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I notice a lot of MMO's think adding angel wings, black, white, etc, as an aesthetic appeal for players. I'm sure there's plenty of edgey teenagers who enjoy this cosmetic (including myself and I'm beyond my teenage years)... But let me just admit, I find it MUCH more satisfying and cooler to fight bosses or monsters who have these types of aesthetics. I get bored when I see stiff feathers and wings on nearly everyone wobbling back n forth... Aside form the fact 90% of the time there is no in game flight to make them interesting like Aion at least tried to do. Let's leave the vampire bat wings, the angel wings, the big gaudy things like that out of our cosmetics pool of gear and etc.... but leave it for bosses, enemies, maybe transformations of bosses and etc huh?

What I don't see enough of though, are capes. Done proper. I miss when capes were a symbol to "something". The guild you owned/represented, the faction you played, the race, the religion you worshiped, maybe an achievement.... it was something you wore as a means of showing off something you proudly wear. I feel as though AoC would be nice with varieties of scarves/capes, short and long, if even just purely cosmetic with no stats. I know clipping is an issue with this at times and that's why some games will even opt to attach capes directly to the armor pieces instead. Hear me out... Yes, it's hard, it can be funky to make.... But no other MMO's are doing it. Why can't AoC fix that and be different, a stand above the others in this right?


There's others who agree on this matter too and I feel at the very minimum... There could be a default template cape that you select a color for and holds the symbol of your guild perhaps? I'm a huge fan of torn capes, paladin style hero capes, royal stuff, anything that paints the image of what type of character I'm going to be. Even small, simple wraps around the neck/shoulders can be amazing in different styles.

Just my random thought/2cents.
over 4 years ago - LieutenantToast - Direct link
I'm a big fan of the cape/cloak life as well, especially since for the majority of the time you're likely staring at the back of your character! Here's a quick look at some of the capes/cloaks we've revealed so far, including those that players were able to unlock in Apocalypse: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Cloaks

And yes, there has only been one instance of "wings" so far that I'm aware of, and it's very specifically for that Angelic racial appearance that transforms your whole appearance and was included with the original Kickstarter tiers alongside the Demonic one.