grabbing some questions  so if you have any thoughts questions feel free  
125s to pop those into chat and uh we will We Shall  do our best Margaret we have a very important  
132s comment from whiskey after hours which is a great  name by the way um Margaret I feel like it's been  
139s forever since we've seen you too much of Stephen  I agree how has your maternity lead been you have  
144s been gone for a little while I've been on the live  streams with with you true that's true that's true  
150s normally I'm like very very active on Discord in  all the spaces um but yeah maternity has been good  
156s I extended it a little Steven was wonderful let me  extend it a little bit um and yeah care of a human  
164s being is a lot um my goodness so shout out to all  the m and daddies out there in the chat if you  
169s are one uh maybe post a little heart in chat you  guys are I rockars I remember I I remember when  
177s the community team had that little uh uh tokuga or  what is it called toku something I can't remember  
182s the little um tamagi little digital tamagachi  yeah yeah everybody else they tamagachi dieded  
189s like in the first few days but you had the longest  running I think tamagachi uh title yeah you know  
195s I have to I have to make sure my team knows a  little bit different with an actual human being  
201s oh way way different with an act although those  tomagotchi man they are beasts um they they take  
210s a lot of time but they're fun I don't know if  anybody else uh uses uh tamagachi I'm sorry my  
216s slack is going off I will adjust that normally  like I said I am usually really good about all  
221s of this today has been a little chaotic had a  little bit of a chaotic morning but hopefully  
227s we'll be okay yeah good baby's doing great  he's adorable and precious and you know like  
234s every mother thinks is the cutest thing ever oh  a yeah um he's popped into to a few meetings uh  
242s that I saw him yeah yeah we've shown him off in  some meetings um and of course um yeah I think  
247s some people have seen some of the pictures that we  posted he's got like a little Kilt um Brian's side  
252s of the family is Scottish so they all all the men  have Kilts they have pictures every year with all  
256s of them in their Kilts and got his his great aunt  gave him that so his first ever Kilt yeah so cute  
265s um but you guys don't you guys want to know about  ashes of creation st's Stephen's wanting to know  
271s about my baby I know I'm sorry uh let's move on to  reminders so we can get to the good stuff that you  
278s guys are actually wanting to see um of course we  have our YouTube Spotlight um don't forget that  
284s if you subscribe to our YouTube channel make sure  that you are it shows you as a public subscriber  
288s I don't know why you can private subscribe versus  public subscribe but yeah we can't see it unless  
293s it's public subscribed um and then uh leave a  comment on our development update video not the  
298s other video um and you may be spot Ed so this one  is um it's a little long we've we've truncated it  
304s but we tried not to change their grammar and stuff  so it's a little hard to read but we'll uh we'll  
309s get through it um this is from Yano AMU 2390 and  they want to know I really hope to see an update  
317s where there's some attention given to the music  and Ambiance audio and how you guys bring that in  
322s the world uh around you in the game to Life Zone  music and comat music as well for that matter can  
329s really make a break the aesthetic feel that I get  for my surroundings vanilla wow for example has in  
334s my experience still one of the best Zone musics  I've ever experience or heard and that really  
340s contributed to the unique feel I got from the game  with sound design being what it is today I'm also  
345s very curious to hear what you guys can bring to  the table when it comes to the Natural Ambience uh  
352s sounds in different areas biome settlement cities  much love from the Netherlands thank you from the  
358s Netherlands Netherlands are so pretty I want to  go there some oh for sure uh yeah I mean we've  
365s definitely we we share the love of Ambience and of  you know soundtrack and music it's very important  
372s because it Roots you it's one of the factors that  Roots you in the world right it immerses you in  
377s the world um I think that there are some great  examples of our music in the riverlands in Carin  
384s um with firebrands battle music um you know those  are kind of and the node music of course like  
389s those are those are main sectors in which we're  developing the soundtrack and the scores for ashes  
395s of creation you're going to see as part of the  December 20th roll out we have new soundtracks  
400s for the sand squal desert that's going to be  implemented for the turquoise sea that's going  
404s to be implemented um basically our focus is when  there's a grand POI a grand point of Interest or  
411s if there's a grand raid boss or if there's a biome  specific or culturally specific for nodes you can  
418s expect that it's going to be accompanied by um  some score that reflects you know the identity  
425s of that location of that raid boss or of that  culture um and environment um and then on top  
432s of that you know the ambience that you're talking  about one of the things that I love when running  
436s through the game is hearing off in the distance  you know trees getting chopped down and falling  
442s or you know miners nearby um obviously cat and  her team uh have done a phenomenal job so far  
449s there's a lot still to go uh but know that of  course our emphasis is to make sure that ashes  
455s feels like a real world and Ambience and music  are a part of that yeah if you're walking around  
460s just kind of listen you know you can hear you  can hear there's they've added a lot of little  
465s sounds like animals and creatures and sounds of  the wind uh and the trees wrestling like there's  
471s definitely there's definitely some Ambiance in  there obviously like Stephen said still work in  
475s progress but because we're we're in Alpha please  remember we're still in Alpha I think people keep  
481s forgetting that they're like this is a game and  it's like they do they do forget it you know you  
487s know why they forget it and sometimes I forget  it even um because there is this a little bit  
493s of a dichotomy between some of the components of  the game right now that feel very fleshed out and  
499s feel very polished and then on the flip side of  that you know there's a lot of systems that don't  
504s and that are still missing content or that are  very functional in their bones done so yeah so  
509s it's like you know at times you can forget that  it's an alpha because you're experiencing that  
514s part of the immersive world or whatever and then  at other times you know the bugs can rear their  
518s head or systems might not feel fleshed out so like  you go back and forth a little bit and constantly  
523s you have to remind yourself wait a minute this is  an alpha yes parts of this feel good that's great  
528s we want to expand on that parts of this needs to  get changed but remember like our Focus right now  
533s is bug fixing stability um and our performance uh  and as content continues to get developed we will  
540s continue to implement it in the game exactly like  obviously we're we're creating and developing that  
545s content but it's kind of a simultaneous uh thing  that's going alongside uh our our polish um yeah  
554s so that is that thank you Yano AMU Stu 2390 I'm  probably butchering your name I super apologize  
564s um but that is how I'm going to say it for today  um of course we also have our Dev discussion we  
569s would love you to head on over to our forums and  check that out uh it is your first impressions of  
575s Alpha 2 um please tell us what are your first  impressions what uh General feedback would you  
580s like to share with the team um if you're a  spectator and you're not really playing what  
584s are your impressions of what you've watched so far  over the last few weekends um and you know we just  
589s really want to get a good idea of how you're  feeling about things obviously we can we can  
593s see what we've what people have posted so far but  we would love for you to hop on over there if you  
598s have feelings uh please share them we would love  to read them um and that's the main stuff I do  
604s want to also remind people that uh we do have the  wave Alpha 2 wave bundles up if you are interested  
610s in them if not like we said uh if if Alphas are  not your jam and you want to wait till the game  
615s is a game and we're ready to launch it that's also  fine with us as well um so um support it if you  
622s want and don't just watch if you if you're feeling  the other way around um and with that we're going  
628s to move on over to to our Phase 2 update so  um you want to do any preface before we get  
638s into for sure definitely yeah I definitely want  a preface so um you know when we set out to talk  
646s about the road map for phase two and phase three  um you know obviously we had a plan and plans  
653s can change um those plans essentially change  based off of the most emergent issu ISU that  
660s arise as a result of our play testing we have been  focusing on bug fixing uh and to be clear I'm not  
666s announcing a delay this is I know there people  in chat that are like delayed delayed delayed  
672s we're not we're not delaying I am just going to  be talking about what's going to land on December  
677s 20th and I'm going to talk about what's going to  be landing after December 20th within phase two  
683s um so we want to give a little bit more clearer  uh um uh M have a little faith in us guys I know  
690s come on now holy smokes uh I want to give a  little bit more clear messaging on um on you  
696s know our goals for December 20th and within  phase two I also want to set expectations  
701s appropriately that our first priority right now is  to address the most emergent performance-based and  
707s stability based bugs that we're experiencing on  the weekends or in this right now during the week  
713s since we extended the Playtime this week um but  I also want to give props because as a community  
720s you guys have been doing an absolute phenomenal  job in bug reporting in uh generally play testing  
727s in a very good manner we've had predominantly  the vast majority of our testers have been  
732s doing a really standup job in not participating in  griefing and in duping of course we've had a few  
740s bad actors here and there we took some action as  I'm sure most of you were aware last week against  
744s some of those for the duping stuff um I do want to  reiterate that this is an Alpha the focus of this  
751s alpha is to find bugs but not to take advantage  of them there's a very clear difference of that  
757s um so talking a little bit about as a preface  what to expect on December 20th we're going to  
761s go through what systems are going to land um come  December 20th and then the other things that we're  
767s on our road map are going to land sometime during  phase two after December 20th um it's important to  
775s note that right now the team is we've been  able to split the team a little bit back  
779s to our forward-looking Cadence of development and  then also having a portion of the team focused  
785s on our stewards as we call them focused on um  emergent issues that arise out of our testing  
790s on a day-to-day basis obviously you guys have  seen we do maintenance every day when we have  
795s an active test in the morning we release a new  build that's usually from our previous day's work  
801s addressing those most pressing issues um so we've  been getting fixes out relatively with quickness  
807s um obviously if you notice that there's still bugs  that exist that you've reported for a while now  
812s just to give you context you know we go through  a triage process where we evaluate the highest  
819s frequency highest impact you know severity bugs  and then we uh prioritize them and address those  
826s with our resources internally um within uh that  period of time so I know that also I'm seeing in  
833s chat the EU Prime Time patching waiting gang uh to  the EU folks obviously we are a us-based company  
840s we are a us-based company on the west coast of  the US that is not super advantageous if you're  
846s an EU citizen we apologize for that it is what it  is um it's something that we're going to have to  
851s put up with for a while until our publishing arm  is capable of reaching a bit further into the EU  
857s time space um that's going to come at a later  date of course um so with that in mind let's  
863s talk a little bit about uh what we have coming  up for December 20th now keep in mind as always  
870s this is a work in progress and subject to change  which means that we're going to tell you what our  
876s best intentions are we're going to tell you  how things are tracking but we can't predict  
880s every fire or issue that might come up and draw  resources away from these deliverable pieces  
886s of content um so keep that in mind it's a very  important distinction and something that has to be  
891s understood if you are going to want to participate  in testing yeah and the plan is still for December  
897s 20th to be our update um um whether what is in  that update you'll be informed through patch notes  
903s of course as well so it won't just be this but  we just kind of wanted to give you like a little  
908s little excitement so you can start thinking about  what is to come um so let us head on over there I  
915s want to make sure I have it on the right stream  okay the first things first is we have uh oops I  
924s don't know why I have I think this is supposed to  be an update iterational updates yes so all right  
931s so the tropics I know that tropics I know that  you guys have some of you guys have been getting  
936s out into the Lawless territories particularly  the tropics and the desert we are going to be  
940s expanding the tropics area but also importantly  we're going to be adding um some gather bles into  
946s the tropics and we're going to be making uh the  trees harvestable um and doing some touch-ups on  
953s the terrain um and the visuals of the tropics  um as well so more Tropic space uh it's going  
960s to be I see people saying the tropics are super  comfy just need some hammocks there I don't know  
966s if we're going to add some hammocks but uh we are  definitely going to be expanding the tropics area  
970s so it to go through that iteration also I saw  people wanting to see Connor oh he's here oh  
977s Conor the little nugget Conor got excited about  the tropics he's gonna ride a tide Snapper you  
983s ride in the tropics you going to play you going  to ride a turtle maybe he's like look at Conor  
989s he's like I'm tired man who are you he's looking  at you I know he's like mmy no get the man away  
997s from me he's scary it's probably the bright  lights actually he's like covering his face  
1003s oh it's so good beautiful baby yeah Connor will  be making his appearance at some point in the  
1011s future in ashes I'm sure he's going to be an NPC  somewhere that grants Knighthood to people oh  
1019s that'd be so cute um he's down with the tropics  uh but yeah Tropics is the first thing that we  
1026s have coming up here and of course um we have the  desert expansion after that right desert as well  
1034s um the desert is probably going to receive  a little bit more love than the tropics will  
1038s um given that its um assets are obviously a bit  more developed um than the uh Tropics location so  
1047s you can expect that the desert biome is going  to have some expansion um that we're going to  
1051s do a bit more detailing within the landscape  and with the natural environment um as well  
1056s uh and of course we're going to be focusing on on  making the space um uh have harvestables available  
1063s as well and then uh I think this one a lot of  people have been waiting for the dunia race and  
1074s the duner are going to be a new playable race  which means that all the armor sets are going  
1080s to be uh deformed and available for the dunor  as well um we are actually there's going to be  
1086s a little dunor um dunes and Kel space uh in the  buff Fallen Forge that we'll talk about later as  
1092s well uh that's a dungeon that pays homage to some  of the ancient dunes and kill Warriors during the  
1098s time of atrax um but the dunor race is going  to be playable so we will see some dwarves in  
1104s game people are going to want to know are they  going to still have the cool flips from alpha1  
1110s oh you know that was a very uh polarizing uh flip  some people like hated it some people loved it  
1117s yeah some people did not like that flip and some  people loved it I don't know we'll iterate on the  
1122s we'll iterate on the jumping style maybe it'll  be a a option that players will have access swap  
1127s into yeah swap yeah which J emotes and stuff like  that um next up we have the befallen forge which  
1135s uh segue Stephen already kind of talked about a  little bit yes so in line of course with the dunen  
1141s Kel dwarves we have a a strike team that's working  right now to get the beff Fallen Forge in place  
1147s this is a massive dungeon larger than and this is  a relatively horizontal dungeon that's underground  
1154s it exists wonder the camir uh uh Castle um but it  is massive this is a dungeon of Fallen dwarves uh  
1163s who were a part of the time of atrax um and was  boarded up essentially and cl closed off due to  
1171s a dracolich living inside um so it is a it's  a really cool interior environment a lot of uh  
1178s ethereal lava um and some Undead dwarves fun fun  fun and then we've got I believe these are okay  
1191s yeah so we have node Siege is being functional  yes so we will have our first iteration of node  
1199s es available uh come December 20th this is going  to be obviously um an event that can occur based  
1208s off of players acquiring a Siege scroll it'll be  in its functional form to begin with and then we  
1213s will continue to iterate and expand on it as we  move forward um Brian is leading the efforts in  
1220s the uh node Siege design uh along with a lot of  other developers to get this stood up uh from  
1227s systems and from um um from combat so uh this is  going to have you know the the attackers Camp it's  
1234s going to have um safe houses that can be captured  during The Siege it's going to have a destructible  
1239s environments in the walls um and then a capture  Point uh at the safe houses and within the node  
1244s as well um so I think this will be um this will be  a very fun system for players to engage with and  
1252s next up is something for maybe all the Crafters  slash uh people out there who are treasure Hunters  
1259s uh player stall you can make some money yes so  um I noticed there's a lot of commentary about  
1268s copper a lot of people saying we need copper  we need more copper we need more copper well  
1273s according to the data there is a lot of copper  being mined um however the copper and other rare  
1280s resources are difficult to trade um and one of the  you know key components of a functional economy  
1289s is the ability to trade and not having that  predicated just on chat so uh player stalls  
1295s we prioritize to make it in by the 20th uh these  will be um in a functional state to begin with  
1301s there will be an NPC within the market area that  you will be able to list your Goods at and other  
1307s players will be able to interact with that NPC  take a look at the different player shops that are  
1312s listed and make purchases uh at those locations so  um this is something that I think is is is uh very  
1320s uh necessary it's not quite an auction house and  the reason it's not an auction house is because  
1325s you basically have a little bit of a storefront  you go through this list of other players stores  
1331s and you can click into that store and you can see  a number of different items that they have and you  
1335s can make transactional purchases um on a buy order  basis uh for what they've listed sorry I had to  
1342s show Steven's emot emoting even though he wasn't  on screen he was this helps to this helps to this  
1349s I'm buying I'm buying your things to show that  um and then of course after player stalls we  
1357s have treasure hunts exploring and being rewarded  for those awesome uh like yeah so treasure hunts  
1363s are coming online Clayton has been working very  hard on the treasure system along with the other  
1369s narrative engineers and um you know Treasures  are essentially maps that you can either discover  
1374s fragments of or you can discover full Maps they  come in different Rarities so you have common Maps  
1379s up to Legendary maps and pieces that you can then  craft with a scribing profession to find maps as  
1384s well um and these Maps depending on the Rarity  uh will give you a general location to try to  
1391s discover a dirt Mound um and if you can discover  that dirt Mount and you have the necessary digging  
1396s supplies you can interact with it for a treasure  chest that has a wide variety of reward table loot  
1402s for you to find um this is something that  is I think going to really accentuate our  
1409s exploration players players who are interested in  exploring the map um if you go higher in the uh in  
1415s the Rarity of the map you might have multiple  locations that you need to investigate and it  
1420s will be timed um so it's something to keep in  mind that this is a this can be a higher risk  
1426s of failure but a higher opportunity for reward fun  fun and these next list of things that we're going  
1436s to go over are are iterations they're things that  we're iterating in on and the first one here is  
1441s archetype balances uh for the existing Arch types  yeah so I mean I'm sure you guys have been seeing  
1448s as part of our updates you know we have had um a  number of different balance approaches for some  
1454s of the more offensive uh excuse me offensive  um spells uh and issues that we've seen we're  
1460s going to continue that archetype balance for  existing archetypes um that is something that  
1465s the combat team is very cognizant of and that we  are watching player feedback and also collecting  
1470s data and corroborating um the sentiment  and feedback that we receive with the data  
1475s that we have access to as well in order to make  informed decisions on these Arc Type balances and  
1480s that does not include Rogan summer it is just the  existing Arch types everyone's everyone wants the  
1487s the Rogue and seminer oh yeah well the Rogue is  getting worked on I think that might be somewhere  
1493s nearby maybe next slide I don't know it's not  on here at all oh it's not on here oh okay  
1499s well then that might not land for the 20th but  shortly after I believe it will be in um it is  
1505s in phase two for sure in phase two but it won't  be at the start of phase two to be clear um yeah  
1511s so the so the Rogue will probably land in my it'll  probably be in early testing come the 20th which  
1517s means if you have access to the PTR you might  be able to get in some of the early testing come  
1523s the 20th but it probably won't land for the live  Alpha 2 servers until sometime in Jan January I  
1529s would imagine yeah like how the Bard we we had  The Bard a little available for some folks to  
1534s check out before but it was under ND testing back  then y um after no uh archetype balancing we have  
1541s combat balancing obviously that's the next thing  after archetype balancing uh combat for definitely  
1547s for NPC yeah I mean we we def we did a survey a  few weeks ago on NPCs as well got a lot of great  
1553s information off that survey um we've also been  watching a lot of the data on interactions for  
1558s encounter design on NPCs we have a big change  that's going to be coming as well um as you'll  
1563s notice a lot of the Riverland space has just kind  of um has kind of um I don't know how to say it  
1572s without making it sound just like the fact that  it is an alpha and some of those NPC placements  
1577s are rather boring they aren't pathing they aren't  patrolling they aren't wandering well um in many  
1583s locations so we have a a big update that you know  obviously this is always our intent is to do this  
1589s but we're going to be prioritizing it sooner  uh so by the 20th we should be able to see uh  
1593s significant changes in Wander behaviors in pathing  for the NPCs making it more of a puzzle to kind of  
1599s navigate spaces and areas um that's obviously  been our long-term goal but we'll be we we're  
1604s going to be prioritizing that as part of the 20th  as well great and next up is economy balancing U  
1613s and improvements yes there is a lot to do on the  econ side for sure I think what's there right now  
1620s has been fun um I think that you know it has given  us uh the necessary data to demonstrate you know  
1627s the artisanship loops the uh reward table Loops  um you know these things are functional we see  
1634s them working um they are they have established an  economy um but now we need to tune them and that  
1644s comes primarily from data we look at the resources  that are being harvested we look at the trades  
1651s that are being made we look at the purchases from  vendors that are being done um we're going to be  
1656s inspecting that as part of the uh the goals to  roll out for the 20th um and have some significant  
1662s changes in place uh for economy balance all  right people are like more copper in the world  
1669s somebody said yeah Veil Veil Miss warten said will  treasure maps give copper and you will be happy  
1675s to know that treasure maps can give a variety of  material components as well which includes copper  
1681s potentially depends on the treasure map you get  uh next up is node balancing Improvement yes node  
1693s balancing um you know this is obviously uh related  to The Experience gains that can occur the cost to  
1700s initiate construction the cost to do um to do uh  uh upgrades uh the time frames of uh buy orders  
1710s the quantities of buy orders the engagement of  the citizenship the cost for citizenship dues like  
1716s all of the things that go into nodes as a whole  um these are elements that we are taking active  
1722s data from with the play test now uh and we are  incorporating as part of our uh balance approach  
1728s um that Chris and his team have been doing um over  the course of these last these last four or five  
1734s weeks all right and now we're going to move into  stretch goals some things that we're hoping to  
1740s get in for uh the 20th but they might not quite  land there but uh you know just so you um have a  
1749s little a little bit of a tease um and and by the  way just to be clear like this is um this is not  
1756s everything that's going to be in on the 20th this  is the highlights of what the 20th is going to be  
1762s uh presenting um there's still a lot of other work  that a lot of other teams are doing um that will  
1767s land on the 20th as well and when we talk about  stretch goals this is again about whether or not  
1772s it will land on the 20th or shortly thereafter so  um just kind of giving context for what to expect  
1777s next month for sure and uh the big one free hold  uh free holds housing for players yes free holds  
1788s are a um are a big Endeavor right now to get into  a good place um for testing so you know obviously  
1796s we we did in the past focus on free hold in the  live stream um that was very functional and not  
1802s quite ready for testing um there's now going to be  a big effort on getting our Deployable Systems uh  
1808s in better spot which obviously if you've been  deploying um Caravans with trying to do raft  
1814s conversions or trying to um spawn your Caravan  initially you'll notice there's a little bit of  
1818s jankiness with the Deployable um uh logic um we're  getting that fixed up for our buildings we're also  
1825s going to be introducing uh different blueprint  recipes um that need to be acquired in order to  
1831s construct buildings on the free holds uh and we're  getting farming in a good spot so that by the 20th  
1836s um hopefully with this stretch goal if not the  20th it'll be shortly thereafter we will have free  
1841s holds available for players to begin interacting  with and to into to stimulate the economy yeah and  
1846s these are personal these are not your guild Hall  Guild housing stuff for for those who are asking  
1853s uh Guild free holds will be later U and then the  next one is the veon the veon playable race this  
1864s is a stretch goal as well for the 20th again if  it doesn't land it'll be shortly thereafter but  
1869s we intend to have the veon up and running this  includes all the armor sets and uh that are going  
1874s to be available um this includes some additional  assets and narrative around the veil safe for  
1880s work oh not safe for work bits are covered it's  like a swimsuit it's a bathing suit come on now  
1889s yeah sorry didn't mean to interrupt you Stephen  sorry go ahead no no no I was just going to say  
1894s that this also includes some narrative structures  around simia's hope and leading into the sand Sall  
1898s desert all right and that is kind of the major  um top level stuff that we wanted to make sure  
1907s that we shared with you guys to get you excited  for the 20th um obviously like Stephen said we're  
1911s doing updates all the time so if you are part of  the weekend test you are probably seeing some of  
1916s those fixes and changes obviously we our goal  is just majorly hot fixes for those we try not  
1921s to break your gameplay time as much as possible  but when we see stuff that we're like ooh we can  
1926s iterate on that and we can change we can fix  things quickly we Tred to do so so um we hope  
1931s that you guys have been enjoying those and if you  are finding any bugs major bugs making sure you do  
1938s SL buug in game and sharing that information with  us if you find something that it looks exploitive  
1944s um and maybe you want to like retest it again  so you have the Repro steps you can do that but  
1949s do not exploit in the sense of like continuing  to do something over and over and over again to  
1954s get money or whatever it may be um because we are  tracking that stuff and like Stephen said before  
1958s we are taking action on those accounts um just  being aware of that and we are finding Bad actors  
1964s doing other things um and and prepping and taking  taking action on those accounts as well so just  
1971s to be aware that we are looking at those things  and we're not going to you know publicly shame  
1975s people but um We Know Who You Are yeah we're just  gonna we're gonna put some Gallows in game and if  
1982s your character gets banned or deleted we're going  to put you on the Gallows and then players after  
1986s coming out of Lon hold can just see just kidding  oh my gosh I've seen some bad things happen with h  
1994s witch hunting on people people get a little crazy  sometimes um and of course next up is our monster  
2001s coin event fun and a little bit of extra uh you  know player action uh showing off some Giants  
2008s as well yeah so so let me talk a little bit about  this um you know this video you're about to watch  
2014s many of you have probably already fought some of  the Giants um this was the Giants were born out  
2019s of our process of collecting feedback through the  survey on Monster types you guys enjoyed fighting  
2025s we stood up the Giants with relative quickness  it took us about three days or so to stand up  
2029s that particular NPC based off of feedback um and  get some model changes Keith did the modeling um  
2035s Myers did the uh um the animations and Jason Neil  set up the NPC Behavior States and tree um but uh  
2045s the second part of the video is going to be uh  a sneak peek at some of the prototyping for the  
2052s monster coin system we revealed some of this very  early on in the project days um where it was super  
2059s prototype and you guys saw if some of you who  saw back then uh the spider boss that we did and  
2065s I think we did even um I think we did the uh was  it the flanger or was it the uh the rabbit rabbit  
2073s that we did I don't know but regardless both of  those before yeah I think I thought we did back  
2077s in like 2018 or something was before my times  yeah but so this is going to be a lot of hard  
2084s work that um that uh uh Matt and Kenan and Jason  stood up um with the uh with the Ancient One some  
2094s of you have seen the Ancient One um but we fight  two raids uh with the ancient ones and show you  
2100s guys a sneak peek at monster coins as a system  just to give you some understanding for those  
2105s of you who don't know what monster coins are of  course there's some entries on the uh Wiki you can  
2108s go take a look at Monster coins um but essentially  there are events where monsters spawn and if you  
2114s have a monster coin available in the future the  system is intended to provide you an experience  
2119s as a monster where your spirit andh habits and  possesses that of a monster during those events  
2125s and you get to play against other players and  uh hope to achieve some cosmetic uh rewards as a  
2131s result of your participation uh but also you just  have the fun of getting to experience something  
2137s different than your normal play experience and um  this is something that is uh in my opinion is a  
2143s super fun system and it is looking pretty good  from a prototype perspective yeah and we also  
2149s had quite a few um community members join us uh  during this so hopefully uh they had a lot of fun  
2156s um little shout out to Pirates software and actual  Pirates group glce nice gaming Theory Forge Jamie  
2163s KS roria or cricks Vibes and Grappler as well as  narc we appreciate you guys partaking and having  
2170s fun and some of you provided some of your footage  as well to uh add us add to this collection so  
2176s you're going to be seeing and this is an edited  video that has a bunch of different perspectives  
2180s of the battle so we hope that you guys uh enjoy  it and have fun and just to be just to be clear  
2186s like uh this will be the first time ever that  on our stream and with our official video we've  
2192s included perspectives outside of intrepid Studios  so uh we had like marget said we had a great time  
2197s inviting yeah we had a great time inviting those  content creators to participate you will see  
2203s perspectives from those content creators during  this footage um we thought it was was a natural  
2208s fun way to give it from the players perspective  you get to hear raid commoms you know it's it's  
2213s it's a it's a fun little video I enjoyed it  all right well we will see yall in about 36
2219s [Music] minutes hello everybody and welcome  to another day in Vera and we are coming at  
2244s you live from our Alpha 2 environment on on the  lenth server we've been going around to different  
2251s servers at different times but today we're going  to be on lenth and we have an exciting showcase  
2256s for you guys today I am joined by three of our  absolute glorious developers um Keenan who you  
2264s guys have seen before and has been on the uh on  the live stream a number of times Keenan how you  
2269s doing buddy I'm doing great thanks for having  me yes welcome back welcome back and of course  
2275s Bill tro our design director uh Bill how you  doing buddy awesome uh you know can't wait to  
2282s get started here yeah I like your I like your Kar  or sorry not your kayar I like your V yeah my my  
2290s Vex all decked out yeah he is very cool and then  uh Jason Neil one of our glorious designers Jason  
2297s how you doing buddy welcome good good to be back  yes you are hiding behind a shield I see there  
2303s you our tank today yep very cool very cool well  um for those of you who have been watching all  
2311s of the different players who have been part of  Alpha 2 so far since we started up on the uh on  
2317s the 25th of October um we have had a lot going on  and the team has been has been pulling together a  
2324s lot of different fixes and changes um at a rapid  pace which of course is only going to improve the  
2330s environment and the testing um of Alpha 2 uh  as Jacob likes to say this is the worst that  
2336s ashes will ever be uh right now it is going to  continue to improve it is going to continue to  
2342s receive features and content updates um that  is what we are working hard towards here at the  
2347s studio one of those things or a couple of those  things actually we're going to be talking about  
2352s today as part of our showcase um but just to give  you guys you know a little idea um you know of how  
2358s we've been kind of working uh we are in very much  still a test and react phase um where you know we  
2364s collect information that our testers are providing  us we are seeing the bug reports that come in  
2369s we um we go in and we get awesome Repro stps uh  Repro steps um and logs from our testers as they  
2376s experience issues in the game and then um you know  we we prioritize we prioritize based on severity  
2382s based on impact based on um on you know what's  lwh hanging fruit versus requires additional  
2388s investigation um and then from there you know we  take those changes into our staging environment  
2393s we test with our PTR testers on a on a daily basis  during the week um and then we have fixes that we  
2399s deploy as we progress throughout that week and and  arrive at the weekend testing um one thing that  
2405s you guys are very well aware of of course today  being uh Wednesday the day before um Thanksgiving  
2411s uh as we're doing this live stream um has been uh  we've left the servers up for the entire week and  
2419s we did that because you know stability was in  a place where we felt comfortable doing that uh  
2424s but also because as a as a reward to many of  the testers who have have been participating  
2428s and providing us the feedback and the data that  we need in order to improve the game um although  
2433s it's was not you know the focus of phase one a lot  of you have been having a lot of fun with the game  
2439s which is of course always great to to hear and to  know and to see and to experience with you guys  
2445s we've all been playing with you on the development  team um playing with you guys on the live servers  
2450s you may not always know who we are we sprinkle  ourselves around the player community just to  
2454s make sure that we get some some more um I think  uh uh true feedback from the different parts of  
2462s the players player community uh and what they're  experiencing um and it's been a lot of fun it has  
2467s been it's been a lot of fun watching people go  through the world um and experience what we have  
2472s today but today I want to talk to you a little  bit about um two systems one I want to talk to  
2477s you a little bit about uh the new content that's  been coming in what we have planned coming up in  
2483s the next few weeks one of which we're going to be  taking a look at here these these awesome Giants  
2487s that Jason uh Neil was able to construct in a  very short period of time based off of player  
2492s feedback and the size of the monsters and the  types of mechanics that players liked uh enjoying  
2497s we sent out a survey actually I think it was like  three test weekends ago or so about the different  
2503s types of monsters that our testers enjoyed most  having a a wide variety or selection of those um  
2509s and with that data we decided to introduce a  new monster type and we'll talk a little bit  
2513s about what that data showed us and and what what's  different about these monsters um and then another  
2517s thing that we're going to show off a little bit  near the end of the uh stream today is going to  
2522s be an awesome prototype of a system that many  of you have heard about for several years and  
2529s we had a a very uh early demonstration of this  back in I think it was like Circa 2018 or 2017  
2536s or so with the spider boss uh but today we're  going to do it with the Ancients oh we have a  
2541s friend oh uh oh somebody found somebody found us  you better we back up buddy this is d dangerous
2548s place okay that's okay that's okay hold on let  me see I thought you were a group that was going  
2554s to raid this game uh no friend this place is  dangerous please flee oops please Flee for Your
2566s Life let's see if he let's see if he if he  understands okay [Music] this is obviously  
2578s one of the uh one of the side effects of doing  recording on the live server oh there we go  
2584s very nice very cool thank you hemato kind of  like tomato oh he maybe I don't know he got a  
2593s cool little cat um okay but um we're going to be  showing off a little bit later uh the the monster  
2598s coin prototype um which is going to be pretty fun  we have a couple of raids that have been assembled  
2603s in order to help participate in showing off that  um but today we are in the Runes of where are we  
2613s this is cilon cilon yeah yeah and we have these  awesome three star Giants now I don't know if we  
2621s can if we can take them on in a party of four we  are decked out for sure these Giants are Level 22  
2628s they are three star for those of you guys who've  been playing obviously in the Alpha 2 the three  
2634s stars are are probably the most difficult group  based B content that doesn't reach uh at you know  
2641s the raid boss level um three stars really dial  up the outgoing damage the hit points the the the  
2648s breath of abilities Jason why don't you talk to us  a little bit about what it was like constructing  
2653s these Giants and what you were aiming for to  introduce with them yeah so we we definitely heard  
2660s the feedback of of wanting some larger creatures  and um you know we've seen these things in  
2667s uh Giants and other games being like these large  punishing monsters so we want to kind of I wanted  
2672s to kind of give that that kind of feeling of uh  big bruisers and uh just very difficult things  
2681s you know if you go back to older games these type  of creatures were very imposing and players would  
2686s avoid them unless they were very prepared so this  is kind of like the introduction to that and um as  
2692s we develop them further we'll we'll be able to  you know do variants that are very large maybe  
2697s they pick up Boulders and throw them um and we'll  probably see them in other other zones as well  
2705s Bill you pulled little aggro there yeah he didn't  like me my goodness he didn't like that barrage  
2711s very much yeah I think I think what what we really  took oh bill you body pulled another one are you  
2717s really taxing the Healer here uh come on I can do  it um yeah one of the things that we noticed um  
2725s with the with the survey that we got from players  was that they wanted bigger bigger threats and uh  
2731s of course it's important to note that you  know obviously as part of Alpha 2 being in  
2735s the riverlands this is very much an introductory  Zone into the game um you know we kind of start  
2740s out smaller and then we introduce these larger  enemy types as you progress throughout the game  
2746s you'll notice in the um in the desert uh region  and in the uh Tropics um you know there are larger  
2753s monsters with the giant scorpions and the giant  beetles um those are oh okay Jason is there we  
2761s go we're good um those are those are kind of you  know how we want to progress but um as Jason was  
2767s saying like you know we took the feedback from  that survey and we started introducing relatively  
2772s with quickness Jason I think you stood this guy up  in what about a week or so uh yeah it was a couple  
2778s days one of the we developed a lot of our stuff  based off the animations um so that we can have  
2785s these cool looking abilities so once I I have you  know a character skeleton I while the animators  
2791s and artists are working on their own stuff I can  just stand up all of the mechanics dealing with  
2797s uh the creatures um so it allows us to do all  that in parallel which means like all all of it  
2802s can kind of come online very quickly yeah it is  and and this guy is actually using the skeletal  
2808s rig of the um of the Cyclops right yeah look at  this guy Cyclops boy oh oh what's what's up there  
2817s oh he's up there come on down buddy surely there  he is almost almost I can bait him down found
2827s him um yeah so he's using the the skel R of the  Cyclops with some retargeting on the animations  
2835s and you were able to stand up uh relatively  quickly this guy and he feels really good I  
2840s mean I'm digging him he I he's a big boy for sure  yeah the animators do a good job of turning some  
2848s some cool looking attacks around very quickly  as well so we can get the the feeling of a  
2852s large guy even though um you know it's it's  a a new character coming online that's super
2859s cool I was uh I've been having fun actually  on my GM account um running and and spawning  
2872s this guy in a few different places just to just  to give some people that don't know he exists  
2878s like a little surprise in their encounter  like oh my God what is this where did this  
2882s giant come from it's been fun if  you if you randomly oh oh we got  
2890s another one oh you're good I'm not  even tapping my Mana I am oh no GM
2896s Keenan okay we're good here is some health for you  I'm going get us some Group Health that's kind of  
2912s an example of like the the the tuning challenge  like these guys are a bit more difficult than  
2917s you would see at maybe some other three stars in  in the uh amount of damage that they can output  
2923s in in the way that they output the damage so  it's draining my Mana as far as me trying to  
2929s keep abilities up to keep threat on them but  also like use mitigation to not die and so I'm  
2935s now I'm sitting a bit low well we've been talking  also a little bit about actually our um our power  
2943s curves both on the three star rating scale as  well as on the level scale um and Bucky's been  
2950s doing a little bit of work in helping to tune  that around some combat data that we've been  
2956s collecting um from the players he's mad at  me got him you're doing some damage to him  
2967s yeah so Keenan do you want to talk to us a little  bit about you know the type of data that we're  
2972s actually collecting from players on the combat  side and you know how we use that data to help  
2977s tune uh different things with combat oh man we we  collect information about literally every single  
2985s hit that an ability in this game does whether  it comes from a player or an NPC and we track  
2991s you know the level of the user their class um if  it's an NPC we track you know what they are of  
2997s course we track level um we also track every time  you use an ability and similar information and we  
3004s actually were kind of exploding our databases  a little bit with that much information so we  
3008s kind of we we had to put a little bit of RNG  on whether or not it gets tracked but I think  
3013s statistics saves Us in the end oh yeah for sure  it averages out yeah but uh yeah with all that  
3020s information in hand our glorious designers just  turn around and make all these cool graphs and  
3025s everything to tell us like who's using what  what weapons at what level with the highest  
3030s frequency and we can kind of see whether we're  seeing a distribution that we want expect and  
3035s queries like that we could do all over the place  for all kinds of different things I think I think  
3041s within like the first weekend we pulled some 150  million different uh um lines of logging oh yeah  
3051s know there was 120 million ability uses and I  kind of got a message about like not doing that
3060s oh that's too good that was too good  it's only going to be 1.2 million now  
3067s nice very nice oh we have another  friend here me H make sure Jason's  
3075s good greetings mortal beware this is a  dangerous place place her especially for
3087s [Laughter] Giants thank  you brother be safe in your
3099s travels um Bill do you want to talk to us uh  a little bit about some of the feedback we've  
3109s been seeing from players around you know different  components of our design with both World encounter  
3116s some of the land pop some changes that might be  coming down the road for that um as well um you  
3123s know obviously players been having a lot of fun uh  with progressing within the world um but a lot of  
3129s our world design is still very outstanding um yeah  for sure and and you'll see that you know there's  
3137s there's whole areas of the world that still need  you know a lot more attention and we we're you  
3141s know we're aware of that we see where where where  the popular areas are and make we're making note  
3146s of you know what people are liking and and where  we can still improve um you know so so you know  
3152s look in the in the future you know some some more  uh tuning on both the you know the more structured  
3158s encounters as well as uh you know hopefully some  more surprises out in the wilderness and a little  
3162s more uh ambient behaviors and you know things to  catch you off guard when you're just kind of off  
3167s the beaten path you know we we really want this  to feel like a world um and you know we have a  
3173s lot we realize that we have a lot of work to do in  that area but it's it's it's the fun stuff to do  
3177s you know for sure and we actually have um up and  coming at some point closer to December 20th we  
3186s have a lot of changes in in content that's going  to be introduced obviously um we're talking about  
3192s that a little bit on stream today um but there's  going to be a really cool open world dungeon  
3198s incoming that is massive um has to do a little bit  with some of our uh the history of the alen empire  
3207s and their affiliation with the dunes and Kell  dwarves and some outposts that were present  
3212s um it's going to be exciting I think we might  talk a little bit about that on stream but we'll
3217s see very cool I'm digging this area by the way  I love the I love the uh the Rapids here well  
3231s and this is not normally where the Giants hang  out uh either we got a little this is a little  
3235s little bit of d Dynamic event happening here  oh no oh no oh God it's okay destroyed me it's  
3244s okay you guys handle one pick one pick the  lowest one and then we'll be we'll be good  
3248s I'll try to get Jason up we're going to  show how we recover I was looking at the  
3254s water a little too much okay you guys are  good no problem no problem I got you I got
3262s you we've got Jason [Music] now  Jason you should be good try to  
3273s get this guy off you there we go we're  back we're back in we're back in Action
3280s here my bad that was a momentary lapse in Vision  
3288s normally I have actually my uh party  wi it a little bit closer to my screen
3297s okay there we go I don't have any food we're  four Manning these three stars I know I'm going  
3304s to get a lot of flack for this in the chat  it's okay we recovered yeah we did just it's  
3311s dangerous to pull more than one so you got to be  careful oh yeah that was the Tank's [Laughter]
3319s fault I'm excited actually uh I'm excited to talk  about our next topic here maybe maybe after this  
3327s giant we can we can take a little little trip over  to somewhere fun and show off some of these uh the
3337s Prototype of the monster coin which  Keenan and Jason I know you guys put  
3343s a lot of work into oh yeah yep oh this  guy was very excited to fight us exactly
3358s all right so let's head over Kenan I think  perhaps you and Bill um can help on the uh  
3367s with the raid and then Jason and I think  we're going to go see if we can find one  
3373s of those monster coins and we might meet you  guys uh in one of the boss rooms that might  
3380s be pretty fun what do you guys think all right  sounds like a plan all right let's do it sick  
3387s all right we are here the twin ancient ones  we have transformed into the bosses of old  
3397s we've heard that there's been an accumulation  of forces at the top of of Carin Tower shall  
3404s we uh shall we go up Jason oh yeah let's  get them let's do it let's go just kind  
3411s of fly up here they have no idea what's  coming they just know something's coming  
3417s oh look at these look at our friends here real  quick hold on let me see if I can damage them nope  
3423s because we're friends friends we're dear friends  look at the beauty of this night oh the moon
3430s rays what direction should we come in from Jason I  I coming in from above all right I'm going to I'm  
3444s going to land right here on the like outskirts and  then I think that we could probably walk oh I hear  
3454s them on the inside let me yeah okay I'm going to  walk res set my walk I'm walking to you're going  
3466s that way I'm going to go this way I'm going  to go this way you need to start talking yeah  
3472s I just did [Music] I hear does everyone else  hear that it's behind us the it's behind us  
3481s okay that's horrifying oh God it's in the it's  to our left right now it's just walking around  
3491s I see it the ancient oh this is the thing that  wiped all the people in New clear comes clear
3499s comes oh my
3503s God that is horrifying
3508s wow show offs
3528s help that's freaking rad looking dude
3542s back out back out out of the  Rings out of the Rings out of the
3545s Rings they've started combat get out of  the get out of the orbs get out of the
3552s orbs that was a lot all right start to BS  healers start doing your reses oh my God  
3563s so much damage every's dead everybody's  dead here comes cler start calling your
3572s reses goingo thank you prioritize  other clerics when you resing stay  
3582s out of the Rings stay out of the Rings  stay out the Rings stay out of the
3584s Rings good job keep it up yeah raising heroins
3599s back up back away from it thanks get  on it face it away from the ra if you  
3604s can if it's possible it's it's not table  understood remember to use your stamina  
3610s and your Dodges thanks we can pull it thanks  we can pull it pull it pull it away from the  
3615s raed pull it away from the raed good job  good job keep it out of the group plays  
3620s keep recovering bars get that Mana up  m k i dead clear coms die quietly raing
3634s lays rainbow aim make sure to your
3641s orbs Ma just drop enchant weapon on somebody  anybody in the group melee priority two resing Ze  
3657s resing Jamie kill the one that is closest to  our side do not split DPS resing Dr i resling
3667s [Music]
3672s o keep the DPS up do we have any clerics  that have a resing a prioritize clerics on
3687s reses res I hear you good job BS whatever you  can do to give them more H more Mana please do  
3699s so two raising aim is Raising naria we're  starting to recover keep it up IR raising  
3707s Chase raising erand great job keep attacking  ours which is the one that's closest tanks keep  
3714s pulling it away from the raid away from the  raid into the back corner of the room not to  
3718s the center of the room back corner of the  room you want both raids on yours rocking
3725s riddles yeah the secondary raid move over to  ours we've got it at 860,000 at a 1.4 million  
3733s keep on it Jing Ania tanks keep trying to pull  it away good job good job that's exactly what  
3742s we want to do lightning storm is going out get  out of the lightning storm on the ground get  
3745s out of those prioritize dodging through them  they will move and strike nearby Targets in a
3750s line good job good job spread out around the  entire environment don't Clump in one area it's  
3760s going to make it easier for you to die spread  out spread out spread good job resing Budd once  
3767s all the clerics are up start prioritizing  DPS actually prioritize BS after clerics
3778s I hold on raing raing raising Tech again keep it  
3785s up DPS stay on the Ancient One you  guys are doing great he isn't R too
3793s that it's okay keep it up  keep it up um it's flying  
3802s into the air pull it back down  don't let it Escape do not let
3806s Escape turn on to the other one  that are still in the room looks  
3814s like they ran they're both  gone all right recover the
3817s raid they'll likely come back around for  another round get everybody up they're up  
3825s in the middle they're up top in the middle  do not group up everybody Spread spread can  
3831s of bar to Jebel uh dead Resurrection  on mavus did not work watch out back  
3841s DPS get back on the Ancient One spread out  spread out Lightning's going to come out  
3844s in a moment see if you can use interrupts  to stop the lightning if you can next time  
3851s stay away from the lightning it will move  in a line and it will one shot you out of  
3854s the Rings to the edge of the room edge of the  room that's a big res on IR did not work ra
3861s torent did that work prioritize the BS resing on  prioritize the BS on reses please keep the coms  
3875s clear if you're not talking about uh specific  information don't need to know about the
3879s reloads good
3882s job after the BS start getting the  Mages up we need our DPS going up
3889s meing stor
3904s cting the Mages up they're going  to start running out of res
3906s timers resing mavius raing tanks pick up  those ads AOE spells now all AOE all o
3919s AOE res didn't work again AE AE  that right stay away from the
3927s lightning good job good job bring that  ancient gazer and then get back on the  
3935s boss get on the one that does not have  a shield get on the one that doesn't  
3939s have a shield what the hell all right I  got teleported do not group up remember  
3945s I said spread out around the room  Spread spread far far as far as you
3949s can spread Spread spread hit the one  without a shield the one without a
3957s shield great job keep it
3962s up Rock resing a resing malius  they both have shields now do
3975s Li res didn't work again just the third one
3986s oh wait now it works all right
3987s resing sh resing how box your flagged  nice gaming needs I need Mana let's get  
4003s those bars up and get that Mana running  cleric we're not in combat you can use
4008s rations keep your basic attacks going on it  one on the left one on the left one on the left
4018s rainbow so even though even though  we're doing less damage to it right  
4023s now you can still apply debuffs  make sure that there are still  
4025s debuffs for lightning up on it make sure  that you guys are still firing those off
4030s resing there it is Shields off  burn it burn it burn it get away  
4036s from the [Music] lightning Jesus there we go
4048s burn the one with low HP burn the one  with low HP we're going to kill that one
4051s first remember to spread Spread
4056s spread yeah you have to stay  spread out you have to stay spread
4061s out iron resing power box
4076s 150,000 keep it up keep it up it's  going to jump again in a second it looks
4080s like keep resing keep resing prioritize  healers over tanks right now healers  
4088s over tanks 10 seconds on my resing AR Rin  great job guys keep it up I know it's tough  
4099s hear you it's almost dead we down it try  recover everybody anybody that you can get
4107s up nasty thing that that is next one's
4115s up thanks anything you got in in  order to pull it back into place  
4122s he's help light lightning storm get  away from them away away away great
4130s job Rings get out of the Rings get out of  the Rings four four four four four okay back
4137s it
4147s Budd when it jumps in the air use your
4152s Dodge that's work it's okay keep resing keep  resing out of the rings out of the Rings it's a
4166s triple okay back in resen bu he didn't go through  orbs look out for the orbs look out for the
4176s orbs resing
4189s deck keep it upor
4196s out of the lightning away from the lightning  away from the lightning away from the lightning  
4199s Shields anything you got for personal  defensives there you go resing rainbow  
4206s K AOE AOE AOE do not pull those away we  want to keep those together as much as
4212s possible resing are B it's  okay it's okay AOE AOE AOE
4225s [ __ ] res 9 didn't go through
4230s drin keep it up resing Kor on those gazers guys  on the gazers not on the boss gazers first gazers  
4240s first boss is taking 90% reduced damage stay on  the ads there you go resurrect as many as you
4247s can look out for the big lightning it  is traveling following people that is  
4255s the one that took me out it'll kill you  instantly don't get hit by it Dodge away  
4258s Dodge away back at the boss you  guys can kill this resing rocks
4266s up resing Supple prioritize  healers over [Music] tanks  
4278s you got this resing rainbow res 9  didn't go through resing K dot out  
4285s the Rings out of the Rings out of the Rings  burn it 28,000 HP burn it burn it burn
4291s it oh it's healing a lot that St was rough  dude burn it burn it burn it where's all  
4300s our wound res still not through bird it  down can't res just push through it it's  
4309s okay it's okay keep coms clear just burn it  you guys got it good job GG nice job nice
4316s job all right get
4321s back could you guys res me so I can get  more footage that was [ __ ] badass that  
4329s was fun dude that was on the edge of my  SE the entire time [ __ ] awesome yeah it  
4334s was an awesome fight dude and that's  two of the monster bosses too yeah  
4338s that's what they said was the dog waterer  version the dark flame has been defeated
4346s that was red [Music]
4352s dude well it seems like people enjoyed that yes  we do that was that was a lot of fun that was  
4365s honestly a lot of fun actually um thanks to to  uh Thor's Guild and to the content creators that  
4372s came over to lenth and joined us for the fight  uh it was pirate software which is Thor uh and  
4379s his actual Pirates Guild um flatus nice gaming  Theory Forge Jamie KS RoR brick Vibes Grappler  
4387s uh and narc yes it was very fun very fun we  enjoyed it but that that is an early look  
4394s at the uh monster coin prototyping that we've  been doing obviously the ancient one is a RAID  
4400s boss but you know the monster coin system is is  meant to uh provide access to even lower level  
4408s Monsters Where when you might die as a part of  some event as just a lowly Goblin uh you respawn  
4414s and you have multiple attempts at it um if you  if you have a very rare monster coin to play a  
4421s larger creature or you progress within the monster  coin system um those are more you know Monumental  
4428s events uh where you don't respond as them so you  know it's something that we're we're looking to  
4433s implement at some point during phase three uh  but we thought we'd give you guys an early look  
4438s at the prototyping yeah and we're going to kind  of move into some Q&A here uh a little bit of  
4446s course about monster coins but of course there's  a bunch of other questions I'm going to play the  
4450s video in the background just so you guys have  something to look at instead of just looking at  
4453s me and Stephen's face um although you know we do  have lovely faces um people have been commenting  
4460s on your lighting step has this giant window that  you guys can't see and like when the sun moves  
4466s his lighting kind of shifts and changes so  that's why his lighting is always trying to  
4470s lean forward so you so it's not hitting me um  but uh the first question here is like what  
4478s is I mean you kind of talked a little bit about  monster coin but like what is Monster coins are  
4481s there rewards how does the system work like what  other than like devs being monsters right now so  
4488s monster coins are intending to be um drops that  occur within the world right they're rare drops  
4496s and um when you have a monster coin and there is a  monster coin um available event right these would  
4504s be um uh certain monster NPC events that occur  out in the world in public areas or uh monster  
4512s wave events at nodes um or you know boss events  that might spawn or mini bosses within a dungeon  
4520s event um if you have a coin you can use that coin  during that event um essentially to become one of  
4528s the monsters in that event um and this lets  you try to you know uh attack other players  
4535s achieve objectives and based on your success you  can progress within this progression ladder of  
4542s monster coins which grants access to different  types of Cosmetics um and um also expands the  
4549s abilities that you have access to when you are a  monster depending on your successful uh monster  
4555s events in the past all right um and then the next  one to he is how often should testers expect to  
4563s see devs Dev events like the ancient ones which  uh which Realms will they happen on Etc um and I  
4569s can kind of answer this a little bit too I've been  going around on all the Realms you know I went I  
4574s was on EU Realms uh last weekend and interacting  with with players and and we have other GMS that  
4581s are on the Realms and and you know doing service  doing support and interacting with players we had  
4587s a a player yesterday that reported a duping bug  which he he was the first player to report it  
4593s um and of course you know we rewarded him with a  unique legendary Mount as a result of his report  
4599s so um you know we do we we do get in there and  we participate um me you know on the nights after  
4607s work or during the weekend I've joined several  guilds I use a little voice modulator as I join  
4613s these guilds so they don't know who I am ste's  like a little girl I know no I'm not my voice I  
4620s have the I have the narrator and I have the voice  mod Joe uh which is like these uh one of them  
4627s sounds like a stoner and the other one sounds like  um now everyone's gonna be like are you D are to  
4631s everybody who sounds like that you know it's it's  a good way to get unadulterated um feedback right  
4639s it is to to hear people's commentary within  their natural environment um yeah motor Joe  
4646s motor Joe after I joined your guild unfortunately  uh I decided to do the mod the mod the voice mod  
4654s thing he like you didn't on my guild um but we do  we do have like long-term plans to post like once  
4660s we're launched um to do events and have them be  a little bit more some of them will be sporadic  
4666s some of them we will have like a little bit of a  schedule for you to know about and uh Community  
4670s will be running some of that stuff so you guys  will see some really cool events down the line uh  
4674s we just need the staff having and time to do that  right now we're all focused on just making sure  
4678s you get your updates that you want and like it's  just whenever we have time uh free time that's  
4683s when devs are doing it absolutely um but there  will be some semblance of that going down the line  
4688s and of course with monster coin event those will  be player run so uh you can coordinate yourselves  
4696s uh when you want to run those things too so  it doesn't always have to be us running those  
4699s events um but also do let us know whenever you are  coordinating events we'd love to help um you know  
4706s broadcast that and share that with people um  so the next one here is will the sand Squall  
4712s desert and uh vandar Tropics uh remain as Lawless  zones when that is planned when is that planned to  
4721s change um they will portions of them will likely  remain as Lawless territory during uh phase two  
4730s uh but as we progress in um Zone development  uh those zones will move to the less developed  
4738s zones so right now our least developed zones are  the desert and the Tropics that's why they're  
4744s Lawless territories but once we flesh those out  uh and start working on the bad lands or the June  
4749s dark like um then those Lawless territories will  be those areas so that's just kind of how we're  
4755s progressing the territories yeah we've talked  about that before in in previous updates um  
4761s but AFA obviously not everyone's here throughout  the them all um are all of those Alpha 2 phases  
4767s that we talked about earlier going to be live  on December 20th or all of those updates going  
4773s to be live on December 20th or will it be added  throughout the Alpha 2 Phase 2 period yeah we  
4780s we talked about that um essentially what what we  showcase that wasn't a stretch goal the goal there  
4787s is to have those live on the 20th um the stretch  goals May land for the 20th uh but you know what  
4792s we've listed as part of the phase two development  road map is still what we're targeting to have  
4798s land during phase two doesn't mean it'll all be  that we we announce this when we announce the  
4802s road map doesn't mean all of the things we list  as part of those phases are going to be at the  
4808s start of the phase it's what we intend to launch  during the phase so as we know phase two runs from  
4813s December 20th until May something when is it may  I don't know I think it's May I can't May 20th or  
4820s something I don't know some sometime in May is  when phase three begins but during that period  
4825s time is when you will see what we listed in the  uh in the Alpha 2 road map come online yeah um and  
4833s then the next question yeah the next question is  when are you adding friends list yes so we did add  
4842s ignore a couple weeks ago because that was needed  very quickly friends list is currently being  
4847s worked on um the goal is to have friends list  online if not by the 20th then shortly thereafter  
4855s um like I said what we talked about today is not  everything that's going to be on the 20th there's  
4859s a lot of other smaller systems and content that's  going to be that's currently version of that but  
4864s I think it's still being tested so yes yeah it's  being tested on um we had to work out some more of  
4870s the Kinks before we we hand it off to youall  yep uh next one here is will the adventuring  
4877s leveling curve be adjusted or changed are you  increasing the max level uh max level will not  
4884s be increased for pH to um whether or not we make  some adjustments to the leveling curve we probably  
4889s will um but when we do we will announce what those  changes have been as per our normal uh changeless  
4897s patch nodes and then will the progression  curve for artisanship classes be adjusted  
4903s there's concern that it's a little too fast and  asking if that's intentional um I mean again like  
4911s all thing balance-wise um artisanship progression  being one of those uh we collect player sentiment  
4918s and feedback but we also validate that against our  data collection um and then we tune based off of  
4924s the goals we're trying to achieve with the system  or the design um whether or not the artisanship is  
4930s a little too fast um I think that there would  be other people some conflicting people it's  
4937s too fast yeah I was G to say there might be some  conflicting uh sentiment there but one thing to  
4942s keep in mind if you do think it's too fast is that  this is not not all of the artisanship progression  
4947s right this is a segment of it um and also not  all the bells and whistle whistles are online  
4952s for artisanship as a whole um so expect there to  be lots of tuning across these systems all right  
4960s and then uh the next one is Will node sieges be  instanced or in the open world node sieges will be  
4967s in the open World um however as we continue excuse  me as we continue to work on our um performance  
4976s and player density numbers which by the way uh I  was on castis um the other day uh and there was  
4984s a a three-way node war that popped up um yeah and  uh I was watching as players were attacking back  
4994s and forth um in fact maybe I can I'll send you  this when I'll show you this but anyways um uh  
5004s to answer your question question essentially we  are going to be um putting in a temporary Kill  
5010s Zone so there will be registration on behalf of  the Defenders and on the attackers that will have  
5016s an approval process for the attacker who laid The  Siege scroll and for the defender whose note it  
5022s is um to approve participants if you're not on the  registration list uh and you're in the vicinity of  
5028s the of the uh fight you will be uh you will have a  a countdown and then you'll be murdered um unless  
5036s you leave the area so that's that's a temporary  solution to ensure that we can you know keep the  
5041s numbers at around 250 to 300 players uh roughly  um for these events until we get higher capacity
5049s capability all right um and then the next one  here is will there be a wipe before phase two  
5059s starts and how will wipes be handled after  December 20th I'm sorry wait what was that  
5065s one more time will there be a wipe before phase  two starts and how will wipes be handled after  
5070s December 20th yes so on the on the 20th we  will have a fresh start for all Realms um and  
5078s you know obviously the purpose of this is that  we found a lot of balance issues a lot of econ  
5082s issues a lot of just long-term persistence and  progression issues that we want to now test the  
5089s changes that we've made and as we announced  prior to Alpha 2 this is to be expected um  
5095s uh so expect that on the 20th um and what was  it was there another part to that question how  
5100s will we announce in the future how will we wipe  yeah how will wipes be handled after the 20th  
5106s um so the goal I think after the 20th is to not  wipe um we may have different servers that spin  
5114s up at different times right if we want to test  progression uh with some of the changes um but  
5120s the goal is to not wipe after the 20th we'll see  what happens we'll see if we need to of course  
5125s as I said this is an alpha so expect that that's a  potential or possibility um but that's the goal um  
5133s and then there's a lot of people asking about log  out timers and um you know when you're in combat  
5139s that's on our that's on our radar um we have we  have uh some solutions that are being worked on  
5145s right now um to persist characters within the  realm um after a disconnect or a pull to plug  
5153s moment or a out um that's something that's high on  our list it might Land by the 20th I I think it's  
5160s scheduled to land by the 20th but um of course  we'll see how we get through the implementation  
5168s all right and then uh the last one here is um we  kind of answered this earlier so I'm just going  
5173s to reiterate here is people wanting us to share  numbers about Alpha 2 so far we are going to do  
5177s kind of a year in review next month so we'll kind  ofct a bunch of really cool numbers for you guys  
5182s in that um and include some of those details um  for you if that sounds good to you Stephen sharing  
5189s those numbers yeah um so which numbers are we  talking about uh they want to know how many  
5195s players are playing and stuff like that yeah yeah  yeah we'll share that probably this month yeah  
5200s with in December Yeah in our December update in  December sorry not this month yet um but yeah and  
5210s people say people are wanting more clarification  so are we going to be wiping for Phase 2  
5214s or are we not uh they're they're not we are wiping  on December 20th yeah I think the way you worded  
5220s it made it confusing to people we are wiping  for December 20th um post that our goal is not  
5225s to wipe unless we need to NE necessarily correct  yep that's right okay reiterating so people have  
5234s that yeah um and that is I mean we'd be here all  day if we answered every question I know that  
5239s there's a lot of questions that you guys have um  some of them are related to bugs and things like  
5244s that of course we are Continue to update and  reiterate and fix things so please do share  
5249s your feedback with us let us know what things  you're what trials and tribulations you're having  
5253s because we want to be able to resolve those you  can share that information on the forums you can  
5257s do SL buug in game if you find any uh bugs that  is the best way to report bugs for us um and of  
5262s course if you find any exploits you can contact us  through uh you know CS or privately through one of  
5267s our community managers and so on and so forth and  we will try to resolve those things as quickly as  
5272s possible don't exploit them um just share the  information with us and we will try to resolve  
5277s them obviously we are taking action on accounts if  people are doing naughty things um so we see you  
5283s you know out there um and we are working to let me  let me let me comment on that real quick so for it  
5290s just so people have a sound bite um you know Alpha  2 is about collecting information it is about uh  
5298s improving the process of how we iterate on balance  changes on core game play loops on our performance  
5306s and stability um there are going to be things that  players can find that they can abuse um such as  
5313s logging out in the middle of combat there's going  to be dupes that we're going to be finding there's  
5317s this is a true Alpha so those things exist um  what I would say to you as a player who and  
5323s and this I'm perhaps speaking a bit more to the  more competitive audiences um out there and I  
5329s understand we attract a lot of competitive players  by being a pvx game which which makes sense  
5335s um that if you love the idea of Ashes if you  love the idea of the systems design that we're  
5343s trying to achieve of the way that the dev team  interacts the community of the project as a whole  
5347s in the company um your goal should not be to try  to continue to destabilize the testing environment  
5356s by participating and taking advantage of things  that might get you ahead of other players but  
5362s are not intended from a design perspective so  I would speak directly to you to your friends  
5368s to the guilds that encourage other people to do  this to either stay in League with others who are  
5374s doing this or to get ahead of your opponents  don't do it we will be heavy-handed um it is  
5381s not the purpose of the alpha to destabilize our  test environments if you find a thing say a thing  
5387s uh but be good stewards be good stewards of the  community of the project of the game that it that  
5394s speak speaks to you from a design perspective um  show some respect for our development team and for  
5400s your fellow players um and I know it's difficult  sometimes to work against your habit or your  
5408s nature uh but ultimately this is an exercise in uh  in in delayed gratification um subside these these  
5418s yearnings you may have to want to get ahead and  to to LEAP poner your opponents um but don't uh  
5426s so so hear my words when I say that yeah um it is  definitely uh something that I wanted to reiterate  
5436s so glad that you projected that even a little bit  more I just wanted to make sure it got reiterated  
5441s again before we wrap up because it is important  um you know if you find those exploits contacting  
5446s us you contact us through through customer  service through a community manager whatever  
5450s way works best for you but um we definitely want  to know about those things but and we don't want  
5454s them to be like plastered on the forums like  hey look at this exploit you can do cuz then  
5458s everyone's going to do it right and if everyone's  doing it you all are going to get in trouble so  
5461s don't don't jump on the bad wagon just because  those people are doing it I might as well do it  
5465s too because we are taking action on accounts um  somebody in chat said lead paers it must be 2003  
5473s again you will grow old too I will have you know  you will grow old and F fall out of the lingo of  
5480s the young younglings of today so when that happens  be be ready be ready remember this crazy sometimes  
5487s when I hear like my little sister talking with  her friends or whatever I'm just like what are  
5491s they even saying I'm like oh no like do said  I'm like we're getting old now um but yeah you  
5497s it will always fluctuate I'm like what happened  to Cool Beans man someone said calm down Grandpa  
5506s that's too good too good Ohio like what is that  is that even those aren't words that's not a word
5515s um de I know sorry um but anyways we are going  to be wrapping up for today um we want to thank  
5523s you all for joining us during our Alpha 2 I know  that it is um not always the most fun but it seems  
5529s like people are having fun so much fun that they  think that it's a game and finalized and should  
5534s be perfectly bug free but it is of course an alpha  2 we are going to have bugs we are working to fix  
5538s them though so please do keep reporting them as we  said before um if you are interested in joining us  
5543s and you're like how do I join you you can head  on over to ashesofcreation and we have a shop  
5548s over there and we do have some uh wave bundles  that you can join up with over there if you're  
5553s interested but of course this is a testing phase  so if that's not something that interests you  
5557s and you don't want to play a game that has bugs  that is not does not have final you know UI Etc  
5563s um you don't want to necessarily be part of the  journey you can wait till it's launched but if  
5566s you are interested in being part of the journey  and helping us create uh the the next MMO RPG  
5573s that hopefully you will be playing for years to  come and you know playing with your family uh and  
5577s friends and creating you know memories with  uh come join us we would love your feedback  
5581s we'd love for you to be part of this journey with  us and um like we do every month we're going to  
5585s be continuing to share our progress and updates  with you for those of you who are interested in  
5590s it um please head on over to our forums forums.  ases ofc we have a ton of threads  
5595s over there people have been putting a lot of  great feedback uh there is an alpha 2 Section  
5599s that you can see but if you're if you are part of  Alpha 2 you will be able to post in there um and  
5604s love for you to continue to share with us your  information that you have in regards to how your  
5608s play experience has been or if you're a viewer  how your viewing experience has been and we're  
5612s going to continue to make updates uh thank you to  our viewers who are watching us live in all of the  
5617s places we appreciate you Jason Bill Keenan and of  course our community and creators who joined us  
5623s pirate software actual Pirates flatus nice gaming  Theory Forge Jamie chaos Rio or CCS Vibes Grappler  
5633s and narc and of course you stepen for taking your  time to join us and answer a ton of questions  
5637s we really appreciate you guys and we hope that  everyone stays safe and healthy um you know get  
5643s a little walk after you eat all the Turkey um and  stuffing and all the yes for all for all of our  
5650s American uh Community Happy Thanksgiving we are  definitely grateful as a studio for this glorious  
5657s Community who is following with us along on  this journey uh and we wish you all safe travels  
5664s and happy holidays um as you enjoy time with  your family and of course we look forward to  
5670s seeing you on ver ver soon um follow us in  all of the places we are ashes of creation  
5676s everywhere we post constantly so please uh give  us some love over there also we do sometimes do  
5681s little giveaways and stuff like that so if you  are someone who can't afford necessarily to join  
5685s us but you are interested in being part of the  journey stay tuned for some more of those and  
5689s of course we will upload this video we also have  the 4K video of the gameplay that will be going  
5694s up or it's up now you can go check that out and  of course leave us a comment on the development  
5700s update video that comes out later and uh we you  could be spotlighted for the next Spotlight for  
5705s next month and we will see you all next month  for another development update everybody [Music]