11 months ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
9s [Music]
18s hello everyone and Welcome to our
20s glorious April development update it has
23s been a month and oh boy for Stephen and
26s I it has been a month we've had so much
29s going on it has been crazy but in a good
32s way we're obviously ramping up as we're
35s heading towards our Alpha 2 that's
38s coming up here in quarter 3 but of
40s course um I'm Margaret cron your
42s director of communications here at
44s Intrepid Studios and with me as always
46s is Stephen Sharie our creative director
49s um how are you doing today I am
52s tired but I'm doing good I'm excited
55s it's a live stream day we've had a lot
56s of late night um you know sometimes you
59s got to do a little Crunch and we've had
61s couple weeks of late nights um we had
63s some P4 problems at one point so it just
67s theun yeah it's it's always a little
70s stressful but it's been rocking and
71s rolling and it's been a lot of good
73s things that have come out of that of
75s course I'm looking at my by the way I'm
77s just real quick I'm looking at myself in
78s the uh uh in the camera and I'm like
81s whoa my eyes look terrible so I
84s apologize I'm a little bit tired I know
86s I was like I'm a little tired so I
88s apologize for that but I know I got like
90s four hours of sleep but I still couldn't
93s I still woke up like I don't know um but
97s pregnancy problems I have like a huge
99s bump now you guys it's crazy oh my
101s goodness I know that's I don't know can
104s see like
106s whoa I'm halfway point halfway point
109s we're 20 weeks awesome that is amazing
113s well we'll be 20 weeks next week um but
115s yeah Steven's shown off some of our
117s merch that we've been working on I think
118s we've been getting a lot of questions
120s about merch merch and you can kind of
121s see we always tease a little bit in the
123s background but we are I mean I guess I
125s can talk a little bit about that before
126s we get into things but um we are doing a
129s lot of samples right now and some things
131s are already in full manufactur and the
133s samples have been approved so it's been
134s pretty exciting we hoping say to those
137s of you in the audience I see saying that
139s I that you need this mug first of all
141s this is my gallon of coffee for the
143s morning um but second of all there was
146s some debate on the team about whether or
147s not this is too big oh yeah you tell us
150s of course my uh opinion is that it's not
154s big enough uh but of course you and the
156s audience can say would you do you think
159s be inch smaller what no way not at all
164s look at because it's weird to hold see
166s people saying too small it's perfect
169s it's a tankered I'm telling you like the
172s size of the mug I just think like the
173s handle needs to be in a little bit more
175s just like an inch I don't I feel like
178s the handle is kind of unique unique oh
181s it's 100% unique so for the for the mugs
184s that we made all the mugs are custom
186s mold we um Mike Veo designed them he's
189s awesome so these are samples though
192s there's some stuff wrong with them so
194s don't look too closely I know I love it
196s this the other side they're not final
197s samples
198s either so good yeah it's looking pretty
201s cool um and you can see some puzzle
204s boxes in the background for that
205s Stephen's got but um of course today
208s this that's not what we're discussing we
209s are there's always stuff that is
211s simultaneous people sometimes they think
213s they think that what we're showing on
214s the live stream is all we have homies we
216s got like 500 things going on
218s simultaneously parallel to one another
220s so this is just what we want feedback on
222s for this month and so for this month
224s we're going to have some quick reminders
225s very quick uh we have our Midnight Magic
228s action which will be showing off um some
231s desert area with the nighttime lighting
233s we know we got a lot of feedback on the
234s nighttime lighting so we've made some
236s updates so definitely send us your
238s additional feedback and then we also
240s have some Mage abilities uh fire
242s abilities for those pyros out there as
245s well as um we do have weapon combo uh
249s stuff that we're going to be showing off
251s and we'll have some tangental videos
252s that you'll see on social later so stay
254s tuned for those and the Skybox the sky
257s box as well which is which is a big
259s change and many of you guys know about
261s the constellation system this sky boox
264s is going to be facilitating that uh in a
266s really cool way I'm excited about the
268s Showcase today yeah and um um there are
270s still some things that we're working on
272s with the sky box so everything's work in
273s progress keep that in mind um and then
275s we'll have a little Studio update as
277s well as art update and we'll do our Q&A
280s as always and we will be taking
281s questions after the after after the
283s Midnight Magic segment as well as per
286s usual we do want to do a little bit of a
288s caveat and I don't know if I want to you
290s want to hand handle that Stephen or if
291s you want me to which caveat in regards
293s to Alpha 2 uh cont oh yeah sure
295s absolutely absolutely um
298s so this is something and and after this
301s are we going to be going into Midnight
302s Magic or uh we'll do reminders and then
305s we'll go to let's do reminders first and
307s then I'll and then I'll do the the the
309s sure we can do that so uh quick updates
312s we'll just get right into that our first
314s thing is our YouTube subscriber comment
317s um and if you would like your comments
319s that spotlighted you have to subscribe
321s to us on YouTube and make sure that you
323s have your subscription public and then
326s um leave us a comment on our development
328s update version of our video
330s um and so this one is from spillo
334s 4900 or
335s 4900 um and they want to know can you
337s guys make an option for UI elements to
340s be switched off or on for example I
343s always love to play with less info on my
345s screen so I feel more immersed I would
348s love to be able to turn off the name
350s plates the health bars and mainly the
352s glowing circles under every Target or
355s player so I think they just want
356s customization in it I know we can turn
358s off all the HUD but I think they want to
359s be able to turn off the elements
361s elements yeah absolutely um no I mean
364s you know Colby and grat and the UI team
367s in general agrees with this sentiment I
369s do as well right we want as much
370s customization as
372s possible currently you can disable some
375s of those elements um we're going to be
377s expanding uh that to all elements in the
380s future um you can also move those
383s elements around the screen position them
384s where you want them to you can increase
385s and decrease the sizes of those elements
388s um you know customization is OB
390s obviously a very important aspect of UI
393s because each of us has unique
394s preferences that are predicated on just
396s you know what we've enjoyed in the past
398s and and in in in how we want to play our
400s game so we are totally on board with
402s customization and that will be an
404s element in alha 2 you can see some of
406s the customization that we have like you
407s can move stuff around adjust sizes of
409s things so um obviously we're going to
411s expand upon that as we move forward um
414s yeah and right now the you know the act
416s the the uh by pressing shift H currently
420s in the game you can manipulate those
422s elements as is um y so yeah yeah um and
427s then the next reminder here is of course
430s that we do have some more depth
431s discussions uh We've wrapped up our
433s previous one or we are wrapping up this
435s one which is the item drops and we want
437s to know what types of items and upgrades
439s do you expect to drop from regular mobs
442s do you feel good when regular mobs have
444s a rare chance to drop powerful items
447s head on over toss us your feedback we
449s would love to hear from you guys I know
451s there's a lot of you out there who are
453s thinking about item progression and
455s you're and you have some some thoughts
457s about this so if you're not in that
459s thread I don't know what you're doing
461s because I feel like every MMO player
463s this is your life is chasing after the
466s the Epic items and of course our next
469s one that will be coming up is going to
470s be about cutscenes so um we would be
474s interested in your thoughts stay tuned
475s for that dude I can barely hold this cup
479s up I mean it so big I want me to hold it
483s to see how big it is compared to me I'm
484s like I'm like I need to work out I'm
486s like shaking this thing it's like wait a
489s minute well that's a different problem
493s Stephen I need to get some weights in
495s the office just doing the meetings like
496s this don't say that John's gonna start
497s bringing you oh no I shouldn't say that
502s in the conference room anyways let's
505s move on to Midnight Magic then all right
508s so there is a very before we get into
511s Midnight Magic there is a very important
513s topic that I feel we as a community and
518s as the studio need to reinforce and
521s discuss
522s again we have said time and time again
525s in the past that our Alpha will be a
528s true Alpha and I love going out in the
532s community and reading commentary in
535s Discord and reading the forums and
537s reading the reddits and reading our
539s social media and kind of listening to
542s different content creators over the
543s weekends as they have their live shows
545s and as they put out videos during the
547s week you know I absorb as much as
550s possible because it is that connection I
554s feel with the community that provides a
556s level of insight for player expectation
559s for player feedback you know how we can
561s iterate on what we're doing right all of
563s that stuff is a very important thing to
564s just kind of keep on top of and as I am
568s continually watching I see the hype
570s growing for Alpha 2 coming up you know
573s third quarter this year and we are still
575s on schedule for for that um for that
578s date but as I am watching the yes
582s correct for as I'm watching the
584s commentary out there it feels more and
587s more to me that the expectation is that
590s you are going to be playing a game and I
594s will go back to what I have said
597s multiple times in the past this is not
600s an Eastern Port over for localization of
603s a completed game that many of us have
605s experienced in MMO land this is a true
609s Alpha there will be lots of bugs there
612s will be potential wipes there will be
615s content that is not finished there will
617s be things that when you are playing may
621s not be fun because of that obviously the
624s goal is that our core systems and the
626s experience is going to be an enjoyable
628s one but but you are not playing a game a
631s finished game at that point you are
633s literally playing a true Alpha and I
637s want you in the community and I want the
639s content creators to assist us in making
642s sure that that level of expectation is
645s understood by broader audiences because
648s not everybody Tunes in to the live
650s stream not everybody follows the project
653s religiously like there are different
656s types of cohorts of players out there
659s that that are engaged with us at
661s different levels and it's important that
664s we make sure we manage expectations that
666s what you guys will be seeing in quarter
668s three is the alpha excuse me is the
673s alpha of Ashes of creation Now I'm very
676s excited for what we're building I I
678s think it looks great I think it plays
680s great I think what we are presenting as
683s a product is something that the players
685s a large fraction of the of the market
689s share of MMO players want I believe in
692s that very much and I think that that is
695s validated by the by the majority of
698s feedback and response that we see from
700s the community when we give these monthly
702s updates and that's the you know that's
704s part of the purpose why we give updates
707s um now in Midnight Magic which you're
711s going to see we're going to touch on a
712s number of different topics and this is
714s kind of like a little bit of a catchup
716s to where we have noticed feedback from
719s the community in the past and it touches
721s on a few of those things it touches on
724s um the nighttime lighting which was
727s something that we got twice a lot of
729s feedback from the community on we got it
731s during the artisanship Showcase and we
734s got it during the um cleric showcase the
737s first cleric showcase uh almost two
740s years ago and it was overwhelming that
742s players wanted a darker setting for
745s night so we do these showcases around
748s specific updates where we want to
750s collect your feedback we're not showing
752s you all of the game during these updates
755s because we want there to be some
757s Discovery for that during Alpha for
758s those of you who are playing in Alpha so
760s we try to pinpoint topics that are
763s useful to us to make sure that we are
766s either have the right guiding star in
769s how we iterate on these things and you
770s guys are those Stars right to use a a
774s perfect tie-in of uh of a metaphor for
778s what we're showing here shortly um and
780s then we're also talking about the Sky
782s Box a lot of people were talking about
784s how you know the sky looked a little bit
786s plain and we wanted to bring up that
788s level of fantasy we are showing off um a
791s biome which you guys had seen a preview
793s of in the past but not actually seen us
795s playing in Within game now very
798s important that when we talk about biomes
801s biomes essentially zones um are a lot of
805s work to develop right from a Content
807s perspective and what you're going to be
808s seeing here here is the uh the um sand
812s Squall desert a slice of the sand Squall
815s desert we will be announcing in the
817s future with likely some blog post or
819s during an update probably probably both
821s probably like a live stream as well as
823s an article that will go simultaneous
825s with it yeah where we go into depth on
828s what is expected at the start of Alpha 2
831s however what I will say is that Alpha 2
835s is a long-going
837s testing period where we are going to
840s have significant updates to the game and
844s to the content that's playable over the
846s course of Alpha 2 so when we Define our
850s production schedule and just to give you
852s some insight on the game development
854s side excuse me obviously you know we
858s have our our core feature set we have
860s the content that's planned and we
862s bifurcate those into entrance criteria
864s for Alpha 2 right and that's a list of
867s things that we need to accomplish and
868s that we're in the middle of accom in and
870s then we have our list of updates that we
874s want to release which is Alpha 2.1 and
876s Alpha 2.2 and Alpha 2.3 and those have a
879s certain Cadence which we'll get into in
881s the future as we talk about you know
882s more about what Alpha 2 is going to look
884s like um but to keep those we'll have
887s updates and articles that go alongside
889s those but the goal is to get to our exit
891s criteria which we also have a list of
894s what we want to have at the end you know
896s yeah the exit criteria is very big it is
899s so it will be a long testing period that
901s we'll have you guys be part of
904s absolutely and then in addition uh what
905s we're touching on here in Midnight Magic
907s is going to be um the weapon progression
909s system as well as the wand and we're
912s going to do something a little bit
913s different with regards to this month's
915s update we're going to be showing some of
916s that within this uh within Midnight
918s Magic but then we're also Margaret and
920s her team are going to be working with
922s Brian uh Ferguson who authored the uh
925s the WAN progression system uh and do
927s some additional uh video content that
929s will be released throughout the month so
931s you can see couple different specs
933s because we didn't show off all the
934s there's a lot of specs there's a lot
936s right there's a lot of specs this is an
937s in-depth weapon progression system and
939s you know so much so where you don't
942s traditionally see this level of depth
944s within a weapon progression system as
946s well as having the standardized class
948s Arc Type system right you usually see
950s one or the other right either they're
952s really in-depth on the weapon or they're
953s really in-depth on the class we decided
955s to do both because we're crazy no I'm
956s just kidding because it's because it's
958s it's compelling and it's interesting
960s right it's fun when we when you think
962s about your class and and or your
964s archetype in this case but in classes
966s that you've played in the past or the
968s customization that you've made for your
969s character I mean think about what made
972s it unique right like what made you
974s powerful is like hey I figured out this
976s spec that this person didn't use or if
977s you think about how people share specs
979s in order to be like hey you want a spec
981s like this for this fight and spec like
983s that for this fight like that's the
984s whole part that's the fun of especially
986s for us math and combat junkies out there
989s absolutely and then last but not least
991s of course um we'll be showing an update
994s around uh some of the Mage abilities uh
997s specifically a lot of the fire abilities
999s which you haven't seen before those have
1000s now been authored and then some of the
1002s lightning effects we got a lot of
1004s feedback about ball lightning we got a
1006s lot of feedback about some other skills
1008s that we made updates to because this is
1010s the type of relationship that companies
1013s who author these games should have with
1015s their community and we want to show that
1018s even in active development we are
1020s observing Mar Margaret and her team put
1022s together these glorious feedback reports
1026s that thank you for reading everything
1029s that collect across the wide array of
1032s areas where you guys make comments right
1034s and then they present it to the team and
1036s we incorporate some of the feedback that
1037s we agree with into how we iterate and so
1040s that's what that's what this video is
1042s going to be about we hope you guys
1043s enjoyed I thought it was a lot of fun um
1045s and I think the world is looking great
1047s and feeling great and immersive and boy
1049s oh boy uh also we're going to be
1051s releasing this on YouTube Correct at the
1053s same time so remember if you're watching
1056s on YouTube in all of its 4K Glory stick
1059s around in twitch continue to comment
1062s here because your comments do get
1064s brought in to our feedback points and
1067s we'll see you in just a moment and we
1069s will see you on the flip side
1072s [Music]
1075s [Applause]
1078s [Music]
1091s hello everyone and welcome to another
1095s update from the beautiful world of Vera
1097s and we have an exciting showcase for you
1101s guys
1102s tonight as you can see we are not in the
1106s riverlands but instead in the beautiful
1110s sand Squall desert and we are going to
1113s be talking about as you can tell already
1116s the nighttime updates with the Skybox
1120s updates some Mage updates and a wand we
1124s have an exciting showcase and I am
1127s joined by three absolute excuse me four
1131s absolute glorious developers three of
1134s whom you guys have not seen of or heard
1138s from
1139s ever but they do glorious work here at
1142s Intrepid Studios our dynamically
1146s glorious Duo lighting team Chris Logan
1149s Gabriel Ford how are you guys doing
1152s tonight doing awesome yeah pey love it
1156s be here glad to have you guys glad to
1159s have you both and
1161s also the man responsible for this
1164s beautiful Skybox that you're
1167s seeing Todd one of our glorious senior
1169s VFX artist how you doing Todd I'm doing
1173s great Happ here happy to have you as
1175s well and we have a regular on the stream
1179s one of our senior combat designers Mr
1181s Brian Ferguson responsible for all
1183s things wand and many other things Brian
1186s how you doing buddy hey I'm doing great
1189s honored to be here and I'm happy and ex
1192s I'm I'm just excited to get into all the
1194s stuff we've been doing on combat I'm
1196s excited too because you know what it's
1198s feeling good and it's looking good so
1201s let's get into it obviously you guys can
1204s see we have got quite an update when it
1206s comes to the lighting and the visuals of
1210s the sky I'm going to jump on my my
1212s wonderful shell of the Ancients because
1214s you know what we're talking about skies
1216s and this guy has got some skies on his
1218s back he's got some galaxies on his back
1220s and while I do that I would
1223s love Todd to hear from you about what we
1227s have done with this Sky because it is
1230s looking freaking good well thanks what
1233s haven't we done um one of the main
1236s things we did was we converted it over
1238s to a cube map which means that it can
1241s actually rotate as the planet itself
1243s rotates which is something we couldn't
1245s do before oo that sounds exciting and
1248s you know what that sounds like it plays
1250s into perfectly what we need the Skybox
1254s to do which is provide us some
1257s interesting and compelling predicates
1259s for our constellation system so having
1261s that true rotation is also a gameplay
1264s component not just Visual and boy I got
1268s to tell you Todd those moons look great
1272s don't they I wish I could take full
1274s credit for those but I can't um but I
1278s really love the way they turned out with
1279s the sky yes they do look good Gabe Chris
1282s talk me about those
1284s moons yeah so the the most recent update
1288s on the moons is getting them mainly to
1291s respond to the the wonderful Sky BLX
1293s that Todd created um I don't know if you
1295s can find the um shattered Moon behind
1299s the clouds maybe um but there's
1301s definitely some pickup you can see of
1303s the nebula behind it uh adding a little
1305s bit to it give it a little bit of life
1307s um and make it feel like it's it's
1309s really a part of the world um and it's
1311s it's responding to things that are
1314s moving as Todd said the nebulas will
1315s move through the day night cycle and so
1318s you'll be able to see that reflected in
1319s the moons as well um and I know Todd you
1321s did some work on some of the VFX for the
1323s moon um explosions and things like that
1326s I don't know if you want to if we might
1327s be a to catch some of that happening yep
1330s there is right you can see it erupting
1332s right
1333s now periodically do that it looks so
1337s good and those of you out in the out in
1340s the wild out in the audience who are
1343s unfamiliar with the lore and Ashes of
1345s creation um we have what are known as as
1349s harbingers that were kind of the
1351s foretellers of the impending apocalypse
1354s long before you have arrived back on
1356s Vera one of which struck that Moon and
1360s God knows what is happening up there
1362s right now but we know that those
1363s harbingers did not bring good things
1366s they were not bringing the best of
1367s things to Vera um but Chris Gabe talk to
1374s me about this nighttime lighting because
1376s it is looking dramatic and Moody I love
1381s it thank you um the big the big
1384s takeaways were uh responding to some of
1387s the feedback from the community about
1389s pushing it uh a bit darker um the
1392s nighttime previous to this um was a
1395s little bit brighter so we're definitely
1396s pushing some of the darkness values I as
1398s a you know from a personal perspective I
1401s definitely like to push things as as
1402s dark as the game designers will allow me
1405s to um so I'm always happy to to respond
1408s to that kind of
1409s feedback we we did get that feedback by
1412s the way we were we had shown off I think
1415s it was a couple of years ago our kind of
1418s uh super first pass on nighttime
1420s lighting and players wanted it darker
1423s that was like the overwhelming sentiment
1425s that we got from the community and I
1426s feel like with this with this pass that
1429s you have done here with the nighttime
1432s lighting you've struck the right balance
1435s between what feels you know
1439s dark enough to elicit that kind of vibe
1442s that you want to see in nighttime um
1445s without kind of entirely obscuring
1449s vision of other players and NPCs or
1452s requiring like you know a constant torch
1454s or light next to
1457s you right and that's the that's the
1459s magic of it right that's where that's
1460s where the fun the fun is for me um and I
1463s know Chris will probably agree is
1465s finding that balance of making it feel
1468s the the inherent feeling of how we
1470s understand night and um how we enjoy
1473s playing games because nobody wants to to
1476s play in complete darkness so um yeah it
1479s was it's a lot of balancing on that end
1481s um and then working with Todd's uh
1483s Skydome he's had a lot of really great
1485s work with bringing in some ethereal uh
1487s an ethereal atmosphere and colors and
1490s you know we've been on the lighting side
1491s trying to pull from that as much as
1493s possible to give Knight less of a a
1496s Hollywood blue um aesthetic to it and
1499s we've been pushing the purples trying to
1501s give it just the just as much atmosphere
1504s and moodiness as we can get away with in
1506s uh the fantasy world of Vera um you know
1509s and hope that it hope that it feels the
1512s way that we you know we intend it to uh
1514s we wanted to feel nice and Moody and
1516s spooky at sometimes and you know really
1519s push it as far as we
1520s can yeah and Chris talk to me about your
1523s guys's plans continued with lighting I
1525s mean you and Gabe have obviously been
1527s working on lighting here for for a a few
1530s months now and I know that there's a lot
1532s of updates we're going to be showcasing
1534s in the future around the daytime
1536s lighting and that's going to be
1537s relatively significant for just the
1539s general visuals of the game um as we at
1543s least can see here with regards to
1544s nighttime update talk to me about your
1546s guys' plans yeah so Gabe Gabe's working
1550s on the Tod system pretty exclusively and
1552s he is doing some really cool stuff that
1556s uh I really has never been done in games
1558s before uh some of the some of the stuff
1561s he's doing with how the sky reacts and
1564s we actually get color Fades from like
1567s warms on one end to the really deep
1569s cools on the other side uh you know some
1572s of the atmospherics were doing some
1574s weather stuff uh that we're hoping to
1576s Showcase shortly here uh and yeah
1580s there's a lot of stuff on the horizon
1582s that's what I can tell
1584s you oh my gosh I love even how the VF
1588s effects interact with the lighting I
1591s mean it really
1594s pops uh uhoh here we go hold on I'm not
1598s ready for you yet you just chill out
1601s chill there for a second Brian we got to
1603s see a little bit there of some of the
1605s wand updates I'm going to Showcase that
1608s again and then let's talk a little bit
1609s about um the wand progression but before
1613s we do that I want to show off an update
1614s that the community was requesting with
1616s ball of lightning
1623s that looks so much
1627s better oh no he's got a weird a little
1631s weird bug that's okay guys as you know
1634s ashes is a work in
1636s progress there are going to be little
1638s bugs you might see here and there and we
1640s show you the Good the Bad and the
1643s Ugly
1646s okay time for you to go to sleep
1650s forever there we go he's down I
1653s apologize guys you guys can see you can
1655s see some bugs here or there as you know
1657s we are working towards Alpha 2 there are
1660s going to be some bugs but um Brian talk
1664s to me a little bit about the weapon
1667s skill tree for the
1670s wand yeah so we've given this a big pass
1673s what you're looking at here is um seven
1677s different ways to cut customize your
1679s weapon um so you can customize the
1683s length of your weapon combo you can
1686s customize what your finisher attacks are
1689s in this case you've specialized them
1691s into beam attacks and you've also
1693s increased their damage and their um
1697s their proc
1698s rate what you're looking at there is a
1701s status effect proc choice so every combo
1704s hit you do has a chance to proc that
1706s status effect chill is a good Synergy
1709s for your build since you're using a lot
1711s of lightning and fire spells having the
1714s ability to weave a CH in there um is is
1717s good uh like from a hybrid
1719s perspective and obviously those types of
1722s choices are relevant right because you
1724s have a lot of horizontal choices
1726s possible in your weapon progression that
1729s is intended to be speced to complement
1732s what your ability selections are uh
1736s within the the archetype or the class
1739s correct so right now you're speced for a
1744s a heavy beam Focus um there's not much
1747s proc Synergy going on yet because you
1750s haven't unlocked deeper procs it's just
1753s all beam damage all beams yeah so um on
1758s so the right side is weapon combo Pro
1761s like the right side of the tree in
1762s general is weapon combo progression and
1764s Synergy within the weapon combo and the
1767s left side of the tree is the procs that
1769s you get from the weapon combo um so the
1773s the upper left of the tree would have a
1777s uh two procs that you can choose from
1779s that synergize really well with uh on
1782s weapon combo and hit so every time you
1785s complete a combo you'll be able to uh in
1790s the upper left every time you complete a
1792s combo you'll be able to get one of these
1795s effects um on on a normal combo it's a
1797s 25% chance to get it but on a beam it's
1800s every time um and that gives one of them
1804s gives additional damage on hit and the
1805s other one reduces the cool down of the
1808s next spell that you cast so it gives you
1810s that nice
1811s benefit every time you go back into your
1813s combo you'll you'll get something out of
1815s it either just massive damage with this
1819s or you'll get the combo Synergy as well
1821s now obviously a lot of people in the
1823s community have been discussing kind of
1825s the you know combat strategy and
1828s approach in ashes of creation you know
1830s blending between what is your weapon
1833s progression and your class progression
1836s um and this is something that obviously
1838s we are looking to receive feedback on in
1840s Alpha 2 that's a very important
1842s component of alpha 2's gameplay is to
1844s kind of you know collect what the
1846s players feel about that momentto moment
1848s gaml weaving between your skill rotation
1852s and your weapon uh use as you can see we
1855s are investing a lot of diversity options
1860s and choice with Within These individual
1863s weapons uh and players can choose any
1866s number of weapons and progress them as
1867s they see fit to compl their different
1870s types of rotations they'll have access
1872s to yeah each one of these weapons will
1875s have a unique progression associated
1877s with it um so you'll be able to level up
1879s a bunch of them and um they're they'll
1882s level at about like 2 and 1 half times
1884s speed I don't quote me on that of of a
1888s normal
1889s a normal adventuring level progression
1891s so you you'll be able to keep multiples
1892s of them leveled up and swap between
1895s them update to the uh to the ability
1899s Arcane volley I think it looks great CA
1901s did a great job with that some lightning
1904s updates as well obviously and as we
1907s showed previously the uh fire uh
1912s Fireball with three successive attacks
1915s let us know what you guys feel about uh
1917s that as well I really think it feels
1920s good
1921s um let me see if I can find a little
1924s dude to try on some yeah go ahead as
1929s you've been casting abilities here
1930s you'll notice that the effects on your
1932s weapon are swapping back and forth
1934s between different Elemental effects um
1936s that's signifying that your Elemental
1938s empowerment status is swapping back and
1940s forth and we've updated Elemental
1942s empowerment now whenever you finish a
1944s combo it applies the appropriate status
1947s effect to the elemental arm it I love
1950s that beam that beam felt
1953s good yeah the beams are really really
1958s sick I I I love that all the projectiles
1960s and beams change with the elemental
1973s empowerment oh it feels really good yeah
1976s there there's a lot of different um C
1978s customization
1980s considerations that we we taking into
1982s account whenever we're setting up the
1983s skill tree um you may want to complete
1987s one weapon combo and get back into your
1989s abilities rather quickly um that's kind
1991s of what you're setup here with just big
1993s damage um and not a lot of a lot of
1996s procs at low chance taken um you could
1999s take some higher more guaranteed proc
2001s chance and still have that that choice
2004s that's another customization access you
2007s might want to to um synergize your
2010s ability rotation with weapon procs um
2014s also you have the stas effect
2016s application Choice um in this case
2018s you're choosing to take something that
2020s doesn't synergize with your abilities
2022s and instead taking something else that
2023s you wouldn't normally have access to
2025s easily in your rotation um but you could
2027s choose to instead double down on burning
2030s and really want to provide a lot of that
2032s Avenue of status effects for your party
2034s or or double down on the electrified um
2038s or rather we call it volatile now that
2040s status effect because that's the role
2043s that you're playing in your party and
2045s and one thing to keep in mind too is the
2048s wand isn't just available to Mages so
2050s you could be a cleric or a Bard using
2053s this and you want to set up your Mage
2055s buddy with more tier one status effects
2058s so that they can capitalize on that and
2061s uh really bring down big damage every
2063s time that they're activating one of
2065s their abilities I love it I also do
2068s love the elemental Empower effect on the
2070s weapons um and those of you who are
2072s wondering this set that you see here is
2075s the Carin robe set oh let's not let's
2079s stay away from that
2081s Berserker come over here a little bit I
2083s think we're moving into the more Undead
2086s territory um but those of you who were
2088s wondering as I said this is the this is
2090s the car and robe set I think it does
2092s look great character team did a
2094s phenomenal job with this set um and
2097s obviously the lighting and the materials
2100s look really good I'm loving it
2103s no
2105s no you were not supposed
2108s to chase
2111s me let's put you to sleep and then
2114s perhaps we will light you on fire with
2116s this magma
2118s ability and see how that
2123s goes did a passing all these fire
2126s abilities no did a great job job with
2128s those oh no the bug
2131s again I'm sorry
2138s guys he looks like a walking
2144s billboard um yeah they did they did a
2147s great job with the effects I think they
2148s look they look phenomenal um now
2151s obviously that's lighting never really
2154s stops getting improved right and um talk
2158s to to me a little bit about uh Chris uh
2161s Gabe Todd how um how that works with VFX
2165s right how does that work with the game
2167s in general as lighting gets updated you
2169s know what are the what are the
2171s repercussions that you know we need to
2173s update the effects on and and how easy
2175s is that to
2177s do yeah so one of the one of the
2179s repercussions we're going to run into um
2182s as we kind of roll out the rest of the
2185s the day night cycle um at night time
2187s it's it's not as a big of a problem
2189s because the values are so much lower but
2191s as we part of our update process has
2194s been moving the lighting to what we call
2196s physically Bas lighting which really
2198s just means we're trying to as accurately
2200s as possible um portray the sun values
2205s and Sky values as close to the real
2207s world as possible um which means that
2209s the V effects especially with something
2212s like a a Caster or um with magic they
2215s need to still be visible in the game
2218s World during you know all times of day
2220s when the sun is
2221s 85,000 you know units um so that that
2225s definitely falls on to the the VFX team
2228s to kind of keep up with that um and I
2231s know that they have some you know some
2232s tricks within the engine that they've
2233s set up to kind of account for that but I
2235s to probably speak to um speak better to
2238s what the ramifications are of us doing
2241s this very large overhaul on their end oh
2244s boy can I um to get not to get too
2247s technical we have in the materials a
2250s material function that will
2252s automatically adjust the brightness of
2255s uh emissive particles to adapt to how
2260s much your in-game eye is reacting to the
2263s to the light or lack of light um and
2266s what that means is at night you can have
2269s something that's really bright but it
2271s won't blind you but you'll still be able
2273s to see it during the day we can also
2275s invert that we can have it so that
2277s effects our more
2279s visible throughout the day and the night
2281s and they don't change depending on the
2283s the incoming light um and uh yeah as we
2288s adjust the lighting in the game we're
2290s going to be relying on that and we may
2293s have to tweak it a bit uh because you
2294s really don't want to have the player
2296s blinded by the particles that he's
2299s throwing around
2301s effects you want it to look real and
2303s that's what we're trying to
2305s do yeah and I think in a lot of ways um
2308s as with you know all of game development
2310s it's a it's a team effort but U
2312s materials lighting and V effect are
2316s definitely um all need to march on the
2318s same on the same Cadence um and so Todd
2321s and I have spent a lot of time you know
2323s back and forth with VFX he's been
2325s putting together and um making sure that
2327s it works with the lighting and a lot of
2329s my job is making sure he has what he
2331s needs to you know make sure that his VFX
2333s work and and look good across you know
2336s all times of day and all different Sun
2338s intensities as as it goes from day to
2340s night
2344s so oh no I woke up the undead
2351s ones I do love that
2354s beam
2357s yeah yeah I really love how it turned
2359s out Tech involved in setting up the
2361s projectiles and beams with the wand is
2363s pretty cool we're passing through
2365s parameters and adjusting the appearance
2367s of the projectiles and beams dynamically
2369s this allows for us to have a more
2371s precise timing and allows us to reuse
2373s the assets a bit more smartly instead of
2376s having to make a bunch of different
2377s assets for different use conditions we
2379s can make one asset and change it
2381s dynamically to fit many different use
2383s cases one example in the W tree is the
2386s beam amplifier passive when you get
2388s backtack beams not only is their damage
2390s increased by 50% but the appearance of
2393s the beam gets upgraded usually as devs
2395s we would need to employ a lot of smoke
2397s and mirror to get particle effects to
2399s work in a bunch of different use
2400s conditions typically by having many
2402s things timed out in concert to give the
2404s desired result and changing that timing
2407s based on different
2408s situations with this parameter Tech we
2410s have the ability to control things in a
2412s much more direct and responsive way than
2414s usual which results in a higher Fidelity
2417s product you know what else I love I mean
2420s just sitting here kind
2421s of when I was a when I was a younger lad
2425s I used to go out to uh the Imperial
2427s County line here in California out near
2430s um aao Wells and go camping out under
2434s the the night sky where there's no City
2436s Lights to infringe
2438s upon the beautiful views and of course
2440s we would take you know random stuffed
2443s animals DED in gasoline and filled with
2445s black powder and blow them up and have
2447s paintball fights and do you know quads
2449s and [Β __Β ] but um just sitting here
2452s looking at this tree out in the desert
2455s with the Sky Box I mean it it's very
2459s immersive I think you guys have captured
2462s a really great kind of essence of that
2466s immersive environment and world that you
2468s just kind of want to spend time in and
2471s [Music]
2474s explore oh yeah absolutely love it
2478s absolutely love it so those of you out
2482s there in the community this has been an
2484s update obviously on some of the um some
2487s of the uh wand changes some of the Mage
2491s um updates as well oh let me just
2494s dispatch this guy real quick this risen
2499s Soldier we will send him back from once
2502s he came he can go to
2508s sleep oh he died before I can finish
2510s that um we also saw um uh obviously the
2514s the beautiful sand Squall desert now of
2517s course biomes require a lot of work to
2519s be finished especially from content
2520s creation standpoint um when it comes to
2523s quest lines narratives points of
2525s interest um but as you can see heading
2527s into Alpha 2 you know a lot of work has
2530s been done kind of standing up these
2531s these basic biomes that we will have
2534s populated uh with with content for
2536s people to participate in the riverlands
2538s of course being the bulk of of that
2541s content oh my gosh hey buddy let's have
2543s you go to
2545s sleep um oh he interrupted that hold
2550s on
2552s okay I'm just going to I'm going to kill
2555s all these things real quick and then
2556s we're going to try this this sign off
2559s one more
2566s time let's see if we can do it
2581s let's put him back to sleep
2584s first we'll do our updated lightning
2588s ball requested by the
2593s community very
2595s nice um the nighttime sky um being
2601s updated obviously uh to support our
2603s constellation system but also to sell
2605s that fantasy that is the world of Vera
2607s because because there is a beautiful
2609s story to tell and it is Fantastical and
2612s obviously the work that's going into
2613s updating our lighting as you can see
2615s here with the nighttime lighting pass I
2617s think you guys have hit it spoton but of
2619s course we do this so that we can get
2622s your feedback and what we want you guys
2624s to discuss on all of the things that
2626s you've seen here today between the
2628s weapon progression tree for the wand how
2630s do you feel about those options uh both
2632s the horizontal options the vertical
2634s options as well as what we're trying to
2637s cell with the wand fantasy and how it
2640s interacts with abilities that you are
2643s going to be specking into uh your
2647s classes um how you feel about the beam I
2650s really think the beam is cool um and
2653s also what you guys think about the
2654s nighttime lighting what you think about
2656s the night sky um and the Beautiful biome
2658s that we are in all of this matters to us
2660s very much we take that into
2661s consideration when we do iterations
2663s Brian Todd Gabe and Chris thank you very
2667s much for joining me I had a great time
2670s walking through all of these beautiful
2672s updates to the game as I know our
2674s community has you guys are doing
2675s phenomenal work um very very honored to
2679s have you on tonight's
2681s stream yeah thanks for having us yeah
2684s thanks for having us absolutely happy to
2686s be here all right we will see you all
2688s back on
2690s stream bye everybody
2702s hello welcome back while we're chatting
2705s we'll have the video kind of playing in
2706s the background
2708s so you can kind of check that out there
2711s were some questions it seems like
2713s generally people are liking the
2714s nighttime lighting but of course
2716s definitely send us your feedback we'll
2718s be compiling that for the development
2719s team but there were some questions that
2721s were in chat we had like the YouTube
2724s chat going we had the Discord chat going
2726s we had the twitch chat where we're in
2727s all the places our community team's
2729s pretty awesome and they've already
2730s grabbed some stuff not not as many as
2732s normal but um for this one uh people are
2735s wondering how will weapon combos work
2736s when the weapon doesn't necessarily fit
2738s the archetype for instance if I'm a Mage
2741s and I want to use a bow how will that
2744s work yeah I mean um so right now the way
2747s we're approaching weapons is that you
2748s have two dedicated um slots uh excuse me
2753s actually technically you have uh three
2755s dedicated slots you have a ranged weapon
2757s an and a main and a main hand and you
2759s can toggle between your ranged or your
2761s melee when you use an
2763s ability depending on the type of ability
2766s it will immediately swap to the
2768s appropriate uh equipment slot and then
2770s swap back once the ability is completed
2773s um when it comes to kind of the
2775s versatility of each of these archetypes
2777s being able to spec you know different
2779s types of weapons um that is a
2781s customization option that's going to be
2784s uh
2785s essentially players can make bad choices
2788s right we're letting players make choices
2790s that may not mix as well as other
2793s choices and that's okay um it presents
2796s some interesting you know horizontal
2798s options to the player uh but at the same
2800s time there is going to be something for
2802s each archetype or class that's present
2804s within each of the weapon skill trees um
2809s so excuse me um so if you're choosing to
2813s use a bow or you're choosing to use you
2814s know any type of weapon you're going to
2816s have options with this that skill
2818s tree and by the way just to kind of
2820s comment a little bit on you know this
2822s showcase you know our goal here was to
2824s kind of have a lot of little updates
2826s within one video next month we're going
2828s to have a very big showcase around a
2831s very big feature uh but this month we
2834s wanted to kind of update the community
2835s on how we took feedback across a number
2838s of smaller updates and kind of collect
2840s what you guys think about uh those
2842s changes which to me seemed like it was
2844s very positive you guys uh agree with the
2846s the lighting position
2847s the the wand updates and the the Mage
2849s updates and we'll kind of be alternating
2852s will be doing some things where we're
2853s trying to get their feedback on like
2855s smaller pieces and some will be bigger
2857s pieces so just kind of you know stick
2859s around with us we got a lot to show we
2860s got a lot to to share and a lot of
2862s things that we want feedback on um so
2864s this next one is Will spell Effects
2866s light up and reflect off of the
2868s environment in the same color or
2870s appearance as the
2871s spell some some spells will it kind of
2873s depends on the spell right now um we are
2876s talking obviously you know leading into
2878s Alpha 2 we're going to be starting to
2880s focus on more performance um with
2882s regards to both the client and the
2884s network some of those lights can be
2886s expensive um we're going to probably be
2889s introducing more uh light effects that
2891s spawn off of the particles uh for the
2894s surrounding environment but perhaps
2895s don't cast Shadows um we'll be seeing
2897s about that over the course of the next
2899s few weeks or so and and probably we'll
2901s have an update either within the next
2903s within the next month or the month
2904s thereafter okay and the next one here is
2907s is once the transition from light to
2909s dark starts how long will it take are we
2912s willing to share that with folks yet
2915s yeah I we're talking about generally
2916s like sunset or Sunrise um you know that
2919s that will probably last anywhere from 10
2921s to 15 minutes or so um to see that
2924s transition between night and day people
2927s are going to get some cool time lapses I
2929s think it's going to be fun yes uh the
2931s next one is will there be interact
2935s interactions between elements like if
2937s you cast a waterbased spell followed by
2940s a lightning spell will this increase
2941s damage taken by mobs absolutely that is
2945s that is the the
2947s fundamental uh interaction between
2950s abilities is that you set them up and
2952s you knock them down right and this is
2954s kind of keyword interaction kind of part
2955s of our status effect stuff we different
2957s abilities put status effects on
2959s creatures and then you can exploit those
2961s not only you can exploit that anybody
2963s who's fighting with you can exploit them
2966s absolutely yeah I mean
2967s the intent is to provide a um
2971s environment where parties can execute
2973s well or again execute badly in um those
2978s setups right um and that's I think what
2981s makes for compelling
2983s gameplay um and then the next one here
2985s is how easy is it to level weapon skill
2988s trees so if I'm starting like how how
2991s much time is it going to take for me to
2992s like progress and kind of spec these
2995s things out that that's 100% % something
2997s that we're going to be testing as part
2999s of Alpha 2 obviously but our initial
3001s finger in the wind is going to be that
3003s it's roughly three times faster two to
3005s two to three times faster uh for you to
3009s maximize the leveling of a particular
3011s weapon skill tree versus that of your
3013s adventuring level um so it is it is
3015s chunky there's still some amount of time
3017s that needs to be dedicated in order to
3019s fully execute on you know that
3021s progression um but it is um it's it's
3024s it's not as as long as uh the adventure
3027s class all right and with weapon leveling
3032s um does it mean you will level per
3034s weapon type or will it be per weapon and
3038s if I get a better wand for example will
3040s I still have to level that up again yeah
3042s it's it's weapon type um so you know if
3045s if you start advancing within the wand
3047s class of weapons uh you will persist
3050s that progression across all wands that
3051s you acquire cool and then I'm going to
3054s grab actually a question from the forums
3056s that kind of pertains to uh W or wand SL
3059s Mage stuff uh this is from jibs IRL
3062s asking about spellling where does the
3065s team pull inspiration from for wand
3068s weapon combo
3069s VFX yeah that's a great question I mean
3072s you know obviously WS vary across a a
3076s large variety of different
3078s fantasy um uh stories that have been
3080s told throughout time um you know and and
3083s we kind of collect inspiration from all
3086s of them right uh in the way that we are
3087s either animating the wand attacks uh in
3090s the way that we are you know selling the
3092s visual effects fantasy for the wand
3094s projectiles um you know that beam is is
3097s something that um in the past we kind of
3101s moved away from but but this time around
3103s we thought that uh you know CA would do
3105s a great job in in authoring the effects
3107s for that um and it felt good in play
3109s testing so we wanted to show that off to
3111s the
3115s community uh I think we have one more
3117s that came in last minute and then we'll
3119s be we'll be on our this will be our
3121s penultimate one uh do we know whether
3123s there might be magic connected to time
3126s or time of day SL night like magical
3130s rights or rituals that can only be
3131s casted
3133s uh During certain times or effects yeah
3138s um there is definitely magic that
3141s relates to time there is actually a god
3144s of of time um
3147s and
3148s so hold let me see if I
3151s can bringing up design docks I know I
3155s was I was about to see if I want to if I
3157s want to reference it well we haven't we
3159s haven't final we haven't talked a lot
3160s about that stuff yeah yeah probably not
3164s but there is there is obviously um a god
3166s of time there is the the Ageless Warden
3169s uh who is the goddess of time at turna
3173s um and you know there the there are
3176s elements in game play that we want to
3177s incorporate when it is relevant to cast
3180s certain types of
3181s spells cool cool um and this is the last
3184s one it's not really Mage or it's not
3186s really a weapon combo or lighting
3189s lighting specific but I think this is
3191s something that we get quite often which
3192s is when we see other archetypes so we've
3195s shown off a few of them people are
3196s wondering about Bard suer and Rogue
3199s specifically the The Bard is is
3201s currently in phase two of its
3203s development which is essentially
3205s finalizing its visual effects um and we
3208s will probably have a showcase for Bard
3211s within the next few
3212s months exciting exciting people are
3215s going to get hyped we did do a little
3217s teaser the other a few streams ago that
3220s was really funny obviously jokes but
3222s hopefully people enjoyed it we have
3224s definitely been working on barred stuff
3226s um and of course we do have a feedback
3228s thread over on our Midnight Magic
3230s preview action so if you haven't checked
3232s that out feel free to head on over to
3234s our forums and give us your feedback we
3236s we would love to hear it our team does
3239s an amazing job of putting together a
3241s feedback reports and the development
3242s team goes over those and ensures that
3244s we're on the right page so hopefully um
3247s you know your your initial feedback to
3248s us in regards to nighttime you're seeing
3251s some updates from reading so far on the
3254s platforms that we've that we're on right
3256s now it it seems like you all are kind of
3258s happy with the direction that we're
3259s going but um do Let us know your
3261s thoughts and of course on the wand
3263s weapon combos uh let us know your
3265s thoughts on that and we will have some
3266s more videos coming with some other specs
3268s and stuff like that so if that's
3269s something you're interested follow us in
3271s all the places at ashes of creation um
3274s and with that we will swap over to our
3277s studio update talk a little bit about
3280s how the studio is doing and maybe also
3282s expand on some of the other stuff that
3283s we're working on because I I mentioned
3285s it earlier we are working on a lot of
3288s things
3289s simultaneously not GNA have Stephen list
3290s them all out we'll be here all day I was
3292s GNA say what are you asking me to do
3294s here I like going through everything
3297s um yeah Studio update we are we have had
3301s a lot of people join the studio over the
3303s course of this last month um I believe
3308s we've probably had around 10 to 12 or so
3311s people who've joined over the last month
3313s and I think we have another we have
3314s another we have another seven or eight
3317s that are joining in the next month so um
3321s Studio's growing um obviously you know
3324s with with nearly 200 people now in the
3326s studio we have a lot that's going on
3329s across the oh wow I have 13 emails at
3332s least nice so um we have a lot that's
3335s going on right now it is it is
3337s definitely production Mayhem as we uh
3339s are coordinating all of this all the
3341s work that needs to be done um but yeah
3344s no things are going well um things are
3346s going very well we had we had a a lot of
3348s progress that's been made towards um our
3351s node War system which people are going
3353s to be seeing uh within the next month um
3356s node War obviously a big repeatable loop
3359s of gameplay that is going to be Central
3361s to Alpha 2 and it it taxes our you know
3364s Network we've had a lot of optimization
3365s efforts
3367s both as part of the play testing that
3369s you know Pi has been a part of uh
3371s helping us to kind of profile um some of
3375s that Network work uh that needs to be uh
3377s done from a optimization standpoint but
3381s also some of the um the client side um
3386s optimization that that Zack Mallet has
3387s been uh spearheading um a lot of a lot
3390s of progress made on all of those fronts
3393s uh we are currently in Milestone 9 UM
3396s and within Milestone 9 we will be a
3398s feature complete when it comes to our
3400s entrance criteria for Alpha 2 uh and in
3403s Milestone 10 we will be polishing and
3406s and essentially you know making that
3407s stuff ready from a player perspective
3409s for Alpha and Bug fixing is a big part
3413s of that obviously um so we'll be
3415s squashing lots of bugs we'll need some
3416s fce Waters at the studio uh from the
3418s community if you want to send some over
3421s um but yeah no there's a a lot of great
3423s progress a lot of don't tease them
3425s Stephen they they want to they want to
3427s help they're like let me in I will find
3430s the bugs for you um absolutely you're
3433s gonna find plenty of bugs in alpha alpha
3436s 2 again like Stephen said it's an alpha
3438s there's going to be bugs um and we we'll
3440s have a way for you to report them as
3441s well uh I think we had over 9,000
3444s although like 6,000 of those were like
3446s dupes from alpha 1 but hey we did
3449s resolve a lot of those issues so thank
3450s you all for reporting them we
3452s appreciated it um yeah anything else you
3456s want to bring up Studio update wise I
3458s think on the hiring front the only thing
3459s I want to bring up is that we do have a
3461s lot of engineering roles and a combat
3463s design role that are like our big roles
3466s that we've been um we need more help
3469s finding the right candidate for so if
3471s you know people in those engineering
3473s roles or in the combat design role
3476s definitely them our way you know we're
3478s picky where we're trying to find the
3480s right people that fit our culture as
3482s well as the skills that we're looking
3485s for absolutely and just to piggyback on
3487s that as well like um I've I we have I
3490s don't know I think we had
3491s like four or 5,000 applicants the junior
3495s design one too no I it's just like there
3498s is a lot we're getting a lot of interest
3500s obviously which is great we love it we
3502s we want it um but uh if you are one of
3505s those people who have applied be patient
3508s um as we kind of Screen through and and
3511s um excuse me and go through the
3514s application status uh it could sometimes
3516s take a week or two uh for for your
3519s application to kind of get processed
3521s Cameron's been powering through I want
3522s to give a shout out to him he's been
3524s killing it it's a lot of candidates to
3526s go through and I know that on the social
3527s front Peter has been messaging people on
3530s on LinkedIn as well letting you guys
3532s know that hey just be patient with us um
3534s we are doing our best we're trying to
3536s through them uh like you said there a
3539s lot of candidates to go through and not
3541s and we're not just like moving them
3542s along right we we read your cover letter
3544s we look over your your uh resume we look
3547s over the answers to the questions that
3549s you put forward and then we we kind of
3551s delve deep into who you are to before we
3554s like even go through an interview
3556s process with you
3558s so absolutely is timec consuming and you
3561s will never ever get a message from us on
3564s a social platform about your job it will
3566s always come from our our like
3568s professional means so if you do not get
3571s a response from us in that way then it
3573s might be fake so do not get scammed I
3575s know there's a lot of hiring scams out
3577s there um and with that I'll move over to
3580s our art
3582s update uh the first one here is we have
3585s some Chef outfits
3588s o um that looks cool yeah and what is
3592s this this is a chef yeah so we've got
3595s two different Chef ones we got The
3598s Gingham chef female outfit and the male
3601s one I'll show you both of
3603s those and uh these are
3606s artisanship um yep gear yeah yeah so
3610s those of you who are there's been a lot
3612s of arti ship buildings too and stuff
3613s being made it's looking pretty cool a
3615s lot of the a lot of the artisanship um
3618s uh professions have Associated gear that
3621s you can acquire which improve your
3622s artisanship profession
3624s skills if you wear the while you are
3629s um excuse me if you wear them while you
3631s are performing your profession
3633s actions like if you don't like them give
3635s us your feedback on
3636s them I see some people's commenting
3639s obviously it's not finished these are
3641s these are uh the model phases sculps
3643s yeah yeah sculpts of it and then we've
3645s got the storm Snapper so if any of yall
3648s grabbed that this guy this bad boy has a
3650s model now uh looking awesome I feel like
3653s it's very fitting for the nighttime sky
3656s cuz got a little stargazing um device on
3659s there which is pretty cool that that
3662s model looks so true to the concept I
3666s know it's a little creepy great if you
3668s look at it you're like is that concept
3669s no that's a model yeah that jiny made
3672s that and she made a couple variants for
3674s that Turtle too that I thought looked
3675s great yeah and then Sam and Danny worked
3679s on the chef stuff um and then Sam worked
3681s on some gear so we'll look over those
3684s these are like kind of gear progression
3686s for rank Kai I know we've got a lot of
3688s rank Kai lovers out there so there's
3689s heavy gear progression light and medium
3691s and obviously this is just kind of
3693s sketching the concepts of like how we're
3695s building them out this isn't necessarily
3697s final um but very cool you can kind of
3700s see where we're headed with like the
3701s progression of T tier one gear all the
3703s way to tier five and the different
3705s complexities of T tier five
3709s gear
3711s so looks great hopefully people are a
3714s great job there yeah yeah and then last
3717s we've got actually some more
3719s architecture stuff it is aen building
3721s details so Joe worked on these and it's
3725s very they're very
3727s elegant yeah those look great too Joe
3729s did a great job with these this is all
3732s the the filigree that's going to
3734s accompany much of the um the alen Rune
3739s sets uh that are Incorporated across you
3742s know different parts of the former alen
3744s Empire um obviously you know these
3747s cultures had a lot of time to develop
3749s their own unique art styles that you can
3753s see kind of represented there with the
3754s Lion's heads and the lion bodies
3757s obviously is a core you know uh figure
3760s within the alen history looks great yeah
3764s looks
3766s fantastic and then we've got our Q&A
3769s segment which I'll play the a video of
3774s the Midnight Magic action
3776s whilst we go over some of those
3778s questions um really quick s and then
3782s there's one other thing I want to grab
3784s so I'm G to grab that really
3786s quick ah okay um so our first question
3790s here is from nicr and they want to know
3793s about castle NPCs what level are the
3795s mobs in MPC occup occupied
3799s castles they are Level
3801s 50 level 50 they are they are Max they
3804s might be level 55 we'll see
3806s um a little challenge yeah cool cool and
3811s the next one here is from casty and they
3813s want to know about Freehold props will
3815s players be able to raise Flags or
3817s banners on their personal Freehold lots
3820s and buildings and I know we've talked a
3821s little bit about flags and Banners and
3823s things like that but yeah 100% that's
3825s that's that is a a definite inclusion
3829s with regards to props that you can place
3831s within homes and within free holds um
3835s for you to display Lay Your
3837s Colors all right and then the next
3840s question here is about RNG exposed and
3843s this is from Anon and they want to know
3845s will RNG probabilities for artisanship
3848s professions and drop rates be made
3850s public in some some might and some might
3855s not um it just kind of depends right um
3858s it depends on what we're talking about
3860s specifically
3861s um yeah can you talk a little bit about
3864s what might be um
3867s um you you will likely see the you know
3870s percentage chance of success when it
3872s comes to enchanting particular armors
3874s and or weapons um when you attempt to
3876s make the the uh enchantment um uh choice
3880s you may see the successful completion of
3884s your crafting result when attempting to
3887s uh excuse me the the chance of
3889s successful completion for crafting
3890s results when you attempt to craft risky
3892s things um but what you might not see are
3895s going to be dro chances there's going to
3897s be
3899s um uh you know variance within those
3901s drop chances as well um it just kind of
3904s depends it's it's kind of all over the
3906s place when it comes to econ in general
3909s all right cool cool and then we've got
3911s mayoral politics this one's spicy uh
3914s Hugh Jordan wants to know it was
3916s mentioned that an elected mayor can give
3918s insid or information on upcoming
3920s commissions what prevents a mayor
3922s offering High very high rewards for very
3925s low returns could this siphon off node
3928s resources and be open to abuse I mean
3931s you voted them in or well no this is uh
3936s for E
3938s economic so this so the question is what
3941s prevents a mayor from manipulating the
3945s um purchase system yeah for the Comm
3949s this probably more relevant to buy
3950s orders I would say um and the intent is
3953s that the
3955s mayor does have the ability to influence
3959s what those purchase prices and buy order
3962s types are that's that's a power that
3964s comes with being elected or winning the
3968s the election result now what you do is
3972s going to determine if you stay in office
3974s probably uh depending of course on the
3976s election type um but there are some
3979s safeguards with regards to you know how
3981s much the play the player can manipulate
3984s options they are Cho
3986s yeah right and and there are also clamps
3988s on setting you know purchase prices and
3990s whatnot so um that's important there are
3993s some safe there are some uh rails there
3996s okay uh this next one kind of Falls in
3998s line with it too which is from uh falth
4000s which wants to know about diabolical
4002s elections what stops a player from an
4006s enemy node bidding on your economic node
4010s Memorial election just to grief it after
4012s they get elected only only citizens can
4016s bid on the economic node yeah but let's
4019s say I was previously a citizen of
4021s another node I really want that node to
4023s succeed so I renounce my ele or my
4027s citizenship become a citizen of another
4029s node and now my goal is to infiltrate
4032s that node right like take over it use my
4034s money to be able to become mayor and uh
4037s basically tank it so that my my other
4039s node my friends over here can take over
4042s well that sounds like a strategy
4047s um the game of that's I was gonna say
4050s that sounds like a strategy um there are
4053s obviously going to be certain mechanics
4055s that when a mayor engages with its node
4060s requires requires Buy in from the
4063s citizenship so you know the mayor is
4065s going to have a certain amount of
4066s mandate energy and that mandate energy
4069s can be spent on you know promoting
4071s certain policies electing certain
4073s buildings to be constructed C choosing
4076s certain um trade agreements and
4078s alliances and many of those things
4081s require the citizenship to kind of Buy
4084s on through either voting or engaging
4087s with those systems um to determine
4090s whether or not the mayor can
4091s successfully do those things so there's
4093s a bit of a relationship between what the
4095s citizenship wants and what the mayor uh
4101s wants our next one here is want to BU
4104s dungeon
4106s or WTB and this is from Lloyd will open
4109s world dungeons have a negative feedback
4112s loop for those who are busing or
4115s carrying dungeons for lower level
4117s players
4119s so negative feedback loop yeah will I be
4122s able to kind of if I'm you know you're a
4125s newbie and I'm like hey I'll take you
4127s over here and you can pay me some gold
4130s and I'll level you up oh my goodness um
4134s well
4136s uh yes some fat gear so so so generally
4140s um there is a level disparity um
4144s mechanic that prevents players who are
4146s outside of 9 to 10 levels of the highest
4149s level within the party from collecting
4151s experience through their um uh uh
4155s through their adventuring um so to some
4158s degree there is a safeguard with regards
4160s to
4162s that and then obviously um you know the
4166s way that we cater the experience the
4168s encounter experience um depending on
4171s those locations are going to require
4173s that a party is operating at at a high
4175s efficiency level in order for them um in
4178s order for it to be efficient for that
4179s lower level player uh to participate and
4183s and gain levels in a in a um in a way
4185s that makes sense right so so I think you
4188s know there are some safeguards with
4189s regards to that um and the other thing
4192s is that like if you're paying other
4193s players to power level power level you
4195s or you're
4196s um you know you're engaging in any type
4198s of like rmt we have U behavioral heat
4202s mapping um which will help us identify
4205s those individuals uh and take action
4207s yeah we'll have um customer service who
4210s are looking over those reports every
4211s morning and going through
4214s and looking
4216s investigating um and then our next one
4218s here is new user experience from caners
4221s what is your approach from a ux
4224s standpoint for new players to easily
4226s understand the complexity of systems
4228s through ashes of Creations UI instead of
4231s resorting to external player means yeah
4235s so we do intend to have and this is for
4239s entrance criteria of Alpha 2 a trigger
4241s response when players engage with
4243s certain systems uh for the first time or
4245s when they are entering a certain area
4247s for the first time or um you know
4249s entering a node for the first time that
4251s they will be uh able to kind of be
4254s prompted with information about how they
4256s should go about you know firsttime user
4258s experience sort of thing um that is
4261s going to obviously help Orient players
4263s uh to the different systems within the
4264s game because there are many um yeah
4268s that's that's a relatively standard
4269s approach um that we're taking as well
4272s and then our next one here is from uh
4275s kadak and they want to know about PVP
4276s testing performance in various PVP
4279s systems such as Caravan Arenas and Guild
4281s Wars is said to be measured over the
4283s course of 6month PVP seasons
4286s how will this be measured during Alpha 2
4288s considering there will be server wipes
4290s and I do want to be clear that our goal
4292s is to not have server wipes in Alpha 2
4294s we want to have persistence that is the
4295s point of the persistence we may have
4297s times where we come down for updates and
4299s things like that but the goal is to not
4301s wipe if we don't have to we will if we
4303s have to yeah so entrance entrance
4306s criteria for Alpha 2 will be that we
4309s have Guild Wars and that we have node
4311s Wars um and we will be keeping score of
4314s those things and players will be able to
4315s see see those scores we will likely not
4318s have the season update until after Alpha
4322s 2 begins probably in a 2.1 or 2.2 update
4325s for Alpha 2 um the goal there is obv
4329s numbers I know the goal there uh is
4332s obviously that you know players can
4335s rinse clean kind of the history in the
4337s season um and start fresh whether or not
4340s those will be six-month I think that's
4342s the goal of Alpha 2 is to help test that
4344s um it might be shorter than that um uh
4347s but the intent is to have a system that
4349s provides ability to kind of track your
4351s wins and losses um and to have those
4353s wiped fresh uh on some Cadence and Alpha
4356s 2 is going to be a longer testing period
4359s so prepare yourself for that um and then
4362s Vox triam wants to know about
4363s development tools are the development
4365s tools that are needed to help with World
4367s building and game assets completed and I
4369s will let you know development tools
4371s never end you're constantly adding and
4373s making new ones I was going to say even
4376s even for games you know that um that
4379s have been launched for a while the the
4381s tools are you know constantly getting
4383s touched up and and and um changed I
4387s would say that um no our tools are not
4389s completed uh obviously you know what
4391s completes them you know tools are kind
4394s of stood up uh generally barebones
4397s fashion and then they get updates and
4400s updates and updates and make the life of
4401s the user uh who's utilizing those tools
4405s easier after there's response from you
4407s know the developer who's the customer
4409s and the author of The Tool that's a go
4411s that's a back and forth that's just
4413s continually happening
4415s um there are you know some tools that
4418s will require some iteration depending on
4420s on what we see during testing as well um
4424s so our tools team is hard at work you
4425s know continuing to provide updates to
4427s the existing tools for the developers as
4429s well as creating more tools all right
4432s and our last question which is from uh
4435s last moose uh wants to know about
4437s resource sinks are mounts and the animal
4440s husbandry profession intended to have
4443s the same scarcity or resource SK sys
4446s that other in-game items and professions
4448s may
4449s have um mounts mounts themselves are not
4455s unless we're talking about flying mounts
4457s um and then the um animal husbandry
4461s absolutely there's a lot of sinks in the
4462s animal husbandry um but when you create
4465s a mount and that mount exists that mount
4467s is not going to disappear you know at
4469s the end of a lifespan or you know be
4470s killed you will be able to revive
4472s it all right and that is it for our
4475s questions but if you have more questions
4478s Stephen is going to be doing an
4480s AMA uh with some wonderful content
4483s creators vladis nice gaming L uh Sunny
4486s from L forged and Jamie KS so we would
4489s love for you guys to tune into to that
4490s that will be live right here twitch.tv/
4493s ases ofc creation on May 10th 2024 for
4495s at 11:00 a.m. Pacific um so hopefully
4498s we'll see you guys there and if you have
4500s questions ping those guys try to get try
4502s to get your question on their list um I
4504s know some of them have already sent some
4506s over but um I did give them till like
4508s the day before to check in so um yeah
4512s we're excited to do that I'm excited to
4514s see what they ask Stephen I'm very
4516s excited for that ama I think it's gonna
4518s be a lot of
4519s fun all right and with that we are
4522s wrapping up any final things that you
4524s want uh f to to know from your
4526s perspective Stephen no I I think it was
4529s a a great stream I I think we're making
4531s great progress you know obviously as we
4534s continue to develop uh towards Alpha 2
4538s um you know we are we are gaining
4541s progress every day right the team is
4542s hard at work in in achieving that we
4545s will continue to give you updates on how
4547s things are going right now things are
4549s looking good uh from a production
4551s standpoint um and yeah I think it's
4553s going to be I think it's going to be a
4555s great uh test session Alpha 2 um I think
4558s people are going to be going to be
4560s participating in in something that is
4563s unique to the space and I'm excited to
4565s see how people respond yeah it's going
4567s to be fun I know my team's most excited
4569s for that because that's when we get a
4570s lot of social interaction that's when we
4572s can do stuff with you guys in game and
4573s run events and stuff especially with a
4575s longer testing period we'll get to do um
4578s a lot of fun things people keep saying
4579s that's your
4580s Fela that's my Fela I would hide my Fela
4584s they me open put in plain sight no one
4587s would know um but of course uh join us
4589s for that ama and then of we also have
4592s our forums we would love for you to head
4593s on over to forums. ases ofc creation.com
4596s send us your feedback we have a thread
4597s already of for Midnight Magic so
4599s anything that we showcased in this live
4601s stream we would love your feedback on
4603s and of course we want to hu say a huge
4605s huge thank you to all of you who tune in
4606s live we appreciate you spending your
4608s time with us and hanging out and
4610s chatting with us and giving us a pulse
4612s on how're how we're moving forward and
4614s progressing our product and of course
4616s thank you to Christopher Gabe Brian and
4619s Todd for joining us for the Showcase and
4621s of course you Stephen for your time um
4624s we hope that you guys are stay healthy
4625s and happy and we'll see you on well less
4628s than a month because we're going to see
4629s you for the AMA because you're going to
4631s tune in for that right um and so we'll
4634s have the VOD right here up on Twitch
4636s immediately after and then if you're
4638s over on YouTube I apologize it's going
4640s to be 720p because I had to reform my my
4643s PC and it down scaled for some reason so
4646s we'll fix that apologies um but that
4648s will be over up on YouTube make sure you
4650s leave a comment on that Dev update And
4652s subscribe and make sure your
4653s subscription is public so that your
4655s comment can be spotlighted in the next
4657s live stream for our development update
4659s live stream and of course follow us in
4660s all the places we are at ashes of
4662s Creation in every soci social platform
4664s we would love for you to hang out with
4665s us and we are going to be showing off
4667s some other specs that you did not get to
4669s see with the wand here so you'll
4671s definitely want to check those out over
4673s on our socials and we will see you all
4676s next month well less than next mon we'll
4678s see you May 10th keep saying next month
4681s bye
4683s [Music]
11 months ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

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