about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
17s | hello |
18s | everyone welcome we hope that you've all |
22s | had a amazing month I know it's been a |
25s | pretty eventful month for me uh but |
27s | Welcome to our glorious ashes of |
29s | creation January development update um |
32s | with me as always is the one and only |
34s | Steven Sharie our creative director and |
37s | of course |
38s | hello it has been so long Communications |
41s | I know it feels like for forever but uh |
44s | it's not it's only been a month I know I |
48s | I I'm I'm having a a Deja Vu between the |
51s | last January live stream where we talk |
52s | about how this is our longest spread |
54s | between live streams and it's been it's |
57s | actually it's been hasn't it been longer |
58s | than a month it's been almost it's been |
59s | 45 days this is a long month and I know |
62s | my audio is quiet so I will try to solve |
65s | that for you all I think I'm getting |
67s | spammed in regards to that oh okay |
70s | that's all good that's all good an extra |
71s | an extra two weeks can do that it's okay |
74s | you all don't want to hear from me |
75s | anyway you just want to hear from |
77s | Stephen uh oh that is not |
81s | true um |
84s | but yeah I don't know it's pretty |
85s | exciting um as always below you can see |
88s | what uh we have coming up so we have |
90s | reminders Caravan PVP and for those of |
93s | you follow us pretty closely you've |
96s | probably seen that um we have hopefully |
101s | this is fixing the audio let me do do |
104s | let me know if if I'm still quiet but I |
107s | think I've I think I've solved it |
111s | um definitely solved it for me all the |
115s | is it really loud sorry no no no it's |
117s | totally fine I can handle it |
121s | okay we've got the Caravan PVP Studio |
125s | update a little small small art update |
128s | and then questions and |
131s | answers it is it has been an exciting uh |
134s | last uh month or so as well um for those |
137s | of you who are unaware Margaret got |
139s | married I got married oh my goodness I'm |
143s | married now and then also I think you |
146s | announced just uh this last week that |
148s | having another member of the join soon |
151s | yeah I'm preo ego oh my goodness how |
155s | exciting it has been very eventful and |
159s | the wedding was probably the crazy I |
160s | mean Stephen was able to attend but it |
163s | was kind of the crazy thing it was |
165s | beautiful it was one of the most |
166s | beautiful things I've ever seen actually |
168s | I loved it it was so great I mean I know |
170s | that it was a it would must have been |
173s | just complete Mayhem for you and so |
175s | stressful for you but watching the |
177s | beauty of your close family and and |
180s | friends and being able privileged to be |
182s | there for that and coming together like |
184s | it did was something that was honestly a |
186s | once in a-lifetime experience it was |
188s | very beautiful it was like a Hallmark |
190s | movie it was pretty |
192s | crazy uh because for those of you who |
194s | don't know uh there's a huge storm that |
197s | happened in Tennessee so my fellow |
198s | Tennessee folks out there um we had the |
201s | biggest storm we've had in 15 years in |
203s | the area that I'm from we don't normally |
206s | get snow so it's very weird um so |
210s | they're not prepared for snow and it was |
212s | pretty pretty bad um so I don't want to |
216s | scare the audience |
218s | but |
220s | Intrepid there was a lot of key |
223s | stakeholder individuals in our car when |
226s | we were traveling down that hill to make |
228s | it to the wedding and then when we came |
230s | back that that that 45 degree Mountain |
234s | that we had to drive up in our |
236s | four-wheel drive jeep with like eight |
238s | people in the car it was black ice there |
240s | were cars like sliding down left and |
242s | right and were're like trying to |
243s | navigate past them it was |
246s | scary but we made it we made it and it |
249s | was all |
250s | good yeah so that is why we had to |
253s | cancel our wedding venue and our all of |
257s | our vendors cancelled like pretty much |
259s | all of our vendors cancelled it was um |
262s | pretty pretty chaotic for anybody who's |
264s | planned a wedding or hasn't planned a |
266s | wedding weddings are already stressful |
268s | as is |
271s | um yeah it happened we're okay it did it |
275s | was a lot of fun a lot of fun and we |
277s | have we have got a great show in store |
280s | for you guys I know you've been waiting |
281s | for some PVP um and and we're going to |
285s | get into that in just a moment here yeah |
288s | but before we do that as always we have |
289s | a little bit of a couple things a few |
291s | reminders and things of that sort to uh |
294s | walk through um the first and foremost |
297s | one is our Spotlight uh don't forget |
301s | that if you are subscribed to our |
303s | YouTube channel and follow us in all of |
305s | the places um if you subscribe to us on |
307s | YouTube and leave a comment on our Dev |
308s | update one specifically you could be |
310s | spotlighted or your comment could be and |
312s | so for today's Spotlight we have the |
315s | Lawrence 1970 who has said how will |
318s | weapon skills play into a class plus |
321s | subass I think hean he means IE here if |
324s | I will play a cleric Rogue I.E Shadow |
328s | disciple who uses a dag will I be able |
331s | to augment the dagger or the active |
333s | dagger skills too if yes how exactly |
336s | will they be augmented since in my |
338s | example with a shadow disciple the |
341s | augmented the augmentation solely |
342s | happens via the Rogue class but dagger |
345s | plus Rogue it's not clery will they be |
348s | augmentable by the main car main |
350s | archetype or even both okay this is I |
354s | think they're a little confused yeah |
355s | well okay let me let me clarify this is |
358s | a very uh B big and complex question so |
361s | let me just go through real quick um as |
363s | a reminder and obviously before I get |
365s | into that I just want to say um Lex at |
368s | the uh Ash's Wiki has done a great job |
371s | in compiling so much of the information |
372s | that we have over the years uh provided |
375s | with regards to the design of the game |
377s | um and always make sure you're utilizing |
380s | that resource when you have questions of |
381s | these types but you can also engage with |
383s | the community because there are a lot of |
385s | La uh long-standing members of the |
386s | community who are very familiar with the |
388s | game designs as well those things are |
390s | all subject to change because we're |
391s | still in active development but what I |
393s | will tell you is that the intent behind |
396s | the augment system is not to provide new |
399s | active abilities they're intended to |
402s | augment existing active abilities that |
404s | are provided through your primary |
406s | archetype and so your secondary Arch |
408s | type selection completes your class |
410s | selection of which there's 64 types and |
413s | you get augment skills that can apply |
415s | certain attributes and mechanics to your |
419s | ex excuse me existing active skills so |
423s | if you have certain abilities like a |
424s | backstab as a rogue primary archetype |
427s | and you take that healer uh secondary |
429s | archetype selection now the properties |
432s | of your backstab will still remain the |
434s | same as an active ability however it |
437s | might include things like life steal |
439s | right or it might include things like uh |
442s | susceptible weakness to the Target and R |
444s | reduces their healing because the the |
447s | definition of what those augments are |
448s | intended to provide based on the |
450s | archetype selected for the augments is |
453s | within the schools of magic that live |
455s | for that archetype so a cleric is about |
457s | you know balancing life and death and |
459s | the control of those types of hit points |
461s | now you mentioned also in there that |
463s | weapon skills and I'm not sure if you're |
464s | referring to primary abilities active |
468s | abilities that live in the arc types uh |
470s | um adventuring skill tree or if you're |
472s | talking about weapon skill trees weapon |
475s | skill trees are a little bit different |
476s | weapon skill trees are skill trees that |
478s | you can unlock and invest points into as |
481s | you continue to develop your experience |
482s | with certain weapon types certain weapon |
484s | groups like a dagger and when you're |
487s | doing your basic combo attack with those |
489s | weapons uh which is universal for all |
491s | classes anybody can use any type of |
493s | weapon because stats can be changed on |
495s | these weapon types um through crafting |
498s | and through drops uh there will be |
500s | certain proc effects that live on the |
502s | weapon skill tree as you Advan in them |
504s | and those proc effect effects will be |
506s | able to interact with your uh Arch type |
509s | skills |
510s | because they will have promotion type |
512s | effects that occur when they synergize |
514s | with one another so hopefully that |
515s | answers your question and gives you some |
517s | some insight there but always I would |
519s | recommend taking a look at the wiki uh |
521s | there's a lot of great information there |
523s | yes so thank you again to the Lawrence |
526s | 1970 for leaving us a wonderful comment |
529s | and of course again like I said um if |
531s | you leave a comment on our Dev update |
533s | you two could be spotlighted in our next |
535s | one and it has to be the full Dev update |
536s | one um then next up we've got Dev |
540s | discussion we have a new Dev discussion |
542s | out I believe we always tell you kind of |
544s | what's coming up uh but this one is |
547s | about utility skills what utility skills |
549s | do you feel are most important are there |
551s | certain scenarios that should require |
553s | specific ones we want to know your |
555s | thoughts so please head on over to the |
557s | forums toss your feedback and thoughts |
559s | over there we always utilize these we |
561s | make some amazing reports for our |
562s | development team regarding these um and |
564s | our next one is going to be regarding |
566s | Esports uh there's been a lot of |
568s | discussion about Esports over the years |
571s | um and you know where does MMO you know |
573s | where do MMOs fit into that space does |
575s | ashes creation fit into that space maybe |
576s | not uh so we'd love to hear your guys's |
579s | thoughts about that and uh our next |
581s | thing here is um remember we announced |
585s | our delicious Dev discussion well now we |
587s | have uh some of our winners and we |
589s | wanted to Spotlight them so we're going |
591s | a little video of those so thank you so |
594s | much for everybody who sent us |
596s | submissions um you guys voted on which |
599s | recipes you wanted and um it was really |
603s | cool see look |
604s | at I watched nar's uh video that he did |
608s | as a as his uh profession as a baker and |
610s | I thought he did a great job look at |
612s | Shaka Khan those look great wow ones |
615s | really turned out pretty cool too I |
617s | think did Dr and also a meal which was |
621s | cool wow look at these These are |
624s | unbelievable and such great uh great |
627s | picture taking here oh nicas wow these |
631s | look good I'm starving yeah I know we're |
634s | like it's lunchtime I'm |
636s | [Laughter] |
638s | starving oh look at the doggo yeah I |
642s | love the setup of some of these they're |
643s | so pretty wow we have got some amazing |
647s | photographers for we we have got some |
650s | Instagram experienc uh yeah Zara's got |
653s | like the little skull in there so good |
656s | but yeah thank you all so much we we |
657s | loved seeing these the team did we were |
660s | you know we were originally not sure how |
661s | many people would participate um with |
664s | with that but it was really cool seeing |
666s | it and we appreciate it that was great |
669s | that team was just so excited um we're |
671s | definitely going to have more cool |
672s | recipes I know there's been talks of |
674s | maybe a recipe book later down the line |
676s | post launch so you know maybe some |
678s | things that you'll see um for those of |
680s | you who enjoy that enjoy that kind of |
682s | stuff as somebody who enjoys cooking I |
683s | love cooking and baking um it was very |
686s | very cool seeing that so thank you um |
690s | and then the last thing that we want to |
691s | remind you guys about and this is more |
693s | of less of a reminder and it's more |
694s | because we've gotten a lot of questions |
697s | uh the pr inbox was full of questions CS |
699s | has been getting questions I know our |
701s | community team uh Roshan and Vagner have |
702s | been getting questions regarding it but |
704s | as you guys know the shop update our |
706s | pre-order packs have ended we are no |
708s | longer selling pre-order packs we did |
710s | give a plethora of months notice um |
712s | whenever we put them up but we let you |
714s | know when they were going to end um and |
716s | so it's been a long many many months |
718s | that we have let people know advance but |
720s | we tried to give as many reminders as we |
722s | could email reminders social reminders |
724s | we tried to do our best but we do want |
726s | to let you know that we will continue to |
728s | engage with the community and content |
730s | creators to find other ways for folks to |
732s | get giveaways and things of that sort so |
734s | stay tuned for that stuff especially as |
736s | we get closer to Alpha 2 and then beyond |
738s | that after our internal or maybe you |
740s | know some of our external testing as |
741s | well after we get some you know you know |
744s | testing that we're satisfied with and we |
746s | feel like we are able to you know |
748s | service additional test |
750s | we will definitely find more methods for |
752s | you guys to access the game um it won't |
754s | be through pre pre-order packs it will |
755s | be through other ways to purchase um but |
758s | yeah we'll we'll definitely find ways |
759s | for you guys to but we also want to make |
760s | sure that we can service you well so if |
762s | we can't do that we don't we don't want |
764s | to open up and I know I I know it's |
767s | weird I I have uh I have gotten some |
770s | commentary from my colleagues within the |
772s | IND why you want our money yeah I know |
774s | well also from yes from some industry |
776s | colleagues I've gotten questions about |
778s | wait a minute you closed your pre-order |
779s | shop we like uh yes we want to ensure |
783s | that the testing is is going to go as we |
786s | anticipated it to and quality is |
788s | important to us obviously during that um |
791s | and that's why we found it appropriate |
793s | and gave ample notice as Margaret said |
795s | um to close that preor shop but as the |
797s | testing continues we will give you guys |
799s | updates so so be on the lookout for that |
801s | we will update you as testing continues |
802s | and is successful um which you're about |
804s | to see some interesting testing here in |
806s | just a little bit um yes which you know |
809s | that's a great segue Stephen why don't |
811s | you kind of take it away know maybe you |
812s | want to do a little prefacing before |
814s | preface before the preface I I love to |
817s | preface before the preface I'll preface |
818s | multiple prefaces within the video but |
821s | uh I preface here in the Stream because |
823s | it's important that you guys uh |
826s | understand obviously that this is still |
828s | a work in progress and I want to talk to |
829s | you a little bit about what work in |
831s | progress means um now obviously you know |
836s | we as Gamers you know have not perhaps |
840s | experienced uh historically a lot of |
842s | projects especially of this size going |
844s | through such a unique process of |
847s | transparent development it has been |
849s | something that I'm very glad to see that |
852s | has been that has picked up a bit over |
855s | the course of the last several years |
856s | with more independent Studios which I |
858s | think is great personally I think it's |
860s | great for the industry I think it's |
861s | great for the genre and the genres that |
863s | it applies to I think it's great for the |
866s | consumer the players to have a voice in |
870s | that process um you know that's |
872s | something that we have tried to Champion |
875s | over the course of our development um |
877s | and I think our team has done a great |
879s | job it is not without its difficulties |
882s | obviously having to juggle the tasks of |
887s | showing what you're working on in a |
889s | digestible format through these types of |
891s | live streams and updates while also |
893s | actively working on the thing that |
895s | you're trying to ship is a difficult |
899s | cult balance right and it can be taxing |
902s | a bit on the development team um and not |
905s | only that but it also can be a great |
907s | source of reward and and um you know we |
912s | here at Intrepid it is the highlight of |
915s | our development team to watch the |
917s | community's reactions to get motivated |
919s | by your guys's excitement uh to have |
921s | validation in the direction of our |
923s | design Theory and implementation uh of |
927s | these different systems and also I will |
929s | say like you know for our Phoenix |
931s | initiative members who um are very |
934s | dedicated individuals to help us test um |
938s | you know there was a 10-hour long |
939s | straight test session that we had on |
942s | Monday which was which was rigorous uh |
946s | to say the least um and you know as we |
949s | continue to move towards Alpha 2 you |
952s | know phases of development move from you |
956s | know the area of kind of of of |
958s | pre-production into production into like |
961s | polish and getting ready uh for external |
963s | testers like those different phases |
966s | exist and as we started this year you |
968s | know a lot of the outstanding core |
970s | Feature work that we've been doing has |
972s | started to transition into let's Harden |
975s | the game systems let's solidify uh the |
979s | interactions let's address the bugs |
981s | let's address the visuals let's start |
983s | doing some second passes on visual |
985s | effects and UI you know to get it ready |
988s | to be tested by an external audience of |
991s | our customers our players the people |
993s | with you know whom we're building this |
995s | game for um and so when you watch this |
998s | video I want you to take with a grain of |
1000s | salt obviously there are three primary |
1003s | areas that still require significant |
1005s | Improvement and it's not difficult |
1008s | Improvement it's just work it's work |
1010s | that we need to do we tend to do the |
1012s | more difficult work up front and that's |
1014s | the feature development that's the you |
1016s | know prototyping and testing of |
1018s | difficult engineer ing solutions that |
1019s | need to be required the three things I |
1021s | would tell you about that are work in |
1023s | progress in the video you're going to |
1024s | see are related to the UI the visual |
1028s | effects and the character models and the |
1031s | lighting so those are additional passes |
1034s | that need to be done so when you're |
1036s | watching know that we're aware of that |
1038s | and we are going to address those things |
1040s | right visual soup language that lives in |
1042s | combat um you know the targeting that's |
1045s | required on player name plates um uh you |
1049s | know the character models and the |
1051s | material usage with the lighting is |
1052s | going through a significant revamp be |
1055s | aware that we are aware of those things |
1056s | we'll be working on those things uh but |
1058s | what we're going to show you today I |
1059s | think is is pretty exciting it's a very |
1061s | fun system uh it revolves around the |
1063s | Caravan Caravan PVP that's intended in |
1066s | the world obviously emphasizing our risk |
1068s | versus reward philosophies uh when it |
1070s | comes to the ways that players |
1071s | meaningfully interact with one another |
1074s | through PVP but also our raft system and |
1077s | some water elements that you're going to |
1079s | see included um so take all of that and |
1082s | as people who might be less engaged with |
1084s | our development view this because that's |
1087s | the double-edged sword of transparency |
1090s | uh be out there and give uh give this |
1092s | message to them so that they're aware |
1094s | we're aware of the things that they're |
1096s | commenting on and I think that's a very |
1098s | POS we're launched game yes that is |
1102s | right Absol also um I see other people |
1106s | telling the pi folks to give them Deeds |
1108s | um we we did allow them to tell people |
1110s | that they have partaken in this and |
1112s | obviously we have announced that they |
1113s | did and we're very thankful for their |
1114s | assistance but at this time they're not |
1116s | going to share any further details about |
1118s | their testing experience there will be a |
1120s | time where we you know unlift some NDA |
1122s | elements thing of things but not right |
1124s | now absolutely with that we're ready to |
1127s | play enjoy |
1132s | [Music] |
1135s | [Applause] |
1137s | enjoy |
1143s | [Music] |
1152s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
1155s | another day in Vera and today we have a |
1158s | pretty exciting showcase for you I know |
1160s | it's one that many of you have been |
1162s | waiting for for quite a while but before |
1166s | we begin I do want to provide you with a |
1170s | little bit of our normal reminder that |
1173s | this is still a work in progress and |
1176s | there are a lot of visual bugs obviously |
1179s | uh work in progress UI and art uh that |
1182s | you're going to see here which will |
1183s | continue to improve but with that being |
1186s | said and performance as well with that |
1188s | being |
1189s | said we're going to take a look today at |
1192s | some |
1194s | PVP and we're going to talk about PVP |
1197s | specifically in the context |
1199s | of Caravans um and I am joined by some |
1203s | of our glorious developers all of whom |
1205s | you have heard from in the past um we |
1208s | have one of our glorious senior |
1210s | designers Mr Chris Chris how you doing |
1212s | buddy oh I'm just wonderful thanks for |
1215s | having me happy to have you buddy I know |
1217s | you've been putting a lot of work into |
1218s | this um and it's great to see it kind of |
1220s | come together here um and I think we're |
1224s | also joined by two other glorious |
1227s | designers on the combat side |
1229s | uh Bucky trat how you guys doing doing |
1234s | good yep good to be back and we're uh oh |
1236s | I've lost |
1239s | count many many times |
1243s | um so we also have a number of different |
1246s | testers who are going to be joining us |
1248s | uh who are assisting in um getting ready |
1252s | for Alpha 2 obviously Alpha 2 as we |
1254s | announced is going to be starting in the |
1256s | third quarter of this year um there's |
1258s | still a lot of work to be done and and |
1260s | part of that work is finding all the |
1263s | bugs and all the crashes and and |
1265s | hardening the systems uh as we prepare |
1267s | for Alpha 2 but today like I said we're |
1269s | going to be talking about a really fun |
1271s | system as it relates to Caravans and one |
1273s | of the most important aspects of |
1275s | Caravans is that there is no reward |
1279s | without significant risk in ashes of |
1282s | creation and the Caravan system is of |
1284s | particular risk because it is how |
1288s | material s and commodities are transited |
1290s | within the world of Vera and it's |
1293s | difficult to navigate the world of Vera |
1295s | it's a it's a large world and the train |
1298s | is not always kind especially to large |
1300s | Vehicles like a |
1301s | caravan and today we're going to talk |
1304s | about as you Transit this |
1306s | world if the node structures are not |
1309s | advancing with you and the world State |
1310s | isn't changing and you're not |
1312s | seeing |
1314s | different um Bridges being constructed |
1318s | so sometimes you might have to Ford |
1321s | rivers and rivers can be quite the |
1325s | obstruction uh for you and present some |
1327s | danger wow look at these look at this |
1330s | look at this crew you'll not you'll |
1332s | notice that this crew they all have |
1335s | swords above their head and they're blue |
1336s | to me but that's because we've |
1339s | discovered that a caravan is taking the |
1340s | perilous Journey nearby and trying to |
1344s | reach a location where they'll be |
1345s | rewarded for all their hard work but |
1347s | little do they know |
1349s | we are here waiting for them and the |
1352s | bandits are going to attempt to to take |
1355s | this Caravan Chris talk to me a little |
1357s | bit about the risk of Caravan travel and |
1360s | what people are about to see here yeah I |
1363s | mean well you risk everything you're |
1365s | traveling with when you run a caravan |
1368s | right um it's definitely way more |
1370s | efficient than running a bunch of goods |
1372s | in your inventory to and from nodes but |
1375s | it's uh definitely a lot more dangerous |
1379s | absolutely Rangers if you guys want to |
1381s | come over here with me I've just gotten |
1383s | word that there might be a caravan down |
1386s | here |
1387s | approaching but they appear to have some |
1389s | Defenders I can see them I think they |
1391s | might even see us here in the |
1395s | distance what do you guys say we engage |
1397s | them do we want to just kind of Ambush |
1400s | them here I don't think they can see us |
1402s | we fight you should be stealth stealthy |
1404s | about it okay I got a t i got a Target |
1407s | mcstacker |
1409s | Rangers we should open up on them right |
1411s | when they kind of arrive here let them |
1413s | let them come up a little bit closer and |
1414s | prepare your uh your |
1419s | snip I have no |
1421s | idea actually let's switch targets over |
1424s | to narus let's open in three 2 |
1433s | one oh no okay engage them go go go |
1444s | oh my |
1452s | god oh it's it's |
1458s | Bloodshed this is our |
1467s | loot |
1472s | don't let them get |
1473s | [Music] |
1481s | away think I think we may only there's a |
1486s | few left I see CH chibi Bri focusing the |
1497s | Caravan |
1503s | all right take down the |
1527s | Caravan |
1529s | time for that delicious |
1532s | loot we it oh my God okay nobody nobody |
1536s | grabbed the loot nobody grabbed the loot |
1539s | what just happened here Chris Bucky talk |
1540s | to me a little about a little bit about |
1542s | what we just saw obviously this Caravan |
1543s | is now destructed what does that mean |
1546s | yeah so this this Caravan was loaded |
1548s | with a combination of it looks like uh |
1552s | commodity crates and material |
1555s | crates okay all right so these crates |
1557s | have different contents in that yeah so |
1560s | um like the last Caravan live stream uh |
1563s | we transited a bunch of Commodities |
1565s | those special Goods you bought with |
1566s | glint um well obviously we can steal |
1569s | them now that we've killed their |
1570s | Caravans if you want to open up one of |
1572s | these guys with a green uh little symbol |
1574s | on it okay over |
1578s | there where you at oh I'm right here I'm |
1581s | right here right next to you one of |
1583s | these guys got it okay I can interact |
1586s | with it I see that there's stolen |
1589s | Commodities yeah so you can go ahead and |
1591s | loot those um now you don't actually get |
1594s | the commodity that it was you get these |
1596s | special certificates that um we will |
1599s | offload at uh the node we're going to |
1601s | head to after this uh for some |
1604s | monies nice I like monies and then |
1607s | there's a second kind of crate here if |
1609s | you come uh turn around and walk back |
1610s | here this with with this black icon um |
1613s | now this is a material crate which means |
1615s | they were transiting their materials as |
1617s | well |
1619s | oh my God they have a bunch of rubies oh |
1623s | spicy I know let me take a look at these |
1626s | rubies oh nice okay I have 30 of their |
1630s | rubies nice but now obviously this is |
1633s | too much for us to carry right that's |
1635s | one of the aspects of the of the Caravan |
1638s | system is that it provides you large |
1640s | carrying capacity what do we do when |
1642s | there's too much for us to carry on our |
1643s | backs so there's an item in your |
1646s | inventory um that you can use to summon |
1649s | an empty Caravan that you have stashed |
1651s | at a node um if I recall correctly you |
1653s | stashed one at Winstead nearby I do have |
1656s | one at Winstead let me summon that so |
1657s | out in the wild right now I am able to |
1660s | summon this |
1664s | Caravan and that's going to come from |
1666s | winstep yep um now the way summoning |
1670s | works is the length of that summon is |
1673s | determined by where you're right if you |
1676s | were to summon from wiad which is pretty |
1677s | close to us the weight's not going to be |
1679s | super long but if you're summoning from |
1681s | you know very very far away it's going |
1683s | to be a rough |
1685s | wait okay all right so now I begun |
1688s | summoning my empty Caravan to come pick |
1691s | up these supplies that we've just |
1694s | Acquired and obviously if you were in |
1697s | the previous raid you can go ahead and |
1698s | leave that raid um because right now the |
1702s | there's some still outstanding |
1704s | functionality required on the UI front |
1706s | but it will be intended for that to be |
1707s | seamless in the future um but now you |
1709s | guys are joining my RAID to defend this |
1711s | and once this Caravan arrives it's going |
1713s | to allow us essentially to grab these |
1715s | outstanding supplies is that right |
1717s | correct yeah and another um additional |
1719s | reason why you may want to summon a |
1720s | caravan instead of having all your |
1722s | people here pick up this stuff is you're |
1725s | going to get more for bringing the crate |
1728s | unopened to a node right so that like |
1731s | material crate you got you said 30 |
1733s | rubies from it um you're going to get |
1736s | way more if we take that to the node |
1740s | without opening it in the field okay |
1742s | that's cool that's |
1743s | awesome and now you know we just |
1747s | happened to upon obviously this Caravan |
1748s | here that was carrying supplies but talk |
1750s | to me a little bit about the intended |
1751s | interaction of hunting Caravans right |
1753s | what does that what does that mean can |
1755s | you progress in that can you identify |
1756s | these carrier vans from a distance is it |
1758s | intended to be diagetic or is it you |
1760s | know aided with mini map like talk to me |
1762s | a little bit about that uh Bucky and |
1765s | Chris yeah so uh hunting and carav is |
1768s | tending to be a lot more diagetic right |
1770s | you plant spies in other guilds you um |
1773s | you know build your information Network |
1775s | in the world of Vera um kind of uh |
1778s | through through whatever means you can |
1780s | right um now there is progression paths |
1783s | involved with attacking and defending a |
1784s | caravan um that can Aid you in doing so |
1788s | um either with better equipment for it |
1791s | um faster ways to open crates more yield |
1794s | from crates and if you're a Defender |
1796s | right better components for your |
1798s | Caravans stuff like |
1800s | that okay very cool ah the Caravan has |
1805s | arrived so now I should be able |
1812s | to move up to |
1816s | these |
1818s | crates and collect the cargo I |
1823s | see yep so you should have an ability to |
1826s | collect cargo oh my God yeah I have a |
1828s | whole bunch of cargo that I can select |
1831s | from so I'm just going to grab each of |
1835s | these |
1839s | cases okay I have a very large |
1848s | chassis and I've collected I've |
1850s | collected a number of them let me see if |
1852s | I can collect some more there's a case |
1854s | of everb bur scented |
1856s | candles |
1858s | and some more cented candles all right I |
1860s | think we have grabbed pretty much |
1862s | everything that we didn't already loot |
1863s | now talk to me a little bit about the |
1864s | differences between looting here kind of |
1867s | at the spot and collecting the cargo |
1869s | with the |
1870s | Caravan I can take this one yeah so like |
1873s | looting at the spot obviously uh you can |
1875s | do right away and problem with that |
1877s | though is you you forfeit a lot of the |
1878s | materials a lot more get lost and as you |
1880s | crack open those crates but if you're |
1882s | able to have your own Caravan uh and |
1884s | bring it there you can Loot and you'll |
1885s | get more of the uh more of the overall |
1887s | materials that way but there will be |
1889s | progression for you know like you saying |
1891s | about the highway man faction versus The |
1893s | Defender faction and maybe there'll be |
1895s | some progression where you can uh get |
1897s | better loot percentage out the |
1901s | field very |
1903s | cool now we talked a little bit ago |
1907s | about um stolen goods stolen supplies |
1912s | what are the intent of that system how |
1913s | does how does stolen goods and supplies |
1915s | work differently than |
1916s | commodities |
1918s | so when you crack open a creative |
1920s | Commodities you get um you don't get the |
1922s | Commodities themselves since they're |
1923s | like created cargo items you actually |
1925s | get stolen goods and you can use those |
1927s | stolen uh commodity certificates to go |
1930s | and turn them into the black market to |
1932s | uh get some money |
1935s | back okay nice and and that's an upgrade |
1937s | path that's available at different |
1939s | Marketplace buildings yeah that's a |
1940s | specialization of the market normally |
1942s | you can sell them back to anything but |
1943s | it's not going to be very much like the |
1945s | normal vendors of Vera don't want those |
1946s | stolen goods but if you you know the |
1948s | right people you can get you can get |
1949s | your money's worth out of it very nice |
1952s | very |
1953s | nice now obviously we we just had a |
1955s | large scale relatively large scale |
1957s | combat between two of these raids um |
1962s | Trad talked to me a little bit about |
1963s | kind of you know how our approach |
1965s | towards Alpha 2 is going to incorporate |
1968s | additional development of this group |
1970s | based combat and PVP and and kind of |
1972s | where we are with it now yeah absolutely |
1975s | um so as you've seen in a lot of our |
1977s | previous uh archetype live streams |
1980s | there's been a lot of you know |
1981s | representation of single player combat |
1983s | like you know we usually go in there |
1985s | with one to like maximum of three people |
1987s | just cuz we want to really highlight |
1989s | like the abilities but here you're |
1991s | obviously seeing that much larger scale |
1993s | scenario and that's where we're um going |
1996s | to continue moving forward thinking |
1997s | about like the group utility because |
1999s | that's that's what like adds a lot of uh |
2002s | class identity to your character right |
2004s | is like when your party invite me |
2006s | invites me or you're ra to me like what |
2008s | do I provide to the group um and that's |
2010s | where we sort of shifted our focus on |
2013s | for this uh next iteration of ability |
2018s | design okay I see there's some dead |
2021s | brown bears up here that's |
2024s | concerning let's hitch a left here okay |
2028s | and so what we're going to do down here |
2033s | is we need an an alternate path to reach |
2036s | merth because the the path by road is a |
2039s | bit obstructed some of the bridges have |
2041s | not been developed |
2043s | yet so what are we about to do |
2046s | now so there's this Nifty thing that I |
2049s | think you alluded to last time we talked |
2051s | about Caravans but we are going to |
2054s | Traverse the river instead of the |
2058s | land all right so what you're going to |
2061s | do is roll up here and go ahead and walk |
2063s | your Caravan as far into the water as |
2065s | it'll let |
2066s | you |
2068s | all |
2070s | right I see beautiful |
2074s | Carin all right now you should have an |
2076s | ability on your Caravan hot |
2079s | bar to transition to Raft convert to |
2084s | Raft ooh |
2087s | okay and I just deployed this yep just |
2090s | deploy |
2093s | it oh that is |
2096s | awesome |
2100s | so this process takes a few minutes um |
2104s | you're going to have |
2105s | to basically wait and defend your |
2107s | Caravan while um you're transitioning |
2110s | draft but riding on the water has its |
2115s | benefits I love this now you can still |
2118s | Target the dock right and and part of |
2120s | this transition process is again the |
2123s | risk that you're introducing for the |
2125s | reward of having greater flexibility in |
2128s | movement through the land um and that |
2131s | risk is basically you're a Sitting Duck |
2133s | here for lack of a better |
2135s | term yeah basically um like I said you |
2138s | can't you can't escape and to you can |
2141s | undo this process but the amount of time |
2144s | you've already sunk into it must be paid |
2145s | to undo it I see and now as as this raft |
2150s | is getting constructed I noticed that |
2152s | it's it's essentially |
2154s | destructing the uh the Caravan and using |
2160s | that to construct the raft yep correct |
2163s | and if you actually once it's done |
2165s | constructing you'll notice the the body |
2168s | of your Caravan is sitting on the |
2170s | raft oh I love it Oh okay that's cool |
2173s | that's some Lewis and Clark [Β __Β ] I mean |
2177s | stuff oh no um now as we're kind of a |
2182s | Sitting Duck we should probably put some |
2184s | uh maybe some Scouts up near the top of |
2186s | that hill so don't get jumped I don't |
2189s | know Scout I can go take a look I mean I |
2193s | I I can't imagine that they just left oh |
2196s | boy we got some people up here oh no |
2200s | they're back they want their stuff back |
2203s | I'm going to go I'm going to go chill |
2204s | with the uh the raft as it kind of comes |
2206s | down while you guys fight them for a |
2208s | second I think it's almost done there we |
2212s | go oh I've gotten the raft I'm I'm |
2216s | running |
2219s | oh God Rangers to the ship quickly join |
2223s | me we must depart this |
2228s | area all right we'll catch back |
2231s | up everyone on |
2235s | board Chris Bucky do what you can to |
2238s | hold them uh it's just it's just some |
2240s | rabble you know these guys don't have |
2242s | anything on us |
2245s | easy mopping them up |
2249s | I I expect you to make quick work of |
2250s | them um Chris are you with me or are you |
2253s | over there I don't know where I'm going |
2256s | oh I'm I'm running down I'll run to you |
2258s | I'm abandoning the fight okay yeah we we |
2261s | we've taken him out we're we're coming |
2263s | back now okay very nice we're run along |
2266s | the |
2268s | shore I like the uh I love the raft it's |
2272s | looking good I know Adam worked pretty |
2274s | hard on the new water |
2276s | Shader looks beautiful it's a nice day |
2280s | out it definitely turned out real nice |
2283s | and shout out to how for the raft yes oh |
2286s | the raft looks so good I'm assuming |
2287s | we're going left yes uh so we're going |
2289s | to keep going straight |
2294s | here all |
2298s | right now this can be very helpful |
2301s | having the option but it can also be |
2302s | kind of dangerous because you don't know |
2305s | who might be laying in weight ahead of |
2307s | you along the |
2309s | shorelines but it also lets you as we |
2311s | said Traverse the world in a little |
2313s | different way and there's also a current |
2314s | here correct yeah so there's a current |
2317s | system that increases your speed if you |
2320s | go with the current and decreases it if |
2322s | you go against it uh you're going to |
2324s | Hitch right here |
2331s | Steven and those currents are kind of |
2333s | different based on the location in the |
2334s | river correct yeah they are they're |
2336s | different based on the location in the |
2338s | river and like the strength of the river |
2340s | right so like you know where we kind of |
2343s | started there was more of a lake body so |
2346s | the current's not super intense but you |
2349s | know we could have a place that's you |
2351s | know near Rapids |
2353s | right got |
2356s | it where are we going here this is |
2359s | looking |
2361s | concerning oh |
2363s | Steven did I ever tell you have the |
2365s | sense of direction of amongus |
2369s | oh my God shoot on on the Rock the other |
2374s | way take them |
2376s | out stepen you're going to crash into a |
2379s | rock oh |
2382s | god oh you're going to want to Hitch |
2384s | right here I'm sorry I wasn't paying |
2385s | attention to my |
2387s | map no no no no not yet not yet not |
2390s | yet I'm trying to watch behind us you're |
2393s | going to beach |
2395s | us is there someone on |
2399s | board oh |
2401s | no that was a |
2406s | Defender oh heavy fire on tread all |
2409s | right I think we made it out we're safe |
2411s | now Trad how's it going on the battle |
2413s | side uh I'm outnumbered I'm running oh |
2416s | no meet us at the Landing point if you |
2419s | if you're if you are a bandit get out of |
2422s | there and meet us at the Landing |
2425s | Point don't let them follow you |
2428s | though win the fight then meet us yes |
2431s | win the fight then meet us or die and |
2433s | meet us how about what we do that the |
2435s | other way around yeah that'd be |
2440s | good |
2441s | so these are obviously some of the risks |
2444s | of traveling by |
2447s | raft let me turn down um my sound |
2451s | effects just a little bit there we go |
2454s | um now it's not all bad because we can |
2457s | land and turn us back into a land |
2460s | Caravan again and that's coming up here |
2464s | correct it's coming up pretty shortly |
2466s | now you can't turn into a land Caravan |
2468s | anywhere right you still need kind of |
2470s | like how you saw we showed up at a beach |
2473s | to turn into a raft uh well we need to |
2475s | do something similar and if you notice |
2476s | around us there aren't a huge amount of |
2479s | beaches and that's super intentional to |
2481s | create like you know locations players |
2484s | can rely |
2485s | on got it |
2488s | are we coming up on one up here |
2491s | yeah on one on the right |
2494s | there we're up here let me see if the |
2497s | let me see if the current kind of |
2499s | carries us forward a little bit oh it |
2500s | does I'm not |
2502s | moving our current |
2506s | moves a very a light influence for this |
2509s | current very light |
2512s | current all right everybody secure the |
2515s | perimeter I am converting into a land |
2518s | Caravan |
2519s | again it it has |
2523s | begun securing |
2526s | perimeter perimeter secured so after we |
2529s | go back and forth with the um with the |
2532s | Caravan turning back into a land Caravan |
2534s | it's keeping all the components that it |
2535s | had before obviously right Chris yeah so |
2538s | um all your components all of the stuff |
2541s | in like that you've either looted or |
2544s | launched with sticks with you |
2547s | um all that all that good stuff oh DA's |
2551s | not in the raid anymore reinvite him |
2554s | let's bring da back I'm sure that the |
2558s | the opposing side is going to try one |
2560s | last time to recover their goods oh they |
2563s | will for sure so we need to be |
2565s | conscientious of that as we kind of |
2566s | progress through these these this more |
2568s | rocky area a lot of places yeah this is |
2572s | it's also very narrow not a lot of |
2574s | places for us to run |
2577s | H love the view of Carin |
2581s | here so when we when we get to mirth |
2584s | though assuming that we successfully |
2587s | navigate past the evil |
2590s | Merchants |
2593s | um what are we going to be doing then |
2595s | we're going to be turning in this this |
2597s | cargo yeah so we're you know you're |
2601s | going to be able to unpack those crates |
2603s | which you currently don't know what's in |
2605s | them um you know we do have a plan for a |
2608s | progression path for kind of Caravans in |
2611s | general where you will be able to look |
2612s | into them but um you haven't done your |
2615s | grind stevenh |
2617s | what haven't done my grind yet nope and |
2621s | you're also going to go and turn in |
2624s | those black market or not the black |
2626s | market certificates the stolen |
2628s | Commodities at the black market to make |
2630s | some |
2631s | money got it now guys obviously as |
2634s | you're watching this and you're seeing |
2636s | the kind of TR transition again as a |
2638s | reminder everything you're seeing is a |
2640s | work in progress especially from an art |
2642s | perspective um UI visual effects |
2646s | animation those are all still works in |
2648s | progress I'm going to I'm going to jump |
2650s | on this okay here we |
2653s | go I am ready let's do |
2658s | this I'm speed boosting it would be very |
2662s | nice if some tanks were on the front |
2663s | line with this sad little Mage get out |
2665s | of the way yeah let's send some some |
2668s | Rangers ahead too in their camo get some |
2671s | scouting |
2672s | going |
2675s | nice we must |
2677s | protect I'm in danger I'm in |
2680s | danger I need an adult go Trad dispense |
2684s | the |
2686s | [Music] |
2687s | heathens um we should pull back a little |
2690s | maybe on the hill Cliff up on the right |
2692s | here I got |
2693s | eyes a ahead all right St out of my way |
2696s | I'm just I'm just going to go straight |
2698s | through this just send it Steven I'm |
2700s | going straight through everybody get out |
2701s | of my |
2702s | way |
2706s | run oh |
2708s | God some some casualties of our own side |
2711s | it's it's worth it |
2714s | though tanks pull him down from the |
2717s | rock use your |
2723s | javelins |
2725s | oh |
2728s | running yeah we're kind of just walking |
2730s | right through them honestly not even |
2733s | really scared at all they don't have |
2734s | enough to contest us we're too |
2737s | powerful they fear they fear the might |
2740s | of our Bandit |
2745s | Army I remember this this way last time |
2748s | there were a bunch of zombies and |
2749s | skeletons |
2750s | here yeah yep I think the world team has |
2755s | changed them to rock |
2757s | Golem oh or the world state has changed |
2761s | perhaps or maybe they did change the |
2763s | rock that's going to be a Jeremy |
2767s | question we've left we've left vertek |
2771s | good sacrifice did we make it |
2774s | out um we're still being chased hey |
2777s | everybody up here go back and kill those |
2779s | people don't let them near |
2781s | me back |
2785s | fiends |
2787s | I'm going to use my last speed boost my |
2789s | God they're using dark magic The Rock |
2792s | Elemental oh y don't pull |
2795s | aggro definitely |
2798s | not I'm trailing trailing behind you I |
2800s | found the |
2801s | skeletons Cy yes that's what I wanted |
2804s | you to |
2808s | do they've overextended the fools the |
2813s | fools heal heal I cannot hear oh where |
2817s | are you oh I see I see |
2824s | you my gosh all right we're almost |
2830s | there we're so |
2836s | close you know I'm really envious of You |
2838s | Stephen being able to like sit and drive |
2841s | something while we all have to walk I |
2843s | know my legs hurt honestly it's not a |
2845s | very comfortable ride the suspension on |
2847s | this vehicle and the rocks on the |
2850s | ground well you know the roads will |
2852s | upgrade when the node levels up and |
2854s | it'll get a little |
2855s | nicer that's true that's a good point so |
2858s | as the as the nodes Advance as we've |
2861s | said in the past the roads Advance as |
2863s | well and that speed buff does get some |
2866s | benefit and a road like this would |
2868s | eventually become stone right so the the |
2870s | Caravan won't be as |
2872s | bumpy we have almost |
2875s | arrived at at |
2878s | mirth I've lost the road buff now we're |
2880s | super |
2882s | slow you're officially in Mirror left I |
2885s | still see Lex behind us is Lex on the |
2888s | good side or the bad side he's on our |
2889s | side okay we do have enemies coming up |
2891s | though okay we still haven't killed them |
2894s | guards get them kill the I had more |
2897s | heals I'd be up there more somebody help |
2899s | them kill all right go TR I'll stay with |
2902s | you until the end we're going in don't |
2906s | guys I don't even think they followed |
2909s | they're |
2910s | gone go get him he's running in we've |
2913s | almost arrived who that solo hero the |
2917s | River Town of |
2925s | Mirth look at that beautiful |
2927s | view it's a very nice little |
2931s | node so now I have some stolen |
2935s | commodities in the form |
2938s | of stolen goods yep and then I also have |
2943s | cargo Y and I believe I remember you |
2945s | saying you picked up a bunch of rubies |
2949s | uh candles and a bunch of uh and a |
2951s | couple of crates now the crates are a |
2955s | mystery so I'll I'll walk you through |
2957s | how to find out what goes in |
2959s | them we did |
2961s | it |
2963s | yes we've done it should I dismount |
2967s | uh yeah get off that thing all right |
2969s | great work everybody well done everyone |
2972s | beautiful you all be paid 10 copper for |
2974s | your services and I'll get the rest now |
2976s | where are we going to go to turn this |
2978s | stuff in first thing we're going to do |
2980s | come back this way we're going to talk |
2981s | to the Caravan Master talk about a |
2983s | change since last you guys saw the |
2986s | Caravan system um if you open that up |
2989s | and switch to the storage of the Caravan |
2991s | you have here you'll see the goods are |
2992s | still in there do you see the goods in |
2995s | there Steve cargo storage yes I do so |
2998s | you're going to part of the change is |
3001s | that when you land a caravan it doesn't |
3003s | automatically flood the nodes uh cargo |
3007s | with the stuff that was on your Caravan |
3009s | it stays on the Caravan as additional |
3011s | cargo storage okay um so what you're |
3014s | going to do if you notice there's a |
3015s | couple of crates I think they're 2 by |
3017s | ones in there yes I see those medum |
3020s | crates you're going to rightclick |
3022s | that okay oh look at that there's some |
3026s | balt in these so what you can do is |
3029s | unpack that crate which is going to move |
3031s | the goods that were in there into your |
3034s | material inventory but um unpacking |
3037s | takes time so they're going to be locked |
3039s | uh for a period of time okay so I won't |
3042s | see them in my you will see them in your |
3044s | material inventory but you won't be able |
3046s | to take them out uh so if you want to go |
3047s | ahead and unpack it you can tab over to |
3049s | the material inventory and check it out |
3050s | just show up there later cuz it's not |
3052s | showing up there now uh did you hit the |
3053s | unpack button oh I did not oh good call |
3059s | thank you so |
3062s | sorry oh that was good that was good |
3065s | okay all right so they're locked right |
3066s | now oh okay so in 5 minutes I can access |
3069s | them yep now that timer scales with how |
3071s | the node progresses um that's actually |
3073s | an extremely fast unpacking time um but |
3077s | typically it's going to be on the scale |
3078s | of |
3079s | days okay very cool and what about these |
3083s | everb burn scented candles those are |
3084s | Commodities you're going to be able to |
3085s | sell that to the commodity man oh do I |
3088s | put those where in the storage uh you |
3089s | can just leave you can just leave them |
3091s | right there I can show you come on this |
3093s | way all right sweet sweet |
3096s | sweet and now obviously the unback |
3099s | unpacked time fees everything associated |
3101s | with it those are all options that you |
3104s | can choose to manipulate within a node |
3106s | so you can make your node kind of the |
3108s | you know hub for trade or for landing |
3111s | Caravans and whatnot depending on the |
3113s | options that the cities choose exactly |
3116s | so if you go ahead and talk to this |
3117s | vendor here okay uh it should open up |
3121s | your storage as well and if you go to |
3124s | Cargo oops all right go to Cargo and |
3128s | check out your cargo and |
3129s | mirth done um you should be able to sell |
3133s | those Commodities to this gentleman |
3135s | straight from your Caravan inventory if |
3136s | you scroll down to the bottom of your |
3138s | cargo inventory there it is yes very |
3141s | nice okay |
3143s | cool hold on let me fix that guys |
3145s | remember UI is a work in progress right |
3147s | now this is very functional not playable |
3151s | um okay so I see a bunch of these I can |
3153s | sell them right now um what am I selling |
3156s | them for oh you're selling them for gold |
3158s | you stole another man's uh potential |
3161s | gold I recovered them they stole it from |
3163s | us to begin with that's right oh sure |
3164s | sure sure yeah we're the good guys Chris |
3168s | do I right click those to sell them |
3169s | right click them to sell them um this is |
3171s | functionality we showed in the last live |
3173s | stream it's just they're not they |
3175s | weren't yours to be begin with now I see |
3177s | when I right click it it tell it opens |
3179s | up the crate and inside I see nothing |
3182s | that could be a bug that's a bug that |
3185s | could be a bug guys you're going to see |
3186s | some bugs the way things go so last |
3188s | thing I want to show you though Stephen |
3190s | yes uh I want you to while you're |
3192s | talking to this vendor in your |
3194s | inventory your player inventory you |
3197s | should have um those stolen goods that |
3200s | you got from the crate that you opened |
3202s | up so if you talk to this if you talk to |
3204s | this gentleman and hover over it'll tell |
3206s | you how much they sell for to the |
3207s | commodity |
3209s | vendor but don't sell |
3212s | them yeah we know a guy |
3215s | stepen I'm talking to this vendor and do |
3219s | I just hover over them in my uh backpack |
3222s | uh yep sell price it says is zero uh so |
3226s | this man is not going to give you a lot |
3229s | of money for that but how dare this |
3232s | we've got a guy come follow me yeah we |
3233s | got a guy oh he doesn't he doesn't |
3235s | doesn't trade in stolen goods yeah he's |
3237s | he's a reputable vendor |
3239s | but okay all |
3242s | right we're looking for somebody over |
3245s | here so this is the new upgraded |
3247s | Marketplace here in mirth um now as we |
3250s | kind of briefly mentioned their a |
3253s | upgrade paths to the marketplace now |
3255s | this one's been expanded so if you |
3257s | follow me into this little back alley |
3259s | and into this little |
3261s | ouse |
3264s | oh we found the black |
3267s | market my |
3269s | goodness ailia |
3273s | blackwat now this was because this is an |
3275s | expansion that mirth has in their Market |
3277s | correct yeah so uh marketplaces don't |
3280s | normally come with a black market and |
3281s | it's a part of the expansion tree so |
3283s | it's a choice you can make on your |
3285s | Marketplace to be a where Bandits take |
3287s | their stuff so I'm going to right click |
3289s | on the stolen Commodities |
3292s | yep oh okay it just G gave me some |
3297s | gold very |
3300s | nice I've sold it and now you have to |
3303s | pay us all so everyone line up to get |
3304s | traded all right yep where's my cut oh |
3306s | yeah everybody line |
3308s | up all right a little bit line up there |
3310s | a little bit all right well done and |
3312s | then just wait here I'll be right back |
3314s | oh no no wait let me block the door oh |
3316s | no okay I'll be back you guys stay there |
3320s | um ladies and gentlemen we have just uh |
3324s | seen some PV we've seen some whitewater |
3328s | rafting we've seen some Caravan um |
3331s | events and we've had a great time uh a |
3334s | little bit of some bugs obviously this |
3336s | is still our road to Alpha 2 so that's |
3339s | to be expected uh but I do want to thank |
3342s | um obviously our developers for joining |
3344s | us and explaining everything our testers |
3346s | for helping participate so that we're |
3347s | able to kind of show off all of these |
3349s | systems um and as a reminder of course I |
3352s | know I can't say this enough as we |
3354s | continue to progress towards Alpha 2 you |
3357s | will continue to see polish be done bugs |
3361s | get fixed stability improve performance |
3363s | improve right now we are on that road um |
3366s | we have just come off of heavy |
3368s | development of our feature uh and core |
3371s | systems our features and core systems um |
3373s | and now we're going to be refining that |
3374s | we're going to be tightening that Loop |
3376s | and we're going to be um fixing things |
3378s | up so that we can get a lot of people in |
3379s | game and start testing these uh these |
3382s | systems I hope you guys enjoyed today uh |
3384s | we had a lot of fun doing it um and |
3386s | there's a lot of stuff still yet to show |
3388s | but with that being said thank you all |
3391s | for joining me and thank you for |
3394s | watching we'll see you back on stream |
3401s | [Music] |
3402s | bye hello everyone welcome back we do |
3406s | have quite a few questions but it looks |
3408s | like most people really enjoyed it I |
3410s | will be playing it in the background |
3412s | whilst we chat despite the odds of our |
3416s | team being severely outnumbered we |
3419s | managed to |
3420s | overcome uh that just completely |
3423s | inbalanced setup with the defending team |
3426s | and and and defeated them I I hope you |
3428s | guys enjoyed that demonstration um it |
3431s | was tough I think they couldn't see the |
3434s | everybody that was battling you so they |
3440s | wer we didn't the numbers weren't even |
3442s | purposely so right I mean guys remember |
3444s | part of demonstration is to show off |
3447s | certain systems so yes you know a lot of |
3450s | these things are kind of run-of show |
3452s | we're intended to defeat them we're |
3453s | intended to take their stuff we're |
3455s | intended to transition to the raft |
3457s | that's the intent right um and so so |
3460s | don't so don't don't get too harsh on |
3462s | the defending side they were |
3463s | purposefully outnumbered we even changed |
3466s | their composition not to let them have |
3468s | too many healers so it was unfortunate |
3471s | for them yeah um but we do have quite a |
3475s | a few questions uh the first one here is |
3478s | how will risk versus reward be balanced |
3480s | for both the Caravan attackers and |
3482s | Defenders some folks kind of seemed like |
3484s | they were feeling like Defenders were at |
3486s | a |
3488s | disadvantage yeah I mean you know here's |
3490s | the thing um emergent gameplay such as |
3494s | this right Caravans Caravans are the |
3498s | induction of emerging gameplay which |
3500s | means you cannot predict the situation |
3503s | you're going to be in when you use a |
3505s | caravan that's part of the risk the risk |
3508s | is the unknown if you could predict it |
3511s | then the your ability to mitigate that |
3513s | risk would unfortunately remove that |
3516s | Dynamic that ratio of risk versus reward |
3520s | um so you might come into situations |
3522s | where you didn't anticipate |
3526s | whoops did we lose are we |
3528s | back okay back I don't think we're down |
3531s | oh I was just looking just |
3534s | green okay so that's weird I have no no |
3537s | idea I think we're still here so it's |
3539s | fine okay um so anyways as I was saying |
3541s | you know you you cannot predict the risk |
3544s | that's part of the that is part of the |
3546s | equation right um in some cases you know |
3549s | you may want to over provision depending |
3552s | on how valuable your load is uh on the |
3556s | Caravan right um that means it's it's |
3560s | better to travel with friends there |
3561s | might be mercenary guilds that you can |
3562s | bring along you can invest more in the |
3564s | components the Caravan so that it's more |
3566s | defensible more maneuverable um you |
3569s | might want to go at unique times so you |
3571s | can mitigate the potential resistance |
3573s | you need to ensure that the flow of |
3574s | information around what you're intending |
3576s | to do is restricted to a close you know |
3578s | circle of trusted friends uh or |
3580s | guildmates like there's a lot of |
3582s | different Dynamic variables that exist |
3586s | within a system like this uh to answer |
3588s | that |
3590s | question all right and then the next one |
3593s | here is is the Time to Kill seen during |
3595s | PVP in stream kind of like right around |
3599s | where we're wanting it or if it's not |
3603s | like what changes do we think that we'll |
3604s | probably be making obviously balance is |
3606s | not on the we're not balancing quite yet |
3609s | pref yeah so when we talk about when we |
3611s | talk about time to kill um you know |
3614s | you'll notice here and we're going to |
3615s | put this video up in 4k shortly after |
3617s | the Stream So I know that obviously the |
3620s | bit rate on Twitch is not super friendly |
3621s | to uh a highdefinition video but uh |
3625s | afterwards you can take a look when you |
3626s | do watch the video again take notice of |
3629s | how and this is a big point of |
3631s | discussion that I would love to get the |
3633s | community's feedback on and we've talked |
3635s | about this in the past but if if you are |
3638s | targeting another player specifically |
3641s | another player not an NPC if you're |
3642s | targeting another player and that player |
3645s | is not a member of your |
3648s | guild Alliance raid or party okay those |
3653s | are the four affiliation factors |
3655s | if they're not a part of those four |
3657s | groups you will not |
3660s | have specific information of their HP |
3663s | level you will have quarters of |
3666s | information to their XP level and you |
3669s | may progress to get that a bit more |
3672s | granular perhaps to sixths or eths |
3675s | you're not going to have exact |
3677s | information about what amount of hit |
3679s | points they have available to them that |
3681s | level of |
3682s | obfuscation protects |
3685s | a bit of that engagement that ttk |
3687s | interaction right so you might overshoot |
3690s | a Target if you don't know exactly if |
3693s | they're down to their last 20% or 25% |
3696s | right that I think is a very healthy |
3698s | thing to have in PvP but it is not a |
3701s | normal game design mechanic right in |
3704s | fact it's not normal for modern-day MMOs |
3707s | to have that component it was normal for |
3709s | more old school games to have that with |
3711s | MMOs something I personally enjoyed but |
3714s | it's a great point of discussion for you |
3716s | guys in the audience to talk about what |
3717s | that means um so when we talk about ttk |
3721s | you'll see here as Margaret said we |
3723s | haven't done a definitive balance pass |
3724s | and there's a reason for that right |
3725s | we're not in the right stage to yet do |
3727s | that definitive balance pass uh because |
3730s | we're still touching some of the skills |
3731s | of each of the archetypes and revamping |
3733s | them and playing around with them but |
3735s | generally when it comes to finger in the |
3737s | wind we're around where we want to be |
3739s | for ttk right and um uh you know that's |
3744s | probably on the bit faster side of ttk |
3747s | uh for MMOs that we're accustomed to um |
3750s | but you know we're a pvx game as well so |
3753s | um you know discuss that as |
3756s | well right and you know what's really |
3758s | funny is I know you're not looking at |
3760s | this the questions but the next one was |
3763s | about the HP and not being able to see |
3765s | enemies HP did you want to cover |
3766s | anything else in regards that because |
3768s | people were wondering if that's on |
3769s | purpose or not yeah yeah that yeah that |
3772s | that is on purpose as I talked about |
3773s | like that level of obscurity I think |
3775s | adds an interesting Dynamic to combat if |
3777s | you're not certain of the outcome of an |
3779s | action that is going to change the |
3782s | decisions you make right and that level |
3785s | of variability in combat yields outcomes |
3789s | that can be drastically different from |
3791s | situation to situation it's not as |
3794s | prescribed um and I think that's an |
3796s | important interaction in PvP now PVE is |
3799s | a little bit different you will see |
3801s | exactly the HP of the monster you're |
3803s | fighting right and that level up |
3805s | prescription I think is okay and we can |
3807s | address that with certain types of |
3808s | behavior trees and the way the NPCs |
3810s | interact with the player player |
3811s | character that can be a little bit |
3812s | unpredictable to influence that with a |
3814s | variable nature um but in PvP I think |
3817s | it's okay to have that level of |
3819s | opusc um and then this one is more just |
3823s | people curious about what the blue lines |
3824s | were that were coming from people and |
3826s | yes that was a cleric ability that was a |
3827s | heal that was chaining out you know |
3830s | there's a funny story about that blue |
3831s | line that's that's going between people |
3833s | so that is a that's an ability |
3835s | of of protection essentially from the |
3837s | tank arch type the one yeah yeah the the |
3841s | the blue line that's between them okay |
3843s | yeah yeah that one yeah yeah so um funny |
3846s | story on screen right now yeah funny |
3848s | story uh Monday we had that 10 hour test |
3851s | session and we were experiencing some |
3853s | server |
3854s | crashes and we we were inspecting our |
3857s | logs and taking a look at at what was |
3859s | happening and we couldn't exactly see uh |
3862s | what was happening because it looked |
3864s | like everything on the server was |
3865s | running okay and so we we adjusted our |
3868s | uh logging to a more verbose uh setting |
3872s | and we found out that the crash was the |
3874s | result of an infinite Loop because that |
3877s | ability redirects damage to the tank and |
3880s | during the play test we had some tanks |
3882s | that were casting that ability on each |
3883s | other and so two people would have that |
3886s | ability cast on the opposite person |
3888s | they' take damage and the Damage would |
3890s | cause an infinite loop on the server |
3892s | between each other where the damage was |
3894s | getting redirected |
3895s | Ed oh it was good times the little |
3898s | things you don't experience until you |
3901s | have mass combat yes but yeah exciting |
3905s | exciting there's also another one that |
3907s | happens when you heal but I see um yes |
3910s | are we able to summon our Caravans |
3912s | before the comet has ended so some |
3913s | people were saying like hey it looks |
3915s | like we already are waiting could we |
3917s | have placed it beforehand that we were |
3919s | not waiting yeah yeah you can you can |
3922s | totally do that um but again the are |
3925s | evaluations you need to make when you're |
3926s | out in the wild by having a caravan you |
3929s | are drawing attention to yourself |
3930s | because players can see that from a |
3932s | distance from a Zone from a radius |
3934s | perspective and they can choose to |
3936s | engage you early on now another thing to |
3938s | take into account is when a caravan gets |
3940s | destroyed its components get destroyed |
3943s | as well and you have to repurchase the |
3945s | Caravan and you have to repurchase the |
3947s | components so that's a decision that you |
3949s | get to make right is it worth the risk |
3952s | to have the Caravan more readily avail |
3954s | aailable or do you want to summon your |
3957s | Caravan that has perhaps high cost |
3959s | components associated with it after |
3961s | you've ensured that the need for the |
3963s | Caravan exists right those are some |
3965s | decisions that need to be made on the |
3966s | players on the player if you don't and |
3968s | they have backup and they're on their |
3970s | way now your Caravan could potentially |
3972s | be destroyed too speaking of destroyed |
3974s | Caravans people are wondering like why |
3977s | did we make the decision that they had |
3979s | to you have to destroy the Caravan to |
3981s | get the loot um instead of like taking |
3982s | over the Caravan |
3985s | sure um there is going to be ways for |
3988s | players to take over the driving |
3991s | position of vehicles uh this exists for |
3994s | both water vehicles uh as well as land |
3997s | Vehicles like |
3998s | Caravans however there is a lockout |
4001s | period where the driver is capable of |
4004s | restricting use of the of the driver's |
4007s | seat essentially uh for a period of time |
4011s | if you manage to kill everyone you will |
4012s | be able to take control of the vehicle |
4014s | after that period of time and try to |
4016s | move it but by doing so you will be |
4019s | conferring the location of that vehicle |
4022s | to the original owner and potentially |
4023s | their raid um and and after a while it |
4027s | may despawn given the distance between |
4029s | you and the owner okay so you wouldn't |
4032s | really get the rewards that you would |
4033s | want from |
4034s | it you could take it somewhere then |
4037s | destroy it right but if you're talking |
4039s | about turning it in if you were to use |
4041s | their Caravan at the node it would turn |
4044s | in for them uh so you don't want to take |
4046s | it and attempt to turn it in because |
4048s | it's tied to the owner but you might |
4050s | want to take it off into a little area |
4052s | away from combat per se if you can take |
4054s | control of the vehicle uh and destroy it |
4056s | there gotcha gotcha um I just wanted to |
4060s | clarify because people might be like oh |
4062s | and I see a question in chat from winter |
4064s | too it says does the despawn leave the |
4066s | loot on the ground yes that's correct uh |
4068s | either the destruction of the vehicle or |
4070s | the despawn uh will will result in the |
4073s | loot being deployed to to the ground or |
4075s | in the water uh in the case of merchant |
4077s | ships can players instantly summon boats |
4080s | either as a defender or attacker during |
4082s | the raft building process so let's say |
4084s | the raft is being built and we want to |
4086s | deploy our boats so that we can assist |
4088s | or is there is there only space to |
4090s | deploy certain certain amount of boats |
4093s | so ships can only be spawned at Harbor |
4095s | locations and there's an a very |
4098s | important note about rivers as well |
4100s | Rivers can only be used by Caravan rafts |
4104s | uh ships that are intended for the ocean |
4106s | cannot travel Upstream in a river um it |
4109s | is too shallow right and that is not the |
4111s | intended gameplay there um but if you're |
4113s | talking about the big boats exactly big |
4116s | ships only rafts yes only rafts which |
4118s | are the conversion state of a of a |
4120s | caravan can Traverse uh |
4123s | Rivers all right um let's see the next |
4128s | one here is does the raft take on the |
4130s | perks and stats from the Caravan or does |
4132s | it have its own do you have two separate |
4134s | stats here yeah we talked a little bit |
4137s | about that right now there's still some |
4139s | design uh discussion around that |
4141s | currently the stats of the of the raft |
4144s | uh are going to be informed by the |
4146s | components of the Caravan um uh but they |
4149s | do have um they do share the stats |
4151s | across right now whether or not we want |
4153s | to change that in the future that's |
4154s | going to be a topic obviously of testing |
4156s | all of this stuff is going to be tested |
4158s | as part of A2 we're going to iterate on |
4160s | it after we get that testing data from |
4162s | players and get the sentiments from |
4163s | players you guys have a opportunity now |
4165s | as you're kind of seeing this system in |
4167s | play even though you're not playing it |
4169s | per se you get to see it in play and you |
4171s | can give commentary and thoughts around |
4173s | it that's why we do these streams so |
4174s | make sure you're giving your thoughts on |
4176s | it in Discord on the forums and we can |
4178s | take a look at that speaking of that I I |
4180s | was going to announce it later but um |
4183s | after this stream we or it might be up |
4185s | right now I don't know if acner has got |
4186s | it up uh but the Caravan PVP preview um |
4189s | thread will be up so please please put |
4191s | your feedback in there um vnar and Ro |
4194s | always do compile great reports for our |
4196s | teams so um that would be fantastic if |
4199s | you have thoughts cuz I see you all typ |
4201s | in you have thoughts um so type them |
4204s | over there um and then we have do |
4206s | Caravans in transit show on the world |
4208s | map so like if I'm not part of the |
4210s | Caravan will I see that there's Caravans |
4212s | in transit or will that only be seen by |
4215s | me as the personal driver when I'm |
4217s | looking at the map you will only be able |
4219s | to see the Caravan if you are a member |
4221s | of the caravan's raid or if you are the |
4223s | the owner of the Caravan um if on the |
4226s | map uh if you are not one of those then |
4228s | you will not see it on the map if you |
4229s | come within proximity of the Caravan |
4231s | you'll be prompted through an event UI |
4234s | uh to participate if you wish as a |
4236s | defender or an attacker well I know |
4238s | balance is still on the table where |
4240s | things are not balanced people did note |
4242s | that uh some of that cargo was in days |
4245s | that you would not be able to access it |
4247s | um is that intended and also is that |
4249s | days IRL or days in game yeah I would |
4252s | say you know I saw a lot of people I saw |
4254s | a lot of people say oh my God days uh it |
4256s | is intended to be days in game however |
4259s | what I will say stole the Lo is that yes |
4261s | but but the problem is is that you're |
4264s | you're going through a proc okay so let |
4266s | me let me explain why that throttle |
4269s | exists um so that throttle of timing out |
4274s | the um unring of materials and supplies |
4277s | is intended to mitigate the impact on |
4280s | the local economy that transiting |
4282s | materials has within the world right now |
4285s | that's a Runway which means that through |
4289s | certain decisions that a node makes |
4291s | whether it be upgrades or policies they |
4293s | can reduce that amount of time |
4296s | significantly right and by creating a a |
4300s | differential or a disparity of the |
4303s | amount that days would represent versus |
4305s | hours you can have the nodes that select |
4308s | those types of upgrades and policies |
4310s | really become the epicenter of trade |
4313s | within a particular region because they |
4315s | have reduced that days amount down to |
4317s | potentially hours so it makes them a a |
4319s | trade Hub essentially so we need to have |
4322s | that variable length of runway in order |
4324s | for that to be a meaningful decision on |
4325s | the Node to exclude certain other |
4327s | upgrades in exchange for becoming that |
4329s | trade Hub now we want to again throttle |
4332s | the impact that the economy has to |
4334s | drastically change within a set period |
4336s | of time uh uh so that we don't undermine |
4339s | a lot of work that other people might |
4341s | have done to promote a certain type of |
4344s | material within a node and now it gets |
4346s | influxed by an outside influence right |
4348s | so that throttle exists for that reason |
4350s | now what I will say however is the most |
4353s | easy thing to change are numerical |
4356s | variables right so when we talk about a |
4358s | particular design or a mechanic and we |
4360s | say oh that's days versus hours it is |
4363s | easy to change that like this right that |
4366s | is that is the intent of the system |
4368s | exactly so so when we talk about oh my |
4370s | God it's days that's something that is |
4373s | going to be tested Ed we're going to |
4375s | find the right spot for that from a |
4376s | balance perspective and we're going to |
4378s | adjust it as necessary all right um and |
4382s | I know that people are U I think it's it |
4386s | was more of whether it was in-game days |
4388s | versus IRL days were were what it is it |
4391s | is that that was intended to be IRL |
4394s | right any any type of numerical value |
4396s | that is attempting to communicate to the |
4397s | player how much time they need to wait |
4399s | is almost always going to be in real |
4401s | lifetime uh because we don't want to put |
4403s | you through the hassle of having to |
4404s | equate what the trans the uh transition |
4407s | is from real life time to endgame time |
4410s | all right and |
4412s | then kind of showed something on the |
4415s | stream that people haven't seen before |
4417s | and that was stealth a little bit um yes |
4421s | correct yes people are wondering how the |
4423s | stealth mechanic Works um I don't if |
4426s | you're ready to kind of share that |
4427s | information no AB absolutely absolutely |
4429s | um so you know we talk about certain |
4431s | types of utility uh skills and we've |
4433s | talked about stealth in the past |
4435s | technically what the um Ranger has is |
4438s | not true stealth it's called camouflage |
4440s | um and camouflage Works a bit |
4442s | differently um at a distance you will |
4445s | see a a slight um uh uh excuse me a |
4450s | slight um sorry my mind can't think |
4453s | right now you will see a a a slight |
4455s | Shader effect on the character um where |
4458s | you'll be able to kind of see Predator |
4459s | style where they are the closer they get |
4462s | that will become more apparent if they |
4464s | get too close you'll be able to see them |
4466s | at any distance you can click to Target |
4469s | them and there are some um additional um |
4473s | uh abilities that can counter that such |
4475s | as the Mage has an Arcane ey ability |
4477s | which reveals stealth or camouflage |
4479s | characters within a distance so uh it's |
4482s | not like a rogue's true stealth where |
4484s | they can be at stealth within a very |
4485s | close proximity to characters and still |
4487s | not be detected the ranger has to be at |
4490s | a distance from a character in order to |
4492s | be uh stealthed it's a distort thank you |
4494s | some people are saying Distortion and |
4496s | defraction yeah works there's a lot of |
4500s | lot of moving pieces up here sometimes |
4501s | they get lost the index rate is is we |
4504s | knew what you |
4506s | meant we all saw it uh the next one here |
4510s | and this is probably the last one |
4511s | because we need to move on to wrapping |
4514s | things up otherwise we'll be here all |
4515s | day um is can you send out an enemy an |
4519s | empty Caravan as a decoy uh is that yes |
4524s | yes you can however there are visual |
4526s | indicators on what the Caravan might be |
4529s | carrying versus how full it might be um |
4532s | and so the in order to effectively |
4535s | create decoy Caravans there is |
4537s | progression that's allotted through one |
4539s | of our social organizations uh one of |
4541s | our social organizations have the |
4542s | ability to provide unique vendor lists |
4545s | and craft lists of crates that can be |
4548s | empty but look full and so if you want |
4551s | to advance in that particular social |
4553s | organization you could then create decoy |
4555s | Caravans more effectively as well as |
4557s | decoy Merchant ships all right and as a |
4560s | reminder we have a form thread Caravan |
4562s | PVP preview please please head on over |
4565s | there toss us your feedback we would |
4567s | love to have that um our wonderful |
4570s | Community team rosan and frner will be |
4571s | compiling your feedback sending that |
4573s | over to the developers so um yes please |
4576s | if you have thoughts about what you saw |
4577s | today uh that is the best place for us |
4580s | to compile it of course we'll be looking |
4581s | at your feedback in all of the places |
4583s | but that just makes it easiest for us |
4585s | when we're compiling things um next we |
4588s | have Studio update to stuff do you have |
4590s | anything you want to share with Stephen |
4591s | I know it's been a |
4593s | crazy uh just even month for the game |
4596s | industry as a whole um we've had a lot |
4598s | of yes I've seen a lot of friends |
4601s | getting laid off it's been really rough |
4602s | for folks yes yeah it it has been you |
4605s | know I just want to obviously talk a |
4607s | little about a players I know that I |
4609s | know that in our community you know you |
4611s | may see articles that talk a little bit |
4613s | about this you might be aware of it uh |
4615s | it is a difficult time in our industry |
4617s | right now um I think there was a figure |
4619s | that came out recently talking about |
4621s | onethird of of uh of individuals within |
4625s | the industry have suffered some form of |
4627s | a layoff um uh over the course of this |
4630s | last year and and it's very sad because |
4633s | you know obviously there's a level of |
4635s | corporate responsibility that's |
4636s | necessary to to try and mitigate these |
4639s | types of occurrences and and it is a |
4642s | unique circumstance between what |
4644s | happened with covid the influx of |
4646s | investment into the industry and those |
4648s | Investments perhaps not panning out like |
4650s | like they thought they were over the |
4652s | course of the last few years that's |
4653s | that's created a bit of a cliff there |
4655s | but what I would say is is we at |
4659s | Intrepid are very mindful of how this |
4663s | impact is affecting our beloved fellow |
4667s | developers um from these from these very |
4670s | talented teams across the industry um |
4674s | and you know what I would say is is the |
4676s | same thing that I've said over the |
4677s | course of of these last several months |
4679s | for you guys in the audience who watch |
4681s | us Intrepid is hiring in Intrepid is a a |
4685s | very close-knit family a group of |
4688s | friends and developers um you know we |
4691s | have an attrition rate of less than 2% |
4693s | year-over-year which is something that |
4695s | we pride ourselves in because the |
4697s | individuals who make these games are the |
4700s | true investment and for them to be |
4704s | dismissed uh from their passion from |
4706s | their livelihood from the the groups |
4709s | that they are building a connection with |
4711s | is a really sad thing to see um and so |
4716s | you know if you're able to help us get |
4717s | the word out there for those individuals |
4719s | to know that there is a potential |
4721s | recourse in Intrepid we have a number of |
4724s | positions open um we will do our part uh |
4727s | to try to to um to help those people um |
4732s | as much as we can um we have a great HR |
4735s | team uh who are assisting in in going |
4737s | through the many different applications |
4739s | we get to the studio even if you don't |
4741s | see a position open that's relevant to |
4744s | you you are welcome to apply as a |
4746s | general application and we will evaluate |
4749s | that and see if there is is is a an |
4752s | ability to take you on uh we are in a |
4754s | unique position right we're not beholden |
4757s | um to a board that's going to you know |
4760s | cancel a green lit project five years or |
4763s | six years after development with a team |
4764s | of hundreds of people right that's not |
4767s | that's that's not uh uh something that |
4769s | we're subject to um we have a very |
4771s | dedicated focus on ashes of creation as |
4774s | our Flagship product we have a dedicated |
4776s | audience and a group of players that we |
4777s | know are waiting very patiently uh and |
4780s | lovingly for us to develop this game as |
4782s | we show you each month our progress um |
4785s | but um you know what I would say is if |
4787s | you see developers out on the Twitter |
4789s | sphere or whatever it is X x sphere um |
4793s | you know on LinkedIn on social media |
4795s | whatever um give them your support right |
4799s | it could just be verbal support it could |
4801s | just be you know a a a pickme up um from |
4807s | their fans which is why you know we we |
4810s | make these games um is because we want |
4813s | to see the excitement on people's faces |
4815s | and unfortunately right now those people |
4817s | who are doing that for for you guys for |
4819s | us as players uh are going through some |
4821s | hard times |
4823s | yeah is there anything else you want to |
4825s | talk about in regards to our studio and |
4828s | what we're doing and what we've got |
4830s | going on we we are hitting the ground |
4832s | running this year this this first month |
4834s | was a doozy um we are we are currently |
4838s | in our hardening week and preparing for |
4840s | next Sprint uh there is a lot of stuff |
4842s | to do um and we are we are getting at it |
4846s | so kudos to the to the Intrepid team a |
4849s | lot of hard work went into this |
4851s | obviously this live stream getting these |
4852s | systems ready for Alpha 2 Michael Brady |
4856s | Devon uh Tommy Chris juusto Hal on the |
4860s | VX side with Scott and and SAA and um |
4864s | you know I can't name all the names |
4865s | there a lot of names there but what I |
4867s | will say is that that team did a |
4868s | phenomenal job the production staff |
4871s | Nathan uh great job you guys did I mean |
4874s | this was a this was to to quote um the |
4878s | the more familiar colloquialisms of Our |
4880s | Generation today a banger um and uh I'm |
4884s | sorry this is my Boomer coming out but |
4886s | regardless it was really cool uh to see |
4889s | you guys did a great |
4891s | job um but yeah thank you all so much um |
4894s | we're going to move on to some character |
4898s | art oh I started with the end one well |
4902s | you get the end one uh so uh Sam parin |
4905s | who's been an amazing concept artist who |
4908s | has joined us um has been me creating |
4911s | some art pieces and and uh one of them |
4914s | was a tach piece and I also wanted to |
4916s | give a little teaser because I know |
4918s | there has has been a lot of people |
4920s | asking about merchandise and things like |
4922s | that um we are working very diligently |
4925s | on merchandise stuff um and one of the |
4927s | things that we think would be cool and I |
4929s | also kind of wanted to gauge your guys's |
4931s | interest is a piece like this being a |
4933s | puzzle like a puzzle that you can |
4935s | actually put together and um things like |
4936s | that so we do have some art pieces that |
4939s | we would like to turn into puzzle pieces |
4941s | so if that's something that you think |
4942s | would be really cool do let us know um |
4944s | in your feedback um if it's not for you |
4946s | that's okay too there'll be plenty of |
4948s | things you can wear I think you know |
4950s | things that people wear is what people |
4952s | want mugs things like that um but yeah |
4955s | that's this is a wonderful piece of Tuma |
4959s | love it it's beautiful Sam did a great |
4961s | job with this and then the next couple |
4963s | pieces here are in regards to concept so |
4967s | V effect also gets concept art for their |
4970s | visual effects and kind of right in line |
4972s | with this little guy here um this is a |
4975s | shaman Cyclops and they're doing like |
4977s | Call of dire spirit is kind of like Call |
4980s | of the dire Spirits type of thing and so |
4981s | you can kind of see the different |
4983s | transitions of the the V effect that |
4985s | they're working towards um and they do |
4988s | many different variations of these |
4989s | things to kind of come up with the |
4991s | decision um and we have a wonderful |
4994s | director of art now uh I think Jim yes |
4999s | our our art director uh Jim is now |
5003s | taking the reins of our art Direction at |
5006s | Intrepid um and he is doing a phenomenal |
5008s | job so far yeah so I wanted to kind of |
5011s | just show little pieces I know we've |
5012s | shown a lot of concept art pieces but |
5014s | not necessarily when it comes to V |
5016s | effects but you know this is men for the |
5018s | cleric ability but even when it comes to |
5020s | those pieces those visual effects that |
5022s | you're seeing um we do make concept art |
5024s | for those um and you know sometimes |
5027s | they're making quick our our designers |
5029s | will make quick anim or quick animations |
5031s | and quick V effects and those those |
5033s | sometimes are ones you guys are seeing |
5034s | whenever it's not finalized classes um |
5037s | but as we get further along it gets to |
5039s | these stages where we're actually you |
5041s | know finalizing and picking the ones |
5043s | that we really want and they they put a |
5044s | lot of love and heart into it um and |
5047s | then the last piece is our wonderful um |
5052s | peering Loris this is the 3D model of |
5055s | the peering Loris uh so for those of you |
5058s | who got that I'm sure you'll love it the |
5060s | hands are so creepy but I'm So Into it I |
5063s | can't wait to see the variations that |
5065s | the the designers come up with and the |
5067s | eyes I love it to eyes yeah and it's |
5070s | little weird semi fangy looking ears |
5073s | yeah cool our artists always kill it um |
5077s | and with that we're gonna wrap up and do |
5080s | just our Q&A we'll try to get through as |
5081s | many as we can um but I know we do have |
5083s | to be conscious of Steven's time and in |
5085s | the background I'll just play the video |
5087s | that we had of our P Caravan PVP um I |
5091s | think if you want to grab the top five |
5092s | questions maybe would be good we'll do |
5094s | the the five I mean they're not they're |
5096s | they're randomly generated or randomly |
5097s | selected from forums but our first Forum |
5101s | person is casty and they want to know |
5102s | about Freehold customization will |
5104s | players be able to shift the terrain |
5106s | such as by raising lowering or leveling |
5109s | it with within their |
5111s | freeholds no that is not currently the |
5113s | intent behind uh terrain you will not be |
5116s | able to adjust the uh the world terrain |
5120s | uh however uh there will be a variable |
5122s | degree of slope that's an acceptable |
5124s | placement position for different |
5126s | buildings um and those will be |
5128s | facilitated through uh General stilt |
5131s | approach uh to building um uh to |
5134s | placeable buildings all right and Nick |
5136s | Ross wants to know about Resurrection |
5138s | will Mass Resurrection methods work in |
5142s | combat yes there will be Mass |
5144s | Resurrection abilities uh some of those |
5146s | abilities will be uh conferred to |
5149s | Vehicles slash um ships as as well as |
5153s | player character archetype abilities and |
5156s | they'll work in combat or only yes there |
5159s | there will be excuse me they will be in |
5161s | combat abilities okay and then Leonardo |
5164s | wants to Leonardo I like that Leonardo I |
5168s | just saw the way it was spelled uh want |
5170s | about Caravan interactions if it turns |
5172s | out that the Caravan PVP is very |
5174s | uncommon would you try to incentivize it |
5177s | more or would you just leave Caravans as |
5179s | a vehicle for Commerce and focus on the |
5182s | whatever other things that people are |
5184s | interested in that's a good question um |
5187s | you know it it is it is a |
5190s | more uh I think design philosophy |
5193s | question right if you have an intent for |
5195s | a system and that system is not yielding |
5198s | that intent then the question is what is |
5201s | it yielding and is it yielding something |
5203s | that is fun uh is it yielding something |
5206s | that uh players want right in that |
5209s | regard then you might have stumbled upon |
5212s | through design through the magic of |
5214s | iteration and play testing something |
5216s | that players want and perhaps there's a |
5219s | way to deliver the intent you missed out |
5221s | on in another fashion right uh vice |
5224s | versa of that approach um if the system |
5228s | is not providing the type of gameplay |
5230s | that is intended especially with a game |
5233s | like an mmor RPG and like our MMO RPG |
5236s | which is highly intricate um uh with the |
5240s | types of interconnectivities we want |
5242s | between systems then it can be missing |
5245s | an integral component of the player |
5247s | experience and the overarching design uh |
5250s | in which case we would need to adapt and |
5253s | sometimes that adaptation can include |
5255s | additional incentives or reward tables |
5257s | as you as you posited in the question um |
5259s | or vice versa a different approach |
5261s | entirely um so you know it's it's hard |
5264s | to answer that hypothetical because it |
5266s | depends on the data we get back all |
5268s | right and then the next one is from |
5271s | ezire who wants to know where |
5272s | organizations is the team developing |
5274s | social and religious organizations in a |
5277s | modular way so that player created ones |
5280s | uh could be made to exist later |
5284s | on um we are not developing those in a |
5287s | modular way because there is a very |
5289s | specific intent for those those |
5291s | disparate paths um and they are unique |
5294s | Paths of progression uh that's intended |
5296s | both with a religious system as well as |
5297s | the social organization and there are |
5299s | certain reward structures that live at |
5301s | the end of those paths at the top of |
5303s | those passs you might say um that we |
5306s | that we might not want to leave in the |
5308s | hands of players to modularize uh not |
5310s | that it's not something we can do but |
5313s | rather um keeping containers for certain |
5317s | types of reward structures uh helps to |
5320s | guard against uh more um uh uh balance |
5326s | breaking |
5328s | issues all right and our last one here |
5331s | is from frost o one wants to know about |
5333s | animal taming will creatures be able to |
5336s | be or will creatures be able to be used |
5339s | as mounts or combat pets right after |
5341s | they are tamed or do they need to go |
5343s | through some through like the animal |
5345s | husbandry process |
5346s | first um they will have to go through |
5348s | the animal husbandry process first um |
5350s | there are there will be it's not just |
5353s | taming that introduces uh mounts Andor |
5357s | uh uh pets to players uh those can also |
5360s | be introduced through quests in which |
5361s | case those particular creatures will not |
5363s | need to go through the animal husbandry |
5365s | system animal husbandry system uh |
5367s | addresses creatures that are obtained uh |
5370s | either through um uh through hunting uh |
5373s | or as a resource Gathering all right and |
5376s | that wraps up our questions from the |
5378s | forums again as always thank you all for |
5381s | submitting your questions we super duper |
5383s | appreciate it um and if your question |
5385s | didn't get answered here often it's |
5387s | because your question has been already |
5388s | something that we've answered and Vagner |
5390s | does a great job of replying to you you |
5392s | and letting you know where you can find |
5393s | the answer to your question or sometimes |
5395s | straight up answering your question um |
5397s | so definitely go check the forums back |
5399s | if your question didn't get answered |
5401s | here during this segment um and with |
5403s | that I think we're wrapping up do you |
5406s | want me to share the video that you |
5407s | shared on social oh yeah if if you have |
5412s | it okay if you have it available prepped |
5413s | because I thought you might last minute |
5416s | try to throw it at me I'm so proud of |
5418s | you I pre unstressed myself out let's |
5422s | let let's end with that and for those of |
5424s | you who didn't see it I did post it on |
5426s | Twitter and I put it on Discord a little |
5427s | bit but uh I just want to give you this |
5429s | morning at like at like 400 a. I was |
5432s | waking up and I think Bucky was going to |
5433s | bed and uh I saw a post in the archetype |
5437s | uh core team channel on slack uh that |
5440s | was talking about some of the abilities |
5442s | that have been stood up by Bucky for The |
5443s | Bard The Bard work is under way for |
5446s | Alpha 2 you're going to see some updates |
5449s | that in the future but I just thought |
5450s | this was a hilarious video that Bucky |
5453s | put together with some animations by |
5454s | Alex mCP um and I thought it looked |
5457s | great so we can totally close with that |
5459s | uh it's it's it is it is comedic all |
5462s | right with that thank you all so much |
5464s | for supporting us we super duper |
5466s | appreciate it um please head over to our |
5468s | forums forums. ashesofcreation |
5475s | docomo tell us your thoughts uh we will |
5478s | have a 4K video of things up for you so |
5481s | you can kind of watch it really analyze |
5483s | and give us your thoughts there and of |
5484s | course the full development update video |
5486s | will hopefully be live tomorrow pending |
5489s | the YouTube Gods workout with us and of |
5491s | course we do want to thank our Phoenix |
5493s | initiat testers for helping us we really |
5495s | really appreciate your time like |
5497s | immensely not only for letting helping |
5500s | us showcase this but also for your |
5501s | testing um we found some things that we |
5504s | would not have found without having |
5505s | those users joining us um and of course |
5508s | all of the developers who helped us out |
5510s | and who have worked really hard on ashes |
5512s | creation |
5513s | uh this is this is for you guys so |
5515s | hopefully you've been loving seeing if |
5516s | we can get some hearts in chat for our |
5518s | developers that would be wonderful I |
5520s | know that would mean a lot to them and |
5521s | of course Stephen for your time I know |
5523s | it's very valuable here um we will have |
5526s | the VOD up on Twitch right after you can |
5528s | check it out um and don't forget to |
5529s | leave us a comment on our development |
5531s | update video uh who one person who's a |
5534s | subscriber and and also has left to |
5536s | comment will be spotlighted as per usual |
5538s | and also follow us on all the places we |
5539s | are ashes of creation all of the places |
5542s | um we try to post frequently so come |
5544s | hang out with us and chat with us and so |
5546s | you don't miss out on things like this |
5549s | if I can hit the |
5552s | [Music] |
5571s | button |
5574s | [Music] |