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I don't mean character creator or mtx etc. But how many ways do we have to customize our combat experience and build? Things that I remember:

1) Class (kinda obvious) 2) Limited skills (10 out of 30-40) 3) Weapons & weapon trees (do every class have access to all of them?) 4) Secondary class (Augments) 5) Augments (the Augments that are shared between classes you earn in game)

Is that all or is my memory a bit f*cky?

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over 1 year ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Aaaaand backgrounds πŸ’ͺ

over 1 year ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Ananasvaras

How do those affect the gameplay? Stats/skills/Augments or what do they provide?

Backgrounds are similar to "racials" in other games.

Instead of the race you choose giving certain benefits, players will select a "background." We want players to have the freedom to choose the race they want to play because they're excited about it, and avoid situations where players feel forced to play a specific race because of gameplay benefits.

We spoke about this during the February 2023 Development Update. Timestamp to where that conversation begins.