about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are. Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you! Dev Discussion - Esports What are your thoughts on esports and player-run competitive events in the MMORPG genre? What type of competitive, spectator-friendly content do you think could be fitting for Ashes of Creation? Are there any tools you’d like that would make competitive events easier for players to run?
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/58885/the-arena-thread Here’s a thread I started few days ago With a compromise to smaller scale competitive Arena gameplay and still keeping the aspects of the game in mind Would absolutely love E-Sports involvement
Awesome thought starts you made in your other thread! Looking at this segment specifically: Pyrolol;d-58885
The Arena should focus on player vs player, working as a team using skill, game knowledge, cooldown management and coordination to defeat the enemy team with zero respawns. There shouldn't be arena gear - it should be what your character has earnt from raids, dungeons, crafting etc and that is what you use to compete with, therefore skill can only be used so much before it is time to go back out into Vera and get some upgrades (preventing people from just sitting there queuing Arena and letting them still have to take part in the game) - Confirmed is a ladder system, ranked rewards per season with titles, cosmetics only is perfect - Having too many Arena brackets will diminish players participating and the ranking system - Arena should be cross realm to create more diverse battles and different team compositions - You & your team should have to travel to an NPC to que the Arena (preventing node sitters) Balancing of the Arena: We already know that it is a rock, paper, scissor type game style and in dev videos, regarding the arena, they did say skill can help counter it. When balancing the arena, I believe there should be: - A way to not affect the rest of the gameplay, it can be changes specific to that instance (i.e spell/ability is reduced by -25% while in the Arena but has full effect in open world) this prevents class changes from clashing with PvE and open world PvP - There should be no potions or outside buffs for the Arena, only what your team can provide, if there is potions make it a big cooldown to use therefore its a more calculated decision - 6 month seasons with seasonal rewards confirmed, and players can come show off their skills and maybe once a year tournaments can be held so that players can get into it and cheer on later when the game develops a bit more - Gear cap should be a thing to a certain extent to prevent the hardcore PvE'rs from dominating in the arena (purely from their gear) and still putting it down to mostly skill and team coordination to outplay your enemy team and also (BIG COOLDOWNS can be not useable in Arena to make it a more exciting and competitive game mode)
I'm curious if there's anything else you'd want to add or change with the prompt of this Dev Discussion in mind? Vaknar;d-58920
Dev Discussion - Esports What are your thoughts on esports and player-run competitive events in the MMORPG genre? What type of competitive, spectator-friendly content do you think could be fitting for Ashes of Creation? Are there any tools you’d like that would make competitive events easier for players to run?
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Now this is what I’m talking about @Nightmarelol @Option Let’s go for that 3v3 team death match style E - Sports title
3 man arena deathmatches sound fun! As a reminder, you can read more about our plans for Arenas here, on the wiki: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Arenas With that said, are there any tools you’d like that would make competitive events easier for players to run? Perhaps you have thoughts or opinions on Esports in other MMORPGs that you'd like to share?
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Here is the Dev Discussion asset w/o the text, as some have requested :)

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