Original Post — Direct link
Im sure everyone who is following this game has a good idea of how this corruption system works.

But im more worried about the randoms that download/buy the game at launch because its the new thing on the block.

I can see some newb mining or cutting trees or whatever and then [insert player] attacks them, they fight back and die, lets say this happens over and over until at some point they are like "this dude just keeps killing me over and over and there are no consequenses at all for him, this game is dumb, gankers paradise", and then just quit the game not knowing that the reason [insert player] suffers seemingly no consequenses at all is because they made the "mistake" of fighting back.

Is the fact that the person being attacked has to essentially play the part of a perfect victim (roll over and die) for the corruption system to do anything at all going to be clearly commumicated to new players? And if so how do you think?
over 2 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Ashes of Creation will have tooltips and tutorials ;) Also, accessibility settings are important to us!