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Hello, I often try to watch the Devstreams for AoC but don't get to involed or look too deeply as I don't want to spoil to much of the game for myself and just want to look forward to playing it. However mostly seen in the recent Devstream on Feb 29th I noticed something that rather puts me off and would like some more information and to just give my feedback on, as I can't seem to find any recent information or questions/answers regarding it. Question: After a big fight or any fight/battle to where your Health/Mana have dropped below say 30% you are now at a point where you need to "sit" and just wait for your Health/Mana to be restored, is this going to be how it is going forward and on release? I feel this is an old school mechanic and just doesn't fit AoC or many MMORPGs to this day and it's an outdated mechanic. This is something I saw when I first played Aion Online after it's release and after a single fight/battle of 1-2 mobs I would sit down for 5-10 minutes (everytime) to restore my Health/Mana as Potions were not easy to obtain. The issue is that I don't see Consumables being used in a fitting way or seem to be a 1 time thing and that's it. I just don't see the point of this "sitting down" to restore oneself an ideal or fun mechanic. Example: I just finished a battle/fight and now below 30% Health/Mana now comes along another player and kills me. Doesn't sound very fun for either side nor does the idea to sit and wait for 5 minutes staring at my screen doing nothing.
about 1 year ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Looks like opinions are varied on this subject! Feedback like this is always helpful for the team, so if you're stopping by this thread, we'd love to see you give your thoughts on what you prefer for health + mana regeneration!