Original Post — Direct link
Hi everyone, I know there is a chance to be added, but I want to ask the developers a question. Is there any certain possibility that the Italian language will be added? I want to buy the package from the shop but I also want to be sure that the game is translated into Italian, because it would give that extra boost to play it.
I assure you that many Italian people are waiting for this title and take amazon has brought a lot of people who mmorpg do not know them but because it is totally translated into Italian it risks making the game flow better and understand it!
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
You're in luck! As others have pointed out here, Italian is a planned supported language ^_^ You can read more about it on our support page, here: https://support.ashesofcreation.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016194714-What-languages-will-Ashes-of-Creation-be-in-