Tulnar currently are not being worked on sayeth the Sandal Lord, that's cool with me I can wait.
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From the wiki:
The Tulnar religion is a combination of religious beliefs of the major races as well as pagan beliefs of the minor races that evolved over time as they coexisted together in the Underrealm.[15] There's talked of Voodoo somehwere on the page so I'll continue to look for quotes and update the thread as necessary.
Tulnar have a caste system.
And Tulnar are descendants of the original four races before they split into 2 ethnic subgroups each.
"The progression of the Tulnar- while they are still the staples of what were once the primary deities of the good pantheon remained for the Tulnar, over the time they existed and evolved into the society that they are at the return to Verra. It's much more similar... to the way the Creole religions advanced, with using components of Christianity as well as Voodoo and other smaller, more "paganesque" religions; and incorporated them into one. To that degree, you can correlate the way that society around the Tulnar has this almost combination of what were pagan beliefs from the minor races as well as the introductions of the major beliefs and religions from the major races, because they all came together in the Underrealm and survived in that regard. So you’re gonna see naturally a combination of those two things.[11] – Steven Sharif"
When you get a good look at Lousiana, Voodoo and Gothic Cemetaries.
But in the case of cultural, I rather look at the ancient Goths themselves.
Those fit both snugly with, Vodun has a huge spiritual and priest component to it, so does the caste system and Goths were among the most feared Warriors in the beginning of feudal Europe.
Which fit snugly into;
In this case, Indians were also important to the Creole culture and their beloved cookpot.

I originally was about some eras in Japan, but since the Ren'Kai covered most of that I think I can live without.
Elements of Buddhism fit in well with Gothic arianism and still can meld well with Vodun.
But being also of the UnderRealm I think a small bits of Arcanepunk would also fit with the Tulnars nature.

High Gothic from the Holy Roman Empire and Ancient Vedic Architecture is very blend able and when you add the Witchy/Voodoo nature of the Tulnar it creates some beautiful work. With the work Intrepid does it can easily blow away these quick AI searches.

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I just wanted to get the conversation going.