over 2 years ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
1s [Music]
22s salutations and Welcome to our glorious
26s ashes of creation Community Welcome to
29s our August development update
31s hopefully everyone has had a very you
34s know chill month no one's overheating or
37s anything I think a few people might be
40s overheating
42s are you okay I I'm fine although I am
45s definitely a colder creature I have this
48s philosophy that it's very easy to make
50s yourself warmer with just additional
52s layers of clothing you can't take stuff
54s off really well you can you might be to
57s the dismay of others around you but
60s um there's really nothing you can do
62s without technology if you're really hot
64s like you know and then you need like a
67s self fan we need a Little Ashes of
69s creation fan yeah oh I have fans
71s sometimes I'll just point that fan on me
73s and let it rip
76s all right well we hope you all have been
78s having an exciting month and of course
80s we are always excited to share all the
82s cool stuff that we have for you and um
85s today we'll be we're kind of taking a
87s little throwback to our old ways um
90s we're gonna be doing a studio update
92s environment update character art update
94s design update we're gonna do all the
96s updates it has we've been showing off a
99s lot of really cool stuff along the way
100s this or these last few months but we
103s really wanna
104s share some things that we haven't gotten
106s to share with you
108s yeah not only the changes but you know
111s every now and then and then you guys
113s don't always see this because we grab
115s pieces of what we are developing of
119s course sometimes months back or
121s sometimes hot off the press but along
124s this past now it's been a year since
127s alpha one we've made a lot of revisions
129s across a lot of the design space and we
133s have changed some of the intended
135s functionality for some of our systems so
138s today's stream is really going to be
139s about catching up on some of those
141s things I know for those of you who are
144s hardcore die hard you know following the
147s development
149s um oftentimes you see information that
151s you already knew about or you can find
153s readily on the wiki
155s um today we're going to be updating some
156s of that stuff so it's going to be a
158s little easier yeah get your little Wiki
160s typing hands ready because uh you're
163s gonna be needing into make some updates
166s because there's things they be a change
169s in
170s um so before we get into that we'll do
173s our quick reminders I'll try to be
175s pretty Snappy with them we don't have
176s too many this time around but of course
179s we have our Spotlight for our Quest or
181s our YouTube comment this month
184s which you know if you subscribe to us
186s over on our YouTube and leave a comment
187s when we upload this video you too could
190s also be Spotlight spotlighted but last
192s month we had tree folk Druid who said I
196s don't know if it's gonna be a thing but
198s I think the Palms should Sway in the
201s Desert Wind the same with the dunes and
203s the sand blowing maybe that would be too
206s intensive but it would be it would look
209s cool so what do you think about that I
212s think first of all that absolutely I
214s agree Palms should sway we have a really
218s actually uh Dynamic approach that our
221s Tech art team has an environment team
223s has helped to kind of
225s um to curate here on our end from a
227s development perspective is how tree
229s blood or how Wind Blows through the
232s trees right oftentimes you'll be able to
234s like set a wind speed and that will be a
236s constant thing and you'll you know see
238s the leaves of the tree moving you know
240s all the time but we actually have a
242s variant that that just kind of in
244s emulates those those stronger gusts and
248s those lighter gusts right and that's
250s something that you will see in the game
253s one thing that is always at the
255s Forefront of our minds whenever we are
258s creating
259s um visual Tech art for things like wind
261s and and the trees is performance uh it
265s is an incredibly important aspect I mean
267s we are using Unreal Engine 5 there's
269s some great things out of the box that
270s help with that performance but from our
272s end as an MMO development Studio you
274s know everything is going to be about
276s performance and we're making sure that
278s we're conscientious of that when we're
279s including things like these wind effects
281s on on trees and and foliage in general
284s um so yes you will see that the Palms
286s will be blowing at different times at
288s different rates and if you didn't see
290s our desert biome update or our seasonal
293s update
295s um I would implore you to go check it
297s out some amazing art and it's really
300s going to give just the atmospheric
303s element momentum yeah all the seasons
306s the desert biome is just wonderful how
309s the Sand's moving and it looks like it's
312s safe and I think even some of the um a
315s little bit of the video showcase on some
316s of that foliage in the desert realm I
318s think you see some of the wind blowing
319s actually in those trees yeah yeah I
322s think yeah and of course we have our
325s cosmetic swap over that will be
327s happening for the tip of the spear which
329s will be September 7th so if you want to
331s get those snag those quick of course
333s these are going to be variants in the
336s world this helps us build the NPCs
338s creatures buildings Etc design is going
341s to be utilizing these to make variants
343s of really cool stuff that you're going
345s to battle in game which is exciting and
348s of course we have our Dev discussion we
352s want you to head over to our forums and
353s answer this for us would you prefer more
356s traditional MMORPG Main and off tank
359s rolls or would you prefer to see combat
362s experiences with several tanks fighting
365s and of course stay tuned next month for
367s our next topic which will be regarding
370s Gathering and PVP and with that that's
373s exciting and real quick I just want to
374s actually point out that
377s um I know we say this often uh but those
379s Dev discussions are super super helpful
384s um and those of you who are going on the
386s forums and participating and giving your
388s thoughts and experience and
390s um you know everything that you guys
391s contribute to the conversation I can't
394s say this enough we can't say this enough
396s but when we have our community team uh
400s take those responses and create these
402s reports they're they are shared through
405s a meeting with the appropriate Dev
407s stakeholders and we talk about oh you
410s know that idea yeah we already have
412s plans for that right or that's an
414s interesting thought or you know maybe
416s this isn't the type of idea
418s um that we should uh pursue or we're
421s gonna see how their thoughts might
422s change on something during testing right
424s that's kind of like generally our
425s approach
426s um if those of you want you know the
429s purpose of this whole transparent
430s process is for you guys to have a voice
434s in expressing your experiences and your
436s thoughts on what we're are what we're
438s developing so if you haven't had an
440s opportunity to go participate in those I
442s really want to strongly recommend that
444s you take a look at these Dev discussions
446s and you consider opining because it is
449s an important part of the process and our
452s community team is very interactive so if
455s you you know talk to us over on the
458s forums or Discord or on our social our
460s social media manager also everyone's
462s kicking butt so you will get a response
465s from us often so yes thank you all so
468s much we appreciate it and they work
471s really hard on those reports so it's
473s very absolutely I know for their from
475s their perspective when the designers or
478s artists or Engineers are excited to you
481s know go through those feedback pieces it
483s means a lot
485s um yeah it does and the community team
487s does such a great job putting all that
488s stuff together
489s um
490s Peter you know they all put that stuff
493s together very well off of our socials
495s and forums and it's in a nice cohesive
497s spot ready for review and when Margaret
500s sets that meeting up with the devs so
502s it's it's very helpful
504s of course and of course we have some
507s studio updates so we'll go through those
509s and then we'll get into the fun stuff
512s if you want to take that way take that
515s away so sorry I was reading I was
517s reading the comments I need to not do
519s that um yeah Studio update we had a
523s great week this week a really strong
526s week
527s um I can't talk too much about you know
531s what was uh so pivotal but we ended our
534s Milestone too
537s um and you know for those of you who are
538s unfamiliar kind of with production of of
541s you know game developments and stuff
543s um we we run a pretty agile uh uh
546s project management structure and
549s um the end of you know every few Sprints
551s or so is our milestones and um we like
555s to celebrate those Milestones here at
557s the studio we had a great time
559s um was it Wednesday night I think it was
560s Wednesday night
562s um Wednesday night at a at a local place
564s here where we all got to get together
565s with the team and just kind of celebrate
567s we played some virtual golf and did a
569s little arcade stuff in the evening had a
572s few drinks had a lot of fun um with
573s everybody kind of celebrating we had a
575s big town hall on Wednesday where we
577s showcased our achievements
579s um there were some videos there were
581s some yeah there were some definitely
583s some tears
584s um but you know I just want to say that
587s uh you know this this last week kind of
589s going over everything that we've
591s accomplished a milestone too internally
592s as a team
594s it was really great to see because you
597s know this is a lot of work it's a lot
600s it's a lot of work building a MMO
603s especially one of our particular
605s ambition
607s um and you know the studio has grown now
609s we've hired over 40 people this year
612s which is a big number and that in any
616s company's lifespan can be a difficult
619s thing the growth phase of a company
620s there's a lot of stuff that can fall
622s through the cracks there's culture that
624s you got to be super cognizant of and
626s protect there's
627s um you know there's workflows and
629s processes and pipelines that you need to
631s induct people into right and um I want
634s to say that that our team has managed
637s that very well and and I have been a
641s part of growing companies in the past
642s and sometimes it is not done well and
646s when it's not done well you can tell
647s very very quickly when processes start
650s to break down or communication exactly
653s correct yeah one of those yeah
655s absolutely one of those components of
657s good processes is effective
658s communication and those are facilitated
661s by the team members uh particularly
663s production helps in that regard but also
665s the leads and the new members of the
667s teams like the you know it's all their
668s sensibility so what I just want to say
670s is that this last week has been a a
671s great Illuminator of just how far we've
674s come this year
676s um uh internally and I know you guys
678s don't have 100 insight there but I I
680s gotta tell you from from my perspective
682s it has been a a truly phenomenal
685s experience over this last six seven
687s months of the year
689s um other Studio update we are still
691s continuing to hire we're having a a
693s great success attracting a lot of talent
696s um we have a a pretty small window of
699s acceptance rate from our applicants
701s about 1.4 percent on average a month
703s which you know it's nice to have that
706s pick of the litter so to speak right
707s there's a lot of talented devs out there
709s if you guys don't make it you know
710s through the process here at Intrepid
712s that doesn't mean you can't make it in
713s the future so don't don't let that be a
715s discouragement
716s um go back refine your skills build your
718s personal portfolio that's the best
720s advice I can give to those of you out
721s there that are looking for a job in this
723s industry and at Intrepid studios in
725s particular
727s um we've had a lot of success uh
729s internally with regards to
732s um the work towards Alpha 2.
734s um it's been very exciting to see you
736s guys are seeing little pieces of that
738s each month but otherwise the studio
740s updates been pretty pretty great for
743s those of you who are saying
744s Stephen needs an assistant there's a
746s position up there is there oh my God
749s there is absolutely please let me can I
751s connect um yeah go for it can I just say
754s this okay
755s for those of you out there who uh fancy
759s yourselves an executive assistant that
761s has intimate knowledge of game design of
766s MMORPG references
769s um understanding pipelines and processes
771s in this industry are phenomenal at note
774s taking and communication or shorthand
777s can sit through really long Laura
780s narrative meetings and design meetings
782s with me and take action items and follow
785s up on those action I was like
787s if in a you know incredible I'm sure
789s Stephen shows up to his meeting
791s sometimes make sure I don't get Triple
793s booked for my meetings that I'm
795s constantly having to having to juggle
799s um that would be helpful uh but if you
801s know anybody who's like that also send
803s them our way just to to apply people
806s were like why can't you have Margaret do
808s it homies I already have enough
809s departments to cover yeah
815s gold
818s [Laughter]
824s I guess he could just do the streams
826s from the office
827s I'm just kidding I'm just kidding
830s all right anything else you want to
831s mention on the studio side no that was
834s interesting plugging the executive
835s assistant position on this on the live
837s stream we'll see how that works
840s you're gonna get like a bunch of
841s applications
844s do me a favor just clip that segment
846s where I describe the position a bit and
849s uh and feel free to share it
851s perfect
854s um but you know of course everyone's
855s very excited we you know this big morale
858s boost to see everybody in the office and
860s to
862s um kind of celebrate together because we
864s work really hard and sometimes it's nice
866s to look back and be like wow we
868s accomplished a lot
870s um yes in just a few months so yeah
873s amazing and also um Mike on our team on
876s on Margaret's team actually did an
878s awesome job making a uh internal uh cut
882s of some footage that we have of the
885s studio from like back in 2017 to today
888s it's it was uh it was definitely a tear
890s jerker he splicing content creators too
894s okay I told I told him after I saw that
897s because they kind of did it as a little
898s bit of surprise I had no insight to it
900s until like literally yesterday the day
902s before and
904s um I told him I am often impressed but
908s rarely surprised and I was I was
911s definitely so I'm sure he was so happy
914s he was so proud of that he did he's been
916s working really hard honestly everybody
918s has but um he definitely filled up many
921s cups of tears from people
923s especially those of us who've been here
925s for so long too I think
928s it's crazy seeing our journey and it's
930s not even over yet so let's move on to
935s environment and talk about all the
937s amazing things they've been up to do you
939s kind of want to do a gist first and then
941s we'll show footage or just show the
943s footage while you talk about what
945s they've been doing yeah yeah that's a
946s great idea let's do that all right so
948s this first video here that we're going
950s to show is
952s um of the Riverland flora and desert
954s rocks and yes then we'll be showing the
957s Joshua tree and fantasy ball bearings so
960s basically what you're seeing here is
963s you know Alpha 2 is going to have a
966s pretty significant cross-section of
968s different biomes the two primary ones
972s that Alpha 2 is going to contain are
973s going to be forests River lands and
977s desert right it's going to be some
979s Badlands mixed in there's going to be
980s some some other areas but
983s that's going to be the predominant
985s cross-section of the world that players
987s are going to have access to and you're
989s just kind of seeing
990s what the density of that of that is
994s going to look like especially in these
996s Forest environments and it's important
997s to note
998s that like what you're seeing here does
1001s not include active resource spawners yet
1004s because resource banners and materials
1006s that you're going to go out and gather
1008s are also going to need to live alongside
1011s what the general foliage is in each of
1013s these biomes and so
1015s um what part of what Alpha 2 presents us
1017s an opportunity to do is to focus test
1021s amongst our players what is too dense
1024s what is performant off that density
1028s um and and and what is obstructing kind
1030s of the visual of the gatherables within
1034s that area you're also seeing some of the
1036s wind right now in those Palms if you
1038s look at the leaves you can see the one
1039s in the distance or the close-up you know
1041s you see that that variant wind
1043s demonstration that's in those and these
1045s you know these are some of the foliage
1047s that environment's been creating as part
1050s of what's capable of creating an
1053s interesting desert biome because many
1055s times in the games that probably we've
1057s played the least interesting biome type
1060s tends to be a desert and it's been
1063s always fun as I've experienced in the
1065s MMOs I've played is like you know what
1068s what is uh how do they spruce up a
1070s desert um and one of the interesting
1072s things you're going to see in Alpha 2 is
1075s how the desert also adheres to Seasons
1077s and has weather and has giant dust
1081s storms and clouds within which there are
1084s interesting creatures that might not
1086s normally be present unless for that
1089s particular weather that's going to be
1092s very interesting as well you saw a
1095s little bit of a you know the sand
1096s tornado capabilities with the dust devil
1099s kicking up both in the weather
1101s presentation as well as a little bit in
1103s the uh uh in the desert reveal and you
1108s also saw some ambient
1110s um uh effects that live across the top
1113s of those Dunes where you're seeing Winds
1116s of sand getting blown across in the
1118s distance and and you know here's the key
1121s Point Graphics don't make a game fun
1125s systems make games fun but Graphics make
1129s those systems far more enjoyable and and
1133s that is kind of the the perspective that
1136s we have with the the game you can have a
1140s great game that has very little
1142s compelling immersive qualities and and
1144s you know finely made art but if you have
1148s a game that has great systems and lives
1151s alongside with that this incredibly
1153s immersive atmosphere and zones from
1156s which you get to play in it is the best
1159s of both worlds and that's kind of our
1161s objective right
1162s um so that's what we want to focus on as
1164s from our perspective we've we've
1166s attracted an incredibly talented group
1169s of people
1170s um we've had you know people that have
1172s just made some Stellar things in their
1174s career and really this is this is the
1177s time to shine with ashes of Creation
1179s with what they're doing there is no no
1182s bound beyond the creative freedoms that
1185s are afforded our artists they run the
1187s show when it comes to visuals right
1190s um and and that is that is I think
1192s something that is going to be wholly
1194s unique in ashes of creation that you
1195s guys are going to get to experience
1198s and it's
1199s one of those things where
1202s you just kind of have to realize too
1204s that art is being made parallel to those
1207s systems so a lot of people are like why
1210s are you focusing on Art because art we
1211s can show right a lot of the systems are
1213s you got to play a little design you know
1217s like you have to experience them to
1219s really see them in action no the uh yeah
1222s I mean that's a very good point right if
1224s you think about a development process if
1226s you don't have much experience kind of
1227s understanding the the intricacies of the
1229s of the process you know art is
1232s constantly getting barraged with
1234s requests whether it be itemization
1236s requests for gear or creature requests
1239s for Content or environment requests for
1242s points of interest Dungeons and biomes
1244s like you know their Nations
1248s absolutely ability animations creature
1251s attack anim Suites
1253s um you know whatever there's a lot of
1255s requests that get serviced by our our
1258s teams which stem from designs desires
1261s about the world or designs desires about
1265s systems
1266s um you know this is that those two
1268s things live in parallel oh yeah and
1270s someone mentioned audio Yeah of course
1272s that's another thing right audios
1275s oh cat does an amazing job absolutely
1278s love all the work then she does
1281s um
1282s so we were we will move on to a
1285s character art if you're ready for that
1286s yeah absolutely all right
1292s first and foremost here we have the Jade
1296s sigil oh this one's great was this Jan
1301s yeah this one oh I'm not sure which one
1304s this one this was the one I didn't have
1306s a label for I believe this was uh uh
1309s Jan's yeah
1310s looks very good I love the uh the Rope
1313s work in the back there this was one that
1315s I designed like a long while ago so it's
1317s cool to see it in a 3D model
1320s I was inspired by like WWE belts but I
1324s wanted I was like make it renkai the
1326s belt of giant string
1332s and then we have the trawlers guys which
1336s uh is by Jan as well
1340s this one was designed quite a long time
1343s ago those Fishers out there interested
1347s in some uh some fishing maybe yeah this
1350s was one of the sets that I designed for
1352s the nikuen
1354s um
1354s somebody got the Pathfinder reference
1356s Buttercup clover
1358s nice job good job there's a lot of
1362s Pathfinder oh by the way did you know uh
1366s Stephen last month they got a bingo
1369s who got a bingo they got a bingo the
1371s Chad did because you know they do like
1372s the Community Bingo sheet no no way yeah
1375s that's cool did they win a prize I don't
1378s know the prize was they got they got all
1381s the things they wanted yeah
1384s [Music]
1385s um but I believe we have a turntable of
1387s this as well
1388s so cool
1392s I love it it looks very good I like that
1395s hat it's perfectly made for hot summer
1398s days out on the tropics other option is
1401s you could take it off and use it as a
1403s little boat
1405s oh my gosh that's not a bad idea
1407s although it has holes in it
1409s it's more like a pasta strainer it looks
1412s like
1413s pasta strainer your fish strainer and
1417s then we're going to move in I know your
1419s favorite thing you guys some mounts but
1421s I promise you these are cool
1423s uh this one is the garden
1427s so pretty
1429s oh look at that guy this is a ginsy can
1434s you imagine just camouflaging into like
1436s a little foresty environment or a garden
1439s with him
1441s just walking around in the forest yes
1444s that is is pretty sweet and it do we
1448s have I was watching his animations get
1450s worked on it I don't I don't have the
1452s animation
1454s yeah the footage that uh was in there
1457s was not the I didn't want to show that
1460s so this guy you get updated ones he's a
1463s fun one yeah looks cool and then also
1466s interesting thing to note there I
1468s believe is that Those portions on the uh
1471s uh the branches yeah they interact with
1475s the wind as well it's like the cape on
1478s the character and the hat on the
1479s character and we have shown
1482s that there may be cases where certain
1485s mounts will interact with Seasons
1489s um if you've seen some of the Season
1490s Tech that we've done before there may be
1492s there may be mounts down the line that
1494s you know if they have leaves they change
1496s with the seasons and stuff like that
1497s which is really cool yes um sleep under
1501s that tree guy oh yeah that'd be cool you
1503s can have your Mount out without needing
1505s to be mounted on it you could definitely
1507s do some emotes to lay under him little
1509s RP sesh yeah your mouth will walk
1511s alongside you if you absolutely right on
1513s top of it
1514s um
1515s plume
1518s feather work that they did on I mean
1521s it's it's so good was this ginsey that
1523s did this this is a ginsy creation yeah
1526s oh it's so great yes I love it and the
1530s the the color composition
1533s um is just beautiful I mean it almost is
1535s it strikes me a little bit as a pheasant
1538s yeah so the inspiration for this one um
1540s I was designing it a while ago is like
1542s the well obviously first you because
1544s you're Ducks
1545s um so I wanted to make like a little Ode
1547s to that yeah a little homage to your
1550s Ducks
1551s um
1552s now that can eat these things we have
1555s one of those already it has like
1557s multiple wings too
1559s um but you know is probably animation's
1561s favorite thing for me they're like
1562s Margaret stop making so many wings
1565s um
1566s but this is like a a Chinese duck which
1570s is really cool like it there's actually
1572s ducks that exist like this that are
1574s really beautiful colors obviously ours
1576s is a little different take on it but
1578s inspired by yeah I do love Peking duck
1581s it's one of my favorite dishes
1583s um
1587s I don't know could you eat him found him
1589s in the wild I mean you're probably as
1592s big as his like leg good luck trying to
1594s eat him he's gonna eat you oh it's so
1596s good but I like the traditional Peking
1598s duck that's like the flat pancake uh you
1601s know not the bun
1604s yeah like the little the soft buns
1607s interesting I'm sorry I'm not trying to
1610s eat this man
1611s next up we have some creatures the first
1614s is a concept piece for one of the
1616s minotaurs we have the minotaurs are
1618s looking so thank you guys you guys are
1623s going to see these minotaurs in action
1626s next month actually Little League little
1629s teaser a little teaser I'm sorry you're
1632s gonna see these guys in game and
1634s combating a ranger oh it's gonna be fun
1638s they're so cool
1641s um the community team is like new race
1645s by the way this is just one class of the
1650s um yes of the Minotaur
1653s uh foes the Minotaur almost are like a
1657s player character raised to a degree they
1658s have many different classes of them that
1660s exist within the world that that you
1663s will be facing
1665s yeah they're pretty safe you have the
1667s one on the on the uh uh the pig
1671s I don't uh this was the only one I was
1673s given uh from that character artist are
1676s we able to do it live yeah if you send
1679s it to me I will I will put it live all
1681s right let me grab it real quick I'm so
1684s sorry Chad I just feel like you have got
1686s to say it's pretty cool it's pretty cool
1689s oh just wait just wait hold on I'm
1694s sending it right now directly to you in
1696s Slack
1697s standby and we'll snag it and pop it
1700s into the scene here we go and message
1704s and usually the artists kind of decide
1707s what they want to share every month
1709s because sometimes they're like oh it's
1710s not quite done so I don't want to share
1712s I know but Steven does have veto power
1716s don't yet let me wait it okay there you
1719s go okay oh let me
1727s is that this guy that you're about to
1730s see may have stages where during the
1734s combat when you reach a certain
1736s objective could be health-wise could be
1738s some mechanic that he will Dismount and
1742s take combat to foot
1745s um
1746s and and there's you will yes
1749s you will see there he is check that dude
1753s out and I'll kind of show you guys this
1756s is Holy Smokes it's a Minotaur writing
1762s okay wait a minute it's like a hog there
1764s it is like a hog yeah
1767s or hot warhog can you zoom in on it a
1771s little bit just zoom in uh yeah I can
1772s try to zoom in a little bit and you guys
1775s have seen how close our modelers are
1778s extraordinarily talented character
1780s artists bring to life Concepts very
1784s close
1785s to what the concept originally is and
1788s just wait until you get to Facebook do
1790s you want me to zoom on on him or the
1792s hobby zoom in on him on his face I just
1795s really like the detail
1799s um and I believe Lloyd our concept
1800s artist Lloyd has been doing these he's
1802s been an amazing job Lloyd
1806s bear man Pig Minotaur man Pig
1809s ooh can you get a closer yeah I probably
1814s hello sir can you get closer
1817s yeah yeah I can get closer how close you
1819s want like in the eyeball
1821s just like have the face be like you know
1825s probably 50 larger he might cover us oh
1828s actually I can figure I can do this yes
1831s this is the Margaret loves this by the
1833s way she really loves when she's
1835s challenged to perform on her feet
1837s we're doing it loud
1841s doing it live
1843s live production is fun though
1847s I agree live production is fun oh look
1850s at that
1851s look at his snout and the teeth
1855s oh my God yes I need to show that Jeremy
1858s send it to me Jeremy send it find it I
1860s said what is he doing there's one more
1862s there's one more and I'm I want to see
1864s if the chat can actually find in this
1867s next image uh detail a detail that's
1872s located on the body
1874s of the Minotaur okay and there's one
1878s specific thing about that detail that
1880s you guys I want to see if you can find
1882s okay let's see who finds it first in
1885s chat if they can first in chat to find
1887s the very specific cool detail on it
1891s Jeremy's like right now rushing to find
1893s it I'm sure you send me it
1895s oh Mike sent me all of them I guess they
1898s added them later
1899s oh I do have the other ones hold on I we
1902s we can we can move on to the next one
1904s while Jeremy finds it but it's it's
1906s coming up in a second here
1908s all right
1909s as soon as you send it to me Jeremy I
1911s will I will showcase it
1914s um all right next one is
1917s we have uh the snake creature
1920s this is not fully done but we you know
1923s we like to show you guys kind of like
1925s the different phases so you can see
1926s Concepts you can see models you can see
1929s the process this guy is in a t-pose and
1933s what that means is both from his arms
1935s that you see extended but more
1937s importantly the tail the tail is also
1940s t-post so um when this guy moves around
1943s he's going to be in a more interesting
1944s stance
1945s Tail's gonna get coiled a bit there's
1948s going to be variants of these types of
1950s snakes that are based on uh different
1953s types you're going to have like a black
1954s mamba version you're going to have a
1956s cobra version you're going to have a
1958s rattler version that comes off the tail
1961s um these guys are super cool like Naga
1964s style
1966s um okay here we go wait but that has a
1968s that has a interesting color version
1970s there
1973s um
1974s it's hard to tell where the center is
1977s okay yeah I'll send it over though I'll
1979s send this one yeah Mike you can send
1981s that one to um send that to Margaret and
1983s then Margaret Mike's going to send that
1984s over to you
1986s yeah these guys are super cool uh these
1989s are the inhabitants of a particular
1992s um dungeon oh perfect yes this is much
1994s better okay hold on wait I'm so sorry
1996s we're doing this live guys but I figure
1998s you're gonna love these I make a full
2000s run of show you guys I she does but you
2003s know what sometimes you just what do
2005s they say about plans no plans survives
2009s my plans survived the first shot or
2013s something first battle contact with the
2015s Enemy No plan survives contact with the
2017s Enemy right not saying
2020s no no
2022s but it is sometimes just fun to do
2024s things live
2025s um okay he sent me a bunch so I don't
2027s know if you want me to share all of
2028s these or okay just one that had the Lord
2031s the Lord
2034s okay the Lord the hunter one yeah Lord
2037s Hunter yep okay got it
2039s so okay now what you're looking for is
2042s on the Lord
2044s okay give me a second
2046s you're looking for the one on the Lord
2049s and if you want you want me to zoom in
2050s on him yeah
2053s okay all right it's a trophy it is a
2057s trophy somebody guessed it's a trophy
2059s what you're looking for is a trophy that
2061s the Lord has on his body somewhere what
2064s is that trophy there's something that
2066s gives it away
2068s he said Junior the talent let's set it
2071s he found a junior skull and what is it
2073s about that skull the dunier skull That's
2075s Unique the beard is attached to the
2078s skull
2079s so that's some lore that's a lore reveal
2082s you've just discovered that minotaurs
2085s don't like no not only that but that
2087s dwarves are born with the uh beard
2091s attached to their skull and it just
2093s takes time for the beard to grow out of
2095s the skin but the beard is there from
2098s start
2099s I zoomed in on the screen
2102s it's a baby beard that is true they have
2105s baby beards little baby beards little
2108s nine pound six ounce baby beards all
2110s right
2110s [Laughter]
2114s this is the content you guys came from
2116s came for
2120s all right next up we've got uh
2124s cyclops
2126s and you can see the scale of the person
2129s down in the bottom now this my friends
2132s is a world boss
2135s this is and can you see the scale
2138s yes it's a little this guy this guy
2141s takes a raid and he's one of the first
2143s bosses that you will encounter in the
2146s game he's gonna have some fun tactics
2148s one thing that's unique about this guy
2150s is he roams the riverlands he's not in
2155s one specific area he walks through the
2159s riverlands through different areas and
2161s different zones and you may see the
2163s silhouette of a giant figure between the
2166s trees and the distance and here his
2168s stomping ambient you know walking sounds
2172s he is he is a fun one to watch and move
2175s through and his this his encounter is
2178s going to be interesting you'll notice
2180s that he has a giant tree trunk there at
2182s the top
2183s I wonder what he uses that for
2185s smash
2188s I like that
2190s all right and I think I have another
2192s Minotaur that they would like to share
2195s so I'm gonna try to
2198s get that into the scene
2200s um here
2202s we're just gonna keep going back to the
2203s Minotaur for you guys uh another one yes
2206s we'll just show it all the minotaurs
2208s we're giving away the minotaurs
2210s this one is with the
2212s what else is on the shield he's a tanky
2215s tanky boy they call him Mr tankers
2219s Mr tanker mctakertons
2221s all right I like the skull and the the
2225s armor set on his shield
2227s now we'll take it a little bit more
2230s Whimsical and we have the ruling
2234s which Priscilla made yes Priscilla did
2238s such a great job with this oh wait yeah
2240s here we go
2243s do we have the absolutely oh there it is
2246s I can't wait till we get to the
2248s turntable okay turntable here you go
2250s there's an Easter egg on the back side
2253s you know how we like our our peaches our
2256s tushes
2259s he's got a little potato bud how many
2262s times can you say in a game you've seen
2264s a potato bud
2267s honestly no if I've seen a potato bug
2269s before
2271s Mr Potato Man doesn't have a potato Bud
2274s he just has like a one lump this is the
2277s thick potato it's a pretty thick potato
2283s and uh from there from creatures we're
2286s going to move into some of the raised
2288s stuff so you all did see the Imperium
2291s for the first time really with the new
2293s uh Concepts and here is our lovely lady
2298s so you can kind of see it all right this
2301s is the first time for the actual new
2303s Imperium Imperium
2306s model that people have seen right
2309s they've seen the concept which was last
2311s month and now you're seeing the
2313s the motto
2315s yes she's not angry she's determined
2318s she's she's serious she has she has a
2322s exactly she's focused she's serious it
2325s is time to expand the Imperium if I look
2329s angry it's just because I'm focused I
2331s mean yeah but you gotta you got to get
2333s in her head like what is it that her is
2335s driving her right and part of that drive
2338s I think for the Imperium is to spread
2341s the imperian influence throughout the
2344s realm of era
2346s um and that's where that that to me is
2347s what she's communicating with her facial
2349s expression right yeah they have a very
2351s militaristic backgrounds that makes
2355s sense some would say militaristic some
2357s would say a more aggressive form of
2360s negotiation right militaristic no
2363s aggressive form of negotiations
2365s everything so much in life is
2367s perspective and you just got to look at
2370s it from her perspective
2373s all right could see it I got you
2376s this one somebody said a resting elf
2378s face
2380s the resting outfits like a great resting
2382s elf face next step
2385s the nicoon so we've made some changes to
2388s them a bit uh similarly to some of the
2390s other races Steven has kind of taken a
2392s little bit of a direction change so
2395s hopefully you all like it yeah I think
2398s it gives a lot of character to them that
2400s I love
2405s they're so cool
2410s there's a bunch of them do we have a few
2411s more yeah yes
2416s the nekoons the other other Dwarven meat
2422s um
2424s yes these guys have a lot of Rich
2426s background and culture
2429s um that I think is pretty unique from a
2432s fantasy uh you know it's a little
2434s atypical from the traditional you know
2436s fantasy tropes about dwarves
2438s um and I thought it was time to innovate
2441s in that space right and so we we took we
2444s took a bit of that of that Polynesian
2447s influence
2448s um you know those those more Islander
2451s cultures and even the real world and we
2453s we took that and how can we apply that
2455s to a fantasy race like dwarves
2458s um and really make something interesting
2460s there and these these guys are pretty
2462s pretty awesome I appreciate it the
2465s Filipino the Filipino part of me is like
2467s yeah yes that knows that's very like
2470s Islander I like somebody somebody said
2474s somebody says the s s fandians
2477s yeah so these are these are the males we
2480s won't be showing the females this time
2481s but we are going to show a race that we
2485s haven't really shown in a long long time
2489s um and third New Direction as well which
2491s is
2492s the velune and this will be both male
2495s and female so here we go the reveal
2498s yes they're so cool
2503s the velune are pretty awesome
2506s and and I want to point out something
2508s that you are not necessarily seeing here
2511s in these in the in the concepts but the
2515s velune have an interesting
2518s uh lineage and there is some influence
2522s there that when the velunes step through
2526s the portal
2528s some portions of their body begin to
2531s exhibit this almost
2533s Essence like rupture in the skin and
2537s um you guys are going to see some
2539s examples of that in the future
2541s um and it is a bit of some Gin influence
2545s in their lineage as a race that kind of
2549s sets them apart from their klar
2550s counterparts and I think that's going to
2553s be pretty pretty interesting
2556s all right
2557s well hopefully you all like seeing that
2561s I'm sure you'll share your feedback with
2563s us and then I have a little Beetle
2565s animation
2569s so these are the these are a bunch of
2571s beetle combat atoms
2574s I like Wendy yeah knocks over on his
2576s back and stuff it's cool and you're
2578s gonna see a lot of variants of these
2580s beetles
2581s excuse me as even combat monsters we
2585s might swap off the type of horns and the
2588s design of those horns there's gonna be
2590s pallet changes and designs on the wings
2593s that will be variant options
2596s um and you will see more ornate versions
2598s of these types of creatures as you move
2601s through uh the the Realms of Vera
2606s um you know this is all kind of how we
2609s build up some of these creatures so that
2611s they're multi-purpose from a Content
2613s level perspective as you progress within
2616s the world right and we're all familiar
2617s with that and a lot of the MMOs that we
2619s played oh look at it fell in its back
2620s yeah
2622s he gets back up he's fine
2624s yeah this guy's like the sorry of the
2627s size of a Volkswagen uh bug
2630s [Music]
2631s some of them can be not all of them are
2634s but some can be uh relatively large oh
2637s my gosh we saw how scary like a swarm of
2639s butterflies just can be because they
2641s were doing some like visual effects
2643s showcases and it was pretty horrifying
2647s when there's a lot of little tiny things
2649s coming your way yeah um and then never
2651s have you ever when you have I don't know
2653s if you've ever lived like in the midwest
2654s or in the or in the south at all oh yeah
2657s yeah I lived in Alabama oh that's right
2660s okay so during the Summers did you ever
2662s have those June bugs that would like fly
2664s in and they would land on you and when
2666s they gripped you they would like like
2668s literally almost tear your skin off if
2670s you try to flick them off of you no
2672s nothing ever landed at me like that
2674s that's that support I've seen June bugs
2677s but I've never had my land I have have
2679s had a June bug land on your skin
2684s yes thank you thank you I can't believe
2687s you've never expected I just run away
2689s when there's a big bug flying around oh
2691s they have like a death grab so when I
2694s see this guy give them the opportunity
2695s to land on me yeah but when I see that
2697s well sometimes you just play with them
2699s right so actually sometimes in the
2700s midwest you'll see trees with like these
2701s little sacks that collect the June bugs
2703s they like have like yeah and they're
2705s like it's really sad actually but
2707s um this guy's feet he they remind me of
2709s a June bug
2711s a little bit
2712s uh oh wait didn't mean to show that
2715s we're not we're not We're not gonna show
2716s that sorry whoops okay what are we not
2718s showing nope nothing
2720s um nothing no oh my god um moving on
2723s from there
2725s was it the toes no no they saw nothing
2729s nothing happened there you literally
2731s just scratched probably a lot of
2734s different people's foot
2736s um
2737s [Laughter]
2745s he just said that to me and I was like
2748s all right I'll I'll see what I can do
2750s um so from there we have some really
2753s cool design stuff and this is gonna get
2755s meaty so get your pens out
2757s get your piece of paper out wait am I
2760s getting pen what am I doing no not you
2761s them all right the stuff you're about to
2763s tell them about the design updates right
2766s yeah right so
2769s you want to preface the first part here
2771s of all the amazing stuff they've been
2773s working on what are we showing first
2774s let's start with the should we start
2776s with the world map yeah let's start I
2778s think that's the best way to start
2779s because it kind of sets the precedent
2780s for everything else oh let me let me
2783s just breathe for a second
2786s all right I'm ready so
2789s we're a little wacky today what I would
2791s like to say before I know you know what
2793s it's the end of a really long week yeah
2796s and this is what happens this is what
2798s happens when the week is long you can
2800s even hear it in my voice I've been
2801s talking so much that my voice is like
2805s raspy yeah I told someone else I was
2807s like I don't want to talk for like the
2809s whole weekend I know so I apologize for
2813s the raspy voice but okay
2815s now in the past you have seen before we
2819s show this map you have seen
2822s um
2823s our old world map and I told you a few
2826s months ago
2827s that
2829s um this year we've made some significant
2832s changes to that world map a lot of those
2835s changes were rooted in a few things
2839s um one
2840s as as we've been prepping
2843s and building for Alpha two
2846s we have had some real
2849s coming to
2852s um
2853s coming to Norland moments
2856s [Music]
2858s but where we've had to we've had to talk
2861s about
2862s as these large pois as nodes are being
2866s placed as those areas are being defined
2869s uh for free holds for roads for
2875s um you know everything that exists
2877s within a zone or the world
2881s how is the spacing for that right and
2885s you can do
2887s you know some portion of estimation
2889s based on simple math documentation you
2893s can plan things out but the moment you
2896s start you know really getting a feel for
2899s those things in the world
2901s no no good plan even lasts first contact
2904s with the Enemy right that same same
2906s concept here we had a plan
2909s for this theme this is the theme the
2912s plan that the plan had to change and it
2915s had to change because there's nothing
2917s more important than
2919s being in the engine building those
2922s things and feeling those things out
2924s right and our level design team
2928s um with Jason and Ben and and and Chris
2932s on the Node side uh Bucky like helping
2935s kind of uh in building Alpha 2 and
2939s prepping for Alpha two we've been
2941s defining that density that content
2943s density in the world
2945s and it required that we made the map a
2948s bit bigger
2950s um to facilitate that can I show it now
2955s uh give me one second okay hold on well
2958s there's one more thing okay okay all
2960s right one more thing I'm excited to
2961s share with you guys a the the purpose of
2965s it becoming bigger is as I said to make
2970s sure that that density isn't
2972s overwhelming right that it isn't
2974s everywhere I look there is immediately
2976s something I have no opportunity to see
2979s you know areas of the world that are
2982s expansive and are you know just kind of
2985s Wanderlust Adventure feeling right you
2988s didn't want you you were sitting
2989s everything was sitting on top of you
2991s have pois and nodes and houses and
2993s everything right it was like an urban
2994s area everywhere now but but
2997s um we wanted to expand that because a
3000s large portion of the game is a Sandbox
3003s element right it's coupled with a lot of
3005s curated content but that sandbox element
3008s so what you're about to see
3010s is also going to include a change in
3016s some of the continents that you
3017s previously knew in their shapes in their
3021s orientation you're going to see two new
3023s very large islands
3026s um also that were Incorporated for a lot
3028s of the naval play as we've been disc as
3030s we've been doing the neighborhood so now
3032s with that being said we shall show you
3037s the new world map
3039s in all its 1200 square kilometer Glory
3045s it's gorgeous
3047s look at it
3050s so while they're looking at this can you
3052s go into more detail on the specific land
3055s mass changes and why you guys made those
3057s I kind of I think you started with
3059s talking about the islands as well
3061s absolutely absolutely so you're gonna
3063s see some names here a little bit of a
3065s reveal of some of these locations in
3067s these areas and you're also of course
3070s seeing similar
3071s um uh
3072s the uh the biomes that are present as
3075s well
3077s um but more importantly what you are
3079s seeing is the orientation of these
3081s continents and these islands that are
3085s facilitating specific types of
3089s InterContinental trade gameplay and they
3093s support the relevance of these Caravans
3096s moving across the land mass to locations
3100s that will now incorporate these Harbor
3103s areas which aren't identified on the map
3105s here we didn't want to share that ahead
3107s of time of course but I had I had Mike
3110s remove a lot you moved a lot of removed
3112s a lot of stuff there were many layers
3114s we'll show some more of this stuff as we
3116s move on but
3118s um in in future streams but
3120s the important part was providing a lot
3124s of coastal Naval gameplay between these
3128s zones and trade routes between land base
3130s now if we talk about the surface area of
3134s the land compared to that of the ocean
3139s um let me bring up my handy handy handy
3143s um little spreadsheet that I had with
3145s that stuff there okay here we go when we
3148s talk about
3150s um the the size of the world of the
3154s world uh land area
3157s um that is the ocean and lakes are
3160s roughly
3161s 750 square kilometers of space so much
3167s and on land you have about uh you have
3171s about
3172s 450 to 480 square kilometers of land
3176s play so there's not too much that has
3180s been added on the land side as there has
3182s been greater separation between the
3184s continents a reorientation of those
3186s continents additional Bays that have
3188s been included and those two major
3191s islands that are on each of the ends and
3193s by the way those islands are a throwback
3195s to we added those as a throwback to part
3198s of what what happens in the story from
3201s the original ashes of creation
3202s Pathfinder campaign some plus decade
3205s plus ago
3207s um so the original map of this was from
3209s your campaign I know I know yeah they
3212s had a lot of that stuff
3213s um so now when we talk about the under
3216s realm which I know is a lot of
3218s conversation about Underground
3220s the under Realm
3222s is intending to be bespoke segments of
3227s underrealm territory that are available
3229s around areas of choke point in the world
3234s map
3235s that are above ground which are provided
3239s for Caravan Transit across the world so
3242s those Caravans as they're approaching
3244s these choke points on land they will
3246s have alternate route options to go down
3249s into the underrealm and to try to
3250s Traverse that space as opposed to the
3252s choke points and that is a very
3254s important part so this Underground map
3256s which we'll reveal in a future stream
3258s you'll have kind of an idea a little bit
3259s about where those under Realms live as a
3262s layer across this this Overland area
3265s that is an important part about land
3267s Transit and of course Caravans so what
3270s I'm going to talk to you now about which
3271s has um you guys I don't think have
3273s received this in the past is kind of
3275s context around
3277s movement speed and the distance traveled
3282s between nodes and what those are
3284s currently hovering around
3286s so when we talk about how long it takes
3289s to run across a node to move across a
3293s maximum sized node which is a stage six
3297s Metropolis stage it takes around two
3300s minutes and 50 seconds for you to run
3302s entirely from one end of a metropolis's
3305s plug to another end of a metropolis
3308s which is a significant amount of time of
3310s course if you're mounted that'll take
3312s about one and a half minutes
3314s um or 1.67 I guess
3318s um if you are trying to move from node
3321s to node and it's important to note that
3323s node to node
3325s this doesn't mean that it's a built node
3327s to a built node this means it's a
3328s directly neighboring node you're moving
3331s to and sometimes that node might not be
3333s active right because it's been locked
3334s out from advancing due to the stage of a
3337s node uh to its neighbor but the distance
3340s traveled between without a mount just
3343s running is about five minutes from node
3345s to node
3347s um while moving from node from the
3349s center of a node a to let's say node B
3351s if you were mounted
3353s it would take you roughly uh three and a
3357s half minutes or so I'm sorry actually
3359s take you five minutes from Center to
3360s center from from side to side it would
3363s take you about three and a half minutes
3365s um if you were to move across the height
3367s of the world map down to the other
3371s location of the world map of one
3373s continent let's say that would take you
3375s about 50 minutes now
3378s here's the interesting thing
3380s we've said always in the past that the
3384s the
3384s world changes as the as the node States
3388s develop or progress so that means that
3391s when a scientific node reaches a
3392s metropolis level
3393s that the vassal network of that
3396s Metropolis will now incorporate
3398s teleportation as an option and in that
3402s sense you may feel travel very
3405s differently between the start of a
3406s server
3407s and the server four months down the line
3411s um and that is meant to accompany that
3413s that progression is meant to accompany
3415s the advancement of the average player
3418s population as well right if you travel
3420s around yeah I don't want to interrupt
3422s you but people are wondering if you said
3423s 50 50 or 15 one five so I just want to
3426s clarify five zero five five zero yes
3429s absolutely from one from the top of one
3432s continents right not uh Mount oh sorry
3437s that is um Mountain on foot on foot it
3441s is uh 75 minutes there you go yes
3445s thank you
3448s um so
3449s why is travel important we've talked
3452s about this in the past you know the
3453s reasons why we've all existed in games
3456s where teleportation is very easy to to
3458s use and sometimes that can be a
3461s detriment because you may have
3463s activities like a caravan run that's
3465s happening and one person sees you from a
3467s certain Guild and they do the raid call
3469s out to their Guild everyone open your
3471s portals and come here within a split
3473s second and we're going to just you know
3475s mob this group no well instead that
3478s opportunity doesn't exist if you want to
3481s provoke or to gank uh you know an
3484s operation of another guild you need to
3486s have four knowledge you need to prepare
3488s you need to place your forces around
3492s that area and that's an important that
3494s is an important aspect in addition it
3498s makes that travel meaningful right if if
3501s you are having to spend time to move to
3503s a location you're going to think about
3505s what can I do along the way why am I
3508s moving to that location how is it more
3510s beneficial for me to be in that location
3511s versus where I am now right this is also
3514s in in association with the fact that you
3517s are a citizen of a particular note and
3519s that node needs your assistance within
3521s its vicinity and if you want to move
3522s outside of that vicinity there should be
3524s a really good reason for that and
3525s there's lots of great reasons for it
3527s right there's trade there's treasure
3529s hunting there's content that you want to
3531s complete there's pois that you want to
3532s visit and drop tables that you want to
3534s have access to like resource materials
3537s that you can gather and bring back these
3539s are all important elements of
3541s regionalizing these locations and making
3543s Transit between those locations relevant
3546s that is an important aspect what is very
3551s important however
3552s is that that Transit doesn't feel
3556s meaningless doesn't feel uh uh um
3561s um what's the word doesn't feel tedious
3564s right there should be activities along
3567s the way there should be anxiety in
3570s moving along the way there should be you
3572s know things that get your your heart
3574s moving in the gameplay right that is the
3576s important thing oh my God are we going
3578s over time oh my God we will be going
3580s super overtime but uh I talk too much no
3584s no I talk too much
3585s um the the other part of that is people
3588s are asking I know we've answered this
3590s question before but uh for those of them
3592s who are newer here they're asking if the
3594s world is flat or if it is round the
3597s world oh so we do not have World wrap
3600s and what that means is you can't walk
3602s off the west side of the map and enter
3603s in on the east side of the map right
3605s that is another important aspect of it
3609s um so that is also important as well all
3612s right um what do we have next so in this
3615s segment we also wanted to kind of talk
3616s about how
3618s the players will interact between PVP
3620s and the Open Seas and I don't know if
3622s you want to go into a little bit more
3623s details call good call good call thank
3626s you no problem all right so
3629s um another important change that has
3631s occurred
3632s is the Open Seas is now an automatic
3636s flagged location
3638s so when you move off of land right we
3642s have a flagging system that protects
3644s and the Open Seas are international
3646s waters where you need to be careful
3650s and there is a lot of opportunity at Sea
3654s and because there's a lot of opportunity
3656s that's unique to that content that's
3658s unique to that sea that's treasure
3660s finding that's NPCs that's a lot of
3662s different stuff there needs to be risk
3665s associated with opportunity we've always
3666s said risk and reward right opportunity
3669s and risk that's how you weigh actions
3671s and players now know when they move into
3675s the Open Sea they are doing so
3678s in a method that requires them to be
3680s cognizant of their players surroundings
3682s who is near me who can mess with me who
3686s who do I need to make friends with who
3688s do I know my enemies are who can I Forge
3692s alliances with how can I create
3693s flotillas of protection right these are
3696s things that as a dynamic of political
3700s Intrigue
3702s um and the seas are a great place for
3704s that we always know about the stories of
3705s like privateering and you know the
3707s ability to kind of work under anonymity
3711s um well you're going to know who's
3712s attacking you but uh it's important to
3714s note that you're prepared you need to be
3716s prepared for that and that is a that is
3718s a big that is a big
3721s um change that we you know have made
3724s several months ago that we're revealing
3726s to you now and that's also needing to be
3728s a topic of conversation this I would
3731s love to get feedback right now I'm
3732s seeing a lot of yays in chat
3735s um and we need to take those yays and we
3739s need to go on Reddit we need to go on
3740s our forums
3741s and we need to talk about this
3743s mechanical change
3744s um because in my opinion this this type
3748s of change creates a very compelling type
3751s of gameplay
3752s um and not everybody is excited about
3755s PVP but as I've always said ashes of
3758s creation is not meant to be the game for
3760s everyone right there are a lot of games
3762s where it is entirely safe to exist on a
3765s server and you don't have to worry about
3767s threats or risk right it's just all
3769s opportunity I know I'll eventually get
3771s the trophy right I just need to I just
3774s need to run in the hamster wheel a bit
3775s longer and then I'm going to get there
3777s like that everyone gets that trophy what
3779s we want to do with ashes is we want to
3781s gotta work for it re rethink that
3784s approach right we want to we want to
3787s encourage
3789s intelligent calculations of risk versus
3792s reward right these are elements that I
3795s think players feel really accomplished
3797s when they know that they overcame risk
3799s for the trophy right that not everybody
3801s makes it but I did the biggest moments
3805s that I remember from MMOs have always
3807s been the ones that we you know it was a
3809s trial and tribulation for like the the
3812s big raid boss getting World forced on
3814s that and how challenging it was uh so
3818s for me I'm I love the challenge of those
3819s things so we're excited to see what you
3821s guys think on that front definitely tell
3824s us absolutely leave us your feedback all
3826s the good the goodness now you will be
3828s notified when you do that right we have
3830s a very intuitive UI that that as you
3832s approach the border between open sea and
3835s Coastal area you are notified of that
3838s you are warned ahead of time there's a
3840s countdown When approaching we
3842s interpolate the you know distance travel
3844s and speed you're moving
3845s um and and you get to see ah I'm
3847s entering open Waters and when you you do
3849s you have this big trophy call out on
3851s screen that says you know you have
3853s entered the Open Sea you know territory
3856s fraud or you know whatever like it is it
3858s is it it is something that PVP is not
3861s the only thing you have to worry about
3862s if you've seen some of the creatures we
3864s have in the water they're all so scary
3867s too very good point thank you man that
3869s is a super good point is this not just
3871s Danger from players it's dangerous from
3873s from content too yeah
3875s now that we've talked about the map uh
3878s what are the node changes that have been
3881s made I know there's been some drastic
3882s node changes from the number of nodes
3886s that you have on the map to correct so
3889s how vassal nodes work has changed as
3892s well absolutely so there's a few things
3894s I'm not sure how much in the past we've
3895s talked a little bit about the hierarchy
3897s of node structures when they
3900s um when they consume additional node
3902s zones of Interest around them and
3904s incorporate them into a vassal-like
3906s structure there's specific relationships
3909s that occur between parent and vassal
3911s lots of benefits right it is not a bad
3915s thing to be vasseled it is a good thing
3918s to be vassal it brings many benefits
3921s from The Sovereign which is the the
3924s ultimate parent of that vassal Network
3926s down to the vassal node itself
3929s and it allows that vassal node to even
3932s live outside of its normal
3935s mechanics right you get to adopt some of
3938s the benefits that the node type of your
3940s Sovereign is even if your node type as a
3943s vassal node isn't the same and
3948s um
3949s what was the question how many uh oh how
3953s many notes so we have moved from a 103
3958s nodes to 85 nodes and there's a few
3963s reasons for that
3965s um one when we were doing the
3968s um uh the calculations behind how in
3971s Alpha 2 and in in the game we want these
3974s vassal structures to exist we had more
3977s nodes than what felt meaningful and we
3981s wanted to condense some of that those
3984s curated story arcs and hooks into the
3986s environment and realm around the areas
3990s um to be more Bountiful at at a lesser
3993s node value meaning Bringing Down the
3996s node count so that we can increase
3998s increase the richness of each of those
4000s nodes more than what was at 103. in
4003s addition as a very yeah sorry there's
4005s some questions to that okay I'll show
4007s them the vassal node stuff yeah
4009s absolutely we can show them so the
4011s there's a couple questions here one is
4013s does that mean there's going to be less
4015s housing for people and then the other
4018s um element of that is because the world
4020s map is so much larger are we going to
4022s increase the amount of players that are
4024s on a server which currently we've stated
4026s is 10 000.
4029s um right now we are still keeping the
4031s concurrent server
4033s um population at eight to ten thousand
4034s although I will say this
4036s that our networking team has been doing
4038s an absolutely phenomenal job on our
4041s custom Network solution um you guys saw
4043s it in alpha one with the density of
4045s players that we had available during our
4046s Castle sieges felt very fluid
4049s um there was not a lot of rubber banding
4051s There Was You Know performance was good
4054s um now what you are seeing here
4057s is the vassal node structure and
4062s um
4063s this this vassal mode structure tells
4065s you what it looks like for a sovereign
4068s at a level six Metropolis stage and what
4072s it can control at a maximum vassal
4074s network is two level five nodes
4078s of which a level five node can control
4081s one level four and one level three as
4083s direct vassals and then the four can
4087s control a three and every three can
4089s control a one or a two now if the three
4092s gets removed through Siege the one or
4095s the two is removed as well
4098s um so that's an important distinction
4100s between the three's vassals which
4102s technically isn't really a vast
4103s relationship because there's no
4104s citizenships possible those vassals
4106s don't exist between three and X but they
4109s do exist between four and three five and
4110s four and six and fives
4112s um and what this also allows is that
4115s because there are 85 nodes that are
4118s within the world we have a buffer zone
4121s of about 20 nodes that lives in a Max
4124s server state so if you had maximum five
4127s metropolises form in a world
4130s you will have a number about 20 nodes
4132s that can live alongside those that those
4135s Metropolis networks and when or if a
4138s metropolis Falls
4140s that extra cushion of nodes around the
4143s five Metropolis structures allows for
4146s the map to be redistricted in a way that
4149s is unique it doesn't mean that one of
4151s the fives is just going to pick up where
4153s the last six left off and form the same
4155s exact Metropolis structure from a
4158s territory perspective it has ancillary
4161s nodes to play with and expand towards
4163s that redistricts the map so that if a
4166s metropolis Falls there's a significant
4169s difference in the layout of the world
4171s and the layout of these almost
4173s nation-like territories and that's one
4176s of the that's one of the uh important
4178s aspects of that
4180s right somebody said too many neurons
4183s firing
4185s it was a lot um and obviously for those
4188s of you who maybe don't know uh how you
4191s know you take over cities and things of
4193s that sort
4194s um definitely check out our other
4196s content we share a lot of that
4197s information I know that we do have some
4200s vassal node information up on our
4201s website that will need to be adjusted
4203s with this new information so we may put
4205s some new uh information out there as
4207s well but um and by the way I just just
4210s want to showcase as we look at this
4212s Vaseline Network we talked about a lot
4214s of benefits that get conferred down from
4216s The Sovereign or the parent to the
4219s vassals but what we didn't talk about
4222s was the benefits that the parents or
4224s sovereigns receive and of course that
4227s lives in the realm of Taxation I noticed
4230s that there was some commentary by
4232s content creators in some communities
4233s about you know concerns of other games
4236s that collected taxes within nodes and
4239s you know guilds got to use those taxes
4241s it's very important to note that taxes
4243s are a one hundred percent sink they do
4246s not go into the hands of players when
4248s something gets taxed mayor doesn't have
4251s access to it guilds don't have access to
4252s it what happens is the nodes get the
4256s Taxation and someone manages the note
4259s and that's usually the mayor but if a
4262s node needs to start a construction
4263s project if they need to hire defenses
4266s mercenaries if they need to improve the
4268s equipment of their guards if they want
4269s to activate commissions and or buy
4272s orders if they want to do a lot of
4274s stand-up social organizations all the
4276s things that nodes do
4278s comes out of that Treasury and comes out
4280s of the maintenance and generation of
4282s resources that the node has access to
4283s nobody gets to take that gold there is
4286s not a there is not a power conferred to
4289s guilds or players by being mayor that is
4292s a very important part
4294s um that we need to make sure people
4296s understand and are aware of and we've
4298s said that for a long time
4300s um but one other thing is that as a
4302s vassal feeding the parent when the
4305s vassal reaches its cap it overflows
4308s experience up to the parent right and so
4311s it can be very good early on for vat for
4313s parents to get vassal nodes that are
4316s very productive that have a lot of
4317s traffic right they do something right
4319s and you kind of you kind of want to
4320s capitalize on that as a parent note but
4323s in addition
4325s the parent node
4327s um also gets that taxation as well and
4330s that's an important important aspect
4334s um and then just to clarify because you
4336s have mentioned that there's five
4338s metropoli as the maximum amount of level
4342s six nodes you can have uh is that five
4346s still for both the upper realm and under
4350s realm or that is that is five across the
4354s world yes that is five entirely
4361s do you want to transition over into
4363s talking about one of the new system was
4365s which is like policies which we haven't
4367s really talked a ton about yes absolutely
4370s so this is
4373s these are just some examples that I'm
4374s going to have in the background playing
4376s so oh nice you have examples that's cool
4378s oh yes absolutely awesome
4381s um so it is important to note
4383s um you know uh one of our great uh
4386s technical designers uh uh Jason Neal has
4389s been working
4390s um heavily on the concept of happiness
4393s and policies and these are some of the
4397s things that citizens get to vote on that
4399s are proposed by their mayor
4402s um and it's a very short voting period
4404s but nodes have a number of slots that
4407s they get to employ as Government
4409s policies that are enacted and chosen by
4412s the mayor and voted on by the people
4414s um and certain policies get unlocked by
4417s certain happiness states of the factions
4419s within the note
4421s and those happiness states are
4422s predicated across different achievements
4425s that can happen in the world
4426s story arcs that get finished bosses that
4429s get killed around you new buildings that
4431s get constructed
4433s lots of different things can contribute
4434s to that happiness value
4436s number of citizens number of citizens
4438s you've had leave uh you know a number of
4440s houses that it might have been
4442s foreclosed upon like there's lots of
4443s different things that influence it
4445s but
4446s when the happiness is met at a certain
4448s point
4449s and even without that happiness you can
4451s still have policies that you get to
4452s enact regardless you may choose policies
4455s that do certain things for the node
4457s and this is a big strategic decision
4460s that the node has to almost agree on
4462s because it's voted on by the citizens
4464s within a short time period but elected
4466s by the by the outstanding mayor and when
4469s you deploy a policy it confers benefits
4473s to the citizens or to the area or to
4478s specific buildings or to the mayor or
4480s there's a lot of different things that
4482s policies can influence and policies
4484s exist within certain denominations you
4486s have some policies that might be
4488s reflective of the culture that the node
4490s is representing and you get access to
4491s those cultural policies you have some
4493s policies that might become available
4495s because you've constructed a certain
4496s building type and now you've attracted a
4498s guild of NPCs that are weapons myths you
4500s might have some policies that are social
4502s organizations representative you only
4503s get to build one social organization or
4505s Temple which religion does the node
4507s follow all of these are customization
4509s points that the city gets to choose and
4512s now you as a citizen get to identify the
4514s city that best aligns with your
4515s progression within the game and your
4517s game style style and gameplay right so
4519s those are elements of how you make your
4521s home sorry yeah there's some questions
4524s in regards to if those policies affect
4527s just the Metropolis or the city that
4529s you're in or if they trickle down to the
4531s vassal nodes as well
4533s very good question yeah so we talked a
4536s little bit earlier we were talking about
4537s the vassal structures that some of the
4539s benefits you can receive by being a
4541s vassal of a certain parent is access to
4545s a policy that your node not might not
4547s normally have access to and in fact you
4550s can also unlock an additional policy
4552s slot based on certain conditions that
4555s the parent or or Sovereign node may have
4557s access to in their reliquary or in their
4560s achievement systems or in uh policies
4562s that they've elected some policies
4564s occupy multiple slots and it's almost
4566s like a card structure right you have
4568s each of these policies that live on a
4570s card and you get to select that card
4572s throw it into the slot it goes out to
4574s the citizens to vote on within the
4576s 24-hour or sometimes shorter period the
4578s mayor has emergency actions they can
4580s take right depending on certain
4582s predicates that get met and if an
4584s emergency action occurs they may be able
4586s to spend their influence as mayor within
4588s their term to set up a policy for a vote
4591s within an hours period of time and
4593s citizens you know in that way they can
4594s sneak it through a bit I might not have
4596s been on in that hour like I come back
4598s and there's been some executive action
4599s determined by the mayor what the heck is
4601s going on here this better be a good
4602s decision or we're going to vote your
4604s butt out next election cycle right like
4606s these are these are elements that you
4608s get to that you get to incorporate
4610s um yes that would be a moment where the
4612s mayor might say I am the Senate right
4615s and then he looks at the citizens and
4618s says it's treason then no no I'm just
4620s kidding I know we have a lot of other
4622s things we want to get to too so
4624s um the next thing that I wanted to bring
4626s up was happiness which is another
4628s element and system that we haven't
4631s really talked about as well
4634s yes um the happiness as I just kind of
4636s described
4637s um is basically a set of predicates that
4639s are influenced by certain actions at the
4642s American conductor or that the citizens
4644s get access to
4646s um and these these just serve as the
4648s door opener or closer for certain types
4650s of policies to be allowed to be selected
4653s to a vote by the citizens right so for
4656s example you may have you could call it
4658s morale people well yeah yeah
4662s that that happiness could be in the
4664s dumps your people could be very unhappy
4666s they could be to the point of of
4668s revolting right and that might turn off
4671s certain NPCs they may go on strike they
4674s may not be accessible but if you're
4677s really unhappy you might be able to
4680s place in a certain policy that's like
4684s um a military
4687s um shoot I can't my mind cannot think
4689s today I am just dead at the end of this
4691s weekend I'm so sorry it's okay
4694s um we're following along with you what's
4696s the military thing
4698s not martial law thank you uh it might be
4700s a martial law policy and that martial
4703s law policy might be really helpful when
4705s it comes to prepping for a Siege
4708s um that is something that allows you uh
4710s maybe to increase the number of
4712s conscripted mercenaries that you have at
4714s your allotment it might be able
4717s um to go into debt in the treasury for
4720s purchasing upgrades to the you know to
4722s the walls and the gates uh or to place
4725s barricades and set curfews you know like
4727s there's things that can be done around
4729s happiness that's important
4734s all right
4736s um and then I think there's some
4737s questions regarding does changes in a
4739s node count uh change available to player
4742s housing so if we have I think I asked
4746s you this question but you didn't quite
4747s answer it in regards to we have less
4749s nodes does that mean there's going to be
4751s less player housing space Etc uh no so
4754s we have Target numbers when it comes to
4757s the amount of static housing apartment
4759s housing in in areas and Freehold space
4763s um and those values don't change
4766s um right we are we are going to hit
4768s those targets based on the concurrency
4770s uh objectives that we have for the
4772s server between eight to ten thousand
4773s players and the number of registered
4775s users we want to have on the server the
4777s goal is that those those versions of
4780s housing live in different competitive
4783s markets
4785s um and that competitive market is going
4787s to set average player value between
4789s player to player uh transactions that of
4792s course grows with wealth as wealth gets
4794s introduced into the economy over time
4797s um but you know we want to have a an
4800s equitable amount that's necessary to
4802s create
4804s um
4804s scarcity right
4806s um to create a meaning for why I would
4809s purchase a home
4812s um
4812s um uh within the world or within a city
4815s right and why that price is there
4818s all right and I know we have one more
4820s thing we want to discuss which is
4822s Caravans and that system has had a bit
4826s of a new overhaul as well so do we want
4829s to start first with how commissioning a
4832s caravan works now and then we'll get
4834s into the each of the other steps yes we
4837s can talk about it um and I'm just gonna
4839s play a kind of a slideshow of some of
4842s the cool if I could ask
4845s um one of my producers actually who
4847s might be watching the show to order
4850s lunch for my writers uh uh sync that I
4854s have after this that would be great
4856s because I totally forgot to do that
4858s somebody on the team let a producer know
4860s to order lunch let them know awesome
4862s thank you so so to answer
4865s um
4867s too guys we love doing it live this is
4870s how comfortable we feel with the
4871s community right we'll just we you know
4873s you we might as well just have a camera
4874s in the office that runs and follows us
4876s around as we're doing don't tempt them
4878s they want that Steven I know I'm so
4881s sorry
4882s um what was the question
4884s this was
4886s commissioning a caravan work we'll start
4888s there all right so remember we talked
4890s about you know players create
4893s um components right that live on the
4895s Caravan and that indicates a lot of
4897s different stat values of the Caravan it
4899s could be turning radius turning speed it
4902s could be movement speed it could be
4905s um it could be armor Health uh damage
4908s mitigation all that kind of stuff right
4911s um you do that at a care of answering
4914s and a care of answering is a default
4916s building type that gets
4918s um that comes along with every node it
4920s has upgrade paths um the node can can
4923s upgrade that Caravans rebuilding um for
4925s certain features uh that are beneficial
4928s but when you want to launch a caravan
4930s you have must first had a caravan that's
4933s constructed at the care of answering and
4936s in order to construct Caravan of the
4937s care of answer you go to the care of
4938s answering and you say hey I've got all
4940s these components and I want to construct
4943s Caravan and and the Caravans will accept
4945s the components that you have it will use
4946s those components if you don't have
4947s components for certain parts of the
4948s Caravan it will give you default
4949s versions which will be kind of lowest
4951s stat value that that Caravan can then
4952s have and when the Caravan is constructed
4955s it will be hosted at that caravansary
4958s and if you want to launch a caravan you
4961s will select the Caravan you have
4962s available at the Cancer Care of
4964s answering you will then be provided with
4966s a UI screen that shows you the
4968s compartments of availability for storage
4970s that the Caravan has you can assign
4973s those compartments to members of a party
4976s or named interest you can apply
4978s insurance if you want for any pieces of
4981s those storage and it can go into escrow
4984s and if the Caravan ever gets destroyed
4986s that escrow will go to the named player
4989s and that's how we kind of set up that
4991s transactional uh facilitate that
4994s transaction between players if they want
4996s to do those things
4997s and then when you want to launch your
4999s Caravan so if you prep your Caravan it's
5001s going to be in a launch ready State and
5002s you can launch a caravan whenever you
5004s want keep it in the launch ready state
5005s if you click to launch the Caravan your
5008s perspective will leave to a world map
5010s perspective that sits above the node and
5014s you will have a 360 line that lives
5017s outside of the node area at a good
5020s distance roughly about 100 to 150 meters
5023s from the note and you will spawn the
5025s Caravan there and it will take about two
5029s to five minutes depending on some of the
5031s upgrades that the Caravan 3 has for that
5034s Caravan to spawn outside the node at
5036s that location during that time you can
5039s teleport to that launch location which
5042s is just outside the node from the node
5045s itself that way people can't follow you
5047s see your node that's see your Caravan
5049s that's about to leave or whatever but
5050s you can let your players know hey if
5052s you're part of my group you can all
5054s support with me and will spawn at the
5055s location that the Caravans getting
5057s constructed that once the Caravan little
5058s construction site is finished your
5060s Caravan is ready to to mount and you're
5063s ready to move along the way with it as
5065s you approach cities care of answers will
5069s confer a radius around the node and that
5073s radius will be something visual to you
5075s in the world as you're approaching
5076s another note and you will see a line and
5079s a kind of um
5081s uh disembark line where when you cross
5085s that line you've reached the safety zone
5087s and that that line cross is outside of
5091s the node in a similar distance but also
5093s based on curve answering upgrades that
5096s the placement of the Caravan at launch
5098s is and so you only have to make it to
5100s that line and once you do the events
5102s surrounding the Caravan and the ability
5104s to attack that Caravan stops and it gets
5107s Auto moved into the care of answering
5109s guards will start to materialize around
5111s it they'll grab the reins of the horse
5112s and begin to move the Caravan slowly to
5115s the care of answering and now you've
5117s reached a pit stop and at that pit stop
5119s this can either be your final
5121s destination or you can relaunch it again
5123s you don't have to stop at nodes along
5125s the way to your destination if you want
5127s to keep going you can keep going you
5128s want to cross rivers you can cross
5129s rivers you want to go out into the ocean
5131s with a little raft Caravan you can do
5132s that too and you can go to a destination
5135s and you can stop there and unload there
5137s but if you're running into trouble if
5139s you're under assault if you're a near
5140s attack and there's a there's a node
5142s nearby with a caravansary that you can
5144s stop at you can start directing the
5146s Caravan towards that node and all you
5147s got to do is make it to that finish line
5149s outside of the node and when you do the
5151s Caravan Auto will move towards
5152s caravansary and that is the changes
5155s around the Caravan system
5159s look at that we made it
5164s I'm sure people will have many many
5166s questions but obviously when we hit
5170s Alpha 2 you will experience this you'll
5172s play through it you'll let us know what
5175s you guys think especially as we showcase
5178s more of the footage of it um I think
5181s it'll just be something that you have
5183s experienced to give us feedback on and
5185s make adjustments for yes and that's
5187s going to be a big component of of Alpha
5189s 2 obviously the Caravan system that
5191s needs to be tested and needs feedback
5192s around it
5194s um and do you have time Stephen for Q a
5197s I have a 12 30 writer's uh Meetup that I
5200s need to kind of be at but I can answer
5202s if you want to pick two q and A's I am
5205s gosh I really thought this is going to
5207s be only an hour but I just really
5209s talk too much I'm so sorry about that um
5212s let's let's maybe pick a couple
5214s questions
5216s oh yeah sorry yeah the wrong one there
5219s um
5220s so we will go with uh this is Naval
5225s Caravan oriented so I think we'll we'll
5226s do this one since it's uh
5229s so uh falcus wants to know about Naval
5233s Caravans will players be able to deliver
5235s straight from the naval Caravan as a
5238s ship in a dock area dedicated for
5240s deliveries or will they have to
5242s transition to a land Caravan before the
5244s city then drive inside the city walls
5247s so it depends on the type of transport
5250s you're using if you have launched a
5252s land-based caravan
5254s it can only be received at Caravan
5256s series
5257s however from a naval perspective Harbors
5261s that are located in specific areas
5263s around the world along the coast and
5265s those are points of interest that get
5267s adopted by a node when they reach
5268s certain levels in proximity to that
5270s Harbor or if the node gets vasseled by a
5273s parent or Sovereign node in relationship
5275s to their vassal owning that Harbor you
5278s can launch Merchant ships
5280s and a merchant ship interacts with a
5283s harbor in a very similar fashion to the
5285s way that Caravans interact with the
5287s caravansary but they have much larger
5289s capacity and they stop at other Harbors
5293s in a very similar functionality to the
5295s way the Caravans stop at caravanseries
5297s Harbors have a disembarkation loan Zone
5300s that
5302s um live near the harbor so if you make
5305s your merchant ship to that zone as well
5306s it will get guided into the harbor and
5309s will be safe but when you launch that
5311s Caravan from a harbor it is much like a
5314s land Caravan the only difference is is
5316s that Merchant ships cannot become land
5318s Caravans they must stay as merchant
5321s ships
5322s and that is an important note
5325s okay
5328s sorry I need a cough it's okay I cough
5331s uh schema 12 wants to know about node
5333s selection what is going to make nodes
5335s that aren't centralized popular well
5338s nodes closer to the edge of the map have
5339s better or more unique aspects to them or
5342s are we going to see less of a reason to
5345s have centralized nodes being
5347s way too popular so basically I think it
5350s depends on what you mean it yeah it
5351s depends on what they mean by centralized
5353s right it's important to note that the
5357s population of the of the world
5360s is both Dynamic and static there are
5363s portions of that spawn table for each
5366s Zone that will advance based on the
5370s advancement of nodes so there really is
5372s no
5373s centralized aspect
5376s um in that sense there are strategically
5378s placed nodes in certain areas that might
5381s be more important to
5384s oh
5387s that might be more important based on
5390s the type of gameplay you're targeting if
5392s you are a merchant ship captain and you
5395s need a harbor then it's likely you're
5397s going to want to Target a node that has
5398s a harbor that it has access to as
5400s opposed to an inland node but if you're
5402s a land Caravan person and you don't care
5405s about the harbor per se and you want
5407s something that's really situated close
5408s to a choke point so that you after that
5411s choke point can have you know the lay of
5413s the land to move your Caravan around
5414s that might be more important to you as
5417s well from a Content perspective the
5419s content advances with the world
5423s and that's something that removes that
5425s kind of centralized feel at least with
5427s content
5429s um because the world advances with your
5431s node and you're going to experience high
5434s level content if your node advances to
5436s high enough stages
5437s I think they're concerned more is like
5439s if people only navigate towards certain
5442s nodes in certain areas because those
5445s areas are where people want to gravitate
5448s towards for specific content or specific
5451s resources and stuff like that is it
5453s gonna
5454s are there going to be areas that make
5456s you want to have those nodes in other
5458s areas so it's not just this area becomes
5461s like the popular thing I think is more
5463s so the way the content materials all
5467s these things get distributed is they
5468s have unique relevancy all of them to end
5471s game play right and they're spread out
5474s and situated so it is more situational
5476s than it is static relevance right and
5479s what I'm hearing in that question is
5480s like there's always going to be a best
5482s node and that's not the case I think
5483s that's there will not there will not
5485s always be a best Note perfect the way
5487s that the way that content is separated
5489s the way that materials are separated the
5490s way that the zones are regionalized the
5492s way that Transit matters ensures that
5495s regions will have important nodes right
5498s not one node for the world
5501s and and by the way I do want to say
5503s something else and I know I'm letting
5504s the cat out of the bag on this as well
5507s um but there's been a lot of requests
5508s for an AMA
5510s um and uh we are planning on doing
5512s another AMA in October we don't have the
5516s exact date yet I believe it's October
5518s right we said October but we're going to
5519s do it in September but I kicked it yeah
5521s I had it originally in September but we
5523s could be more tact over well I want to
5524s do it I want to do it after the ranger
5526s reveal and the gameplay for next month
5529s so
5530s um so October we're going to be doing an
5532s AMA I'm I like the Reddit style AMA but
5536s we're also going to be taking uh
5537s questions from the forums as well that
5539s will enter intermix a little bit um
5541s there so be prepared there's a lot of
5543s new information I know that just came
5545s out in this stream
5547s um and an AMA is ask me anything so you
5549s can ask him anything and we'll for those
5551s of you who don't know what that is
5553s absolutely so we'll have a lot of
5556s opportunity to ask some questions
5558s um during that as well all right and can
5560s you answer one more question this one's
5562s a little a little spicier I suppose okay
5565s this one's from the lazy P the lazy peon
5568s yeah okay they want to know I loved your
5570s latest video by the way peon did a great
5572s follow-up overview I know he spent a lot
5575s of time on it uh lazy piano let me just
5577s give you a shout out that we absolutely
5579s love your enthusiasm for the game we
5582s love the hard work that you put in to
5584s spread the word about ashes and to give
5586s people comprehensive overviews um you
5588s did a really great job there buddy uh
5590s and chicken like a thank you for that
5591s long time to make that video too right
5593s how many hours did he say is crazy I
5595s don't know like 40 hours but from the
5597s studio from the studio to you we send
5599s you our love uh chat let's get some
5601s hearts for for peon just wait till he
5603s has to answer this question Pian then
5605s maybe he won't be sending you alone
5606s let's just end on that note
5611s his question is in regards to play to
5613s win and gold buying some MMOs will not
5616s directly play to win in a game or
5619s indirectly play to win because they
5621s don't take harsh enough action against
5623s gold buying will you be more harsh on
5625s these players than other MMOs to
5628s maintain the Integrity of the game in
5629s ashes AKA will you permanently ban
5631s players who buy gold from third party
5633s websites Etc yeah I think it's important
5636s to note that there is a sanctity that
5640s must be protected within the game from
5643s arm Ting and let me just go into a
5646s little uh you know I guess diatribe
5649s about this but
5650s um in in games that I've played where
5653s the company or the publisher does not
5657s enforce rules it becomes the standard
5660s that you buy gold if you want to be
5661s competitive if you want to compete at
5664s the top tier levels in certain games and
5667s everyone's buying gold you almost you
5670s were almost either have to buy the gold
5672s or you're just not going to be able to
5673s compete with those people and that's a
5674s really shitty feeling to have excuse my
5677s French I apologize
5679s um
5681s okay thank you that is that is sucky
5685s um and in order for that not to be the
5688s case it is the responsibility of the
5691s publisher or the or the
5693s um or the Developers
5695s both
5696s to make sure that we have stringent
5699s practices from a CS from a customer
5701s customer service perspective to enforce
5704s our rules and to make sure that players
5706s are aware if they partake in this there
5708s is a huge risk in doing so it's not
5711s going to be a slap on the hand it's not
5713s going to be a we told you once we told
5715s you twice we told you three four five
5716s six times okay we're just taking some
5718s gold away you know that kind of thing we
5721s have got to ensure that it is feared to
5725s do those things because you know that
5727s ashes has active GMS it has active
5731s customer service it has an active
5733s Community team and if there's one thing
5734s that you guys have seen over this
5735s development so far is even prior to the
5738s game launching prior to significant test
5740s sessions we focus on community
5743s engagement Margaret and her team are
5744s doing a phenomenal job and I know I say
5746s this often I love them all
5748s in in engaging with the community that
5752s does not stop at ship that gets more
5755s when we ship that become become
5757s something that is intrinsic as a
5759s definition between ashes and the games
5761s we've all played it is the distinctual
5764s point and that means that from an
5767s enforcement from a policy perspective we
5769s need to be Johnny on the spot when it
5771s comes to botting or rmting because the
5773s sanctity and player achievement within
5775s the game when valuing risk versus reward
5778s those things have to accompany it or
5780s else it's meaningless you know what's
5781s really funny is uh Adam who's our csrap
5785s uh our senior CS rev just put together a
5789s report about botting an rmt and stuff
5791s like that for the team and they're
5793s actually going to be putting that
5794s together this week to like take some big
5797s action on those so it's kind of perfect
5799s timing in regards to but like we were
5802s 100 keeping that in mind and one of the
5804s reasons why I wanted to work here is
5806s because Steven does understand how
5808s important community and customer support
5810s is yeah
5811s greatly I had to I had to buy gold in
5814s other games I played because and I
5816s readily admit that is is I don't play
5819s games to lose I play games to win and
5822s when the when the company or the
5824s publisher is not doing anything about
5826s the rampant rmting that's occurring
5828s within their servers what do they expect
5831s the players who are competitive to do
5833s there's no choice there
5835s um and that's the problem is I just know
5837s life did
5839s right exactly but anyways that is the
5842s problem is that the and you know what
5844s the funny thing is it's partly the
5846s reason why Intrepid even exists and
5849s trepid was born out of a hatred for that
5851s type of interaction between publisher
5853s and the developer and The Gamers is that
5856s there was no respect for that
5858s achievement in the game when somebody
5860s could just go out and buy it and not
5862s have to worry about retribution not have
5864s to worry about policy enforcement not
5865s have to worry about an active GM on the
5867s server that sucks there should be
5869s absolutely an activity-based Community
5872s team on the side of the company and
5874s publisher and the game itself
5877s the yeah anyways yeah and uh our
5880s development team is amazing the
5881s engineers are doing great things to
5883s create tools for our customer support in
5885s order to allow us to expand and make
5887s that scalable because scalable Solutions
5889s are the only way we're going to be
5891s actually able to continue to you know
5894s keep up the quality level of that
5898s um because you can't be everywhere at
5900s all you know what I love and I'm not I I
5903s so apologize because I'm not trying to
5905s bash on other Publishers or game
5907s developers but I love the term games as
5910s a service sorry writers yeah I know I
5913s love the term games as a service and the
5915s and the reason I love it is because
5917s every time I hear somebody say that I
5919s ask them that's awesome how much of your
5921s budget do you devote to servicing the
5923s players through a community team in
5924s active CS team oh not that much yes
5929s as a service I've worked on teams where
5932s I'm the community manager the social
5933s media manager that I'm doing everything
5935s right so I think like the fact that you
5937s understand for us to do the quality
5940s level that we need we need people to be
5942s doing those specific jobs absolutely
5943s absolutely
5945s um one other thing I want to say I
5946s didn't I didn't give a shout out to narc
5948s I know sometimes I need to give a shout
5949s out now because I I actually I love his
5951s uh intros but I do want to say it's
5954s probably not a healthy thing to have
5955s underwear with my face on them
5958s um yeah yeah I saw in a couple videos
5960s there's an it's my face I'm like what is
5964s this
5966s um yeah probably not the best idea but
5969s either way uh do love it it was
5972s hilarious all right well with that I
5975s know we didn't get through a lot of
5976s questions today but uh hopefully you got
5978s a plethora of information I know that
5981s this Theory crafting is going to be
5983s Madness we're very excited to watch and
5986s see all the content that you guys are
5988s going to share or write about please
5991s send us your feedback head on over to
5993s our forums go to the Reddit you know
5995s post on our social we love hearing about
5997s it we continually ask you for your
5998s feedback note that there is a new tank
6000s participation Dev discussion up if you
6002s have not partaken in that please do so
6006s there will be another one coming up next
6008s month and of course the tip of the spear
6010s Cosmetics will be swapping over on
6012s September 7th so you'll see the next set
6014s which is very exciting
6016s um thank you to all of you who have been
6019s hanging out with us for this long long
6022s stream as well as thank you to Stephen
6024s for spending your time thank you to the
6026s writers who are waiting for Steve
6030s uh everybody stay healthy stay safe this
6034s video will be up on Twitch immediately
6035s as well as over on our YouTube channel
6037s later note that if you go to our YouTube
6040s channel tomorrow when we upload it if
6042s you leave a comment and you are
6044s subscribed to our Channel you could
6046s possibly have your comment spotlighted
6049s like our lovely friend earlier in the
6051s session and of course follow us on
6053s Twitter Facebook Instagram all of the
6055s social channels we are constantly over
6057s there hanging out with you guys
6058s discord's a great place to continue to
6060s communicate with our you know Community
6062s team on a daily basis so we hope that we
6066s will see you around if not we will see
6068s you next month for another development
6070s update update thanks everyone bye guys
6075s [Music]
6098s foreign
6100s [Music]
over 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


πŸ—ΊοΈ πŸ™Œ Check out our August Development Update to catch up on the latest updates to our world map, nodes, caravans, and more! https://youtu.be/4XLJelgfO3g

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