do you think the preorder cosmetics will be optainable (ingame or cashshop) after launch?
for example i would love to use this
External link →do you think the preorder cosmetics will be optainable (ingame or cashshop) after launch?
for example i would love to use this
External link →Once cosmetic items rotate out of our shop, those specific items won't be available again. While there might be cosmetic items available in-game or from the cash shop in the future that are kind of similar, you won't see the Corvid Castigator costume skin offered again.
For example: You will not see an achievable white version of the Corvid Castigator set in the game, but you might see its shoulder piece, or its leggings, or wrist piece used in another set. Not every piece as to form the whole set, but maybe a few pieces.
See this forum post for specific examples on this (including the example provided above).
See the wiki, for a summary of what we've said about cosmetic items in Ashes of Creation.