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I am not sure if this has been answered, and I am not sure how "realms" / "servers" will work, however, I do feel like there needs to be some kind of interlinking between realms, not sure what or why, but I feel like realms segregate too much, a true MMO should be able to avoid the "feeling" - I am not saying make one server, one world, but certainly dynamics between servers could have a huge impact. I am a big believer in "data is king" the more you have the more you can do with it, so here is an "off the cuff" example of what I mean.

Trading post/Auction house cross realm items (I know this could potentially lead to over supply on items) but is that a bad thing? Surely that would simply affect the pricing, maybe it could be turned into a positive. So the most common of items don't get made redundant because they are needed in the masses for "city projects" for example. Where real supply and demand could come in to play. For example, one server needs the very basic "wood" usually there are hundreds of thousands on the market place, but today a big clan purchased most of it, the price would (as normal) inflate. Anyway, end of tangent haha.

Dev vlog question: Will there be x-realm trading?
almost 3 years ago - Vaknar - Direct link
Part of what makes Ashes of Creation so neat is the fascinating and impactful stories than will unfold on any given server. This is because the servers will be unique to themselves, and no single server will be the same as another.

While there may be some cross-server functionality (arenas, for example) I don't believe that the current design intention is to have a cross-server auction house or economies. If that were to change, we'd let you know! ;)