over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so objective here is to protect these
3s settlers while we eliminate 20 of these
5s high
6s men
9s okay okay but there's probably another
11s wave coming yes there's still some Shore
14s there's still some gray Shore people
16s around oh I see some of them coming from
18s uh Northeast there's an arsonist coming
20s oh there we go there we go oh and some
22s from uh downhill Northwest too Scott why
26s are they coming from the north so we're
29s actually pretty near one of our pois
32s which is actually under Bandit control
34s uh the aply named Highwayman Hills is
37s just over the corner just around the
38s corner here um so they'll be attacking
41s NPCs kind of in this area until such a
43s time as uh players deal with it via
46s story
48s Arch