Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so what we've been really focusing on
1s this time around is making sure that
3s we're kind of honing that process early
7s uh to try to make alpha 2 um you know
10s day one as smooth as possible obviously
12s it's going to have some hitches but uh
14s this has been a really good opportunity
16s for us to get in the habit of pushing a
20s build out getting feedback from people
24s around the world uh figuring out like
26s what's wrong with their specific you
29s know setup at home
31s so that then we can identify those
32s issues triage those issues fix the ones
35s that we can in order for us to push a
37s build out for the next round of play
38s testing which we've been doing every one
40s to two weeks for the last uh couple of
42s months I think and so that's um that's
45s been like from a production standpoint a
47s really awesome kind of test run for us
49s to get in the habit of this you know
51s like live service game that we're going
53s to be supporting for a really long time