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I don't know if it was already been said before for the game's feedback but the graphic style of AoC feels too generic. There's maybe something about making the game look realistic that makes it look generic and outdated.
They should work on something more stylized like for example Riot's games universe style or World of Warcraft.

They also should add more unique races and playable races into the game. Dwarfs and Orcs are generic and overused in other games. Something like Yordles and Werewolves and Kobolds or other humanoid creatures would be really cool. Having the possibility to play as a sexy/cute character would be really good for player interactions and RP.

For the combat, some spells/attacks have too much visual effects and it's even worse when doing pvp or raids. It's hard to tell what the hell is going on because of too much visual flashy stuff and characters blending into the background.

That'd be interesting to develop the lore, we heard a lot about the node system and technical aspect of the game but it would be interesting to have more lore developement with characters, races and regions.
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Personally, I'm totally neutral on stylization vs realism with graphics. I've played tons of stylized games that are beautiful, ex. World of Warcraft or Sea of Thieves.

I've also played some incredible games with realistic graphics, like Skyrim, RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077.

Content is king in most regards, but really, realism vs stylization comes down to personal preference. Game developers unfortunately can't please everyone, as those who prefer one over the other may end up disappointed.

@Taleof2Cities has a great comment here suggesting watching more recent gameplay footage. I suggest starting with the Riverlands Seasonal Tech demo here: https://youtu.be/dhvQEPuexjg

As well as reading up on each race, which you can do here: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Races