Title of thread is cryptic because my other title would have been too clickbaity and this one sounds usefully pretentious and can therefore be ignored.
I was reminded today that GAME DESIGNERS SUCK.
That bold caps part was my original title. Context below. You really don't need to understand much about the game, it's all covered in the video.
I don't know if Frontier is actively malicious or just terrible at their design goals, and I don't care, and this isn't really about them in the first place. But this is gonna hang on me. It's going to be part of the 'game related discussions' my group has. It's going to be one more 'time that a game made a design decision so vapid and stupid as to be incomprehensible'.
And it's going to almost certainly bias the way I interact with Intrepid no matter how hard I try. So I'm apologizing in advance for all my upcoming suspicious looks, my sarcastic bitter comments, and my 'lemme see how I can figure out how to spell this out as a terrible idea without getting banned'.
Because I'm 'reminded' that you just can't trust Game Devs to have any clue whatsoever about even the simplest aspects of player behaviour sometimes, and Intrepid hasn't gotten far enough to show that they have a clue YET.
End of rant.
I was reminded today that GAME DESIGNERS SUCK.
That bold caps part was my original title. Context below. You really don't need to understand much about the game, it's all covered in the video.
I don't know if Frontier is actively malicious or just terrible at their design goals, and I don't care, and this isn't really about them in the first place. But this is gonna hang on me. It's going to be part of the 'game related discussions' my group has. It's going to be one more 'time that a game made a design decision so vapid and stupid as to be incomprehensible'.
And it's going to almost certainly bias the way I interact with Intrepid no matter how hard I try. So I'm apologizing in advance for all my upcoming suspicious looks, my sarcastic bitter comments, and my 'lemme see how I can figure out how to spell this out as a terrible idea without getting banned'.
Because I'm 'reminded' that you just can't trust Game Devs to have any clue whatsoever about even the simplest aspects of player behaviour sometimes, and Intrepid hasn't gotten far enough to show that they have a clue YET.
End of rant.