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If someone could clarify this for me I would greatly appreciate it. In his AMA Steven talks about how weaker servers would be merged into stronger servers. It appears that the people on the weaker servers would be forced to change their username if it existed on the stronger server. This is because names are unique to servers and not entire regions. Does this mean that if you pay to reserve your username, you never truly own it because it could be given to someone who happens to be on a more popular server? I considered buying the $375 package but this is stopping me.

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over 2 years ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Hey all,

We wanted to acknowledge that we've seen this conversation, and the concerns people are expressing here. We hope that we never have to do server merges, and nothing related to server merges and name conflicts is ever an issue for players. That being said, we understand that sometimes in MMORPGs, server merges are necessary to help maintain healthy server populations.

If we need to do server merges in the future, we'll definitely take player feedback into consideration, before moving forward with any plan. If you missed the AMA, we discussed our preliminary plans for server merges. Here's the replay video, with a timestamp to where we discussed this.