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I want to open up a little discussion about what makes combat fun in MMOs. I've played a non-negligible amount of WoW, Tera and Runescape and whole host of others for anywhere from 50-100 hrs, but my main MMO by far is BDO. Now we all know the action vs tab debate is done at this point but i want to bring up combat interactions. The way i see it, most tab games utilise a system of offensive CCs and defensive CC breaks with afew big cooldown moves that will typically save you from a situation. Let's take WoW for example. Paladins can charge into a hoard of enemies, cast bubble on themselves and they are completely immune to all CCs while trying to dish out as much damage as possible. In a 1v1 or small scale scenario any of these fights really come down to chipping away at your opponent until he/she is forced to use a large CD and then surviving that counter attack, and then continuing to chip them down. Specifically in BDO, the combat interactions work a bit different. In large scale fights the combat interactions revolve around movement and afew key spells that one or two classes get to mitigate or ignore the massive amount of incoming ranged damage, enough to get your own skills off and hope that you have enough dmg to essentially one shot as many enemies you can. In smaller scale however its a much more fun (imho) interaction of finding patterns in your opponents playstyle and trying to position yourself to take advantage of their mistakes. Now this can get very dull when you have a class whose entire roll is to be able to counterattack and your opponent's class is all about speed and surprise, as this makes both players not want to engage each other. So my question to you all is... What mechanics do you think would make for fun small and large scale PvP and what makes boring PvP? (edit: spelling)
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
What mechanics do you think would make for fun small and large scale PvP and what makes boring PvP?
Great prompt for discussion, OP! There are already some great perspectives and answers being shared in this thread!