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Is there taming wild animals to be animal companions that are usable in combat? If so, is it only the ranger class that can do this? Also if so, are elephants tamable?

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almost 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

In Ashes of Creation, we will have combat pets. These aren't tied to a specific class or archetype. All players will have the option to acquire pets that can participate in combat.

As for "taming wild animals," this is part of the Hunting gathering profession. To learn more about what we've shared on this, check out the wiki here.

Pets, Mounts, Livestock, and Beasts of burden can be captured and tamed. To breed the best version of each species, you'll want to find a player with Animal Husbandry. You can learn more about Animal Husbandry in the wiki here.

To learn more about what we've shared regarding combat pets, see here.