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Alphas inevitably come with a lot of bugs or broken gameplay features and one that really stood out to myself and many players during the alpha weekends were the seemingly broken resource nodes. During phase 1 the world was covered in apprentice level nodes with nothing novice level available. This also affected mob spawns where a level 2 mob would share a spawn with its tameable counterpart which was apprentice level meaning that the entire grind spot would dry up. During one iteration I remember this being partly fixed after a server reset and most materials aside from ore/gems which are seemingly intended to be rare were available.

Over the weekend I was disappointed to login on Saturday and find nothing gatherable. I managed to harvest maybe three daffodils in a day and two basalt nodes lol. I never saw a mineable rock, including regular stone such as granite. In the end I decided to fish - which I did find enjoyable actually - but this shouldn't be happening imo.

I expected these bugs/flaws/faults, whatever they are to be addressed and worked on but I'm barely seeing any improvement. This iteration feels the same as the alpha weekends except as a Mage I noticed they fixed the fireball bug (you could cast it while on cd lol). The fact that they added the Desert in the state it's in is a different discussion but honestly from my point of view I would have much preferred a more playable Riverlands before adding more nodes which don't actually add anything to the gameplay/testing experience. I say this because the Desert appears to functionally be a reskin of the Riverlands.

Other bugs such as the Dunik crystal being non-interactable still seemingly persist which is strange to me when they added other quests which actually seem to work. The spawn rate of named mobs also hasn't been touched which is also a huge oversight for both regular and billboard quests.

Admittedly this probably comes from my own naive understanding of the company organisation - maybe the devs assigned to implement new content/features are on a different team than those assigned to fix bugs and what I'm seeing is a reflection of company structure, but I wouldn't know.

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3 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Would like to give some context;

We take in bug reports from both our internal QA teams as well as our testers. Those bugs then get triaged and prioritized based on severity (impact/frequency).

With regards to the resource spawns cycling out into t2 gatherables and tameable animals. This particular bug we have attempted several fixes for, but unfortunately this bug is a little elusive and appears to be more pronounced under higher loads of players (this is why we stress test). We have a longer term solution that isn’t expected to land until January, which is to pull out the resource spawners away from our population spawners (we try to consolidate systems, but sometimes we have to break them up).

We break our teams up into bug fixers, and future content/feature teams. We have about 230 people now on the development side, and roughly 30 QA. So sometimes you will see movement in one area of the game when movement elsewhere feels slower.

I get that it can be disappointing to have to deal with bugs during the alpha, but it is the lords work. Going through this pain now, ensures that when launch comes, it will be smoother. If at times it is difficult to endure, just remember we are working through your reports. And will keep you updated with our patch notes when we fix issues.

We appreciate every testers time and dedication. ❤️🙏

3 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Altruistic_Impact890

Hey thank you, I really didn't expect you yourself to reply to this and I appreciate you taking the time to write such a thoughtful response. It's great to know that we're being listened to and I appreciate the additional insight as to how things work at Intrepid which helps me restore faith in the process. It looks counterintuitive from the players perspective at times but everything you say makes perfect sense.

I'll keep trying my best to report what I see and give the game patience. Hope you don't get me wrong btw, the game is not bad for unfun, I've had more fun from the emergent social interactions on this alpha than many finished MMOs. The game feels like the core is in place but content just needs building around it.

To balance this with positive feedback: one change I've really enjoyed is flagging looters - it's led to a lot of fun PvP interactions and a risk/reward aspect to theft.

I don’t get you wrong at all brother. Thank YOU for helping us test ❤️🙏

3 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by jackcc18

I would love a way to know if the bug reports I'm putting in are useful, even if it's as simple as a thumbs up or thumbs down or a quick comment of "Good report" or "Not a bug" or "Wrong category, should have been X" I'm not a seasoned tester but I would love to know if I'm not doing things right.

Generally I advise a template such as this;

  1. Title: Briefly describe the bug (e.g., “Character falls through map near cliffs”).

  2. Description: What happened vs. what you expected (e.g., “Character fell through the ground when jumping near the cliff; expected to land normally”).

  3. Steps to Reproduce: List key actions to trigger the bug (e.g., “1. Go to Mountain Pass, 2. Jump near cliff edge”).

  4. Attachments: Add screenshots or videos if possible.