Hey everyone, I created video that describes my general experiences with AoC as a tester. I’m not a content creator of any kind but I did my best to break it out into some subjects in case you want to skip around. It’s also an unlisted video since I really just only wanted to share it with this community as I’ve felt that this sub has been the least informed vs discord or forums.
I’m here to answer any questions you all might have and I’ll be very impartial. I’m not at all a mega fanboy that will only be positive. If this post is bunk or you’re all tired of the massive amount of testers flooding with sub par content totally understand and no ill will.
EDIT: Wow this has gotten more attention then I ever really thought it would. I've been asked why I haven't made it public by commenters, youtube comments, friends, and even my brother and I was just scared of the negativity that might happen. I just made the video public partially so people can share if they'd like and not have to be polite and ask, thanks btw, but mainly because people got value out of it. If it can give even a few people a bit of a AoC fix till they are in-game them selves then cool beans. Thanks everyone.
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