Original Post — Direct link
I was thinking that should some aquatic mounts have abilities that could be used in fishing? I know that there is going to be fishing boats that are used in deep sea fishing but how about that some aquatic mounts could be used to fish a specific kinds of fishes or sea creatures.

For example some mounts could have an ability to detect fishes by a radar ability or lure fishes closer to player by creating some kind of bright light or maybe have an ability to dig ocean floor to catch some sea creatures.

What is your opinion about aquatic mounts having fishing abilities? :)
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
I came to ask a follow up q

In the latest Development Update Steven revealed that some aquatic mounts will have skills that can be used in fishing. What are your thoughts about this and what kind of skills would you like to see used in fishing?

I was about to say exactly this but it looks like you were thinking the same, @-T0Mb- ! I'm curious to hear more about what people would like to see from this feature of the game :)