over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
20s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
24s | live stream from the Glorious world of |
26s | Vera and we have an exciting showcase to |
29s | give you all today we're going to be |
31s | talking about our event system and I am |
35s | actually joined by three of our |
37s | absolutely wonderful developers with |
40s | whom you've spoken with in the past on |
43s | some other live streams we have one of |
45s | our glorious Engineers Clayton Clayton |
47s | absolutely wonderful glorious what an |
50s | introduction I'm doing great I know |
51s | really somebody really so many words to |
54s | show off all of our hard work so |
57s | very excited to see it with you and |
59s | excited to chat with the community about |
61s | it I know you guys have been doing a lot |
62s | of hard work on this we also have two of |
65s | our wonderful designers uh Scott how you |
68s | doing buddy excellent I'm very excited |
70s | to be here |
71s | yay and Amy Amy how are you doing hi I'm |
75s | good last time I was here we took down |
76s | two rocks so I'm I'm ready today I'm |
79s | playing cleric again so um yeah I got |
81s | your back |
83s | thank you I okay so you heard it here |
85s | first folks if I die |
89s | it's of course not my fault it would be |
92s | the clerical no |
93s | um but okay so where where are we we are |
96s | in a familiar biome uh many of you guys |
99s | should be expecting where we are we are |
101s | in the wonderful riverlands yep we are a |
104s | little bit |
105s | east of the last live stream location |
108s | which was Winstead node |
110s | um yeah I see Carfin in the distance |
112s | Carfin is even further east from |
113s | Winstead so we're kind of sandwiched |
115s | between Winstead and Carfin right now |
118s | um no big curse happening right now so |
120s | it's a nice day out okay so it's a nice |
122s | day out there's not like any type of |
124s | blood curse or Undead roaming the area |
126s | no not at the moment no |
127s | okay very cool and what are we doing |
130s | here in the riverlands talk to me a |
133s | little bit about what has brought us out |
135s | here and I'm gonna jump off my my |
136s | glorious Steed here while we talk about |
138s | that absolutely so uh we're actually |
141s | just out here to uh kill some mobs grind |
143s | some experience get some get some |
145s | resources maybe out of the land here and |
148s | uh eventually |
149s | um the world should react to that and we |
152s | could potentially create an event here |
155s | I see a a web weaver so okay so our |
158s | objective right now is |
161s | um we're going to be showing off |
162s | obviously the event system and part of |
164s | that event system is that it can take a |
168s | whole host of different predicates to |
169s | kind of kick off different types of |
171s | events Clayton talk to me a little bit |
173s | about what that oh he's on me he's on |
175s | yeah as soon as I'm not dying but yeah |
179s | so uh the event system uh it can query |
183s | uh a lot of different aspects of the |
186s | dynamic World state right now it's |
188s | actually just tracking player activity |
190s | in the world uh and uh you know for this |
193s | event in particular and uh it's looking |
196s | for us to kill some stuff so we're out |
197s | here killing some stuff and eventually |
199s | the event should trigger once uh it's |
202s | detected enough player activity |
204s | very cool and and these and these this |
207s | type of predicate that is the |
209s | essentially the activity map for killing |
212s | yeah the activity Maps that's not the |
214s | only way that these events can get |
215s | kicked off there's a whole host of |
217s | different ways that they can also yeah |
218s | for sure yeah so we we have a really |
221s | really awesome system that the designers |
223s | have access to uh that lets them uh hook |
226s | into really any Dynamic World State and |
229s | use that to inform the instantiation or |
232s | even just like the progression of uh any |
235s | event |
238s | very cool yeah these spiders are gross |
241s | Scott what are what are some uh plans |
244s | that you have for uh different |
246s | predicates for uh instantiating some of |
249s | these events yeah so obviously we just |
251s | got this kind of generic sort of kill |
254s | one here uh that we can use for all |
256s | sorts of different things for tracking |
257s | player activity |
258s | um no Big Bear time uh we also are |
261s | looking at the amount of resources that |
263s | players can Harvest as a predicate we |
265s | have |
266s | uh story arcs that are going on so |
268s | active stores could cause different |
270s | events to start yeah um trade Caravans |
273s | happening relationships between |
274s | different nodes and also just the state |
276s | of the nodes themselves oh even let him |
280s | beat me up here because it's kind of |
282s | cool he's charging you yeah |
286s | he will throw you around those Bears can |
289s | can really catch you off guard if you |
291s | let them |
292s | okay |
294s | so I see that a nearby event has started |
297s | the predicate has been met |
300s | yep oh and I see now on the mini map we |
302s | have a little bit of a location for it |
304s | yeah so just the south of us here um |
307s | we were just kind of uh the event has |
310s | kind of kicked off because of the just |
312s | us killing stuffer in the area here |
314s | yeah and we might see some visual |
316s | indicators over the hill here in a |
319s | second |
320s | and so when when one of these events |
322s | kick off it's not just obviously |
324s | notifying players based off of their |
326s | proximity with uh the mini-map and with |
328s | the you know UI toast that pops up but |
330s | also as you said Clayton we have a |
332s | visual indicator in world that's also |
334s | rooting the the event as well yeah for |
336s | sure uh you know Scott can could |
338s | probably touch on you know uh the |
340s | diegetic nature of all of our narrative |
342s | content and the uh the goals there but |
347s | uh oh wait hold on before we get too |
349s | close I'm seeing that there's some gray |
351s | Shore archers and a Grace or Grace or |
354s | swordsman |
356s | okay all right oh should I join this |
359s | event as a Defender team definitely yes |
361s | that'll allow if some other players do |
365s | come around while we're playing that'll |
367s | allow them to uh |
369s | join the event raid group with us so |
372s | we've effectively taken the party that |
374s | we had pre-formed and and merged that |
376s | into a new raid group |
381s | okay I slept a couple of these |
383s | um of the highway captains there's some |
386s | of them on the settlers right now okay |
390s | and the settlers are an objective type |
392s | that exists within this particular |
394s | archery exactly what I mean yeah oh my |
398s | God there's a lot no they're sniping |
400s | from up on top of the rocks |
402s | thanks Amy oh I see |
405s | I'm sorry I'm gonna go put the one spots |
407s | down oh god oh no no no no okay the |
410s | event difficulty didn't change though |
425s | we're distracting the the bandits from |
428s | the settlers right now so that's good |
429s | none of them have died it's Caravan |
431s | Integrity is good |
433s | um |
435s | um okay I see the Caravan Integrity on |
438s | the uh on the event note uh notification |
441s | window it looks like they're mostly just |
443s | going for the settlers right now |
445s | oh no those poor settlers we've we've |
448s | kept them up |
449s | nope I just saw one die oh God two of |
452s | them two of them went out at once |
457s | I shouldn't have mentioned it they would |
459s | have been fine |
460s | so our objective here is to protect |
463s | these settlers while we eliminate 20 of |
465s | these Highwaymen |
467s | okay okay |
469s | but there's probably another wave coming |
472s | yes there's still some Shore there's |
475s | still some gray short people around I |
477s | see is some of them coming from uh |
478s | Northeast there's an arsonist coming oh |
480s | there we go there we go |
482s | oh and some from uh downhill Northwest |
484s | too Scott why are they coming from the |
487s | north |
488s | so we're actually pretty near one of our |
490s | pois which is actually under Bandit |
493s | control uh the apathy named Highwayman |
496s | Hills is just over the corner just |
498s | around the corner here |
500s | um so they'll be attacking NPCs kind of |
502s | in this area until such a time as uh |
505s | players deal with it via story arc |
512s | guys alive right |
514s | okay all right we did it |
516s | all right okay do you survive okay so it |
520s | says prepare for the final assault so |
522s | this is this is stage based off of our |
524s | kind of |
525s | our progress our activity our our |
527s | success what is this yeah so we just we |
530s | defeated the requisite number of of |
532s | bandages which is going to progress the |
536s | stage here and and during this stage |
538s | here we can reset some of the traps that |
540s | the bandits used to initially destroy |
543s | the Convoy and we can use those against |
544s | the bandits in the next phase which is |
546s | actually more difficult so |
549s | yeah we'll definitely need them uh |
552s | whenever they they the bandits do come |
554s | with reinforcements they're probably |
556s | going to be bringing their best so |
558s | especially because we have more players |
560s | now so the difficulty of the event will |
562s | be more when there are more players and |
564s | of course like all things in ashes the |
566s | more difficult to challenge the better |
567s | the rewards and also uh you know our |
571s | clerics can have some time to heal up |
573s | the the settlers and uh you know |
576s | hopefully set us up for Success whenever |
578s | the next round does come in |
581s | and how do we how do we leverage the |
583s | reward system how are people you know |
586s | getting calculated what rewards they |
587s | should get uh so for events like this we |
590s | have kind of a number of metrics that we |
593s | can use I think we're going to be doing |
595s | a lot of testing to figure out what the |
596s | best metrics are because there are some |
598s | ups and downs using like pure the amount |
600s | of damage you've done you know in the in |
601s | the raid and stuff like that um and |
603s | we're also look like more relaxed things |
605s | like how much time you spent you know |
607s | participating in the event whether |
608s | that's doing damage or healing allies |
610s | and things like that as a as a |
612s | percentage of the total time of the |
613s | event |
614s | um they all have their drawbacks and |
615s | benefits some are |
617s | uh you know we got to be careful about |
618s | yeah |
620s | um but yeah we'll just count up the |
621s | contribution however we end up balancing |
623s | that and uh then we have different tiers |
625s | of rewards that are given to each |
628s | individual player based off of their uh |
630s | contribution score in the event as it |
632s | works right now it is just simply a |
634s | matter of how much time you've |
635s | participated in the event as a |
637s | percentage of the total time of the |
638s | event |
639s | very nice and and so as that kind of as |
643s | that winds down people will be you know |
645s | granted a gold silver bronze tier kind |
647s | of reward status and that will be the |
650s | entitlement for the types of rewards |
651s | they get from these events exactly and |
653s | really that that's just going to |
654s | determine the reward table that they're |
656s | going to get and then each player is |
657s | going to roll their own reward table uh |
660s | independently |
661s | very nice I hope I'm gonna get rewarded |
663s | for all the healing I'm doing yeah yeah |
665s | uh Amy you deserve it |
668s | raid leader yep uh our timer is up and |
672s | Corvin the crusher appears to be on the |
675s | way |
676s | oh God he's coming all right we're gonna |
678s | heal almost immediately |
683s | oh my God there's a lot I'm gonna I'm |
685s | gonna try to sleep some of them |
688s | oh never mind there's multiple balls of |
690s | lightning |
692s | see if I can line this up right |
695s | he's gonna try and use the wraps as best |
698s | I can |
703s | man this is really great I am on fire |
706s | wait we have them in a choke point right |
707s | now we definitely want to keep them away |
709s | oh there's birds we want to keep them |
710s | away from the Caravan and in this choke |
712s | point |
713s | I got him to trigger the Trevor here I'm |
715s | hitting them with a lot of aoes right |
716s | now |
719s | and the only objective here as you can |
720s | see from the cracker is to kill Corbin |
722s | uh so until Corbin goes down yep uh I'm |
726s | trying to prioritize their healing and |
729s | DPS |
730s | so that we can have a better chance here |
731s | I think with with the uh |
734s | The Raid group of eight we seem to be |
736s | set up for Success here |
738s | uh Corbin the crusher Amy uh Scott would |
742s | either of you want to touch on uh the uh |
744s | event difficulty tier and what we intend |
747s | to do with that as more players join the |
749s | event |
751s | as soon as people join in I I yep |
755s | it's more difficult |
760s | I don't know if you thought but we had a |
762s | toast saying that the event has |
765s | progressed from its original state as a |
768s | group event to a rage level event that |
771s | was a veteran better level and of course |
774s | that comes with more challenges more |
776s | optional objectives but also uh |
780s | more rewards so it's never it's never |
783s | going to be like a bother to have other |
786s | people join you it's uh it's all part of |
789s | uh part of being in a like multiplayer |
792s | environment is you know the more friends |
794s | growing up with you the bit |
798s | yeah you know I think it's uh cool that |
801s | you touched on the rewards because yeah |
802s | the designers have have the ability you |
807s | know just from a technical perspective |
808s | to use the difficulty tier however they |
810s | like in the event they can modify any |
812s | aspect of the event's difficulty or even |
814s | you know the the reward that you're |
816s | you're getting they can query that in |
818s | the reward table data |
820s | we're doing pretty good here this |
821s | Caravan hasn't really been taking much |
823s | damage at all yeah people hold them off |
824s | pretty well yeah the tank was able to |
826s | intercept him at that choke point so |
829s | yeah seems to be working too this Elite |
832s | healer is rough |
834s | yeah that should be very hard to kill |
836s | some of the gray Shore Swordsmen and The |
839s | Archers are still alive |
842s | we can change that we have the |
844s | technology |
845s | ah there we go |
849s | we win |
851s | congratulations is there reward well you |
854s | know there's also a grateful settler |
856s | here presenting us the the reward uh |
859s | maybe he has something to say let me |
861s | talk to him |
862s | greetings grateful settler |
866s | praise aryak |
868s | they might have killed us without your |
870s | intervention please help yourself I will |
872s | help myself thank you what type of |
875s | supplies are we talking about oh you're |
876s | one of those Heroes |
878s | unbelievable this is difficult difficult |
882s | uh task you know you just head over to |
886s | Highwaymen Hills and join the Bandit |
887s | Stephen unbelievable clay unbelievable I |
891s | am a hero in this I'm a mayor of a local |
893s | network oh my God |
895s | a shame it came to violence we are |
897s | hopeful we could leave that behind on |
899s | Sanctus okay yeah I want you know I'm |
901s | hopeful of that too but you know |
902s | sometimes we can't just get what we hope |
904s | for so Whoa We got some wool |
908s | yep |
910s | we got some more okay I got some wool |
913s | you're also granted uh on the events |
915s | completion you're granted like a little |
917s | stipend of golden experience just right |
918s | away uh but items that can be looted off |
920s | your body they have to come from like |
922s | reward chest so every event will have |
924s | its own little reward cache at the end |
925s | of it you'll grab your materials and |
927s | items from and I |
928s | know |
930s | that's my reward why'd you get Tim |
933s | Amber uh well that it rolled I got that |
935s | uh reward from my reward table maybe I I |
938s | participated better than you so I got a |
940s | better resource |
941s | how dare you |
942s | I was out there doing a lot of work |
945s | uh and uh Scott uh this this NPC he's |
948s | also configured to actually uh interface |
950s | with some of the story art content too |
951s | right if the story arcs were online it's |
953s | true yeah I think they it is online |
955s | actually it's just not active check it |
957s | out check it again Stephen |
959s | oh okay where am I going uh talk to the |
961s | guy again I think you might have missed |
962s | a dialogue opener okay here we go okay |
964s | okay the tough one who are these people |
966s | why were they who are these people let's |
968s | see they're desperate folks who prowl |
971s | the hills captain |
973s | udoxia in lionhold is looking into the |
976s | matter I should seek her out and find if |
978s | there is a better way I could help |
980s | around here you know what I will do oh |
982s | okay here we go |
986s | oh I see a lot of different placeholder |
991s | rewards A Bridge Too Far yeah they're |
994s | rewards for the for a lot of the quests |
996s | are still not uh fully Done Yet uh-huh |
1000s | the events do hook into all of our story |
1002s | our content so if there are store Works |
1004s | online we can like since our quests are |
1007s | non-linear events can help you kind of |
1009s | into those quests |
1011s | um if they're online this event can |
1012s | happen whether or not the stroke is |
1013s | online but if it is you can pick up the |
1016s | like uh leave into that Quest from him |
1020s | um if you're not you know if you haven't |
1021s | been to line hold in a while since the |
1022s | story arc has started |
1023s | very cool and so obviously |
1026s | um you know people saw a little bit |
1028s | during this event that the Adaptive |
1031s | Difficulty was predicated on the number |
1033s | of participants that opt in to uh to |
1038s | partake in this event right |
1041s | correct yes so as more players join |
1043s | um the the event does get more difficult |
1046s | with who we went from the regular mobs |
1048s | to the elite mobs |
1049s | um in corvins entourage some of them can |
1052s | be |
1053s | you know more more enemies to fight some |
1057s | can have completely different stages or |
1058s | mechanics |
1059s | um depending on which what the event |
1061s | actually is and and what your objectives |
1063s | are for that event |
1064s | and these these events are based off of |
1068s | different predicates within the world |
1069s | state so for example this particular |
1071s | event was a caravan that was moving |
1073s | throughout the world and as you as we |
1074s | said in the beginning it was based off |
1076s | of the activity heat map of players |
1078s | within this area but this type of event |
1080s | this Caravan event that was transiting |
1082s | Goods uh popped up because nearby nodes |
1085s | may have either been advancing the |
1088s | relationship between each other or there |
1090s | might have been a trade Caravan that got |
1091s | kicked off in the past and we're |
1093s | representing kind of that |
1095s | um that theming within the World by |
1097s | these event types correct yes so events |
1100s | are predicated by things that players |
1102s | are doing whether that is no development |
1104s | uh you know trade agreements between |
1105s | nodes |
1106s | um |
1107s | all of it like relationships between |
1109s | nodes I mean um so it could be more than |
1111s | just that could be War States or |
1113s | anything like that as well so so cool I |
1116s | noticed that even though we succeeded in |
1118s | the event we're still in our event raid |
1119s | group Scott what's the thought behind |
1121s | that are we supposed to go and adventure |
1122s | with our new group right now |
1125s | if we so desire yeah the event ending |
1128s | doesn't dissolve the open party for the |
1130s | event |
1131s | um the open parties have some sort of |
1133s | default |
1134s | uh like party configurations that can't |
1136s | be changed so they'll be stuck with a |
1137s | group Loot and stuff like that |
1139s | um but we do try to encourage people to |
1141s | continue to stick together and play |
1142s | together |
1143s | um the game the game is hard so uh |
1146s | it's good to play with friends yeah I |
1149s | just left the raid I don't want to play |
1150s | with you |
1151s | he's going to join the bandits I called |
1154s | it yes I'm looking for The Highwayman |
1156s | Hill band yeah |
1158s | very cool okay and then obviously we saw |
1161s | during the event um there are obviously |
1163s | multiple stages that exist each of those |
1164s | stages having Unique Mechanics |
1166s | associated with them |
1168s | um there are a lot of different types of |
1169s | events I me that you and the narrative |
1172s | team and Scott that you guys are working |
1173s | on creating each of those events types |
1176s | will have different similar stages like |
1178s | we saw there was a trap stage here that |
1180s | we can set up is it intended that these |
1182s | stages are going to provide players with |
1183s | kind of downtime to recuperate and also |
1186s | perhaps set up and strategize how they |
1189s | want to address the upcoming challenge |
1191s | well I I don't really know about you but |
1194s | I'm I'm my heart's beating right now I |
1196s | feel like we've been challenged and uh |
1199s | of course there's going to be moments |
1200s | where um there are like less less uh |
1206s | thing challenges which rely Less on your |
1209s | class kit than usual but I think that in |
1211s | general if you want to like really get |
1213s | down and understand the story and the |
1215s | appreciate the world and then probably |
1218s | uh you're gonna want to focus more in |
1221s | the story arcs where you can take things |
1223s | at your own pace |
1225s | we have we have some events that do |
1227s | other things like there could be some |
1229s | that are just puzzles |
1230s | we have an event in here that is |
1233s | actually just like you can attend a |
1234s | funeral for just an NPC that can pop up |
1238s | and there isn't actually any combat to |
1240s | do in that one rewards are adequately |
1243s | scaled but there are events in here that |
1245s | are just kind of for flavor and for |
1246s | fleshing out the world a little bit too |
1247s | that you can participate and learn more |
1248s | about yeah I think there are going to be |
1250s | some moments where where um you might be |
1252s | like frustrated that an event is like |
1254s | obscuring something that you want to get |
1256s | to like a |
1257s | NPC that you need to talk to for your |
1260s | quest or something so then then |
1262s | Gathering people to help you is going to |
1264s | be really useful |
1266s | awesome very cool and that that event |
1268s | there at the last stage had |
1270s | um kind of like a little mini boss dude |
1273s | um is that kind of a component of all |
1275s | events that you guys are intending to |
1277s | incorporate or just kind of some events |
1278s | will have those mini bosses some will |
1280s | have them uh there's gonna be a whole |
1283s | lot of these and they're going to be at |
1285s | different tiers of of Challenge and uh |
1288s | you know kind of I guess uh |
1291s | like power level tiers |
1294s | um you know they're not all going to be |
1296s | you know defeating the you know |
1299s | end-all Dragon being at the end some are |
1302s | just you know about helping people |
1303s | there's somewhere about |
1305s | um |
1306s | uh just building up the world of Vera |
1308s | which is a very difficult and |
1309s | challenging place as people are trying |
1310s | to resettle it there's |
1312s | um there's all kinds of tiers for |
1314s | different levels of heroism |
1315s | um |
1316s | and helping the small time people to |
1318s | Downing giant foes and these are |
1321s | obviously a bit different than what |
1323s | people have seen previously with Carfin |
1325s | where we showed off kind of the story |
1326s | arc system that fundamentally changes a |
1329s | particular location or area for an |
1332s | extended period of time that exists |
1333s | within stages that are might be |
1335s | multi-days in length these are more |
1338s | bite-sized kind of digestible end-to-end |
1341s | 20-minute gameplay right right |
1343s | definitely a shorter than a story arc |
1345s | which yeah as you mentioned before is |
1347s | meant to be taken kind of at a slower |
1348s | Pace |
1349s | um can your individual path through the |
1352s | story arc is a little bit more measured |
1354s | like you're less reliant on uh |
1357s | like the pace of the actual story arc |
1358s | it's more about your own personal Paces |
1360s | through the quests and then as the story |
1362s | arc advances |
1363s | over time like over the course of days |
1366s | then you you know can dive back into it |
1368s | and get more involved in it again |
1370s | very cool and then if there are people |
1373s | who you know might be |
1377s | um problematic to a particular event |
1379s | like this gendrach guy oh okay |
1384s | I think it's triggering like this |
1385s | gingrac guy we could like you know |
1388s | attack them or something right oh sure |
1390s | we could yes |
1391s | you were aligned with the bandits Maybe |
1395s | and there are some events that do have |
1397s | you pick sides in PvP yeah uh you know |
1400s | whenever Stephen joined this event uh he |
1402s | had one option to just merge us into the |
1403s | event rate group this was a PVE event uh |
1406s | but there are going to be events with uh |
1409s | sanctioned PVP where there are multiple |
1412s | team options to join |
1414s | got it got it got it got it okay very |
1417s | cool well |
1419s | I'll let jindrak live this time guys |
1421s | that was a super exciting uh event |
1424s | showcase I know that the community love |
1426s | to kind of see this stuff obviously |
1427s | events are an integral component of |
1429s | making the world feel uh kind of dynamic |
1431s | and representative of what is happening |
1433s | around the area it gives people insight |
1435s | into particular locations and the type |
1439s | of activities that might be occurring |
1440s | but it also gives really interesting |
1442s | ways for us as players to interact with |
1444s | that environment and affect change as |
1446s | well and be rewarded for that uh |
1448s | activity I think it's super cool you |
1450s | guys done a great job with standing up |
1452s | the event system and populating the |
1454s | world of really compelling activities so |
1456s | thank you for showing us a little bit of |
1458s | the work you guys have been doing |
1460s | towards Alpha 2. I know that the |
1462s | community loves it and we'll be back on |
1464s | stream to talk a little bit more about |
1466s | this |
1467s | all right thanks guys for having me |
1468s | Stephen bye thanks Steven absolutely bye |
1470s | everybody |
1473s | foreign |