over 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
4s foreign
8s [Music]
22s salutations to our glorious ashes of
25s creation Community Welcome to our
26s September development update we hope
28s everyone is well and safe
31s um thank you for holding off with us for
33s those of you who have been hanging out
34s watching live we had a little delay as
36s you can see um Stephen is coming to us
38s from his phone
40s I'm so sorry about this guys I was not
45s expecting to be in Vegas and I had
48s something last minute as an emergency
50s pop-up and I had to come here
54s um late last night I didn't get in till
56s like 1 30 in the morning and uh I was
60s supposed to have the computer all set up
62s and then the ethernet cable was broken I
65s sent to Runner to grab another ethernet
67s cable and then the connection Port
70s wasn't working and lo and behold the
72s computer doesn't have a built-in Network
74s adap a wireless network adapter and it
77s was just like a perfect storm of of
80s terribleness and I am so sorry for the
83s delay I appreciate you guys
85s understanding and we're gonna have a fun
87s stream regardless hopefully you can hear
89s me okay and it's not too bad I'm
91s connecting with my iPad so I am doing
95s the stream from an iPad
98s um but you know 30 minutes of the stream
99s is going to be a pre-recorded video so
101s you know it's not going to be too
103s terrible yeah we'll be okay and as you
106s can see we're gonna uh you can see our
107s topics right there for how we're going
109s to be doing things so today we're going
110s to be doing our quick reminders we'll do
112s our basic range attack update I do have
114s more reminders than normal today and
116s then also we have our character art
118s update and Studio update and then of
119s course we have a lovely q a from the
122s questions that we pulled from our Forum
123s so if you submitted form questions we
126s have got some of those prepared
129s um so with that we will quickly get
131s through the updates first and foremost
134s we have our question from YouTube so how
137s we do this is if you are a YouTube
139s subscriber
141s um you have the ability to leave a
143s comment everyone does but as a YouTube
145s subscriber we may randomly pull your
147s comment and Spotlight it so all you have
150s to do is subscribe to a server on our
151s YouTube channel if you're watching the
153s September development update when we put
155s this up on YouTube and leave a comment
156s you could have your comments selected as
158s well for the next one
160s um so this one was from our lovely
163s friend mindful K9 which said I love
165s MMORPGs for their size and and World
168s building the social aspect is cool but I
171s prefer random adventures coming together
173s because we all need to work together to
176s get through this event or area we are
179s all happening to stumble across but I
181s don't really like groups or guilds
182s outside of that so what will be or what
186s will be any benefits for those who want
189s a little more solo gameplay as well so
192s they're kind of asking will there be
194s options for people who want a solo as
196s well as you know they'll do the game
198s event stuff but sure you know that
202s that's it's a good question
204s um
204s I mean the MMO landscape is of course
206s filled with players who want to engage
209s excuse me with finding new friends
213s um at the same time a lot of people come
215s into MMOs with a group of friends that
217s are already existing
218s um and so you want to be able to provide
221s Avenues to both socially connect other
224s players by creating challenges that
227s require group efforts in over to
229s overcome and that's always going to be a
232s part of the MMO landscape whether you're
234s a solo player or not MMOs by definition
236s are massively multiplayer so that means
239s it's not a solo game we're not creating
241s a solo game but it doesn't mean that we
244s don't offer
246s game play that is solo Centric as well
249s it lives in addition to the social
252s aspect of What MMOs provide
255s um and so part of what we do in order to
257s to give that element of gameplay is we
260s have quest lines that are devoted
261s towards solo uh players we have uh
264s hunting grounds
266s um obviously one of the benefits of
267s being a solo player is you get to keep
269s everything that drops right you don't
270s have to share a loop with a party or
272s with friends that's one benefit of being
274s a solo player
276s um but you know it's going to be more
277s difficult to overcome challenges and
279s those individuals who are up to taking
281s that additional level of of difficulty
285s are going to excel perhaps in their
288s character progression a bit faster than
290s those who are more group Centric it's
292s going to be a little bit of a roll of
293s the dice there because there are loot
295s tables there are reward tables that
297s accompany that but it's important to
299s note that from a Content perspective
301s ashes of creation is looking to fulfill
304s both that solo oriented mind in gameplay
308s as well as the group and social
310s experience and a lot of times those
312s paths diverge they they move apart they
315s come back together uh and and that kind
318s of process is going to be seen
320s throughout the leveling in ashes of
321s creation where you'll have more
323s opportunities for solo gameplay and some
325s opportunities for group gameplay
327s um and for those solo players who don't
329s really care about finding a community to
330s play with but they want to have one when
333s they need it there's going to be a lot
335s of opportunities from a dialogue
337s perspective in-game chat options you can
341s join as part of citizenships there's a
343s lot of pseudo factions there social
345s organizations that give you an end to
348s other players without the the strong
351s bonds that typically come with
352s guild-oriented organizations right
355s um and I think that that's a comfortable
357s medium between the two
359s all right and one of the other reminders
362s is that Stephen will be doing an AMA uh
366s in October so stay tuned for that we
368s will have some stuff up on our social so
369s if you follow us on all of our social
371s channels we will let you know whenever
372s that is happening and of course we have
375s our monthly cosmetic swap over that will
377s be happening uh that is for this set
380s which is the order of the giant Slayers
384s that will be scheduled for October 12
385s 2022 at 11 A.M Pacific so if you'd like
389s these head on over we always let you
390s know when they're going to swap over on
392s our articles as well and a reminder that
394s all these variants May or all the
395s variants made from these sets you'll see
397s in game is NPCs creatures buildings and
400s things of that sort so that's the
401s exciting part you're coming along with
403s us on the Journey of development and I
405s am really excited to do the AMA for
408s those of you guys who aren't aware
409s that's an ask me anything
411s um it is typically done on Reddit but we
413s also take questions
415s um our top voted questions will probably
416s take from forums as well so it's going
418s to be a combination of our Reddit and
420s forms and Margaret and the community
421s team are going to be putting out more
422s information about that in the coming
424s weeks leading up to the the
428s exactly and if you aren't if you aren't
430s already on our forums or on our Reddit
431s make sure to go there
433s um to get prep making accounts so that
435s you can ask your questions that you want
436s to ask
437s yep yep and then we also have our Dev
440s discussion that is up and I know a lot
442s of people have been leaving feedback
443s this one is for our gathering and PVP
446s and specifically we asked you Artisan
449s gatherers will be prime targets for
450s combatant players or you know they
452s sometimes will be with that said what
453s tools or activities would gatherers like
455s to see to help protect their well-earned
458s materials while out in the field so
460s definitely go give us your feedback on
461s that and we will have another Dev
464s discussion coming up about materials so
467s if that is something that you're
468s interested in definitely do so and of
470s course we have an event system follow-up
472s so a lot of you gave us feedback on the
474s event system and now we have a follow-up
476s question for you over there just head on
479s over to our forums and you can answer
480s some of the questions that we had on
482s that front and of course last but not
484s least if you are a content creator we
487s always get these questions in regards to
490s um when we're going to have a content
492s creator program or how we're allowing
493s content creators to join us you can head
495s on over to
498s um our content creator program and fill
500s out the application and we are currently
502s in application Phase once we switch over
504s to invitation phase we will let you all
506s know and we will be closing the
508s application Phase for a short bit of
509s time while we reach out to everybody
511s it's a lot of people so
513s um we appreciate all of you guys and
515s again this is not a Creator program that
518s is based on you know numbers Network
519s we're not just being like only people
521s with 1 million followers can join us we
525s want small creators big creators
526s creators who do all kinds of different
528s types of things whether you're a video
529s creator or a cosplayer or whatever it is
531s so if you are somebody who is interested
534s in doing those things or is currently
535s doing those things it's more going to be
537s about quality and consistency in your
540s content and with that we will move on to
543s our basic ranged attack update so I'm
546s going to pass it over to Steven to give
548s some preemptive details before we play
550s our video absolutely thank you
553s um so I want to preface this
557s um
558s video and ironically enough I did not
561s actually prep I didn't I know in the
563s past I've double preface I Preface on
564s stream and then you hear the same
565s preface in the video so I didn't preface
567s it in the video either which I guess I
569s probably should have just done it in the
570s video but we recorded this yesterday
573s um it is it is an update to our range
578s excuse me combat
580s excuse me and
583s as is always remember in context that
587s this is the uh work up towards our Alpha
590s two
591s um so with that in mind it is not
593s finished uh there is still much more
596s that needs to be done uh both from a
599s visual effects perspective from
602s targeting an UI
604s um from the just general look and feel
607s of movement and impact however
611s um this will give you a good indication
612s of direction that we have taken since uh
615s our Alpha One test
618s um last year and
620s you know something that's that's really
622s important is you guys and I've said this
625s in the past many many many times is
627s feedback is important but making sure
628s you contextualize the feedback in the
631s things that you enjoy about what you saw
633s as well as the things that you would
636s look to see improvements from based on
639s experiences and things you've enjoyed in
641s the past from other games in their
643s ranged combat
644s um so in this video we take a look just
646s to set expectations we look at two
649s different types of ranged weapons we
651s look at a longbow and we look at a short
653s bow and both of them have very unique
658s um
659s of of feel of style one is less
663s impactful on movement uh the short bow
665s the other one is more impactful but but
667s it packs a harder hit on the Longbow
669s side
670s um it's also a first look that you guys
673s have had at the ranger archetype and of
677s course we don't reveal and show
679s everything of the Ranger we don't want
681s to do that and and spoil what's to come
683s with Alpha 2 but we pick some abilities
685s that emphasize the role of a ranger
688s right that is mobility and survivability
692s um it is heavy damage from a distance
695s um it is the ability to ensnare and root
699s um so you get to see some of those
701s things you also get to see an element of
704s enemy faction NPC enemy faction
707s um that we fight against and you guys
709s saw some of the concepts uh over the
711s past few months Margaret and the
713s community team have shown you guys
714s leading up to this uh the minotaurs you
716s get to see some of the Minotaur faction
719s um their their trusty side hounds as
721s well that accompany them and you get to
724s see it in an environment that you guys
726s haven't seen before
728s um which is uh this foresty area in the
731s riverlands that lead up to a major point
734s of Interest called the wreckage of
736s Carfin or carfen Tower
738s um and that is a big uh uh vertical
742s dungeon that exists within Alpha two
745s um and it has some significant story I
747s also want to point out
749s that you're going to see a little bit of
750s updates to the UI
753s um Colby Jeff Nate uh excuse me Natalie
757s um have been doing an incredible job
759s um and Drew in in helping to create our
763s new style guide for uh what the UI is
766s going to look like in Alpha 2. um you
768s get to see a little sneak peek of the
769s peak of that with some of the HUD and
771s some of the journal systems
773s um but remember it's important to give
775s feedback here in twitch on the forums on
778s Reddit everywhere possible uh tell us
780s two points right what you liked about
782s what you saw and what you would look to
784s improve based on experiences you have in
786s the past and with that
788s let us take a look all right we'll see
791s you when we return
794s [Music]
821s hello everyone and welcome to another
825s live stream day with an awesome
829s Showcase of our basic ranged combat
833s revamp
834s excited to be here again showing you
837s guys ashes of creation and its current
840s progress towards Alpha 2. I have joining
843s me today to Stellar senior designers on
846s our team
847s seniors designer Trad and Jeremy how are
850s you guys doing
852s I'm doing well I'm just looking forward
855s to showing some of the stuff we've been
856s working on here oh I know it's always
858s exciting Jeremy how you doing buddy
860s doing really good really excited to be
862s here really excited to show the stuff
864s we've got this time yes and I my first
869s I first saw
871s is of course the world just the
874s unbelievably beautiful environments that
877s uh the environment team and the design
880s team have just come up with with these
882s ruins and this Forest I mean where where
885s are we at right now Jeremy
887s we are in the riverlands and which was
890s the former heart of the island Empire so
893s we're among their ruins from a long time
897s ago after the fall yeah people saw some
899s of these things
901s um in the weather and Seasons
904s um showcase uh so you guys might
907s recognize this stuff but the alien
909s Empire that was one of the largest if
910s not the largest Empire at the Town the
912s time of the Apocalypse right right it
915s was at the height of their golden age
917s when the uh
919s the fall happened so we are just
921s standing in their ruins now and it is it
924s is so cool I always love environments
926s where
927s you have
929s these ancient
931s almost artifacts and and just locations
935s that you get to explore
937s um
938s it's really compelling yeah is to to
941s make a living breathing world that's an
943s actual character of our game Vera should
946s very much feel like a character that has
948s so much history and story behind it uh
951s they're like great fantasy worlds of the
954s past and other franchises bearish should
956s very much feel like one of those that
958s just hearing the name invokes all kinds
960s of history and character and and living
963s breathing and and actually a world
966s that's been in trouble for a long time
967s now and the players are coming back to
969s help rescue and recover that I love it
972s and I also love the fact that Chris
975s Atkins threw in some slits for this
979s elf's ears to come through oh my gosh
982s it's so awesome I feel a lot comfortable
986s they're adorable they are adorable this
990s is such a great outfit
991s um I'm loving the cape cloth as well
994s it's very cool so you were mentioning we
997s are in an area that is uh relatively
1000s dangerous right this is um these aren't
1003s Elite monsters right but they are still
1006s deadly these are looks like a Minotaur
1009s uh Hunting Party war party that are
1012s investigating this area for some reason
1013s it looks like some Shaman have have come
1016s down to this Riverland area
1019s and they're checking things out and they
1021s have some like guard dogs with them
1023s they've got some drudgers with them
1026s um kind of like reptilian dog kind of
1029s things that are acting as Lookouts and
1032s guards while they're looking around for
1034s things oh no oh I'm walking oh God
1043s hold on one second
1045s Chad what should I do what should I what
1047s what what items or abilities
1050s uh spam two on one of them take that guy
1052s down
1054s all right that was a quick shot right
1056s there
1057s um so quick shot is an ability that has
1060s three charges
1061s um and each shot does more damage than
1063s the last to the Target that you're
1065s attacking you kind of use it as an
1067s opener Alpha strike kind of ability just
1070s drop somebody so I have that two back
1072s again the quick shot
1073s yep yeah we haven't done like you know
1077s all cooldown pass on this or anything so
1079s you could pretty much just span right
1080s now but you've got that oh that guy oh
1083s God I have 16 health no no no no
1087s the shaman are not something to mess
1089s with there they've got that chart how
1091s did we draw so how did I grab so many
1094s they're paying attention Okay the ranged
1098s player you have to be aware of your
1100s surrounding I did not
1103s I was not aware of my surroundings okay
1105s you guys may notice
1107s that I'm not dying right now and I would
1109s just like to comment that the stream
1111s would not be good if I died
1115s trying to fight these things what am I
1117s using here dread
1118s uh that would be sniper
1121s um so unlike quick shot that is an
1123s ability that you can press and hold and
1125s it kind of roots you in place so it's
1127s you gotta you gotta like use that at the
1129s right time but you gotta you do get a
1131s lot of payoff if you can pull off the
1133s whole thing
1134s um so the longer that you charge it uh
1136s the more damage it does I need to get my
1138s some of my health back I I apologize
1141s stream I let me just say that whenever
1144s we do these recordings and I am piloting
1148s right I have this very well thought out
1151s outline and plan about how things are
1153s going to go and
1156s somehow something happens and it just
1159s doesn't it doesn't work I don't know why
1161s I think when Mike Tyson says everyone
1162s has a plan until they're punched in the
1164s face right yeah every now no no plan
1167s survives contact with the Enemy
1169s um but uh so I didn't I turned on this
1172s cheat code which doesn't let me die if I
1174s fall below one hit point so every time
1176s you see me dropped one hit point know
1177s that I would have normally just died
1178s there and you guys can
1181s um you know take a shot of water or
1183s something
1183s point for the Minotaur yeah point for
1186s the Minotaur okay so uh by the way you
1190s guys are seeing this is early morning
1191s here on the the Varan riverlands
1195s um and you'll see that there's a lot of
1198s weather effects that are happening right
1199s here there's some there's some pollen
1201s because we're are in the middle of
1203s spring but it's also early morning so we
1205s have this fog layer that's rolling
1207s through
1208s of course
1210s the Aesthetics of Ashes of creation are
1212s very important we've always said that
1213s game systems makes games fun
1216s and the game environment and the
1220s Aesthetics make it uh make it beautiful
1222s and make it immersive so we double down
1226s on both of those but Jeremy talk to me a
1229s little bit about these minotaurs who are
1230s these minotaurs why are they here so
1232s these Minotaur well prior to the fall
1235s they were kind of uh just a nomadic
1237s chaotic race they're a race that really
1240s benefited when the player races left
1243s saying are left percentage so they in
1246s the intervening time they've gotten
1248s stronger they've kind of found some
1250s techniques some help in some ways from
1254s other entities that aren't friendly so
1257s they've they've really got organized got
1259s equipped and they're kind of actually
1263s excited to see the players come back
1264s because they want some Revenge
1267s so they are looking for ways to uh they
1270s have oral histories and things that tell
1272s of these people that um held them down
1274s and and hunted them and they're uh
1277s they're brutally wanting to exact that
1279s Revenge could I um I'm gonna cheat here
1282s again because I just want to get go up
1284s to them and give people a look at what
1286s these minotaurs look like in the game so
1290s so the terrigora is one of those Clan
1292s clans or tribes uh this one's the the
1296s rain caller who uh has uh Essence that
1300s kind of evokes water he has water
1303s abilities throws water attacks and makes
1307s Shields of of water bubbles around them
1310s this guy is amazing I love the model
1315s work
1316s Eli's done an amazing job on these and
1320s these are just a shaman these are kind
1322s of the ones that are
1325s Divine and have a little bit of a
1328s connection there there's much bigger
1330s ones much more even scarier ones like
1332s the Marauders and the Berserkers and
1335s even the Khan
1336s oh wow look at that I'm sorry I'm just
1339s looking over in the distance and I see
1341s this this giant like Tower structure
1344s yeah that's the the Tower of Carfin
1347s under a curse that is causing a lot of
1351s problems for the area too oh you're
1353s right actually I think if we approach up
1356s here
1357s we actually cross over into the boundary
1360s of carfen the wreckage of Carfin right
1363s it's like sorry
1364s and Carfin was a one of the great cities
1367s of the island Empire and it's now and
1369s and there we go yes
1374s I see it
1376s that my friends that you're seeing off
1378s in the distance is gonna is in Alpha two
1381s obviously
1382s um and Jeremy tell us a little bit about
1384s the tower and it's and what you know
1388s just a little bit not nothing give away
1390s too much but just a little bit about the
1391s tower what is it what is the tower it
1394s was a focus of the the Mages and study
1397s of the alien Empire
1399s Carfin was a city that that kind of had
1402s a great Mage population so it had a
1405s university there
1407s um
1407s and things went bad there during during
1410s the last days of the Fall
1413s um they made some desperate measures in
1415s a really awesome
1416s uh Quest series that um that Scott's
1420s written up and and implementing things
1422s awesome so it's it's going to be a
1425s pretty fun tower that was intended for
1428s many groups to exist within and fight
1431s now track
1433s question
1435s what type of weapon am I guess thank you
1437s what type of weapon am I using here
1440s this would be the Longbow
1443s um so you can kind of tell like when
1445s you're when you're shooting your basic
1447s attack that the shots are a little bit
1449s slower but have more power behind them
1452s um yeah I really like the model that
1453s Atkins threw together for this oh it
1455s looks so good the smoking something
1457s Imperium design so what is this bow
1460s makers of the past maybe someone's
1463s remembered the techniques to make it it
1465s looks so good
1470s like go ahead and uh and hold the button
1473s down one thing that we're playing around
1474s with this that we haven't done with our
1477s melee weapons is has a contextual
1479s Behavior based on if you're tapping the
1482s um just you know pressing the the button
1484s versus holding it
1485s um so it kind of like snipe you know you
1487s can actually hold these attacks and
1489s instead of doing just a rapid fire sorry
1491s just Chad one second something happened
1494s these like these little birds just
1496s spawned right near me and they're like
1499s eating on the ground if I move will they
1501s move
1503s I hope so
1506s okay let's see let's find out
1510s Birds
1512s how are you just gonna sit here
1514s and let me run around you
1518s what what are they doing they're just
1520s kind of they're eating I guess oh no
1523s okay wait what do you want me to do this
1524s weapon
1527s um hold your Q button and charge up an
1530s attack uh Houston we might have a
1532s problem all right ladies and gentlemen
1534s get your shots of water ready
1537s we may be uh been a little early I'm so
1540s sorry let me see if I can don't worry
1541s I've got it perfect I know it's true I
1544s just don't want to give the minute oh
1547s yeah what was that did he charge me he
1551s got him
1556s continue with those water bolts oh
1558s that's kind of cool so I can jump while
1559s shooting this
1565s now just imagine that I have a lot more
1568s Health nobody look at the house don't
1570s look at my house
1572s what are they shooting at Us Jeremy
1574s uh those are from their their casting
1577s this water bowl this really hardened
1579s water that's just slamming into you for
1582s force damage that hits yeah that's kind
1586s of cool all right Chad I apologize I am
1589s now going to appropriately engage from
1592s the correct get the jump on them
1594s Physicians okay so something cool about
1597s the Longbow oh now they fly away look at
1600s that the birds are flying
1602s something cool about the Longbow is that
1605s as opposed to the short bow you are able
1607s to actually hold and charge each of the
1610s basic attacks is that correct
1612s yep and doing so what does that do for
1615s the weapon user
1617s uh currently it's just a damage increase
1619s but you know some we can do all sorts of
1622s things with this later like you know
1625s charging it up longer than you can set
1627s up some kind of status effect combo
1629s there's all kinds of things that we can
1631s do with it but yeah right now
1633s um it just increases the damage so for
1636s example one thing you could do is you
1637s could do two basic shots and then charge
1639s the final shot and that will give you
1641s like a big spike of damage there at the
1643s end so oh that's cool be charged
1645s individually wow that's pretty cool
1647s and now we have some abilities that we
1651s talked about these are from the ranger
1652s archetype of course we're not going to
1654s show everything that the ranger has but
1656s we are going to give you guys some ideas
1657s of the abilities in its kit
1661s um what is this first ability called
1663s This is snipe
1665s yeah this is snipe um this is the one I
1668s was talking about earlier where it's
1670s kind of like the basic attack but a lot
1671s more powerful you can hold this and when
1674s you see that little flash there at the
1676s end that indicates that it's fully
1678s charged that's a strong ability
1680s yeah you can keep holding it in case you
1682s want to like you know wait for the
1684s Target to get low before you you know
1686s bring them down if they're getting
1687s healed all kinds of things I can do but
1689s at a certain point it stops um getting
1691s charged
1693s oh that's cool
1701s now the what happens let's get into that
1704s environment where I'm getting chased by
1706s a few creatures
1709s see if I can find a couple more because
1712s I know there's another ability we have
1714s called airstrike which is kind of cool
1718s see really cool
1722s so now let's say for example as the
1724s ranger I have these creatures and this
1727s melee guy is on me and I want to
1728s reposition
1730s tell me a little bit about what
1732s airstrike does
1735s airstrike turns a lot of things
1738s moving character and the direction that
1740s you're facing and it brings three
1743s projectiles down in the path that you're
1745s going
1746s um and each of those projectiles does
1748s damage
1752s foreign
1756s but it's it's definitely up there
1760s yeah that ability is so rad I love using
1765s it
1766s you can see it's generally nature
1768s Essence to cause roots to come up and
1771s bind to grab the minute timer
1775s and now this quick shot ability by the
1777s way that
1779s um I see it has a debuff that looks like
1782s the quick shot icon on the target what's
1785s that doing
1787s uh that so basically each shot of quick
1789s shot will increase the damage of the
1792s next application of that specific attack
1795s against the against the target so it
1798s kind of encourages to unload all three
1800s of your charges for a big spike of burst
1802s damage but that does come at the cost of
1804s each charge comes back individually so
1806s you either have to wait a longer period
1808s of time to get that burst or you can
1810s just kind of weave them in here and
1812s there if you want more readily available
1813s damage got it that's super cool
1816s so I have here
1819s now a reticle on my screen so we've
1822s switched from tab Target mode
1825s which is a point and click with the
1827s cursor or using tab to cycle targets
1829s based on proximity priority
1832s right and into this reticle-based mode
1835s which now you can see the targeting
1838s plate
1839s in the top is slightly grayed out
1843s and we do that to demonstrate that that
1845s is a soft lock Target versus a hard lock
1848s Target
1849s and what a soft flock Target is
1851s Chad you want to explain a little bit
1853s about that
1854s sure yeah so if you if you are in action
1857s mode and you don't have a Target
1858s actually selected like you would in a
1860s tab Target game
1862s um then it'll just smartly choose
1864s whatever Target it thinks is the most
1867s appropriate for where your camera is and
1869s attack that Target but if you were to
1872s actually select a Target I think is it
1875s right Mouse button in action mode right
1876s right now it's of course all this stuff
1878s is customizable by the user but if you
1881s press the the right Mouse button
1884s in action mode it will hard lock the
1887s target which means you can take your
1889s reticle off the Target and it won't
1890s change correct Chad
1892s right
1893s that's awesome
1896s now we have another type of ranged
1898s weapon
1901s show
1903s oh and I can still while in action mode
1905s I can still tap to cycle Target as well
1911s yeah we really wanted to um
1915s a more tab based combat here because we
1917s in the last live stream all of our melee
1920s attacks were there were more hitboxes
1922s right they didn't acquire a hard target
1925s and so we wanted to show a little bit
1927s more of that in the Stream and so you
1929s know right right here for example Target
1932s you're not having amulettical or
1934s anything like that it's more what you
1935s are online
1940s but at the same time we still have
1942s abilities like airstrike and you know
1944s other things that were we haven't even
1946s shown yet that are going to be more
1947s action oriented so hopefully we hit The
1950s Sweet Spot of having a nice combination
1952s with all that and it's more fun I've
1954s played Rangers in EQ eq2 the great
1957s Archer types and Guild Wars and hunters
1960s and wow and went into this mode with the
1962s reticle and stuff it's just fun running
1964s around shooting these guys oh it is
1966s super fun and I've switched over to the
1967s short bow now so let me see if I can
1970s show off that short bow
1972s into a good light one second
1977s um I'll exit this Moon
1981s there we go so now I have a short bow
1983s equipped versus the
1985s excuse me versus the longbow
1989s and talk to me a little bit about the
1990s difference in the short bow tread
1994s sure yeah the direction that we went
1996s with the short bow was a lot more I
1998s almost want to say
2000s acrobatic like you can use this a lot
2003s more freely movement it doesn't slow you
2006s as much it's a higher rate of fire
2009s basically this is this is the more
2011s mobile feeling lightweight uh version of
2015s the longbow
2016s um so it's not quite as powerful
2018s um because you are trade you're you're
2020s making some trade-offs here
2022s um with range and attack speed and I do
2025s think right now we're actually putting a
2027s higher current rate on this one so it's
2029s got the first potential but these are
2031s just the kinds of decisions
2034s [Music]
2036s who do I value
2039s I love the the movement of that yeah I
2042s think I mean it is a very different
2044s feeling right
2046s um one I'm much more mobile being able
2048s to shoot and not have to sacrifice a lot
2051s of my movement speed like I had to but
2053s long ago so just from that aspect alone
2057s it feels like a very different weapon
2058s I'm also not able to charge I'm just
2060s kind of I'm holding down the attack and
2063s it's just firing a bunch you'll see that
2064s I can blindfire because I'm in action
2066s mode
2067s um
2068s that's why I'm like fire an extra there
2070s but it is it feels very different
2074s um and of course it doesn't change the
2075s way you have access to your abilities
2077s your abilities are there regardless of
2079s the the type of range weapon necessarily
2080s you're using
2082s um
2082s short bow or longbow
2085s and then I don't have to have a hard
2088s target lock also now for the abilities
2090s either either tie off of the reticle
2095s and I know there's some feedback that we
2098s wanted to collect from players with
2099s regards to this demonstration you want
2101s to talk a little bit about that trend
2103s yeah um as always every time we make an
2107s ability we're pretty much always
2109s thinking about what is what is the right
2112s balance between
2114s um restricting player movement for the
2116s sake of weight
2118s um you know getting getting the feeling
2119s of the weight in that day being able to
2122s animate the full body all the good
2124s things that come along with you know
2127s um restricting movement but at the same
2129s time we definitely don't want to be a
2132s game that makes it frustrating to you
2136s know attack and at the same time and a
2138s lot of people you know what I think a
2141s lot a lot of people love the MMOs is the
2143s feeling those changes in Freedom in
2145s combat and we want to retain that so uh
2148s just as you see these abilities go off
2151s and
2152s get used in this environment like I
2156s guess we appreciate any feedback on how
2159s that direction is going absolutely yeah
2163s so from the enemy side yes and asking on
2167s behalf of like Doug's encounter group
2168s it's how fast is the combat playing
2173s um is it too slow is it too fast does it
2176s feel good
2178s um the time to kill or
2180s what you're seeing right now are is it
2182s uh
2183s what what players are liking do people
2186s like and and keep in mind these are our
2189s solo ones right now these are uh tuned
2191s more for solo fighting
2193s um these aren't Elite group mobs but
2196s one-on-one type of fights
2199s yeah I like um in the solo areas you
2203s know this for me this speed feels pretty
2206s good uh given that I'm a you know DPS
2208s class and these guys are particularly
2211s susceptible to Rangers because they are
2216s um they are uh Mage class NPCs but you
2220s know getting your guys's opinion on
2222s those things also the differences
2223s between the weapon types right we talked
2225s a little bit about the Longbow we talked
2227s a little bit about the short bow
2228s um you know being able to kind of uh
2230s give us feedback on how you feel the
2232s direction uh has gone now uh is this the
2235s type of ranged combat you're looking for
2237s those of you out there especially who
2239s are bow users and enjoy these classes
2242s you know what is it about the games that
2244s you have played that you felt had good
2247s uh range combat uh in it and are you
2250s seeing elements of that demonstrated in
2252s this type of combat as well I can tell
2255s you that obviously seeing it is one
2257s thing in Alpha two the those of you who
2260s have access will be able to give us kind
2261s of your feel feedback and you know of
2265s course that's not under NDA so all of us
2266s get to watch and participate in Alpha 2
2270s um through through watching others play
2273s it and and getting their feedback and
2274s experiences as well
2276s um another thing that I think is is
2279s pretty cool that I wanted to talk about
2282s actually
2283s was these weapons and the types of skill
2288s trees that they have associated with
2290s them Trey do you want to talk to us a
2291s little bit about you know how these
2293s skill trees interact with the weapon
2297s for sure yeah
2298s um part of the plan with each of these
2300s weapons is they'll each have a unique
2302s skill tree associated with them to
2305s differentiate them not only in terms of
2307s feel but also in terms of mechanics and
2311s an important thing that we really want
2314s to capture in ashes is is the important
2316s ability
2317s um basically consider the player can
2319s build their character you know how they
2321s want and that it's been beyond just
2323s their classrooms right
2325s so for example if I'm the ranger I can
2328s spec into my short bow or I can inspect
2330s into my Longbow and those will be two
2332s different very different builds for
2334s example
2335s maybe Specialized or have have a part of
2339s its stream that specializes and leads
2342s might synergize with specific Ranger
2344s abilities that you know the Longbow
2347s um might not necessarily synthetize with
2349s their weapon choice will play into like
2351s what abilities
2357s that is
2359s starting to scratch the surfaces up and
2362s you would also want to take into account
2363s the enemies you're going up against what
2365s areas you're going into what enemies
2367s you're hunting and is it a player versus
2369s uh a monster players
2372s very differently and there's a longbow
2375s getting the drop on them important are
2378s you respect for short bow for being
2381s dodgy and moving around them you got all
2384s those things to keep in mind
2386s absolutely
2387s well guys appreciate you joining us
2389s today to talk about this stuff it is
2391s amazing that the the world you guys are
2393s building the the mechanics here I hope
2396s everyone in the audience has enjoyed the
2398s demonstration uh talk to us give us your
2400s feedback tell us what you liked about it
2402s uh what you would like to see changed uh
2404s make sure you do so on the YouTube video
2406s and twitch on Reddit on our forums
2408s everywhere you possibly can it means so
2410s much to us to be able to kind of reflect
2412s on what the community has to say about
2414s the works in progress we're showing you
2416s towards Alpha 2.
2418s um Jeremy Trad thank you very much for
2420s joining it is always appreciated hearts
2422s in chat these guys are awesome yes you
2427s guys are doing awesome uh awesome work
2429s and I'm loving the progress and I'm
2431s loving sharing with you guys I know you
2433s and everyone else on the team who make
2435s these streams possible enjoys it
2438s and with that said everyone we will see
2441s you back on stream
2445s thanks everyone
2446s a good one
2455s well we hope you all enjoyed it seems
2457s like there's a lot of mostly hearts and
2459s chat mostly happy I know there are some
2461s questions and concerns that you all had
2462s and I'm going to try to address some of
2464s them we can't be here all day so we
2467s can't answer every question but it
2469s seemed like there was a little bit of
2470s confusion in regards to our hybrid
2472s combat system and how that's going to
2474s work basically what are the advantages
2476s and disadvantages of using tab or action
2479s when it comes to being arranged or I
2481s mean we showcased a little bit of that
2483s in the melee as well but if you want to
2485s kind of address that I think our
2486s hardcore fans probably know but I think
2489s there's a lot of new viewers who are
2490s watching today
2491s absolutely so you know part of what
2493s we're exploring with this approach of
2495s our hybrid combat
2498s is offering the player the functionality
2501s um to utilize either tab targeting or a
2504s reticle-based action camera mode
2506s um and you know there are benefits to to
2509s each um and both of them are kind of
2512s providing the player what they feel most
2514s comfortable with playing ads
2518s um you know all of our attacks are going
2519s to be stat opposed unless they're a
2522s templated attack right in which case
2524s there will be certain bonuses and or uh
2527s Stronger applied chances uh for certain
2531s types of CC effects to be applied
2534s um or potential
2536s excuse me
2538s um or potentially evasion and accuracy
2540s aspects of it these are all things that
2541s we plan to to test throughout Alpha two
2545s um to kind of see where the player base
2547s lives in those two options of their of
2549s their action or or tap Target based
2552s attack modes
2553s um you know the the important part here
2555s is that like this is this is still a
2557s work in progress right this is meant to
2559s give you kind of a look at where our
2561s approach has has now been living over
2563s the past several months when it comes to
2566s combat based off of what we learned in
2569s Alpha One what player feedback has been
2571s along the way and how we can
2574s um uh create a compelling system of of
2578s combat between these very different
2580s classes and weapon types
2583s um and and that is that is something
2584s that I think as you guys see now our
2587s progress towards range combat to me it's
2589s feeling really good I I'm enjoying
2591s playing it I like the feeling of of
2593s getting in and um and taking these shots
2595s with these bows I love the sound I'm
2597s loving the environment I'm loving the
2599s impact hits on the creatures there's a
2602s lot of work still to be done on visual
2603s effects on on more sound and and kind of
2607s on um you know these abilities and how
2609s they flow but things are feeling fluid
2611s they're not cumbersome you're not having
2613s to stand still and be rooted in place
2616s and you know you still keep a lot of the
2618s agency even between tab Target or action
2621s combat mode both of them are letting the
2623s player move freely throughout uh their
2626s attacks
2627s all right and then
2630s um I think from the video perspective
2632s you did try to explain a little bit of
2634s this but uh kind of a clear
2635s understanding of how the auto attack
2637s Works versus like the abilities and how
2640s you see those things intertwining how
2641s you see people using the auto attacks
2644s versus the abilities obviously the ones
2647s here didn't have cooldowns as Trad said
2648s but um in the future they will yeah
2651s absolutely so it's important to note
2654s that auto attacks in previous MMOs that
2657s many of us have played kind of serve as
2660s a filler between rotations
2663s um and as your rotation's gone cool down
2666s you go to your fellow filler Auto
2668s attacks that's not the intent in ashes
2670s of creation ashes of creation has
2673s separate and bespoke
2675s um weapons skill trees that you develop
2678s over time when you gain experience uh in
2682s using these particular weapon types
2683s these weapon groups and those skill
2686s trees provide a lot of of Versatility
2690s both horizontal and vertical power
2693s progression sorry do you hear the
2694s doorbell in the background yeah we all
2696s do everyone in chat's like pizza's here
2700s I'm so sorry guys this is unintended and
2703s unexpected for me to be here
2705s um uh for the stream yes come on in I'm
2707s sorry
2712s I'm so sorry guys
2714s um but anyways the weapon skill trees
2716s are intended to provide a lot of synergy
2718s between your rotational abilities and
2722s the weapon type that you've chosen
2725s um and as you progress you're going to
2727s be able to influence things like number
2729s of attacks speed of those attacks procs
2732s that occur on those attacks status
2734s conditions that can be applied to the
2735s Target based on these basic attacks and
2738s then when you see those things proc and
2740s happen on the target that's when you use
2743s certain rotational abilities in your
2746s class kit to complement those proc
2749s effects right so you're you're watching
2751s out you might get a telegraph through
2752s animation maybe your character does an
2755s odd type of release on the on the weapon
2758s uh animation Attack and that tells you
2760s oh I'm procking on this attack let me
2762s now go use this ability that has a 30
2765s upswing on power or damage because
2768s they're under under a certain status
2769s effect that's granted by my my weapon
2773s ability
2774s all right and then we had a question
2778s from
2779s yoga who is asking will Rangers be uh
2782s required to carry arrows and I saw a lot
2785s of other people asking about uh will we
2787s have arrows or will Crafters have to
2789s craft arrows things of that sort just
2792s um you so we are not tracking ammunition
2795s in the game
2796s um I'm not sure how much that brings
2799s um to gameplay uh not much usually it's
2803s just a cumbersome tracking that you have
2806s to do I I kind of attribute it to
2808s similarly in tabletop RPGs when I have
2812s to have my players track their bolts or
2814s their arrows you know how many they've
2816s used and I used to be a real Stiffler on
2819s the uh the DM side of it where you know
2821s especially at low levels where they
2823s would fire an attack release an arrow in
2825s D and D or in Pathfinder or something
2827s and if they miss they would roll a 50
2829s chance of whether they could recover the
2831s ammunition I know Stephen I've been
2833s there I was one of those people
2836s you did this to me sometimes that's fun
2839s if the party's low but no I'm sorry an
2841s MMO gameplay it just doesn't make sense
2843s it's not that interesting we are however
2845s with that being said we are thinking
2848s about unique
2851s um Buffs that can be applied to your uh
2854s weapons uh that are on a per instance
2857s basis of the attack so for example you
2859s might have a quiver that you can
2861s activate on a cooldown
2864s and that quiver might apply some type of
2867s Rider effect on the basic weapon attack
2870s that you have equipped or you might have
2873s some type of alchemical consumable that
2877s applies it to your melee weapon those I
2880s think are interesting because they add
2881s an element of horizontal gameplay
2884s um depending on the adversary you're
2886s facing or the challenge you're up
2888s against
2889s all right and the next question here is
2892s our Bose hit scan or projectile based
2895s they are projectile based and then we
2898s have oh go ahead you'll notice that in
2901s the video uh when I switch to the action
2904s combat uh reticle mode I was able to
2908s fire the bow uh as a blind fire
2912s um and I didn't need to have a Target in
2914s order to do that that's one of the
2915s differences between Tab and action
2918s combat mode is that you can launch
2920s projectiles in the action combat mode as
2923s a blindfire option and if a Target or if
2927s something moves in the way between time
2930s um between the time of that projectile
2932s launching and impacting uh uh it's
2934s either max distance or a piece of
2937s terrain or another Target it's possible
2939s that players might move into that
2941s um uh into their projectile range yeah
2943s and you saw like the projectile sitting
2945s on like whatever it landed on for a
2947s little drop it there too which is really
2949s cool
2950s um I forwarded it to the to show the
2952s case that as you were talking about it
2954s so hopefully that lined up with what he
2957s was saying
2958s um and then we have from Valiant salad
2959s which is just a hilarious name to begin
2961s with I love it
2963s um they asked if a ranger doesn't have a
2965s bow equipped can they still use their
2967s air strike like would they still be able
2969s to use certain abilities even if they
2970s didn't have their bow equipped some
2972s abilities will require that certain
2974s pieces of equipment are equipped
2976s um that's true for melee abilities like
2978s a shield bash requiring a shield to be
2980s equipped or certain ranged abilities
2982s requiring a ranged weapon to be equipped
2984s as well
2985s um it's important to note that as part
2986s of the ashes of creation paper doll you
2989s have a melee main hand an offhand slot
2992s and then you have a ranged slot as well
2995s so you don't have to switch between
2997s weapons per se if you execute an ability
3000s that requires a ranged weapon but you
3002s have your melee weapon out it will
3004s automatically swap to the range rep and
3006s use the Ability and then back to your
3007s melee weapon for your basic attack
3009s should you choose and then you can
3011s select which weapon you want to have
3013s available your melee or your range for
3014s the basic attack and you can swap
3016s between those two even in combat um but
3018s they're they're still equipped one other
3020s thing I want to point out about ranged
3021s combat and projectile based Action
3025s Target mode is take for example a
3028s situation in a Siege where you might be
3030s on top of a wall
3032s um and you might acquire a Target
3034s through tab that you see and by the way
3037s when you're in reticle mode you can
3039s still use tab to cycle through hard
3041s targets you have this differential
3043s between soft target lock and hard target
3045s lock Hard Target tracks the target when
3048s even if you're in reticle mode it tracks
3049s that Target you can use abilities
3051s against that Target as if you were in
3053s tab mode and if you have let's say
3057s you're on that wall and you're shooting
3058s down at enemies who are just out of
3061s range you can fire those projectile
3063s miles off at the ground and if they move
3065s within range and in that area they'll be
3067s impacted by the projectile
3070s all right and then it's no me wants to
3072s know can you swap the bow in between
3074s your combos uh like if you're doing
3076s quick shot and swap to a different uh
3078s bow to maximize mobility and DPS
3082s yeah so you can always hot weapon swap
3084s um even in combat but you can't swap
3086s your armor and gear
3089s um nothing that's in a hand or range
3090s slot um if you're in combat
3093s all right and then another e98 wants to
3096s know how is a melee supposed to catch up
3098s to a ranger running away from them if
3099s they're full speed so like if a Rangers
3101s lost my super mobile what are the melees
3104s options in order to catch them it
3107s depends on the melee user right
3110s um obviously different class kits will
3112s provide different Gap closers they'll
3113s provide different Mobility skills
3115s they'll have lockdowns they'll have
3117s chains to pull back they'll have a lot
3119s of different things in the rotation
3120s right
3122s um
3122s you know that's part of what an MMORPG
3125s experience is you're not just restricted
3127s to three or six skills you know you have
3129s a rotational suite and depending on the
3132s type of challenges you face is going to
3134s help determine which of those rotations
3136s you spec into from your skill tree if
3139s you're having problems against Rangers
3141s because they're constantly getting away
3142s then it's probably a good idea for you
3145s to spec into abilities that lock the
3147s Target down that give you Mobility or
3150s that allow you to have a Zone control
3153s within the battlefield
3155s all right
3157s um and then folks were wondering do I
3159s have to have a Target in my Crosshair to
3161s use snipe or quick shot
3165s um for for abilities
3166s it depends on the ability
3170s if the ability requires a Target yes you
3173s will be required to have a Target even
3175s in the action mode if the ability
3177s however is a templated attack such as a
3179s line attack or AOE attack a cone attack
3183s those will not require you to have a
3185s Target you can fire those anticipating
3188s movement of an individual or Target
3189s within the zone of of effect
3193s and then
3194s um
3195s I think there was questions in regards
3197s to
3199s um the bow and the or the Longbow versus
3202s the short bow are there different ranges
3204s damages like what's the difference
3206s between the two of them yeah I mean the
3209s cool thing about our approach for
3211s weapons within ashes of creation
3214s is that
3216s weapons don't ju they're not just stat
3218s sticks right they have different feels
3221s as was demonstrated both in the melee
3224s examples with the Great Sword and the
3227s daggers as well as now with the Longbow
3229s and the short bow these changes can be
3232s pacing they could be speed they can be
3235s critical rates they can be critical
3238s damage they can be base damage values
3240s they can be
3242s um separate effects like the Longbow has
3245s a charge up on its basic attack whereas
3247s the short Pro doesn't
3248s um there's more Motion in the great
3250s sword and then there is necessarily in
3253s the daggers you know the idea is because
3256s each weapon type has an Associated
3259s weapon tree for progression we almost
3263s want each of these weapon groups to feel
3266s distinct in the way they play and
3268s because of that it touches a lot of
3270s different aspects of a combat for them
3275s um and I think the last one is kind of I
3277s see a lot of conversation in regards to
3279s this is
3280s um what and I know you talked about a
3282s little earlier about what the benefits
3284s are for Tab versus
3287s um action I feel like a lot of people
3288s feel like tab is just easier so why
3290s would I use
3292s you know uh action so I don't know if
3295s you want to kind of go into a little bit
3296s more detail about the benefits of one
3298s over the other so we talked a little bit
3300s about the ability to Blind fire not
3303s requiring a Target in order to shoot
3304s right that's one of the benefits um and
3307s the differences you know what do you
3309s mean by that too is that you can shoot
3311s without having to have a Target in
3313s regard for Action combat but that
3315s doesn't mean it's gonna like help Beacon
3318s honing go find the target so keep that
3320s in mind folks right so that that is a
3323s component
3324s um the the other thing is you know a lot
3326s of it can be playstyle as well
3328s um you know different players prefer
3330s different modes of combat
3333s um and for a lot of action players
3334s having that reticle having the camera
3336s tied
3337s um to the movement of the curse or the
3339s movement of the of the mouse that is an
3341s element that they want to incorporate if
3344s you were to ask me do we lean more
3346s towards tab or more towards action in
3349s the past I've always said we lean more
3350s towards tap targeting but that doesn't
3353s mean there is not a playstyle of action
3355s that provides the user
3358s um some benefits to it now there are
3360s some downsides to it as well
3363s um and those downsides might be that if
3365s you're in a massive brawl the ability to
3367s pick and choose targets that are far in
3369s the back line that might might be more
3371s advantageous towards tab Target users
3374s because they're able to click but the
3375s reaction time to acquire a target for a
3378s cursor versus acquiring a target for a
3380s reticle is much faster and less
3382s cumbersome because it doesn't require as
3384s many actions on behalf of the user such
3386s as finding the nameplate clicking on it
3389s to acquire the target then activating
3391s the ability whereas with a reticle
3393s option all you need to do is Orient your
3395s camera towards that Target and fire off
3397s the missile or fire off the attack
3399s um you know that is a component as well
3403s I think we'd be here all day if we
3405s answered all the questions but we do
3407s have a forum thread over on our forums
3409s uh if you go to
3410s forms.ashesofcreation.com we do have a
3413s basic range attack updates uh thread
3415s over there please head on over there
3417s give us our feedback Steven specifically
3419s is asking for things that you liked so
3421s from looking at this video what are the
3423s things that you like from it and then
3425s also telling us your experience from
3426s other games or or experiences in regards
3429s to arranger classes that you would like
3431s to see and experience in ashes of
3432s creation and both of those pieces we
3434s will be putting together a report and
3436s sending that over to our development
3438s team so that they can take that into
3440s consideration as they move forward
3441s obviously they will make the decisions
3443s they want for the game that they're
3444s making but we always like to hear your
3446s guys's feedback and take that into
3447s account when we're creating things and
3449s making sure that we're all on the same
3450s page in regards to what we're wanting to
3453s do
3455s um so with that I think we're gonna move
3456s on to the character art stuff unless you
3458s have anything else you want to add
3459s Stephen
3461s no just everything you said right
3463s providing that feedback is very
3464s important
3465s um give us your thoughts analyze the
3467s video talk about the things you like and
3469s the things you dislike
3470s um talk about you know make sure to
3472s include both it's very important that we
3474s understand
3475s um where the strengths lie and where the
3477s feedback is important right
3480s um so make sure you guys are doing that
3482s on we're going to be uploading this to
3483s YouTube shortly after the stream you I
3485s think you guys already did that uh
3487s Margaret yeah I'm prepared and that'll
3489s go live that'll be in 4k so you get to
3491s see the full glory of the map and the
3493s environment and and you can um you can
3497s just see I mean really it is it is
3499s awe-inspiring the the the talent of
3501s artistry that we have on this team and
3503s and um it's always fun to see oh my gosh
3507s are we just give you the cacophony of
3509s noises from your from here hotel room
3513s um we'll move on to our character update
3517s then uh some of which you've seen some
3519s of the things in game but we will switch
3521s over there so first yeah first and
3524s foremost we have the these lovely
3528s um snake folk this is a najash tribe
3531s which is pretty cool
3533s definitely check them out I'm excited
3535s for you guys to see these when they
3536s animate it's going to be really cool
3538s they're in a t-pose obviously we show a
3541s lot of our models in these states
3543s um but yes
3546s very very cool this is something that
3549s Danny worked on which looks awesome I'm
3552s excited to fight them you guys will have
3554s to tell us what kind of abilities you'd
3556s like to see them having
3557s next up we have our living statue night
3562s and I have a couple different versions
3564s of this so you can see them but this is
3566s from Eli you can kind of see them
3567s falling apart too the pieces of them
3569s which is really cool and then also when
3572s they're all combined into one piece
3574s but
3576s very neat
3578s welcome back we're looking at the living
3580s statue we just finished looking at the
3582s Josh tribe uh loving These Guys these
3586s will be a lot of fun
3587s um did you talk about
3589s the placement and and kind of Origins
3593s I have not for this or or these guys if
3595s you want to go over that stuff so these
3598s are where the living statues we're
3600s talking about uh well we went over the
3602s snake folks and then uh also
3604s so
3606s um obviously as you guys know the the
3608s world is is Rich with um
3612s um with history and lore and and part of
3614s this is enemy factions and you're seeing
3616s with the najash
3618s um these there's some there's some
3620s stories behind this that you'll
3621s experience in Alpha 2
3623s um with these creatures and
3625s understanding kind of their origin where
3627s they came from where they inhabit now
3629s um there's a deep city that has been
3632s um
3633s um destroyed but also preserved under a
3636s significant amount of magma
3639s um and it's it's really it is a really
3643s fun
3644s um fun idea but these are examples of a
3646s of an NPC faction right so you're not
3649s just gonna see we talked about this in
3650s the past you're seeing the models now
3651s they're not always going to be cobras
3653s some are going to be
3654s um rattlesnakes some are going to be uh
3656s you know mambas they're going to be
3658s different variants that are represented
3660s as part of these serpent races
3662s um and then lastly it's working on this
3665s one
3666s oh perfect okay and then lastly you see
3669s that um
3670s the living statue that has
3674s um uh essentially these are were once
3677s protectors that got turned into
3681s um adversaries uh and you'll be facing
3683s them as you kind of progress throughout
3685s the ruins of the of the Ancient World
3688s um that once inhabited uh uh Vera uh and
3691s they're they're gonna have some unique
3692s and interesting animations
3695s um that that almost look you know my my
3698s desire for these is that they almost
3700s feel a bit cumbersome in their movement
3702s a bit stop-motiony kind of
3705s um I think that's going to look pretty
3706s cool so we'll see how animation deals
3708s with that
3709s I love it they look pretty sick so I'm
3712s excited to see that come to fruition Eli
3714s did a great job
3715s oh yeah and then we've got our zombie
3719s shambler you know moving ourselves into
3721s the October realm of things uh this is
3724s by gin C which looks awesome
3727s I believe I have a turntable for them I
3729s do I do
3732s if you don't like creepy stuff I'm sorry
3734s but look at her tummies
3738s yes
3740s you can't you can't have a good fantasy
3744s without some good on debt
3746s and these guys are definitely compelling
3749s especially if you consider the
3751s atmospherics and the zone that they'll
3753s be placed and the the you know creepy
3756s nature of their surroundings also as
3759s many of you guys know we like to play a
3762s lot with ground uh based NPCs having
3766s them kind of unseeable and if you walk
3769s past maybe a grave or something their
3771s hand comes out and grabs you like you
3774s know those are those are fun yeah a
3777s little surprise a little you know
3779s shocker for you and we have these
3782s ghostly
3784s um armor Folk
3788s which I think I have uh images of the
3790s armors too but
3794s very very neat
3797s yeah these guys look good I think did
3799s Keith do these I believe Keith did them
3802s yep
3803s yeah these guys are pretty cool
3806s um you don't see it here but
3808s there are bodies that are spectral uh or
3812s ethereal in nature
3814s um they will have some effects that kind
3817s of pulsate glow and move
3819s um to kind of show that more ethereal
3821s aspect of them
3823s um I think they'll uh they're going to
3824s look pretty good yeah they already look
3827s pretty awesome and then we Priscilla one
3830s of our newer artists created the Sable
3833s tooth which is the Little Cub from one
3835s of our previous sets
3837s they're cute
3839s oh I love these guys
3844s those are great so if you got that
3847s you'll this is a little pet that you'll
3849s get and you'll see these in the world
3851s too
3852s sorry it looks like it looks like a mix
3854s between a quarter
3856s weird lion
3858s you've got that longer body or maybe
3860s it's like a liger it yeah it was kind of
3862s like going with the Corgi butt like
3864s short legs but like the tiger body that
3867s was kind of what I think this is one I
3868s designed before with the witherings
3872s yeah I like them and then of course we
3875s had the shaman that you saw in games
3877s Steven kind of like showed you a
3878s close-up but like you saw the concepts
3880s last month the concerts were pretty sick
3883s but then you see how good they look like
3886s the models are just badass and then you
3888s get to see them in game with the
3889s lighting too and our artist Stephen
3891s always says and I think we've reiterated
3893s a million times just from concept to
3896s fruition just like I mean it's stunning
3899s so absolutely
3904s but I know sometimes it's fun to see the
3907s full 3d because it's hard to see it when
3908s you're in game sometimes because we're
3910s running around doing things
3912s I know I tried to give a nice little
3913s close-up shot for it yeah in the level I
3917s cheated a little bit there too I turned
3919s myself friendly with the monsters
3922s you switch sides how dare you
3925s and then of course this is uh one of the
3928s Shields and I think there's a staff as
3930s well that Chris made yeah
3934s spear not a staff
3938s and then I think we have an image of I
3942s don't have it in here then we're going
3945s to show you we've shown you the empyrean
3947s concepts and I believe last time we
3950s showed you just the head model for them
3952s but um now you're seeing the model the
3956s full we're going to show you the full
3957s model for the Imperium so this is
3963s the female this is the male
3966s and obviously you'll have customization
3967s options with your characters these are
3969s just kind of like the starting point for
3972s where we're going with them
3974s the vibe yeah there'll be of course you
3976s guys have seen their character creator
3978s and it's a work in progress altitude
3981s State
3982s um but there will be lots of
3983s customization options
3985s um many of which are very specific uh
3987s like the types of tattoos and hairstyles
3989s right
3990s um but there's a lot there's a lot there
3992s these are the base base models
3996s um Chris did I think it was Atkins right
3998s did it yeah I think this is Chris yeah
4000s yeah did a great job
4002s revamping these with Manny doing some of
4004s the concept and helping bring a little
4007s bit of stylization to the models which
4009s he's done a great job with that which
4011s you all saw before and give us tons of
4012s feedback on so we'll we've definitely
4014s been incorporating some of that next up
4017s we have the klar speaking of Manny these
4020s are Concepts so keep that in mind these
4022s are Concepts that we're showing for the
4023s next two so this is kind of the
4025s direction we're going for the klar last
4027s time you got to see the velune which was
4029s kind of our first reveal of the new
4031s Valiant look and renkai and some of
4033s those things so if you didn't watch that
4034s definitely go check out our previous
4036s updates we always kind of share a little
4038s progression as we go forward but
4041s um this is the kind of the direction for
4043s the Kayla which is very different from
4045s the velune
4047s yes absolutely I mean this is
4051s more traditional humans right uh that's
4054s present in the games we come to love and
4056s expect
4058s um and the velune we talked a little bit
4059s about in the past is having a more gen
4061s ancestry that's going to be more
4063s pronounced in their models when you guys
4065s get to see that in the future
4067s um a little bit more Arcane elements to
4070s them
4070s um so it's like a mixture of gin and
4073s human which I think would be interesting
4075s which they look beautiful they're
4077s stunning if you didn't see that highly
4079s recommend going back and watching our
4080s update from last month and then of
4082s course we have the nikuen and
4086s um this is their male and female
4088s Concepts you've seen a couple different
4090s Renditions of them
4092s um I know Steven has continually gone
4093s back and forth with the artist in
4095s regards to the new direction for some of
4098s these races so I don't know if you want
4100s to talk a little bit about this because
4101s this is a little a little different than
4103s what they've seen in the past again
4104s concept
4106s um
4107s yeah absolutely I mean
4110s um you know we've talked about it in the
4113s past we wanted to take a little bit of a
4114s different approach
4116s um Manny's been doing a great job in
4117s adding some stylization elements into
4119s these into these uh player character
4121s races
4122s um and you know this these are the types
4125s of of differences we want to have
4128s between our two different Dwarven
4129s influenced
4131s um uh player character races uh and
4134s there's a lot here that's inspired from
4136s Polynesian culture
4138s um which I think has been captured very
4140s well as part of the uh uh the concepts
4142s that mayonnaise revamped and it's going
4145s to be awesome to see these come into
4146s model form
4148s yeah they're looking really cool
4151s so we have a lot of different varieties
4153s um between all of our races so we hope
4156s that you all have been enjoying seeing
4159s the progression of them you're getting
4160s to kind of follow along the Journey of
4162s creating these races I don't think you
4165s know most games you're not you don't get
4167s to see the progression and have feedback
4168s along the way and see all the different
4170s iterations of the races that they take
4172s whereas like here you're actually
4174s getting to see that it's a lot more work
4175s than you think and then on top of that
4177s you don't even want to know how many
4178s animations per every single one has to
4181s go and the teams have to do so much work
4184s in regards to that when it comes to
4185s combat because you have to think about
4186s the transition from when you're standing
4188s to when you go into combat and then all
4190s the different moves that you're doing
4191s and the transitions between those it
4193s gets a little crazy but we appreciate
4196s you all being patient with us and
4197s following our journey and we're really
4199s just trying to make a game that we're
4201s all going to love and play and enjoy for
4202s years to come
4204s absolutely and it's and it's been as you
4206s said such a a great experience having
4209s you guys along
4211s um this journey with us
4213s um it isn't something as Margaret said
4214s that a lot of people have an opportunity
4216s to watch the development of um in real
4218s time and you guys can go back you know
4221s part of the the luxury of having this
4223s transparent development process is you
4224s get to go back and look at what they
4227s were uh back in the day versus what they
4229s are today and how they progressed and
4232s that's always a fun experience it'll be
4233s cool when we do each of the races when
4235s we do videos for each of them we show
4237s like the first rendition of them back in
4239s like when you first started to now it's
4242s gonna be so cool to see the the changes
4244s from them
4245s I can't I'm I'm you know every now and
4247s then I I think of and I kind of
4250s storyboard in my mind out the journey
4253s from there to here you know yeah
4257s create that kind of experience as a
4259s video and boy is that gonna be one crazy
4262s undertaking to make that and show
4264s everyone who hasn't been part of this
4266s journey with us but will come when the
4268s game launches that they get to look back
4271s and say wow you know this is where they
4273s came from this is this is the iteration
4276s time this is how things changed over
4278s time and just to see that is uh is
4282s really is really interesting I think is
4285s really it's fun yeah and of course uh
4289s we're gonna talk a little bit of our
4290s studio update so I'll kind of hand it
4291s over to you Stephen if you want to talk
4293s a little bit about that and then we'll
4294s get into our final q a from the forums
4296s and we'll be wrapping up today's stream
4298s so we appreciate you all bearing with us
4301s because it's a long one
4302s yeah the the studio update's pretty
4304s short and sweet um you know we we are
4307s we're keeping our heads down right now
4308s working towards Alpha two
4310s um there's been a lot of great progress
4312s on the design engineering and art teams
4314s um towards that end
4316s um a lot of
4320s we picked up some good hires this month
4322s um We are continuing to have open
4324s positions on our website which the
4326s community team has posts updates for
4329s um uh every now and then across our
4330s socials uh make sure to help us spread
4333s that word
4334s um and you know I think come the end of
4337s the year and the beginning of next year
4339s we're going to have another significant
4340s hiring push uh again to bring on a lot
4343s of more talented uh artists engineers
4345s and designers on the team
4347s um and you know I couldn't be more happy
4350s with with the state of of development
4354s right now for the game things are in a
4357s in the best place they've been uh since
4359s we started this journey
4361s yeah you've been on a long journey
4364s at the same time it's like you blink in
4366s and spend I'm like I've almost been here
4368s for four years it's crazy I know I'm
4371s still I and I love it obviously I'm
4373s still here so if that's a good education
4376s um but yeah we have our q a so if you
4379s submitted form questions your answer
4381s might be answered but if it doesn't get
4383s answered here we also do answer a lot of
4385s our questions
4386s um over on the forums or we direct you
4389s to where you can get the answers from
4391s um
4392s my team is amazing Brian Cody do a
4395s fantastic job Cody goes through every
4398s single question that you submit so probs
4400s to vacnar
4402s and give him some love if you haven't
4404s yet because he reads every single
4406s comment in that thread so first up we
4408s has jesber uh from uh talking about
4411s weapon animations and the question is
4413s how will animations work while dual
4415s wielding weapons of a a different type
4418s for example an ax and a dagger or B
4421s different weapon speeds
4423s yeah so
4426s um dual weapons will have their own
4428s animation sets
4430s um and most of those will be based there
4433s will be a limited selection of which
4434s weapons can be dual weapons right
4436s players will make that selection they'll
4438s create those dual weapons as as bespoke
4441s single items that when equipped will
4444s occupy both the main and offhand
4447s um
4447s and then how we handle the tax feeds is
4450s we offer animations at a particular
4452s speed and then we adjust that with a
4454s modifier based on uh whatever is
4456s influencing that either increase or slow
4458s down in speed
4460s all right and then our next question is
4462s from leoloni from this uh from the
4465s forums as well and wanting to know about
4466s Summoner and archetypes so Summoner has
4469s been said to fill in the gaps in a
4471s party's role composition what exactly
4473s does that mean in practice are they
4475s capable of specking to be peer DPS pure
4478s heels or pure tank or instead are they
4480s supposed to be doing all three at a
4483s lesser level as needed
4485s it depends on the summon that they
4488s bring out
4490s um they will have a variety
4492s down
4494s of summon options and
4497s they will have supporting uh abilities
4500s that enhance the role of that particular
4503s summon or
4505s that can hybridize the role of that
4508s Summit based on the ability they cast on
4510s the summit or support by attacking by
4512s casting on the target either
4514s so it is it is something that is
4517s flexible based on the Summoner and then
4520s when you choose
4522s a secondary archetype as your um as your
4526s total class that as a as a primary
4528s seminar that will influence which
4531s category your summons perform best as a
4535s role so if you go with a secondary
4537s archetype for your class selection
4539s that's more DPS oriented
4542s this summons uh from a role category
4545s perspective will be DPS summons you'll
4547s still have the flexibility but it won't
4549s be as strong as if you had chosen a
4551s support or a tank roll uh and the summon
4555s benefits you would have as a result of
4556s those secondary choices
4560s all right and then karthos from the
4562s forums would like to know about ships in
4564s the weather showcase stream which if you
4566s haven't watched you should go watch it
4568s it our weather system so far is amazing
4570s and it's even crazier now the stuff that
4572s they're doing like please go watch it
4575s um uh you hinted at weather impacting
4578s ships could this also indicate that
4580s ships can have status effects such as
4582s being on fire
4584s oh yeah ships ships absolutely can have
4586s status effects a majority of the time
4588s those status effects will be conferred
4590s based on weapon types that are being
4592s used against the ship
4594s um or encounters that the ships are
4595s facing those can be weather-based or
4597s they can be NPC based
4599s um and then in addition uh weather can
4601s absolutely affect wind patterns at Sea
4604s as well and when patterns provide
4608s um the Ship Sails or the ship's movement
4610s speed certain advantages in certain
4612s directions so that kind of keeps the
4615s playing field uh Dynamic right they're
4618s not going to be in a certain area of the
4620s sea and always expect that when I turn
4623s you know horizontally in the world I'm
4625s going to move faster
4626s um uh because based on the weather
4629s pattern and the wind that's present that
4631s might change moment to moment
4633s all right and then zoos wants to know
4636s about Caravans what is the reason for
4639s requiring the destruction of a caravan
4641s by the attackers as opposed to the
4643s attackers gaining possession of the
4645s Caravan
4648s so
4651s it needs to be well to answer that
4654s question it needs to be a bit of an even
4655s playing field
4657s um I've experienced games where you can
4659s take control of that particular vehicle
4662s and while you can with ships with
4664s Caravans we really want to emphasize
4666s this idea of not necessarily stealing
4670s the vehicle but being forced to achieve
4673s Victory through destruction and when you
4676s do you then have the logistical issue of
4680s how you're going to transport those
4683s goods on your own rather than servicing
4686s the transport of that by just hijacking
4689s the opponents
4691s um there's also some gamification that
4693s can occur if you can just steal those
4695s things and take that that Caravan to a
4698s certain location we need these to become
4701s stolen good so to speak for a certain
4703s system and as a result of that you need
4706s to be able to loot the container and not
4709s necessarily turn it in we also don't
4711s have a means by which players would turn
4714s in another another player's Caravan at a
4718s caravansery as a pit stop or as a final
4720s destination because that would be a
4722s stolen Caravan also so we want to
4724s provide some Level Playing Field for the
4727s Caravan users who are transiting around
4730s the world a requirement on the
4733s attacker's end to actually succeed at
4735s destroying it rather than Ninja
4739s Caravan per se that's again not to say
4741s that that's not possible with ships
4743s ships are a different vehicle type uh
4745s and and have different rule sets as a
4748s result
4748s all right well when it comes to Caravans
4751s you wake up and you choose violence
4753s um
4760s across the world you don't have to kill
4762s people
4764s but if you want the loot no uh next up
4767s we have superheroes 67.85 uh who wants
4771s to know about shipbuilding will we be
4772s able to furnish our ships similar to
4775s housing
4776s [Music]
4777s um will you be able to furnish your
4779s ships similar to housing yeah
4783s they're absolutely attachments that can
4786s that can apply to the um to the ship and
4790s some of those are decorative in nature
4793s there are also slots that have
4797s um uh utility aspects to them as well
4800s but are also decorative
4803s all right interesting I'm excited to
4806s hear about that
4808s um because I think there's gonna be a
4808s follow-up question to that would be
4809s basically would you have like a
4811s Captain's Quarter and you can put like
4812s chairs and stuff in there or is this
4814s more of like a figurehead that you can
4815s swap out and like Weaponry that you can
4817s swap out the look figurehead right we
4820s are trying to stay away from internal
4822s compartments within the ships because
4824s that presents a whole different type of
4826s user interface and um uh flow that can
4830s be a bit cumbersome and problematic
4832s especially in combat and in closed
4835s spaces
4836s um so we're trying to stay away from
4838s that under deck aspect and keep things
4839s all on Deck
4841s um for better readability on the player
4843s side okay I just wanted to clarify
4845s hopefully that helps you guys out on the
4847s community side and then we have Oz Jack
4850s who wants to know about character
4851s progression is there going to be any
4852s form of dual specialization allowing us
4854s to switch between two setups of skills
4857s talents augments Etc
4860s foreign two setups of skills and yeah
4864s let's say I'm a ranger and I want to be
4866s more respect towards one thing and then
4868s later I'm decided I want to be specked a
4870s different way save the top yeah yeah
4872s that's that that is a uh convenience uh
4877s component right
4878s um you know we're giving you the ability
4880s to respect so why not also give you the
4882s ability to save specs
4884s um so that you when you do respect
4886s you're not having to uh go through the
4889s monotony of finding the the skills that
4892s you're trying to spec into yeah that's
4893s going to be uh um a convenience
4897s um uh option that will be available to
4899s players now will this be something that
4901s is easily done because I know in the
4903s past we've said like we don't want you
4905s to be able to just change on the Fly
4906s immediately to be you'll need to be in
4909s town for the respect right uh and that's
4911s we're talking about secondary um excuse
4914s me I'm talking about secondary but also
4917s your primary abilities that you respect
4919s into
4920s um those will need to be in town as well
4921s so either way you won't be able to do it
4923s on the Fly you're not going to be out in
4924s the open and at a raid and I need to be
4926s this spec now and be able to change it's
4928s going to be have to be something that
4929s you strategically have chosen due to
4932s what you know is ahead of you out in
4934s adventuring and you're respecting for
4936s that reason but when you do you'll have
4938s safe specs that you can spec into when
4939s you're at that NPC okay I just wanted to
4942s clarify because it was a little
4943s different than what we said in the past
4945s all right and then drunk ninja uh wants
4947s to know about Coastal nodes well nodes
4949s located on Islands be easily accessible
4952s at the start of the game or will it be
4954s racist races like players running for
4958s players to gain access to ships to
4959s explore potential uh Island node
4962s locations
4964s well you are able to swim so you don't
4967s necessarily need it no running
4969s underwater you'll swim you can actually
4972s swim
4973s um to answer that question
4975s um it's the same with all notes right
4977s there are nodes that are going to be
4979s located uh at Great distances from the
4982s starting locations some of those
4984s distances will be separated by water
4987s um and if it is a goal of some
4989s individuals to help seed those that
4993s node's progression earlier than what
4996s might be located closer to the starting
4998s areas then they'll have to incorporate
5001s strategies to direct player movement and
5004s heat into those areas so that they get a
5008s faster start than the nodes that might
5011s be located closer to the starting area
5013s okay and then anarchs wants to know
5015s about Stealth mechanics will it be
5017s possible for any player to hide their
5019s character's name and Guild plate through
5021s the use of non-pay to win means and just
5024s to reiterate to you guys we have no
5026s plans of doing any pay to win things
5027s anything that is in our shop will all be
5030s cosmetic and not things that give you
5033s power or any benefit of that sort no no
5035s pay to win no pay to convenience
5038s um yeah so
5039s to answer that question
5041s there are some ideas that we have about
5045s um
5047s disguises for characters that
5049s incorporate name plates and guilds
5052s um there's also the same thing we or
5055s disguises of
5058s um of uh Caravans and ships whether or
5061s not they're holding a full Hall of goods
5064s uh whether they can mitigate the
5066s distance between the notification area
5068s of a caravan moving past you or not
5071s um there there are some ideas that we
5073s have about that but I'm not ready to
5075s expand on that quite yet
5077s um because we haven't vetted those those
5080s designs yeah so stay tuned for Alpha 2
5083s as we give updates on that and of course
5087s add new new things to the builds when we
5090s when we have that live
5091s um and give us your feedback that's per
5093s usual next up we have schwann36 wanting
5097s to know about Mariner classes this is
5098s specifically ships by leveling a
5101s piloting uh Mariner class will two
5104s identical ships have different speeds
5106s needs and turning abilities based on
5109s their Pilot's level
5111s so
5113s the benefits of having
5115s Mariner expertise
5118s is not just
5121s related to activities you can do on the
5124s ships but will also incorporate skills
5127s that become available when you're
5128s piloting ships as well so these there's
5130s a few things that Mariner classes
5132s provide
5133s interaction with attachments on the ship
5136s driving the ship itself
5138s utilizing the ship's components like
5141s furling the sails or not uh is also and
5144s as well as repairing ships when damage
5146s is taken the speed at which you can do
5148s it the health you regenerate when you do
5150s it those things all get influenced by
5152s your Mariner class skill
5154s um and the more you interact with it the
5156s more experience you gain the better
5157s you'll become
5158s all right and our last question is from
5161s lashing about seasons are ocean and
5164s underwater areas going to have seasonal
5166s changes
5168s oceans ocean and underwater areas will
5171s not have seasonal changes no oh okay
5174s all right well with that that is our
5177s final question from the forums if you
5180s did not get your question answered here
5181s it might be one that we already answered
5183s in the past so definitely check out our
5185s Forum post vachner is always great about
5188s tagging folks and letting them know
5189s where they can find the answer in some
5190s cases giving you the answer they put a
5193s lot of work into that so please please
5195s check it out and of course uh you know
5197s as um reminders of things that we have
5200s going on we do have quite a few things
5202s that we'd like your feedback on so if
5204s you go to forums.ashes of creation.com
5206s you can check it out and give us all
5208s your feedback we have basic range attack
5209s feedback that we're looking for we have
5211s Gathering and PVP feedback we have a
5213s follow-up question we have quite a few
5215s follow-up questions in regards to the
5216s event system so if you have not gone
5218s over and posted in those threads please
5220s do because we will be compiling those
5222s shortly so we'd love to get your
5224s feedback as quickly as possible and of
5226s course if you would like to help us
5228s build the world of Vera you can head on
5230s over and purchase the order of the
5232s Giants Slayer cosmetics and annual those
5235s will be swapping over October 12 2022 at
5237s 11AM to the new set and with that don't
5241s forget that we will be uploading this
5243s video as well as we'll have the 4K video
5245s today and then tomorrow we'll have like
5247s the full Dev update video that will go
5249s up
5250s um but if you leave us a comment on the
5251s full Dev update video uh and you're
5254s subscribed to our Channel you could
5256s possibly get your comment spotlighted
5258s for our next live stream so definitely
5260s do so because it's going to be a live
5262s stream and quite Spooktacular so you'll
5265s want to do so that that's right it's
5268s October yeah what you got to think of
5270s your costume Stephen oh can I just be
5273s the same thing I was last year you can
5275s be whatever you want to be
5277s and of course follow us over on Twitter
5280s Facebook Instagram Snapchat all the
5282s places we post almost daily a ton of
5285s great content so if you would like to
5287s follow us interact with us over there
5288s we'd love to hang out with you and chat
5290s with you guys over on the forums and
5292s Discord we're on there daily as well so
5294s come chat with us give us your feedback
5296s and of course uh we'll see you next
5299s month right here twitch.tv ashes of
5301s creation on our twitch channel for
5303s another Dev update and we have a lot of
5306s things coming up next month and you know
5308s announcements you know I know people are
5310s excited about extra life and
5313s um interviews and stuff so stay tuned we
5316s will definitely be having some good
5318s goodies up on our social channels so um
5321s keep an eye out for those with that once
5324s again
5325s just wanted to say one last time I
5327s apologize for the delay did not expect
5330s to be in Vegas for today's stream
5332s um but I'm glad that uh the iPad camera
5335s worked it did you're a little yeah we
5339s only see you in a smaller slim box but
5345s I appreciate your patience and of course
5347s tuning in and remember feedback is so
5349s important
5350s um please after the stream is is
5352s finished look out on YouTube we'll host
5355s that to 4K version of the video that you
5357s guys saw today leave your comments there
5359s and and give us your feedback remember
5361s what you saw that was positive and what
5363s you saw that you'd like to see
5364s differently
5365s um those are two very good points of
5367s feedback all right thank you all for
5369s joining us we super duper appreciate it
5371s there's a lot of you today and a lot of
5373s new uh Chatters so we appreciate you
5375s coming in and joining us and of course
5377s thank you Stephen for your time and
5379s joining us even though your schedule's
5381s crazy and also I don't even know how
5383s many people rang the doorbell I'm sure
5384s someone's gonna make a counter for that
5386s how many pizzas did he order no I'm just
5389s kidding uh perfect
5392s stay safe and healthy and we will see
5395s you next month for a live stream that
5397s you will not want to miss toodles one
5401s [Music]
5424s thank you
5428s [Music]
over 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


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