Original Post — Direct link
Lets start this off by saying THIS FEATURE does not need to be a final iteration by ANY means and with a quick disclosure "for Data/Testing purposes" get 3s in now you may ask why 3s? I'm glad you asked...

1. A controlled environment
2. Quick combat sessions means ALOT of Data in short periods of time
3. Damage Values can be tuned for each Class/Sub class combination
4. Spell combos with both classes mixed will be able to find out quickly if things work together and what doesn't
5. Effects and Passives work Correctly
6. CC interactions
7. CC Duration bugs and DRs for PvP and open world can be explored there
8. If I get CCed will abilities go on CD if the cast/channel never went off or finished
9. How Dodging feels
10. Flow of Combat
11. Spell damage that may be overturned
12. How good Healing feels
13. Healing in stressful situations how does that feel
14. How easy or difficult is it to place skill shot based abilities
15. Do Buffs and Debuffs work
16. Make sure no one gets super speed after being stunned in a dash (new world had this)
17. If potions are allowed do they go on cd when CCed do they heal over time
18. Ability Bugs (they just might not work at all)
19. FPS drops from spells
20. Crashes from CCs and other things
21. How the UI feels and works for in healing

The list can go on obviously but you get my point. If the team doesn't want it to be about balancing spells damage it still will provide good data/statistics when players encounter these things. The spells not working or being funky will show very quickly and people can send in feedback reports to get bugs hashed out. Lastly my biggest reason i think it could be good is because it will have players using the combat system on a regular basis compared to wandering around the world and killing things. The Data should flow in much faster and may give higher accuracy on fixing bugs/spells/animations/crashes/ETC.

If you read all this just wanna say thank you hopefully this helps even a tiny amount.
over 2 years ago - Jindrack - Direct link
At first I thought the OP was just wanting to drop bombs from behind the arc in A2, Steph Curry style...