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In the UI/UX livestream a question was asked that basicly said: In pvp sanctioned events you don't gain corruption. This does make me wonder, if guilds can circumvent the corruption alltogether, by for example declaring war to every other guild (in the vicinity)?

How should AoC prevent circumventing the corruption system by clever manipulation of pvp sanctioned events?
about 2 years ago - Jindrack - Direct link

death penalties are disabled during pvp events...

Depraved is correct, during pvp events such as caravans, guild wars, and sieges, the death penalties are disabled between participating characters on opposing sides. Attacking and killing players on the opposing side doesn't trigger the purple and red flags, nor does dying drop any resources or loot. However, you can't hide in this state as a Red corrupted player either. If you are Red, you'll still be Red in the siege or caravan and open to anyone to kill you and drop your loot, regardless of the side you are on. Being Red trumps everything.

Special case, entering Open Seas will turn you purple and a combatant. Open Seas are not a pvp event per se, but are combatant zones.

about 2 years ago - Jindrack - Direct link
As mentioned before, you can't hide your Red, even at sea. Being Red trumps all PVP states. In the Open Sea you are still Red when everyone else is Purple.